1.6 walkthrough. Guide and walkthrough for "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero". Screenshots of the game Counter Strike Zero

4. Building reconnaissance.

A nuclear bomb was stolen by the rebels. They hid her in one of the city buildings.

Remember! Shoot and make noise until certain point You can't, it will lead to mission failure.
Get into the barn and wait until the guards hide behind the boxes. Go to the stack of boxes to the right of the barn and wait for the moment when the guard disappears from sight. As soon as he moves away to a safe distance, run towards the stairs, then turn right. Go through the arch to the semi-basement passage. It's at the base of the house on the left. When you cross the house this way, run to the stairs leading to the third floor. (Use an optical camera where possible - it makes life much easier.) Use the torch to remove the lock on the door and hide behind the drawers. A guard will appear from behind. You must wait until he calms down before moving on. After passing through the door, you will find yourself in a large room filled with boxes. You need to get to the ventilation hatch in the left corner. Open the lock and, before the guards come to their senses, climb into the ventilation. The terrorists who are discussing some of their problems are preventing us from leaving it. When they are gone, move forward to the wooden door and you will find yourself in a storage room with a sleeping guard. Jump onto the box in front of the entrance, from it onto the shelf and then back into the ventilation. In this room, the main thing is not to make noise or touch the bottles, otherwise the guard will wake up and raise the alarm.
Having overcome the ventilation shaft, turn on the switch illuminated by a green lamp. Climb onto the boxes near the wall and jump over the net. Go up the stairs, reaching the place where the terrorist is sleeping, jump onto the beam, and from it move to another flight of stairs. After taking a couple of steps, you will find yourself in a room with a window overlooking the bomb storage area. After photographing it, you receive a new task: to pursue the terrorist leader and take the bomb from him. Open the double door, don't forget to grab weapons and ammunition from the table and jump down. Further into the elevator shaft, through it into the annoying ventilation. The tunnel will lead you to the nuclear charge storage site.
Wait for one of the members of the capture team to open the door. Having received an unambiguous order: destroy all terrorists who meet on the way - move forward. After walking along the corridor, you will come out to the place where part of the special forces group is holding the defense. Near the dead soldier we select an M-16 and a bulletproof vest. Your path again lies through the ventilation. Smeared with soot and covered with cobwebs, you get out into the room where you crush the center of resistance. Here, in a broken wall, we don’t know why, we pick up a grenade. The corridor leads you out into the street, where, joining a special forces group, you enter into battle.
Through the courtyards you will reach a small square. From behind the fence on the right, breaking everything in its path, a tank emerges. A fallen pillar destroys a small structure, which reveals a staircase leading down. Go through the underground tunnel to the storage area for hand grenade launchers. This is what you need. Take the "Fly" and attack the armored monster. Then move to the left of the tank through the gap in the fence. There's an arch on your way, blocked iron bars. After climbing onto the boxes, simply jump over it. Further through the fence.
Shoot the barrel. Exploding, it destroys the door. After entering the room, take the sniper rifle from the box. Then, in the opened cabinet, open the window covered with bars. Through the interior, your feet will take you out into the courtyard. There were snipers on the roofs and balconies. Moving along the street, reach the square with the fountain (if you jump on the boxes stacked near the fence, you can get inside, where the armor and cartridges are), here you will have to fight with superior enemy forces. After everything is over, leave through the opened door on the left. An easy path will take you to the town hall. Your task: get inside the church and complete the task. Once near the main entrance to the temple, shoot the sniper from the second floor window. Look at his flight - very beautiful. Get to the main hall of the town hall and engage in battle with the bandit leader. Take a machine gun and shoot him point-blank, then unload the bomb. End of mission.

5. Colombian drug laboratory.

Intelligence reports that a well-organized drug campaign has set up its packaging and distribution base in the Colombian jungle.

We disembark from the helicopter and find ourselves near the entrance to the base. On the approach to the base, watch your step, as the passage is mined. The central gate is locked. Climb the stairs on the right and jump down. After shooting the guards (you can pick up shotgun cartridges on the tower), move towards the fence. From a safe distance, shoot at the barrel. Through the resulting hole you will find yourself in a tunnel. He will lead you to a building, in the room of which you will pick up a sniper rifle. Armed with it, through the window, remove the sniper from the tower opposite.
Get out through the window; a couple of terrorists are waiting on the left. Kill them and continue moving. Go through the hole in the wall and meet with the special forces soldiers. You have to mine the equipment next to the door. The explosion destroys the unit and the door. Go into the vacated passage. It is not possible to go far, since the grenade launcher holed up in the window of the second floor does not allow us to take even a step. Find a locked hatch near the wall. That's where you go. The underground passage will lead you to the second installation, which must be undermined. Let's complete this simple task. After this, the door will open leading to the stairs to the second floor. Clear the space and kill the harmful grenade launcher at the end of the corridor. The path is open for the group. Through the opened door you will reach the third installation. Do with it exactly the same as with the previous ones. Go down the stairs, where the capture group is waiting for you.

Next, your task will be to cover a squad member from attacking terrorists, while he unlocks the cells with hostages. The hostages have been released. Place a mine on the table and blow up a bunch of heroin, cocaine and other infections. Next, go to the courtyard. Here, help the soldiers fight off the remaining bandits, then mine last block equipment. The last thing to do is return to the hostages and take them out into the yard. The mission is over.

6. Assault on the convoy.

The European terrorist organization began to carry out intensified terrorist actions in this region.
You are on a bridge from which you can clearly see the road where the convoy is supposed to pass. Take a position on the boxes. From this place the lead vehicle will be best visible. You can shoot at the car only after the commander’s signal, then, throwing away the spent grenade launcher tube, we begin to pour fire on the terrorists jumping out of the cars. Resistance must be extinguished completely. The wrought-iron gates open with noise and roar.
Your task is to search for and destroy an important person who managed to escape unharmed from the fire. The corridor will lead you to a landing with stairs. It is under fire from all sides by the surviving terrorists. "Steier" shakes in your hands and the last enemy falls dead. Go through the open door on the right. The stairs will lead you to a balcony with a board thrown over the adjacent window. We boldly cross this place. There is a button in the room where you find yourself, you should press it in order for the gate near the boxes to open. Return to the windows and jump from the right window to the window sill on the floor below. In the nook you can pick up a bulletproof vest and a second pistol (one is not enough for you). Next, jump to the ground and run to the gate. Comrades in arms need your help.
The corridor you will find yourself in will lead you to a room from the windows, from which you can see a firefight between special forces and terrorists. The odds are not in our favor. Wait for one of the bandits to open the door and avenge your fallen comrades. Run to the arch opposite. After going up one flight of stairs, take out the sniper located in the tower with a short burst, then spend a couple of rounds on the villain sneaking up from behind. Go to the balcony and climb over the fence. You will find yourself on a ledge that runs along the walls. You have to follow it to the opposite house, where you can safely jump behind the locked door. Take a shotgun and a first aid kit with you. Continuing down the stairs, you will come out to a sewer tunnel. We fight through it and see the light at the end of the tunnel - this is the hatch through which we get out into the fresh air.
You find yourself on the road where a convoy of terrorists was recently destroyed. Coming out from under the bridge, pay attention to a couple of suspicious individuals who, hiding behind boxes, send bullet after bullet at you. Kill them and go to the boxes, where a pleasant gift will be waiting for you in the form of a bulletproof vest and ammunition. Go to the end of the street and turn right. The tunnel will lead you to the place where the very person we are hunting for found shelter. But it must be clarified that he has a lot of security, so you’ll have to spin around, like you used to spin around in a frying pan. Yes, I almost forgot, if we get to the very end of the tunnel in the niche we will pick up a sniper rifle, cartridges and a first aid kit. When the guards are finished, the villain will blow up the bridge over the canal.
You will have to cross to the other side by jumping on boats. Grab the grenades if you need to and go to the bulletproof glass window. The command made it clear that the subject hiding behind this glass should not be on the list of the living. How to do this? It’s very simple, you don’t need to shoot at the glass, throw grenades under the door, helplessly pick the lock with a knife, etc., you just need to throw a grenade into the hole in the upper right corner of the window. That's all. For some reason, not everyone sees this hole right away. All you have to do is return to the evacuation site. It's easy to do. Walk along the canal, then through the arch and exit to the pier. Here, finish off the snipers firing at your boat, and the mission ends safely.

7. Thin ice.

The mission starts from the galley (kitchen on a ship). Break the lock on the door and arm yourself. We go out the only door. Having calmed the overly zealous guard and shot a machine gun from the ceiling, go down to the deck. You are at the stern of the ship. From here you need to get into the engine room and turn off the engine.
Turn left and move along the side, so you will reach a locked door. By blowing it up, the path to the engine room will open. There is no point in describing it in detail. Everything is as simple as a perpendicular. To stop the engine, you need to turn off the switches on the control panels (there are three in total). The task is completed.
Next, you need to get onto the captain's bridge and take the ship away from the shore. We begin to put the plan into action. Go through the door that the terrorist, now dead, opened and go up the stairs. After kissing the locked door, jump onto the beam and roll over the railing. In front of you is a room with a dead sailor. In it, take the “Desert Eagle” from the table. From the room, go to the poster on the wall and turn right. After going up the stairs, you will find yourself on the second level. We go to the door, it hospitably swings open, but behind it hides a man who does not have tender feelings for you. But for any brute there are nine grams of lead - no problem.

Go to the exit to the deck. As soon as you appear around the corner, the holiday begins. A machine gun is firing from the open door opposite, a merry fellow is throwing grenades from behind, there is a sniper on the left side of the superstructure, and another one on the right side of the container. Where to go? Run to the side and make your way along its edge, methodically shooting all this fun company. Then dive into the open door. The path through the interior will lead you back to the deck. Turn right and climb the stairs to the very top. You are at the top, after walking straight a little, turn right and go down the stairs. It's time to receive gifts. Behind the open door lies a bulletproof vest and ammunition. There is a first aid kit hanging on the wall. Then, if you move the small box to the large one, you will be able to pick up a sniper rifle and shotgun cartridges. This is where the surprises end. Go back and go to the bow of the ship. You will be greeted by a small but annoying group of terrorists. Solve this problem and go down the hatch. Whistling the tune from “Italy”, make your way through the compartments and stairs and finally find yourself on the captain’s bridge. There will be no orchestra and “bread and salt”. Terrorists are concerned about your activity and are trying to resist - but that’s not the case. Go to the steering wheel and turn it. The threat of the ship approaching the shore has been eliminated.
There's one unfinished business left: stopping the bad guys from getting off the ship with impunity. With all your proletarian hatred, blow up the door. Take a bulletproof vest with you, it is to the left of the entrance, it will come in handy. Get out onto the roof of the bridge. Take down the sniper and take his rifle. Meanwhile, the hum of aircraft turbines becomes audible. We look around and see a plane taking off from the deck. While he is gaining height, kill the soldier who appears on the lower level (he will torture you with his grenades). The situation with the fighter will be the same as with the helicopter in the "Secret War" mission. You need to shoot at him only when he turns his tail towards you or flies over your head. If you use cover wisely and notice in time which side the attack aircraft will attack from, then the plane can be shot down in 7-10 shots, depending on your luck. Shoot down the flyer from the sky to the ground and complete the mission.

8. Downed pilot.

A helicopter was shot down near the mines in the jungles of Argentina. The pilots were caught and held hostage.
You are dropped into the jungle in the area where the helicopter crashed. You start moving along the stream. He leads the group to the broken transport ship. We walk along the body of the plane to the hole in the fence. Next, a tree blocks your path. There's no point in wasting ammo and grenades on him, and there's no point in trying to jump over either. You need to take a knife and calmly cut the interfering branch. The path is mined, climb the steps carved into the rock. You will see a view of the bridge, guarded by snipers and a grenade launcher. This evil guy starts shooting as soon as he sees you. When the security is over, we cross the bridge and find ourselves in the mine.
Behind the trolley on the left, activate the elevator lever and go down. Through the tunnel we get into the utility rooms of the mine. Continue moving to find the pilots.
In front of you is a room with computers, don’t pay attention to the door that needs to be mined, there’s nothing to blow it up anyway. Use the computer with the word "Locked" on the monitor. The door is unlocked, through which, after passing through the corridors, you will come out to a room with another lift. Let's go down. Through the tunnel we get to a room with working pumps (or maybe these are not pumps), tighten the valve in the corner, after which the door will open, and you can safely step beyond the threshold. Take mines and a gas burner from the shelves near the wall. Continue along the dimly lit corridors. And finally, you will find yourself in a block where you will see a pilot sitting behind bars. Shoot the guards, go up the stairs and turn on the switch in the second floor room. At this time, a couple of special forces will come to our aid to evacuate the pilot. You still have a little more work to do. Go through the open door. Through it you will find yourself in a room in which a small group of terrorists is defending some kind of unit. Use your weapons and silence them forever. It's time to use explosives. Blow up one wall, then another, cut the lock off the door with a torch, and finally plant a mine under the pipeline. You can go back. If you're not too lazy, crawl through the hole in the mesh and, having reached the end of the channel, pick up the machine gun and cartridges.
Let's go back. You need to go to the door, which could not be blown up due to the lack of explosives. You need to go the same way as the one you took to get to the pilot.
Blow up the door and through the mine corridors you will reach the control room, where you activate the computer with the image of the door on the monitor. While you are hacking, someone's malicious voice wishes you good night, and an evil hand releases gas into the room. The picture fades. And silence...

You find yourself in a prison cell. There is nothing suitable for protection at hand. Go to the opposite wall and knock out the bricks. Pick up a knife near the skeleton. Now you have something to stand up for yourself with. Return to the door and start getting on the guard's nerves by kicking the door. He finally can’t stand it anymore and goes to the door to open it and punch you in the face. However, everything turns out differently, you hit him in the throat and he is already in heaven. Do the same with the second terrorist. Take the M-16 and ammunition from the table. Then shoot the bad guys behind the door and collect useful things. Climb the stairs and get out of the underground (so to speak in relation to the rooms in the mine.) Break the bars in the ventilation window and climb through it. You will find yourself in the room in which you were gassed not so long ago. From here we take the already familiar road to the place where the soldiers of your unit made a hole in the wall. You are free. How nice it is to see familiar faces again. But it’s too early to relax; we need to find the remaining pilots.
Go into the passage between the rocks, it will lead you to a group of dilapidated buildings guarded by terrorists. Apparently the pilots are being held here. Enter the first building and jump down through the gap in the floor. Once in the yard, follow the barn on the left. Kill the guards. Clear a path to the pilot by shooting a barrel, then take him to the evacuation site. Alarmed terrorists will begin to run out through the opened gates; calm them down with machine gun fire. When the threat is eliminated, go through the gate and go up to the second floor of the barn on the right. Jump through the gap in the wall onto the roof of the neighboring one, then, moving forward, jump from roof to roof. At the very end of the path, jump over the mesh fence and land near the underground passage. He will lead you to the last pilot who needs to be saved. Free him and take him to the evacuation site. Mission complete.

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If you are a fan of shooters and online battles with real opponents, then you have definitely played or at least heard about the game Counter Strike Condition Zero. It was developed by a whole group of companies in 2004. Download Counter Strike Zero, which will take you several hours to complete, is definitely worth it. Here is a version of the game called Counter Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scenes and is an independent storyline, which includes several dozen missions and is designed for single playthrough.

Basically, the original version and the addition do not differ from each other. You also have to become either a special forces fighter, or, on the contrary, join the ranks of the villains. Before the battle, you can equip your character, select weapons and protective equipment for him, and then go into battle. You can download the game Counter Strike Zero for free within a few minutes. Fight a huge number of opponents and enjoy the gameplay!

Screenshots of the game Counter Strike Zero

They've been waiting for the promised three years! Russian folk proverb about Counter-Strike: Condition Zero As a rule, games in the action genre achieve recognition as single-player projects. And only then do the developers add the possibility of

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Guides and Walkthroughs

They've been waiting for the promised three years!

Russian folk proverb about Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

As a rule, action games achieve recognition as single-player projects. And only then do the developers add the possibility of online battles to the original version. But...

Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet! Less than three years have passed since the long-suffering Condition Zero came out from the pen of Sierra Entertainment. Having changed at least four horses along the way, Valve has finally decided to release the long-promised single-player mode of the world's most popular online project - Counter-Strike - to world markets.

First, such giants as Rogue Entertainment and Gearbox Software, who were made famous by American McGee's Alice and Half-Life: Opposing Force, respectively, got down to business. Then the project was entrusted to the no less titled Ritual Entertainment. And at first everything seemed to go well - Valve swore eternal love for Ritual, and she, in turn, talked about how cool it was to create a single-player mode for Counter-Strike itself. There was no sign that Condition Zero would be delayed again, but then, like a bolt from the blue, The following news was announced: since player feedback on the version presented by Ritual was (to put it mildly) negative, Valve decided to remake a significant part of the project. in the style of Tony Hawk Pro Skater As usual, let's not get ahead of ourselves and deal with everything in order.

Let's play

Your team

All enemies and teammates, surprisingly, are controlled by artificial intelligence, that is, they are all bots. Each bot has its own name and four qualities, which you can read about below.

This is interesting: The following ratings are used to characterize the bot's skills: Bad, Low, Ok, Good, High. The five-point system is just like in school.


These are basic skills such as accuracy, hearing, tactics and so on. There shouldn't be any questions here.


Co-op is a skill team game, discipline, if you will. I think it’s clear that in Condition Zero you are destined for the role of team captain. That is, you personally give orders to your bots, which you yourself recruit before each new round. If you are a good strategist, then the co-op skill should be the determining factor for you when choosing a bot.


A bot with a higher level of bravery will not retreat while under fire. With this, it’s not scary to run into an attack. But a cowardly bot can easily run away from the battlefield, leaving you alone with superior enemy forces.

Favorite weaponry

The bot will always strive to buy his favorite weapon. If there is not enough money for “favorite”, the bot will try to purchase a cheaper equivalent. So, if a bot’s favorite weapon is awp, then if he lacks money he will buy a Steyr Scout.

In my opinion, a favorite weapon is the main characteristic of a bot. After all, you know in advance what map the game will take place on. Considering the peculiarities of the location, it is easy to weed out teammates who would be inappropriate with their weapons. For example, why do you need a bot with awp on cs_gavana if there is simply no place to use your sniper skill. The same applies to tests: if you have to kill three terrorists with a shotgun, then it’s better not to take allies with this weapon into your team - competitors, you understand.

Your teammates use voice communication to keep each other informed of what's happening. The bots in Condition Zero are smart guys, and, among other things, they use clear descriptions of the area. You don't have to be a great expert in English, to understand where the killer bot appeared if he managed to say, for example, “double doors” in de_aztec or “bridge” in de_dust before dying.

Communication with bots is not one-way. As I said, each of them has the skill of team play. It consists not only in the fact that the bot will rush around the map in the company of comrades in arms. Co-op also reflects the degree of obedience to your orders, which are shown in one of the sidebars.

Radio commands

Since Condition Zero places a large emphasis on command direction, it's time to list all the radio commands.

Standard radio commands [Z]+...

[1 ] “Cover me” - Cover me.

[2 ] “You Take the Point” - Take this place.

[3 ] “Hold this Position - Hold this position.

[4 ] “Regroup Team” - Regroup.

[5 ] “Follow me” - Follow me.

[6 ] “Taking Fire, Need Assistance” - They are attacking, support is needed.

Group radio commands [X]+...

[1 ] “Go” - Let's go.

[2 ] “Fall Back” - We retreat.

[3 ] “Stick Together Team” - Everyone stick together.

[4 ] “Get in Position” - Take a position and wait for my command.

[5 ] « Storm the Front" - We attack head-on.

[6 ] “Report in” - Report.

Answer/alert radio commands [C]+...

[1 ] “Affirmative / Roger” - I confirm / I agree.

[2 ] “Enemy Spotted” - The enemy is spotted.

[3 ] “Need Backup” - Need support.

[4 ] “Sector Clear” - The sector is clear.

[5 ] “I"m in position” - I’m in position.

[6 ] “Reporting in” - I’m reporting.

[7 ] “She's gonna Blow!” - Let's leave here, the bomb will explode soon.

[8 ] “Negative” - I don’t agree.

[9 ] "Enemy Down" - The enemy is destroyed.

Now a few words about how the team is recruited. The main mode of passing Condition Zero is divided into 6 duties (Tours of Duty). Each duty has 3 levels. For winning a level you receive 1 reputation point. You will use these points to recruit your team.

The allies you can recruit are divided into five price groups. So, in order to hire a bot from the first group to your team, you will have to part with 1 prestige point. A bot from the second category will cost you 2 points, and so on. It is logical that an assistant from a more expensive category will fight better than its cheaper brother. By the way, each hired bot can be “sold” at any time for the same prestige points that it cost you.

This is interesting: depending on the difficulty level, at the beginning of the game you are allocated a certain number of points: easy (easy) - 2; average (normal) - 4; heavy (hard) - 6; expert - 8. There are 18 cards in total, therefore, you can only score 18 points for completing the game. Maximum amount There are 5 bots in a team. The best bot costs 5 prestige points. Thus, to form an “elite” team of five best players you can only get 25 points. This means that you will be able to recruit a team of exemplary bots only after completing the penultimate map on Expert difficulty.

Before recruiting a team, be sure to see how many bots will oppose you. Then estimate the number available points prestige and choose a reasonable number of allies. Perhaps it’s more profitable to buy quality at some location?

Your tests

As I said, the game is divided into six so-called duties, each of which consists of three cards. Each map has its own set of challenges. In addition to the challenges, you need to make sure that your team wins more than three times, and the number of victories must be at least two more than the opponent.

This is interesting: order of maps in playthrough mode: de_dust, cs_office, de_prodigy, de_tides, cs_italy, de_inferno, de_dust2, cs_militia, de_stadium, de_chateau, cs_havana, de_cbble, de_aztec, cs_downed, de_airstrip, de_piranesi, de_fastline, de_torn. Among them are 14 old cards, some of which have been reworked, and 4 completely new ones. Just don’t forget to add the prefix “_cz” to the name of each map - this applies to amateurs console command"changelevel".

Personal challenges, as well as the number of enemies, differ not only from map to map, but also vary depending on the difficulty. Although “different” is too strong a word. Here is a live example of the “diversity” of tasks on a map, say, de_prodigy.

Difficulty easy:

Difficulty normal:

  • Kill 5 players of the enemy team;
  • Kill an enemy team player with a sniper rifle;
  • Win a round within 75 seconds.

Difficulty hard:

  • Kill 7 players of the enemy team;
  • Win a round within 60 seconds.

Difficulty expert:

  • Kill 10 players of the enemy team;
  • Kill 2 players of the enemy team with Steyr Scout and survive the round;
  • Win a round within 45 seconds.

If the terrorists win more than three times and lead by more than two points, then you lose. There is nothing fatal about this - you just have to go through this map again.

...and something else

Condition Zero has automated help designed to teach you the basics. Counter-Strike new players. This analogue of the virtual friend-paperclip from the Microsoft office suite at some point may please you with advice like: “To buy a weapon, activate the purchase menu.” Fortunately, this help can be turned off. To do this, while in the game, press the [ key I].

I would also like to note two new functions of the purchase menu: re-buy and auto-buy. When choosing re-buy, you will automatically buy everything that you purchased in the previous round. But auto-buy is a more useful thing for single-player mode, since when it is activated, the arsenal that is most suitable for completing the current tests will be purchased. A good help for beginners: in order not to hesitate at the start, delving into the purchase menu, they just need to press [ F2] or [ F1] respectively.

It is important: In Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, activating the VGUI menu (when purchasing a weapon) prevents you from moving. If you are familiar with the set of purchasing keys, then set the game settings to “old style menus” instead of “VGUI menus”. Now you can run while purchasing the necessary arsenal.

Still hot

It is unlikely that you will have any difficulties with controls in Counter-Strike. However, here is a list of standard hotkeys.

[W],[A],[S],[D] - move up, left, back, right

[Shift] - go

[Space] - jump

[Ctrl] - bend down

[M] - select command (+[ 1] terrorists / +[ 2 ] counter-terrorists)

[B] - call the purchase menu

[O] - call up the ammunition purchase menu

[, ] - buy cartridges for the main weapon

[. ] - buy pistol cartridges

[1 ] - select a pistol

[2 ] - select the main weapon

[3 ] - select a knife

[4 ] - select a grenade

[5 ] - select a bomb

[R] - reload the selected weapon

[Q] - select previous weapon

[E] - use

[N] - activate night vision goggles

[F] - activate the flashlight

[G] - throw away the selected weapon

[T] - draw a logo

[F5] - take a screenshot

[Z] - standard radio messages

[X] - group radio messages

[Y] - write a message to everyone

[U] - write a message to the team

[~ ] - call the console

Your weapon

In the main mode, you can only play as counter-terrorists. Therefore, our review included only those weapons that the law enforcement store has.

In addition to the description, under old name weapons (from Counter-Strike 1.5 version) you will see keyboard shortcut for its purchase, price of weapons And cost of a full set of cartridges. In addition, for each weapon its weight(without ammo weight) - this will help you determine how fast you can move with it. Statistical data on the weight of the bullet, the initial speed of its flight, etc. won't be here.


Hands up, gentlemen of the dead!

[ key 1 ]. Used when money is short and when the main weapon runs out of ammo. Since version Counter-Strike 1.6 it has been used in combination with a tactical shield.

Glock 18 Select Fire

[B]+[1 ]+[1 ] & 400 $ & +80 $ & 0.9 kg

The pistol has the ability to fire in two modes: in the first - semi-automatic (semi-automatic) - one cartridge is fired per shot, in the second - burst fire - three bullets are fired at a time. The pistol is let down by its low destructive power (unless it hits the head all the time), and if it weren’t for the significant supply of cartridges (20 pieces), this pistol would have gathered dust on the purchase menu until the end of time.

USP Tactical .45

[B]+[1 ]+[2 ] & 500 $ & +225 $ & 1 kg

A standard counter-terrorist pistol, that is, issued at the start. 12 rounds per clip, average damage, good accuracy and the ability to use a silencer (although the latter is completely useless when playing with bots). Verdict: You can part with the USP only if you already have a lot of money. If there are few of them, then it is better to lose the current round, saving a tidy sum for the next one.

SIG P228

[B]+[1 ]+[3 ] & $600 & +$200 & 1.03 kg

Like all weapons produced by the Swiss concern SIG (Sweizerishe Industrie Gesellschaft), it is a useful thing in battle. But, given the capabilities of other pistols, you can safely forget about the P228.

Desert Eagle

[B]+[1 ]+[4 ] & 650 $ & +200 $ & 1.8 kg

The best pistol in Counter-Strike. Ideal characteristics, let down only by the number of cartridges in the clip - there are only 7 of them. It is best combined with a tactical shield and awp. If with other pistols you need to “try to hit” the head, then with the Desert Eagle you only need to shoot at the head. Can penetrate wooden doors and not very thick walls. Verdict: when there are no problems with money (or vice versa - there are only problems and no money), be sure to buy a “desert eagle”.


[B]+[1 ]+[5 ] & $750 & +$100 & 0.618 kg

For this price something better could be offered. Although some players claim that this Belgian pistol is a worthy competitor to the Desert Eagle: slightly less destructive power, good accuracy and 20 rounds in the magazine. In any case, I advise you to try it - maybe you will get something useful in your hands.


M3 Super 90

[B]+[2 ]+[1 ] & 1700 $ & +260 $ & 3.5 kg

One of the most lethal weapons in the game - with an accurate hit to the head, it instantly transfers the enemy to observer mode. It should not be used at long distances, so shoot the M3 in narrow corridors and tunnels. Also note the low rate of fire.


[B]+[2 ]+[2 ] & 3000 $ & +260 $ & 4 kg

Fires much faster than the previous shotgun, but does less damage. In addition, there is one less round in the clip (the M3 had 8). Don't forget about distinctive feature shotguns - in order to fire, you do not need to completely reload the barrel.

Slot machines

Steyr TMP

[B]+[3 ]+[1 ] & 1250 $ & +80 $ & 1.3 kg

A better known name is “automatic machine with a silencer.” The Austrian submachine gun is very fast-firing and quite accurate. With some experience in handling it becomes a very formidable weapon, but it is far from the MP5.

MP5 Navy

[B]+[3 ]+[2 ] & 1500 $ & +80 $ & 3.42 kg

The star of American action films and films about special forces, the German MP5 is without a doubt best machine gun in Game. Guarantees excellent accuracy, no matter how far away the enemy is. Minimal recoil allows for much fewer mistakes, and its price is so low that you can almost always buy this machine.

UMP 45

[B]+[3 ]+[3 ] & 1700 $ & +225 $ & 2.27 kg

Another creation of the German concern Heckler&Koch. Disadvantages - average rate of fire and small magazine capacity. Lethal force - enough high level, but at long distances this is unlikely to help you.

FN P90

[B]+[3 ]+[4 ] & 2350 $ & +100 $ & 3 kg

Machine gun No. 2 on the list of “the very best”: 50 rounds per clip, excellent accuracy, high rate of fire and decent stopping power. For a beginner, in my opinion, the P90 is the best choice.



[B]+[4 ]+[1 ] & 2250 $ & +180 $ & 3.4 kg

To get the most out of this French rifle, you need to be able to shoot three rounds (burst fire mode). Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to control themselves during pauses between shooting, so think carefully before buying a FAMAS.

Steyr Scout

[B]+[4 ]+[2 ] & 2750 $ & +240 $ & 3.3 kg

The cheapest sniper rifle, has a magazine for 10 rounds, good accuracy (even when shooting on the move). Kills with one hit to the head or two hits to any part of the body. Verdict: be sure to learn how to use it! A powerful argument when playing against superior enemy forces.

Colt M4A1

[B]+[4 ]+[3 ] & $3100 & +$180 & 3.22 kg

The best weapon in the game after the native AK. And since the AK is not available to counter-terrorists, we conclude that for us “the best” is the colt m4a1. With a muffler, accuracy increases, but lethality decreases, and vice versa. 30 rounds, minimal spread, penetrates almost all walls and boxes.

Steyr AUG

[B]+[4 ]+[4 ] & $3500 & +$180 & 4.09 kg

An assault rifle with a telescopic sight is an excellent choice for long-range combat. You should shoot in aimed mode in bursts, otherwise all the bullets will go into milk.


[B]+[4 ]+[5 ] & 4200 $ & +180 $ & 7.02 kg

If the scope didn't move so much when shooting, it might make sense to buy this automatic sniper rifle. Verdict: if you really want targeted and fast shooting, it’s better to buy aug.


[B]+[4 ]+[6 ] & 4750 $ & +375 $ & 6 kg

According to statistics from the most popular servers, awp is in third place in terms of frequency of use among all Counter-Strike weapons. The reason is that a sniper rifle kills with one shot in any part of the body except the legs and arms. Disadvantages include slow reloading, heavy weight and astronomical price (according to Cliffe, awp will soon be the most expensive in the game).

Machine gun


[B]+[5 ]+[1 ] & 5750 $ & +420 $ & 6 kg

This Belgian machine gun is very heavy and has a high price. A long reload can also be considered a minus, but given the number of cartridges (200 of them!), you won’t have to reload often. It shoots through walls, making it possible to set up barrage fire. If it didn't move so much to the sides when shooting, this would be an excellent weapon.



[O]+[1 ] & 650 $

A bulletproof vest is also a bulletproof vest in Africa. Reduces the amount of damage when hit in the torso. At the same time, the head remains unprotected, so no one can save you from a headshot. Before you buy firearms, depending on your material well-being, purchase this or the following sample of ammunition.

Kevlar + Helmet

[O]+[2 ] & 1000 $

See previous paragraph. In this case, the head is reliably protected by a helmet.


[O]+[3 ] & 200 $

Blinding grenade. The main thing is not to blind yourself and your teammates. In such cases, bots in Condition Zero shout: “My eyes!”, but live players can punch you in the eye. Also used by snipers when retreating from positions. The player can buy two grenades at once.

HE Grenade

[O]+[4 ] & 300 $

An excellent opportunity to instantly ventilate the room. Remember, you only have one, so think carefully before throwing it anywhere. If accurately hit under your feet, it removes up to 95 health points.

Smoke Grenade

[O]+[5 ] & 300 $

Smoke grenade. Great benefits can only come from coordinated team actions. Used to cross sniper-controlled territory.

It is important: If, when using a smoke grenade, your game starts to slow down, then set the rendering quality of smoke grenades to medium or low in the settings. The same can be done in the console using the “fastsprites” command.

Defuse kit

[O]+[6 ] & 200 $

Wire cutters reduce bomb defuse time from 10 to 5 seconds. Be sure to buy it - the bots in Condition Zero don't like this stuff.


[O]+[7 ] & 1250 $

Night vision goggles. When using them, the picture on the screen acquires green tones. If you don't mind the money and the eyes, you can buy it.

Tactical shield

[O]+[8 ] & 2200 $

The shield is used together with a pistol according to the “shoot, close, shoot” scheme. The most unpleasant moment is that I deliberately missed the “recharged” item. Provides enormous tactical opportunities with coordinated team actions. When passing Condition Zero you don't need such a thing.

Remote scripts

Valve did not dare to completely abandon the missions developed by Ritual Entertainment. The best of the two dozen were placed in the “Deleted Scenes” section. A general impression of them could have been formed back in October. Remember that story about the hacker who stole the alpha version of Half-Life? The same craftsman also managed to grab the alpha version of Condition Zero, which, thanks to pirates, sold in huge quantities under the “full-version” stamp. People played so much of that Valve stale Condition Zero that many even now refuse to believe that it was released then Not the final version of Counter-Strike!

Now it is clearly visible that Valve did not waste time when it said that it would be better to redo what Ritual concocted. Deleted Scenes is a truly weak creation, unworthy of being called Counter-Strike. And if you evaluate the deleted scenarios as a separate game, then I doubt that it would have reached the medal. But as a “free” application to the main mode, it’s a completely different matter. Valve made the right decision by cramming Ritual's developments into the final version of Condition Zero - it won't be so offensive to the developer, and the player will have something to do for a day or two.



They will appear constantly - such is the nature of the great and powerful script on which the Deleted Scenes campaign is built. The process of exterminating such bots is unremarkable, so in the walkthrough I will not always mention enemies.

First aid kits

In addition to the usual first aid kits lying on the floor and restoring 25 (and then 50) units of health, there are also first aid kits on the walls. To use them, get close and press [ E]. Some first aid kits are divided into two parts, each of which adds 50 health.

Remote bombs

The use of bombs can only be useful in the passage. If the task does not require this, then the purpose of the bomb explosion is to open some entrance by demolishing a wall or doors. The red marker flashes at the installation locations. Usually there are no bombs to begin with, so you need to find them first.

The process of planting bombs is to press the [ key 5 ] and the left mouse button. Now you will have a remote control in your hands. By clicking on the same left mouse button, the bomb will explode. It is logical that it is better to do this in a secluded place.


NPC orders

To order characters to do one of two actions (“follow me” or “stay here”), get close to them and press [ E].


There are a lot of tortured things in Deleted Scenes: a gas burner, a walkie-talkie, a fiber-optic camera, and so on. A flashing icon on the left side of the screen will inform you that you need to use such devices.


In addition to the standard Counter-Strike control keys shown in the sidebar, Deleted Scenes adds a few more control keys:

[E] - perform a possible action;

[E]+[WASD] - move the box in a certain direction;

[F6] - quick save;

[Tab] - view tasks;

[F] - activate the flashlight or night vision goggles.


Mission 1. Retreat (Recoil)

An Army Black Hawk was shot down by Islamic terrorists somewhere in northern Africa. Your task is to rescue the surviving soldiers who were taken hostage.

It is important: I immediately advise you to call the console and enter the command “hud_fastswith 1”. This will allow you to quickly switch weapons without activating slots.

Fight off the furious attack of the militants and move from the helicopter to the passage on the left side of the location. Be careful - at the command of the script, snipers will come out onto the balconies at certain moments. These guys shoot rarely, but accurately. It’s good that they are given away by a red beam emanating from the scope of a sniper rifle.

Having opened the doors, immediately run away - they wanted to kill you with a grenade, but that was not the case. Go inside and, shooting terrorists, reach a small opening in the wall, part of which is blocked by boxes. Shoot the boxes and climb into the room. Having taken remote bombs, go to the place of the explosion. Climb up the beam and plant the bomb. After its explosion, a passage will open - follow there. As you kill the militants, you will eventually reach a captured Delta Force sniper. Don't kill him in the heat of battle, otherwise the mission will fail.

Move along the alleys and corridors to the square with the tower. After clearing the area around it, throw a grenade into the opening between the half-open gate. The boxes that held the gate doors will explode and you can easily get inside the building. Hurry to the landing site of the special forces who have arrived to help you. Calm the ardor of the terrorists and come back - our would-be sniper managed to be captured a second time. Having killed a good dozen rebels, order the sniper to follow you, then run to the evacuation site. When you reach the helicopter landing site, the mission will be completed.

Mission 2. Lost Cause

Philippine terrorists kidnapped German hostages. Your unit will have to free the unfortunates. At the beginning of the mission you can't draw attention to yourself, so don't kill anyone and generally be quiet.

Go to the house with the sleeping terrorist and take the gas burner on the table on the right. Go outside and sneak along the fence to the hatch. Using a gas torch, remove the lock, go down and move to the place where rays of light break through the hole. Use the fiber optic camera to see the hostages. There, inform the command by radio about the coordinates of the German tourists.

Immediately after the assault on the terrorists' position, the floor will collapse. Three militants will come down. Having eliminated them, move to the place of the collapse and climb up along the wooden plank. Now be careful - there are mines installed along the entire perimeter of the building, which are activated when the thread breaks. Do not touch such threads under any circumstances - you need to jump over them (later you will need to crawl under them).

While shooting terrorists, get to your colleagues - they have already freed the hostages. Now you are ordered to clear the way to the docks so that the counter-terrorists can safely evacuate people. Go back a little. A scripted scene will make the door open - you will go there. Be careful in the passage where a terrorist with a bazooka is waiting for you - perhaps the most dangerous of all opponents. To safely pass the area controlled by this militant, use a smoke grenade (you could find it in the room behind the half-open window). After shooting the enemy soldiers, climb onto the wooden platform and jump onto the box from it. From the box, climb into the window where a terrorist with a bazooka was just waiting for you. Be careful - there is a mine on your way. Climb the stairs - there a room with a long-awaited first aid kit awaits you.

Then go back - as a result of the explosion, an opening was formed in the floor. Jump down and climb out through the adjacent opening. At the exit from there, kill the enemies and go to the “Loading” mark. After shooting the terrorists again, go outside (don't forget about the sniper above) and move towards the iron box. Move the box to the window and climb inside the building from it. Don't miss the ammo and first aid kit. Then go up the stairs. Be on the lookout - there is another mine on the way.

This is the script: At the beginning of the game, Deleted Scenes amazes with the spectacular jumps and falls of bots. In fact, the guys from Ritual didn’t put much effort into creating all this beauty. Here's the proof. In the room where you just grabbed the ammunition and first aid kit, one of the terrorists rolls out very impressively from the passage on the right. After this episode, I hit a mine and had to start the game again in this room. Remembering the beautiful appearance of the terrorist, I rushed at him. And what happened? The enemy looked into my eyes, somersaulted, passing through me, and ended up on the edge of the passage. So he would have stood there until the end of time if I had not killed him from behind. Here's what's different" artificial intelligence"from the "script" intelligence!

Making your way through crowds of enemies, go outside. There will be ammunition and a first aid kit in the corner, but as soon as you approach them, enemies will run up, including a suicide bomber. Don't let him get close to you or you will both go to heaven. When the danger is eliminated, climb onto the boxes and out the window. Kill the three enemies here and grab the remote bomb. Now go back to the bomb site, highlighted with a red marker. The explosion will open a passage into a room, in the corner of which you will find a hole in the floor boarded up with boards. Destroy the boards with shots, but before jumping down, shoot at the barrel - this will eliminate three booby traps. Go through the corridors to the street, killing militants along the way. Climb up the stairs, and from there - through the opened window with the terrorist. When you reach the descent, use a smoke grenade (if you have one) to calmly go down the stairs and shoot the "blind" soldiers. When leaving the room, kill the enemies using the found Sig-550. Take special care to neutralize the terrorist with a bazooka who will appear in the leftmost window of the building opposite. Then run to this building and, having climbed up, call on the radio for boats to evacuate the hostages.

Mission 3. Secret War

Russian terrorists have captured a controlled missile launch complex. The threat of nuclear war is imminent. Your task is to capture the rebel base and destroy the warheads.

As part of a group of Russian special forces, you arrive at the launch complex. Wait until one of the team members blows up the front door, then go inside the building and exit through the corridor to the street. Before heading to the bunker, I advise you to climb the hill and take a rifle with an optical sight on the left behind the boxes.

To open the bunker gate, press the green button. Go inside and turn to the left side of the room. Use the boxes in the corner to climb onto the pipeline and climb over it to the right side of the room. Switch to glock and press the green button. Use the boxes to get out of the room - move through the open passage to the room with terrorists swearing in pure Russian (!). To avoid turning into a pile of ash, immediately turn left. Then run to the end of the corridor and jump into the room through the window on the left. After shooting the soldiers, jump down and move up to the stairs (on this long path, do not miss the smg). There you will meet the terrorists leading the battle. Both warring factions are your enemies, so do not hesitate to eliminate them. In the corridor with a broken pipe, tighten the valve that blocks the gas leak, take first aid kits and move to the control center.

Having dealt with the next batch of militants, go to the end of the corridor for remote bombs. Return to the elevator, go up and use the boxes on the left side of the hall to climb onto the pipes. Crawl along them to the next room. Carefully shoot the local terrorists and lower the loader lever, which will crash into a stack of boxes and thereby clear your way. Follow the doors with the glowing marker. Place a bomb - its explosion will cause part of the door to fly off. Shoot the terrorists on opposite side and cross the reactor area without getting caught in the emerging flames. Be alert - a soldier will be waiting for you to the left of the reactor.

Move through the emergency exit to the fuel line. Go up the stairs and plant the bomb. Then go down and give the detonator to the commander - he decided to sacrifice his life. Run to the right and help the surviving commandos deal with the terrorists. Now you have to use your truck to repel the attacks of the MI-24 helicopter. A stationary machine gun will help you in this heroic task. It's not difficult to shoot down a flying threat. To do this, you need to hide in time and fire only at those moments when the helicopter stops firing and turns its tail towards you.

Mission 4. Building Recon

After instructions at the police headquarters of the Latvian town of Ventspils, you will be taken to the base of terrorists who stole a nuclear bomb and hid it in one of the buildings in the city. Until a certain point in the game, you cannot kill anyone. You should also not make noise or attract attention.

To look around, use a fiber optic camera. Sneak towards the gate, which is patrolled by a soldier, and turn left into the mine. After leaving it, run to the stairs opposite and quickly climb to the balcony. From there, climb even higher. Using a gas torch, remove the lock from the doors, then quickly hide - the awakened soldier may see you. After a few seconds, go inside and go upstairs. Make your way behind the boxes to the mine without being noticed by the two soldiers in the corridor. After removing the lock, climb into the ventilation shaft.

When the militants finish their conversation, get out of the mine and move to the room with the sleeping soldier. Quietly climb onto the box on the left and sneak to another ventilation shaft. Do not knock over bottles standing nearby - the sound of breaking glass may wake up a sleeping soldier. Leave the mine and move towards the room with the green button. From there, go to the next sleeping terrorist. In order not to wake him up (you won't be able to jump over the bottle), climb up the railing of the stairs. At the top, take the weapon and take a photo of the conspirators below. Prepare to be attacked by terrorists through the door.

This is the script: Position yourself between the emergency device used by the militants to raise the alarm and the sleeping soldier. Move forward. When you knock over the bottle standing nearby, the soldier will wake up and run to the button to announce the alarm. But you securely closed the emergency device with your back. What will the soldier do? Nothing! The script tells you to sound the alarm before shooting at you. The soldier will stand there, waiting for you to move away from the button.

Now you can shoot. After this pleasant pastime, you will reach the place where the tank will leave. To destroy this iron car for kills, go into the booth on which the wooden pole fell and go down. Arm yourself with a bazooka, go back and launch a rocket at the tank. After such an “iron kaput”, a gap will form in the wall to your left - you should go there.

An enemy machine gunner will block your path. To kill this enemy, shoot at the piece of wood behind which there is a barrel, slightly to the left of him. Taking the machine gun to the right of the enemy, move to the next “Loading” mark.

Follow the back streets to the building. Through the hole in the wall, get out into the street again. Don't forget to grab a sniper rifle - ahead of you is a battle with snipers who will appear from all sides. When you reach your team's landing site, kill all the militants and go inside the house. Move along the corridor, sweeping away all living things on your way. When you go outside, watch out for the sniper on the roof behind you. Step into the church, where a fight with the rebel leader awaits you. This Rimbaud has planted a bomb and wants to blow up the church. We, of course, will not let him do this. Before you deactivate the bomb, kill the scoundrel. To do this, insert the AK horn tightly into it. Take out the sniper who is holed up at the top.

Mission 5. Drug laboratory (Druglab)

Intelligence reports that Colombian drug traffickers have set up their packaging and distribution base in the jungle. The command does not like such things, so special forces were involved in the case.

You appear in front of the base entrance. Run forward, dodging sniper shots and avoiding red mines. The central door is locked, so you'll have to climb the wooden stairs on the right. Kill the militant, jump down and carefully go out into the street. To the right and left of the exit you will be met by enemies - reward them with lead from a shotgun and move towards the fence. From a safe distance, shoot at the barrel and go through the resulting opening into the tunnel. There's an xm1014 shotgun lying around in the tunnel - don't miss it. You can also add to your arsenal of Steyr Scout, which is waiting for you inside the house.

Shoot the boards in the window and eliminate the militants using a sniper rifle. Then leave the house and continue shooting terrorists. Move further through the passage blocked by boards, on the left under the fence. Do not kill your fellow soldiers in the heat of battle. Min the equipment next to the door. A bomb explosion will destroy the unit and blow off the door - move through the vacated passage. But you won't be able to go far - nearby a terrorist with a bazooka fires at you every time you try to get into the house. But there is a workaround - near the wall on the left. Having torn off the lock, jump into the shaft and sneak to the second installation. After blowing it up, go to the second floor. Kill all the militants, and at the end of the corridor, use a grenade to blow up the harmful grenade launcher - the same one who did not allow you to go directly to the house. Go through the door on the right and lift the third installation into the air. Take a first aid kit and cartridges nearby, and go down the stairs, where the capture group awaits you.

Now you must cover your team from terrorists attacking from above. When the terrorists are neutralized, blow up another installation and go out into the courtyard. Here, finish off the rest of the militants and mine the last target. After the explosion, destroy the surviving terrorists and wait for the helicopter.

Mission 6. Assault on a convoy (Motorcade Assault)

The European terrorist organization is already fed up with the local authorities. Your task is to neutralize the terrorist leader.

The location of the events is the famous Venice. By order of the commander, fire a bazooka at the car that is leading the convoy on the road below. After the shootout with the terrorists, follow the commander along the corridor. After his death, all responsibility falls on you. After shooting the terrorists, move to the balcony of the building. Walk along the beam to the adjacent balcony. Press the button and the gate will open in front of you. Follow the corridors to get to the place where your team is fighting with the militants. Wait for one of the terrorists to open the door and avenge your fallen comrades. Then follow the passage opposite, go up to the balcony there and climb along the ledge along the building to the fenced area. After jumping down, take the shotgun and dive into the sewer. Having climbed out of the sewer through the hatch, you will find yourself at the site of the recent assault on the convoy. Carefully cross this territory - two terrorists are holed up on the left, and snipers are waiting for you ahead. In front of the building, turn right, kill the enemies at the exit and run to the opposite part of the passage - there you will find a sniper rifle.

This is a bug: If halfway to the opposite part of the passage you turn around and run back, then an impressive picture will appear before your eyes: bots in the passage will appear from nowhere and run to the place specified by the script, not paying any attention to you. If you kill these bots before they reach the turn, they will appear again. This can go on for a very long time.

Having cleared the streets of Venice from an entire squad of terrorists guarding their leader, jump along the gondolas to the opposite bank (if you fall into the water, there are steps in the corner). When you jump on the boats, turn back - there is a sniper hiding there.

To destroy the terrorist leader, take a grenade in a special box and throw it through the hole into the room with the main terrorist. Now all you have to do is get to the boat, where the remnants of your team and a couple of enemy snipers are waiting for you. The latter, as you might guess, must be neutralized at all costs.

Mission 7. Thin Ice

Terrorists captured a tactically important ship and sailed on it to the Arctic Ocean. It is clear that this is not good, so you are again sent to deal with the rebels.

The most noticeable redecoration on de_prodigy is the rusted pipe at the counter-terrorist base.

The mission begins in the ship's galley - this, among other things, is evidenced by fattened cockroaches. Before entering the door on the left, go forward - there you will find a machine gun and a blinding grenade. When you open the door, you will see a Russian terrorist, and under the ceiling there is a homing machine gun. Despite the impressive view of the latter A few hits are enough to disable it. Your job is done - go down to the stern of the ship.

Walk along the left edge of the stern and follow the boxes to reach the locked door. Destroy it - and the path to the engine room will open for you. Here you must turn off the engine. To do this, activate three buttons, having previously cleared the room of terrorists.

Now go through the door and climb up the railing of the stairs (don't miss the Desert Eagle). Shooting the militants, reach the second level. Another door swings open - you go there. Go out onto the deck - here you will be greeted by the next batch of passengers to the next world. To the joyful singing of Luciano Pavarotti, shoot everyone in your path. After passing through the interior, you will come out onto the deck again. Climb up the stairs - there you will find two passages. The first one will lead you to a pile of ammunition, the second one will lead you to local militants. Making your way through mountains of corpses, you will finally reach the captain's bridge. Turn the steering wheel (key [ E]) and detonate the bomb in a specially marked place. Climb up the stairs, kill the sniper and take the awp from him.

And now you have an unequal battle with the plane. Under the hum of the turbines, look at the deck - a soldier has appeared there who will throw blinding grenades at you. Kill him and shoot, while you have the opportunity, at the fighter gaining altitude. You need to shoot, of course, from a sniper rifle. Do this at those moments when the plane turns its tail towards you. There are a lot of cartridges and first aid kits scattered on the roof, so it won’t be difficult to shoot down the plane. The main thing is not to get into the epicenter of a rocket explosion.

Mission 8. Downed Pilot

A helicopter was shot down near mines in the jungles of Argentina. Terrorists have captured the pilots and are holding them hostage.

The level is the original version of the cs_downed map, which is included in the set of locations for the main mode. Run from the spawn point to the right of the gate - you will immediately encounter resistance from militants. Sending them one by one into observer mode, get to the downed helicopter. There is an enemy hiding inside a pile of scrap metal - shoot him and pick up a sniper rifle. Then exit and move through the hole in the net. A tree will block the path - cut off the branch with a knife and carefully, without stepping on the mines, lure one of the soldiers out. The poor fellow, at the behest of the script, will blow himself up on a mine. Then use a sniper rifle to eliminate two snipers and a terrorist with a bazooka. After that, cross the bridge and cut down another tree. Go down into the mine and, having finished with the guards, activate the lever to the left of the lift. The lift will begin to descend - I advise you to jump on it. Once down, head towards the stairs. Go upstairs and run through the two doors to the bedroom. Here, climb into the shaft near the bed in the left corner. After leaving the mine, head to the room with computers (we'll blow up the door later - right now we simply don't have a bomb with us). Use the computer with the word “Locked” on the monitor and move further through the opened door. After admiring the spectacular death of the militant who fell into the fan, run along the corridors into a room with another lift. This time the lever will make it move upward, and you will need to jump into the passage that opens below.

So get to the stairs leading up. From there, go to the room with the pumps, kill the guards and tighten the valve in the corner. Now follow through the open door. I advise you to move carefully. After killing the enemies waiting for you, take remote bombs and a gas burner, and then run to the aid of the hostage. Shoot all the guards and wait for your colleagues to arrive. Climb the stairs and pull down the switch in the room on the second floor - as a result, another door will open.

When you kill all the militants in the room, blow up the first door. Through the resulting passage you will find yourself in a corridor, at the end of which you will again find a use for your bombs. After the second explosion, it's time to make the third - rip off the lock and mine the water supply. You don’t really need weapons now in view of the upcoming events, but if you really want to, you can make your way to the end of the water pipe - here an FN machine gun awaits you.

Now return to the door that you did not mine once due to the lack of a bomb. After the explosion, a passage to a room with computers will open. Use the “hardware” with the word “Locked” on the monitor again... At this time, some bad person will release gas into the room. You will wake up in a cell, without any weapons, but with a full supply of health.

First, take the knife - it is lying behind the broken wall to the right of the door. Now go to the door and start pissing off the guard. To do this, you need to knock on the door a couple of times (press the [E] key). Unable to bear it, the soldier will come up to you - and then you will calm him down. Immediately run to cut the second guard. Take the Colt and ammunition on the table, then shoot the terrorists behind the door. Climb up the stairs and move through the ventilation passage into the already familiar room with computers. Then go outside, where you will meet with the soldiers of your unit.

Through the passage between the rocks, get to the building on the far left. Here the terrorists are holding one of the hostages. Take the found pilot to the rescue zone and head through the gate opened by the terrorists to the second floor of the building. Follow the canopies of the houses to a fenced pit. Go down and follow it to the last hostage. Order him to follow you and go through the open passage to the street. Help your comrades fight off the furious attacks of terrorists, then take the hostage to the rescue zone and wait for the helicopter.

Mission 9. Hankagai

Your task is to prevent a terrorist organization from eliminating a very important person. The events take place in areas of Tokyo.

You stand near the window and watch the progress of the meeting. Suddenly, terrorists appear from neighboring houses and attack the protected delegation. The important person manages to escape from the scene of the shootout and take refuge in the depths of the building.

As soon as you get the weapon, move into the courtyard and start shooting the arrogant militants. Then return through the already familiar house to meet the rest of the squad. The group commander will give you a task - to check the safety of the street. As soon as you walk a couple of steps, the terrorists will begin to conduct targeted fire from behind cover. After killing them, return to the important person - save her from a sniper bullet, and then begin to pursue the terrorist leader.

The process of chasing the bandit leader is unremarkable, so I will allow myself to skip this episode. So, get to the place where the terrorist leader is holding the hostage and kill him. The hostage must not be harmed, otherwise the mission will fail.

Mission 10. Truth Fantasys

According to intelligence, major drug traffickers are meeting to discuss their business in Modesto. Your unit was sent to “visit” the criminals. You will be a decoy in this operation - you will have to expose Sepulveda himself!

Press the bell and go into the house. From the hallway, go left along the corridor to the kitchen, where you must present your suitcase to Moses. In a few seconds, the militants will open fire on you from the broken window. While shooting back at them, get out and run through the open door on the right. While inside the building, arm yourself with an AK and finish off the remaining bandits. Leave the house and go to the building opposite. Jump from the broken car onto the visor. Get to the hatch through which you will enter the building. Move towards the stationary machine gun installed by the terrorists. Kill the machine gunner and the militants, and go into the room filled to the very top with boxes. Climb along them to the edge of the wall and along the rusty beam to the room with the machine gun. From there, jump into the room and, armed, return to the boxes behind the wall. Jump from them to the ventilation shaft and move on. Be careful - snipers will appear in the windows under the roof of the vault.

Along the warehouse corridor, go to a large room filled with boxes. Move the iron box towards the others and climb them onto the wooden flooring. Now go out the door and kill the terrorists lurking below. Go down and, shooting the militants, get to the stairs leading to the second floor. From there, head to Sepulveda's apartments. Carefully kill the drug lord's guards, and then take on him himself.

Mission 11. Alamo

Terrorists have seized the US Embassy and are holding hostages. Your task is to prevent the bandits from realizing their plans.

Follow the commandos. Clear the area around the yard and climb onto the trash can. From it, climb the pipe to the ledge, and then jump onto the dilapidated wall. After performing a few more acrobatic tricks, get to open window. In the room, pick up the weapon, jump down and return to the container. Climb the pipe onto the ledge again - now your path lies through the closed window with green shutters. After dealing with a couple of terrorists, get inside the room. In the next room, jump down and climb into the ventilation shaft. Along the corridors of the building, get out into the courtyard and move to another window. Then head to the room on the right and kill the terrorists on the street through the hole in the wall. Go down the stairs and go outside. Get ready for a sniper attack! After killing him, move towards the passage in the ruins. Run down and towards the broken car body. Here, shoot the barrels to your right - this will open the further path. Go through the dilapidated building into the courtyard. After repelling the militants' attacks, follow the car into the passage. Pass the ruins of the house, shoot the enemy soldiers and move to the entrance to the building on the left.

This is Easter Egg: if you shoot the flag above the US Embassy, ​​you will automatically die. These are the patriotic guys who work at Ritual!

After destroying the terrorists, free the two hostages and take them to the rescue area on the second floor. When you reach this area, radio for a helicopter and get ready to subdue the rampaging terrorists with a machine gun.

Mission 12. Rise Hard

During a briefing at the SAS office located in Belfast, you will be informed that a certain terrorist organization has captured a skyscraper and a nuclear warhead. Do I need to explain what the guys are going to do with a nuclear warhead in the very near future?

Your team has been tasked with infiltrating a captured building. This is not difficult to do - under the cover of your colleagues, run at full speed to the hatch. Go downstairs and move along the corridors to the main office, shooting enemy fighters along the way. Here, in one of the office cubicles near the body of a killed employee, contact the command by radio and pick up remote bombs.

Once completed, levels can be completed again and again.

Now you need to take the elevator down to the third floor. Having done this, kill the terrorists and blow up the building's security system. Through the resulting passage, move into the corridor with two stationary machine guns - they also need to be blown up. Then go back to the elevator and go through the door to the right of it. Follow the corridor to another elevator and go up. When your elevator gets stuck, climb out through the hatch into the elevator shaft and climb up the stairs painted yellow and black to the 46th floor. Along the edge of the ledge, reach another staircase - it will lead you to a door. Head through it to the elevator shaft. Follow the sleepers to its edge. Carefully jump into the opening in the wall - and you will find yourself on the 50th floor of the building. After repelling the fierce attack of the militants, follow to the end of the corridor. To the left of the red door you will see a ventilation shaft. Be careful on your way out - now you have to climb three floors up under the crossfire of machine gunners, snipers and even a combat helicopter. It's useless to shoot at the helicopter - just run up the stairs. When you find yourself on the roof, exit through the corridor to its edge and carefully move to the second turn to the right. Here, kill all the terrorists and lower the lever - the door above the stairs will open. Go through it to the helipad. As soon as you kill everyone, the terrorist will open the next gate. As you move towards the top of the building, the light will suddenly go dark - you will lose consciousness.

You will wake up on the roof of a building, with full health and without any weapons. The terrorist leader wants to show you how he hacks with knives. Grab a knife not far from you and slash the self-confident bandit about three times. When he jumps onto the stairs out of fear, go into open doors and, having killed the first militant you come across, quickly take the machine gun from the table. Then, at the speed of light, shoot all the terrorists and deactivate the two bombs they planted in the room. Soon the doors to the next room will open - continue demining there too.

Run out of the room and shoot the two machine gunners on the building's balcony. There is a green box on the balcony - take bombs from it and place one of them at the point marked with a red marker. After the explosion, the bandit leader will fly down from the skyscraper, and his insidious plans will die with him.

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