Beer pong: rules of the game for a fun company. Drinking games for a party: beer pong Beer ping pong

Beer pong is a game for beer lovers, in which beer plays a direct role.
It is surprising that an apparently “beer” game does not in any way push a person to drink beer excessively.
Why? Because this is a game primarily of coordination and dexterity, which cannot be combined with alcohol intoxication.

Where to play in St. Petersburg?

The main idea of ​​the game is that players throw a ping pong ball across the table, trying to get inside a glass one-third full of beer. Official Rules of this game differ in almost every place where it is played, but those with which the World Beer Pong Championship is held remain unchanged. Every time a player hits his opponent's glass with a ball, he must empty its contents. To play beer pong you do not need to have great skill or strength. Today, girls are starting to play beer pong more and more. The only people who are not allowed to participate in the championship are those under eighteen years of age. Beer pong is part of the bar culture of Europe and America, and in the near future - also of Russia.

Rules of the game

The goal of the game is to show who knows how to throw a ball the best, intelligently give the enemy beer and have a lot of fun. The essence of the game is outlined in ten simple rules:
Beer pong is played on a special table by four people, two people on each team. Anyone who is old enough to drink beer can play, regardless of marital status, political, religious and beer preferences. After registration for the game, the composition of the participants of each team should not change.

The player's goal is to hit the opposing team's glass with the ball without knocking it over - “knock out the glass.” This can be done in two ways - with a well-aimed throw, send the ball into the glass “from your hand” or by bouncing off the table (it only counts if the ball hits the opponent’s field). The goal of the game is to knock out all the opponent’s glasses. There is no need to knock out the opponents themselves - they will disappear on their own.

If one team manages to knock out the opponent's glass, then one of the members of the other team must drink it to the bottom. The empty glass is removed from the field, and the ball must be rinsed with water. The right to serve passes to the team that lost the cup. If a team knocks down a glass with a ball without hitting it, then it must give back its glass instead of the knocked down one.

If the thrower misses the glass or even misses the table (and this will soon begin to happen), then the right to serve passes to the opposing team. Inside, teams take turns serving. If, before, during or after the team’s throw, their glass is carelessly knocked over, then it is removed from the table, and the team member who was serving at that moment drinks the glass. In addition, the team loses serve and the right to serve goes to the opponent. If the glass was simply moved, but did not fall, it carefully returns to its place (you cannot throw the ball at this moment).

Twice per game, each team has the right to use a superweapon - a double throw. Team members throw the balls at the same time. If both balls hit their targets, then the opposing team drinks the “knocked out” glasses, and the throwing team is rewarded with another serve. If at least one of the balls does not hit the glass, the serve goes to the opponent.

Girls have an additional advantage. Three times during the game, the girl has the right to blow out a ball that has fallen into a glass (not to be confused with “blow out the glass”). She is given five seconds to do this, which are counted down unanimously by team members and spectators. If a team consists of two girls, then between them they can make five attempts to blow out the balloon.

As the glasses decrease, triangles are formed from the remaining glasses. The first time this happens when the team has five glasses left, the second time when there are three glasses left.

There is an opportunity to play one on one - such a game is possible in free mode, not during the championship. In this case, before the game, there are not ten, but six cups on each side of the table.

If one of your team members does not show up or shows up in an insane state, the game is postponed for one match. If nothing changes during this time, your team will be given a technical defeat. During the game, players must behave decently, not insult each other, the ball, the judge and the beer - after all, Beer Pong is, above all, a fun game!

The main idea of ​​the game is that players throw a ping pong ball across the table, trying to get inside a glass one-third full of beer. The official rules of this game differ in almost every place where it is played, but those with which the World Beer Pong Championship is held remain unchanged. Every time a player hits his opponent's glass with a ball, he must empty its contents. To play beer pong you do not need to have great skill or strength. Today, girls are starting to play beer pong more and more. The only people who are not allowed to participate in the championship are those under eighteen years of age. Beer pong is part of the bar culture of Europe and America, and in the near future - also of Russia.

Rules of the game

The goal of the game is to show who knows how to throw a ball the best, intelligently give the enemy beer and have a lot of fun. The essence of the game is outlined in ten simple rules:

Beer pong is played on a special table by four people, two people on each team. Anyone who is old enough to drink beer can play, regardless of marital status, political, religious and beer preferences. After registration for the game, the composition of the participants of each team should not change.

The player's goal is to hit the opposing team's glass with the ball without knocking it over - “knock out the glass.” This can be done in two ways - with a well-aimed throw, send the ball into the glass “from your hand” or by bouncing off the table (it only counts if the ball hits the opponent’s field). The goal of the game is to knock out all the opponent’s glasses. There is no need to knock out the opponents themselves - they will disappear on their own.

If one team manages to knock out the opponent's glass, then one of the members of the other team must drink it to the bottom. The empty glass is removed from the field, and the ball must be rinsed with water. The right to serve passes to the team that lost the cup. If a team knocks down a glass with a ball without hitting it, then it must give back its glass instead of the knocked down one.

If the thrower misses the glass or even misses the table (and this will soon begin to happen), then the right to serve passes to the opposing team. Inside, teams take turns serving. If, before, during or after the team’s throw, their glass is carelessly knocked over, then it is removed from the table, and the team member who was serving at that moment drinks the glass. In addition, the team loses serve and the right to serve goes to the opponent. If the glass was simply moved, but did not fall, it carefully returns to its place (you cannot throw the ball at this moment).

Twice per game, each team has the right to use a superweapon - a double throw. Team members throw the balls at the same time. If both balls hit their targets, then the opposing team drinks the “knocked out” glasses, and the throwing team is rewarded with another serve. If at least one of the balls does not hit the glass, the serve goes to the opponent.

Girls have an additional advantage. Three times during the game, the girl has the right to blow out a ball that has fallen into a glass (not to be confused with “blow out the glass”). She is given five seconds to do this, which are counted down unanimously by team members and spectators. If a team consists of two girls, then between them they can make five attempts to blow out the balloon.

As the glasses decrease, triangles are formed from the remaining glasses. The first time this happens when the team has five glasses left, the second time when there are three glasses left.

There is an opportunity to play one on one - such a game is possible in free mode, not during the championship. In this case, before the game, there are not ten, but six cups on each side of the table.

If one of your team members does not show up or shows up in an insane state, the game is postponed for one match. If nothing changes during this time, your team will be given a technical defeat. During the game, players must behave decently, not insult each other, the ball, the judge and the beer - after all, Beer Pong is, above all, a fun game!

Description of flash game

Beer pong

Beer Pong

Student years are full of new acquaintances, new knowledge and new experiences. Students know how to have fun and come up with new games using ordinary, even improvised means. One of these easy and fun games is beer pong. It was invented in the 50-60s and has changed a lot during this time. Which only benefited the game. Today, in order to play such a game, or get to know it better, it is not necessary to throw a noisy party and invite guests. Almost any game can be found in flash format.

For example, the game "Beer Pong" is also among our free online games. The rules are the same as in life. Players (either as a team or alone) throw a ping pong ball across a table, with the goal of hitting the ball into an opponent's glass, which is filled with alcohol. If you hit the target, your opponent drinks, and if he does, then vice versa. The main goal of such a game is to get your competitor drunk while remaining sober as much as possible. In this game you will have 8 opponents, at the beginning only the typical smart guy will be available. Don't look at his big round glasses and ironed shirt, it's true what they say looks can be deceiving. You'll soon see what a clever player he is. He even makes faces if you miss his glass. You don't want him to feel like he's the best in everything, do you? Show him how to play and give him a drink. It will be fun.

Beer pong is a game for beer lovers, in which beer plays a direct role. It is surprising that an apparently “beer” game does not in any way push a person to drink beer excessively. Why? Because this is a game primarily of coordination and dexterity, which cannot be combined with alcohol intoxication.

What do you need to play Beer Pong?

First of all, you will need four willing people, who must be divided into 2 teams of 2 people. They will play against each other. Next, you will need special table for the game, which can be purchased at the Russian Beer Pong League. What is it - read below. In addition, 20 cups of 0.5 liters each are needed. The cups must be the same, so it is best to use plastic ones. And you also need 3 liters of beer. According to the rules of the game of beer pong: you need to fill all 20 glasses with beer 1/3 full. The purchased beer will be drunk by the players, so don’t skimp on quality. If you want to try some new variety, then take a look at what is currently topping our beer rating. You will also need 1, or better yet 2-3 (just in case) ping pong balls.

How to play Beerpong?

First of all, with excitement, good mood and a lot of fun.

First, let's set up a special table for playing Beerpong and place plastic cups on both sides. They are arranged 10 on each side in the shape of a pyramid. Look at the photo.

Now the fun begins. Thus, the ball must hit the opponent’s glass. In this case, the glass should not tip over. According to the rules of beer pong, this can be done in two ways: the first is to throw the ball “overhead”. Anyone who studied ballistics at a military department will understand how this is done. The second way is to throw with a bounce on the table, and the ball should hit exclusively the opponent’s half of the field.

Hit your opponent's cup? Great! Now your opponent must drink the glass to the bottom and remove it from the table. Knocked your opponent's glass off the table? This is worse because you have to give the enemy one of yours.

The winner in Beerpong is the one who is the first to “knock out” all the opponent’s glasses.

If one of the glasses was accidentally moved, but did not fall or spill, then it returns to its place. It is impossible to make a throw at the moment when at least one on the table has been moved.

Turn transition rules.

The ball goes to the opponent if the thrower does not hit the table at all. There is no need to smile slyly here, you have not yet tried to knock out your opponent’s last glass after drinking several of your own with beer. One round of Beer Pong is not easy for an unprepared player.

The ball passes if the glass is hit and the opponent drinks it. In this case, the next throw is made by the opponent. The ball goes to the opponent if, during the throw, his glass was knocked down due to negligence. In this case, the person who knocked him down drinks a glass of beer, and the knocked down glass is removed.

We're getting closer to winning, but there's less and less beer...

As the beer naturally consumes, new pyramids are formed. In the first case, this is done when one of the teams has 6 glasses left, in the second - when there are 3.

There is also a “double throw”, which can be used 2 times per game of beer pong. A double throw is when both team members throw a ball at the same time. If both hit the target, the throwers get one extra throw.

If girls play Beer Pong, they have additional advantages.

First, the girl has the right to “blow” the ball out of the glass 3 times during the game. She is given 5 seconds to do this. If there are 2 girls on a team, then they have the right to “blow” the ball out of the glass 5 times during the game.

You can play Beer Pong 1 on 1, in which case there are 6 glasses on each side on the table.

What is the Russian Beer Pong League?

This is an organization located in St. Petersburg, it brought this game to Russia. The Russian Beer Pong League sells gaming tables and other paraphernalia, and also organizes and conducts Beer Pong tournaments in Russia.

Contacts of the Russian Beer Pong League

Official website of the Russian Beer Pong League:

Mail: [email protected]

Play Beerpong, love beer and have a good time.

Beer pong - traditional American game at student parties. It all started in the 60s, when, during a game of ping pong at Dartmouth College (one of the oldest universities in the USA), spectators began to place their glasses of beer on the tennis table - instead of rackets, glasses began to play the role of sports equipment, and ping pong evolved into beer pong. The game spread to other universities, and then throughout America. This is how Dartmouth students' way of getting drunk became one of the country's favorite games.

Nowadays there are numerous beer pong tournaments in the USA; moreover, a professional league was created in 2001 The World Series of Beer Pong, which gathers tournaments around the world, for last years More than a thousand people from 45 US states and five Canadian provinces took part in them, and the winnings amounted to 65 thousand dollars (the largest in the history of the tournament).

The rules are simple:

Glasses of beer are placed on both sides of the table. Two teams stand opposite each other and start the game - they take turns throwing the ball into the opponent’s glasses. After each hit in a glass of beer, members of the team whose glass was hit drink it and remove it from the table. The one who quickly liquidates all the enemy's beer wins and receives a prize - cash, which remains after purchasing the beer. Although what to call a victory and what a loss is a controversial issue. As the players say: “Drinking beer is a victory in itself”.

David Poghosyan

one of the organizers
beer pong tournament, Chupito team

The idea came after we played
playing beer pong on an ironing board at a friend's party, with regular glasses

Evgeny Goncharov

36 years, art director of the bar “Darling, I’ll call you back..,”

We want to become the flagship of beer pong,
create a league. This is real bar fun - you drink beer and play

“We have been holding beer pong tournaments for two months now. We started in a bar on Mayakovskaya, but decided to allocate a separate establishment for this - now we hold it here, in “Darling, I’ll call you back..,” on Paveletskaya.

We've been wanting to do something like this for a long time. Dima Levitsky (CEO of Hurma Management Group: the network “Darling, I’ll call you back..,” the bar “Doll Pistols” and others. - Ed.) For a long time, he raved about the idea of ​​beer pong, but we didn’t know how where to start, and then the guys appeared. They brought the first teams, and then we slowly began to attract friends. And away we go. Now we have beer pong every Saturday, we announce all these events on social networks.

To be honest, at first I was poorly acquainted with the history, and when I started to understand it, I found out that beer pong has been played in America since the 60s and the tournaments that are held there attract thousands of people.

I would like to develop this in every possible way, especially since in Moscow (unlike St. Petersburg) no one is currently playing beer pong at the bar level. We want to become the flagship of this matter, to create a league. This is real bar fun - you drink beer and play.

As for the financial component, the guys chip in before the game, buy beer, and the remaining money makes up the prize fund. This time there are 16 teams participating, I think the prize fund will be decent, even very decent.

Usually I play by myself, but today my companion flew away, and since I don’t want to play with a new one, I’m still watching others, working out tactics. I started playing beer pong here, of course. By the way, somehow we even reached the semi-finals.”

Semir Yusich

23 years old participant

In Canada, this game is traditional - every Thursday for many decades people have been organizing tournaments

“I learned about beer pong by accident, from a friend. I saw American beer pong championships, including when I was in Canada. This game is traditional there - every Thursday for many decades people have been organizing tournaments.

I’ve been playing in Moscow for about two months now, that is, from the very beginning. I try not to miss it, it gets addictive. I had never played beer pong before, but it turned out to be simple - just try it once, and everything will go from there. I’m glad that something new is appearing in our bars, besides dancing.”

Arthur Harutyunyan


I'm playing beer pong today
I'm playing for the first time

“This is my first time here, everything is great. One of the organizers is my nephew, and he brought it. I have a lot of friends who hang out at this bar on Fridays, I've been hearing about this place for a long time. I'm also playing beer pong for the first time today. My friend and I, however, lost to the girls, but it was still fun!”

Anya Arkadova

23 years old, participant

My dad is a master of sports in table tennis. Now I joke that dad is a master of sports in ping pong, and I am a master of sports in beer pong!

“My friends and I were at the tournament for the first time, we just found a group on the Internet and decided to go and watch. And we started going to “Darling, I’ll call you back..,” after we went to the Kubana music festival in the summer, there was a branch of the bar there, we really liked it.

It turned out to be interesting to play beer pong. At first it’s hard to tune in and understand how best to throw the ball, but then you get the hang of it. Now we have played once and advanced to the next round, we are waiting in line. We have four teams here, because we have a lot of friends, we support and help everyone. How do I win? Don't know! Although, okay, in fact, my dad is a master of sports in table tennis. Now I joke that dad is a master of sports in ping pong, and I am a master of sports in beer pong!”

Artyom Ponomarev

23 years old, participant

I come here just for the sake of it
to have a good time,
instead of sitting at home on weekends

“I’ve been coming here from the very beginning, back then tournaments were held at “Darling, I’ll call you back..,” on Mayakovskaya. My friend reposted this event on the Internet, I saw it, gathered a few more friends, we were inspired by the idea and now we go almost every weekend.

It’s very cool here: a warm, homely environment, nice people. As for money - the more teams, the larger the prize fund - before the game we chip in 650 rubles per person. But in reality, winning is not as important as simply being in the atmosphere of the game. I come here just to have a good time and not sit at home on the weekend.”

Mikhail Sarkisov

32 years old, participant

I tried to play, they won beer, which
and drank - basically, nothing more
and we don't want to. For the first time, the main thing is to participate, get comfortable, see who plays how

“One of the organizers is my friend’s nephew, and he told me about the event. I watched a video on Youtube and became interested: I love everything American. This is my first time here, although I work nearby as a manager of a motorcycle dealership. When I leave work, it’s already late, it’s time to go home, so I always passed by. I used to party a lot, go, for example, to the Night Train biker bar, but now I don’t go anywhere: I have three children.

We tried to play, won a beer, which we drank - basically, we don’t want anything else. For the first time, the main thing is to participate, get comfortable, and see who plays how. I like it, I want to come again.”

Photos: Mark Boyarsky

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