Batman arkham origins firefly walkthrough. Batman: Arkham Origins. Walkthrough of the game (3). Objective: Defuse the bomb at the northern support

"Blackgate" Prologue:

Christmas is just around the corner, but Batman isn't in the mood for a holiday. Black Mask started a riot at Blackgate Prison, and so Batman, and us along with him, abandons his Christmas preparations, jumps on a plane and flies into the prison, landing next to a broken wall - our only passage into the prison.

First you need to find Commissioner Loeb. We follow the trail of destruction deep into the prison and hear a conversation between the mafioso and the prison warden. We rush to the rescue and in training we knock out the thug and disarm the prison warden.

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After which you can talk to him about the situation as a whole. After this we go through iron door in "Prison Block A". We go down to block A2 and deal with the thugs. After this, interrogate one of them and find out that Black Mask went to the execution site with Loeb. Having gone a little further, we will see a drone; apparently, we are not alone in this prison. We move on and pacify the escaped prisoners.

We cling to the ledge with a hook and go through the next door. Here we meet the crocodile Croc, but he does not pay attention to us and moves on. But a thug in a bulletproof vest will pay attention to us. We stun him using the cloak (SCM) and finish him off. After that, we cling to the ledge and go through the door. In the room, turn on detective vision (X), select the batarang (1) and shoot it at the control panel. We run and roll into the gap, knocking down one of the enemies, finish off the remaining ones and try to talk with the rescued. Alas, they are afraid of us. We press the elevator button and thereby raise it, now using the explosive gel (3) we punch a hole in the floor and jump down. We watch a scene where Louba is taken away by Croc, and Black Mask decides to play “his own game” with the cops. We break out the grate, go through the ventilation shaft and jump onto one of the prisoners, and then deal with the rest. We go into the chamber, select the batclaw (2) and break out the grate, and then climb into the ventilation shaft. We apply explosive gel to the wall and blow it up, knocking out the mafia. We go through the next door.

We quickly press “1” and launch two batarangs into the activation buttons, go into the room, grab the grate and move through the ventilation, listening to Black Mask’s dialogue with his fighters. We jump down and watch the scene of the death of Commissioner Loeb in the gas chamber. What I fought for, I ran into, as they say. Finally, for some reason Croc throws one of the Mask’s fighters into the glass and thereby makes a crack. Using the combination “W + double-pressing the spacebar” we break through the crack and grieve over the death of Loeb. The Mask guys run into the light and lament that they can’t get out. We knock out the guys and move on. We pick up along the way damaged card memory that can be read in the Batman Cave. Using the Batclaw, we fly up to the ledge, and then climb the stairs to the helipad to the first boss: Killer Croc.

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The combination is as follows: when red waves appear above Croc, dodge, take the burning barrel in your hands, and shoot with batarangs at the barrel. After that, stun him with your cloak and hit him in the teeth. After the first time, two mafiosi will come to his aid, and after the third time, three mafiosi will come to his aid. Deal with them and with Croc, watch the video where the police decided to drop by for a look, and Batman finds out that there is a bounty on his head and decides to think about a plan of action in the Bat Cave.

Bat Cave:

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Alfred meets us in the cave and tries to feed us Christmas dinner. We politely refuse and go to the Batcomputer to learn a lot about our killers. There are eight of them in total: Bane, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Shiva, Copperhead, Cricket, Electrocutioner, Croc (already behind bars). Now we need to find who was flying the drone. Suspicion falls on the Penguin, and to do this you need to shake the local sellers with a weapon. Also, from this moment on, a training arena opens with tests for Bats.

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Using fast travel, we land at the location we need and begin searching for the Penguin.

GCR Tower in Coventry:

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On his way to the Penguin, Batman notices that the towers are jamming the signal from his devices. We need to deal with this. Therefore, we dive straight into the tower building and begin to find out the reasons. There are armed enemies in the building. We open the door, throw a smoke grenade and climb onto the ledge using the hook. Now you need to save the hostage. Fly to the extreme ledge and knock out the enemy who is holding a hostage. The first hostage has been saved, two more remain. Break out the grate and knock out the enemy from cover. Now the last hostage remains. One of the enemies will run away, scared of Batman. Get around the enemy and deliver the decisive blow from behind the flimsy structure. The hostages have been rescued. Finish off the last enemy by throwing him off the ledge, and then go into the control room. Analyze the crime, starting with the corpse and ending with the access panel, and you will find out who started this whole mess, but our friend is already dead and it remains a mystery who is really behind it all. After this, we scan the key - the card, which is located in the ventilation, and hack the control panel using the encryption sequencer (0). Go further, go up the stairs and contact Alfred. After that, hack the panel and meet Enigma. This completes the quest.


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Penguin is located in the Bowery area. You can get there via a bridge. The bridge is very long, so use the batclaw and glide to move. There is also an Enigma informant on the bridge. Beat the information out of him so you don’t have to come back several times.

Arriving at the meeting place, we will not find anyone. Great, there is time to find a secluded position and follow the deal. We watch the video, then we go down and beat the bad guys, after which we interrogate the bandit in the Santa Claus hat. After that, we take the phone from the main one and try to break through the SIM card using the decoder. But nothing works; the signal is blocked by one of the towers. We fly to the tower and deal with the bandits. After that, select the controlled batarang (=), throw it into the electric field and charge the control panel, after that we go inside and turn off the jammer using the decoder.

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Now let's hack Penguin's SIM card. We find the orange dot on the decoder and begin to select the desired frequency. Having selected the frequency, we listen to the Penguin soldiers and go to the “Amusement Park” to find the first SIM card. In the park we deal with the enemies, and then use the decryption system. Now we need to come to the industrial area to find the second SIM card. There will be armed guards on site, so take them out one by one, and then hack the system. After breaking into the second place, we find out that Penguin is on the ship.

On the approaches to the ship, we see that the ship is swarming with snipers and machine gunners. We also learn that one of the killers is on the ship: Electrocutioner. Be careful. First, take out the snipers, and then take on the machine gunners. Go deep into the ship and knock out two enemies with knives as the Penguin comments.

Our goal: fighting tournament on a ship. We go into the room with weapons and knock out the machine gunner, and then turn our attention to others. We go further and hear an alarm from Candy. We deal with the next group of enemies and pull the raft towards ourselves using the batclaw and pull ourselves to the rings in the same way. After that, we pull the main ring and bring down the tiles, go upstairs to the Boiler Room.

Penguin goes into his office and Tracy remains in charge. We need to interrogate her. At the top, use the Batclaw to open the hatch. Go down to the arena and fight the Electrocutioner. The pretentious Electrocutioner falls down the street with one blow, but other guys run out into the arena and are not averse to tearing Bets’ head off.

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Break noses, knock out kidneys, do what you know how to do best. Also here you can unlock the achievement “Fifty without a break”, in which you need to carry out 50 strikes without interruption. After the mess, interrogate the only one remaining conscious about the whereabouts of the Penguin. The penguin is in the casino, so we should go there. Chase Tracy using your acrobat, grappling hook and fist skills. Halfway there, Tracy will tell us that Electrocutioner has woken up and is very angry with us. Well, let's be careful. Use the Batclaw to make a hole in the floor and climb up. At the top, tear out the ventilation shaft grate and crawl along it. You go out into the hall.

Listen to Tracy, knock out enemies, break out the grate and crawl through the mine. Use the sensor to break open the door and get ready for another batch of enemies, only this time with weapons. After that, we get on the elevator, put Tracy behind bars, and we ourselves hack the panel, which will open all the doors on the ship. Trying to open the door to the Penguin, we get a shoe in the face from the Punisher (no, it’s not that Punisher, but a different one). Beware when there is a red stripe above his head, jump over him and hammer him until he falls. After that, go to the theater. There will be many armed opponents there. Try to take them off one at a time. Then go to the room where you will see the Penguin being tortured. It's time to intervene. Deal with the scum and try the Penguin. Deathstroke will interrupt the sweet conversation. It's going to be hot now!

Repel his attacks and attack yourself. In scenes, press RMB and parry his blows. Repeat until victory. After this, Deathstroke will blind you and throw you on top, frantically press RMB, and then LMB. That's it, the first phase is over. Slade without a mask. Now according to the same scheme. After this, Slade will throw a barrel at you, press RMB and pull Slade towards you using the harpoon and continue with the old tactics. Slade will blind you again and again, press RMB, and then LMB. Slade is now without his stick and takes out his sword. Now you will need to do 3 counterattacks, and then the final scene with RMB and LMB. We watch the video, the boss is defeated, and we have a new gadget: a controlled harpoon. We use the new gadget and try to enter the Penguin's apartment. Did not work out.

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We contact Alfred about the murder in Lacey Towers and find out that the victim is Black Mask! This cannot happen. We need to inspect the crime scene. We are leaving the ship, there is nothing for us to do here for now.

Lacey - Towers:

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We arrive at the scene and knock out three cops with weapons. After that, we hack the police frequency. We see two cops go out onto the balcony and leave the door open. We go through it without touching the police themselves, and find ourselves at the hotel. We go to the crime scene and see a corpse in a black mask. But it’s not a fact that it’s Black Mask himself lying cold on the floor. An investigation needs to be carried out. We scan the body, the chandelier, the floor. And so on. Just scan the red dots and rewind time to find new clues. After investigation, we learn about the Joker. Batman doesn't know him yet, so that's how it is. Now you need to return to the Batcave for an impact detonator, with which you can get to the police station for some biographies.

Police station:

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The impact detonator will be on the table. Take it and return to Gotham. The police headquarters can be accessed through the roof. Fly up to the people standing near the door and wait until they leave, then go to the control room. Jump onto the elevator, and from there dive into the shaft and crawl to the exit, along the way listening to the police talk about the situation in Gotham. We leave the bars and knock out the policeman with a sudden blow from the bars. We go into the room and knock out three guards. After that, using the batclaw, we tear out the grate and move on. There are too many armed guards here. So, with the help of Deathstroke's claw, we pass over them, unnoticed. After that, we knock out the lone guard and hack the panel. Using the claw in the next room, we throw a fire extinguisher at the enemies and knock them out. We go into the right room and knock out the guard interrogating our old friend in a Santa hat. Now we’ll interrogate him ourselves and knock him out. We go out the door. On the way to the locker room we scatter the police. Using the gel, we blow up the window and go into the locker room, knock out the policeman and remove the bars. Don't forget to use your claw to open the cabinet door and take away the incriminating evidence. At the exit from the ventilation we witness a verbal altercation between Barbara and Gordon.

We find ourselves in an isolation ward and must knock out a dozen armed special forces. We study the route and try to catch one at a time. When the last enemy falls, we break open the door, knock out two cops and move on. Trying to hack the server room, we fail because of the blocker. You need to get the destructor out of storage and use it to eliminate the interference. We go into the room and scatter two cops. After that, we hack the control panel and jump into the elevator shaft.

We go out to the prison cells and deal with the prisoners. After that, we go to the elevator shaft and go up to the evidence room for the destructor. We return the same way and see that the cells are open and the prisoners are free. We turn off the jammer and open the camera, after which we kick the bad guys’ asses in the company of Bane’s soldier. Now you can go to the server room and download data. There we will meet Barbara Gordon, and then special forces will attack us. We tear out the bars and leave the police station, beating the police. We go further and pick the lock, then we go into the elevator, hiding from the fire of Branden, who wants to receive a reward for your head. At the exit from the elevator we will meet Gordon, and Branden will also arrive in time. Throw a smoke grenade and get rid of annoying pursuers. Now you can leave the site.

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We go into the sewer under police control. In the sewers we meet Mask's people in the company of martial artists. The tactics are similar to those used on Deathstroke. Counterattack and repel attacks. Having dealt with new enemies, move on. Using acrobatic tricks and ingenuity, you will go further - the police communications room. Black Mask's people want to blow up the sewer section. We need to prevent this. Jump onto the platform, knock out everyone who is standing on it, and go up. Deal with the guards and get the dossier. Now we have unraveled the Lacey Towers case and we need to go to the Gotham Commercial Bank.

Gotham Commercial Bank:

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You can’t enter through the main entrance, we go around. We go up to the roof, use gel to blow up the wall and go into the bank using the hatch. In the utility room, we turn off the alarm with a destructor and hack the panel. Open up sesame! We're inside the bank. Everyone here is dead. You can’t enter through the main door, so we go through the ventilation, smear the flimsy device with gel and blow it up. We watch the video where we find out that the Mask is the Joker. Sionis (the real Mask) is beaten unconscious and taken away in a van. Bats is shot, but the armor saves him, and Sionis' assistant dies from the explosion. It's time to take revenge! Our new enemies have a man who is suppressing Bats' detective mode. Eliminate him first, and then move on to the others. The last one left standing will surrender, and you can interrogate him. The Joker's henchman will say that he went to the steel mill. After that, leave the building and break away from the police patrol.

Steel Plant:

Go to the factory, deal with the guards and enter the factory. There, the bandits discuss the new boss and his camouflage abilities, as well as Batman's durability. Cut down the weapon box so that no one can take the weapon. And with the help of Deathstroke's claw, throw the barrel against the bodies and rush in to finish off your enemies. After this, go up to the second floor and, avoiding an ambush, fly into the ventilation shaft, after which you will surprise your enemies. When the body of the last enemy cools down, connect to Sionis’ computer and download the codes. Also, Alfred will contact you and share ideas about a sticky grenade that can be synthesized in the laboratory. Hack the access panel and go through the door. Some shadow will fly there. Apparently, Copperhead. We go into the next door and deal with the bandits. Now meet the Punisher in armor. The tactic is this: press MMB three times, and then hit the punisher, repelling the attacks of his friends. Once his armor is broken, the tactics will be the same as with the regular Punisher. After the fight, press the button and try to break through the wall. Did not work out? Help with the hook and everything will work out. Once on the other side, you will hear Copperhead’s laugh and see a gift in the form of a dead mafioso. We study his body and understand that he was poisoned. After riding the elevator, we get out and turn off a couple of mafiosi. After that, we hack the panel and go further - to the drug laboratory where Sionis is being kept, and armed guards and a jammer are roaming around. First we turn off the generator, and then everyone else. Now you can go to Sionis and watch the video.

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Copperhead poisoned Batman. We need to find the antipode, and for this we need to find out what poison she poisoned us with. We scan the area and collect evidence. Having collected the evidence, we send it to the computer and ask Alfred to synthesize the antidote. All that remains is to reach the surface through hallucinogenic visions. Coming out of the elevator, we must fight Copperhead. It will be difficult, but we can do it. Fight Copperhead and her illusions. After that, we take the antidote from the container, inject it into ourselves and knock out this cobra. We leave the factory, simultaneously knocking out a couple of mafiosi and blowing up a container with poison.

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Gathering of killers:

Now we need to find the place where the rest of the killers meet. This can be done thanks to the electrical signature in the Stun Gun gloves. We go to the Gotham bridge and from there we plan to Diamond County, following the sensors. The sensors will lead to the hotel, where a special forces squad will be stationed along with black masks. We knock them out and go to the hotel parking lot. In the parking lot, knock out enemies, pick the lock, use a batarang to turn off the electricity, and use a cable to get upstairs and open the gate to the parking lot. And from the parking lot, take the elevator to the hotel itself.

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We are looking for a security room. We enter the foyer, knock out a man with a silencer for our electronics, and then take on other mafiosi. We break into the entrance to the security room and watch the video. The stun gun is burned out. We select his gloves, they will be useful to us in the future. We energize the trolley and go up to the roof, from there we fly into the open window with the help of a hook and go along the corridor. In the corridor we charge the electric drive and scatter the mafiosi. Combining our gadgets, we climb further along the floors of the hotel and knock out more and more enemies. And this is the scheme throughout the entire level: we combine gadgets and fight with enemies.

On the twenty-fifth floor we find ourselves in a dance hall designed by the Joker. In this room we fight with enemies, then we get out of the trap as follows: we shoot batarangs at the illuminated buttons, throw a cable, blow up the wall and hack the control panel. That's it, we're not trapped anymore. Let's go further, throw the batarang into the electricity and turn it 180 degrees to charge the panel. We fly up. Now you need to solve the puzzle with balls in two moves. If you make a mistake, start again. The solution is under the spoiler.

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After solving the riddle, jump into the arena and knock out the mafiosi. Then throw the cable and get out of here. Along the way, knock out the machine gunner and save the life of the hostage, who will say that his friends are still in captivity. We jump into the hole in the floor and knock out the machine gunner, after which we deal with the rest. We blow up the window and fly to the 28th floor. On the 28th floor, try to defuse the bomb, but it will turn out to be a trap, so jump out the window and cling to the helicopter. Hang and that's enough. We jump onto the balcony to the mercenaries of the Joker and Bane and give them hell. After that, we go into the building and methodically turn off Bane’s machine guns. We hack the control panel and get into the elevator.

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There will be a fight with Bane. Dodge when he gets enraged, hit him with your cloak (SMB three times), and then with your fists. And so on until the second phase. In the second phase, Bane will call his people for help. We do not pay attention to them, since Bane, under his rage, will sweep them out of his way. When Bane is under Venom, make three hits with your cloak and hit him all the way. When he becomes normal, then make one blow with the cloak and hit again until it stops. Repeat until victory. After this, we watch the video and are transported to Blackgate Prison.

Blackgate Prison:

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In prison you will play as the Joker. More precisely, you will be in the mind of the Joker. While the clown talks to the psychiatrist (hello, future Harley), you'll fight off a bunch of enemies with counter-strikes.

After the fight in the theater, we are transported to a chemical plant in the skin of the Red Hood. We just walk along listening to the dialogue between Joker and Harley. We watch the video, and after that the game switches us to Batman. We select the glue grenade and head to the morgue of the Gotham Police Department.

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In the garage next to the police department, we cut down the special forces and jump into the hatch. There we use a glue grenade and remove the steam. On the water we also use a grenade and make an ice raft. After this, we go to the morgue and analyze the corpse. After analyzing the corpse, we read the autopsy results and leave the morgue.

Now we need to find the trace of the beacon that we threw on Bane during the battle on the roof. We fly to Bane's hideout, deal with his mercenaries and, with the help of gadgets, get into his hideout. We find out that Bane knows or guesses who we really are and rush to the Batcave.

But that’s not the case, we catch a message from the police. Firefly has taken hostages and is holding them on a bridge. We connect to the Firefly communication channel and listen. We rush to the Gotham bridge to rescue the hostages and beat Firefly. On the approach to the bridge, we call the Batclaw to distract Firefly. Branden's special forces arrive at the wrong time. We knock them out and go into the technical room where Gordon is located. We tell Gordon about the explosives planted, but he doesn’t listen to us. Because of this, Branden was captured. Thanks to the gadgets, we get to the location with the first explosive, turn off the guys with the guns and talk to the surrendered enemy about bombs. The first bomb is right here, we defuse it and move on. We'll free Brandon along the way. But Brandon is not very good at expressing gratitude, so we knock him out, get on the elevator and go to the second bomb. We deal with the enemies and defuse the second bomb.

We go to the third bomb through the debris. Once in a room with enemies, we defuse them and the bomb.

Now we go to the fourth bomb, through the place where the second bomb was defused and we come across Firefly on the bridge. The tactics are as follows: we throw adhesive grants at him (5), then fire at him with batarangs (1), and at the end we shoot with a claw (2) and press space. Repeat until the second phase. In the second phase, you will have to run among cars and debris from Firefly fire, after which you will go out into the open. On the ground, dodge his attacks and use the tactics of the first phase. When the Firefly sets the area on fire, grab onto it with the hook (F) and counterattack (RMB). Then we watch the video.

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Deal with the loafers at the main gate to the prison, and then jump through the hatch and find yourself in the sewer. James Gordon will arrive soon and the police officers you saved will meet him. In the sewer, destroy the fragile floor, and then pour it onto the ledge. From there, use the cable to cross to the other side and you will find yourself in a location with electric water. We make a cable, blow up the flimsy wall on the other side and plan on the ledge. We destroy the electrical panel, and then make ourselves a raft using a glue grenade and move to the other side. In the room with water, press the button and turn on the electricity, select the controlled batarang and launch the control panel, after passing the batarang over the electricity. The water level will rise. We make a raft using a sticky grenade, pull ourselves up to a fragile wall and blow it up. Let's do the raft again and close the steam valves. Because of this, the pressure level in the pipes will exceed the permissible values, and we will move on. In the office building, we explain to the prisoners with our fists that plotting escapes while we are on duty is bad. We leave the room and power up the mini-generator. The elevator falls. We climb onto it and pull ourselves up to the top floor. After this we find ourselves in a compartment with armed prisoners. We deal with them using gadgets and ingenuity, and then save the prisoners. Now we follow the Joker to block B. In the block we beat up the prisoners and move on. Along the way we meet Deathstroke while away the time doing push-ups. We go along the next blocks and make our way to the Joker through the bodies.

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Arriving at the Joker, we fight with Bane, who has put on a cardiometer. A difficult battle lies ahead. We dodge his fast run three times in a row. Then we dodge his air strike. After that, we hit him three times with a cloak and begin to beat him until we disable the Venom device. The second time, Bane's minions will interfere with us. We don’t pay attention to them and repeat the previous tactics. After the second time, Bane will catch us and we will turn on the electric gloves. We hit Bane with them, repeat the previous tactics, and watch the video. The Joker ran away, and Gordon and Joseph followed him. Let's revive Bane. He will wake up, but will not be very happy about the loss of the device, and will inject himself with TN - 1, swelling to large sizes. Here is the following tactic: we hide in the mines and under the floor, or we go around from behind and attack, trying to turn him into electricity, and we begin to beat him while he is unconscious. Repeat until victorious. Mistakenly thinking that we have won, we receive a couple of blows and break through the wall. We get up and wait for Bane to run up to attack. Using a controlled claw, we bind Bane and knock him out. By the way, the mutagen damaged Bane's memory and he forgot everything he knew about Batman.

Steelworks, Boss: Copperhead.
Gotham City Royal Hotel, Boss: Bane.
Blackgate Prison.
Bane's Search.
Pioneer Bridge, Boss: Firefly.
Blackgate Prison, Boss: Bane, Boss: Joker

Passing levels:

Gotham City Royal Hotel
Batman: Arkham Origins. Walkthrough

Objective: Obtain the electromagnetic signature of the Stun Gun

We move to the very center of the Gotham Pioneer Bridge. Here we detect the signal of the Electrocutioner.

Objective: Track the electromagnetic signature

We do not see the exact location of the stun gun, only the distance sensor to it. We go in the direction where the distance decreases, as a result we come to the Diamond District quarter in the large eastern building.

Mission: Infiltrate the Gotham City Royal Hotel

We enter the building through the southern door. At the entrance we destroy the bandits and police. We find ourselves in the hotel's underground parking lot. We destroy all the bandits.

We break open the closed door. Inside, we use a betang to press the button where the electricity converges, then we stretch the cable at the top and climb onto it. In the upper room, press the button to open the lattice door below. We enter the large elevator and go upstairs.

Objective: Infiltrate the security room

Hotel lobby. We silently destroy the bandits.

We enter the security room. Using the CCTV camera we watch the meeting of the assassins and the Joker. Before our eyes, the Joker throws the Stun Gun out of the window. We approach the fallen enemy, take away his new weapon - shock gloves. Now all that remains is to climb up.

Objective: Infiltrate the penthouse

There is an overhead elevator next to the fallen chandelier and the Electrocutioner. We climb into it and charge it with energy. Using the hook, we climb even higher into the open window of the building.

East tower – 10th floor. Using gloves, we charge the panel on the wall, this will cause the grate in front to rise, we slide under it. We kill bandits. Gloves can also be used during battle if you press LMB+RMB.

We enter the laundry room, from there through the ventilation into the non-working elevator shaft. We get on the second elevator, charge it and go up.

East tower – 19th floor. We climb onto the open floor and deal with the bandits. A rescued hotel employee asks to save the rest of his colleagues. Let's move on to open window. We stretch the cable to the opposite building and roll there along the cable.

West Tower – 19th floor. Around the corner we see a machine gun installation. We neutralize it using a destructor. Then we charge the panel on the wall and deal with the bandits.

We enter the room Ventilation shaft. We climb up the ledges, stretch the cable, turn off the fan on the control panel, climb even higher - into the open ventilation.

Ahead, open the large valve using the Batclaw to redirect the steam.

On the 25th floor we find ourselves in the Dance Hall. We fight a small gang, and then enter the Joker's testing room.

Ahead we see four bandits in electric chairs, everything on the floor is filled with water. You have 1:30 seconds to complete. We take batarangs and throw them to the left and right button at the top until the wooden panels turn to the side. Behind the shields we see the attachment points, stretch the cable between them and climb onto it. From the cable we plan to a wooden balcony on the opposite wall. On the balcony we blow up the wooden wall using gel. Inside we hack the control panel. The test has passed.

We go down to the flooded floor and go through the room.

We go up the stairs and find ourselves inside a large clown mask. We stand on the green button, launch a controlled batarang through the eye window, fly through the electricity, fly into the second eye of the mask, and crash into the fuse panel. A hatch has opened at the top, we go up.

By railway We reach the next test. We look at the sequence in which the balls flash, then in the same sequence we burst them with the help of a betarang. The first time the combination is 1, 3, 4, 2 (counting balls from left to right). Second combination: 4, 3, 1, 2.

We go further along the railway. We jump down to the lower path, and from there into the arena with bandits. After winning, we jump onto the nearest balcony, there we press the button, from which a clown appears from the box. We stretch a cable between the clown’s nose and the wall, and along the cable we exit the amusement park.

On the way, on the 25th floor we rescue another hotel employee.

Overview Bar. We approach a round structure suspended between the hotel towers. There is a closed lattice door ahead, so we climb into the hatch on the floor.

We crawl through the pipe into the bar room, get out and destroy the enemies. We pass further, blow up the thin wall on the left, and get out into the street to the facade of the building. We cling to the statue with the Batclaw, and then to the open window.

East Tower – 28th floor. We enter a room with a large timer. We hack the control panel to stop the bomb timer. But after hacking, there are 24 seconds left before the explosion. Quickly jump out of the window (W key, spacebar, spacebar). We hook ourselves onto the journalists' helicopter and then jump onto the upper terrace of the hotel. On the terrace we alternately destroy two groups of bandits. We enter the building again.

East tower – 40th floor. We enter a large room with a swimming pool. Here you need to kill all of Bane's mercenaries. After the victory, we go down under the pool, in the central part of the room we enter the elevator.

Boss: Bane

At the top we are immediately met by Bane and taken to the Joker. After the next Joker show, we are left alone with Bane. The boss attacks with ramming attacks and simple blows. We dodge rams (in any direction + space, space), carry out counterattacks (RMB) for normal attacks, then do an ultra stun (SKM, SKM, SKM). After stunning, we perform a combo and press “E” to snatch another hose with Venom from Bane.

In the middle of the battle, we fly out the window and continue the battle on the hotel terrace. Here the boss is constantly helped by several ordinary fighters, but we do not pay attention to them. It’s just better not to start an ultra stun, Bane will interrupt him with his blows. You need to wait until he delivers a regular blow and then counterattack. After landing the combo, Bane turns on the Venom boost.

When the boss is under the influence of Venom, we dodge his ram attacks three times, once we dodge his jump with an earthquake wave, after that we approach him, do an ultra stun, finish him off and pull out the hose. After tearing out five hoses from the device on Bane’s back, we defeat him.

Police helicopters arrive and engage the bandits. Bane escapes in his helicopter and blows up the Joker. Batman rushes down after the Joker serving and saves him from death. Below, the Joker falls into the hands of the police, and Batman escapes the police encirclement in time.

Blackgate Prison

In prison, the Joker was sent for psychiatric treatment. The Joker is treated by a girl, Dr. Harvey Queen. As the Joker, we participate in his nightmares. We fight with the audience in a comedy theater.

In the next nightmare, we find ourselves at a chemical plant, where bandits put a red cap on the Joker and threw him onto a conveyor belt. All along the way we hear the dialogue between the Joker and the doctor.

We also see Batman’s nightmares in which I kill his parents.

Search for Bane
Walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins

Objective: Take the glue grenade

We continue to play as Batman. We find ourselves in a secret cave, talking with Alfred. In the south of the cave on the workbench we take a new weapon - glue grenade.

Objective: Scan a corpse in the Gotham City Police Department morgue

We move to the Burnley area. We enter the sewer room opposite the police station. Inside we beat the police, then we go down into the sewer hatch.

In the underground tunnel we use a glue grenade (key “5”) to seal the open valves of the steam pipes. We jump down to the water. Throw a glue grenade into the water to create an ice floe. We stand on the ice floe and use the batclaw to pull ourselves towards the rings on the wall.

We go outside.

Objective: Find out the location of Bane's beacon

We are moving to the Parkovaya Street area. We enter a building on the west coast. Through the ventilation shaft we get into the sewer.

We approach the water, create a raft from a glue bomb, and ride it to the other shore. We destroy the enemies and go into the closed sewer area.

Entrance to Bane's field headquarters. We enter the room on the right. We study the screen, take the audio recording about Bane.

On the way out we inspect the couch. We enter Bane's headquarters. He's not here, but on the screens we see that Bane knows the main secret: Batman is Bruce Wayne. We quickly get to the surface.

Pioneer Bridge
Walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins

Objective: Warn Gordon about the bombs

Let's go to the Pioneer Bridge. We neutralize four special forces who are about to storm the bridge. We enter the door with the red wheel. In the technical room, from behind the boxes, we communicate with Captain Gordon.

Mission: Find Firefly's bombs

The police are retreating, you can climb into the bridge. We hack the elevator and enter it.

Secret: at an average height near the generator, we look up and see a block behind the bars. We turn on detective vision and see that a wire goes to the left. We launch the controlled batarang up to the left, behind the wall we crash into the switch, the grate will open. We go up the platforms to a higher floor, and use our claw to pull in data block 11-7.

Secret: Freight elevator shaft. Having climbed onto the roof of the elevator, we go to the dark corner on the left. There we look up, and use the batclaw to attract data block 11-8.

Secret: Charge the generator, seal the steam on the opposite side. We jump over there, then climb along the ledges around the elevator shaft. Almost at the very top we seal another valve with steam, a little lower we open the ventilation grill, there we find data block 11-9.

We go upstairs, through the ventilation we go out into the boiler room.

Here you need to destroy all enemies and interrogate the last one. The gargoyle statues in the center contain explosives; you don't need to cling to them to avoid raising the alarm. We learn from the interrogated person that there are four bombs in total on the bridge. Let's go clear the nearest mine.

Objective: Defuse the bomb in the boiler room

We approach the panel in front of the bomb, hack it as usual, only you will need to guess 3 codes in 30 seconds.

Objective: Defuse a bomb at a train station

We take the elevator up. We approach the charger, turn it on and raise the elevator a little higher. We blow up the door above the elevator. We defeat the enemies, unleash Special Forces Lieutenant Howard Brandon, and then stun him.

We climb up the stairs and find ourselves at the train station. We silently eliminate enemies. After the victory, we go into the control room opposite the carriage with the hostages. On the second floor of the room, press the button, this will cause the car to go down.

We approach the open bomb and break it open.

Objective: Defuse the bomb at the southern support

We enter a room with many bandits and electric walls. The electricity doesn't hit enemies, but we don't need to touch the walls. After the victory, press the button, enter the doors and defuse the third bomb.

Objective: Defuse the bomb at the northern support

We return to the railway station, and from there we go to the northern part of the bridge. After opening the fire damper, go through the large door on the left.

We jump onto the fragment in front, follow it to the end, the side view will turn on. We jump over the abyss and cling to the cornice. We move further forward along the ledge, and then go out into the arena in the center of the bridge, where the bandits are crowded. We beat the bandits, after which the Firefly flies in.

Boss: Firefly

We dodge the boss’s fiery attacks (press in any direction + space, space). First, we throw sticky bombs at Firefly (press “5”, “5”), when he is glued together, we throw three batarangs at him (press “1”, “1”, “1”, “1”). Then we repeat again: glue it together, throw shells at it. When the Firefly is stunned, we attract it to ourselves using the batclaw (press “2”, “2”).

After the second pull with the batclaw, Firefly will get angry, set everything on fire and find a bomb detonator. After that, we run forward, escaping from the fire. We go around the cars and jump down. We climb back up along the rubble. After climbing the bridge, we run to the right, jump onto the blue hanging truck, then roll under the large truck.

Having reached a dead end, we again begin to fight with Firefly using the same method: we glue him together and throw batarangs at him. When the boss has his last bar of health left, we cling to him with a hook (F key) and finish him off in the air.

Mission: Find Alfred

We approach the main control panel and resume the work of detective vision. We are looking for Alfred, we find him far below, on the slope of the cave under the rubble. We clear the rubble and revive Alfred. We approach the control panel and find out that the Joker has captured the prison in which he was imprisoned.

Blackgate Prison
Walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins

Mission: Stop the Joker

We disembark right next to the prison. We go and destroy the prisoners gathered at the front entrance. We release three policemen.

Objective: Infiltrate Blackgate Prison through the sewers

We go down the hatch in front of the right burning window. We break through the floor in the tunnel and go along the lower floor. We find ourselves in a room where the water on the floor is under electricity. We create a path for ourselves by stretching cables between the attachment points. We climb higher, break through the wall, soar to the opposite bank, and there we turn off the shorted electrical panel. After this, we use a sticky grenade to create a raft on the water and swim forward through the tunnel.

We climb to the top. We go into the control room on the left, press the button there and quickly launch the controlled betarang through the electricity that appears, after which we crash into the panel with traffic jams to the left of the electricity. This will fill the lock with water. We create a raft in the water, pull ourselves up to another wall and blow up a thin spot in it.

Next we actively use sticky grenades. We seal all the steam valves, create a raft, float on it with the current, and seal three more valves along the way. At the end we see three screws in the water, to escape from them, we shoot at the three valves from above, the pipe will explode from the pressure, after which we climb onto the upper ledge.

Mission: Stop the Joker

We enter the central room of the prison called Transition. Here you need to silently neutralize 10 prisoners. After the victory, we save a couple of guards and Dr. Harleen Quinzel.

We enter prison block B. We defeat the crowd of enemies. On the second floor in one of the cells we find Deathstroke doing push-ups, whom the Joker was afraid to let out. We go further and go down to the first floor, where you need to fight with a whole crowd of prisoners of 20 people, and then a huge brute will come out. You can't do without a dozen combat improvements.

After the victory, we go into the corridor leading to the round compartment. There is another difficult battle with the crowd ahead. We go into the round compartment itself. Here the Joker put on another show.

Boss: Bane

Bane enters the ring, a cardiometer is installed on him, counting his heartbeats. Upstairs, the bandits are holding the prison warden hostage. The Joker is seated in an electric chair, which will go off if Bane's heart beats for more than a few minutes. One of the two villains will definitely die, which Batman cannot allow.

The tactics of fighting Bane are the same: we dodge his three rams, dodge his jump, then do an ultra stun (SKM, SKM, SKM keys), a finishing move, and at the end we tear out the hose from his back. The only difference is that there are a lot of ordinary enemies around, you will have to constantly dodge them as well.

Having finished off Bane a couple of times, we activate the electric gloves to achieve Bane’s clinical death. We finish him off three more times. The battle is won.

The Joker leaves the scene, being chased by the prison warden and the arriving Captain Gordon. Batman stays behind and revives Bane with a blast of electricity. Bane immediately continues the fight and injects himself with an excessive dose of Venom. The fight continues in the prison sewer.

Bane walks in circles around the cells. Now Bane cannot be damaged by direct attacks, you need to attack him suddenly. We can hide either in underground trays or in ventilation shafts. We wait for Bane to pass by, then we attack from behind, sit on his neck and hit him against the wall or electric bars. We repeat this several times.

At the end, the almost finished Bane throws Batman and breaks through the wall with him. In time we hook his hands with cables to the attachment points. Now Bane is definitely immobilized.

We enter the control room, and from there into the death chamber. We find the wounded prison warden. The freed Killer Croc also comes here, but the sniper bandit scares off the mutant with his shot. Captain Gordon stuns the sniper and helps us in the battle.

Boss: Joker

We enter the room to the place of execution, then into the Cathedral. Here we meet a lonely Joker lying in front of the altar. We begin to beat the Joker for all his atrocities. He only sometimes fights back, but mostly he even enjoys Batman’s rage. In the end, we knock him unconscious and hand him over to Captain Gordon.

The whole game is completed!

During the end credits, we first listen to a crazy song performed by the Joker; then a television broadcast talking about the imminent opening of Arkham Asylum due to the insufficient security of Blackgate Prison. After the credits, we see a video where Amanda Waller comes to the imprisoned Deathstroke and offers to join the Suicide Squad.

Completing the game unlocks the “ A new game+” (playing through the game one more time, but with all the unlocked items, primaries and improvements), as well as the ability to change the costume of the main character.

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Gotham City Royal Hotel

Get rich and die.

The Joker organized a meeting with the hunters for Batman. We get to the bridge support, catch the signal from the stun gun and follow the sensor to move in the right direction. The hotel is located in the Diamond area, the entrance is heavily guarded by corrupt special forces and mafiosi. Having penetrated inside, we go down and neutralize two enemies. Jumping out of the window, we eliminate a small group of mafiosi. We break the code panel of the grille. We throw the batarang at the button to turn off the electricity. There is an attachment point at the top; we launch the controlled claw into it. We go upstairs and activate the button to open the gate. We go downstairs, go into the outer room and restart the main generator.

After taking the elevator, we go into the lobby. There will be three on the second floor, one of whom moves between floors. It is best to intercept him on the stairs. We leave the two between the stairs for last. We go down to the first floor and neutralize all the mafiosi one by one. The remaining ones can be stunned with a double batarang while at a high point. Then quickly go down and finish it off. We break open the door of the security room (near the reception). It won't be difficult to locate the Joker through the cameras. At the meeting, he kills Electrocutioner. We take the shock gloves, jump onto the platform and energize the generator. Having gone upstairs, we cling to the upper structure. We approach the destroyed passage and release the hook through the window of the tenth floor.

We go to the right and, opening the door, charge the generator in the wall. The grate has risen quite a bit, so we accelerate and slide under it. The more actively we hit enemies, the faster the glove scale fills. We activate shock gloves, which will make it much more effective to knock out enemies, even those wearing body armor or with a shield. We go into the laundry room and open the grate at the top on the right side. We jump into the shaft and get to the elevator cabins. We quickly jump over to the next cabin and load it with gloves. Having not reached the desired floor, we independently cling to the ledge and throw the enemy down. Having cleared the corridor, we interview the employee. Several more hostages are being held in the observation bar. We charge the generator located to the right of the gate. Once at the window, we release the controlled claw at the attachment point of the adjacent tower. We move to the other side and knock down the enemy.

Around the corner is an automatic turret. We disable it with a destructor. We charge the generator in the wall and neutralize the enemies. We go into the ventilation shaft, cling to the ledges, move along them and climb higher and higher. We pass the last gap by releasing the cable to the attachment point on the opposite side. We activate the button and cling to the ventilation above the blades. Having passed through it, we grab the ring on the hatch cover with the batclaw. We grab onto the upper ledge on the right and throw off the thug.

Alfred's wisdom is valuable not only useful tips, but also experience points.

We get to the dance hall, which has been converted into a real amusement park. It's not much fun, because the Joker has arranged tests for us here. The reward for successful completion is the lives of the people of the Black Mask. We jump down and deal with the thugs. As soon as the gate opens, throw the batarang at the button towards which the light is directed. We repeat the same with the second button. When both boards glow green, attachment points will appear. We release a controlled claw at them, climb onto the cable and fly over to a small wooden ledge. We use gel to undermine the flimsy wall and crack the code panel (password - “TUKTUKTUK”). We jump into the water, turn around and go right. We go up the stairs. We stand on the button, launch the controlled batarang, pass it through the electrified eye of the mask, turn around and, passing it through the second eye, hit the shield.

We get out to the rails through the hatch that opened above our heads. We get to the room with the second test. The idea is simple: we remember in what order the masks flashed and in exactly the same order we burst the corresponding balls with a batarang. We pass further and, without jumping down, fly to the thugs. If we cannot do this, then first we fly to the lower rails. Having dealt with the opponents, we climb onto the balcony. We press the button and release the cable from the controlled claw to the attachment point on the little devil that appears. We move to the next balcony. We go out into the corridor, get rid of the armed mafioso and question the employee. You can enter the bar through a floor ventilation system. Finding yourself under an armed thug, we stun him. We pull the armor off the big man with a triple stun and a series of powerful blows.

After passing through the door, we apply the gel to the flimsy wall on the left. We cling to the gargoyle, then move to the open window on the left side. We charge the generator to the left of the gate. We try to defuse the bomb with a sequencer, but we only make it worse. Twenty-five seconds left before the explosion! Jump through the window by double-clicking the jump button + moving forward. At the last moment we manage to catch hold of the helicopter. Having jumped onto the roof, we continue to fight, even though the view is from a helicopter camera. Having cleared the roof, we climb higher and go into the building.

We get to the pool, climb the gargoyle and move onto the opposite side. We kill two on the second floor in the center. We deal with the enemies on the lower floor and finish off the remaining ones. There are only 8 opponents in a fairly large area, so it’s easier to wait until they split up. We go down to the reception and hack the code panel of the elevator door (code “DROPPING”). We rise to the Joker and encounter Bane. The fight will start in the library and then move to the roof. By double pressing the jump button we dodge to the side when the enemy is furiously heading towards us. For normal attacks, we jump over him behind his back, perform a triple stun and deliver a series of blows. We act similarly outside, only we will have to dodge to the side much more often. Also, do not forget to neutralize the constantly arriving mafiosi in time to allow the shock glove scale to fill up.

Bane flies away with his men, but Batman manages to attach a tracking sensor to him. From the explosion caused by Bane, the Joker falls down. We overtake him in flight, counterattack and land more or less successfully. The special forces squad that appears will capture the Joker and take him to Blackgate Prison, and this is not the first time we have managed to escape.

Blackgate Prison

Intern Harleen Quinzel will conduct a psychiatric test on the Joker, during which the patient will immerse himself in discussions on the topic “Fatal meeting with Batman.” We fight off a crowd of criminals and slowly move through the chemical plant. Where necessary, we jump, where necessary, we squat, and where necessary, we wait for the cessation of the fiery flow.

Morgue, police department

From the cave we track Bane's signal. Alfred synthesized glue grenades. We take them from the table and go to the morgue, which is located in the police department. You can get there through the sewer. A large number of special forces are concentrated near the room with the hatch. First of all, we deal with the snipers on the helipad of the neighboring building.

We plug the steam in the pipes using glue grenades. We fly down, go through the door and clear two more passages. We climb up, hack the code panel and climb up the stairs. We scan the corpse and study the autopsy report on the computer. The secret of Bane's strength is the substance "venom". Thanks to it, muscles and bones swell before our eyes. However, there is also a side effect - memory loss, with long-term use of Venom. We leave the controls the same way we got here.

Bane's headquarters

We neutralize the snipers in the area, go down and deal with less dangerous opponents. We begin the attack with a planning strike on the shooter. We go into the tunnel, open the door on the right. We open the grate, go through the shaft and, going down, clear the area from enemies. We destroy the flimsy barrier using gel. We throw a glue grenade into the water, jump onto the resulting raft and use the batclaw to pull ourselves up to the rings on the walls. When faced with Bane's real receivers, who also have power on their backs with "Venom", we dodge to the side from their attacks (red signs above the head) to prevent capture. One stun will be enough for them, after which we deliver a series of blows.

Having gone down the stairs, we make an effort to open the door. Bane has made good progress in studying the substance. Although it practically eliminated the risk of death, a side effect can still occur at any time. We get to the computers and find our photographs and videos with Batman and Bruce Wayne. Bane has learned about the secret, and now the superhero's confidentiality is in great doubt. Meanwhile, Firefly suddenly appeared on the radar. He mined Gotham's main link bridge and took hostages. The Cave and Alfred will wait, because the lives of people who find themselves in a dangerous situation because of us are at stake.

Pioneer Bridge

Additional upgrades are awarded for completing certain tasks from the “Particularly Dangerous” sections and for completing the “Dark Knight” tests.

Having reached our destination, we go down and neutralize the police. We go inside and warn Gordon about the bombs. When he leaves, go to the elevator on the right side. We hack the code panel (the password is “RESCUE”) and use the batclaw to cling to the ledge on the left. We climb up, pull out the grate and climb even higher. We charge the generator, plug the pipes with glue grenades and jump over to the other side. We grab the ledge and move all the way to the right. We turn around, look up and cling to the next ledge. We get out through the ventilation shaft into the boiler room. The four central gargoyles are mined and, if you sit on them, the enemies will immediately detect us, and after the explosion we will fall down. We neutralize criminals at the lower level. The Last Enemy will give up. We interrogate him to find out about the number of bombs installed. One of them is in the center, remove the cover from the device under the oven. In a limited time we hack the code panel. There will only be one available combination at each node.

Through the door on the right, we go to the elevator. We climb up, apply gel to the fragile wall and undermine it. We jump over opponents with shock batons and attack them from behind. We untie Branden's hands and deliver a counterstrike. We go up the stairs and go to the station. We cling to the ledge next to the arrows. We neutralize both at once, go around the opponents who have come running to the noise and also deal with them. We open the door in front of the central carriage. We go up to the control room, press the button and, breaking through the window, jump onto the roof of the car. We remove the lid and defuse the second bomb. The fire door is locked. Let's ask Alfred to get the access codes. On the other side, in the corner, there is a passage that will lead us to the southern support.

Having gone around the blockage, we charge the generator and lower the grate. We slip under the pipes, try to apply gel to the fragile partition, but fall down. We cling to the carriage and, having reached the middle, turn left and jump onto one beam and jump over to the other. We turn right, fly down and at the last moment we need to catch onto the next carriage. We neutralize snipers exclusively without noise. We pass the gap, grabbing the gargoyle on the other side. We clear the electrical panel from enemies. We press the button, open the door and defuse the third bomb. We return to the station, moving on the left side. We jump over to the center and destroy the fragile partition. A new group of criminals arrived at the station. We hide under the floor, wait for the enemy and neutralize him from behind. We eliminate the enemies in the upper positions, and finally leave those near the fire door.


We charge the generator, get out and cling to the metal beam. We move to the right, grab the ledge and continue to move in the same direction. We pull ourselves up, climb onto the bridge and enter into battle with a large number of enemies. Shock gloves will come in handy. Firefly will arrive immediately after the fight. We grab onto it with the batclaw. The fire damage is quite high, so you will have to dodge often. When the enemy freezes in place and is preparing to attack, at that moment we immediately throw a glue bomb at him, and then crush him with quick batarangs. We attract the stunned Firefly with the batclaw by quickly and often pressing the corresponding button. After an unsuccessful attempt to detonate the fourth bomb, we begin to run away. Having jumped down, we cling to the metal beam. We blind the enemy with a glue bomb and quickly climb back to the bridge. In the second stage, in addition to fire, you also need to dodge bombs. And basically we act in the same way as in the beginning. We finish the fight by clinging to the Firefly and carrying out two counterattacks.

Batman Cave

While we were busy saving lives, Bane managed to get to the cave and cause a pogrom there. We interact with the computer to restore the operation of the batcomputer. Going down the stairs, turn right and fly down to Alfred. Having removed the debris, we use shock gloves as a defibrillator. Fortunately, everything worked out: the butler survived and his condition stabilized.

Blackgate Prison

The Joker took over the prison and started a riot among the prisoners. Having arrived at the place, we jump onto the gate and attack the shooter. Having cleared the sites, we penetrate into the sewer through the hatch near the window. Having walked forward a little, we apply the gel to the fragile floor. Having fallen down, we climb to the desired level. We release the controlled claw to the attachment point on the other side. Similarly, we go around two more failures with electrified water. We destroy the flimsy wall and fly down. We strike the electrical panel, create a raft in the water from a glue grenade and pull ourselves up to the rings with the batclaw. Having gone upstairs, we go into the room on the left. As soon as we press the button, we release the controlled batarang into the window of the opposite room. We pass the batarang through the electricity and hit it on the shield on the left. The water level has risen, so we can create a raft, jump on it and pull ourselves up to the flimsy wall. Having destroyed it, we rise higher and plug the pipes with glue bombs.

We create another raft below. We jump onto it and immediately squat down. We plug the pipe on the left as quickly as possible. Then steam will come out of both pipes. And finally, we plug the last three pipes from above, after which we cling to the ledge. We neutralize the prisoners in the office building. We charge the generator, climb onto the elevator car and cling even higher. The ventilation shaft will lead us into enemy territory. We silently neutralize two opponents on the first level. We cling to the gargoyle and go down to the sniper on the fourth level. We clear the third level, and then the second. We free Harleen, go down to the doors and go to block B.

Mutated Bane.

Having dealt with the enemies, we go upstairs. After a short conversation with Deathstroke, we continue to advance towards the Joker, simultaneously eliminating a large number of prisoners. In the fight with Bane, we use the same methods as during the first meeting: dodging to the side when red icons appear, ultra-stun, after first jumping over the enemy, after which a series of blows and always a decisive blow. At the second stage, shock gloves will help to quickly scatter criminals. We don’t flirt with them and don’t lose sight of the main enemy, otherwise a few missed powerful rams will send us into a deep sleep.

The Joker escapes by shooting Gordon. We revive Bane, after which he injects himself with a modified “venom” and swells to an even larger size. In narrow corridors we try to ride the enemy from behind. Be sure to use detective vision. We crash Bane into the electric chamber and inflict many blows. We break away from the enemy by throwing a glue grenade at him. It is best to hide in the side ventilation shafts, rather than in the floor ones. When the jammer goes off, we come closer to it and turn it off with the destructor. We finish off and bind Bane with a controlled claw cable. He won’t even remember about Batman’s secret; a strong substance has erased his memory.

Now we need to catch the Joker. We pass forward, climb up and jump down through the broken grate. Together with Gordon, he holds back the onslaught of criminals. We get to the chapel and, having beaten the Joker pretty well, we hand him over to justice. Let's watch the final videos.

Twice, with the last battle divided into two stages. The first time we meet this pumped-up assassin is at the Gotham City Royal Hotel. He will be waiting for us at the highest tower in the penthouse. He will also meet there, who, after a short show, will leave and leave the “bat” alone with Bane.

This boss will attack us with regular blows, as well as impenetrable ramming attacks. To defeat Bane in Batman: Arkham Origins you need to dodge rams (A or D + press the spacebar twice), and parry simple blows using counterattacks (RMB), and then perform a super stun on the enemy (click the middle mouse button three times). Next, aim the mouse at the enemy and press the “E” key to tear off the hose with the Venom stimulator from Bane.

In the middle of the battle, we are thrown out through the window, and we find ourselves on the hotel terrace, where we continue the fight with our Latin thug. Now Bane will be helped by his followers, but we advise you not to pay any attention to them and let the boss scatter his “helpers” himself. Doing a super stun when regular fighters are standing nearby is not recommended. After performing a combo attack Bane will include the Venom boost.

While under this stimulant, the boss will attack you three times with a ramming attack, and then cause a local earthquake by hitting his hands on the floor. After this blow, you need to get close to him and do a super stun. Then we perform a combo and pull out the hose from it. A similar combo must be done five times, tearing out five hoses from Bane's back.

After this, the battle ends as police helicopters fly up to the roof of the hotel and attack the bandits. Bane escapes in his own helicopter and manages to shoot the Joker with a rocket launcher, blowing up the platform on which his fake employer stood. Batman saves the clown and escapes from the police in a timely manner.

The second time we meet Bane is in Blackgate Prison, where the Joker staged a massive riot. There we will have to fight again with a pumped-up mercenary, but this time someone must die in battle. The fact is that Bane has installed a cardiometer on himself, which reads the beats of his heart. If it doesn't stop within a few minutes, the electric chair the Joker is sitting on will go off. However, we cannot allow anyone to die.

The tactics of fighting this boss are the same as before: first we dodge his ramming attacks, then we try to dodge the jump, and then we do a super stun and a finishing blow, snatching the Venom hose from the enemy’s back. This fight will differ from the last fight only in the large number of ordinary bandits in the ring. However, Bane himself will scatter them, and therefore you do not have to waste your time on them.

Having pulled out several hoses, we activate our electric gloves and try to achieve the clinical death of Bane. We finish off the boss three more times and win the battle.

The Joker runs away, believing that the "bat" has finally committed murder. Police Captain Gordon and the prison warden rush after him. Batman uses his electric gloves to revive Bane. The mercenary attacks the dark knight and injects himself with a completely new type of “Venom”, because of which Bane becomes even bigger and stronger, but at the same time becomes stupider by an order of magnitude. The battle moves into the prison sewers.

In direct combat, Batman cannot defeat the boss, so he must hide from him in ventilation and underground chutes, and then suddenly attack Bane when he gets very close. We repeat this several times until a cutscene appears in which Bane throws the main character against the wall and breaks through it. Here we need to have time to tie the boss with cables and attach them to the columns. That's it, now the mercenary is completely defeated.

If the game about Batman doesn’t grab your attention, then try your hand at racing online. , 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

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