Assassin's creed 2 walkthrough of the auditor's family crypt. Complete walkthrough of Assassin's Creed II. Maria Auditore - Ezio's mother, writer, noblewoman


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Please note that this article contains minor spoilers.

Additional Knife Throwing
You can gain access as soon as you obtain the knife throwing skill (sequence 3 / memory 4).
You can purchase a bag of additional knives from any tailor.
The large bag is provided free of charge and will give you the opportunity to carry 25 knives instead of 20.

Altair costume
Will be available upon completion of the 1st sequence / 10th memory (once you received Giovanni's costume in his office).

1. Get a suit from any tailor.
2. Go to the Animus desktop (Main menu of the game).
3. Select Inventory/Equipment.
4. Select Altair Costume.

Auditore family tomb
Will be available upon completion of the 4th sequence.
Once the loading of the 5th sequence is completed, you can head to Monteriggioni.
The family tomb is located at the location of the Assassin icon on your map.

Templar Vaults - Only available in the Deluxe Edition.
Palazzo Medici

The map of the Palazzo Medici will be available to you upon completion of the 4th sequence / 4 memory segments (Catacombs of Santa Maria Novella), when you are in Florence.

To replay a map after it's completed (or to check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select DNA. Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see " Secret locations" and select "Templar Caches - Home Invasion".

Santa Maria dei Frari

The Santa Maria dei Frari map will be available upon completion of the 7th sequence, when you are in Venice.

To replay a map after it's completed (or to check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select DNA. Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see “Secret Locations” and select “Templar Caches – Above the Beams, Under the Stone.”

Arsenal of Venice

The map will be available upon completion of the 10th sequence, and when you are in Venice.

To replay a map after it's completed (or to check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select DNA. Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see “Secret Locations” and select “Templar Caches - Shipwrecked».

Battle of Forli (Sequence 12)
Will be available upon completion of the main story.

Bonfire of the Vanities (Sequence 13)
Will be available after completing the 12th sequence.

Navigation bar

Florentine Republic.

First sequence


Bachelor party
Task: beat Vieri Pazzi's men. We try to give everyone a good face, and then we strip them to the skin.

You should have seen the other guy
Task: visit the doctor and get treatment. We speak with Frederic. Next, we follow him to the doctor. You can buy medicine and poison from him. The poison will be useful to us in the future. My brother and I race to the roof of the church. We climb to the very top.

A glass before bed
Task: get to Christina's house. We jump into the haystack and, guided by the yellow marker, get to the treasured balcony. I advise you to jump on rooftops. If you walk on the ground, beware of Vieri's people along the way - when they see you, they will try to start a fight with you. Then return to the family villa.

Exercise: deliver the letter to Giovanni Lorenzo de' Medici. Again, I advise you to jump on the roofs. We run to the yellow marker on the map, give the letter and return to family crypt:) We talk to dad and get a new task.

Help Maria
Task: escort Maria Auditore to Leonardo Da Vinci's house. We go with my mother to Leonardo Da Vinci, pick up the box (to pick it up you need to press Shift while standing next to it) and accompany our new friend and mother to our villa. Talk to Claudia (our sister)

Payback for Treason
Task: find and punish Duccio. While there are no archers on the roofs, we move along them so as not to bump into Vieri’s people. We find the traitor on the map, fill his face and return to the villa. At the entrance we are met by our little brother Petruchio, who asks us to collect feathers.

Petruchio's Mystery
Task: Bring Petruchio some eagle feathers before he gets punished for getting out of bed. Everything is given 2 minutes. 30 sec. You need to collect 3 feathers. Immediately climb onto the roofs and take action. Afterwards we return to the villa.

Special Delivery
Exercise: deliver two letters and pick up a letter for Giovanni from the dovecote. Then you will have to return. Don't forget about free roofs. We return home and see that our father and brothers have been taken away.

Task: get to Giovanni's cell at the top of the Palazzo della Signoria and find out why he was arrested. The place is marked with a marker on the map. You will be wanted on the tower, so try not to run into soldiers while you are without armor and decent weapons. After talking with my father, we return home.

Task: find Giovanni's documents and deliver them to Uberto Alberti. At home, we turn on eagle vision (E by default) and find a door behind which we try on an assassin costume and find necessary documents. Upon exiting the house, two guards will be guarding us, we split up and immediately climb onto the roofs, if you walk on the ground, all the guards are yours :) Near Alberto’s door, we kill two more guards, give up the docks and go to the square.

Last Hero
Task: come to the trial of Petruchio, Giovanni and Federico. We watch the execution... And then quickly run away from the guards and climb onto the roofs, watch the video.

Florentine Republic.

Second sequence.

Escape Plans
Task: talk to Anetta at her sister's house. Be careful, the guards are looking for you! We go into the brothel and meet the head of the Florentine courtesans, Paula:) and take a couple of vital lessons for surviving in the city...

Task: learn from the Courtesans. After training we will be able to: 1. Mix with the crowd. 2. Steal wallets. 3. Reduce your popularity.

Ace in the hole
Task: go to Leonardo Da Vinci's workshop and see if he can repair Giovanni's blade. You are still wanted and I advise you not to run into the guards: either mix with the crowd or jump on the roofs. Leo's house is marked on the map with a marker. After resting the blade, you will immediately have a great opportunity to try it out: Leonardo is suspected of harboring a criminal and will be beaten in the backyard. Well, we shouldn’t look at this! Select the “hidden blade” weapon from the menu (Q), sneak up on the guard from behind and quietly kill him. Then return to Paula.

Judge, Jury, Executioner
Task: visit the exhibition in Santa Croce, find Uberto and bring justice to him. Let's get to the right place and watch the video as they go inside with Lorenzo. In order not to scare off the victim, you need to sneak inside unnoticed. WARNING: The guards must not make any noise, otherwise the mission will fail! Therefore, I advise you to enter the market from the roofs - it is more convenient to remove unnecessary security quietly and unnoticed. After justice, we return to Paula's house.

In the shelter
Task: Reduce your popularity to move around the city calmly. To reduce it you need to: tear off posters with your image and a reward on your head, bribe heralds, kill corrupt officials. In general, let's get to work! We tear down a couple of posters, if you have some money, you can bribe one herald and you’re done! ? We return to the brothel.

Task: take Maria and Claudia out of Florence and escort them to the Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni. It's simple: the main thing is not to lose your family in the crowd and follow the marker on the map (if you are running and suddenly stop, the ladies running behind you can push you and in some cases you can rush into the guards. And patience... there will be bad luck along the way there are a lot of wandering musicians who just get tired of singing along the way =(Just don’t let your hands go, otherwise clashes with the guards cannot be avoided and your companions may not survive.


Third sequence.

Help on the Road
Task: take Maria and Claudia to Villa Auditore. We meet Vieri on the way and try to kick his ass together with Uncle Mario! =) The main thing is to keep an eye on your mother’s and sister’s health dice. Completing missions will now give you 1200f!

Home Sweet Home
Task: Explore Villa Auditore with Mario. And the time has come to slightly improve your financial condition and collect statues! On Mario's instructions, visit the blacksmith and the doctor. Afterwards, return to the house and proceed to the Assassin Codex wall. And to the training circle.

Repetition - Mother of learning
Task: go through several stages of training. After them we will learn some important lessons on surviving in battles. Afterwards we find out that Mario has gone to deal with Vieri, and we’ll have to go to the aid of the unlucky uncle by riding his faithful steed?

Inevitability of punishment
Task: help Mario and his men kill Vieri Pazzi. Here we can practice all the acquired skills in the real world. Having found Mario (on the map his location is located with a yellow marker), we get the task to get over the wall and kill all the archers so that they don’t interfere with opening all the gates and not making a lot of noise. During the assault, do not forget to save the uncle’s skin and kill Vieri.

New plans
Task: Explore the villa and find the hidden pages of the Codex. Before that, read the letter and go talk to Mario. We get to the viewpoint on the roof of the villa and look around (E) only after that we will be able to find icons on the map with the location of the codex pages. Having found all the pages, we drop in to Claudia, she will explain to us what she will do while we make revolutions? The best part is that the more you invest in the development of the city, the more it will give back to you. How much to give is up to you. To develop the city, you need to talk to the architect, who will be located next to the villa layout all the time. Next, we talk to Mario and go down to the assassins' storage room to lick Altair's ammunition! ? From now on, you can open and visit the tombs of the Assassins. We are going to Florence to see Leonardo Da Vinci.

Living Example
Task: Practice new assassination techniques while Leonardo tackles the pages of the Codex.
1.Drag the scarecrow into the haystack (F + LMB)
2.Climb up and jump off and kill him. (F + LMB)
3.Climb onto the balcony and wall the victim from the balcony (F + LMB)
Let's return to Leonardo.

Fox Hunt
Task: talk to La Volpe in Santa Maria Novella. Its location is highlighted with a marker. And here we will be tested for speed: quickly keep up with him. Next we learn that we will need to eavesdrop on the conversation of the conspirators in the catacombs. We go down and press Shift on the skull.

The Mystery of the Novella
Task: Descend into the catacombs of Santa Maria Novella and infiltrate the Templar meeting. ATTENTION: they are looking for you, so if you are noticed, attack first. Pull the lever, raise the grate and run further. We make our way through the destroyed stairs along the beams and pull the second lever. We pass into the opened corridor, we see the blind man's man, we jump further to the third lever. We take a leap of faith down (it’s hard to notice the first time, turn on your eagle vision (E)). Open the door. To do this, we climb up the ruins on the left, there we throw one guard down, climb the stairs and kill another guard. We jump along the beams to the first lever. Click. Next, having climbed onto the suspended sarcophagus, we jump onto the beam on the left and press the second lever. The gate is open. I advise you to quietly kill them all, so as not to deprive yourself of the pleasure of competing for speed with the dodger? These guards have their own pattern, catch it and go! We jump into the haystack and take action. After everything, we eavesdrop on the conversation - it’s in the bag! Open the tomb and take the First Seal, and we're one step closer to Altair's costume?

From this moment on, you will be able to visit the Tomb of the Assassins.

We go to the marker on the map, which is located next to Leonardo’s house.

Wolves in sheep's clothing
Task: Don't let the conspirators attack the Medici family. Before completing the task, stock up on medications. Find Francesco Pazzi using Eagle Vision (E). Kill 12 guards. After letting Pazzi run, protect the Medici and escort him home.

Goodbye Francesco
Task: Find and kill Francesco Pazzi. We go to the yellow marker on the map and see it on the roofs of the Palace of the Signoria (it stands next to the tower where our father sat before the executions). If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will follow it... let's climb up! ? You can follow the same path as the first time. Pazzi will try to escape. We jump after him into a haystack, catch up and kill him.

Florentine Republic.

We talk to Lorenza, get the Codex page, run to Leonardo Da Vinci and get the Biting Blade =) We go to Villa Mario and talk to uncle.

Bypass Maneuver
Task: meet Mario at the training ground. We will learn to dodge blows, select weapons in battle (hold RMB and press LMB while the enemy is swinging), disarm and dodge. We go to Tuscany to talk with Mario's people. Marked on the map with exclamation marks. We go to the closest one on the map (it’s in the very bottom right corner next to the Church) + we get smoke bombs?

A man in a cassock is not yet a monk
Task: infiltrate the abbey and kill Stefano da Bagnone. We determine with eagle vision where our prey is. Afterwards, climb onto the bell tower and from there kill the target, then use a smoke bomb to make legs. You can also hire mercenaries to distract the guards - they will also turn out to be quite useful. Go ahead.

Come out and play
Task: Find and kill Bernardo Baroncelli. It will be very simple. We follow the old scheme: turn on eagle vision - find the target and kill. Is it possible to hire guards to create a distraction? We run to Santa Maria Assunta and get information on where to look for the next victim.

Town Crier
Task: kill Antonio Maffei at the tower of San Gimignano. The target is indicated by a red marker on the map. Everything is not difficult: we climb the tower without catching the eye of the archers. You can take them off along the way, but it’s really easier and faster to pass them unnoticed and immediately climb the desired tower. Having killed Antonio, we go to the next goal, which is located outside the city.

Behind closed doors
Task: with the help of Mario's mercenaries, neutralize the villa's guards and kill Francesco Salviati. You can take a horse and kill everyone on horseback. Or, leaving the mercenaries to skirmish with the soldiers, quickly climb onto the roof of the building on the right and jump from it into the restricted area. Many methods were used for a more effective killing and we settled on only one: we jump off for a speedkill on Francesco, then with the help of a smoke bomb we dull the guards and, having opened the gate, we run away, jumping on the horse. Fast, efficient and effortless? You can, of course, go ahead, but it will take a long time and you have a chance to miss the hero of the occasion. We return to the city.

With friends...
Task: follow Jacopo Pazzi to the Templar meeting place and then kill him. The main thing is not to lag behind! Use your eagle vision to distinguish him from the crowd, get down and keep up? If you look at the map, we will need to spy on him to the destroyed theater. The main thing in pursuit missions is to always see your target. If you lose your eyes, you will be given 25 seconds for Ezio to bring it back into his field of vision. Eavesdrop on the conversation in the theater, deal with the enemies and finish off Pazzi.

Florentine Republic.

Fifth sequence.

Go to the house under construction nearby and talk to Lorenzo, who will give you the Medici cloak - now we have a unique opportunity to never be wanted in this city? Next we go to Leonardo and, not finding him, we go after him to the Mountains.

Holidays in Romagna
Task: Drive Leonardo's carriage towards Venice. Advice: push soldiers against rocks and trees along the roadsides, try to bump into the rubble of boxes as little as possible and avoid fire. A map is also provided to help, so by glancing at the map you will always be ready for the next turn. (Ala the third Prince of Persia =) We release Leonardo, deal with the soldiers and go to the green marker on the map and find ourselves in Romagna. We find Leonardo at the pier and find out that we don’t have a pass =(

Task: Help the woman calling for help return to the docks. We take the boat and go. We deliver Katerina to the dock and then she helps us out. The path to Venice is open!

Let's return to reality for a while... We play as Desmond again. They will want to test us to see how much we have adopted Ezio’s abilities! We go downstairs for Lucy and turn on the switches, activating the security system. Then we get a little glitched and now we are already playing for our old Altair. We run after a man dressed as a Templar. We climb the tower and here... Here many people have a problem with how to climb onto the beam with the lantern =) We climb onto the balcony, approach the wall, run up the wall and jump to the right and left (depending on which side of the beam with the lantern you climbed to the balcony). And we see the video.

Venetian Republic.

Task: take a short walk through Venice, accompanied by Alvise and in the company of Leonardo Da Vinci. We run to the question mark on the map and meet Rose =)

Mark for memory
Task: help Rose get to the river. Let's be a bodyguard =) Everything is quite simple, but you need to act quickly. We must have time to kill all the guards before they kill Rose. Stock up on medicines and throwing knives, don’t feel sorry for yourself and try to kill with the first blow. This protection mission consists of two stages: the first involves running after the girl on the ground. Have time to deal with all the guards and not let her escape. In the second part, you will need to shoot archers from the balconies while Rosa and her companion Hugo are sailing on a boat to the shelter. This is where throwing knives come in handy =) Next, we go to visit the den of thieves, where we are offered cooperation. Now we're in business! It will be necessary to talk with all the leaders of the thieves' brigade. First of all, we talk to Rose.

By personal example
Task: learn from Rose how to do a jumping pull-up. We show a master class and go to the Cathedral to prove in practice what we can do.

A huge leap forward
Task: Climb the tower as quickly as possible, pulling yourself up in a jump. Everything is given 5 minutes. Then jump into the haystack (don’t forget to update the map (E) before doing this and to Rosa. We run to the next beginning of the fragment. Meet Hugo. He will ask you to free your comrades.

The escape
Task: release the thieves arrested by Emilio. We run to the blue markers, there are three of them in total and we will have to pull our allies out of the cells three times. You can remove everyone from the roof with throwing daggers =) After each rescue, take them to Hugo so as not to lose anyone. After completing the task, we run to the pier to Hugo and receive a new task.

Greeted by clothes
Task: loot the chests containing armor for Emilio, then steal the boat and sail it to Hugo. Let's go to the markers. If you want to quickly complete the task, hire the thieves who are always nearby and set them on guard. We steal the boat and onto the yellow marker. Now we run to Antonio.

Cleaning the house

Task: find traitors among the thieves and kill them. Let's go to the green areas on the map. With the help of Eagle Vision we find traitors. The first one is on a ship docked at the pier. We approach the ship, hang over the side and pull it into the water? We find the second one on the market. Like the first one, it is surrounded by guards, but it can also be easily pulled into the water. We swim up while he is walking at the other end of the market and grab the ledge and catch the moment when the guard turns away and drag him into the water. We find the third one on the roof. In principle, he himself will run into us =) Let's go to Antonio.

Decisive Assault
Task: help Antonio and his thieves defeat Emilio. Your mission is to kill all the archers. We run to the red markers on the map - these are archers. It's a good idea to stock up on throwing daggers. By this time they should have bought large bags for medicines and daggers. Next we go down and talk to Antonio. Now our goal is to kill Emilio! We hire thieves and use them to distract the guards in order to climb the building. Advice: climb on the side where OUR archers are standing. If you climb with the other one, they will shoot at you. We climb to the very roof and kill all those who can set us on fire. Try not to dump the corpses down, otherwise the guards will raise the alarm. We jump from the balcony onto the dodger and take on Emilio. All! We run to the next beginning of the fragment.

One Field of Berries
Task: follow the Templars to eavesdrop on their conversation. I advise you to hire courtesans to form a group where you will be invisible. We then run to the new one to Antonio and talk to Rosa.

If it doesn't work right away...
Task: Find a way to get into the Dodge Palace. Escort Antonio to the square, then examine the palace. Then we run to Leonardo Da Vinci.

Those who don't take risks don't drink Marsala
Task: test Leonardo's flying machine. So, let's go! More precisely, we flew =) I advise you to take a straight left towards the sea - there will be rising wind currents. The further and longer you fly, the faster you complete the task.

A good start is half done
Task: deal with the guards so that Antonio's people can light fires that will heat the air for the flying car. Our goals are marked with a red marker. Some come in pairs =) so you will have to kill them very carefully so that the celebrity indicator does not go off scale. The first couple can be killed quickly if you climb onto the upper ropes that go over the bridge where they are standing and jump down on them, killing both with hidden blades (do not forget to immediately remove your portraits on the walls, otherwise at the end of this task all the guards will hunt you cities). The second pair can be pulled together on board the ship. We hang over the side and seize the moment to pull it away unnoticed. We take out three more archers with throwing daggers. And two more guards can be dragged away by unnoticed swimming towards them into the water. If you start a fight with them, the soldiers who are nearby will come running to his aid. We return to the quarter of thieves. The fires are lit, go ahead!

Brave Flyer
Task: fly in Leonardo's car to the Dodge Palace. After entering the palace, kill Carlo Grimaldi. Fly your car over the fires, they are all marked on the map. If you want to complicate your task, you can knock down the archers with your feet, although it’s quite possible to get through without this. On the roof, you will need to quietly remove all the guards; if the alarm level of even one goes off scale, the mission will fail. Having removed all the guards on the roofs, jump down on top of the guard on top and then kill Carlo Grimaldi without any problems.

Venetian Republic.

Ninth sequence.

Let's go to Leonardo.

Knowledge is power
Task: Practice using the pistol, a new variant of the hidden blade. After killing three stuffed animals we return to Leonardo. We run to the next beginning of the fragment.

Damsels in distress
Task: catch up with the killer and deal with him. Here you don’t have to follow the rules and you can cheat a little =) We cross the bridge and climb the building that is on the left, go down from the opposite side of the killer to the balcony and from it you can choose: either kill him with hidden blades, or shoot him with a brand new weapon =)

Wise Nun
Task: talk to Teodora about Marco Barbarigo. We're going to the carnival!

Collecting Ribbons
Task: Get more ribbons from the ladies at the carnival than your rivals. Simple: go to the blue markers and steal =)

Capture the Flag
Task: Defeat your opponents in Capture the Flag. Here you will have to try, each subsequent enemy becomes faster. Stock up on medicine - they will help deceive the dodgers =) You can’t run away from your opponent on the ground, so as soon as you get the flag, run to the roofs with it, or at least hang on a balcony or wall - all this will drive your opponent into a stupor. All three times you can jump from the roof to the ground. At the same time, having lost most of your health, but remaining alive =) As soon as we capture the flag, we climb the first building we come across and assess the situation, we run to the goal, not forgetting to improve our health with medicine.

The race has started
Task: Beat the record set by the previous runner. The task is to run from point A to point B along a certain route in 2 minutes. Not difficult.

You can't make good by deception
Task: defeat all opponents. You are allowed to wave your fists left and right =) Afterwards we see how they brutally break us off. We return to Antonio and the sister of mercy.

Wild fun
Task: steal the golden mask and Dante Moro to enter the celebration and kill Mario Barbarigo.
We go to the green area on the map and with the help of Eagle Vision we find Moro. We bribe the courtesans so that everything will be without noise and dust and rob our simpleton? There will be a carnival! Here they will try to recognize us, but we can either blend in with the crowd, or hang over some edge and wait until the level of vigilance among the guards drops to optimal. To kill Barbarigo, we mix in the crowd, select a pistol and shoot our target. Further into the water and to the other shore. To reduce the popularity we have gained, which we don’t need, we can bribe one herald and kill one official. Mission Complete.

Venetian Republic.

Tenth sequence.

Let's run to Antonio. Let's now gather an army! =) We run to the Beginning of the Fragment and find a dying ally.

Fighter in a cage
Task: free Bartolomeo d'Alviano from his cage. We run to the area where the yellow marker is located, and then focus on the voice =) After liberation, we run after our hero to the south. At the entrance to his office you will have to face two more guards.

No one is forgotten
Task: free the mercenaries who are under arrest in the Castello quarter. In total, 3 times we will have to release Bartolomeo’s mercenaries from prison and take them to a safe place on the roof. In order not to increase your fame too much, you can kill guards with metal knives from roofs and balconies, or you can bribe mercenaries for the chopper.. Afterwards we return to Bartolomeo.

To the Fight!
Task: take the mercenaries to the places marked by Bartolomeo. Let's go to the red markers on the map. There we will have to recapture the territory in battle, our allies will help us with this. You will need to do this 3 times. Try not to be seen by squads of patrolling guards - otherwise a battle cannot be avoided. After completing the task, we return to Bartolomeo.

Two birds with one sword.
Task: signal the attack, then kill Dante and Silvio. We go to the viewpoint marked on the map. We give a signal and run to help Bartolomeo, kill all the guards and follow him. We fight with Dante, then this coward will run and we will follow him. We are catching up and killing our hares =)

Venetian Republic.

Eleventh sequence.

Patience is rewarded
Task: grab the cargo from the ship. The main thing is not to miss the courier. For the first part, chase him along the ground, and as soon as you come across an obstacle of guards, climb onto the roofs. After watching the video, you have 1 minute 30 seconds to sneak up to the courier and take his place.

Task: kill the Spaniard. Stay in line until you reach the main stage. It is marked with a yellow marker on the map. We fight with the Spaniard, watch the video and take a leap of faith.


Twelfth sequence.

Let's go to Katerina

Warm welcome
Task: escort Katerina and Machiavelli to Forli. We follow them and find out that the city is being stormed. Defending Katerina with Machiavelli. Next we have to open the gate. We take the boat and sail to the yellow marker, you can get into a fight if you want, then we go around the wall along the beams, dive under the grate and we are in the city. We remove everyone. Who can really stop us from opening the door? We climb the wall where two archers stand and set the mechanism in motion.

Task: travel with Machiavelli and Caterina to Rocca di Ravaldino, Caterina's fortress. You'll have to run after them quite a bit. Don't forget about smoke bombs! When things are bad, they really help.

Defense of the fortress
Task: Defend the fortress from all enemies. We'll have to protect this couple again... White markers raise the entire ammo load. After everything, we run to Katerina. Still a very charismatic person! =)

Task: save Katerina's children. Everything is given 10 minutes. On average, without really straining, you can complete it in 7, so that’s a decent amount of time. I advise you to run across the rooftops to the first goal and avoid clashes with the guards. In battles, checkers will be a great help in not wasting time. Bianca is located in the building that is closest to the core and slightly to the right. Next, we run to the next zone and free Ottaviano Riario. He will be at the very top of the tower. Let's run to the next fragment.

Task: Find and destroy Checco Orsi to obtain the Apple. You can go two ways, get on a horse and purposefully run towards Orsi, or sneak up on the roofs, jump into a haystack, drag 2 patrolling guards into the haystack, remove the guard on the roof where there is a horse-drawn cart and jump on top of our victim. After all this we get the Venetian Cloak.

Apple from Apple Tree
Task: Search the abbey in the Romagna lowlands to find the gray-robed monk who stole the Apple of Eden. The zone you need is right in front of you. On the left side of the abbey you can pass unnoticed by the guards. Climb onto the roof, remove the guard and on the opposite side, using Eagle Vision, determine where our monk is. They will start beating him, we come to the rescue, we get information. We are going to Forlì Abbey. Everything is marked on the map in green. We turn on Eagle Vision and they will be incredibly scared of us and we will have to run after our monk =) Just don’t turn off your vision, otherwise you’ll miss it... they all look the same.

Florentine Republic.

Thirteenth sequence.

Task: meet Machiavelli in the Oltrano quarter of Florence. Attention, you are wanted. To get into the city, get lost in the crowd of monks. I advise you to continue running along the rooftops to the blue marker. Escort Machiavelli to his palace, you will have to wave a couple of swords. Next we will have to kill 9 lieutenants. I advise you to stock up on medicine and smoke bombs - all this will come in handy.

Task: kill the condottiere guarding the Ponte Vecchio. Don't make a fuss, otherwise the mission will fail. It’s most convenient to go along the left side, shoot the archer on the roof, then another one will stand a little lower on the balcony. We go down to the river and climb up the wall where the balcony from our victim is located. You can determine everything with the same Eagle Vision. Hanging from the balcony, you can pull it into the water and it’s done.

Still life
Task: kill the deceived artist. A hint is given in the form of a video on where it is most convenient to start. We identify the next victim with Eagle Vision. We run to the left, kill the guards, make a super jump using the “springboard” and get to the opposite wall. Further along the beams straight to the archer. Choose to jump and AIDS-kill the moment when you are out of sight of all the guards. One moment eat it and catch it. You kill an archer, wait for the victim and kill him.

Judgment Day
Task: don't let the priest preach. We determine the victim of OZ. You can jump into a haystack, get out of it while the guards are not looking, stand in the crowd near the church and just shoot him with a pistol.

Port authorities
Task: stealthily board the ship and end the merchant's life. He will stand in the center of the ship near the entrance to the cabins. The first thing we need is to get close to the ship unnoticed. To do this, we kill the guard on the left, jump into the water and grab the side of the ship that faces the harbor. We drag the escorting guard into the water. We choose a place for a direct jump, so as not to make a fuss with unnecessary kills, and with two jumps we jump directly onto the victim. Then, as you wish, he can either fight, or use a smoke bomb and go into the water.

In the hayloft
Task: kill the farmer without attracting the attention of his henchmen. To get close to the target, just jump into the nearest haystack and when the farmer passes by you, run out and do a speedkill.

Task: quietly climb onto the cathedral and push the priest off the dais. It is not necessary to push, you can pierce with a blade =) In terms of execution time, it will take you the longest. Climb from the side of the cathedral that is closest to you (the southern part of the building). Throw down the two soldiers that are walking along this wing. At the top, at the base of the tower, remove the archer and climb up. This will work just on the western side of the tower. At the very top, we wait until the two archers turn away and go to reverse side, climb up and jump to the very top. We go around in a circle and jump on our victim =)

Task: kill the guard captain. Stock up on medicines and sabers. In addition, choose the fastest knife in the villa - the most effective weapon against tricksters. And there will be a lot of them. We must act quickly - the enemies will be with enormous force - some dodgers, and also archers will fire at us. We use smoke bombs to escape from the encirclement of enemies and reach the target and finish off - look for him on the roof itself. And then, if you still want, you can finish off these annoying flies.

Point intervention
Task: kill an enemy unnoticed. Our plan of action is this: we run and sit on a bench - then we mingle in the crowd to get to the second bench by the fountain. Next, you are guided by the walking crowd of monks near the main crowd of listeners - that’s exactly where we need to get. Lost in a crowd of onlookers, kill the doctor with a pistol and hide.

Let's run to the NF.

Power to the people
Task: get the Apple of Eden. We'll have to run a little after this dodger. I advise you not to run directly after him, but to go immediately to the right, bypassing this building, so as not to run into a detachment of guards who can greatly interfere with you. And then it will be easy to catch up with him and kill him. Next we go to the NF and there they will give us 30 seconds. to do a good deed.

The place is marked with a cross
Task: decipher the pages of the Codex and find out where the treasury is located. I hope you collected all the pages of the Codex on your way through the story =) If not, then go on a search. And those who were not lazy, turn on Eagle Vision and collect a map of the world. Assassin badges will help you identify correct position some fragments. We put the apple and watch the video. Before you go to Rome, buy first aid kits, throwing knives, poison and, if you haven’t already, put on Altair’s armor and take his sword.


Task: get into the Sextine Chapel and kill Rodrigo Borgia - the Spaniard. Jump onto the boxes on the left and climb along the beams to the open veranda. We throw two guards down, and kill the two escorts with two blades as soon as they stand at the edge of the veranda. We pull the lever. The soldiers are now walking in circles there. It’s not difficult to kill - we choose the moment when they turn to the right, adapt to their move and hit two with one blow. We climb up and take down the archer. We pull the lever. It won't be very quiet any further. Here you can either fight with everyone, or quickly run past them all and climb onto the balcony with a white marker. Next, we jump on the horse and gallop through all the gates and so we run to a dead end. Try not to run into the soldiers with the horse, otherwise you will fall along with it and will have to climb around the already closed doors and deal with all the guards. Therefore, try to get through on your horse before all the gates close. Then you will have to quietly kill everyone and feel like Sam Fisher again. The first location will be easy. I chose the Poison Blade to kill. We hide behind a crowd of monks and carefully poison two unwary guards and pull the lever. In the second location we will be a little more complicated. We mingle with the nearest crowd of monks. Next, see the pattern of walking of the two guards. You need to act quickly and surely. We choose the moment when the first guard passes by you, and immediately follow and poison with a dagger (why YAK? Because the monks will not immediately raise a panic, and the guard no longer raises the alarm). Next, we immediately poke the second Yak. We change the weapon to two retractable blades. We jump over the partition and kill two at once. We are in place! We approach Borgia along the beams, jump and get wet! After the video, we turn on Eagle Vision and “strangle” this little creature =) We watch the video.

Any partial or complete copying without reference to the source is prohibited!

Founded back in the 80s BC, Florence quickly grew from a small Roman settlement into a bustling market center. Situated on fertile land and along the main trade routes between Rome and northern Italy, Florence experienced a difficult period after the fall of the Roman Empire, when the Ostrogoths and Byzantines fought for control of the region. However, the city began to flourish under Longobard rule in the 7th century and then continued to grow under Charlemagne a century later.

By the end of the Middle Ages, Florence had become an important trading and banking center, primarily famous for its wool production. In the mid-13th century, the city began minting its own currency, the florin, and many famous bankers began to call Florence home. Economic growth contributed to the creation of trade guilds in the city and the attraction of large numbers of immigrants. At the turn of the 15th century, Florence became one of the largest and most prosperous cities in Europe.
Florence was the birthplace of many famous artists such as Giotto, Dante and Donatello, and became the cradle of the Italian Renaissance. During the reign of the Medici family, Florentine culture continued to flourish, thanks in no small part to Lorenzo de' Medici, who was a patron of the arts, philosophy and science. Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Botticelli, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci, as well as the famous Auditore family, continued this tradition. Thanks to them, the city lived up to its good reputation until the 16th century.

However, soon after the death of Lorenzo de' Medici, the city was ruled by Girolamo Savonarola, who used the Piece of Eden to bend the city's population to his will. Fortunately, Ezio Auditore freed the citizens of Florence in 1498 by killing Savonarola and taking the Apple from him. Despite brief periods of turmoil, Florence remained one of the most prosperous cities during the Renaissance


Located in the Italian province of Siena, the city of Monteriggioni, created in 1213, served as a strategically important defensive point in the war against Florentine expansion. In the 14th century, the city's main well was drained, dredged and trapped, and one of the Pieces of Eden, known as the Shroud, was then hidden underground within the fortress.
In 1454, Florence attacked Monteriggioni in an attempt to seize an ancient artifact. However, Mario Auditore, the new head of the city and leader of the Brotherhood of Assassins, managed to uncover the impending plot, prepare for the attack and, in the end, defeat the enemy. Soon after this, he found a cache of the Piece of Eden in Monteriggioni and sent it to his brother Giovanni. Once the Particle was dealt with, Mario concentrated entirely on the war against the Templars, leaving the city without proper supervision, which led Monteriggioni to significant decline and affected the well-being of its inhabitants.
Fortunately, thanks to Ezio Auditore, who arrived at the villa in 1476 and invested a huge amount of money earned in the city’s economy, Monteriggioni began to prosper again. Despite attacks and sieges of the city by Templars such as Cesare Borgia, as well as the betrayal of a garrison of guards loyal to the Medici, Monteriggioni remained under the rule of the Auditore family.

Villa Auditore

In 1290, the founder of the Auditore family, Domenico, purchased and rebuilt the Villa, surrounded by fortified city walls. For its inhabitants, the Villa served as both a home and a fortress and consisted of many secret passages, secret rooms and training grounds. For several generations, Domenico and his descendants used the Villa as their headquarters while plotting their war against the Templars. Centuries later, under the management of Mario, the villa's condition deteriorated, but soon after the arrival of Ezio Auditore the city began to prosper again.

The Auditore family crypt was built immediately after the Villa, and once served as an escape route during its siege by the Borgia army. Immediately after his death, Domenico Auditore was buried in the crypt, and the story of the family's origins was depicted in frescoes installed on the walls of the crypt. Several members of the Auditor family visited the crypt centuries later: Giovanni and Ezio Auditor, as well as Desmond Miles, who had to make his way through the crypt to find his way to the Sanctuary.


Region of central Italy. On the north side it is surrounded by mountains and the main part is covered with vast fields that are used for growing various fruits, including grapes, thanks to which some of the best wines are produced in Tuscany. It is also famous for its incredibly beautiful landscapes, fairly rich creative population and great cultural influence.

Tuscany has many beautiful cities, such as Florence and Siena, and small towns such as Monteriggioni and San Gimignano. Ezio Auditore lived in Florence until his father and brothers were executed, and then was forced to move to Monteriggioni.

Tuscany is the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance and is home to some of the most influential figures in the arts and sciences, such as Dante, Botticelli, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

San Gimiliano

The city of San Gimignano, founded in the 3rd century, was named after Saint Geminian, who allegedly created a dense fog to save the city of Modena from Attila. Beginning in the 10th century, the city began to grow as a rest stop on the route of pilgrims heading to Rome.

In 1199, when the city's inhabitants became rich, San Gimignano left the authority of the bishops of Volterra and became self-governing. Wanting to flaunt their wealth, the city's residents built tall towers; at its peak, San Gimignano had 72 towers.

Everything changed after the plague of 1348. The city's population dropped sharply, and without money for ongoing repairs, buildings began to fall apart. The city council turned to Florence for help, and from then on San Gimignano was under Florentine control.


Romagna is located in east central Intaglia. On the western side, Romagna is bordered by the Apennine Mountains, and on the east by the Adriatic Sea, as a result of which Romagna was one of the places from which one could get to Venice. Among the famous cities of Romagna: Cesena, Ravenna, Forli. Also there is the dwarf state of San Marino.

Middle Ages
The name of the city directly indicates a connection with Rome, but Romagna did not particularly look towards the Holy See, since it was self-governing, and was not eager to part with this fact.

In 1488, the Assassins took possession of the Apple of Eden and subsequently handed it over to Catirina Sforza, Countess of Forli. But by the time Auditore and Niccolo Machiavelli met with Caterina at the walls of Forlì, it turned out that the city was attacked by the Orsi brothers. Threatening the death of Katerina’s children, the brothers demanded an artifact, the apple of Eden. As a result of Ezio's actions, the brothers were dead, and Caterina's children remained unharmed, but Ezio was seriously wounded and Girolamo Savonarola took possession of the apple. Romagna was later captured by the Borgia family


A settlement at this site was founded around 798 BC. cavemen of the Paleolithic era who mined flint here. Since then, Forli has been an important industrial center. The modern name comes from Forum Livii - this is what the Romans called the fortified city, built in 188 BC. v Via Emilia - full of looog. laid in this area after the pacification of the Gallic tribes. After the fall of Rome, the city came under the control of the Lombards and then the Church, but in 889 the inhabitants of Forli declared independence. This greatly displeased the Vatican, who spent the next 400 years trying to retake the city.

In addition, Forli had to repel attacks from the Goths, Byzantines, Lombards and Franks for several centuries. The annual floods also caused a lot of trouble for the city's residents, until in 1050 the courses of the surrounding rivers were changed. At the end of the thirteenth century, power in Forli, as happens in most independent republics, passed into the hands of dictators, and then the Ordelaffi family subjugated the city. The Ordelaffi coat of arms depicts a cheerful lion with its tongue hanging out, but they themselves were not at all so funny and good-natured.

In 1480, when the Ordelaffi family was mired in internecine strife, the Pope intervened in the fate of the city - he gave Forli to his nephew, Girolamo Riario. However, the pontiff’s calculations did not come true: Girolamo was killed, and his wife, Caterina Sforza, began to rule the city. She fought fiercely with the Vatican for the independence of Forlì, but was eventually defeated and the city fell back under papal rule.


Venice, located in Northern Italy, was built on the islands of the Adriatic Sea. During the Renaissance, the city was the cultural, political and financial center of La Serenissima Republica di Venezia - the Most Serene Republic of Venice. Both economic dominance and a formidable navy made Venice the site of a war between the Templars and the Assassin Order, who fought for control of the city.
The six districts of Venice generally arose around large structures that served a specific political purpose. Thus, the District of Castello, which is the largest in Venice, was created by settlers fleeing the Longbard invasion in the second half of the 6th century. Another district was created when the Templars rebuilt the Arsenal in 1320. By this time, Venice had expanded to the size of a Republic and wielded enormous political and economic influence throughout the world.

In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Venice reached its apogee of development. In 1309, the city began construction of the Palazzo Ducale, the political “heart” of the city and the residence of the Venetian Doges. Situated in the district of San Marco, far from the "spiritual" influence of the church of San Pietro di Castello, Palazzo Ducale became a symbol of the Doge's independence from the Pope. In the 15th century, the Doge's Palace more than once became the subject of conflicts between the Assassins and the Templars. In 1485, the Templars poisoned Doctor Giovanni Mocenigo.

Mocenigo's death began a period of political instability as the Templars and Assassins fought for control of the Palazzo Ducale. The Templars, instead of the dead doge, put their agent in charge - Marco Barbarigo, whose reign lasted less than a year. In 1486, the Assassins killed Marco Barbarigo and replaced him with one of their men, Augustin Barbarigo. However, Augustine proved to be an unreliable ally, soon becoming the servant of the Borgia family as soon as they came to power. The Assassins poisoned him in 1501.

The sixteenth century was the century of the decline of Venice and the decline of its political influence. The League of Cambrai, which included France, Spain, the Habsburg family and the Papacy, joined forces against Venice. In the spring of 1509, in 15 days, the League defeated Venice at the Battle of Agnadello and captured all its mainland territories.

The Renaissance is an amazing era. There is a place for both secret conspiracies and brutal murders - a real paradise for any self-respecting assassin. You can silently jump across the rooftops, instilling fear in the cowardly guards with your shadow, and bring justice to the snickering city officials.

However, punishing the conspirators is not the only entertainment for a professional killer. Each of them dreams of becoming an explorer and treasure collector, and then with renewed energy to sweep away all the enemies on the way. Renaissance Italy is the ideal place to realize these aspirations.

  • Hidden hiding place for a killer
  • Every killer should know...
  • Cthulhu, there you are!

In Assassin's Creed 2, treasures are literally everywhere. Already at the very beginning of the game, an inexperienced teenager from the Auditore family, under our guidance, will jump on balconies and empty the chests of the city nobility, heavy with florins.

But as we progress, our ward grows up, simple robberies are no longer a joy to him, and the soul of an assassin requires real adventures, deadly traps and truly royal rewards. The thirst for research needs to be quenched, and if you are not able to find all the secrets of the game, then this article is especially for you. Let's start with the main thing.

Hidden hiding place for a killer

The dream of every warrior is to become cooler than others. And when petty theft ceases to satisfy, the need arises to dig deeper and find something valuable. In our case, it will be the armor of Altair (the legendary killer), locked behind six locks in a villa in Monteriggioni.

All locks can only be opened using seals hidden in the tombs. We will now begin searching for them.

    The Mystery of the Novella. We will get to the first cache only thanks to the plot (4th sequence, 4th memory), and unlike the others, we will not be able to go through this test again by selecting a memory from the “DNA” section.

    There are a lot of guards waiting for us inside, as well as the need to jump often and accurately. However, this tomb is story-driven and introductory - you shouldn't expect any real difficulties.

    On a note: in each of the tombs you can find two secret places and where additional chests with money are hidden.

    The passage can be divided into two stages: first we jump on the beams and pull different levers. If you want to find the first secret place, jump down, instead of grabbing the first bar, turn around, jump forward and go into the small room on the right. The second stage: reprisal against the guards and interaction with the mechanisms that will help us get to the goal. You can get to the second secret area immediately after getting acquainted with the first mechanism - just jump into a small depression nearby.

    Towards the end, we will have to chase the courier - if desired, we can catch up with him and kill him before he warns the others in order to avoid an unnecessary fight with the guards. Having overheard the conversation of the Templars, we can go into the crypt with peace of mind and pick up the first seal.

Everyday life of a city manager

Collecting figurines is a fascinating business -
new, but financially unjustified.

With proper management of finances, the problem of lack of money will disappear in the middle of the game. This is largely achieved thanks to the competent arrangement of the family villa of the Auditore family in Monteriggioni.

The key rule of a city philanthropist is that the more money you invest in the city now, the greater your income will be later. Therefore, first of all, strive to build and improve everything trading shops. The second most important are city renovations - restoration of the well, mines, barracks, etc.

As you build upgrades, you'll also be able to reach previously inaccessible areas - some treasure chests can be reached once you've restored a well or barracks.

Another local attraction unique to this area is the collection of figurines that need to be inserted into pedestals in the villa. For each pair of statues placed you will receive 2000 florins.

It is a myth: There are rumors on the Internet that after collecting all twelve figurines, Uncle Mario will give Ezio some kind of treasure map, but this is not true. For collecting these things, the player is rewarded only with money.

    The secret of the cathedral. Santa Maria del Fiore is a continuous long labyrinth of beams, ledges and chandeliers. Unlike the previous temple, in the cathedral the crypt with the seal is located at the top, under the very dome of the building.

    Before jumping onto the platform
    form, go to the left - one of the secret places awaits you there.

    First climb up the door. Next, you need to move not only towards the goal marker, but also gradually upward, the road here is not straight, but the only one, just carefully inspect the location for all sorts of ledges and crossbars.

    Having meandered a little at the beginning and thrown one ladder down, you need to continue your way to the opposite part of the cathedral, jumping on the chandeliers. When we throw down the second ladder, the camera will hint that further we need to climb exclusively up. It is important not to get confused - from the stairs we jump onto the parapet and walk along it from left to right, jumping onto platforms and chandeliers along the way (do not jump onto the cross by the window - this is a dead end).

    Now we have a simple way up - we will have to climb the walls a little and carefully jump on the beams. There should be no difficulties, just move carefully - a fall is fatal. Before jumping onto the suspended platform, look to the left - you will see a chest with money. You can turn left and down, use the jump back (LMB + Spacebar) to grab the chandelier, and then jump into the secret area.

    When you reach the red wall with ledges, go down one level - there is a second secret area, take the money and climb up, and then boldly jump forward - Ezio will catch on to the platform. Take the seal and leave the cathedral through the window.

    The Mystery of Torre Grossa. Our next stop is San Germignano, or rather the tallest tower in the city. Again we have a journey from the bottom up, a fight with guards and an insidious camera.

    They call it a concept camera. To successfully jump from such a position is quite a test!

    The beginning is predictable - we move along the wall, and then open the door. In the wine cellar we kill the guards and run to the other side of the room. There are a lot of unnecessary beams and platforms here; you can find the right path by following the tricks of the game camera. If you notice a limitation in your viewing radius, it means you are on the right track.

    After going up one level, kill the archer and climb onto the chandelier; If you now jump to the right into the small opening, you will find yourself in a secret area. We go to the library and deal with the crowd of armed “readers”. We climb along the wall and chandeliers to the upper tiers, dodging the arrows of archers. There is a second secret area just under the ceiling of the library.

    The further path is straightforward - we climb the tower, killing lone guards along the way. In the end there may be some inconveniences with the camera, but this should not stop us from taking the third seal.

    The mystery of Ravaldino. Rocca di Ravaldino is a fortress in Romagna, here we will look for the next seal to add to our collection. The place is wet, first we swim a little, and then we jump, using the bounce back. The first difficulty is the mechanism that blocks the gate. When we interact with him, we will have a few seconds to slip behind bars. I advise you to stay on the right side when moving, otherwise, due to the inconvenient camera, you can easily push Ezio into the wall, past the target passage.

    Rocca di Ravaldino. To get to the barracks, jump onto this shield and take another jump back.

    Immediately after this, turn the corner to the left - the level above is the first chest with money; use the back jump to get into the secret area. Then again there is a short swim, where you need to dive (wait and hold “Space” and press W). We deal with the guards, find a shield nailed to the wall and go upstairs.

    We again have to race against the clock, but it’s not difficult - by pulling the lever, we simply run forward along the beams. Now, if you turn left and make some difficult jumps to the side, you can get to the second secret location, and then exit through the secret door. If you don’t want to be distracted by the chests, then pull the second lever and take another run. In the barracks, suppress resistance and go into the crypt (the camera will kindly show the place where you need to jump).

    Finally, we have one more time trial left. The road is not straight, and the camera will always provoke awkward movements and jumps. It’s difficult to give advice here - you just need to get used to the surroundings and move carefully. Having completed the test, we will immediately find ourselves in a crypt with a seal.

Secrets of the Templars

Templar Vaults are additional exclusive locations available to owners collector's edition games (one of the shelters is available in DVD-box). In essence, these are analogues of tombs, but here the labyrinths are even more intricate, the jumps are difficult, and at the end, instead of a seal, a treasury awaits us.

Here she is, safe deposit box great Templars.

In total, you can find three shelters on the map; To visit them, you don’t have to go through the entire game; they appear as new areas open. The first cache is in Palazzo Medici(Florence) - you need to save Lorenzo, held by the Templars in his own house, which is full of secret passages. Two more shelters in Venice - one at the docks, in naval arsenal, the second - in the church Santa Maria dei Frari.

It is a myth: The shelters also have two secret areas with hidden treasures, but in the Medici house, one of the secret places contains two chests at once. This gave rise to a rumor that there was no second cache.

Exclusive locations include family Auditore crypt(it can be unlocked as content on Yuplay) - according to many eyewitnesses, this is the most difficult maze in the game, full of jumps of varying degrees of difficulty mixed with awkward camera angles. Unfortunately, its passage is of neither plot nor material value, only “sporting” interest.

    The Mystery of San Marco. We will look for the fifth seal in Venice, but not immediately, but when we complete one of the sequences. The entrance to the tomb is located on the roof of the Doge's Palace and will not be difficult to find.

    We find ourselves inside a huge temple - there is no need to run around for a long time and look for the tomb, the entrance to it is located below, but will open only when we complete four tests. The task is to climb to the top tier of the palace to the lever within the allotted time and pull it. If the timer ends, the lever is hidden and you need to start over.

    The palace is divided into four wings - each of them has one test. The difficulty is not in the abstruse jumping, but in finding the way. Before activating the mechanisms, I would advise you to study the possible routes along which our hero will move.

    We'll start with the northern test, where Ezio activated stone slabs. When we step on the nearest ledge in the floor, the game camera will kindly show the place where we can climb, and then the lever we need to reach. This race is the simplest - gradually climb along the only possible path to the top, but when you are on the same level with the upper tier - jump into the opposite side from where the lever is located. Then we move along a peculiar path of statues and crosses to the other side, run to the lever, rise even higher and jump onto it.

    We go to the east wing. By activating the mechanism, we will see the lever appear at a great height next to a well-lit round window. We gradually move upward, once on the upper platform, we find that the direct path is blocked. We need to cross to the opposite side via massive hanging crosses. We run closer to the lever, climb the yellow window to the very limit, press the “Interact” and “Go” keys - Ezio will jump back and hang on the lever.

    The third test is the most disgusting and is located in the west - its path is not obvious and involves several difficult jumps. At the same time, we climb onto the structures in the center and fight the inconvenient camera, jumping onto the platform located under the lever. We move to the right and grab the ledge, move in the same direction and make a jump to the right, grabbing the ledge of the same shape. We go up, climb the rings almost to the ceiling and jump back to end up on the beam. We jump onto the lever.

    The last run is very short, but again you need to jump carefully. First, we climb onto the small platforms on the left, jump from them and grab onto a small ledge, make a difficult jump to the right and overcome the path of conveniently placed beams, climb to the upper tier. Now all that remains is to climb up to the top of the cross-shaped window and do the traditional jump back, hanging on the lever.

    There are two secret places here, like everywhere else. The first area is in the south wing; You can get to the chest using the jumping pull-up technique (hold down the left mouse button and W, press Space, and then Shift). The second chest is in the western wing, on one of the lower platforms - you can open it by going down from the upper tiers. When all the tests are passed, the door to the crypt will open, and all we have to do is pick up the seal.

    The Mystery of the Visitazione. To gain access to the last tomb, you first need to do a fair amount of running around the Venetian story quests. The entrance to the cache is located near the shipyard, and this area is initially closed.

    Visitazione. To get here, you need to run up the wall and jump back.

    A difficult test awaits us in this tomb, although the beginning does not foretell trouble. We jump down, kill the bruiser guard and make a short forced march, chasing the frightened courier. You can overtake him and kill him at the very end of the route by jumping on top of the fugitive.

    In the room in front of the large hall (where the showdown with the guards is coming), there is a secret area. You can get to the chest by making a series of tricky jumps (you will find the second secret place if you approach the mechanism with a lever near the temple and turn left). Having dealt with the guards, we go to the picturesque underwater temple.

    The location of the tomb has been established, but the problem is that the entrance to the temple is closed, and to get to the goal, you need to activate the mechanism (the beams will unfold and create a kind of “path” so that Ezio can reach all the target levers), take a dangerous walk, jumping on all sorts of ledges , and pull all four levers in turn, thereby opening the door to the tomb with the seal.

    The second problem is that you can get to some places only by using a special key combination, which you will have to learn here. Time is limited, you can’t hesitate, and any careless movement will lead to the assassin flopping into the water and the race will have to start over.

    Before starting the test, I would advise you to set the “keyboard + mouse (two buttons)” control in the settings - it will be easier. In total, on the route you need to make four jumps of increased difficulty - push off from the wall and jump in the right direction. The first of them, the simplest, at the beginning of the race: quickly run up the wall (W + “Space” + “left mouse button”), release all the keys, and then simultaneously press the key combination D + “Space” + LMB, where D - this is the direction of the jump. When you need to jump to the left, press A instead.

    The most difficult jump in Visitacion - you need to push off from the statue and jump here.

    It is important: all three keys must be pressed clearly and simultaneously - if you only click on D + “Space”, then Ezio may jump back (most likely into the water) and the test will have to start over. In theory, a jump is possible without clicking the mouse, but this is more reliable.

    The most difficult will be jump No. 2: it is next to the first, but in this case you need to push off not from the wall, but from a stone statue of an unpleasant round shape. You need to carefully run onto it (it’s better not to rush too much, because of the camera and sudden movement you can easily fall into the water) and jump to the left (this means that instead of D we press A).

    The rest of the jumps are simple: the third one awaits us after a short run along the beams and ledges - we need to push off to the right, and the last one will be near another statue - we run onto the wall and push off to the left. After this, all that remains is to pull the last lever, and the temple gates will open. We jump into the water, go inside and take the last seal.

When all the seals have been collected, our assassin can return to Villa Auditore with a sense of accomplishment and place the seals near each of the statues. New equipment for Ezio not only looks great, but also adds health!

Call of Cthulhu

The monster has found adventures in its tentacles, but they won’t let you fight it.

The game pleases with an abundance of secrets, but none compares to what we will talk about now. While passing through one of the Assassin's tombs, you will not only visit the underwater temple, but also get the opportunity to see one of its mysterious inhabitants. Remember the test in Visitacion with difficult jumps? That's where we'll go.

After the fight with the guards, open the gate and go to the temple. Activate the mechanism, but do not rush to run to the obstacle course, but immediately go to the water and lean down a little. Now just wait and don’t pay attention to the passing time.

In a few seconds, a game video will begin, where we will see how a huge monster, very reminiscent of Cthulhu in shape and appearance, swims past our assassin under the surface of the water. But that is not all! When the video ends, go to the mechanism and pull the lever again, and then return to the place where you just stood, or walk along the water.

If everything is done correctly, then you will again see a video where a huge tentacle emerges from the water and tries to touch Ezio. Such monsters live in Venetian waters...

On a note: the secret does not work on the pure boxed version of the game from Akella; To play the easter egg, you need to first activate additional content in the game.

Every killer should know...

    All the riddles of “Truth” are not tied to specific signs and are opened in strict order. For example, the last, twentieth riddle will always be about hieroglyphs, no matter what sign you open.

    Blacksmiths in the game have healing properties. At the same time as you repair your armor, your entire health bar will be restored.

    Knowing some tricky tricks is never a bad idea. For example, you cannot climb to this point without pulling yourself up in a jump.

    When playing as Altair, in order to jump onto a beam, you need to climb onto the balcony railing, stand directly under it, press the left mouse button and “Space” - the assassin will grab the beam, and then the way up will not be a problem.

    To watch more spectacular scenes where Ezio kills enemies, use counterstrike.

    Re-pass story missions you can’t, but the most spectacular episodes can be repeated by visiting “special memories” (they are displayed on the map after you are accepted into the order of assassins).

    The guards blocking the passage can be bribed. You just need to throw money, and the main one will let you through.

    Knocked weapons can be picked up in the armory at the villa in Monteriggioni. If, after you have lost your weapon in battle, you pick up an enemy one, it will not disappear after some time, and Ezio will hang it on his belt.

    The poison blade is great in situations where you need to avoid giving yourself away or kill someone unnoticed. We simply poison one of the guards, he attracts attention to himself, and in the meantime we can quietly pass through the guarded place or get to the desired goal.

    During the carnival in Venice, you can steal money from passers-by with impunity, the alarm level will not increase, just like at the beginning of the game.

Monteriggioni is a city and comune in Tuscany, Italy. Built in the 13th century by the lords of Siena, Monteriggioni took an active part in the defense of Tuscany against Florentine encroachments on its territory. The Auditore family played an important role in this conflict, whose members later became the rulers and protectors of the city. They built the famous walls of Monteriggioni and the largest structure within them, the Villa Auditore. Cesare's Attack At the very beginning of the game, Monteriggioni is besieged by the troops of Cesare Borgia, who destroys the city, kills Mario Auditore and steals Ezio's Apple. ModernityIn modern times, the city is being restored. By 2012, this is one of the last assassin bases in Italy. Desmond Miles arrives there that same year along with Sean Hastings, Lucy Stillman and Rebecca Crane to search for the apple. Interesting Facts In AC2, eight figurines of some of the gods of ancient Rome can be found in the city. They need to be placed on pedestals, two figurines each. In each of the pedestals you can find 2000 florins. The Crypt of the Auditore Family can be purchased on uPlay. In the crypt, a document about the history of the Auditore family can be found. In ACB, the player can exit the Animus at any time and study Monteriggioni, but only for ten minutes. For the first time, Desmond takes a watch and wireless headphones in order to stay in touch with Lucy, Rebecca and Sean. In modern Monteriggioni, with the help of Eagle Vision, you can find red footprints that lead from the back entrance of Villa Auditore to the fountain. After sequence 6, these traces disappear. In the Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri mentioned the walls of Monteriggioni (Inferno, canto 31, “Well of the Giants,” line 40). This indicates that Dante was an assassin. There are several types of Monteriggioni and none correspond to the real prototype. There is one fortress that appearance very similar to the Auditore Estate, and it is located near Tuscany. In modern Monteriggioni you can find 5 artifacts: Mario's sword, Ezio's belt, Claudia's book, Medici's cloak and Maria's box with feathers


How can I find additional content in Assassin's Creed 2?


Please note that this article contains minor spoilers.

Additional Knife Throwing
You can gain access as soon as you obtain the knife throwing skill (sequence 3 / memory 4).
You can purchase a bag of additional knives from any tailor.
The large bag is provided free of charge and will give you the opportunity to carry 25 knives instead of 20.

Altair costume
Will be available upon completion of the 1st sequence / 10th memory (once you received Giovanni's costume in his office).

1. Get a suit from any tailor.
2. Go to the Animus desktop (Main menu of the game).
3. Select Inventory/Equipment.
4. Select Altair Costume.

Auditore family tomb
Will be available upon completion of the 4th sequence.
Once the loading of the 5th sequence is completed, you can head to Monteriggioni.
The family tomb is located at the location of the Assassin icon on your map.

Palazzo Medici

The map of the Palazzo Medici will be available to you upon completion of the 4th sequence / 4 memory segments (Catacombs of Santa Maria Novella), when you are in Florence.

To replay a map after it's completed (or to check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select DNA. Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see "Secret Locations" and select "Templar Caches - Home Invasion."

Santa Maria dei Frari

The Santa Maria dei Frari map will be available upon completion of the 7th sequence, when you are in Venice.

To replay a map after it's completed (or to check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select DNA. Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see “Secret Locations” and select “Templar Caches – Above the Beams, Under the Stone.”

Arsenal of Venice

The map will be available upon completion of the 10th sequence, and when you are in Venice.

To replay a map after it's completed (or to check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select DNA. Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see “Secret Locations” and select “Templar Caches - Shipwrecked».

Battle of Forli (Sequence 12)
Will be available upon completion of the main story.

Bonfire of the Vanities (Sequence 13)
Will be available after completing the 12th sequence.

Founded back in the 80s BC, Florence quickly grew from a small Roman settlement into a bustling market center. Situated on fertile land and along the main trade routes between Rome and northern Italy, Florence experienced a difficult period after the fall of the Roman Empire, when the Ostrogoths and Byzantines fought for control of the region. However, the city began to flourish under Longobard rule in the 7th century and then continued to grow under Charlemagne a century later.

By the end of the Middle Ages, Florence had become an important trading and banking center, primarily famous for its wool production. In the mid-13th century, the city began minting its own currency, the florin, and many famous bankers began to call Florence home. Economic growth contributed to the creation of trade guilds in the city and the attraction of large numbers of immigrants. At the turn of the 15th century, Florence became one of the largest and most prosperous cities in Europe.
Florence was the birthplace of many famous artists such as Giotto, Dante and Donatello, and became the cradle of the Italian Renaissance. During the reign of the Medici family, Florentine culture continued to flourish, thanks in no small part to Lorenzo de' Medici, who was a patron of the arts, philosophy and science. Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Botticelli, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci, as well as the famous Auditore family, continued this tradition. Thanks to them, the city lived up to its good reputation until the 16th century.

However, soon after the death of Lorenzo de' Medici, the city was ruled by Girolamo Savonarola, who used the Piece of Eden to bend the city's population to his will. Fortunately, Ezio Auditore freed the citizens of Florence in 1498 by killing Savonarola and taking the Apple from him. Despite brief periods of turmoil, Florence remained one of the most prosperous cities during the Renaissance


Located in the Italian province of Siena, the city of Monteriggioni, created in 1213, served as a strategically important defensive point in the war against Florentine expansion. In the 14th century, the city's main well was drained, dredged and trapped, and one of the Pieces of Eden, known as the Shroud, was then hidden underground within the fortress.
In 1454, Florence attacked Monteriggioni in an attempt to seize an ancient artifact. However, Mario Auditore, the new head of the city and leader of the Brotherhood of Assassins, managed to uncover the impending plot, prepare for the attack and, in the end, defeat the enemy. Soon after this, he found a cache of the Piece of Eden in Monteriggioni and sent it to his brother Giovanni. Once the Particle was dealt with, Mario concentrated entirely on the war against the Templars, leaving the city without proper supervision, which led Monteriggioni to significant decline and affected the well-being of its inhabitants.
Fortunately, thanks to Ezio Auditore, who arrived at the villa in 1476 and invested a huge amount of money earned in the city’s economy, Monteriggioni began to prosper again. Despite attacks and sieges of the city by Templars such as Cesare Borgia, as well as the betrayal of a garrison of guards loyal to the Medici, Monteriggioni remained under the rule of the Auditore family.

Villa Auditore

In 1290, the founder of the Auditore family, Domenico, purchased and rebuilt the Villa, surrounded by fortified city walls. For its inhabitants, the Villa served as both a home and a fortress and consisted of many secret passages, secret rooms and training grounds. For several generations, Domenico and his descendants used the Villa as their headquarters while plotting their war against the Templars. Centuries later, under the management of Mario, the villa's condition deteriorated, but soon after the arrival of Ezio Auditore the city began to prosper again.

The Auditore family crypt was built immediately after the Villa, and once served as an escape route during its siege by the Borgia army. Immediately after his death, Domenico Auditore was buried in the crypt, and the story of the family's origins was depicted in frescoes installed on the walls of the crypt. Several members of the Auditor family visited the crypt centuries later: Giovanni and Ezio Auditor, as well as Desmond Miles, who had to make his way through the crypt to find his way to the Sanctuary.


Region of central Italy. On the north side it is surrounded by mountains and the main part is covered with vast fields that are used for growing various fruits, including grapes, thanks to which some of the best wines are produced in Tuscany. It is also famous for its incredibly beautiful landscapes, fairly rich creative population and great cultural influence.

Tuscany has many beautiful cities, such as Florence and Siena, and small towns such as Monteriggioni and San Gimignano. Ezio Auditore lived in Florence until his father and brothers were executed, and then was forced to move to Monteriggioni.

Tuscany is the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance and is home to some of the most influential figures in the arts and sciences, such as Dante, Botticelli, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

San Gimiliano

The city of San Gimignano, founded in the 3rd century, was named after Saint Geminian, who allegedly created a dense fog to save the city of Modena from Attila. Beginning in the 10th century, the city began to grow as a rest stop on the route of pilgrims heading to Rome.

In 1199, when the city's inhabitants became rich, San Gimignano left the authority of the bishops of Volterra and became self-governing. Wanting to flaunt their wealth, the city's residents built tall towers; at its peak, San Gimignano had 72 towers.

Everything changed after the plague of 1348. The city's population dropped sharply, and without money for ongoing repairs, buildings began to fall apart. The city council turned to Florence for help, and from then on San Gimignano was under Florentine control.


Romagna is located in east central Intaglia. On the western side, Romagna is bordered by the Apennine Mountains, and on the east by the Adriatic Sea, as a result of which Romagna was one of the places from which one could get to Venice. Among the famous cities of Romagna: Cesena, Ravenna, Forli. Also there is the dwarf state of San Marino.

Middle Ages
The name of the city directly indicates a connection with Rome, but Romagna did not particularly look towards the Holy See, since it was self-governing, and was not eager to part with this fact.

In 1488, the Assassins took possession of the Apple of Eden and subsequently handed it over to Catirina Sforza, Countess of Forli. But by the time Auditore and Niccolo Machiavelli met with Caterina at the walls of Forlì, it turned out that the city was attacked by the Orsi brothers. Threatening the death of Katerina’s children, the brothers demanded an artifact, the apple of Eden. As a result of Ezio's actions, the brothers were dead, and Caterina's children remained unharmed, but Ezio was seriously wounded and Girolamo Savonarola took possession of the apple. Romagna was later captured by the Borgia family


A settlement at this site was founded around 798 BC. cavemen of the Paleolithic era who mined flint here. Since then, Forli has been an important industrial center. The modern name comes from Forum Livii - this is what the Romans called the fortified city, built in 188 BC. v Via Emilia - full of looog. laid in this area after the pacification of the Gallic tribes. After the fall of Rome, the city came under the control of the Lombards and then the Church, but in 889 the inhabitants of Forli declared independence. This greatly displeased the Vatican, who spent the next 400 years trying to retake the city.

In addition, Forli had to repel attacks from the Goths, Byzantines, Lombards and Franks for several centuries. The annual floods also caused a lot of trouble for the city's residents, until in 1050 the courses of the surrounding rivers were changed. At the end of the thirteenth century, power in Forli, as happens in most independent republics, passed into the hands of dictators, and then the Ordelaffi family subjugated the city. The Ordelaffi coat of arms depicts a cheerful lion with its tongue hanging out, but they themselves were not at all so funny and good-natured.

In 1480, when the Ordelaffi family was mired in internecine strife, the Pope intervened in the fate of the city - he gave Forli to his nephew, Girolamo Riario. However, the pontiff’s calculations did not come true: Girolamo was killed, and his wife, Caterina Sforza, began to rule the city. She fought fiercely with the Vatican for the independence of Forlì, but was eventually defeated and the city fell back under papal rule.


Venice, located in Northern Italy, was built on the islands of the Adriatic Sea. During the Renaissance, the city was the cultural, political and financial center of La Serenissima Republica di Venezia - the Most Serene Republic of Venice. Both economic dominance and a formidable navy made Venice the site of a war between the Templars and the Assassin Order, who fought for control of the city.
The six districts of Venice generally arose around large structures that served a specific political purpose. Thus, the District of Castello, which is the largest in Venice, was created by settlers fleeing the Longbard invasion in the second half of the 6th century. Another district was created when the Templars rebuilt the Arsenal in 1320. By this time, Venice had expanded to the size of a Republic and wielded enormous political and economic influence throughout the world.

In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Venice reached its apogee of development. In 1309, the city began construction of the Palazzo Ducale, the political “heart” of the city and the residence of the Venetian Doges. Situated in the district of San Marco, far from the "spiritual" influence of the church of San Pietro di Castello, Palazzo Ducale became a symbol of the Doge's independence from the Pope. In the 15th century, the Doge's Palace more than once became the subject of conflicts between the Assassins and the Templars. In 1485, the Templars poisoned Doctor Giovanni Mocenigo.

Mocenigo's death began a period of political instability as the Templars and Assassins fought for control of the Palazzo Ducale. The Templars, instead of the dead doge, put their agent in charge - Marco Barbarigo, whose reign lasted less than a year. In 1486, the Assassins killed Marco Barbarigo and replaced him with one of their men, Augustin Barbarigo. However, Augustine proved to be an unreliable ally, soon becoming the servant of the Borgia family as soon as they came to power. The Assassins poisoned him in 1501.

The sixteenth century was the century of the decline of Venice and the decline of its political influence. The League of Cambrai, which included France, Spain, the Habsburg family and the Papacy, joined forces against Venice. In the spring of 1509, in 15 days, the League defeated Venice at the Battle of Agnadello and captured all its mainland territories.

Characters of Assassin's Creed II

Navigation bar

The main character is Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Ezio was born into the family of a wealthy Italian nobleman. The family has always lived in abundance and in life he is absolutely not concerned about the suffering of poor people... Having many friends and a wide wallet, he always remained carefree and did everything he wanted. He is courteous with women, saying everything they want to hear from him. He has amazing charm and his onslaught is difficult to resist. With such talents as a seducer, it is very easy to succeed with the desired lady. He hangs out with both nobles and hardened thieves. Everything was fine in his life until something terrible happens to his family... Friends become enemies, and he has to seek shelter from bloodthirsty mercenaries and ask for help from courtesans and thieves... Revenge becomes his only goal in life... But As the game progresses, Ezio's goal begins to take a slightly different direction... significantly global...

Mercenary Leader - Mario (Uncle Ezio)

Mario is a strong fighter, having been trained in all aspects of combat since childhood. Having matured, Mario recruited a whole crowd of equally dexterous, strong and formidable warriors as his assistants, who secretly proclaimed Mario their king. However, not everything is so simple, for Mario uses his henchmen to fight the Templar invaders, who have already made their way to the very top of the Italian nobility. Mario will take Ezio under his wing almost from the very beginning of the game, and will improve his fighting skills; Well, my uncle’s mercenaries will become indispensable in battles with the city guards.

Leader of the Thieves - Antonio
(Base is a hideout in the Venetian shopping district)

Antonio grew up in a poor family; father is a shoemaker, mother is a maid in a rich family. Naturally, Antonio wanted more from life than being a beggar, so he tried to get out into the people as best he could, but nothing worked. He was kicked out of schools, even if he studied better than others. The work paid me pennies. So why go out of your way when you can just take what you want? Actually, this is how Antonio became a thief and his own man on the black market, which happily accepted him. And since the Venetian nobility are so wicked and corrupt that Antonio does not consider himself a criminal compared to them; on the contrary, he is a true noble sir, both in spirit and in deeds.

With his fellow thieves he is friendly and attentive. He treats theft as a business, so he opened several private antique shops (of course, with looted goods). Antonio and his assistants look more like the mafia than ordinary thieves, targeting primarily the rich of Italy. They are waging their own "war" against the nobility, and Antonio sees great potential in Ezio to be used as a powerful weapon. Our hero will have several tasks from Antonio, which will test his dexterity, stealth and everything else that is needed for an ideal thief. In return, Ezio can always ask one of the thieves to get him some special item.

Leader of the Courtesans - Paula
(Base - brothel in Florence)

Paula was born into a family of assassins, but lost both parents at the age of eight, finding herself on the street all alone. As usual, she grew into a real beauty, using her appearance to her advantage to the maximum. However, her beauty also attracted unwanted attention; As a result, Paula was imprisoned by a Florentine guard for several years before she killed him and escaped. This murder was noticed by members of the assassin clan, they found Paula and accepted her into their “country club”.

The violence that Paula suffered is no longer a thing of the past, and now the dangerous beauty has decided to take under her wing all the Florentine girls who have not found a place for themselves in life. The brothel run by Paula is a cross between a brothel and a shelter, where every girl can count on the help of her friends.

When Ezio decides to take revenge on those responsible for the destruction of his family, Paula agrees to help him. And practically for free, feeling in Ezio a like-minded person. Paula's girls will always come in handy in cases where you need to distract someone, because the city guards are greedy for women.

Leonardo da Vinci - great Italian artist, scientist

Painter, engineer, mechanic, carpenter, musician, mathematician, pathologist, inventor - this is not a complete list of facets of a universal genius. He was called a sorcerer, a servant of the devil, an Italian Faust and a divine spirit. He was several centuries ahead of his time. Surrounded by legends during his lifetime, the great Leonardo is a symbol of the limitless aspirations of the human mind. Having revealed the ideal of the Renaissance “universal man,” Leonardo was interpreted in the subsequent tradition as the person who most clearly outlined the range of creative quests of the era. He was the founder of the art of the High Renaissance. In the game he acts as Ezio's friend and helps him achieve what he wants with all sorts of sophisticated inventions... These include: an aircraft made in the shape of a bird and working on the principle of rising hot air currents, a hidden mechanism for a retractable blade, etc. In the game he appears in 1476. At the beginning of the game, Leonardo is shown as an aspiring artist and sculptor in Florence. Later, according to the plot of the game, Leonardo moves to Venice.
Maria Auditore considers him a very talented person with great creative potential and believes that Ezio has a lot to learn from Da Vinci. The acquaintance between Ezio and Leonardo develops into a strong friendship on long years, Da Vinci becomes for Auditore almost the only assistant in business and confidant in secrets; Leonardo's knowledge helps Ezio use improved types of assassin weapons, and the inventor also helps the assassin master new methods and possibilities for eliminating a target.
Leonardo designed and built a flying machine, thanks to which Ezio was able to penetrate the palace of the Venetian Doge. Later, this machine went down in history as the “Da Vinci Ornithopter” (the mechanics of the machine are based on bird flight).
Leonardo translated 24 pages of the Code of Assassins and thanks to this, the secret about the vault under St. Peter's Basilica in Rome was revealed.
Da Vinci is the only person who was not a member of the Order of Assassins who got to see the Piece of Eden in action. Who knows, but maybe it was the “apple” that pushed Leonardo to new achievements and the world ultimately acquired the greatest inventor and innovator of his kind.

Other characters

Giovanni Auditore - Ezio's father, Florentine banker, advisor to Lorenzo Medici, nobleman. Assassin.

Giovanni was born in 1436 into a noble family. From a young age Giovanni led double life; During the day he studied banking and at night he perfected his skills as an assassin. Having reached adulthood, Giovanni entered the service of the Medici bank, having achieved certain heights in this matter. Auditore founded his own banking house, but still continued to manage the financial affairs of the patron family. There is no exact data that Giovanni, on the orders of the Medici, “removed” the undesirables; one can only assume that such actions were carried out more than once.
In 1743, Giovanni, using his own funds and according to his own design, built the Palazzo Auditori, a palace that immediately became a landmark of Florence. A majestic building, devoid of pomp, perfectly characterized its owner.
In his marriage to Maria Mozzi, Giovanni had 4 children. It is not known for certain whether he intended to initiate his heirs into the secrets of the order - if Federico had any idea about the secret activities of his father, then Ezio did not have the slightest idea about either the Assassins or the Templars.
Giovanni personally searched for and deciphered the pages of the Code of Assassins, and took an active part in the fight against the activities of the templars in the lands of northern Italy.
Having learned that a conspiracy was being prepared against the Medici family, Giovanni tried to prevent the possible consequences of this conspiracy. Having realized who was really behind the conspirators, Giovanni collected all the evidence he had of an imminent coup d'etat. The list of conspirators included many influential families of Florence and Tuscany, one way or another, but with the help of the assassins the threat could only be delayed for a while; decisive action was required on the part of the ruling house.
Giovanni was betrayed by his friend, the Gonfaloniere of Florence, Umberto Alberti. False testimony was given against the Auditore family, Giovanni was charged with treason and in 1746 he was publicly executed in the square in front of the Palazzo Vecchio - the city hall. He was buried in the Auditore family crypt at the Villa in Monteriggioni.

Federico Auditore is the eldest child in the family, a schoolboy, and a nobleman.

Federico was born in 1456. Belonged to influential family Having a noble title from birth, Federico could afford wild parties and social events. In general, I spent my father’s money without any remorse.
Hot-tempered by nature, dexterous and strong by nature, Federico was seen more than once in minor skirmishes with supporters of Vierri Pazzi, but, as a rule, these skirmishes had no consequences for the young man - a well-known surname could even then hush up almost any offense.
At the age of 19 he received a position as a clerk at the Medici Bank. He worked there for exactly a year, then was fired due to the theft of a bag of gold florins.
Federico loved to make fun of his brother Ezio, but these jokes never escalated into mutual insults, the brothers always came to each other’s rescue, and it didn’t matter whether it was necessary to bruise someone’s sides or pay for the services of a doctor after another fight. “Frotelli Auditore” - that’s what Florence called these two young men, seekers of fame, love and a carefree life.
In 1476 he was arrested as a result of a conspiracy against the Medici. The Pazzi got rid of everyone who could interfere with their plans. And members of the Auditore family were precisely those who could have warned Lorenzo about the impending massacre. Federico was executed along with his father and brother in the square in front of the Palazzo Vecchio in the same year 1476.

Maria Auditore - Ezio's mother, writer, noblewoman.

Maria Mozzi was born in 1432 into one of the respected banking families of Florence. From a young age, she kept a diary, which over time became a chronicle of the events that took place during the heyday of the city. Now this diary is kept in the Uffizi Museum, in the same Florence.
She met Giovanni Auditore in her own aristocratic salon. She describes her impressions of meeting her this way: “This man spoke so convincingly that I could not move from my place and looked only at him all the time...”. Maria and Giovanni married in 1450, she gave her husband 4 children and devoted most of her time to raising them.
Maria patronized aspiring poets and artists; it was she who took the then unknown artist Leonardo Da Vinci under her wing. Moreover, it was thanks to Maria that Ezio and Leonardo met.
The events that unfolded in 1476 had a detrimental effect on Mary’s future life. Having lost her husband and two sons, Maria fell into a state close to madness. Only endless prayers and support from the remaining children, Ezio and Claudia, helped Maria return to a more or less normal existence. For the rest of her life, she carefully kept the eagle feathers, which reminded her of her youngest son.
As if anticipating her imminent departure from life, Maria handed Ezio the Auditore cloak - a family heirloom that was passed down from father to son.
Presumably, Maria Auditore died during the storming of the Villa Monteriggioni in 1499.

Claudia Auditore is the only daughter in the Auditore family, a schoolgirl, and a noblewoman.

Claudia, the third child in the family, was born in 1461. She received a secular upbringing, was well versed in painting and literature, and could conduct financial transactions. She was not bad-looking, but the excessive care of her parents spoiled her nature - with her arrogant behavior she scared away almost all her suitors, because of this she even had to increase her dowry by 1000 florins!
Claudia bravely endured a family tragedy - the death of her father and brothers. Having learned that the Auditores belong to an ancient family of assassins, that her eldest and only remaining brother is an assassin, Claudia took upon herself all the responsibilities of caring for her mother, and also began to conduct all the affairs at the villa in Monteriggioni. For many years, Claudia lived under the patronage and protection of Ezio; it is not known whether she got married.

Petruchio Auditore is the most youngest child in the family, schoolboy, nobleman.

Petruchio was born in 1463. From birth, the boy was in poor health; at the age of 12 he even had to leave school and study science at home. Doctors advised family members to monitor Petruchio’s peace and prescribed him complete rest and bed rest, but the boy, like most children, wanted to run, jump, play pranks, in general, he managed to explore the world in secret from nannies and parents.
One day, Petruchio began collecting eagle feathers. Ezio, having learned about his brother’s tricks, promised to collect exactly 100 feathers if he returned to bed and looked after his health. What these feathers were needed for, no one ever found out - Petruchio was executed along with his father and brother Federico in 1476. And the eagle feathers collected by Ezio and carefully kept by Maria became the only reminder of his youngest son and brother.

Caterina Sforza - ruler of Forlì, countess, one of the most famous women of the Italian Renaissance, had the nickname “Tigress of Romagna”.

Caterina Sforza was born in 1463. Caterina is the illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Milan, Galeazzo Sforza. From a young age, in addition to her classical education, the girl studied the art of warfare, and was also interested in hunting and alchemy.
At the age of 10 she was engaged to her first husband, Girolamo Riario, Crown Count of Imola and Forlì. Subsequently, 6 children were born in this marriage.
Until 1484, Caterina lived in Rome, after Rome was sacked by marauders, after Caterina, being 7 months pregnant, was personally involved in the defense of Castle Sant'Angelo, in the same 1484 Caterina and her family moved to Forli.
In 1488, the Orsi brothers killed Girolamo Riario. There were rumors that this murder was planned by Katerina herself, but these rumors quickly disappeared with those who spread them. Then she secretly marries her second husband, Giacomo Feo, who also dies at the hands of assassins in 1495. In this marriage, 1 more child was born.
One way or another, Katerina became the sole and legitimate mistress of Forli, gaining fame as a caring but vengeful ruler; she pursued a peaceful policy, but if harm was caused to her loved ones, she killed her enemies and everyone who was at least in some way related to them with particular cruelty. It should be noted that such punitive measures turned out to be effective and her 3rd husband, Pierfrancesco de Medici, died in 1498 of natural causes. This marriage gave Katerina the last child in her life.
A separate chapter of Caterina’s life is devoted to her acquaintance and close communication with Ezio Auditore da Firenze.
Caterina met Ezio in 1481, while she was visiting Forlì with her first husband. The beauty immediately made it clear that the doors of her house were always open for such a courteous and noble young man as Ezio.
In 1488, after Girolamo was killed, Caterina hosted members of the brotherhood of assassins, including Ezio Auditore. Sforza kindly provided her fortress as a shelter for the Piece of Eden. But the treachery of the Templars prevented Catherine from taking full care of her guests - the same Orsi brothers attacked Forlì Castle. Ezio helps Katerina defend the castle, but at the same time he himself is wounded, which almost takes his life. Katerina nurses Ezio in her own palace and after that their relationship takes a completely different turn - they become lovers.
In 1499, Cesare Borgia, son of Rodrigo Borgia, decides to seize by force and destroy everything connected with the Assassins. In 1499, the defense of Forlì fell, as did the defense of the Villa Monteriggioni, where Catherine was staying at that moment. She was captured by the Borgia and was released only a few years later. She spent the rest of her life in Florence and died in 1509, presumably from pneumonia.

Lorenzo Medici - ruler of Florence, banker.

Being an educated and high-society man, Lorenzo patronized the sciences and art; painters, sculptors, architects, scientists - everyone found work in Florence, which was single-handedly ruled by the Medici.
By concentrating all revenues in the city treasury under his control and thereby increasing his own capital, Lorenzo earned himself many ill-wishers. But the banker’s ability to spend money for the benefit of everyone and the truly innate talent for distributing funds depending on needs and circumstances only strengthens his position in the circles of power and Lorenzo easily wins the trust of ordinary townspeople.
An open conflict with the Pazzi family almost leads to Lorenzo's death; During Easter Mass in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiorre on April 26, 1478, Lorenzo and his brother are openly attacked by the Pazzi conspirators. Brother Lorenzo, Giuliano dies, and he himself is saved only thanks to the help of an unknown young man. This young man turns out to be the son of his longtime and treacherously killed ally Giovanni Auditore - Ezio Auditore.
Realizing that the interests of the young man coincide with his own, Lorenzo openly recognizes Ezio as his companion, Florence, and, perhaps, the whole of Italy, is convinced of Lorenzo’s treachery and now few people dare to oppose the Medici again, knowing that there is an assassin behind him, single-handedly killing the influential Pazzi and Barbarigo families.
Lorenzo died in 1492, at a time when Florence was engulfed in the flames of the so-called “bonfire of the vanities,” a period that went down in history thanks to the preaching and rise of the mad apostate monk Girolama Savonarola.

Rose is a Venetian thief.

Rosa was born in Venice in 1460. Her father is a nobleman, her mother is a courtesan. The girl grew up on the streets of a floating city and learned the science of life on her own.
In 1475, she tried to rob the head of the Venetian thieves guild, Antonia, but was caught red-handed. Instead of turning the girl over to the authorities, Antonia made her his student. Rose became the most dexterous among the thieves; she could jump to places that previously seemed inaccessible.
In 1481, the rose met Ezio when he first visited Venice. Ezio saved the girl from Barbarigo's guards and thereby provided a service to the entire thieves' guild of the city. In return, the thieves taught the assassin a special jump and helped him storm the Barbarigo palace. Rosa also participated in this, as it seemed then, crazy adventure.
Apparently, Rosa was in love with a man for the first time, and that man turned out to be Ezio. Otherwise, would she risk her reputation and life trying to get the log of a ship that came from Cyprus?

La Volpe, "The Fox" - the leader of the Florentine thieves, an assassin.

The date and place of birth of this man are unknown, there is no historical or archival data about who his parents were, where his home was, La Volpe is a person shrouded in mystery.
Some called him a thief, others considered him a murderer, he was prescribed supernatural abilities, as if he could see through walls and could be in several places at the same time. There is also a legend about how La Volpe single-handedly robbed the carriage of the Pope, and robbed it in such a way that neither the guards nor the Pope himself noticed.
Ezio Auditore met La Volpe in 1478, at Mercato-Vecchio. The thief knew the murdered Giovanni Auditore and knew why Ezio returned to Florence. La Volpe was an assassin, but this fact became known only at the end of Ezio's Venetian journey.

Theodora is a Venetian courtesan, “Madame” of the La Rosa della Virttu brothel, and an assassin.

Theodora was born in 1450, in the family of a Venetian jeweler. Teodora abandoned her surname, but in the archival data you can find a mention that at birth she received the surname Contanto.
“Extraordinarily pretty! Oh, God, if only I weren’t married!!!” - such reviews were left by visitors to the shop where Theodora worked. The girl’s activities were not limited to reviews of other people’s wealthy husbands. On November 26, 1467, she had an affair with a married man and the angry wife sued Theodora in the court of Venice. In accordance with the customs of that time, Theodora’s parents sent her to a monastery so that she could spend the rest of her days in prayer and silence. But apparently, such a life in no way suited the young beauty. Leaving the monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli in 1473, Theodora left a note there with the words: “In the monastery there is worldly life, but only together with another person can you fall into the arms of the Lord!”
Also in 1473, Theodora opened the brothel “La Rosa della Virtue” in Venice. According to the poet Pietro Bembo, who visited there quite often in search of inspiration, her brothel was “...a church for a new sect of Catholics.”
Leonardo Da Vinci, the head of the Venetian guild of thieves Antonio, and many, many others appeared in that brothel famous personalities Italy. Finally, Ezio Auditore himself experienced the extraordinary hospitality of Venetian beauties.
Theodora was an assassin. It is not known for certain at what time she joined the ranks of the brotherhood of assassins, but for most of her life she and her courtesans, one way or another, served for the good of the order; the beauties spied on the templars, the art of seduction brought not only the money of the Templars, but also their secrets, plans and intentions. And sometimes, a charming smile was the last thing the most unfortunate Templar saw in his life... In the morning he was found dead, but without mortal horror in his eyes, he died as if from some unearthly pleasure...

Bartolomeo D'Alviano - leader of the Venetian mercenaries, military leader, assassin.

Bartolomeo was born in 1455 in the town of Alviano, in central Italy. His parents were Francesco d'Alviano and Isabella d'Atti. Since childhood, he studied the art of war and, I must say, was quite successful in this matter.
Bartolomeo’s “career rise” began after he began serving in Venice. In 1496, he entered the service of the Orsini family, who were trying to defend their possessions from the attacks of Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia). Having only a few fortress garrisons at his disposal, Bartolomeo held back the onslaught of Cesare Borgia’s army for a long time. When it seemed that D’Alviano and his men were at an end, when Cesare cut off all routes to retreat, Carlo Orsini arrived with reinforcements. With their counter-offensive, Bartolomeo and Orsini completely defeated the Borgia army.
In 1503, Bartolomeo entered the service of the Spanish king Ferdinant II, for whom D'Alviano led a successful military campaign against the Kingdom of Naples. In 1504, Bartolomeo completely defeated the troops of the Holy Roman Empire under the command of Maximilian I and captured Triestre and Gorizia. The Venetian authorities, impressed by Bartolomeo's successes, appoint him governor general of Venice.
Luck was with D'Alviano until 1509. At the Battle of Agnadello, Bartolomeo disobeyed orders and attacked the French army. As a result of this “unsuccessful” maneuver, Venice lost Lombardy, a province that took eight centuries to conquer! Bartolomeo was captured by the French and remained in captivity until 1513. The French, who have always been famous for their nobility and respect for the defeated enemy, invited D’Alviano to fight on their side. In 1515, Bartolomeo, under the banner of the “French lilies,” defeated the Swiss army, commanding a detachment of 300 people!
Bartolomeo D'Alviano was a member of the order of assassins - he was an assassin. And all the time when he was fighting with a visible enemy, he was also waging a secret struggle with those who preferred to hide and strike “in the back” - with the Templars.
In 1486, Bartolomeo and his men were arrested by order of the Venetian prosecutor Silvio Barbarigo. In the same year, D'Alviano met Ezio Auditore; not without the help of Ezio, Bartolomeo and his men manage to escape the gallows. Having learned why the Florentine arrived in Venice, Bartolomeo happily agrees to participate in the assault on the Venetian Arsenal, where one of Ezio’s “targets” was hidden. Having gathered his most loyal people, D’Alviano starts a brawl in the square in front of the Arsenal and thus diverts the attention of the guards. And Ezio easily enters the building and sends another couple of Templars to another world - Silvio Barbarigo and his bodyguard Dante Moro.
Bartolomeo was present at Ezio's initiation into an assassin, and also fought for a piece of Eden against the personal squad of Rodrigo Borgia.
In 1515, he returned to serve in Venice and died during the siege of the fortress of Brescia. He was buried in the Church of Santo Stefano with great honors.

The Renaissance is an amazing era. There is a place for both secret conspiracies and brutal murders - a real paradise for any self-respecting assassin. You can silently jump across the rooftops, instilling fear in the cowardly guards with your shadow, and bring justice to the snickering city officials.

However, punishing the conspirators is not the only entertainment for a professional killer. Each of them dreams of becoming an explorer and treasure collector, and then with renewed energy to sweep away all the enemies on the way. Renaissance Italy is the ideal place to realize these aspirations.

Hidden for a killer Every killer should know... Cthulhu, there you are!

In Assassin's Creed 2, treasures are literally everywhere. Already at the very beginning of the game, an inexperienced teenager from the Auditore family, under our guidance, will jump on balconies and empty the chests of the city nobility, heavy with florins.

But as we progress, our ward grows up, simple robberies are no longer a joy to him, and the soul of an assassin requires real adventures, deadly traps and truly royal rewards. The thirst for research needs to be quenched, and if you are not able to find all the secrets of the game, then this article is especially for you. Let's start with the main thing.

Hidden hiding place for a killer

The dream of every warrior is to become cooler than others. And when petty theft ceases to satisfy, the need arises to dig deeper and find something valuable. In our case, it will be the armor of Altair (the legendary killer), locked behind six locks in a villa in Monteriggioni.

All locks can only be opened using seals hidden in the tombs. We will now begin searching for them.

The Mystery of the Novella. We will get to the first cache only thanks to the plot (4th sequence, 4th memory), and unlike the others, we will not be able to go through this test again by selecting a memory from the “DNA” section.

There are a lot of guards waiting for us inside, as well as the need to jump often and accurately. However, this tomb is story-driven and introductory - you shouldn't expect any real difficulties.

On a note: in each of the tombs you can find two secret places where additional chests with money are hidden.

The passage can be divided into two stages: first we jump on the beams and pull different levers. If you want to find the first secret place, jump down, instead of grabbing the first bar, turn around, jump forward and go into the small room on the right. The second stage: reprisal against the guards and interaction with the mechanisms that will help us get to the goal. You can get to the second secret area immediately after getting acquainted with the first mechanism - just jump into a small depression nearby.

Towards the end, we will have to chase the courier - if desired, we can catch up with him and kill him before he warns the others in order to avoid an unnecessary fight with the guards. Having overheard the conversation of the Templars, we can go into the crypt with peace of mind and pick up the first seal.

Everyday life of a city manager

Collecting figurines is a fascinating business -
new, but financially unjustified.

With proper management of finances, the problem of lack of money will disappear in the middle of the game. This is largely achieved thanks to the competent arrangement of the family villa of the Auditore family in Monteriggioni.

The key rule of a city philanthropist is that the more money you invest in the city now, the greater your income will be later. Therefore, first of all, strive to build and improve all trading shops. The second most important are city renovations - restoration of the well, mines, barracks, etc.

As you build upgrades, you'll also be able to reach previously inaccessible areas - some treasure chests can be reached once you've restored a well or barracks.

Another local attraction unique to this area is the collection of figurines that need to be inserted into pedestals in the villa. For each pair of statues placed you will receive 2000 florins.

It is a myth: There are rumors on the Internet that after collecting all twelve figurines, Uncle Mario will give Ezio some kind of treasure map, but this is not true. For collecting these things, the player is rewarded only with money.

The secret of the cathedral. Santa Maria del Fiore is a continuous long labyrinth of beams, ledges and chandeliers. Unlike the previous temple, in the cathedral the crypt with the seal is located at the top, under the very dome of the building.

Before jumping onto the platform
form, go to the left - one of the secret places awaits you there.

First climb up the door. Next, you need to move not only towards the goal marker, but also gradually upward, the road here is not straight, but the only one, just carefully inspect the location for all sorts of ledges and crossbars.

Having meandered a little at the beginning and thrown one ladder down, you need to continue your way to the opposite part of the cathedral, jumping on the chandeliers. When we throw down the second ladder, the camera will hint that further we need to climb exclusively up. It is important not to get confused - from the stairs we jump onto the parapet and walk along it from left to right, jumping onto platforms and chandeliers along the way (do not jump onto the cross by the window - this is a dead end).

Now we have a simple way up - we will have to climb the walls a little and carefully jump on the beams. There shouldn't be any difficulties, just move carefully - a fall is fatal. Before jumping onto the suspended platform, look to the left - you will see a chest with money. You can turn left and down, use the jump back (LMB + Spacebar) to grab the chandelier, and then jump into the secret area.

When you reach the red wall with ledges, go down one level - there is a second secret area, take the money and climb up, and then boldly jump forward - Ezio will catch on to the platform. Take the seal and leave the cathedral through the window.

The Mystery of Torre Grossa. Our next stop is San Germignano, or rather the tallest tower in the city. Again we have a journey from the bottom up, a fight with guards and an insidious camera.

They call it a concept camera. To successfully jump from such a position is quite a test!

The beginning is predictable - we move along the wall, and then open the door. In the wine cellar we kill the guards and run to the other side of the room. There are a lot of unnecessary beams and platforms here; you can find the right path by following the tricks of the game camera. If you notice a limitation in your viewing radius, then you are on the right track.

After going up one level, kill the archer and climb onto the chandelier; If you now jump to the right into the small opening, you will find yourself in a secret area. We go to the library and deal with the crowd of armed “readers”. We climb along the wall and chandeliers to the upper tiers, dodging the arrows of archers. There is a second secret area just under the ceiling of the library.

The further path is straightforward - we climb the tower, killing lone guards along the way. In the end there may be some inconveniences with the camera, but this should not stop us from taking the third seal.

The mystery of Ravaldino. Rocca di Ravaldino is a fortress in Romagna, here we will look for the next seal to add to our collection. The place is wet, first we swim a little, and then we jump, using the bounce back. The first difficulty is the mechanism that blocks the gate. When we interact with him, we will have a few seconds to slip behind bars. I advise you to stay on the right side when moving, otherwise, due to the inconvenient camera, you can easily push Ezio into the wall, past the target passage.

Rocca di Ravaldino. To get to the barracks, jump onto this shield and take another jump back.

Immediately after this, turn the corner to the left - the level above is the first chest with money; use the back jump to get into the secret area. Then again there is a short swim, where you need to dive (wait and hold “Space” and press W). We deal with the guards, find a shield nailed to the wall and go upstairs.

We again have to race against the clock, but it’s not difficult - by pulling the lever, we simply run forward along the beams. Now, if you turn left and make some difficult jumps to the side, you can get to the second secret location, and then exit through the secret door. If you don’t want to be distracted by the chests, then pull the second lever and take another run. In the barracks, suppress resistance and go into the crypt (the camera will kindly show the place where you need to jump).

Finally, we have one more time trial left. The road is not straight, and the camera will always provoke awkward movements and jumps. It’s difficult to give advice here—you just need to get used to the surroundings and move carefully. Having completed the test, we will immediately find ourselves in a crypt with a seal.

Secrets of the Templars

Templar shelters are additional exclusive locations available to owners of the collector's edition of the game (one of the shelters is available in the DVD box). In essence, these are analogues of tombs, but here the labyrinths are even more intricate, the jumps are difficult, and at the end, instead of a seal, a treasury awaits us.

Here it is, the safe deposit box of the great Templars.

In total, you can find three shelters on the map; To visit them, you don’t have to go through the entire game; they appear as new areas open. The first cache is in Palazzo Medici(Florence) - you need to save Lorenzo, held by the Templars in his own house, which is full of secret passages. Two more shelters in Venice - one at the docks, in naval arsenal, the second - in the church Santa Maria dei Frari.

It is a myth: The shelters also have two secret areas with hidden treasures, but in the Medici house, one of the secret places contains two chests at once. This gave rise to a rumor that there was no second cache.

Exclusive locations include family Auditore crypt(it can be unlocked as content on Yuplay) - according to many eyewitnesses, this is the most difficult maze in the game, full of jumps of varying degrees of difficulty mixed with awkward camera angles. Unfortunately, its passage is of neither plot nor material value, only “sporting” interest.

The Mystery of San Marco. We will look for the fifth seal in Venice, but not immediately, but when we complete one of the sequences. The entrance to the tomb is located on the roof of the Doge's Palace and will not be difficult to find.

We find ourselves inside a huge temple - there is no need to run around for a long time and look for the tomb, the entrance to it is located below, but will open only when we complete four tests. The task is to climb to the top tier of the palace to the lever within the allotted time and pull it. If the timer runs out, the lever hides and you need to start over.

The palace is divided into four wings - each of them has one test. The difficulty is not in the abstruse jumping, but in finding the way. Before activating the mechanisms, I would advise you to study the possible routes along which our hero will move.

We'll start with the northern challenge, where Ezio activated the stone slabs. When we step on the nearest ledge in the floor, the game camera will kindly show the place where we can climb, and then the lever we need to reach. This race is the simplest - gradually climb along the only possible path to the top, but when you are on the same level with the upper tier, jump in the opposite direction from the one where the lever is located. Then we move along a peculiar path of statues and crosses to the other side, run to the lever, rise even higher and jump onto it.

We go to the east wing. By activating the mechanism, we will see the lever appear at a great height next to a well-lit round window. We gradually move upward, once on the upper platform, we find that the direct path is blocked. We need to cross to the opposite side via massive hanging crosses. We run closer to the lever, climb the yellow window to the very limit, press the “Interact” and “Go” keys - Ezio will jump back and hang on the lever.

The third test is the most disgusting and is located in the west - its path is not obvious and involves several difficult jumps. At the same time, we climb onto the structures in the center and fight the inconvenient camera, jumping onto the platform located under the lever. We move to the right and grab the ledge, move in the same direction and make a jump to the right, grabbing the ledge of the same shape. We go up, climb the rings almost to the ceiling and jump back to end up on the beam. We jump onto the lever.

The last run is very short, but again you need to jump carefully. First, we climb onto the small platforms on the left, jump from them and grab onto a small ledge, make a difficult jump to the right and overcome the path of conveniently placed beams, climb to the upper tier. Now all that remains is to climb up to the top of the cross-shaped window and do the traditional jump back, hanging on the lever.

There are two secret places here, like everywhere else. The first area is in the south wing; You can get to the chest using the jumping pull-up technique (hold down the left mouse button and W, press Space, and then Shift). The second chest is in the western wing, on one of the lower platforms - you can open it by going down from the upper tiers. When all the tests are passed, the door to the crypt will open, and all we have to do is pick up the seal.

The Mystery of the Visitazione. To gain access to the final tomb, you first need to do a fair amount of running through the Venetian story quests. The entrance to the cache is located near the shipyard, and this area is initially closed.

Visitazione. To get here, you need to run up the wall and jump back.

A difficult test awaits us in this tomb, although the beginning does not foretell trouble. We jump down, kill the bruiser guard and make a short forced march, chasing the frightened courier. You can overtake him and kill him at the very end of the route by jumping on top of the fugitive.

In the room in front of the large hall (where the showdown with the guards is coming), there is a secret area. You can get to the chest by making a series of tricky jumps (you will find the second secret place if you approach the mechanism with a lever near the temple and turn left). Having dealt with the guards, we go to the picturesque underwater temple.

The location of the tomb has been established, but the problem is that the entrance to the temple is closed, and to get to the goal, you need to activate the mechanism (the beams will unfold and create a kind of “path” so that Ezio can reach all the target levers), take a dangerous walk, jumping on all sorts of ledges , and pull all four levers in turn, thereby opening the door to the tomb with the seal.

The second problem is that you can get to some places only by using a special key combination, which you will have to learn here. Time is limited, you can’t hesitate, and any careless movement will lead to the assassin flopping into the water and the race will have to start over.

Before starting the test, I would advise you to set the controls to “keyboard + mouse (two buttons)” in the settings - it will be easier. In total, on the route you need to make four jumps of increased difficulty - push off from the wall and jump in the right direction. The first of them, the simplest, at the beginning of the race: quickly run up the wall (W + “Space” + “left mouse button”), release all the keys, and then simultaneously press the key combination D + “Space” + LMB, where D - this is the direction of the jump. When you need to jump to the left, press A instead.

The most difficult jump in Visitacion - you need to push off from the statue and jump here.

It is important: all three keys must be pressed clearly and simultaneously - if you only click on D + “Space”, then Ezio may jump back (most likely into the water) and the test will have to start over. In theory, a jump is possible without clicking the mouse, but this is more reliable.

The most difficult will be jump No. 2: it is next to the first, but in this case you need to push off not from the wall, but from a stone statue of an unpleasant round shape. You need to carefully run onto it (it’s better not to rush too much, because of the camera and sudden movement you can easily fall into the water) and jump to the left (this means that instead of D we press A).

The rest of the jumps are simple: the third one awaits us after a short run along the beams and ledges - we need to push off to the right, and the last one will be near another statue - we run onto the wall and push off to the left. After this, all that remains is to pull the last lever, and the temple gates will open. We jump into the water, go inside and take the last seal.

The game pleases with an abundance of secrets, but none compares to what we will talk about now. While passing through one of the Assassin's tombs, you will not only visit the underwater temple, but also get the opportunity to see one of its mysterious inhabitants. Remember the test in Visitacion with difficult jumps? That's where we'll go.

After the fight with the guards, open the gate and go to the temple. Activate the mechanism, but do not rush to run to the obstacle course, but immediately go to the water and lean down a little. Now just wait and don’t pay attention to the passing time.

In a few seconds, a game video will begin, where we will see how a huge monster, very reminiscent of Cthulhu in shape and appearance, swims past our assassin under the surface of the water. But that is not all! When the video ends, go to the mechanism and pull the lever again, and then return to the place where you just stood, or walk along the water.

If everything is done correctly, then you will again see a video where a huge tentacle emerges from the water and tries to touch Ezio. Such monsters live in Venetian waters...

On a note: the secret does not work on the pure boxed version of the game from Akella; To play the easter egg, you need to first activate additional content in the game.

Every killer should know...

All the riddles of “Truth” are not tied to specific signs and are opened in strict order. For example, the last, twentieth riddle will always be about hieroglyphs, no matter what sign you open.

Blacksmiths in the game have healing properties. At the same time as you repair your armor, your entire health bar will be restored.

Knowing some tricky tricks is never a bad idea. For example, you cannot climb to this point without pulling yourself up in a jump.

When playing as Altair, in order to jump onto a beam, you need to climb onto the balcony railing, stand directly under it, press the left mouse button and “Space” - the assassin will grab the beam, and then the way up will not be a problem.

To watch more spectacular scenes where Ezio kills enemies, use counterstrike.

You cannot replay story missions, but the most spectacular episodes can be repeated by visiting “special memories” (they are displayed on the map after you are accepted into the Order of Assassins).

The guards blocking the passage can be bribed. You just need to throw money, and the main one will let you through.

Knocked weapons can be picked up in the armory at the villa in Monteriggioni. If, after you have lost your weapon in battle, you pick up an enemy one, it will not disappear after some time, and Ezio will hang it on his belt.

The poison blade is great in situations where you need to avoid giving yourself away or kill someone unnoticed. We simply poison one of the guards, he attracts attention to himself, and in the meantime we can quietly pass through the guarded place or get to the desired goal.

During the carnival in Venice, you can steal money from passers-by with impunity, the alarm level will not increase, just like at the beginning of the game.
