Basic priest cards. How to play the Hearthstone Healing Doctor tactic

Today we’ll look at a variant of the basic Priest deck in Hearthstone. As with the basic decks discussed earlier, this deck will consist only of cards that you received during the training process, as well as for leveling up the Priest to level 10. While there are obvious shortcomings, this deck is quite balanced. With this deck you can defeat players using rare, epic and even legendary cards in your decks in Game mode. Please note that for successful game With this deck, like all others, you must play it correctly and make the right decisions. To do this, we recommend that you read the guide on the cards and the guide on the reasons for losing in Hearthstone.

Game strategy

At the very beginning, the priest has access to some very powerful basic cards. This makes playing a basic Priest deck quite convenient. Additionally, Hero Power allows new players to get an idea of ​​the value of cards and the advantage they provide.

The deck's main strategy is to use a variety of high-health minions to create a significant lead advantage. Hero Power favors creatures with high health over creatures with high attack power. Using Hero Power, you can heal your creatures after they take damage. This action is equivalent to drawing an additional card, since it allows you to use the same creature several times.

In addition, this deck provides numerous card drawing mechanisms. If your opponent allows Northshire Cleric to live for a turn or two, they will quickly lose control due to you gaining significant card advantage. Other cards that allow you to heal creatures (like Voodoo Witch Doctor and Naga Healer) synergize well with Northshire Cleric. In addition, you can get cards using Word of Power: Shield and Dwarven Inventor. As a result, you will have many more options for moves than your opponent.

Card selection

In this section, we discuss some cards and their effective use. We hope this information will help you achieve success and shape other decks to your liking.

Divine Smite and Shadow Word: Pain are used as early control. With their help, you can eliminate weak enemy creatures and gain advantages on the board, which will allow you to heal your creatures.

Power Word: Shield - this is a very powerful card. It increases the creature’s health by 2 units, and therefore you can restore more health to it and get a card at the same time. Use Power Word: Shield on the Cleric, then double his health with Divine Spirit.

Northshire Cleric is key card the deck on which most of the interaction of cards is tied. Victory is often determined by effective card draw, so try to use the Cleric as efficiently as possible. Instead of just casting it on the first turn, wait until you have enough mana to cast a Cleric and heal another minion in the same turn.

Voodoo medicine man was included in the deck for additional interaction with the Cleric. Likewise, you should not play it on the first turn, nor should you use it to heal your character. The correct use of this card is to restore the creature's health, and at the same time draw a card with the help of a cleric if you have already used a hero power this turn, but at the same time you have one extra mana crystal left.

Divine spirit interacts well with other cards in the deck. Combined with Power Word: Shield of the Divine Spirit can help create a creature with a large supply of health, which can only be removed from the board with the help of the most powerful spells (Evil Eye or Polymorph). However, this card is situational, so the deck only contains one copy.

Ring of Light - This is the Priest's main AoE spell. With its help, you can inflict 2 units of damage to all enemy creatures, and at the same time heal your creatures by 2 units. If you have a cleric and several creatures with incomplete health on the table, you can draw several cards at once in one turn.

There are very few valuable creatures in the base set that cost 5 crystals, and priests have a good advantage over other classes, since they can effectively use the Healer Naga. This creature gives an effect similar to Ring of Light and, in combination with a cleric, allows you to draw several cards in one turn.

Berserk Gurubashi - another rather weak creature costing 5 crystals, which gains incredible power thanks to the hero’s power. A berserker with incomplete health can inflict a significant amount of damage on the enemy. After that, you can heal him by picking up a card. It should be noted that Gurubashi Berserker is an excellent target for Divine Spirit.

Mind control is undoubtedly the trump card of the deck. With its help, you can gain control over a large enemy creature and turn the tide of the battle in your favor, gaining card advantage. For example, by taking control of Ogre Boulderfist, you can remove a 6/7 threat from your opponent's board, summon a 6/7 minion to your side, and then effectively trade it for only 10 crystals and one card.

Other cards

In this section, we will look at cards that are not included in the deck to determine their weaknesses.

Inner Sight is not included in this deck, as the cards it produces are random and may be completely useless. For one unit of mana, it will be much more effective to use Power Word: Shield and draw a card from your deck, since it is guaranteed to be useful to you.

Mind Blast is also not used, since the deck is not aggressive, which means that 5 points of damage to the enemy character will not play a special role. Your goals are to gain board and card advantage, and Mind Blast does not affect them in any way.

Replacing cards

Of course, a basic deck can be improved in various ways. By getting new cards and dust, you will be able to make some replacements.

If you have Naxxramas open, consider the following cards:

2x Tasty Zombie instead of 1x Voodoo Witch Doctor and 1x Divine Punishment. A tasty zombie costs only 1 crystal, but has very high characteristics (2/3). Since the deck doesn't expect to do much damage early in the game, Zombie Deathrattle doesn't really matter. Two zombies will allow you to control the board in the early turns, and you won't need Divine Smite.

2x Dark Cultist instead of 2x Grizzly Steelfur. Dark Cultist is a surprisingly powerful card. It costs 3 crystals and has stats of 3/4. This ratio is one of the best in the game. Thanks to the surprisingly effective death rattle, the importance of the cultist is very difficult to overestimate.

1x Slime Belcher instead of 1x Gurubashi Berserker. Slime Belcher is currently one of the most powerful and most used cards in the game. Berserker Gurubashi, on the other hand, is the weakest card in the deck, and therefore this replacement will be very effective.

Below are other successful replacements from Expert sets. It should be noted that it is not worth spending dust on creating these maps. It will be better to get them from sets, and the dust will still be useful to you for creating budget decks.

2x Temple Fighter instead of 2x Ogre Heavy Fist. Temple Fighter fits perfectly into our deck. As a result, the creature loses one point of health, but gets the opportunity to buff another creature by +3 units, which is a very profitable exchange.

Throm'Ka, friend! You did the right thing by coming here, because there is nothing better than basic deck priest! Or maybe there is, but for other classes such an amazing build like this has not yet been invented (or I have not seen them). And they’re unlikely to come up with it, because it’s never been seen before that a priest with a basic deck could get into the top 50. But, closer to the point, I think you’re impatient.

We have Warbaker and his friend buzzedmonkey to thank for this build. However, the build is not abandoned, like all good things, it continues to live thanks to the efforts of warbaker.

I won't tell you how to use it, the mechanics of which is the basis of this build. I think this is clear and you are unlikely to have any questions. What might help you is some thoughts on how this matter can be improved with the help of non-basic cards.

How to improve the basic priest build?

I completely agree with warbaker, that a build would not hurt muteness, but unlike him, I don’t see any point in using the card. The best option I think the following, however, will also not pass without losing health points:

And here’s how I propose to modify and possibly improve this deck:

-> (loss of provocation is doubtful) or or


This deck dominates the table perfectly. Thanks to the hero’s ability and the spells that strengthen our creatures, we can almost always trade for a profit, and often simply kill without losing creatures. We remove especially unpleasant creatures with death and pain.

Main cards:

- this lady allows us to take cards during exchanges, and take them in huge quantities because after exchanges we often have many creatures left with an incomplete amount of HP.

Sen'jin- one of the best provocateurs in the game, allows us to cover others important cards, clergy for example.

- This is largely what this deck revolves around, the priest’s abilities allow him to accelerate to incredible sizes, in addition, he is the best option for the final combo.

Priest Sin'dorei- a very powerful card, often allows you to kill a creature without trading.

Naga Healer- fits perfectly into this deck, allows you to heal the entire board, goes well with the cleric, and besides, it itself has good fighting qualities.

There are only 2 combos that come to mind, however:
Creature+shield+shield+divine spirit+divine spirit+inner fire- Can be applied to any creature. If a creature initially has 4 or more HP, then it can kill an enemy hero with one blow. However, this scenario is too rare; it is much more common to get part of this combo, without one of the divine spirits or without shields.

Berserk + divine punishment- one of the options for accelerating a berserker, we could deal 2 damage, we’ll deal 3.

What can you do to strengthen it?

- the original version of the deck contained exactly these, and then they were replaced so that the deck contained only basic cards.

Silence- silence will help us weaken all sorts of nasty creatures with provocations, divine shields and strong abilities (the same Gurubashi berserk).

- we heal often, you can create a monster with a huge amount of attack for just 1 mana.

Wounded Slasher- one of best cards for a priest, 4/7 for 3 mana, even better than yeti in terms of stats, and also goes well with a cleric.

In fact, he is not afraid of mass skills. Almost all the main creatures are thick enough to withstand any kind of massive skills, in addition, you can immediately heal with a ring of light or nakedness. Exception: + paladin
Very strong and easy to trade. As mentioned above, it is very easy to control the board with this deck, it is easy to exchange and bypasses encounters with very strong creatures thanks to the priest’s targeted removal.
Lots of drow. As a rule, there are no problems with a lack of cards with this deck.
Strong in almost all stages of the game. Those. it is very difficult to rush it, and you can finish the game in 5-6 moves under certain circumstances, but at the same time, it can fight in the late game.


Of course, like any deck, it has weaknesses, firstly it very afraid of silence, without the abilities of the berserker, clerics and creatures of light (if you turn them on) it will immediately become very bad, in addition, silence can remove all our buffs from the creature.
Afraid of targeted removal. Without berserkers and clerics killed immediately after exiting, playing immediately becomes unpleasant, although it is quite possible.
Certain problems arise in fights with horns. The strength of our deck is in control of the table, however, the horns, thanks to their series of moves, removal and others, may well seize control of the table and then it is extremely difficult to turn the situation around.

Dear friend, are you looking for Top Priest Deck? Don't pass by!

We just have a lot of current decks for your favorite class! Just look! Top decks for Priest, from will help you not only enjoy the game and win brilliant victories, but also move up in the ranks, leaving your opponents with no chance. We monitor the current meta and select the most playable Priest class decks, also below will be presented the decks of pro-Hearhstone players who have succeeded in the game and are in the highest rank - “Legend”.

These decks are always up-to-date and contain cards from the recently released addition, Gadgetzan.

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Deck Guides Priest

Interested Priest guides? You have come to exactly the right place, in this section of the site you will find decks with guides for them, only for your favorite class. Tactics for playing Priest decks all kinds of archetypes are already waiting for you, just click in the "Deck+guide" filter!

The strategy for playing almost all Priest archetypes is card advantage over the enemy. The Priest perfectly replenishes the balance of health, has good draw and, thanks to powerful spells, has good control of the board. Any difficulties? We will help you figure it out!

Pick a deck priest

Below is a search/filtering system with which you can more accurately pick up a Priest deck to suit your needs! By applying a filter, you can select: archetype, game mode, select a quality criterion, as well as the amount of required arcane dust. This functionality supports multi-selection, so you can set virtually any request.

Choose an archetype

Today we will talk about a fairly popular class in Hearthstone- O Priest. I will describe this class and its deck for beginners who are just starting to play Hearthstone or don’t have enough cards to build a top deck (Hearthstone Guide. Priest with Cultists to quickly increase your rating and video from T1ck). Many newbies choose this class because they believe that an ability that can heal 2 points of health can be more effective than a Damage Mage by 1 point, although this is not true, since with more everything class abilities balanced. Now we will look deck for beginners, which consists only of Base maps! Additionally, at the end of the article I will provide links to useful articles for beginners, both for the Priest, and for any other class!

Description of the Priest class

Base maps- these are the cards that are available to you when you create an account; class basic cards become available upon reaching character level 10 (It is enough to play 10-14 games for this class). Therefore, the deck we are looking at today can be assembled by any player who has played Heathstone for at least a couple of hours and wants to raise their level of play further.

The Priest's ability is to restore 2 units of health to any character (both the hero and the creature). This ability can also be used on enemy creatures to draw a card with Northshire Cleric or remove Enrage (When a creature is not at full health, it receives an additional attack), for example, Grommash. The general fundamentals of Hearthstone are to trade wisely with your opponent, monitor your health, and build up your tempo. The Priest is one of those characters who can control the board well and gain card advantage. Especially thanks to the card, which allows you to combine with your ability to draw additional cards. And also in the late phase of the game, it is easier for the Priest to save creatures by using his ability on them.

In fact Hearthstone can be compared with Chess, here you also need to carefully think through your moves and your opponent’s moves. Expose cards (Figures), and most importantly decide whether to sacrifice your creature or not to kill an enemy creature. Looks light card game contains very complex miscalculations, which does not prevent players from enjoying the game. There is also an element of randomness in the game, since you draw cards from the deck at random. You can wait until the very end for the card you need, and when it arrives, it may no longer be needed. Therefore even decks on Basic cards Even top decks can win with a successful card entry, because the possibility of a bad entry from the enemy cannot be ruled out. Often, knowing your deck, understanding your strategy, and using your cards to their full potential will help you win!

Key cards in the deck and their descriptions

The main card for the Priest, which allows you to draw additional cards. Combines well with the ability and spell Ring of Light. Do not rush to place it on the first move, as often it will not survive the move. Already after base maps an expert deck is assembled, which includes many important combinations with this card, which sometimes allows you to draw 4-6 cards per turn at once. An example of such a combination if there are a lot of creatures on the table: + Furious Pyromancer + Circle of Healing. The silence effect for this card is dangerous. A must-have card for anyone Priest decks!

A great card that can kill any creature with 3 or less attack. And it makes no difference whether it has a divine shield on it or whether it is covered by a provocateur. This card simply destroys the creature, but also activates its Deathrattle, if it has one. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this card on Possessed Crawlers, since there will still be 2 1/1 creatures left. Let's imagine a situation where on turn 2 the enemy has a 3/2 creature on the board. Do you have a choice: Use Shadow Word: Pain or play your 3/2 minion (eg Blood Marsh Lizard)? To do this, you need to understand what kind of creature is against you and whether the enemy can do so in order to kill yours for free. Most often, it is more profitable to place your own creature than to destroy the enemy one first, since we do not have many destruction spells and we will not be able to endlessly destroy all creatures.

An excellent card against Warriors, Rogues, Shamans, Hunters and Paladins. Only these classes can use weapons, so unless you are playing against them, leave the Acid Slug in starting hand and feel free to use it on the 2nd turn, without fear of losing the ability.

If you are playing against a hero with a weapon, then you should save this card for a later stage of the game, since you can easily break enemy weapons with it (Do not use it on class weapon robber 1/2).

An excellent card for the Priest. It has sufficient stats for a 5 mana creature. The difference from the Frosty Yeti is in the price, 1 unit of mana, which we spend even in minimal cases on healing the hero. It's quite profitable.

Don't forget that the Naga Healer's ability heals 2 units. health for ALL characters, including the hero. Pairs well with Northshire Cleric and allows you to draw additional cards. Place the Frosty Yeti on the 4th turn, kill an enemy creature with it on the 5th turn, and heal it with the Naked Healer.

Important Changes to Improve the Priest Deck

And so, you have already played with this deck, and maybe even opened more 5 boosters. You now have enough dust to craft at least a creature for 100 dust (remember, for disenchanting the first card you will be given a bonus of 95 dust.), but where to start? Who should I change it to? We will consider these questions in this section. The deck is balanced, so to maintain balance it is worth changing cards of approximately equal value. For example, you can’t just replace Divine Smite with Mind Control, as this will greatly worsen our game at the initial stage of the game. I've ranked the main cards based on their effectiveness and cost in order of priority.

  1. Circle of Healing(40 dust) we take instead of the Grizzly Steelfur. You can always heal your creatures for free, which will help you maintain control of the board, and in combination with Northshire Cleric, for only the cost of 1 mana you can draw a card exactly as many creatures as you heal. Some of the enemy, some of our own.
  2. Vicious Pyromancer(100 dust) we take instead of the Bloody Marsh Lizard. We get the very combination thanks to which the Priest can draw 6-7 cards. + Furious Pyromancer + Circle of Healing. We can also clear the board with the Vicious Pyromancer ability. Using Divine Smite under it, you will deal 3 damage to a specific creature and 1 AoE damage. Don't forget that the damage also goes to your own creatures. An excellent combination for clearing the board: Furious Pyromancer + Word of Power: Shield + Divine Smite.
  3. Auchenai priestess(100 dust) take instead of Frosty Yeti. Your ability turns into 2 damage for 2 mana. At the same time, all healing spells begin to cause damage. Therefore, we get a combination that helps clear the board: Auchenai Priestess + Circle of Healing. Deals 4 damage to all creatures, helps clear the board against rush decks. Don't forget that under the Auchenai Priestess, the Ring of Light will deal 2 damage to your creatures, and not heal!
  4. Azure Dragon(100 dust) take instead of the Ogre Mage. At the cost of 1 mana we get additional card, which is great for gaining card advantage. Great replacement. It is advisable to have two in the deck
