Albion Exploring the Barrens in Albion Online. How Albion Online maps are developed Albion online resource map

Green, red and dead zones

Depending on where you are on the world map, you will see different biomes. The more dangerous the zone, the darker the environment. Biomes are divided into types based on cluster level: green (tier 1-4), red (tier 5-6) and dead (tier 7-8).


The various factions of Albion do not get along with each other. That is why they live in different biomes. The only exceptions are Heretics, which can be found in any biome, including the steppes.

A faction of Morgana's followers dwells in the most dangerous steppes, building wooden forts to protect their dungeons from intruders. Adventurers can find T4-8 mobs related to the Morgana faction there.


Each biome has three different types of resources. The most common resource in the steppes are skins, which are obtained by killing mobs. Fiber also common in the steppes. However, it will be much more difficult to get it here than skins. by the most rare resource is an ore. Tier 1 trees and rocks will be available in each biome.

Mobs from which you can get skins

As you understand, the main resource in the steppes is skins, they can be obtained by skinning mobs! Unlike current mobs, these animals do not guard other resources. Some of them can be tamed and made into mounts (unfortunately, this feature will not be added to the final stage of the CBT).

Please note that the name of mobs and resources can be changed.

Tier 1: Groundhog

In general, groundhogs are fairly harmless. Unfortunately, this mob is still being finalized. Groundhogs are analogous to rabbits, and you can get T1 from them shreds of skins.

Tier 2: Impala

Impalas are very peaceful creatures. Most of the day they eat grass. Kill an impala to get T2 tough skin.

Three 3: moa

This huge bird resembles an ostrich. From it you can get T3 thin skin.

Tier 4: Big Deer

A large deer boasts majestic antlers and medium sized skin which he gives after death.

Tier 5: Titanis

Titanis doesn't have its intimidating name for nothing! This is one of the most aggressive mobs in the steppes, and will attack adventurers as soon as they come into its line of sight. This hefty hen is a T5 carrier. heavy skin. Ride her...if you dare!

Tier 6: Rhino

The rhinoceros has a thick skin and a deadly horn. This is a dangerous opponent from which you can get T6 strong skin.

Tier 7: Mammoth

Mammoth can look cute and harmless. But don't underestimate him. This giant is not as aggressive as the titanis, but he is a great danger if he decides to attack you. You can skin a mammoth and get T7 thick skin.

Tier 8: Ancient Mammoth

The older brother of the common mammoth. The ancient mammoth is a dangerous animal of the steppes. You can kill him and get T8 strong skin.

Orderlies of the steppes

These mobs are mythical creatures that guard the resources of Albion. They are tied to their biome and only allow their riches to be taken away after their death. An evil cougar, a saber-toothed tiger and an adult saber-tooth are steppe orderlies tied to 3.5 and 7 tiers. Be careful with them - they are very aggressive. So far, they share the same 3D model. But that's just for now.

This process is one of the most important parts of the game. The cards must be balanced, they must entertain the player and please the eye. We asked Ben, one of our level designers, to enlighten us, and he went into great detail about the process of making the map.

At the beginning

The first step is a list of requirements. This is a document compiled by the game design department. It prescribes the basic conceptual rules for creating a map. What is its purpose? Where in the world of Albion Online will it be located? The last point also determines what type of nature to use - red forests? Dead lands? How many inputs and outputs will it have? All this is indicated in the list of requirements.

Based on this, a rough layout is created. Depending on who you are talking to, this is done either on paper or on a graphics tablet. This is a general sketch of where hills or lakes will be on the map. A kind of "visual brainstorming".

landscape design

Next step will be made inside Unity, the engine we use for Albion Online. A template is loaded, which is an empty map of the desired size, filled with grass. This is where the first "real" steps in the design process take place. A general sketch of terrain, hills, lakes, and important landmarks is created to provide a complete visual representation. After that, we consult with game designers about the general plan of the area.

If the rough plan is approved, the map goes through several "runs", each adding more detail than the last. The first run includes detailed work on the shape of the hills and lakes, as well as determining the position of critical structures such as altars or NPC camps. After that in right places trees and stones are placed, this is done by drawing textures where necessary.

In the next phase, even more details are added. For example, now you can see the detailed height difference. The road network is also added, and everything connected with it. Roads, bridges and slopes. This completes the "basic content". As such, this is the first rough plan of decorative elements designed to bring the map to life. Also, for example, stone formations are added during this phase.

Enrichment of the territory

Now that the general plan is almost ready, resource nodes are added in places close to where they should be in the final version of the map. The list of requirements, which we have already talked about, determines the number of nodes that must be placed on this map. The next step is to "fine tune" the nodes. They are aligned, and it is checked whether they generally fit the design of the territory. This is a very painstaking (and, as I was told, rather tedious) process. Once this is done, the first quality check is made to determine if all resources are visible and reachable by walking on the map.

Then everything related to NPCs and mobs is located on the map. The location of the camps has already been determined in advance, now you need to fill them with contents. Buildings and objects (such as torches and bonfires) in camps must be positioned in such a way as to fit into the surrounding landscape. After that, we place the NPCs. Again, roughly at first, in order to develop a decent layout plan. After that, we check the list of requirements, where the range of the number of NPCs is indicated. If it doesn't match, we make the necessary changes. Then we re-configure the location of the NPCs and endow them with a certain behavior algorithm. For example, "stay in this place" or "move along the given path."

Once the NPCs are done, we move on to the rest of the decorations. This includes "off-map areas" that you can see but cannot get to. And especially important point- small details such as grass.

From map to world

After the last details are added, the map is exported to the so-called "world editor". It presents the world of Albion Online in 2D. Cards can be moved to determine their position in the world. Once a newly crafted card is placed in the correct slot, it connects to adjacent cards so its entry and exit are in the correct places.

After that, a local test is carried out, which allows us to find large errors in the design. If they are not present, the map is imported into the current build of the game (intended for developers) so that we can test the map in conjunction with all other systems. After that, it is enough to play on the map to see if it requires additional balance changes.

Process of creation small card, from the first draft to the moment the map is introduced into the world, takes about 35 working hours. Naturally, more large cards require a lot of time. The level designer works closely with game designers when it comes to creating maps. He asks for help artistic group when he needs new objects or buildings, and his cooperation with the programming team ensures that the map is properly implemented in game world.

Level design is at the heart of the development of the entire game. Our maps are rigorously tested to keep them balanced and full of detail. For us, great card design is very important, and we are sure that our efforts in this regard are noticeable.

Albion Online is a multiplayer online MMORPG set in a medieval setting. In the game, all gamers will have to defend their own territory from enemies, craft equipment, fight various enemies, trade with other players, wage political wars, and fight monsters, earning game currency.

In the Albion Online knowledge base, all users can familiarize themselves with useful information by game.

FAQ on the game

Q: Will there be a Russian server?
A: No, server 1 for the whole world.

Q: Will the game be in Russian?
A: Yes, there will be Russian localization.

Q: Will the game be available from Steam?
O: That's not entirely true. Registering a game in Steam Greenlight does not mean that it will be available for download on Steam.

Steam Greenlight is more about seeing if people in the large steam community are interested in this game.

Q: Will female characters be added?
A: Female characters will be added, but a little later.

Q: How long has development been going on?
A: Development has been going on for more than 2 years.

Q: What engine?
A: Unity3d engine

Q: What stat system will be in the game? How much and how to pump?
A: Leveling in the game is quite peculiar, and at the same time very interesting and not hackneyed. It is built on the completion of achievements (achievements / tasks). In the first couple, everything starts with completing the standard 10 achievements (in the style of collecting 10 wood, or 10 stone) and then the achievement tree grows in several directions. This is craft, pve, pvp, mining. In terms of crafting, it was very amusing that the "magic" that you will use in battle is selected when crafting things. For example, when crafting boots, you need to choose one of several spells on them, for example, sprint, which temporarily speeds up your run, or for example, a skill that removes all slowdown or stun effects from you. Also with attackers / buffs on other types of weapons and armor. As you level up in crafting, more and more new things appear with new abilities and statistics.

Q: Will there be levels, or like in Ultima - it all depends on the characteristics?
A: There are no levels. Your spells and characteristics depend only on what you are wearing.

In order to put on things more and more powerful, you need to complete achievements, as you complete them, more and more new things will open up for you.

Q: Will guilds have bonuses?
A: They already have bonuses, because only on the territory of guild bases (villages) you can place crafters, thanks to which you can craft items of T3 and above.

  • Only wear items you don't mind losing, and leave some items in the bank so you can dress if you die. The best option would be if you return home with enough in-game currency to cover the cost of the equipment you left at home.
  • Find allies. Join a clan or team up with other players who, like you, play alone. Even if you walk alone, this will give you more chances to defeat the enemy than if you are alone.
  • Be on the move as much as possible and this will affect your earnings. The fact is that recently appeared monsters give very little silver. Therefore, territories that are considered too dangerous for travel give greatest chance get a lot of silver.
  • Monsters that stay alive for a long time can give a lot more silver than monsters that have recently spawned.
  • Use a world map. Find the nearest treasure territories, where you can often make good money and get a lot of silver.

How to get silver in Albion Online

Those players who have acquired a set of early access, the question immediately arises of where and how you can get the game currency. Since the Albion Online Russian wiki is not yet fully developed, we bring to your attention a few tips on how and where it is better to earn silver, which will simplify life in the gaming world for all newcomers.
  • The main difference between Albion Online and other similar projects is that the developers are trying to build a real economy that will be created directly by the players. In practice, this means that they try not to oversaturate the game with silver and resources, limiting the supply of crafting materials and silver to the location.
  • Silver in the game mostly comes from humanoid mobs. When you leave Queens or Kings Market, you will find yourself in an area where Tyr 2 resources and heretics abound. This is a great place for newbies to silver mining.
  • Resource collection points and mobs function in such a way that the longer they live after appearing on the location, the more loot you can get from them. This means that mobs that spawn in crowded areas don't last long and therefore drop very little silver. Therefore, the best solution for the players would be to disperse into different sides and settle in or near PvP zones, although this is a riskier option.
  • Shields greatly increase your armor and allow you to aggro mobs.
  • Leather armor speeds up healing and allows you to reduce the time of forced inactivity when you have to wait for health recovery. When wearing leather armor, do not forget to stock up on food.
  • Using "Defensive Strike" (defensive strike) strengthens your armor (stacks up to three times) and increases stamina.
  • Using "Disabling Strike" (interrupting blow) will help a lot against mobs that cast spells. By interrupting their castes, you will greatly facilitate your life.

The game has treasure territories that can be captured by clans. On the this moment most of these zones remain free, so you have a chance to use their bonuses.

In addition to hunting mobs, you can earn silver by trading in the market with other players.

  • Farm some silver;
  • Create purchase orders for those basic resources that you think other players would like to quickly sell on the market;
  • After purchasing these resources, re-list them for sale at a higher cost;
  • Not all players use this strategy, so this is a good way to earn silver.

In addition to personal enrichment, you benefit the economy of the game - other players get the opportunity to quickly sell the accumulated resources and equipment, and can purchase the ingredients they need on the market.

Do not forget also that there is no global market in Albion Online, there are only a few local ones. Therefore, you can make a lot of money by taking advantage of regional price differences. You can buy cheap items in one zone (since they are the least needed) and resell them for a better price in another zone (where there is more demand). The only disadvantage of this action is that you will have to spend a lot of time traveling to find out which game items fashionable to resell.

Albion Online is an atypical representative of the modern MMORPG genre, which is not based on standard tools that allow you to upgrade your character, as in other projects. Here, social professions such as crafting and gathering are of great importance, which are ahead of all other elements in terms of utility and extraction of silver. No wonder the game from the very beginning instills in you a “love” for creating weapons and uniforms, allows you to learn crafts “from” and “to”, choosing a future occupation for yourself. This guide will tell you exactly how things are created in the presented sandbox sandbox and what is needed for this.

Where does it all begin?

You should start with the fact that all things and resources in Albion Online are divided into several ranks (tiers), and the higher your skill, the better items you can get for a certain number of spent game hours.

To start crafting and getting Albion Online silver, you need to collect wood, stone and grass in the starting locations. There is a faster alternative - this is the purchase of ingredients at the auction, but this will require you to already have start-up capital in your pocket, and it is very problematic for beginners to get it.

So, we can collect the resources of the 1st shooting range with our bare hands, you just need to find a growing tree or stone in the location. Tier 2 and 3 resources will require you to have social tools (axe and pickaxe), and so on. There are 8 levels in total, according to which the materials and clothes in the game are divided. All this can be bought from merchants or other players, but creating your own tools in the initial stages is more financially profitable. Later, when you feel the game and gain experience, it will be possible to acquire or create more valuable things.

Things are created at special NPCs located in all major cities. During the dialogue with the villagers, players will see a window where the recipes available for use and the amount of materials required to craft the item will be shown.

Zone separation and recycling

The entire game world of Albion Online is divided into many locations of different colors, ranging from starting, where each player is completely safe, and ending with free PVP zones. It is in the latter that the most valuable and expensive resources are located, since the high risks of being killed by another player should pay off accordingly. In PVP locations, you can find resources of any type, except for t2, but this type, as a rule, you will no longer need after several tens of hours online. And it will be easier to buy the necessary low-tier resources at the auction, since they cost quite a penny.

It should be borne in mind that in safe zones, players will be able to craft things up to the 5th shooting range, but all subsequent “equipment” requires the installation of special workbenches. This equipment is installed in high-risk areas, and the more serious the danger, the more expensive things we can create.

As for the processing of materials, this gaming segment should also not be ignored. To be more precise, for work you will need not simple ore or recently mined wood, but their improved (processed) versions. Materials of the 1st and 2nd tier are processed without any problems, but rarer types already require resources of the previous tier for processing. That is, if you want to process tier 4 ore, you will need a certain amount of tier 3 ore ingots.

Leveling professions and skills

Agree, it would be unfair if every beginner could immediately craft, for example, an ax of the 5th tier for the extraction of expensive high-level wood. To achieve this goal, you will need to spend a certain amount of time on pumping craft and crafting.

The more things you create, the faster you can unlock the skill of wearing high-quality armor and weapons. Until the moment you start creating things of the 4th tier, you can pump skills without any restrictions, but all subsequent tiers will require you to spend a certain amount of learning points (learning points).

Remember that in Albion Online it is impossible to pump absolutely all skills to the maximum, no matter how much time you spend on it. From the very beginning, you will need to decide on your future profession, since the points spent are the most expensive value that can neither be bought nor sold. A popular practice among the clans of Albion is the creation of characters "sharpened" for a certain skill, whether it be the creation of magical weapons, heavy armor, and so on.

Gems and "souls"

If it seemed to you that the previous material was too difficult to understand, then it will be even more “fun” next. The fact is that over time we will get access to the creation of not just standard things, but special ones with certain bonuses. To create them, we need gems (Gems) obtained by players during battles with mobs in local instances.

Craft stones (Gems) are divided by color, which determines their purpose. The red ones are good for crafting heavy armor and weapons, the green ones are for crafting bows and medium armor, and blue, respectively, to create cloth clothes and magical staves. As a rule, it is very easy to get such stones, it is enough to walk with a group through the dungeon and spend an hour or two killing representatives of the local fauna.

You should also take into account the fact that in this game there are other types of things, for the creation of which you will need essences, souls, runes and other types of materials. It is very difficult to get them, as this will require spending a lot of time in "black" locations and fighting mobs in dungeons.

Summing up all of the above, we can safely say that mining silver in Albion Online through crafting is an interesting and very profitable business. Any player can engage in this profession, but you should remember that the first stages of pumping a skill are nothing compared to the last steps. To become a true master, you will need to find a good clan and use their help in extracting resources. And you can not spend a lot of time on it, and in Albion Online on our website. Believe me, this will save you a lot of effort and nerves, and the prices of our service will pleasantly please you with availability and convenience! Have fun playing in the world of Albion Online!

Crafting in Albion Online can be divided into several types:

  • Equipment for mages, archers, warriors;
  • Accessories;
  • Instruments;
  • Furniture;
  • Mounts;
  • Alchemy;

Let's start with the fact that Albion Online has the so-called crafting points (craft points), which are necessary for the production of something, more precisely, to reduce the cost of creating items and things. However, you can safely do without them.

There are several branches that will subsequently determine the chance craft a thing best quality(for items of clothing).

In the new Joseph update, the ability to gain experience for learning an item was introduced. And besides this, crafting in Albion Online, in its usual sense, looks like this:

  • 100% of resources are needed to create any thing, after which it is divided by 25%. That is, when you have created 4 things, you get resources for crafting another one.
  • We all understand that there are a certain number of branches that do not need to be developed all together. You just choose the one you like the most and download it throughout the gameplay.
  • Creating food is a very profitable business. This can be very cool to earn extra money, however, to spend a certain amount of resources, of course, too. This will require vegetable gardens, and not everyone has them.
  • You can also make money with tools.
  • When collecting resources, you need to upgrade the Albion Online craft of the tool you need. It is easiest to focus on 1-2 types of high-tier resources, and the rest can be left at the level of gathering Tier 4.


There are 5 types of resources in Albion Online:

  • Wood;
  • A rock;
  • Cotton (fiber);
  • Ore;
  • Leather.

Resources are also divided by color: green and blue. For beginners and not only, it is recommended to improve all your skills with various tools to T3, from which you can choose two types of collection that need to be improved to the maximum.

T2 ore and wood will always be popular, so draw your own conclusions. It is not necessary to collect all the resources in a row. It would be much more expedient to start collecting a specific resource, for example, cotton. You will go to the colony, which are displayed on the maps of all locations, where you can find a huge accumulation of the cotton you need. That is, you take with you only one tool designed for the cotton you are looking for. This is necessary in order to lose less at death. The fact is that a huge number of players gather at such locations, and if you fight them, you can die, as a result, all your work will leave you and go to the winner. Accordingly, you should not wear expensive sets and weapons, and put skills on the opportunity run away.

Regarding the transfer of found resources. Never overload your horse more than 100%. Naturally, her speed will be reduced in this way. If you are knocked off it, then it is unlikely that you will survive or your horse will be able to continue moving.

At the initial stage of development of both the character and the server, T2-T4 resources are in demand. Over time, T2, T4 and T5 resources become more needed. If PvP locations are empty, be sure to start collecting T6+ resources in Albion Online. After a short period of time, they will become very popular among literally all players.

Resource gathering mechanics:

  • White resources - a tool at least 1 tier below the resource;
  • Green+ - tools of the same tier or higher.

Zones and resources on it:

  • Green zone - resources and enemies of 1-4 levels;
  • Yellow zone - 3-5 levels (very rarely 6 levels);
  • Red zone - 4-6 levels;
  • Black zone - 5-8 levels.
