“Gods of the Second World” () - download the book for free without registration

The Second World is a virtual space without inviolable borders and strict laws. Complete freedom of action within the vague framework of gaming conventions. Pay and enjoy, and the rest is not your concern, the AIs will monitor everything latest generation. They are incapable of making mistakes, they cannot be bribed, they cannot evade one step from the main rules of the Second World. So rest assured: yours game process under reliable supervision.

But are supernet AIs really that omnipotent? Then why do they disappear one after another and the best minds of the corporation cannot identify the cause of such global failures? And how can you be calm about your gameplay if the owners of the game universe have left many loopholes inaccessible to ordinary players? Including the unthinkable - with one attack from a monster hidden in a technical location, you can destroy any player both in the virtual and in the real world.

Those behind the scenes of the Second World don't play games. Everything is much more serious.

Gods of the Second World - description and summary, author Kamenisty Artem, read for free online on the electronic library website ParaKnig.me

The Second World is a virtual space without inviolable borders and strict laws. Complete freedom of action within the vague framework of gaming conventions. Pay and enjoy, and the rest is not your concern, the machines of the latest generation will take care of everything. They are incapable of making mistakes, they cannot be bribed, they cannot evade one step from the main rules of the Second World. So rest assured: your gameplay is under reliable supervision.

But are supernet AIs really that omnipotent? Then why do they disappear one after another and the best minds of the corporation cannot identify the cause of such global failures? And how can you be calm about your gameplay if the owners of the game universe have left many loopholes inaccessible to ordinary players? Including the unthinkable - with one attack from a monster hidden in a technical location, you can destroy any player both in the virtual and in the real world.

Those behind the scenes of the Second World don't play games. Everything is much more serious.

Gods of the Second World Artem Kamenisty

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Title: Gods of the Second World

About the book “Gods of the Second World” Artem Kamenisty

Ukrainian author, known to readers for his books of the literary RPG genre, Artem Kamenisty finished the trilogy “The Strangest Noob” with the novel “Gods of the Second World.” Ross's adventures in the virtual world continue on the pages of the book. computer game. Events take place in the near future.

The main character of the novel “Gods of the Second World” is Evgeny Rostovtsev, an emigrant from Russia who works in a secret American corporation. There was an accident at work, as a result of which the hero was badly burned and is teetering on the brink of life and death. Evgeniy’s salvation lies in one thing – transferring his consciousness to the virtual game world. The hero agrees to the deal, since in the game you can make good money and pay for expensive treatment.

Evgeniy gets into virtual world. Technologies of the future make it possible to move a person’s consciousness into a game. Physically, a person can be dead, paralyzed, or in a comatose state, but in the game he can lead an active lifestyle, fight for survival, and interact with other players.

Artem Kamenisty describes the behavior of the hero who took the gaming nickname Ros. Evgeniy is an absolute beginner in the game; experienced gamers call him a noob. But this does not prevent Ros from successfully finding bugs and quickly leveling up his character. The invisible deity of the Second World patronizes Eugene.

With the wave of a magic wand, Artem Kamenisty turns yesterday's noob into a little god with a lot of magical things and a special pet. It is difficult to survive alone in the game world - Ros makes friends. Fellow players are experiencing problems real life and are looking for an outlet in the virtual world.

The novel “Gods of the Second World” is written in a light and simple style, the plot is well thought out, there are fewer game logs, the book is read in one gulp. The author demonstrates the growth of professionalism - the third part is more meaningful and exciting than the first two books. The character Rosa has matured, his actions are conscious. The appearance of other characters makes the plot rich and with a slight dose of psychologism.

The book "Gods of the Second World" will be of interest to fans of the fantastic genre of literary RPG and players familiar with the current game worlds on the Internet. The novel contains a lot of jargon that gamers will understand. It is better to start reading from the first book in order to have an idea of ​​how the character of Rosa developed and what this led to.

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