Budget decks are bells and whistles. Budget Gadget Decks Budget Dragon Priest Deck

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This article is intended for those people who played very little Hearthstone. It is also suitable for those who are more experienced, but have not mastered the proposed classes. You can find a large number here budget decks: from composed only of base maps, to the optimal one to strive for, as well as some of their variations. In addition, the main points of the game on the ladder, strategy, choice of cards on the mulligan and key points when designing your own assembly.


This episode will focus on three classes: Shaman, Warlock and Priest. Their popularity varies greatly on the ladder: if deck Shaman you can meet in every second game, then Priest deck much less often. But no matter what class you choose, any of them you can show a decent result, If you create a deck correctly, gain experience and follow the suggested tips.


The Shaman is one of the most popular classes in Hearthstone. this moment . It is represented by three archetypes: Aggro, Midrange and Control Shaman, among which you can find a large number of variations. The most optimal deck for a beginner would be Midrange Shaman, building a budget version of which is not so difficult, but to achieve perfect assembly you will have to purchase a large number of adventure quarters.

Budget Shaman Decks

Basic deck 1lvlBasic deck 10 lvl Budget Shaman Shaman on totems Midrange Shaman

Optimal basicfirst level Shaman deck is quite weak and contains only two class cards, presented in duplicate. Your first priority will be to reach level ten, which will give you access to powerful cards such as Flametongue Totem, Bloodlust and Fire Elemental. These three cards will greatly facilitate your games and

will allow you to profitably exchange with your opponent’s creatures or unexpectedly inflict lethal damage. Their strength lies in the fact that they provide immediate powerful effect as soon as used. Don't forget about your potential hero powers . Many totems certainly don't look scary at first glance, but any deck you have should have a fair number of cards that interact with them that either enhance them or are empowered by them. If you already have board advantage, it may be best to use your hero power rather than play another minion. This way you don't use your whole hand too quickly, because you have not many sources of income, and beat the enemy's potential AoE effects.

At this point in the game, you should play the Spirit of the Wild Wolf to protect the Mana Tide Totem from the Silver Blade. There will be two more mana crystals left, which should be spent on hero power, and not on Totem Golem, so as not to lose too many cards from the AoE clear of Control Paladin.
In some cases, even the hero power is not worth using so that one of the strong creatures survives the Brawl

Already with the help of the budget version you will be able to show get decent results on the ladder and achieve high ranks. Your main weakness in comparison with full-fledged builds will be the lack of a confident start in the form of Phantom Claws and Tunnel Trogg; as such, there is no alternative or worthy replacement for them, so at the start of the game you will sometimes experience some difficulties. Try to seize the initiative later with the help of AoE spells and targeted removal. It is important to use Thing from the Deep correctly, as it can be fielded for free. This creature is perfect for seizing the initiative, since after clearing the board with Thunderstorm, Lightning and Evil Eye, you will not have any mana crystals left to field creatures for this and the next turn due to overload, but a free or very cheap Thing from the Depths will become a strong help for your strengthening on the table in the future. Having seized the initiative, try to make profitable exchanges with creatures using totems strengthened in different ways. Not only will you have totems summoned using your Hero Power, but also others from your hand: Flametongue Totem, Totem Golem, Mana Tide Totem, and Tuskarr Shaman summons one of the basic totems - all of which reduce the cost of Thing from the Deep, as well strengthened with the help of Thunder Bluff Knight.
In addition to favorable exchanges, try to systematically empty your opponent's hand, play with possible AoE effects and increase your advantage on the table. With the help of Thunder Bluff Knight, you can unexpectedly end the game quickly for your opponent, the main thing is to make sure that you have the hero power available to activate the inspiration, which, if you have all four basic totems on your side, will not work.

An important gaming skill will be planning your actions for the next few moves ahead. Think about what creature you will place next, what spells you can cast to get rid of your opponent’s threats. Don't forget that you have a lot of cards with overload, which will reduce the number of mana crystals available to you for the next turn.

Another aspect worth paying attention to is positioning your creatures on the playing field. This is important solely because of the Flame Totem, which will benefit you more due to proper positioning. Your Hero Power will always summon a base totem to the right of all other creatures. Hard to kill minions from your hand (Vanguard Squire, Thing from the Deep, Thunder Bluff Knight) and minions you don't want to lose (Mana Tide Totem) should be placed as far to the left as possible. Thus, your Flametongue Totem should ideally be placed between weak basic totems on the right, which will trade with your opponent's minions and die, and then strong creatures will get a boost from Flametongue Totem.
Since the Vanguard Squire will not die when attacking, he should be placed to the left so that he is the last one to receive the attack boost from Flametongue Totem

At the mulligan stage first try to find creatures to play based on the mana curve. Ideally you should find the first, second and third move. However, do not leave cards in your hand that are weak on their own, such as Flametongue Totem and Mana Surge Totem, they will not be particularly useful at the start. Against some opponents you should keep your cheap targeted removal spells (Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Rockbreaker), to get rid of your opponent's threats in the early stages, keep these spells against Mage, Shaman, Warlock and Hunter. Also good cards against the Priest will be Hex to prevent him from using Resurrection on a strong creature, and against the Warlock - Thunderstorm and Portal: Maelstrom, which will help seize the initiative after the aggressive start of this class.
The Flame Totem is not really needed in starting hand, since he is rarely useful on the second turn, in this case the right decision would be to use the hero power.

It will take you several quarters of adventure to perfect your deck. First of all, the second quarter of the League of Explorers, in which you will get a very strong Tunnel Trogg - with it you can confidently create an Aggro Shaman deck. You will then need all four Karazhan Party districts to obtain the Spectral Claws and Portal: Maelstrom. The only necessary legendary card will be Blood Mage Thalnos, which at first can be replaced with Kobold Geomancer, but you should think about including them in the deck only after receiving Phantom Claws.

Other useful but optional cards are: Barnes, Doomhammer, Harrison Jones, Ragnaros.


Warlock is a stable and always popular class in Hearthstone thanks to incredibly effective hero power, which never allows him to be left without cards in his hand. There are two main archetypes of this class - aggressive (Zoolock and Warlock on discard cards) and control (Renolock and Handlock). For beginners, the first aggressive archetype is more suitable, since it is much easier to create.

Budget Warlock Decks

Basic deck 1lvlBasic deck 10 lvlBudget Zoo Zoolok Warlock on discardDiscard Warlock by HotMEOWTH

Basic deck The Warlock is more of a midrange archetype than an aggressive one. But your playstyle should be tailored to maximum pressure from the first strokes, which, of course, does not exclude profitable exchanges, if possible. The deck has Dark Arrow - a good targeted removal, as well as Hellfire, with which you can get rid of several of your opponent’s creatures at once (but also your own, be careful).

Upon reaching level ten, you will acquire another targeted removal (Soul Burn), which, in addition, can be used to deal lethal damage. Try not to use this card unnecessarily, as it can discard an important card from your hand. It's much better if Soulburn is the only card in your hand - then you won't lose anything else. You will also acquire several sources of one unit of damage (Cosmic Face and Eldritch Infernal), which will allow you to finish off damaged creatures.

At the beginning of the turn Always plan how you will spend all the mana crystals available to you. If you are left with two mana crystals free during the calculation, use your Hero Power first (exception if you only have Soul Burn in your hand - use it first and then Life Tap) to get additional card, which can sometimes change your plans. Your hero power will allow you to always have enough cards in your hand, but it is not advisable to use it at the beginning of the game, since you may lose control of the board. Early on in an aggressive Warlock deck, it's always preferable to play a minion rather than draw an extra card.

Your Hero Power removes 2 health from your hero. This shouldn't really worry you if you control the table. There aren't many ways to deal a lot of damage in the game if you don't have minions on the board, so health isn't your most valuable resource. Of course, there are certain archetypes that specialize in dealing massive amounts of damage without minions on the board, in these cases use Life Tap carefully.

As you replace basic cards with budget cards, your budget deck will become cheaper and, therefore, more aggressive. First of all try to get cheap cards of normal quality, most of them are already incredibly effective. Most important map of rare quality will be the Dreadguard. Most of the creatures will cost 1, 2 or 3 mana crystals, which means you can play them very quickly, and by the middle stage of the game you will empty your hand. Then you can play Doomguards without losing cards, getting an incredibly powerful creature with a dash for only 5 mana crystals, which can trade profitably or attack an enemy hero.
Doomguard doesn't always have to be played on turn 5: in this game situation, the best solution is to use the hero power, Dagger Juggler and Abyssal Demon
If the loss of cards is not critical, you can use the Doomguard on the fifth turn

Then, as already said, the hero power will help you make up for card losses and increase your presence on the table.

There are several key mechanics in a Zoolock deck:

First - creature enhancement, represented by Abusive Sergeant, Overwhelming Might, Dire Wolves Chieftain, and Defender of Argus. These cards will help you make profitable trades or deal unexpected damage to your opponent. As with Shaman's Flametongue Totem, they instantly affect your minions, empowering them. Dire Wolf Leader has a very similar effect to Flametongue Totem, so the rules for placing creatures will be the same: those that are difficult to kill (Vanguard Squire, Possessed Peasant, Harvest Golem, Mirkwood Councilman and others) should be located at the edges.
An example of the correct placement of creatures

The second card that makes creature placement important is Defender of Argus.

At the mulligan stage, just like in the case of the Shaman, you will need creatures for the first, second and third turns. The ideal combination of cards for two mana crystals would be Fire Imp and Void Demon. You can play them together on the first turn if you have Coin. Vanguard Squire and Possessed Peasant are two other great cards to start with.

You only need two adventure cards to make a classic Zoolock build. Black Archaeologist, available in the first quarter League of Explorers, which performs incredibly well in all matchups thanks to its flexibility and providing an efficient mana curve, and Imp Band Leader, available after clearing the second quarter of Blackrock Mountain. This is an incredibly sticky and difficult to clear creature that will almost always summon at least one 1/1 imp, meaning it will have at least 3/5 stats for 3 mana, which is extremely beneficial.

Nowadays it has become popular Warlock deck on discard, which uses creatures from Party in Karazhan. To create this deck, you will need all four adventure quarters. Warlock's discard card is a little different: it has Malchezar's Imp, Soulburn, Mirkwood Librarian, and Dish Golem. These four cards and Doomguard add another strong discard mechanic to the archetype, which becomes incredibly beneficial for Warlock, as he can use it to cycle through the deck and put a 3/3 minion on the board for free.
A discarded Dish Golem will be placed on the table for free, making this move incredibly effective.

Discard Warlock shows himself to be more confident in the current meta, although he is not as stable as the classic Zoolock, but new combinations are sometimes incredibly strong.
The best move is to play Imp Malchezar and Soul Burn to get rid of the Totem Golem and draw two cards


Priest – the most unpopular class on the ladder currently. Despite this, many players believe and hope that his time will come. This class is represented by one control archetype with some variations. There is also a kind of hybrid of midrange and control styles - Dragon Priest. Whatever deck you choose, they all require a fair amount of gold and arcane dust to create, and the budget options for Priest decks will be quite weak.

Budget Priest Decks

Basic deck 1lvlBasic deck 10 lvlBudget K"tun Priest K"tun Priest N"Zot Priest Dragon Priest Control Priest Control Priest 2

And Mind Control. These cards will allow you to effectively trade with enemy creatures and eliminate most of their threats at any stage of the game.

Hero Power will allow you to keep your creatures healthy for high level , that is, they will be able to exchange profitably and not die longer. Its only weakness is that it is only applicable if you are positioned on the table, but if you are behind, it becomes ineffective.

Priest's spot and AoE removal are reaction cards in their own right. With their help, you can always exchange at least one to one with your opponent's cards. Using them without the presence of your creatures on the board, you do not change the situation in any way: yes, you got rid of one creature, but the next turn the opponent will put up another one. The true potential of these cards is revealed only when you have your minions on the board - then you can build up the pace and prevent your opponent from gaining a foothold and taking the initiative.

Two important mechanics - hero power and removal– they reveal their potential only when they own the table, but this is exactly what the Priest has a problem with. His creatures in the early game are weak and cannot compete with creatures of other archetypes, so most of the time you will only fight back, then both your hero power and your removal cannot be used as efficiently as possible.

Another problem for the Priest is the inconsistency of his spells. All of them are good only in some situations, but none of them are universal, like Fireball. You can deal with a 7/7 minion just fine with Shadow Word: Death, but how do you deal with a 4/4 minion? Many cards require synergies to be used effectively, such as Circle of Healing, which is rarely usable without Priest has the ability to completely clear the board thanks to Dark Madness, but in this case you will leave your opponent too good a target for Resurrection. By killing the Black Elephant and placing a Twilight Healer, you will benefit more from the situation

And finally, another problem with this class is lack of universal card draw, which makes it difficult to sort through the deck and find the right cards for the current situations and parts of the combinations.
In this situation, the Priest has the opportunity to use the Circle of Healing to draw two cards, but in this case it will be impossible to kill the Royal Elekk with the creature, and the Priest will be left without AoE clearing, which is extremely dangerous. So it's better to just click "finish"

If all of the above has not yet discouraged you from playing as a Priest, you will face one last problem: all of his decks are very difficult to create. The only competitive budget deck— C'Thun Priest. The only legendary card in it, C'Thun himself, is available to many because it was received for free. Ideally, of course, get a few more legendary cards and maps from the adventure, but even without them you can show decent results.

C'Thun Priest - a control deck with good creatures for the early and mid-game, which strengthen the ancient god. With the help of an abundance of AoE clears, healing and taunt creatures, you can contain your opponent’s aggression and try to gain a foothold on the board. C'Thun can serve as either an additional board clear or a finisher.

Don't forget that all your healing deals damage, even from Twilight Healer. Using it together with Auchenai Priestess is not recommended

Doomcaller allows you to shuffle another C'Thun into your deck if the first one dies. It is important that the ancient god die. If your opponent uses Entombment or Hex on him, you won't be able to get C'Thun back.
The second C'Thun used can cause a lot of problems for your opponent and win you the game. Since the Warrior used Grand Thief Rafaam before, he has the ability to deal lethal damage to the Priest with Anub'arak, which must be disposed of, even at the risk of being stopped by Taunter or Deathwing the next turn

During the mulligan stage, look as always for creatures on the first, second and third turns. If you already have one of the starting creatures, you can leave Power Word: Shield. Against opponents with dangerous early creatures (Mage, Shaman, Warlock and Hunter), leave Shadow Word: Pain. If you get a combination of Auchenai Priestess and Circle of Healing in your hand, you can keep them against the same classes mentioned above. With a coin you can also leave Dark Madness against them.

To fully exploit his already small effectiveness, the Priest requires cards from adventures. First of all, this is the Burial, which is available after completing the League of Explorers completely. This is a key spell in any build for this class.

To create a Dragon Priest you will need to complete Black Mountain. For C'Tun Priest - acquire Emperor Vek'lor. The most common and probably strongest archetype of this class, Control Priest on Resurrection, requires a huge number of legendary cards depending on the build, as well as the first quarter of Blackrock Mountain and the second Karazhan Party. And, unfortunately, all these cards are required, not optional. They form the core of Priest decks and are impossible to do without.


Always remember that Even without significant investment on your part, you can achieve high results in Hearthstone. WITH basic decks you can compete with budget decks, and with budget ones - with regular ones. It’s solely a matter of your skills and knowledge, by honing which you will be successful. Do not forget that legendary cards and all purchased adventures will not provide you with a high percentage of victories on their own; they must be supported by skill, which can and should be developed from basic and budget decks.

Finally, you can see the modest statistics of the author of this article, who played the proposed budget decks on the ladder at the beginning of the October season. This is far from the limit of the capabilities of these decks; they can provide you with a positive win rate up to rank five, and possibly beyond.

Statistics (Click to open).

Thank you for your attention and good luck in conquering the ladder!

Prepared by: Redsnapper, edited: Summan, designed: Derzkaya.

Good day, dear readers of the site!

The Vibrant City of Gadgetzan has been available for a long time, but not everyone has got it the best cards for each class to create the top deck. Moreover, many of the top Gadgetzan City decks are quite expensive: they have a lot of legendary and epic cards, but this does not mean that even with modest resources it is impossible to create a competitive deck for each class. Budget Decks Vibrant City of Gadgetzan, of course, will not show such good results as their counterparts, which use all the cards available in Hearthstone, but they can still rise high in the ladder.

A budget deck is one that does not use legendary, epic, or adventure cards. But you probably have at least some of them in your collection, so you can supplement budget Gadgetzan City decks with some strong cards that you have in your collection. But choose wisely, even universal and strong cards, such as Sylvanas Windrunner or Ragnaros, do not fit into every budget deck build.

Budget Pirate Warrior

Perhaps the Budget Deck Pirate Warrior is one of the most effective budget decks in the game, and it’s very easy to assemble: a lot of basic cards and only six rare quality ones. You can get very high on the ladder with this build, but there is one card that you should get first to significantly increase your win rate - Pirate Eye. Don't be fooled by the fact that this is a minion with minimal stats, it is extremely useful in a budget deck Pirate Warrior. You only need two more Legendaries to make the most of your build: Sir Finley Mrrgglton (the third quarter of the League of Explorers adventure) and Leeroy Jenkins (a Legendary card from the standard set that will never go to Wild, so it will always come in handy in collections).
Detailed guide on the Pirate Warrior deck you can read.

Budget Agro Paladin

Another budget aggro deck in the ranking, which is based on the mechanics of Rusty Brutes, divine shields and other creature enhancements. All this creates an extremely fast start and difficult-to-clean creatures with which you can make profitable exchanges, as well as attack “in the face.” Budget deck Aggro Paladin Several expensive cards are missing: Guardian of Order, Small Fry, Guardian of Uldaman (second quarter of the League of Explorers adventure), Sir Finley Mrrgglton and others. Some even use Senopal Ogneus, as well as several heavy cards: Ragnaros and Tirion Fordring Fordring. If you want to make your budget deck a little heavier to improve your win rate, add two copies of Dopelgangster.

Budget Hybrid Hunter

If you are a connoisseur of this class, you can build a similar budget Hunter deck with the synergy of Rusty Brutes. She is quite aggressive, although to the good old Hunter's face lacks in speed, but compensates for this with a stronger mid-game and the potential to field dangerous creatures with increased characteristics. If your opponent doesn't have an answer to one of them, you will probably win. Of note is the excellent combination of Stray Cat with Dire Wolf Leader and Carrion Hyena, which will give you a good start. Even if you have Savannah Highmane, think twice about using it in your budget Hunter deck. This is, of course, a very powerful creature, but it doesn’t work so well with the mechanics of the Rusty Brutes, since it “absorbs” additional characteristics that you would like to give to creatures that are not so slow. After all, Savannah Tallmane is incredibly good at just 6/5 stats. If you like the budget Hunter deck, you can supplement it with the following expensive cards: Rapid Fire (first quarter of the Blackrock adventure), Rat Pack, Fulax and others.

Budget Jade Druid

Jade Druid is a very popular archetype in the current meta due to its great late game potential. Many people wonder: how to replace this or that legendary card in the Jade Druid deck. There is always a way out. Instead of expensive legendary cards (Fandral Staghelm, Aya Blackpaw, Raven Statue (fourth quarter of the League of Explorers adventure), you can use more defensive cards with taunt, and the absence of the Tree of War can be compensated for by Dark Arakkoa, even if it costs the same mana crystals as and Jade Monster B. budget Jade Druid deck There are so many creatures with taunt for one simple reason - vulnerability in a matchup with the popular Aggro Warrior. Therefore, the missing expensive cards in the deck are replaced with protective tools that will make matchup with Aggro Warrior more profitable. If you want to improve your budget Jade Druid deck expensive cards, buy Aya Blackpaw first, and Fandral Stag Helm will become more relevant if you have the Raven Statue. Also a good target for investing your Arcane Dust is two copies of the Tree of War.

Detailed guide to Jade to Druid you can read.

It's hard to build a budget Shaman deck because the class relies on a few key minions that aren't easy to get. Firstly, this is the Tunnel Trogg, which is only available to those who have completed the second quarter of the League of Explorers. Secondly, it's an epic-quality Doomhammer, which is a must-have card for the class's aggressive archetype. Third, there are some of the strongest cards from Party in Karazhan that interact with spell damage: Spectral Claws and Portal: Maelstrom . Therefore, it is not easy to create a full-fledged budget deck with minimal loss of efficiency. One option is a deck budget Midrange Shaman, who can still perform well in the current meta.

Budget Miracle Rogue

A budget classic Miracle Rogue deck includes Adventurer, which is a good alternative to Edwin van Cleef (sometimes they are played together), but there are two irreplaceable cards: Preparation and Tomb Raider, which interact perfectly with both Adventurer and Goblin Auctioneer . So try to create these cards as quickly as possible. Otherwise budget Miracle Rogue no different from the usual: huge board clearing potential, the ability to deal explosive damage with two copies of Cold Blood and Eviscerate. Key creatures can be protected using the Disguise spell. If you have Peeper Pirate, you can add him to your deck, along with Small Buccaneer and Buccaneer to give yourself a strong start. Another option is to add Crimson Mana Wyrm to your deck.

Budget Tempo Mage

Of all the Mage archetypes, the best candidate for a budget deck is Tempo Mage. This assembly is somewhat reminiscent of Tempo Maga by Pavel, which was creature-based and a heavy mana curve. Instead of the Arsonist, the vacant place of the third drop is occupied by Charomet - a controversial creature, but with good characteristics. The budget Tempo Mage has more of a source of deck busting than the classic one, so you shouldn’t be left without cards at any stage of the game. Portal: Firelands is a map from the adventure Party in Karazhan, but from the prologue, that is, everyone can get it for free by defeating the boss Malchezar. Otherwise budget Tempo Mag It is very easy to assemble: a lot of basic cards and regular quality cards.

Budget C'Thun Priest

Budget Dragon Priest deck

Priest is a unique class that makes it incredibly difficult to build a budget deck. The only option - budget C'Thun Priest, however, in the realities of the current meta, he is not particularly dangerous. For fans of the Priest without any means, this deck was still attached in the article, but it is still better not to choose this class for the game if you do not have enough resources to create the necessary cards. You can see another one Dragon Priest deck, which contains a minimum of adventure and epic cards. With this Dragon Priest you can start conquering the ladder, because the archetype has become extremely strong after the release of Gadgetzan's Vivid City. To create this deck, you only need a fully purchased Blackrock Mountain adventure, as well as four epic quality cards: two copies

Budget decks are the best choice for all beginners who have just come to the world of Hearthstone and want to learn how to play at a high level. On this page you can find the best budget decks for all gaming classes, as well as detailed guides according to the game.

What is a budget deck and why should I play it first? Everything is very simple! As you might have already figured out, most Hearthstone cards are acquired through play, and the more you devote yourself to the game, the faster you can expand your collection. And in order to quickly get used to the game and understand its mechanics, you are offered free cards for all classes, which you can collect when you reach level 10 as a game character.

Once you reach the coveted level 10, we recommend starting to use the budget decks that you can find below. Absolutely all decks have high winning potential, and thanks to our detailed instructions, it will be even easier for you to get used to the game and understand the very essence of each gaming class. Additionally, with budget decks, you can move up the gaming ladder in Ranked mode and receive unique card backs at the end of each month.

Budget decks are The best way start playing Hearthstone correctly and competently and make your first victories to replenish your card collection and improve your decks in the future!

Budget Hearthstone Decks for All Classes

To view the deck you need, click on the image. A page with a description of the deck will open in the same window.
