Bearded man game part 3 birthday. Bearded man games. How to get out of prison

In today’s article, we’ll look at what the Bearded Game is, the passage of which evokes a lot of positive emotions, makes you take a fresh look at Sashka the Bearded, and remember the episodes of the Comedy Club program with his participation.


What game is this

Game Bearded Man– official development of the TNT television channel and the Comedy Club television program. The game was released for smartphones and tablets based on operating systems Android and iOS. A couple of days after appearing in virtual game stores, the application entered the TOPs in the post-Soviet space.

The application is designed in the style of a 2.5-dimensional interactive puzzle. The game seems to be two-dimensional, but there are hints of three-dimensionality virtual world available.

The graphics are far from stellar with visual effects, low-poly models and high-quality lighting, but the real juice of the game is not in the visual design.

Entertainment protagonist– always drunk, unshaven and sloppily dressed security guard Sashka Borodach, constantly finding himself in unpleasant and ridiculous situations.

As a result, he often ends up in the police station, where he managed to acquire acquaintances with servants of the law.

The appearance of the protagonist was the famous comedian Misha Galustyan with his characteristic vocabulary, facial expressions and jokes.

Russian voice acting in a familiar style only brings the entertainment closer to another self-created episode from the Comedy Club.

Unlike the show, the puzzle takes place not only in the police station, but also on the street.

Algorithm for passing the game Bearded Man

turn around story line starts, of course, in the “monkey barn”. A short conversation about the reason why the Bearded Man got hit boils down to “Guys, I’m not in the know” and “Understand and forgive.”

The hero was caught in someone else's car and was regarded as an attempt to steal a car. The bearded man begins to swear on his hand and swear that there was a misunderstanding, and he did not intend to do anything like that. He just climbed the tree to watch Irishka change clothes, and the too weak branch could not support his body. The car, by the way, was parked on the lawn, and if its owner had not broken the laws, the incident would not have happened.

Vakhitov, whose fate fell once again forgive and release the would-be guard from the police department, agrees to turn a blind eye to Sashka’s rowdy behavior if he provides his office with a small favor.

There is no way out, and dear The bearded man is forced to pick up a not very clean and wet rag and make sure that not a single trace is left on the floor.

Moreover, in such a way that you don’t leave your marks on the washed part of the floor.

1 In general, we take the weapon of the proletariat - a rag, no matter how disgusting it may seem, and open the inventory.

2 Click or tap on it and drag it onto the tracks throughout the entire area of ​​​​the room, until they disappear, naturally inserting catchphrases about serfdom, etc. in the process of work.

3 Having coped with such an ignoble task, tap on the door located on the right side to get out into the fresh air.

It’s better not to go through the door on the left, the hero still remembers how he got there, some of the bruises have not yet faded.

Walking out the door and taking a deep breath, the Bearded Man saw an old friend- Palycha. Tom was even less fortunate. It's not the first day man sitting in the monkey barn and longs to return to worldly affairs, but this will not happen soon. A little persuasion and even threats - and Sashka agrees to help his friend in misfortune. To do this, he will have to resort to radical actions - find a way to break the bars to free the prisoner. The guard didn't have enough brains for more.

Then the hero notices a bored taxi driver and goes to say hello to him. A man, out of the blue, starts telling how he saved money on his wife’s dental treatment by using a machine.

Having carefully examined the car, the protagonist notices a piece of powerful rope and a ski on it. After thinking a little, he realizes that this is what he needs.

A man won’t just give up a piece of rope and an old ski for thanks. He should look through a magazine that is published for adults, and it seems that his grandmother has one that sells seeds.

She most likely doesn’t need him; it’s not for nothing that she drives away pigeons with a magazine. So let's begin.

4 We're treading in a puddle, a car stopped near it in order to dirty it with mud.

The driver will offer to earn a little money by washing his vehicle of dirt and making it shiny, like a cat's eyes in the middle of the night.

5 We take the rag left in the suit pocket after the site and carefully wash it in the puddle. and return to the driver.

6 Wash the car and we get 50 rubles for this.

The taxi driver will take the rag, but oh well, it’s not a big loss, the main thing is that it’s not a bottle.

7 Let's go to grandma selling seeds and asking for a glass of grains. She will push the price down to 100 rubles, citing the economic situation in the country.

8 We return to our favorite police station and see Is there anything useful lying around in the trash bin?

9 We find in it a can with the remains of bright red aerosol paint and take it for ourselves.

10 Turning the bucket over and climb onto it.

11 We take out the can by tapping on it in the inventory, and correcting the name of the department to PolyUtsia as revenge for daily bullying.

Rice. 3. Future escape plan

12 We go back to grandma. She will laugh heartily at resourcefulness and courage, or vice versa, stupidity, Bearded Man and will give him a substantial discount of 50%.

13 We buy a glass of seeds with the pennies we earn and head to the watermelon seller.

14 Throwing sunflower seeds onto watermelons and, while the saleswoman is fighting the flying pigeons, we take away her mobile phone.

15 We start a conversation with the victim and We advise her to contact the police Fortunately, you don’t need to go far to file a statement of theft of property. Also offer her help - keep track of the goods while the woman writes a statement.

16 We call Irishka to say hello and shower her with compliments.

17 We grab a hefty watermelon and bring it to Palych.

18 We scatter the rest of the seeds under the prisoner's window.

When the insatiable birds arrive again, he will have to throw a watermelon at them. He will stun the pigeons.

This is already the third part of the Bearded Man's adventures. You again find yourself in the police department (the game developers apparently had no imagination at all). Talk to Vakhitov, but this time you will not be released. Try to jump onto the cell bars three times. Wait for the moment when the policeman throws a can at the Bearded Man, and then pick it up.

Tap on the prison window. You will see Lariska (Irishka's friend). Throw a beer can in her direction and then chat with her. She will tell you that today is Irishka’s birthday.

Return to the cell and talk to the policeman again. After the Bearded Man starts singing, the policeman will let him go. Leave the police station and talk to Lariska again. To attend the party, you will have to fulfill all her wishes.

Pharmacy kiosk

On the world map it will go to the location where the pharmacy kiosk is located. Go to the pharmacy, and then head in the direction of the car service. There will be car parts and tires lying on the street. Inside one of the discs, take another beer can.

Remove the wheel cap from the wall and throw it at the pharmacy sign. The bearded man will break the sign. After that, go up to the saleswoman and talk to her.

Go to the auto parts and remove the nail from the wall.

Car service and cutletos

Bearded Man's friend Kotletos will help fulfill Irishka's wishes. Go to him. It is located inside the car service center. Since he refuses to attend the event, the Bearded Man decides to hold it right here.

Tap on the front door and remove the clothes hanger. Approach the table with the TV. Instead of one of the table legs, place a stone loaf. Take the jack. Go outside and look again at the pile of auto parts. Having used a jack on it, the Bearded Man will take out a welder's glove.

Use a glove on the pharmacy sign while disconnecting the sparking wires. Take the wire and connect two beer cans to it. Attach a hanger to the resulting structure - you get an antenna.

Return to the car service and use it on the TV. The boiler cleaner will give you an old antenna. Remove the audio cassette from the tape recorder (to do this, use the trash can on the tape recorder).

Lariska and revenge on Vakhitov

Return to the police station. Take the cassette and use it on the Bearded Man. After he breaks it, combine the film with the broken antenna. Connect the resulting device with a nail and get a fishing rod. Go inside the police station and go to your cameo. Use a fishing rod to catch khachapuri.

Vakhitov will throw you out onto the street. Go to house number 13 and catch the rat. To do this, use khachapuri as bait. When the rat appears, run up to it and cover it with a trash can. Use a welding glove to hold it in your hands. Return to Lariska and tell her about your successes. She will give you a watermelon and a bag.

Apply the bag to the ventilation hole. Try looking through the window with bars twice. When Vakhitov is resting, click on police baton and take her away.

Final touches

Return to the pharmacy kiosk and use the rat on it. Use the jack on the right side of the kiosk. When the handle breaks, replace it with a police baton.

After the pharmacy building tilts, a can of alcohol will roll out. Take her. Click on the stall and take the condoms. Repeat the steps with the jack and take the shampoo.

Use the watermelon on medical alcohol - the bearded man will prepare a cocktail. Go to an auto repair shop and use condoms on the compressor. Take the valve that Koletos threw at you and go outside.

Go inside again. Repair the water faucet by using the valve on the pipe. Take the fallen faucet and combine it with watermelon - the cocktail is ready. Fill the trash can with tap water.

Return to house number 13 and look at the wilted flowers. Water the flowers with water from the urn, then pick them.

Go to the car service and use the flowers on Koletos. Place the trash can next to the opened shelf and take the hose. Connect the hose to the tap and inspection hole. Connect it to a compressor and you'll get a homemade zakuzi.

The bearded man fulfilled all Irishka’s wishes. Return to Lariska and chat with her. Go to the car service and watch the final video. The Bearded Man's walkthrough is complete!

We study the passage of “Bearded Man 3”

As you know, the game “Bearded Man” is a classic quest in which you will have to complete tasks and solve various riddles. The main character of the game is Alexander Rodionovich Beard (the prototype of the hero was the famous comedian Mikhail Galustyan) - a man with “incomplete secondary education”, who does not stay at his job for more than 3 days, a bearer of “negative habits and negative qualities.”

The gameplay is based on simple, but quite pleasant 3D graphics with original voice acting from the actors of the television series of the same name. Game situations are played out in the context of domestic realities, close to both Russians and residents of neighboring countries.

How to pass Bearded Man 3

Let's move on to a direct description of the passage of the third part.

Stage 1. As in the first and second parts of the game, the Bearded Man begins his journey from the isolation cell, where the police put him for handing over the bust of the police chief to the scrap metal point. The only policeman in the department (Vakhitov) has a hangover.

  1. Talk to the policeman, now click on the grate in order to jump on it and shake it. This must be done three times, after which the policeman will throw a tin beer can at your hero. Pick up a jar.
  2. Now click on the window in the camera to switch views. You will see a girl, throw a can at her to attract attention.
  3. She will tell you that the Bearded Man’s beloved Irishka has a birthday today. After that, you will talk to the policeman again, he will release the Bearded Man.
  4. After leaving the station, go to the girl selling watermelons. Talk to her, you will receive a list of tasks that you need to complete (Irishka's requirements for holding a party).

Stage 2. Walkthroughs of the Bearded Man. Understand and forgive 3

  1. Also, when you complete a level in Bearded Man 3, a map will become available to you (by clicking on the upper right corner of the screen you can activate it and move between the objects indicated on the map).
  2. Pick up the previously thrown can of beer, then return to the police department building again and pick up a dried loaf of bread in the trash nearby.
  3. Then pick up the urn itself (you will need it more than once).
  4. Open your map, and move to the object to the left of the police station (pharmacy).
  5. To the left of the pharmacy there will be old car parts (you will find a can of beer in the tires).
  6. Take the wheel caps (hanging on the wall) and throw them at the pharmacy sign.
  7. After the last one breaks, go to the pharmacy and talk to the saleswoman.
  8. Then go back to the spare parts and find a nail on the wall there.
  9. Then go to a car service center and talk to a mechanic. There is a hanger on the door you just came through, take it.
  10. There is a jack propping up the table near the TV, place your dried loaf of bread instead of the table leg, and take the jack yourself.
  11. Let's go again to spare parts for the car. We use a jack here and get a welder's glove. Pick up the jack and go to the broken pharmacy sign, where you use the glove and pick up the wire.
  12. Now go to the car service. In the things you have, connect the wire and the can, and get an antenna base, which you connect to the hanger you already have. Point the resulting antenna at the TV, it will show well. In exchange, the mechanic gives you an old antenna. Now find the tape recorder on the closet and use the urn on it. The bearded man will put the ballot box, stand on it, and take away the cassette "Gaza Strip", take the ballot box with you.
  13. Enter the police station. Take the previously obtained tape and point it at the Bearded Man. Then take the film from the cassette and connect it to your existing antenna (you will have a base for a fishing rod). Add a nail to this base and you have a full-fledged fishing rod.
  14. Enter the isolation cell and go to the window. Using the fishing rod you created, steal khachapuri from grandma through the window. After this, the police will kick you out of the station.
  15. In order to pass part 3, go to the house with a large crack (13th house), and try on khachapuri to the crack. A rat will jump out and start eating khachapuri. Take your urn and point it at the rat, you will cover the rat with the urn. Then click on the urn again. Go to the watermelon seller and talk to her, as a reward for catching the rat, she will give you a bag and a watermelon.

Stage 3. Bearded man Irishka's birthday

  1. There is a ventilation hole to the left of the police station, use the bag on it. Then go to the cell window from the street, watch how Vakhitov suffers from the heat in the police station, and when he goes to sleep on the bed next to the window, steal his baton. Go back and pick up your rodent urn.
  2. Now go to the pharmacy and use the rat on it, the saleswoman will run away. Use the jack under the right wall of the pharmacy kiosk, the jack lever will break. Instead, use a police baton, which you will use on the jack.
  3. A bottle of alcohol and condoms will fall on the kiosk counter. Take the jack and then take the bottle. Now use the jack on the other side, shampoo will fall into the window, pick it up. Click on the window and take the condoms, and then take the jack.
  4. Now combine the alcohol and watermelon in your inventory. Go to a car service. There will be a huge red balloon on the right; use the condoms you have on it. The service worker (Kotletos) will throw a valve at you, pick it up. Koletos will remain to inflate condoms (balloons for decorating the premises), and you will leave the car service center and then come back (the premises will already be decorated with balloons)
  5. Go to the right corner of the room where the water is dripping and use the valve there. A tap will fly out of the pipe, and use it on the watermelon with alcohol. Now use your urn on the pipe, and then take the urn, this must be done in order to pass Bearded 3.
  6. Go to the police station location, in house number 13 there is a window with flowers. Throw an urn with water through the window, and then the urn itself. You will stand on the urn and pick up flowers for Irishka. Take the ballot box and go to the car service center.
  7. Take the flower and use it on Kotletos (car mechanic). He will start running after you with a hammer, and... will eventually throw it at you with a hammer. The hammer will hit the nightstand, the latter will open. Use the urn on the bedside table, take the hose and the urn from there. Apply the hose to the faucet from which water is flowing. The reservoir in the floor will fill with water. Now take the hose and use it on the red balloon on the floor.
  8. Now go to the watermelon seller and tell her about the upcoming party. Then return to the car service center and watch the final action of the game “Bearded Man 3”.


In this material I described in detail the passage of the 3rd part of the game Bearded Man. And for complete enjoyment gameplay I would recommend trying to beat the game yourself, as the game is really worth it.

Bearded man. Irishka's birthday– this is another game in the series about the well-known Bearded Man. In this game, as in other others, our main character will need to accomplish some very important goal for him. Do you want to help the guard? He needs help organizing a party for his beloved Irishka, whose birthday is coming soon. Turn on your wits and start working at full capacity so that the Bearded Man gets his desired girl.

Why is it worth downloading Bearded Man. Irishka's birthday 3 on Android?

The game begins in a familiar setting - Beard wakes up in the police department. Remembering that Irishka’s birthday is coming up very soon, he begins to persuade Vakhitov to let him go. He succeeds. But what do you need for a good holiday? Given a list with many items, main character starts organizing. In order to complete all the points, we will have to break the law a little more than once and complete many puzzles.

Download Bearded Man. Irishka's birthday for Android, you might think it's very simple game, since the main character in it is the funny and amusing Bearded Man, but this is far from the case. The application is filled with complex tasks that require a lot of thought and attention to complete. To complete missions, you need not only to think well, but also try to use as many suitable items as possible, which you will definitely encounter in various locations. All this will be necessary in order to reach the goal and arrange an unrealistically beautiful holiday. Throughout the game, you need to decide which items and when can be more useful than in other situations. This is very important and at the same time greatly simplifies the task.

Download Bearded Man. Irishka's birthday for Android you can directly from our website and completely free! Hurry up, join us and help our famous security guard complete a difficult goal for him alone.

Lovers fun game Bearded man. Irishka's birthday will be able to appreciate it today on PC. After all, downloading the third part of the Bearded Man to your computer is not so difficult.

I think you know everything about this series if you decide to play the game. Or at least once but looked. But that's not the point. Mobile games based on the series continue to gain momentum in popularity.

We will talk about the game, but not too much, because you already roughly understand what awaits you. Then we’ll talk about launching on PC and why it’s worth doing.

Bearded man. Irishka's birthday - what kind of game?

So, after two very interesting parts of the Bearded Man’s adventure, we got a third, which is no less interesting and exciting. Now it is dedicated to Irishka’s birthday.

If anyone has never played, then you will be immersed in a short story with the Bearded Man and his friends. Overall, the game is a very interesting puzzle game.

The challenge is that you follow the story and gradually solve riddle after riddle. Sometimes it will be very difficult, so be prepared to think a little.

Of course, the actions will be directed and connected with Irishka, in whose honor this part was created. It will be very fun, sometimes difficult, but most importantly - interesting and not boring.

Game Features:

  • the characters are made very realistic;
  • With each new problem, it becomes more and more difficult to solve;
  • just funny jokes that will make you laugh throughout the game.

It turned out quite well and I think all fans of this series will be very pleased to feel themselves in the role of the Bearded Man. So it will be quite interesting.

Download Bearded Man. Irishka's Birthday on PC

It’s time to talk about the computer version, because you’re probably impatient to download Bearded Man and try him on the big screen.

The recipe for the game to appear is quite simple; you need to install one of the Android emulators to run the appropriate version.

Essentially, this is a program that is a special version of the Android OS, which is adapted for use with a mouse, keyboard and a normal monitor.

Such a miracle appears as follows:

  1. The emulator is installed and you can download it on the official website;
  2. then the launch for the first time will be accompanied by Google authorization;
  3. Having opened the Play Market, just look for “Bearded Man. Irishka’s birthday” and set it.

If it is difficult to choose an emulator, then you can follow my recommendations. I would like to recommend BlueStacks - and Nox App Player -

I use both, because sometimes games go better in some places and worse in others. So here you can choose for yourself, because a lot depends on the game you are going to install.

You don’t have to worry about this game, it will launch normally in both versions. Control will be entirely carried out by the mouse.


This is the case with the Bearded Man game. Irishka's birthday and its installation on the computer. All you have to do is choose which version of the emulator you want to download.

If you are really tired of playing on your phone, then why not try something new, because new sensations are never superfluous.

Solitaire Mat