An analysis of Mariel's improved Hero Powers in Hearthstone. Heartstone. New day, new cards

We will now take a look at the first of 130 maps that will be introduced in the new update. The highlight of the new update was the focus on the hero's ability, getting the most out of its use and adding a new mechanic "Inspire". Again, if we watched in times Black Mountain more aggressive meta, then thanks to the new mechanics of the "Grand Tournament" I can assume that a large number of control decks will play in the meta.

1. Lowly squire. Inspire: Gains +1 Attack.

On July 22nd, I played against Amaz (a) at a new expansion event. And he played on the first turn of two Modest squires and the power of the hero on the second. And to be honest, it didn't look particularly impressive. It will be even worse if you receive this card in late game. I do not think that this card will play in rating mode and in the arena, even more so, because in itself it has not particularly impressive characteristics, moreover, it forces you to play slower by using the hero's ability.

2. Garrison commander. You can use a hero's ability twice per turn.
It should be noted right away that this card has good characteristics for a 2 mana creature. In addition, you get a nice bonus: use the hero's ability twice per turn. I think this card will feel good in control decks as it is hardly possible to exert tremendous pressure on the enemy (which is undoubtedly the goal of aggro decks) using the hero's ability 2 times per turn. It is worth noting that in the arena she will feel no worse, all due to the same characteristics.

3. Silver Hand Rgent / Recruit Leader. Inspire: Summons 1/1 recruits to the battlefield.
Another good card with the new Inspire mechanic. It has 3/3 stats for 3 mana, which is pretty good considering what kind of bonus it gives. In most cases, you will play it on turn 5 with a hero's ability. The card will play well in decks based on table control. I sure that this card will play in Paladin, due to the presence of the Intendant, but still it is too slow for aggro or midrange decks.

4. Maide of the lake. Your hero power costs 1 mana.
Undoubtedly key card of this add-on, which has high hopes for a new mechanic: "inspiration". Also, this card has more health for the 4th drop, which allows it to live longer on the board, moreover, it gives a good bonus for the same control decks, which, by the way, like creatures with a large supply of health.

5. Kodorider / Kodo Rider. Inspire: Summons 3/5 War Kodo.
Bad card for the 6th move. On move 8 it will look much better, but still very slow. Its plus is that we get a lot of benefit when using the hero's ability. I don't think this card will play well in the arena, because if she enters the battlefield on turns 6-8, she will certainly die, with minimal losses for the enemy.

6. Frost giant. Costs one mana less for each use of a hero's ability since the start of the game.
Another rather slow card. At first glance, it seems that it will suit Handlock well. But Handlock mainly uses the life tap on turns 2 and 3. On turns 4 and 5, he places a creature, such as the Twilight Dragon. On turn 6, he also uses it. And for the seventh move, a slower Handlock would benefit a little from using an even slower punishment (such as this one). Most likely we will see this card often in Control Warriors or Control Shamans, which often use the hero's ability. I think after 4-5 uses of the hero's ability, this 5-6 mana card will look good for 8/8 in control decks. In the arena, this card is also not a good choice. Because if you often squeeze the hero's ability in the arena, then you will hardly live 5-6 turns. Still, this card looks an order of magnitude better in the arena than the Mountain Giant.

7. Skycap'n Kragg Jerk. Costs 1 mana less for each of your pirates on the board.
Legendary Pirate Map! Finally, wait! Perhaps the pirate decks in the "Big Tournament" will play, but certainly not because of this card. This card looks good for 5 mana if you have 2 pirates on the battlefield. In this case, she is like the Druid of the Claw in dash form with 4/4 stats. Yet the difference in 2 health is too little for the pirate synergy with the legendary card. Well, for an arena or a deck without pirates, this is just a HORRIBLE choice.

8. Justicar trueheart / Maryele Upright. Battle Cry: Replaces the hero's normal ability with an improved one.
This is most likely one of the key Legendary cards of this expansion. At first glance, this is a slow card with terrifying characteristics. But now the benefit from using the hero's ability has become even greater. I'm not talking about Warlocks and, in part, Hunters. their hero abilities do not change significantly. Therefore, it is unlikely that we will see this card in the decks of these classes. Well, as for the other classes, it looks very good. Here you can make an analogy with the Priest, and the improvement of the hero's ability in the magician. The Priest's Form of Darkness card makes it possible to inflict 2 damage to any enemy. And this card costs 3 mana. In fact, the same card Maryele Pureheart for 6 mana gives to the mage, besides, you get a creature by characteristics for 4 mana. There is also a one-mana benefit here.

9.Nexus-champion Saraad Inspire: You get a random spell .
A very good card. Because using the hero's ability, you take cards in fact for 2 mana. 4/5 for 5 mana is fully compensated by this ability. It will also be a good choice in the arena.

10. Poison blade Your Hero Power grants this weapon +1 attack instead of replacing it.
This blade should give Rogues a reason to use the hero's ability and implement the Inspire mechanic. But, in fact, for 4 mana, it gives very little. This card is likely to be a poor choice in both arena and constructed. For 3 or 2 mana, this weapon would look an order of magnitude better.

11. Lock and load. You put a random hunter card into your hand each time you use a spell.
A great card that can resume the Ochonik's Control archetype, because this card is very good in late game. You can play this card with an Auctioneer, such as Rate of Fire, Hunter's Mark, etc.

12. Ball of spiders / Ball of spiders. Summons 3 Tenetniks on the battlefield.
On the one hand, this card is very bad if you take it as the 6th drop of the Hunter, i.e. Savannah Highmane could have been played instead, and would certainly be much more useful. On the other hand, for 6 mana, we train a 3/3 creature and 3 beast cards. I think this card would look much more appetizing if it cost 5 mana. We do not receive 3 cards immediately, but only from the death rattle. Overall, this is a decent arena map.

13. Totem golem Overload (1)
Highly good card... She will always be desired as a good second move, both in the arena and in the rating mode. For example, this card can exchange daggers with Juggler and survive after that, thereby continuing to annoy the enemy. Most likely it will find application both in heavy control decks of the Shaman, in order to restrain aggression, and in aggressive ones, in order to create strong pressure on the enemy.

14. Tuskar Totemic / Tuskarr Shaman. Battlecry: Summons a random totem on the battlefield.
The card is definitely not bad. You can summon not only the standard 0/2 or 1/1 shaman totem, but also the aforementioned Totem Golem or Mana Tide Totem. In part, you are very much dependent on luck, but even the 0/2 totem looks good, because in fact you get 3/4 for 3 mana, which is commensurate with the Spider-Tank in the worst case. It is for this reason that this card will look good in the arena.

15. Draenei Totemcarver / Totem Carver. Battlecry: Gets + 1 / + 1 for each one of yours on the battlefield.
A good card considering that thanks to the new mechanics, you will be using totems a lot. Most likely it will appear on the battlefield with 5/5 or 6/6 stats, which is pretty good for 4 mana. Also a good arena map.

16. Thunder Bluff Valiant / Knight of Thunder Bluff. Inspire: Your totems gain +2 attack.
This card is similar to the Paladin's Intendant. For 5 mana, she has rather meager stats. Another good card with the "enchant" mechanic. Perhaps, finally, Shamans will have a Bloodlust in their decks. This card will feel good in a control deck or Shaman's midrange deck. A good choice for the arena, because this card is like the Quartermaster, again, from useless bodies your totems can turn into good combat units at the moment.

17. Fallen hero The hero's ability deals 1 unit. more damage.
Great creature. Will definitely play new decks on Inspire. It should be understood that with 2 Fallen heroes on the battlefield, the hero's ability will already deal 3 damage. this can be compared to the two Shadows of the Priest, though temporary, but still. Also a very good arena map. On the 1st turn, you can play this card from a coin, and on the 2nd turn, pick up the enemy 3/2. Very good card! But if you just add this card to the Tempo Mage, for example, then it is unlikely to play, because the Tempo Mage uses little of the hero's ability.

18. Effigy / Scarecrow. If your creature dies, then summons a creature on the battlefield for the same mana cost.
This card is very similar to Fork, only faster. For example, if you kill the Mad Scientist, whose deathrattle will play this card, then a random creature will appear on the battlefield for 2 mana. It looks very cool. It will look even cooler in the control of the Mage deck, when large creatures die and summon similarly large creatures to the battlefield.

19. Сoldarra Drake / Dragon of Haladara. You can use the hero's ability as many times as you like.
Very good card. It combines well with other cards that affect the hero's ability. For example, with the Ozernoye maiden, A fallen hero etc., but another question is for the enemy to give you time to complete this combo. In any case, putting on the 6th turn of the Dragon of Haladara. On turn 7, you can spend all your mana on the hero's ability, which will help you change the table without spending more than one card.

20. North sea Kraken. / Kraken of the North. Battle Cry: Deal 4. damage to the selected entity.
On the surface, it's good that Blizzard is making cards of common rarity and high mana cost. I don’t think this map will play in ranked mode. 9 mana is too much for her. For 8 mana, she would have looked much more attractive. Most likely this card will perform well in the arena.

21. King's Defender Battlecry: gets + 1 unit. toughness for each taunt creature you control.
I have almost no doubt that this map will find its use in Handlock. Just imagine: you put Wilfred Feeslebang on the battlefield, use the life tap, and get Jaraxus for 0 or, for example, Ragnaros for 0 mana. In Handlock, the chance to pull out what is very good is great, compared to Zoo or Malilok. Because there are a lot of expensive and powerful cards in Handlock. Also, this card can be combined well with the Lake Maiden and the Commander of the Garrison. You will receive 2 cards for 2 mana, which will cost 0 mana. It looks very tempting.

Most likely this card can serve as a replacement for the Emperor Thaurissan, because it cheapens all the cards in your hand. For a Handlock, this is not bad when you have 9 cards in your hand, for example, and you actually get 9 mana. In this sense, Taurisan is more stable, because you never know what you will pull from the life-tap. It could be Ironbeak, or it could be Ragnaros.


Part 1

Part 2

Translated sammers, edited Vadim Parfiriev, issued scazy

On this moment we were shown a little over 20 cards from the new Hearthstone update "The Grand Tournament". You can see all the new cards in this article. But the most discussed card was -. The characteristics of the card are poor, but the battle cry of the card looks very impressive. It is precisely because of the replacement of the hero power with an improved one that this card can become an analogue in the future meta, which, since the release of GvG, is still present in almost every deck. on Arena Hearthstone is unlikely to become a popular and strong card, but in ranked games, it can occupy its own niche and in general this card can become a backbone in new archetypes tied to new synergies inspiration(triggered when you use your hero's power).

After being played on the table, the battle cry will forever (until the end of the match) change the hero's power to an improved one:

  • Druid- now for 2 mana gets 2 attacks and 2 armor. This will help him in control of the table. Maybe his class cards Claw and Savage will come back to life. The faster it is played, the more value it will bring to you. In Hearthstone, only one hero can put creatures for 5+ mana on the first, second turn, of course this is a Druid. Illumination and Wild Growth can greatly help in this, just imagine for 1-2 turns the druid strengthens his hero power and stacks armor, like a warrior is now, but every turn you have 2 attacks.
  • Hunter- will now do 3 damage. What could be better for than inflicting not 2 damage with an ability, but 3 😎 But it is unlikely to play in face decks, since it is too heavy for this archetype, but let's see which cards have not been shown to us yet. B, the map looks brighter, maybe control hunters will be more common. It seems like a combination of improved hero power + Cartel Sniper, for control, it is very cool to do 3 damage to any target, but again, all this can be implemented closer to the late game.
  • Magician- Deal 2 damage for 2 mana. Very, very not bad, especially considering the already announced class cards of the mage - and. We replace the strength of the hero with an improved one + + + + = 3-4 damage by the strength of the hero, maybe 1 mana and until the mana runs out. It is quite difficult to implement, but it already seems new deck magician tied to these cards, how effective it will be, we will find out after the release.
  • Paladin- Summons 2 1/1 for 2 mana. Well, they will become even more in demand, given the neutral card -. Bye, hello 3 Paladin Recruits per use of Hero Power.
  • Priest- restores 4 units of health. And how to transfer such a heal? And the combination + hero power, which deals 4 damage, is also quite interesting. In general, they will definitely become stronger with such a hero's strength.
  • Robber- Summon weapons 2/2 instead of 1/2. 2/2 is clearly better than 1/2 and is certainly a plus for the current top Rogue deck. But we haven’t seen a single Grand Tournament Rogue class card yet, so it’s too early to say if this will give the Rogue a significant boost.
  • Shaman- we call the selected totem. Very well, this card reduces the amount of randomness. You need a heal totem to heal your creatures - please, you need a taunt totem - yes, for God's sake, you need a sang totem to finish off the enemy or use it for health. I also found information from someone on Twitter that it would be possible to summon the same totems, but the information was not confirmed.
  • Warlock- draw a card for 2 mana and do not damage yourself. most likely they will not be delighted with such a hero's strength, since it is beneficial for them to reduce their health, but other warlock decks will also be satisfied. Moreover, the warlock will have 4/4, the ability of which makes the cost of cards received by the power of the hero 0 mana. can be very happy if drained for 0 mana.
  • Warrior- we get +4 to armor, instead of +2. rejoice, the strength of the hero is somewhat similar to the strength of the priest and will naturally strengthen the control of the deck. New warrior cards were also not shown, so one cannot judge how this will affect the warrior as a whole.

probably the strongest and most importantly cheap spell that increases hp + to this you draw a card.

  • This is most likely absurd, but cheap taunts can give you multiple moves.
  • Also, cards such as.
  • Perhaps in the new Hearthstone update "The Grand Tournament" there will be some other cards that will increase the survivability of creatures.
  • Or maybe you shouldn't bother with survivability at all, is it worth it to get an improved hero power by spending 6 mana and getting a creature with bad characteristics on the table? Write in the comments, what do you think about and the improved powers of the heroes? Will this card really change the future meta?

    At the BlizzCon festival, a separate zone was built for journalists, where they were allowed to play all the announced new items. In the hall with Overwatch, Heroes of the storm, StarCraft 2 and World of Warcraft had computers and s. The press could be one of the first to try new regime"Trips to the dungeons".

    Battle for the wallet. What was shown at BlizzCon 2017

    All the main announcements of the festival for the day, which were made during the opening ceremony and round table discussions.

    What do you need to know?

    Dungeon Trekking is a free mode that will appear in the game with the release of the Cobolts and Catacombs add-on. The user will go on a journey, during which he must fight eight different bosses and defeat them. In total, the game will have 48 different unique enemies. In case of defeat, the campaign ends. Per full walkthrough dungeons in all nine classes, players will receive a special back of cards.


    · Frostfur - Hero's power (costs 2 mana crystals): freezes the creature;

    Giant Rat - Hero Power (costs 2 mana crystals): summons two rats 1/1;

    · Blacksteed - Hero Power (costs 0 mana crystals): turns a creature into another random one, which costs 1 more mana crystal;

    Elder Brandlemar - Hero Power (costs 2 mana crystals): play the secret of Anti-Magic;

    · Waxmancer Sturmi - Hero Power: creates wax clones of creatures on the table, with characteristics of 1/1;

    · Room of Traps is one of the most difficult opponents, so the chance that you will meet in the dungeon is small;

    · Battlecrier Jinzo - The power of this hero is passive, thanks to her the battle cry is triggered twice both for you and for Jinzo;

    Kraxx - Hero Power: Deals 1 damage to all enemy creatures;

    · Candlebeard - Hero Power (costs 1 mana crystal): gives your creature a dash;

    · Pathmaker Hamm - Hero Power (costs 1 mana crystal): Deals 1 damage to two random enemy creatures.

    How does it work?

    Journalists were given three classes to choose from: priest, mage, and warrior. Each trip starts with a deck of 11 cards. You cannot decide what goes on this list. The developers thought of everything for you.

    Among the first opponents were either Frostfur or Giant Rat. But at the second and third stages, the heroes were constantly different. The only exception was Battlecrier Jinzo, who met twice. And if the first time I won easily, then the second time I even managed to lose because of two "Brawls" that came to my hand in time. After passing the third enemy, a thank you message appeared.

    "Blizzard brings people together." How was BlizzCon 2017

    Announcements of additions, the results of the world championships in four disciplines and new attendance records.

    After winning, the player is first offered a choice of passive spells. For example, make enemy creatures 1 mana more expensive, reduce the cost of your spells by 1 mana, or draw two cards at the very beginning.

    In total, there were 7 such cards in the mode:

    Captured Flag - your creatures get + 1 / + 1;

    · Glyph of Warding - enemy creatures cost 1 more mana crystal;

    · Justicar’s Ring - your hero power is improved and costs 1 less mana crystal;

    Khadgar's Scrying Orb - your spells cost 1 less mana crystal;

    · Mysterious Tome - at the beginning of the game you spread 3 random secrets;

    · Potion of Vitality - your starting health is doubled;

    · Small Backpacks - at the beginning of the game, you draw 2 additional cards.

    The next step is to choose one treasure to choose from. In general, this is a spell, creature or weapon that is found only in dungeon mode. Like passives, which also go into the deck, treasures should make life easier.

    Unlike passives, the choice is not much larger, but some of the effects were impressive:

    · Bag of Coins: fill your hand with Coins;

    Boots of Haste: on this turn, your creatures cost 0 mana crystals;

    Gloves of Mugging: Steal 3 cards from your opponent's hand.

    Horn of Cenarius: Recruit 3 creatures

    · Rod of Roasting: Play Block of Fire until one of the heroes dies;

    Vorpal Dagger: Poison. Double Wind Fury (can attack 4 times per turn);

    · Wand of Disintegration: put the effect of silence on all enemy creatures, and then destroy them;

    · Wish: fill the table with legendary creatures. Fully restore your health;

    · Wax Rager: Deathrattle: Summon this creature.

    The last to enter the deck are already ordinary cards from already released add-ons. The developers offer several types of decks to choose from, which are suitable for a specific strategy and type of game.


    Legendary card for the most unpopular class of 2016. Will she be able to strengthen the Priest?

    The Captive Times

    Battle Cry: If your deck doesn't have identical cards, your Hero Power costs (0) until the end of the match. mana.

    Actually, a review of the card from Amaz (subtitles in Russian):

    It is clear that Amaz (and any other streamer) will not say in the official video something like “oh well, some kind of nonsense”. He honestly tried to talk about all the possible combinations and stated several times that this card is very good. Should you believe him? Yes. Except that with the help of double, the hero's strength of the Priest will be stronger than that of the Hunter. Well, there will not be two copies of any card in any deck with the Time. When it appeared, many players took several copies of the strongest cards into the deck, but it quickly became clear that the second copy of even the strongest card was not worth risking the effect. Well, the combo with the Dragon of Hladdara, about which Amaz spoke, looks absolutely incredible, there was a feeling that it was just necessary to somehow stretch the video. I will try to complement Amaz.

    Yesterday I wrote in an article about that the strength of this card lies in new possibilities. The same goes for Raza, it makes some non-playable cards much stronger. It's even hard for me to imagine what the appearance of this card in the meta will mean. The most exciting combination for my mind is. Now you can just play it on the mana curve and immediately benefit from it. However, Legendary cards have dealt a lot in recent expansions, most of them are unplayable, so you will need to carefully calculate the probabilities and make a decision.

    In fact, Raza is why at the beginning of each review you need to write something like “new announced maps can greatly change the opinion of the reviewer”. got 23% from me, but now that the developers' idea has become clearer, of course, I would rate it higher. I'm still not sure if Beardot will play, but he fits well with the logic of a potential Reborn.

    The biggest problem is whether the Born Priest will be competitive. Not sure at all. The problems of the deck lie on the surface - situational add-on, non-universal removal and poor early play. None of these problems have been resolved at this time. If the Dragon Priest's early game is visible thanks to the cheap dragon synergy, then you cannot take dragons into the Dragon Priest, the chance to find them in a deck consisting of 30 different cards will be minimal. It would be a shame if the Renapult failed. Kazakus looks great, I wish all 3 classes could use it.

    Kirill Osipov

    2016-11-18 20:57:00

    As for the weak early game and situational removal, this is unlikely. There is only 1 absolute removal without conditions in a reno lock deck, and the early game is not enough. But I agree about the addition

    Artem Bykovsky

    2016-11-19 06:48:02

    Well, you answered yourself :) it's all about the good :) but even with the cheating addition, the renolock ability is not at all as good as it could be with a normal early game :)

    Artem Bykovsky

    2016-11-19 07:21:31

    In my opinion, the card will play amazingly. I’m even afraid it’s sad. At least with this card, the dragon actually becomes the SECOND Reno in this deck. What makes a weak early game less scary anymore, right? We are completely healed by reno, as well as by the combo Raza + dragon. The chances are one and a half times higher for healing on time (actually more, since even without a dragon, every move +2 hp is a lot)! And if it delivers, and the power of darkness arrives in time, then this is an auto victory. (Although I think no one will play such a combo, it's too difficult) I think that after this legendary, the hero's strength cannot be changed, since the effect will disappear for zero mana. That is, the form of darkness and the mariel are not needed. You can't risk screwing up Mariel for 6 mana if Oaza comes early. Bliz did not give any comments on this? And what do we need as a priest for the early game, in fact? Let's estimate: the servitor of light 1/3 for 1 mana, a wonderful three of 3 3/4 with a +3 effect (for this deck, even without an effect, it will take time to pull), remove a creature below 3 attack units, 4/3 shadow for 4 mana ... Million neutral cards(many with good). In the slot for 2 mana herald of doom, gatherer, talnos, ooze. Here are 7 cards in slots 1-3 mana. Also, for 1-2 mana, there is something else to choose. Word: Shield for +2 hp and additional, maybe a removal of 2 damage or something else. Auchenike for 4 mana. An ogre who kills himself. On the way to the servant, and just time to pull, kidnap him. Is it really not enough to hold out until Renault or times? You can kill with Nzoth, for example. Will it not turn out that the slower and heavier the deck against the priest, the harder it will be to kill him? Although, on paper, everything is always not the same as in reality :)

    While the meta waits for a new expansion to shake it up, Blizzard and some active community members like Trolden are revealing new cards that will find their way into your decks.

    Paladin Regent ( regular card, minion 3/3 for 3 mana, inspiration: summons two paladin recruits 1/1 to the battlefield)

    O.P .: Until recently, I considered this card a fake (because of the art, although there are more explicit art like the Keeper of Secrets), but its reality was confirmed by the developers. I don’t think it’s any cool, but it will go well for a paladin with two quartermasters.

    Garrison Commander (epic card, 2/3 minion for 2 mana, aura: you can use hero power twice during a turn)

    O.P .: Here it is already more interesting. A common card with defnd stats, which is slightly weaker than the 6/6 magic dragon, but gives room for combinations with the strength of the hero. Nothing special, but for now.

    Poisoned Blade (Epic card, Rogue weapon 1/3, effect: hero power does not replace weapon, but adds +1 to attack)

    O.P.: Quite meh. I don't see it in any deck that works at the moment, but time will tell.

    Royal Protector ( rare card, weapon war, 3/2 for 3 mana, battle cry: increases durability by +1 for each minion with a taunt you control)

    O.P .: A kind of replacement for the fire ax based on the length of the parties \ early taunts. Most likely, we will carry one fiery ax and one defender.

    Holy warrior (normal card, creature 3/5 for 4 mana, effect: increases his attack by +2 when someone is healed)

    O.P.: An excellent fourth drop for a priest with potential on the sixth move (we put it on the table, heal ourselves by +2, it becomes 5/5). In addition, it is possible to combine it with healing, like a Varovsky berserker and one-shot the enemy. As for me, a gorgeous midrange drop.

    Wilfred Nepopams (legendary card, 4/4 warlock creature for 6 mana, aura: each card drawn with hero power costs 0 mana)

    O.P .:"4 \ 4 for 6 mana? Is this such a class auctioneer?" Yes, the stats are not very good, but the handlock has a lot of heavy drops. And free Malganis \ Jaraxus is gorgeous!

    North Sea Kraken (normal card, 9/7 9 mana creature, battle cry: deals 4 damage) - current card vote winner

    O.P.: A heavy "fire elemental" for everyone, dying from BGH. Not so hot, what a card, I don't see it either in the arena or in the Constructed.

    Updated: A video analyzing the new cards from Noxious has just been released.

    You can follow the news of the add-on on the website:
