Combat menu command panel from Yusha. Customizable combat menu for World of Tanks. How to install the mod

This is a mod that allows you to customize the standard command rose. You can replace the phrases contained in the menu with your own, with support for substitutions of player names, types of vehicles, and even the squares of the mini-map in which the camera is pointed. You can also specify whether to send the phrase to the general chat, or only to your team.

Standard commands combined with hotkeys F2-F8 continue to work as before.

There is a menu mode in which commands are set linked to the map. They are automatically loaded when they land on a specific map. This mode is called by pressing the left alt + button to show the radial menu (by default z).

There is also a separate configuration for artillery.

The configuration file is called RadialMenu.xml and is located at the path res_mods\0.8.3\scripts\client\gui\Scaleform\

The TankMenu and SPGMenu sections provide the following sections:
CommonCommands - general commands when the sight is not aimed at anyone;
TeamCommands - messages to your own (when the sight is on an allied tank);
EnemyCommands - similar for opponents.

If the section is not found in the SPGMenu section, then it is loaded from the tank section. That is, if there is no TeamCommands in the SPGMenu section, then on the art, when you hover the cursor over your own, the tank menu will load.


MapCommands - a section that contains map-related commands. Calling this menu is the left alt + button to show the radial menu (by default z).

This section contains sections with names corresponding to the game names of the cards. The map name is written with the prefix “Map_”, i.e. under Malinovka (02_malinovka) the section name is “Map_02_malinovka”.

Full list of maps in 0.8.1:

01_karelia 02_malinovka 03_campania 04_himmelsdorf 05_prohorovka 06_ensk 07_lakeville 08_ruinberg 10_hills 11_murovanka 13_erlenberg 14_siegfried_line 15_komarin 17_munchen 18_cliff 19_monastery 22_slough 23_westfeld 28_desert 29_el_hallouf 31_airfield 33_fjord 34_Redshire 35_steppes 36_fishing_bay 37_caucasus 38_mannerheim_line 39_crimea 42_north_america 44_north_america 45_north_america 47_canada_a 51_asia

Also, there is a Map_Default section, which is loaded if there is no config under this map. It can be considered as an addition to the general menu section.


Each command is defined as follows:

Short name displayed in the menu

Icon (see list below)

Full text displayed in chat (macros supported)

Chat mode, Team or All

Valid icon names:'Attack', 'Yes', 'Helpme', 'Backtobase', 'No', 'Reload', 'Followme', 'Turnback', 'Helpmeex', 'Stop', 'Support', 'AttackSPG'.

Supported macros in full message:
%(name)s - name of the player whose tank is aimed at
%(vehicle)s - name of the vehicle type
%(clan)s - clan name
%(position)s - the square where the camera is pointed

Download Customizable combat menu for World of Tanks
Unpack the contents of the archive into the game folder;
Set up the config (see below);
Restart the game and play.

Modification changes the menu quick commands, called by the Z key. Seriousness has been replaced by jokes and now after fraging an enemy you can troll by sending him automatic messages.

Features of the modification

  • A similar mod has been published on our website for a long time, it is called "", but it has serious differences. The most important thing is the automatic sending of a message after a frag, there is more variability here, the player has freedom of choice, for example, you can choose the subject of the message and the recipient, that is, you can troll not only enemies, but also allies.
  • Three operating modes, as in the standard command menu. The first one is activated when the crosshair is not aimed at anyone, the second when aiming at an enemy, and the third is activated when the crosshair is looking at an ally. Thanks to this, the author was able to add different messages for different modes that correspond to the recipient.

I can only advise one thing - do not abuse the capabilities of the mod, chat is not a place for spam, so know when to stop, there is no need to distract players too much, because messages will be read not only by enemies, but also by allies.

How to install the mod?

  • Copy the configs folder to \World_of_Tanks\mods\. Copy the remaining folders and files to World of Tanks\mods\1.4.

IN WoT battles Often in the chat you can see phrases like “Gentlemen, it’s time to take the enemy’s base” or “Don’t prop it up” or something like “Are you transparent? Step aside, I'll hit you right through" is nothing more than a mod for the game. This mod is called “Custom Combat Menu”. What is a custom combat menu or as it is often called the chamomile of commands for Online Games Read World Of Tanks and how to set it up in this article.

Customizable combat menu

...and what they eat it with...

First, where to download?
Well, there is no definite answer here, everyone downloads it to their own taste, either a mod pack that includes this mod, or a separate “Custom Menu” mod and installs it according to the instructions.

The name of this mod speaks for itself, but why doesn’t anyone configure it hmm..?! Maybe deer?? Or crayfish??? Yeah nooo…. they just don't know how

Well, let's learn...

We need a file RadialMenu.xml. You can find it along the path: your computer:\your disk\WorldOfTanks\res_mods\current version of the client\scripts\client\gui\scaleform\ or somewhere deeper, depending on whether you installed a mod pack or a separate mod. (in my case, it was a mod pack and the RadialMenu.xml file was located deeper). If you cannot find this file, then use the standard Windows search.

Next, open it with our favorite notepad Notepad++. It is with this program that it is advisable to open all mod files, because... it does not change the file encoding. If you don’t have it installed, then download it, for example from here or from the official website, or from a Yandex disk and install.

Opening the file RadialMenu.xml we see a lot of obscure text...hmm...but we want to learn how to edit a custom combat menu, so let's figure it out further. Let's take these lines as an example:

Up for grabs! Attack %(randpart)s Steer faster to grab! We need to take the base! Everything is up for grabs! Now we need to take the base! The time has come! If you can't fight, run to capture the base! Team

Aha... something is already emerging...
The tags contain the team name.

In the tag - there is an icon displayed with the command rose.

I hope you don’t need to explain the tags?

Command (macro) %(randpart)s don’t touch it, this is a command (macro) of the great Chinese random 😉 which outputs a random command enclosed in tags.
But you can change everything that is written between the tags to your taste.

Tags - display mode or write to the command Team or everyone All.

Valid icon names:
[‘Attack’, ‘Yes’, ‘Helpme’, ‘Backtobase’, ‘No’, ‘Reload’,
‘Followme’, ‘Turnback’, ‘Helpmeex’, ‘Stop’, ‘Support’, ‘AttackSPG’ ]

Valid command names:

Macros supported in the message text:
%(name)s — name of the player whose tank is aimed at
%(vehicle)s — name of the vehicle type
%(clan)s — clan name
%(viewPos)s - the square where the camera is pointed
%(ownPos)s - the square in which your tank is located
%(randpart)s - random string from the list in the tag
%(reload)s — remaining weapon reload time, in seconds
%(ammo)s — number of unspent shells in the drum

For example, how one of my commands was modified:

Attack in the square Attack %(randpart)s Fighters, help in this square IMHO, we need to go in that direction Let's press this flank Team %(viewPos)s
