Budget decks with Renault Jackson. Decks with Reno Jackson are storming the Hearthstone rankings. Fat RenoWarrior from Kripp's

Which can be used in any deck, the main thing is that this deck does not have duplicate cards, or in the case of a warlock, does not have repetitions of more than one or two (due to the basic ability and playing style of Hand Lock).

Let's start with the option for those who have just started playing Hearthstone. But, first, here is the best deck to start without Reno, with several cards that are better to craft first.

A universal deck with (and without) Reno for any class in Hearthstone

On the right you see a template for a universal economy deck made up of free, regular and cards from the first quarter of the League of Explorers (~900 dust + 700 gold). The right thing to do would be to include the strongest cards available to you, respecting the cost ratio, and then create the missing cheap cards from this list.

Initially the next deck has 28 cards, this means you can only insert 2 good spells. As you discover new GOOD spells, you should replace them by removing the following cards from the deck:

The deck contains only the best cards included in the free or simple category (40 dust per card) and two cards from the first quarter of the League of Explorers (Djinn of the Winds and Reno, other cards). If you have more expensive cards and they are indeed better than those presented - you can freely substitute them into the deck.

Good day, readers! Today we're looking at my favorite deck from Gadgetzan. I've been playing a lot of things over the past two weeks, but nothing excites me as much as Renault Mag. Because it's like chess: the deck forces you to think a lot and requires high level skill games. Not only that, but it also gives you some insanely interesting cards to play with, and it's also a great counter to aggro decks (of which there are a ton of them in the current meta). All three Reno classes have their pros and cons, but this Hearthstone Mage deck strikes me as best choice on this moment. Not only because you have great tools to defeat Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman (namely Water Elemental and early removal), but also because Reno Mage is great against Renolock.

Updated! Added video review from Groove: Test of Top Decks 77.

I don't usually pay much attention to what streamers play (most often they use decks that are the leaders of the current meta), but this build was invented Dog player. When the new addition first came out, I was immediately very interested. Renault Magom. But I couldn't get the deck to play well. She looked too weak, clumsy, or simply too expensive and useless. Everything changed when I got my hands on this build, which I think... contains the optimal number of cards, allowing you to survive in the current meta. This option is the best, and I am absolutely sure of it because I tried many other options and they did not work.

Reno Mage deck

Key cards

Damage distribution

Understanding that how to properly distribute damage is a very important part of playing this Hearthstone Mage deck. Your first instinct will be to use spells like Frostbolt or Fireball to control the board, but only do this against aggro. When playing against a fast opponent, the only way to win is to outlast them, so it's normal to use all your spells to clear the board as much as possible (including throwing Frostbolt in the Warrior's or Shaman's face so they can't hit with weapons). However, when playing against midrange decks that are gaining power (Jade Druid or Dragon Priest), then use regular spells as a last resort on top of your normal creature spells like Polymorph, Fire Lance, or Portal: Firelands. By saving your damage spells, you give yourself an extra chance to end the game well because you can throw them in your opponent's face.

The most important use of your burst damage occurs in the matchup against the same control decks. When you play against Reno, always try to finish the game until you get tired. This is your goal, sometimes you just strive for it with all your might. All this is due to the fact that your damage can quickly send your opponent to the next world. With an additional 9, 12, or 15 damage (Ice Bolt, Fireball, and Burning Torch) at the end of any game, you speed up your opponent's death from fatig much faster than he can kill you. This extra damage will allow you to control the situation and win, but if you use spells too early, you can ruin everything.

As always, proper use of Doomsayer is very important point for this Hearthstone Mage deck. A 0/7 creature is still needed Renault Mage, because it gives a very powerful tool against both aggro and control decks. Exposing him on the second turn against aggro decks, you can say half the job is done, but don't put it on the table just because you can do it at the moment. Yes, killing a Tunnel Trogg and gaining board advantage in one turn is cool, but you need a clear plan. For example, putting it on the first turn against a Small Buccaneer is a good move, because even with a weapon, the opponent will not be able to kill it on the second turn. However, if you have the opportunity not to place it on the second turn, but to place it on the third to destroy another creature, do it. Always consider your opponent's possible damage, and then you can understand whether he will kill the Messenger or not.

Most of the cards in question have a fairly straightforward role in the game against aggro, but against control everything is much more complicated. When facing slow decks, use Doomsayer to remove a large creature or break your opponent's game. I'd say this is one of the hardest things to learn in this deck, but very important. Putting a second drop on turn five with an empty board against a Reno deck to stop Emperor Thaurissan or to put one of your own is another step towards victory. It can also be good as an AoE effect, forcing certain decks (like Jade Druid) to stop crowding the board with minions. Such tempo moves are also good to then place Alexstrasza on the table.

Brann Bronzebeard won't be particularly useful most of the time as a 2/4 for three mana. in matchups against aggro, but he is absolutely indispensable in control matches. There are thousands of Reno and Jade decks in the ladder and you won't win a single game against them if you don't use this card correctly. When you encounter midrange on your way, use this card with Kazakus, against control decks - with Kazakus and Cabal Courier. These two cards are the only thing you want to combo with Brann, because it should only be used to gain extra tempo over your opponent with cards. Kazakus is an insanely strong card, and using his ability twice is like blowing up the matchup against Reno and the Jade deck. The "Kabala" courier also has great value, because the opportunity select cards from three classes twice will probably give you something useful (damage or removal). When faced with a fast deck, Brann can be good as a number one target, an early threat, and he can also heal well with Snack Vendor, but in a control matchup, always try to use him with Kazakus and Courier. So never play it without both of these cards in your hand. Patience and waiting will always be worth it in the game for Renault Maga.

Soul Charmer is one of the the most interesting and most powerful cards in the assembly. In fact, I'm not even sure if this Hearthstone Mage deck could exist without it. She plays like the second one key card in control match-ups. The spellcaster is so powerful that it can win you a ton of games. With 3/4 stats, she's not a creature that you can just put on the table, you have there must be a plan for it every game. Against aggro, you can play it on tempo or copy the healing creature if possible. Against slower opponents, you want to get another Kazakus or Cabal Courier (unless the game is going deep), or Reno Jackson in a very long game or a lot of pressure from the opponent. There are no other important purposes for the card, it can be played at tempo if you need a creature on the board.

Important to remember: When playing against Renolock, you need to recognize in time whether you have encountered just a Reno or an OTK assembly. Because when playing against OTK you have to take advantage of the opportunity restore your health twice. Then the opponent will only be able to break your Ice Block, and he will not have enough damage to destroy all your health again. However, if this happens, then you can die quite quickly from fatig. Therefore, a second Renault is needed to win a long matchup. On the contrary, if you realize that your opponent doesn't have a combo, then it's better to copy Kazakus because you want to have as many spells as possible for 10 mana.

Alexstrasza - very interesting map in the assembly because it has multiple uses. The most important thing is to play aggressively. Reduce your opponent's life total to 15 at once - excellent tempo move, which will definitely give you control over the game. You must place it on an empty table, to do this, first clear it with Doomsayer or AoE spells. You can pull off a combination a la Freeze Mage to finish off your opponent with an Ice Arrow, Fireball and the Burning Torch. But more often you will force your opponent to use Reno Jackson with your move. The enemy will definitely get scared when he loses half his health, and this kind of pressure can be a great way maintain your health or lure your opponent out of removal spells for such a threat.

Alexstrasza's second important task is healing. Returning to half health is something that is rare, but will have to be done when you don't have Reno Jackson on your hand. More often you will set it to raise your health level and save your Ice Block, and not to escape from certain death. Keeping Ice Block is one of the important goals of this Hearthstone Mage deck because it gives you an extra turn to cast spells or take over the board with minions before you deploy Reno. Placing an 8/8 creature while simultaneously moving out of lethal damage is one way to give yourself another turn that allows get closer to powerful spells.


Six decks, which I most often saw in the meta: Pirate Warrior, Aggro Shaman, Renolock, Jade Druid, Dragon Priest, Miracle Rogue.

Pirate Warrior

Pirate Warrior Deck

Despite the waning popularity of the Warrior Pirate, he is still commonly seen at many ladder ranks. To be honest, I wish it would become more popular. Deck Renault Maga shows himself amazingly against such a Warrior, and loses only if the opponent simply has a “mulligan from God”, and you have a ball in your hand. When I first started testing Renault Maga, pirates were the reason why I couldn't play properly. However, this version has Lots of early game tools: Potion Maker, Acid Ooze, Cabal Courier, and Water Elemental. They all act as defenses that the opponent needs to break through.

Even something as simple as Acolyte of Pain or Treasure Seeker can force your opponent to trade, giving you time and life.

All that matters here is survive until Reno Jackson reaches the table. Renault will finish the game one hundred percent. This is because Pirates need to use their cards to deal damage, and they won't be able to deal thirty damage more than once. You need to sort through your deck as quickly as possible, while clearing the table at the same time. Don't worry about spending a lot of cards. Do your best to use your removal on all your opponent's threats. Killing a Kor'kron Warrior with a Fire Spear isn't particularly satisfying, but it's better than taking four extra points of damage to the face the next turn. Also always use Kazakus for 5 mana spells, if possible. You really need armor and the ability to draw cards or clear the table.

The note: Almost never use Acid Slug early. By destroying the Fire Ax on the second turn, you make a good move, but still try to remove the Arcanite Reaper. The only exception is if an Improvement or Cultist Pirate was used on the weapon.

Aggro Shaman

Aggro Shaman Deck

Ah, these Shamans. Aggro Shaman once again raised his head. This is very bad for a Warrior or a Rogue, but we should be extremely happy about such news. Just like with Pirate Warrior, our deck Renault Maga sharpened against the fight against Aggro Shaman with the help heaps of early instruments, and then later control cards. Your goal is to survive everything they have. Like the Warrior, the Shaman deck relies on powerful burst damage. However, unlike the Pirate Warrior, they have large creatures like the Flame Faceless. Always prepare for this, so clean the table as best you can before the fourth move, in order to profitably exchange with a fat creature. Once you have a Renault Jackson in your hand, it's all over.

Just like you save Acid Slug against Pirate, always try to save it for Doomhammer regardless of other guns. The only exception is if you really need get an early table vs. Wraith Claws. In addition, always try to play removal on minions every turn. Although Shaman has a variety of ways to deal damage, his early minions are quite weak. Therefore, try to play medium creatures early if you were unable to kill the Tunnel Trog with removal spells. Kazakus should also give a spell here for five mana. Four points of damage to all creatures on the fifth turn is priceless, for everything else... well, you get the idea.


Renolock deck

When playing this matchup for the first time, you will feel like Renolock is impossible to beat. However, the more you play such matches, the sooner you will understand that It's almost impossible to lose here. The reason is that you play rather impatiently at first. They play creatures, draw cards, and do other fun things while you sit back and destroy their creatures, count cards, and wait. Your entire game plan is to reduce the amount of damage you take until you get a combo of Brann Bronzebeard, Kazakus, and Cabal Courier to play in one turn. This will give you enough strength and power to control the table for the rest of the game and calmly walk to fatig.

Using Kazakus, you have two routes to take. You can take it like this many AoE effects, as much as possible to break any opponent's resistance, or you can take direct damage to simply destroy the enemy in one hit when he runs out of cards. Both of these methods work as long as you know what cards your opponent has left and what your options are. If you think that your opponent has an OTK combination, then taking 10 armor is also good, to be sure that he will not break the Ice Block. As stated earlier, you want to conserve damage as much as possible in this game. Finishing the game with 15 damage in hand is key to winning, because Jaraxxus has 15 health, and using Reno will leave your opponent without healing. If he is still able to heal, then use Alexstrasza in his face and then finish him off. In any case, when playing as Reno Mage, you should not be afraid of Renolock.

Jade Druid

Jade Druid Deck

Oh. Any deck, no matter if it is aggro, midrange or control, has its weaknesses, and the weakness Renault Maga- Jade Druid. I'm not saying this matchup is unwinnable (I won twice), but it's incredibly difficult. The reason is that the Druid will never get to the point of fatigue thanks to the Jade Idol, which means you have to crush him with damage to the face. However, your deck doesn't have a lot of threats, and Druid uses Bestial Fury to heal up after casting Alexstrasza. In general, everything is very, very bad. The only way you can win is save your AoE spells, until the big Jade Golems start crushing you, then get another AoE from the Brann/Kazakus combo. If you can get these expensive spells right, you'll have a chance to get something done while the Druid has all the golems in his deck. As soon as you reach 10 mana, you can start. You can consider yourself lucky if copy yourself a second Renault Jackson with the help of the Soul Charmer.

Dragon Priest

Dragon Priest Deck

Need more good matchups. While Dragon Priest, especially with the addition of Claw Priest from Cabal, looks very brutal, I have had amazing success in these matchups. The reason for this is very little burst damage for the Priest. The only direct damage in the deck comes from Blackwing Destroyer, two of which can deal six damage in one turn. This means that if your health stays around 15-20, then in most games your opponent will not be able to finish you off. In a match like this, you really want to get to the fatality because the Dragon Priest draws a lot of cards, and he will get tired faster than you. Like Renolock, you go to victory by responding to your opponent's threats within thirty turns, while leniently allowing your opponent to draw cards.

The most important thing to understand here is the feeling that you are losing, which will not leave you for almost the entire game. The priest unearths cards and quickly receives new ones, which means he will always have a full hand and a busy table. However, if you are patient and use your removal and AoE spells correctly, Everything will be fine. Never panic. You might want to use Polymorph on the Drakonid Spy, but if you wait (and you really should wait), you'll use this removal on a scarier dragon. Be be careful with all your spells, do your best to be mindful of the threats that you will have to clean up later. Remember that the Priest is for Renault Maga not such a bad matchup.

This matchup for Reno Mag is the trickiest of all. In your hand, leave cards according to the mana curve and answers to each previously possible creature on the table. Sometimes this matchup can be won by forcing your opponent to use too much removal early in the game or by answering every threat your opponent makes. The most problematic part of the match is when the Rogue plays two big threats at once. For example, the Auctioneer and Edwin van Cleef, but it’s not possible to deal with them right away. My advice here is to keep playing even if the situation looks hopeless. I won a game where Edwin 10/10 was on the board against me on turn 4, I first threw a Fireball at him, and the next turn I finished him off with a Forgotten Torch, then I used Reno, after which the game returned to normal.

Brann will be used in this matchup like cannon fodder, it's good if he can double at least one battle cry. Kazakus should be used here for five-mana spells, focusing on AoE, transformation, damage, armor, in some cases, board clearing, and even less often, freezing. The most best potion it will cost five mana, dealing four damage to all creatures, and the second effect is not particularly important. Fire Wave should be used towards the end of the game because Rogue's only big threat is Edwin van Cleef unless he has Adventurers in his deck, which will add to the difficulty of achieving victory. Your answers to the captured table - Wave of fire and spells from Kazakus. Doomsayer is best played on the second turn. If you are faced with a choice: play a Water Elemental or remove your opponent's threat - always choose the second option, because the Elemental will be stunned and return to your hand. Play creatures that are bad targets for Sap. The last thing I would like to say: even if you calculated everything well, counted every spell played by your opponent, you can still sometimes lose two random cards magician(obtained from the Rogue Pirate).

This build is a lot of fun to mulligan, and since it's a Reno deck, you only have one copy of each card. This means that if you throw something away, it is not a fact that you will see the card again in this match. Potion Maker, Arcane Blast, Chatty Book, Acid Ooze and Treasure Collector - a must-have for starting.

In addition, the Servant of Pain can also be saved if you have a coin in your hand. Doomsayer and Volcanic Potion should be left behind. against aggro decks. Forgotten Torch is good on the mana curve. The Snack Vendor, Water Elemental, and Kazakus are also good options with a coin. Against control decks I'm keeping Ice Block, but it's a pretty slow start.


It's a lot of fun to throw spells. Sooooo fun! Renault Mag- this is a good deck. She is strong, versatile, has many positive matchups and allows you to play chess in Hearthstone. I've never been a slow control player, but I really love decks with a lot of options like this one. I love it so much that it will become my main one for a while. I hope you enjoy it at least half as much as I did, and as always, thanks for reading. Until next time, may you always be healed for 29 health!

Translated and edited Leckermaul, designed and Graytosse

As promised, we are posting a translation of the brilliant guide to Renault Mag from yesterday’s post. You definitely won't be disappointed! 🙂

I absolutely adore this Reno Mage deck and have it ranked 14th in the Legend rankings with an overall win rate of 72%. A little later I improved this result and quickly took 1st place. This happened just the other day, so I can describe the game with this deck in as much detail as possible based on my feelings.

When playing against Midrange Shamans, do everything to control the board, but do not waste your best removal, but leave them for countering. If you are faced with a choice of which creature to eliminate: or - always choose the second. is important for winning, but the key is board control. Don't let the Shaman draw cards with , and always consider the potential damage from , to make sure you don't die. If you are not sure, use it just in case.

You may want to leave, but don't.: , , , .

Warrior (Tempo Warrior: 50/50, Patron Warrior: Favorable, C'Tun Warrior 50/50, Attrition Warrior: Unable to Lose)

If you have a warrior as your opponent, you can rejoice at it. At worst, you have an equal opponent, and at best, if it is a warrior at exhaustion, you will win an easy victory. The key to defeating Warrior is to quickly identify his deck type. If it's Tempo Warrior, calmly play yours to keep up with the tempo, you simply won't need the extra ones. If you are playing against a C'Thun Warrior and an Attrition Warrior, try to save the coin until the end of the game. Against Patron Warriors, don't play it before his combo with for the second clear.

The main thing you should NEVER do against a warrior is to not use your class ability at the opponent’s hero in the first turns, until he began to increase his Armor. A few units of damage will not solve anything, but the cards that the Warrior gets with the help of an unlucky magician in your person can decide the game.

When playing against C'Thun Warrior, don't let your , and don't summon until C'Thun is summoned. You simply will not survive the consequences of its appearance. In general, when playing against warriors, towards the end of the game, try not to waste your cheap removal spells, because they can easily be turned into. Try to use your spells as carefully and accurately as possible.

Against exhausted warriors, try to play very carefully, they have 2, 2, 2. Try not to have more than two on your table at the same time good creatures so that they do not become easy prey. Only cast it late in the game, after you've made sure you've lured out all the removal.

You may want to leave, but don't: , , , .

Rogue (Miracle (and other Rogue combos): Auspicious, Deathrattle Rogue: Auspicious).

In matches against robbers, it is very important whether you have enough time to find, and. Fortunately, you will find them much more often than not :) Matches against Rogues are easy to characterize: “saw something? kill this “something.” Kill everything that moves. There aren't that many creatures in this deck, your spells will be enough.

1 280   

And I found out a lot of interesting facts.

Taki is really very difficult in the game, and is ideal for those players who love to set themselves especially complex and difficult tasks and still complete them.

Freeze Mage typically relies on a more relaxed pace of play through the use of freezes and spells. At first, freeze magicians behave completely differently, at least it seems to the players that this is how it all seems. But drawing cards is done using the Sorcerer's Intelligence card. To get the desired Ice Barrier and Ice Block, they even use the Mad Scientist card.

Freeze Mages are based on a carefully designed card draw and there is no need to rush into exchanging the Servant.

Tactics for playing a Freeze Mage deck with Reno Jackson

If the exchange is for only one card. This action can lead to the fact that by the end of the game you will have an empty hand.

Tactics for playing a Freeze Mage deck with Reno Jackson, like many others, must be previously planned. If you're playing more aggressive decks, you'll have completely different consequences. And take appropriate measures.

Knowing how to plan, only you can count on victory.

Alexstrasza is the main card in this deck. Judging by many similar tactics, it can be said that if you still have this card in hand by turn 9, then victory is yours.

Combinations and synergies, as always, play a huge role when using this tactic.

The following combinations are ideal:

  • Ring of Ice (replaces Blizzard) + Doomsayer. This bunch will clean the table perfectly. But remember. You will only win if you do. Unless your opponent has a strong card that can counter Herald.
  • Fireball and Ice Arrow - this combination will give considerable damage.

No matter how difficult this or that tactic may seem at first glance, be sure to try playing it. You need to gain experience in something.

4.9 / 99

Hearthstone's League of Explorers expansion hasn't yet revealed all of its cards, and the current metagame has already begun to change. With the arrival of Reno Jackson and Brann Bronzebeard, face decks began to retreat from the top ten of the ladder. This is understandable: a full “heal” or double healing of the Ancient Healer does its job. The ranking is dominated by control and midrange decks of any class. Paladins are especially annoying, check out the Secrets deck in our September selection.

There are several in front of you best top Hearthstone decks using cards from the “League of Explorers” (December 2015): Warlock “Reno Lock”, hybrid midrange Hunter, FACE Druid deck. With their help you can definitely become a Legend. Checked!

A very strong deck that is only gaining popularity. Incredible balance and thoughtful card synergy. The icing on the “seasoned cake” was Reno Jackson himself. Please note that all cards are presented in one version. Renolock holds up well against rush-face decks and is great in the late game.

List of deck cards:

  • 1 Face of decay
  • 1 Overwhelming Power
  • 1 Dark Bomb
  • 1 Black archaeologist
  • 1 Demonic Wrath
  • 1 The leader of a gang of demons
  • 1 Hellfire
  • 1 Merciless Explosion
  • 1 Flame of Darkness
  • 1 Void Summoner
  • 1 Soul Drain
  • 1 Lord Jaraxxus
  • 1 MalGanis
  • 1 Swearing Sergeant
  • 1 Ironbeak
  • 1 Protectress Sindorai
  • 1 Acid Slug
  • 1 Mental Technician
  • 1 Experienced Hunter
  • 1 Defender of Argus
  • 1 Snack vendor
  • 1 Twilight Dragon
  • 1 Ancient Healer
  • 1 Slime Belcher
  • 1 Emperor Thaurissan
  • 1 Reno Jackson
  • 1 Doctor Boom
  • 1 Ragnaros
  • 1 Mountain Giant
  • 1 Fire Giant

A hybrid and devastating mixture of face hunting with midrange Beast Hunter. The deck sets a good aggressive pace of play. In a good situation, your opponent does not have time to attack. Drive your opponent into a corner and win.

List of deck cards:

  • 2 Tenetnik
  • 2 Glaive Thrower
  • 1 Snake Trap
  • 1 Bear trap
  • 2 Command “Take!”
  • 2 Pet
  • 1 Let the dogs down
  • 2 Houndman
  • 2 Shepherd
  • 2 Savannah Highmane
  • 2 Mad Scientist
  • 2 Precious Scarab
  • 1 Ironbeak
  • 2 Dagger juggler
  • 2 Possessed Creeper
  • 1 Brann Bronzebeard
  • 2 Grave Spider
  • 1 Doctor Boom

An incredibly evil and aggressive Druid deck in Hearthstone. It is noteworthy that Blightbots are very good in this deck. A hint that you don't care about deck size. Each card eats life from your opponent. Only maximum damage to the enemy's face.

List of deck cards:

  • 2 Insight
  • 2 Living roots
  • 2 Fighter from Darnassus
  • 2 Saber Druid
  • 2 Wild Roar
  • 2 Scope
  • 2 Guardian of the Thicket
  • 2 Furious Warrior
  • 2 Druid of the Claw
  • 1 Force of nature
  • 2 Leprognome
  • 2 Dagger juggler
  • 2 Shadow of Naxxramas
  • 2 Manned shredder
  • 2 Blightbot
  • 1 Doctor Boom

Warlock "Reno Lock", hybrid midrange Hunter, FACE Druid deck. What's next?

Tags: decks, top, December, 2015, explorers' league
