Bank cards - types, application, choice. What details does a thief need to steal my money?

Procedure for accepting cards for payment

1. NCC card identification

2. UC card identification

3. Identification of Visa cards

3.1. Old style cards with VISA logo

3.2. Cards with the new VISA logo

3.3. Cards with VISA Electron logo

4. Procedure for performing transactions

5. The procedure for electronic authorization at retail and service points

7. Most frequently occurring information messages

8. Security measures during transactions

1. Card identificationNCC

Before performing a transaction, an employee of a bank or retail and service point should make sure that the following details are available on the card:

On the front side:

1) presence of a logo (NCC, NCC-Cash); The NCC-Cash logo is used only on old-style AvtoVAZbank cards; NCC in red-blue and blue-gray colors is used on cards of all banks. Along the entire perimeter of the NCC logo is the microfont “national credit cards /NCC”). The card logo is located in the lower right corner of the card, applied in a special typographic way under the top protective layer of the card surface.

2) Bank name

3) card number (always 16 digits, grouped by four)

4) the validity period is indicated (valid until: month/year). The card is valid until the last day of the month indicated on it.

5) last name, first name, patronymic of the card holder

6) on the front side, under the card number, there must be a stripe consisting of the repeated words “ NCC", visible in ultraviolet light (for the NCC logo in gray-blue color scheme);

On back side:

1) The presence of a magnetic strip, which is sealed into the plastic and contains the card number, additional encoded data recorded electronically. It should not peel off or have visible damage;

2) On cards with the NCC logo in gray-blue color, the signature strip is located under the magnetic stripe and contains the overprint “NCC” in gray.

On cards with the NCC-Cash logo, the signature strip contains a “spider web” design.

On cards with the NCC logo in blue and red, the signature stripe is white.

3) Information from the issuing bank about the terms of use of the card and the procedure for returning the card with the corresponding addresses and telephone numbers.

2. Card identification UNION CARD

Requirements to appearance cards

When servicing cardholders of the UNION CARD Payment System, it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the card and its ownership by performing the following actions:

Take the UC Payment System card from the holder, make sure that according to the general external

signs indicate that this is indeed a card of the UC Payment System:

On the front side:

1) logo of PS “Union Card” and a hologram with the image of the goddess Nike;

2) name and logo of the issuing bank - participant of the Union Card PS;

3) the card number must begin with a number "6" and contain 16 characters divided into groups of four characters ( 6ХХХ ХХХХ ХХХХ ХХХХ);

Security Information:

4) special letter - the “UC” symbol in “flying italics” slanted to the left, located before the card’s expiration date;

5) ultraviolet special symbol - the “UC” symbol in “flying italics” tilted to the left, located in the center of the card, visible in ultraviolet light.

On back side:

1) Magnetic strip soldered into plastic, not glued;

2) the signature strip contains microtext at an angle of the repeated words “UNION CARD”;

3) The signature strip must have a clear (not erased or smudged) signature of the card holder (the signature strip may vary in length);

4) information from the issuing bank on the terms of use of the card and the procedure for returning the card with the corresponding telephone numbers and addresses;

5) it is possible to have a photo of the card holder, the logo of the International Discount System (IDS).

Information on the map can be plotted in two ways:

6) embossing (raised letters, numbers, signs) - with the mandatory presence of information about the card holder (full name). Standard card.

Authorization is the procedure for obtaining permission from the issuing bank to conduct a debit transaction using a bank card. Only cards are accepted at electronic terminals at retail and service points NCC, without entering a PIN code.

Operations on the electronic terminal are carried out in accordance with the instructions for using this terminal.

1. The employee swipes the card through the reader; if the information from the magnetic stripe of the card cannot be read immediately, the card must be read again. If the magnetic stripe cannot be read the second time, advise the client to contact the bank to re-issue the card, since the card may have become demagnetized.

* If the card has expired, as indicated on the display screen,

The bank employee must confiscate the card and explain the reason for the confiscation, fill out the Certificate of Confiscation of Plastic Cards.

2. After reading the card, the terminal prompts you to enter the amount and requests authorization. Based on the authorization results, one of the messages is displayed on the screen:

- Permission received

The check is printed, the bank employee gives the check to the client for signature, and then checks it with the sample signature on the back of the card. It is also mandatory for a bank employee to check the client’s card number with the card number printed on the terminal receipts.

* If the card number on the check does not match the card number on the plastic, the card is confiscated.

- Ban received

The bank employee returns the card to the client (if there was no message about the need to withdraw the card) with an explanation of the reason for the refusal.

If for one reason or another the transaction was not completed (for example, the product was not issued to the card holder, the holder paid in another way, or a warning message appeared on the display indicating the need to cancel the transaction), an employee of the point of sale must cancel the transaction in accordance with instructions for using the terminal.

Checking and issuing a cash receipt

The cash receipt must contain the following information:

· card number (last 4 digits),

· card expiry date;

· information about the service point

date and time of registration of the transaction;

· signature of the holder;

· transaction number;

· document field (filled in for Visa, Visa Electron cardholders and only at bank cash desks).

When issuing a cashier's check, the bank employee has the cardholder sign in the "Signature" column and compares the signature on the cashier's check with the sample signature on the back of the client's card. If the signature on the check does not match the sample signature on the card, the bank employee invites the client to sign again on the check next to the first signature. If again the authenticity of the signature is in doubt, the bank employee asks to present an identification document with a photograph (passport, driver's license, military ID, pass), and writes its number (series, number, by whom and when issued) on the cash receipt.

NCC, UNION CARD, VISA, VISA Electron cards are accepted at the bank's cash desk.

At the bank's cash desks it is possible to carry out the following types of transactions using plastic cards:

1. Request for the status of the client’s account (except for VISA and UNION CARD cards of banks not included in the NCC payment system).

2. Withdrawal of cash from the client's account.

3. Depositing cash into the client’s account (except for VISA and UNION CARD cards from banks not included in the NCC payment system).

4. Non-cash transactions (payment of utility bills, transfer to deposit, deposit of electronic checks) (except for VISA and UNION CARD cards of banks not included in the NCC payment system)

The cashier's workplace is equipped with:

· A magnetic stripe reader (card reader), designed to read information encoded on the magnetic track of a card.

· PIN pad designed to enter the PIN code (personal identification number) of the card holder.

· A printer designed for printing receipts.

To carry out a card transaction, the card holder comes to the bank's cash desk. The cashier reads the card data using a card reader, the client enters the PIN code. If the magnetic stripe of the card cannot be read due to demagnetization or mechanical damage to the card, all card data can be entered manually from the keyboard. When accepting plastic cards VISA and UNION CARD not issued by the NCC Payment System, the operation of entering a PIN code is not performed, the cashier in this case waits for an invitation to enter a passport, and then confirms the operation by pressing the button OK(passport number is not entered).

For VISA and UNION CARD cards of banks not included in the NCC payment system - if the magnetic stripe is not readable, then the transaction should be refused, i.e. operations with mandatory reading of information are allowed.

The program will contact the authorization center to request permission to carry out the operation. When a transaction is authorized, two copies of the check will be printed, one of which is signed by the client and remains in the cash register as a financial document confirming the client's consent to carry out the transaction on his account. The second copy of the check is given to the client. The cashier is required to match the customer's signature on the check with the signature on the card. If the signature clearly does not match, the operation must be cancelled.

For VISA and UNION CARD cards of banks not included in the NCC payment system - required on the check

fill out the “Document” field by entering the serial number of your identification document (passport) in this column.

Based on the results of the work, a cash journal is printed containing the results and a list of all transactions for this shift.

7. Most frequently occurring information messages




Invalid card format

Data from the magnetic stripe was not read

Swipe the card through the reader again. If this message appears repeatedly, recommend that the client contact the bank.

The ban needs to be lifted

There may have been a connection failure

You must press the OK (Enter) button, the terminal will automatically cancel the last operation

Call NCC - Failure on Cancellation

Pending transaction

You must immediately call NCC by telephone and inform them of the situation.

No connection

Check the presence of connected telephone wires, perhaps the line is busy (if there is a parallel telephone)

Banned card cannot be serviced!

Card blocked

Call NCC and find out the reason for blocking the card; if the card is lost or stolen, the card is confiscated and a Repossession Report is drawn up.

Problem with encryption keys

Call NCC

A menu has appeared that was not on the monitor before

Accidentally entered the service menu

Call NCC

The terminal does not turn on

There is a breakdown, or the equipment is simply disconnected from the network.

Try checking for connected wires

8. Security measures during transactions

If difficulties or doubts arise during authorization, for example, a check did not come out of the terminal, the client does not agree with the result of the operation, or the message “Communication error” is displayed on the terminal screen or another answer that raises doubts. If there are doubts about the authenticity of the card or whether it belongs to the customer, etc., the bank employee is recommended to contact the NCC customer service by phone in Tolyatti (84, in Samara (8, in another locality 766

Employees of Moscow enterprises can directly report an attempt to illegally use the Card to the duty officer of the Department for Economic Crimes of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate. For cashiers working in other cities, it is enough to contact the appropriate security service of the acquiring bank that services this point.

A lot has been said and written about bank cards, but we still see how clients confuse debit cards with credit cards, are prejudiced against prepaid “plastic” and have absolutely no idea why virtual cards are needed. Our material today is addressed to those who want to once and for all sort out the types of bank cards and understand which one is intended for what.

In order to talk about the types of bank cards, let’s first define what they are. Many plastic holders mistakenly believe that card and bank account are the same thing. This leads to many common misconceptions - for example, that the loss of a card leads to the loss of funds on it. However, this is not at all true.

In essence, a bank card is just a payment instrument. By itself, it represents a piece of plastic, and only “linking” it to the client’s bank account makes it possible to manage his money using the card. Of course, the loss, blocking or damage of a card does not in any way affect the status of the account (of course, if it, along with other data, does not fall into the hands of fraudsters who can cash out your money).

Almost any of them can be linked to the same account. existing species cards - everything depends only on the tariffs and capabilities of the bank, as well as the desires of the client himself. Therefore, let's talk about what types of “plastic” can be produced today, and how they differ from each other.

Main types of bank cards

Despite the apparent variety of bank cards that financial institutions offer their clients today, they all have similar characteristics and varieties in their database. The only difference is in the tariffs, commissions, additional services and bonuses offered - but before you compare the financial benefits from cards from different banks, you need to decide on the type of “plastic” that suits you best. As a rule, dividing cards can be done according to several parameters:

  • By owner of funds in the account– debit, credit, with overdraft, prepaid;
  • By area of ​​use– local, international, intrabank, virtual;
  • By payment system– Visa, MasterCard, Golden Crown, American Express, etc.
  • By level of customer loyalty and volume of services– electronic, standard, gold, platinum, etc.
  • By data storage method– chip, with magnetic tape, combined.

The combination of different parameters from this list gives the huge assortment of “plastic” that can be seen today in the advertising offers of banks. But it is precisely this abundance that leads to confusion among future card owners - how to choose the right type and not make a mistake. Let us tell you in more detail about the most popular categories of banking plastic.

Debit cards

Debit cards are “plastic” linked to a deposit current account. This is the most common type of bank card - all salary, pension, and payment cards belong to this type.

The main feature of debit cards is that the client has the right to manage exclusively money, pre-posted themselves in a bank account. If this amount has already been spent, it is impossible to withdraw funds from the card until the next replenishment. We list other characteristics of cards with a debit limit:

  • Such a card can be “linked” to a salary account, a demand deposit account, a deposit account with the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds, an accrued interest account;
  • A debit card can be issued for a teenager from 14 to 18 years old (with parental consent); for children from 6 to 14 years old, it is possible to issue an additional card to the parent card with restrictions on transactions on it. Persons over 18 years of age have the right to issue debit cards independently.
  • An application for issuing a debit card is processed as quickly as possible (a few minutes), as it does not require additional permissions or checks. The issuance of the card itself, depending on its type and region, can be instant or take several weeks.
  • To issue a debit card, you only need a passport and the personal presence of the client, no additional documents are required;
  • As a rule, there are no upper or lower balance limits for debit cards - the client can either reset the account to zero or place unlimited amounts on it;
  • Funds in card accounts are protected by a deposit insurance system (with a maximum compensation amount of 1.4 million rubles);
  • A certain small percentage may be charged on the balance (usually the average monthly amount in the account is considered);
  • With a debit card you can pay in cash and non-cash: make payments on the Internet and through an online account, withdraw money from ATMs, pay for goods and services at terminals.

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A debit card is a convenient payment instrument that is issued to a current bank account. With its help, you can have access to your funds around the clock and do not depend on the working hours of bank branches.

In addition, the functionality of debit cards can be expanded - for example, many banks offer to open a credit limit (overdraft) for them.

Cards with overdraft

One of the most unclaimed banking products is These are cards with overdraft. Many “plastic” holders simply do not understand the mechanism of how such a credit limit works, and therefore refrain from using it. Let's talk about such cards in more detail.

So, an overdraft is a credit to a debit account. In essence, a client who has entered into an overdraft agreement receives the right to pay with a card in excess of the balance available on the account. Main characteristics of a card with an open overdraft:

  • The credit limit is not open to everyone - banks have a certain list of requirements for the client (age, credit history, financial situation, work experience, etc.);
  • The main requirement when opening a limit is stable income to the card account. That is why overdrafts are most often offered on salary and pension cards. Compliance with this requirement “overrides” the violation of others - for example, the client may not have the required length of service, but the bank will offer him an overdraft.
  • In order for an overdraft to be opened, the card must be valid for several months (usually six months or more) - this way the bank will be able to track the frequency of receipts;
  • Overdraft limits vary depending on the bank and card type. It can be either 30-50% of the average monthly income or 5-6 salaries;
  • No documents are required to open an overdraft - all necessary documents are provided upon initial account opening. As a rule, it is enough to sign an overdraft agreement on the terms offered by the bank;
  • Overdrafts can hardly be called profitable - banks open them at fairly high interest rates (25-30% per annum). In addition, in many cases there is an overdraft fee;
  • To use the limit, it is enough to withdraw an amount greater than the account balance - without additional requests to the bank;
  • Overdraft repayment occurs automatically - when funds are received in the account, the bank writes them off against the loan.

Overdraft on a debit card is a very convenient type of loan that allows you to gain access to borrowed funds. However, it has several disadvantages - the most significant is that overdraft makes loans addictive, and after a while the borrower cannot do without them.

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Experts recommend not opening overdrafts for significant amounts - this can lead to the fact that your entire salary or pension will be spent on repayment, and you will use credit funds again and again. It is advisable to differentiate between a debit card and a loan account - for example, issue a separate credit card.

Credit cards

A credit card is a special type of consumer loan opened to individuals. A card with a credit limit is an opportunity to use bank funds at any time and anywhere. Credit card characteristics:

  • To issue plastic, it is necessary to open a loan account, which means applying for a bank loan;
  • The credit card limit is the amount of the loan provided by the bank;
  • Applying for a card takes from several hours to a week, depending on the speed of consideration of the loan application and its limit;
  • To issue a card, you need the client’s passport, proof of income, place of work - that is, everything that is needed to issue a regular consumer loan;
  • Credit cards are issued only to persons over 18 years of age who are in permanent employment;
  • Card rates can be quite high - up to 40-50% per annum. This is a fee for the “revolvability” of the plastic – that is, the ability to repeatedly use the limit;
  • Many credit cards also require a debit limit - and in the absence of fees for cash withdrawals, they can be very profitable for the client. As a rule, banks charge interest on the balance of their own funds on credit cards according to the type of deposits, and the rate can be good.

A credit card is a payment instrument that provides the borrower with access to a loan account. It can only have a credit limit, but it can also perform the functions of a debit - it all depends on the tariffs of a particular bank.

Prepaid cards

Enough the new kind plastic cards - prepaid. They appeared only a few years ago and have not yet gained popularity. A prepaid card is a kind of analogue of a gift certificate for stores and beauty salons, but with a much wider range of applications. Main characteristics:

  • They are issued as a non-personal debit card - that is, they are issued instantly, at the moment of concluding the agreement
  • This is a bearer card, that is, any owner can pay with it, regardless of who purchased the card;
  • It has a certain limited limit and does not involve opening an overdraft or replenishing an account (in the latter case there are exceptions);
  • As a rule, unsuitable for online payments;
  • You can withdraw cash from the card or use it to pay at store terminals.

Prepaid card – excellent replacement for a gift certificate, cash gifts or salary “in an envelope”. Carrying such plastic is safer and more convenient than cash, but there are a number of restrictions compared to a debit card.

Division of maps by territory of use

Until now, we have only been talking about dividing cards according to the owners of funds, which can be the plastic holder himself, a bank, or a third party who bought a prepaid card. However, choosing a credit or debit card doesn’t stop there – you also need to determine in which territory you need to use plastic. Based on this feature, cards are divided into:

  • Intra-bank - that is, those that can be cashed only at the issuer’s ATMs. Such, for example, are the cards that some banks issue for cashing out a consumer loan.
  • Local – cards that can be used only in a limited area (for example, in the country where it is issued). Thus, in Russia there are several local payment systems, with which exclusively local banks cooperate.
  • International cards belong to major payment systems, and they can be cashed in any country in the world. These cards are useful for travelers - they can be linked to a multi-currency account and make payments in one of several currencies;
  • Virtual cards are needed for payments on the Internet. They do not exist in physical form and cannot be used in an ATM or offline store. At the same time virtual card- an excellent payment tool for non-cash payments and online purchases.

Question and answer 05/11/16 390 972 17

What data should not be reported and in what cases to turn on the paranoid

What are we talking about?

Bank card details are confidential information. If it falls into the wrong hands, you could lose money.

In Russia, 68% of fraudulent transactions are carried out using bank details (Central Bank report for 2014). This is the most common way to steal money from a card. The fraudster only needs the numbers that are written directly on the card - and he can already rob you.


What are the details?

Details are everything that is written on the card: a 16-digit number (sometimes 18), the owner’s first and last name, expiration date and CVC code - a three-digit security code on the back. For convenience, we will include among the details the SMS code that the bank sends you when you pay online or transfer money.

According to the rules of payment systems, details cannot be disclosed to outsiders. If the bank finds out that your details have fallen into the wrong hands, they will immediately block the card. However, it is still possible to report something. In short, things are like this:

16 digit number


First and last name
Can be forwarded, dictated to friends and acquaintances

Security code on the back
Do not tell or forward to anyone

Code from SMS
Do not inform anyone under any circumstances

Card number of 16 digits. You can forward or dictate to friends and acquaintances.
First and last name in Latin. That's possible too.
Validity. Do not tell or forward to anyone.

Three-digit security code. Do not tell or forward to anyone

Code from SMS. Do not inform anyone under any circumstances.

What can you do if you know your card details?

Using your card details, you can pay online or make a card-to-card transfer. The person who knows your details has full access to the money.

What details does a thief need to steal my money?

Usually the card number, expiration date, CVC code and code from SMS. But there are stores that conduct transactions with fewer details.

The more details a fraudster knows, the more opportunities he has to steal money.

What can a fraudster who has captured your details do?

Card number

Card number
First and last name

Almost nothing

Card number
First and last name

Pay on some sites

Card number
First and last name
Security code

Book a hotel or car, link your card to Google Play, pay on Litres

Card number
First and last name
Security code
Code from SMS

Pay anywhere on the Internet, make any payment or transfer

Is it possible to provide a bank card number and owner's name?

If someone has your card number, they won't be able to steal your money. But he can use this knowledge for phishing: pretend to be a bank and extract other information from you.

The card number and owner's name should be protected in the same way as you protect your passport data.

The scammer only needs your card number, expiration date and your name to steal your money.

Questions about the security of bank cards from life

I forgot my card in a cafe and came back for it 15 minutes later. Should it be reissued?

Better to re-release. If you are unlucky, the waiter will write down the details in a notepad or simply take a photo of the card. He won’t spend all the money, but just quietly buy something on the Internet in a month or two.

If you do not have an SMS bank connected, you may not even notice that money is missing from your card. And if the client did not sound the alarm, then the bank will not notice anything. You will never know that the money was stolen.

The waiter took the card away to make payment at the checkout. This is bad?

Yes. For a whole minute he can do whatever he wants with your card. If you are completely unlucky, the waiter will also turn out to be a skimmer: he will pass the card through a special reader, then sell the data to Thailand through an anonymous forum. The guys there cash out a lot at once.

To prevent this from happening, ask the waiter to bring the terminal. Now in all decent establishments the terminal is brought to the table. But if this is not possible, go to the checkout with the waiter.

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The hotel employee wants me to send a scan of my card by email. Is this even legal?

Oddly enough, this is a common practice.

When you book a room, the hotel may put a hold on the money in advance to check your creditworthiness. But not all hotels can accept payments via the Internet. Therefore, the employee may ask you to send full card details by email or dictate them over the phone.

Then he will enter the details by hand into a regular payment terminal. The money on your card will be blocked. They are usually returned back to the card within a month.

There is still a risk. Hotels usually pay close attention to the personal data of clients: if a leak or fraud is discovered, the payment system will block the acceptance of payments. But the hotel employee is an ordinary person. If his mail is taken away, the fraudster will also take possession of your details. Therefore, for booking it is better to have a separate card, and a credit card. But let's talk about this.

A friend calls and wants to return the debt to my card. What card details can I tell him?

You can dictate the card number. Nothing else is needed to transfer to your card.

A colleague wants to take a photo of my card on his iPhone to get a refund for lunch. Allow?

No. If a colleague's phone is stolen, the scammers will also have a photo of your card. Let him translate by number.

They call from Avito, want to transfer money and ask for a security code. Speak?

They call from the bank and ask for your card number. Speak?

I want to show off my new card on Instagram. Can?

Yes, if you blur out all the details in Photoshop or choose an angle that won’t allow you to read anything.

Did your details fall into the wrong hands? Re-release.

How to protect your details

Maybe erase the security code from the card? Or cover it with something?

It's possible, but it's better not to. From the point of view of payment systems, a security code is a necessary detail of a bank card. When you pay offline, the seller will have every right not to accept such a card for payment. This often happens, especially abroad.

How to protect then?

You can open up to five additional cards— at Tinkoff Bank it’s free. Like this:

On the main card we set limits on online purchases:

Pay everywhere with an additional, and the main one.

Should I connect SMS banking?

Necessarily. If you have the Tinkoff app, you can enable push notifications: they work the same way as SMS banking.


  1. You can only share your card number and only with trusted people.
  2. First name, last name, expiration date and security code cannot be disclosed.
  3. The SMS code must never be shared with anyone.
  4. If you left the card unattended, reissue it.
  5. Get a card for offline with online payments disabled.

Today, payment cards are quite common. Bank cards are used as a payment instrument in many organizations. The simplicity of the operation saves time for both the client and the company. This method of paying for services practically eliminates the appearance of queues, at the same time, the seller does not need to look for change, because the terminal will withdraw from the account exactly the amount that is needed, accurate to the penny.

How does a payment card work?

So what is a plastic card? At first glance, it is difficult to understand how such operations are carried out with its help. It is equipped with a special magnetic stripe or chip (sometimes both). The holder's (owner's) payment information is stored on the strip and/or chip. Special reading devices at terminals receive information from the card, after which they perform the necessary operations.

Once the issuing bank has authorized the requested amount, all the buyer needs to do is sign the check to verify that the merchant entered the correct amount into the terminal.

Most bank cards have a special field where the owner puts his signature. This is necessary in order to determine whether the person really is its owner.

As you can see, this payment tool is convenient, versatile and practical. It will definitely take some time, and plastic cards will crowd out cash, this process is irreversible. Yes, today many people are still subconsciously afraid of dealing with plastic bank cards, but in 10 years they simply will not have a choice.

Devices for accepting payment cards

Accepting credit cards and debit cards as a payment instrument is now possible in many areas. Depending on the conditions, sellers of goods or services use various machines for accepting plastic cards.

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