Budget reno decks. Legendary Freeze Mage with Reno Jackson (League of Explorers). Effectiveness of Reno Mage in various matchups



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In this guide we will tell you how to play a freeze mage. The Freeze Mage deck is quite complex, but also extremely powerful. Freeze Mages are considered by many to be one of the toughest classes in the game, designed for those who like to challenge themselves and enjoy the satisfaction of achieving them.

This version of the deck includes Reno Jackson, which can fully heal the hero and give him a few extra turns needed to win. The deck was successfully tested by SuperJJ from the compLexity team, who won the Seat Story Cup tournament.


The Freeze Mage relies heavily on slowing down the pace of the game with AoE spells and freezing, but he can also remove up to 30 damage from an enemy character. health in a couple of moves.

In the first turns of the game, Freeze Mages behave passively, drawing cards with the help of the Sorcerer's Intelligence. Additionally, they often play Mad Scientist to get Ice Barrier or Ice Block. In the first turns, you should pay special attention to the Servant of Pain. You shouldn't play him unless you're confident you can hit him with your Hero Power. For freeze mages, draw is extremely important, and therefore exchanging a Servant for one card is unprofitable. This usually results in you being left with an empty hand in the final moves.

As soon as the enemy starts putting out his creatures, you will have to accept complex solutions about using spells and slowdowns to make the fight last as long as possible. General rule sounds like this: you should not use direct spells (for example, Frostbolt and Fire ball) to eliminate creatures, unless your opponent is too aggressive. The exception is the Forgotten Torch, which can be freely used in the first turns to get an improved copy of it. Burning Torch is a key card in the deck that allows for incredibly powerful combos, especially with the discount from Emperor Thaurissan.

Plan your moves in advance, use spells rationally. For example, you shouldn't use Ice Nova if you don't have anything to clear the board with next turn. The Ring should be played in conjunction with Doomsayer or Wall of Fire. In both cases, you will be able to clear the board if the opponent does not take appropriate action in time.

While Doomsayer is most often used in conjunction with Freeze to clear the board, there are other ways to use this useful card. For example, when playing against an aggressive opponent, you can place a Herald to prevent a whole horde of small creatures from appearing. Additionally, you can play Herald to an empty board by continuing the combo with Emperor Thaurissan, Archmage Antonidas, or Alexstrasza. The Herald will not allow your opponent to place his creatures, and in any case you will win.

Secrets (Ice Barrier and Ice Block) play a very important role. With the release of Naxxramas, Freeze Mages have access to Mad Scientists, which allow them to use secrets more effectively. Ice barrier - very useful map, allowing you to prolong the battle by one or two turns, especially if you play it early enough. Ice Block allows you to disrupt your opponent's plans at the end of the match. If you have Ice Barrier on you, you can determine the minimum number of turns it takes for your opponent to kill you, and then plan your moves. It should be noted that in the case of Mad Scientists, the rule that you must first draw cards and then perform actions on the board is broken. If you have a Mad Scientist on the board and you want him to die this turn, kill him first and then draw cards. Otherwise, you can get a secret that a scientist would activate for free.

Emperor Thaurissan opens up new possibilities for freeze mages. This deck relies heavily on using combos, and the Emperor makes a big impact with a big hand. The main difficulty is that you will need to spend a whole turn to cast Thaurissan, postponing the use of some important cards. However, Thaurissan has a huge impact on the game, providing a significant advantage and ensuring victory.

With the advent of Reno Jackson, the deck gains even greater depth, because... this map significantly influences the process of its compilation and decision-making during the game. The number of copies of some cards (specifically Treasure Collector, Blizzard, and Acolyte of Pain) has been reduced to increase Reno's success rate. However, the player now has to remember the discarded cards. You can write down maps on paper or use a special addon. If you prefer to do this in your head, highlight the important combinations of cards available in two copies: Frost Nova and Doomsayer, Frostbolt and Ice Lance, Secrets (Mad Scientist, Ice Block, Ice Barrier), and Sorcerer's Intelligence.

Archmage Antonidas is included in the deck as an “insurance” in case you fail to get Alexstrasza in time. If you can no longer wait for her to appear, use one of the following combinations: Archmage Antonidas + Ice Arrow + Ice Lance or Archmage Antonidas + Ice Block. As a result, you will have one or more Fireballs, which can be used to finish off the enemy. Thanks to Emperor Thaurissan, Archmage Antonidas is now considered a must-have card in a Freeze Mage deck, because... The discount provided by the Emperor gives scope for powerful combos.

Alexstrasza is the key card of the deck. If you managed to survive until turn 9 with Alexstrasza in hand, you can consider that victory is already in your pocket. As a rule, opponents have nothing to answer it with. The goal is to get your enemy's health down to 15 on turn 9 and then finish him off with a Fireball/Ice Arrow/Ice Lance/Forgotten Torch/Burning Torch combo. I repeat, for successful game With this deck, the ability to plan your actions is very important. Before using Alexstrasza, evaluate the game situation, the resources available, and the time it will take you to finish off your opponent. Using Alexstrasza largely depends on having Ice Block (active or in hand) or the spells needed to deal lethal damage, as well as the enemy's ability to regenerate health. It is pointless to list all possible options. Just try to play with this deck and determine convenient combinations in practice. Remember that the outcome of the battle depends on your ability to plan.

If the ninth turn is approaching, but Alexstrasza is not yet in hand, continue to slow down the enemy by drawing cards using free resources. Often, freeze mages have to go through the entire deck to get the right card. Soberly assess the game situation and the number of moves the enemy needs to finish you off. Sometimes you have to play suboptimally to be able to get the card you need to save yourself.

Synergy and combinations

Frost Nova or Blizzard combined with Doomsayer are the main ways to clear the board. This method only works if the enemy has nothing to remove the Herald from the table.

Various combinations of spells can be used to deal fatal damage. For example, Fireball + Ice Arrow + Ice Spear + Ice Spear add up to 20 units. damage

Starting hand and detailed tactics

In most cases in starting hand you should collect cards that allow you to draw (Sorcerer Intelligence, Mad Scientist). As a rule, it is not worth leaving a servant of pain, because... playing it before turn 5 would be irrational. Below are tactics against different classes.

Against the Hunter

A very difficult opponent. First of all, this is constant “in the face” damage from the strength of the hero and numerous creatures. Try to get Doomsayer, Mad Scientist and Ice Barrier in your starting hand. Don't be afraid to play the messenger as early as possible. This way you will at least save 7 units. character's health. If your opponent can't handle the messenger, you'll slow down the pace of the game. The ice barrier can be used at any time, because... it increases survival rate. Don't skimp on Ice Arrows to clear the board. Otherwise, you may not live to see the ninth move. The basis for victory in such a battle is the timely use of Archmage Antonidas or Alexstrasza. The Hunter cannot replenish his health, so you can easily calculate the damage units needed to win.

Against zoo-lock

Contrary to popular belief, zoo-lock is a very advantageous opponent. Freeze Mage's spells allow you to freeze the board several times in a row, which has a detrimental effect on the synergy of the Zoo-Lock deck. As a rule, zoo creatures buff each other when they appear, and if there is no creature on the table that can attack, all buffs are practically useless. As soon as the situation gets dangerous, start freezing the board and then clear it with Blizzard or Fire Wave. You can afford to use Frostbolt in the early turns. Typically, Zoo-Loks will use the Hero Power and hit themselves, so you won't need a full combo for the finishing move.

Control Warrior

It is almost impossible to win against a warrior with a freeze mage. Fighting him is a brutal battle for survival, starting from the very first turn. Warriors are able to stack armor, as a result their health reserve can exceed 30 units. The armor cannot be removed by Alexstrasza, which means that you may simply not have enough damage to penetrate the enemy. Hope for victory comes from cards like Mad Scientist, as well as creatures that can deal moderate but periodic damage.

Against the priest

Collect in your hand standard cards and play them out as usual. However, Alexstrasza's move needs to be planned a little more carefully. Because Priests know how to restore their health; the final stage of the battle can take 2 or 3 turns. With 9 crystals at his disposal, the priest can use the Word of Darkness: Death and Sacred fire to heal up to 20 units. immediately after Alexstrasza appears. After the first wave of spells, the priest can restore 2 more units. health using hero power and 2 units. using the Ring of Light. Take all of these responses into account when scoring. Don't forget that with the release of the Goblins and Dwarves expansion, priests have new cards to replenish their health (for example, Light of the Naaru).

Replacing cards

Novice Engineer and Explosive Sheep are interchangeable. If you encounter aggressive opponents too often, use sheep to control the board. If you're having trouble with control opponents, Gatherers will allow you to draw more cards.

Other decks:





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As promised, we are posting a translation of the brilliant guide to Renault Mag from yesterday’s post. You definitely won't be disappointed! 🙂

I absolutely adore this Reno Mage deck and have it ranked 14th in the Legend rankings with an overall win rate of 72%. A little later I improved this result and quickly took 1st place. This happened just the other day, so I can describe the game with this deck in as much detail as possible based on my feelings.

When playing against Midrange Shamans, do everything to control the board, but do not waste your best removal, but leave them for countering. If you are faced with a choice of which creature to eliminate: or - always choose the second. is important for winning, but the key is board control. Don't let the Shaman draw cards with , and always consider the potential damage from , to make sure you don't die. If you are not sure, use it just in case.

You may want to leave, but don't.: , , , .

Warrior (Tempo Warrior: 50/50, Patron Warrior: Favorable, C'Thun Warrior 50/50, Attrition Warrior: Unable to Lose)

If you have a warrior as your opponent, you can rejoice at it. At worst, you have an equal opponent, and at best, if it is a warrior at exhaustion, you will win an easy victory. The key to defeating Warrior is to quickly identify his deck type. If it's Tempo Warrior, calmly play yours to keep up with the tempo, you simply won't need the extra ones. If you are playing against a C'Thun Warrior and an Attrition Warrior, try to save the coin until the end of the game. Against Patron Warriors, don't play it before his combo with for the second clear.

The main thing you should NEVER do against a warrior is to not use your class ability at the opponent’s hero in the first turns, until he began to increase his Armor. A few units of damage will not solve anything, but the cards that the Warrior gets with the help of an unlucky magician in your person can decide the game.

When playing against C'Thun Warrior, don't let your , and don't summon until C'Thun is summoned. You simply will not survive the consequences of its appearance. In general, when playing against warriors, towards the end of the game, try not to waste your cheap removal spells, because they can easily be turned into. Try to use your spells as carefully and accurately as possible.

Against exhausted warriors, try to play very carefully, they have 2, 2, 2. Try not to have more than two good creatures on the board at the same time, so that they don't become easy prey. Only cast it late in the game, after you've made sure you've lured out all the removal.

You may want to leave, but don't: , , , .

Rogue (Miracle (and other Rogue combos): Auspicious, Deathrattle Rogue: Auspicious).

In matches against robbers, it is very important whether you have enough time to find, and. Fortunately, you will find them much more often than not :) Matches against Rogues are easy to characterize: “saw something? kill this “something.” Kill everything that moves. There aren't that many creatures in this deck, your spells will be enough.

The first wing of the “League of Explorers” has just been published, and already one map has caused so much noise. Yeah, I mean, it wasn't a very playable card at first glance, but now Reno Jackson is wildly storming the meta and various decks with him are flooding the ladder.

Play ranked games now and you'll immediately encounter decks built around . New decks with Reno now cover absolutely the entire meta, starting from rank 20 and ending with TOP Legends. In this article I want to collect on this moment the most powerful and popular decks with Reno Jackson.

If you haven't played Reno decks yet, you should know that it doesn't light up yellow when its effect goes off. So, if you have several copies of cards in your deck, then you will have to manually calculate whether Reno will heal you, or use third party programs. As Ben Brode wrote, they cannot yet implement this highlighting effect, according to him, it takes a lot of computing power, since the card will constantly issue requests to compare each card in the deck and the correctness of the highlighting accordingly, but in the future the developers promise to fix this problem. We also do not recommend using Reno if you have it on your desk, see why below 😎

Fat RenoWarrior from Kripp's:

So kripp decided to try it out, and the result was a Control Fatig Warrior deck (on Fatigue). But kripp has his own take on decks built around Reno Jackson, he has 2 copies in his deck certain cards, since most players create Reno decks with only one copy of the cards.

Below you can watch Fatig Renault Warrior play:

Kibler RenoLock:

Here is a good example of the new Reno decks. Brian Keebler with his "in search of Reno Warlock" managed to rise from rank 6 to TOP 500 Legend in 4 days using exclusively this deck. Of course, he made the most of the effect of surprise and opponents simply did not know how to play against such a deck. Try playing with this deck.

Best decks with Reno Jackson:

RenHunter Deck: Midrange Tempo Renault Mage Deck:

Fatig Reno Mage deck (on Fatigue): Freeze Mage deck with Reno Jackson:

4.9 / 99

Hearthstone's League of Explorers expansion hasn't yet revealed all of its cards, and the current metagame has already begun to change. With the arrival of Reno Jackson and Brann Bronzebeard, face decks began to retreat from the top ten of the ladder. This is understandable: a full “heal” or double healing of the Ancient Healer does its job. The ranking is dominated by control and midrange decks of any class. Paladins are especially annoying, check out the Secrets deck in our September selection.

There are several in front of you best top Hearthstone decks using cards from the “League of Explorers” (December 2015): Warlock “Reno Lock”, hybrid midrange Hunter, FACE Druid deck. With their help you can definitely become a Legend. Checked!

A very strong deck that is only gaining popularity. Incredible balance and thoughtful card synergy. The icing on the “seasoned cake” was Reno Jackson himself. Please note that all cards are presented in one version. Renolock holds up well against rush-face decks and is great in the late game.

List of deck cards:

  • 1 Face of decay
  • 1 Overwhelming Power
  • 1 Dark Bomb
  • 1 Black archaeologist
  • 1 Demonic Wrath
  • 1 The leader of a gang of demons
  • 1 Hellfire
  • 1 Merciless Explosion
  • 1 Flame of Darkness
  • 1 Void Summoner
  • 1 Soul Drain
  • 1 Lord Jaraxxus
  • 1 MalGanis
  • 1 Swearing Sergeant
  • 1 Ironbeak
  • 1 Protectress Sindorai
  • 1 Acid Slug
  • 1 Mental Technician
  • 1 Experienced Hunter
  • 1 Defender of Argus
  • 1 Snack vendor
  • 1 Twilight Dragon
  • 1 Ancient Healer
  • 1 Slime Belcher
  • 1 Emperor Thaurissan
  • 1 Reno Jackson
  • 1 Doctor Boom
  • 1 Ragnaros
  • 1 Mountain Giant
  • 1 Fire Giant

A hybrid and devastating mixture of face hunting with midrange Beast Hunter. The deck sets a good aggressive pace of play. In a good situation, your opponent does not have time to attack. Drive your opponent into a corner and win.

List of deck cards:

  • 2 Tenetnik
  • 2 Glaive Thrower
  • 1 Snake Trap
  • 1 Bear trap
  • 2 Command “Take!”
  • 2 Pet
  • 1 Let the dogs down
  • 2 Houndman
  • 2 Shepherd
  • 2 Savannah Highmane
  • 2 Mad Scientist
  • 2 Precious Scarab
  • 1 Ironbeak
  • 2 Dagger juggler
  • 2 Possessed Creeper
  • 1 Brann Bronzebeard
  • 2 Grave Spider
  • 1 Doctor Boom

An incredibly evil and aggressive Druid deck in Hearthstone. It is noteworthy that Blightbots are very good in this deck. A hint that you don't care about deck size. Each card eats life from your opponent. Only maximum damage to the enemy's face.

List of deck cards:

  • 2 Insight
  • 2 Living roots
  • 2 Fighter from Darnassus
  • 2 Saber Druid
  • 2 Wild Roar
  • 2 Scope
  • 2 Guardian of the Thicket
  • 2 Furious Warrior
  • 2 Druid of the Claw
  • 1 Force of nature
  • 2 Leprognome
  • 2 Dagger juggler
  • 2 Shadow of Naxxramas
  • 2 Manned shredder
  • 2 Blightbot
  • 1 Doctor Boom

Warlock "Reno Lock", hybrid midrange Hunter, FACE Druid deck. What's next?

Tags: decks, top, December, 2015, explorers' league

Hello, dear readers of the site!

2 months after the release of the add-on The Vibrant City of Gadgetzan It's safe to say that the biggest variety in the meta came from "Cabal" cards: Due to Draconid Spy, Claw Priest from Cabal and Dragonfire Potion, Priest returned to the game, and the Warlock and Mage decks also received a huge boost. Actually, the latter will be discussed, and to be even more precise, today we will consider such an archetype as Renault Mag, gaining increasing popularity due to the flexibility and variability of the deck.

Reno Mage deck

In this case, it is worth talking about two options for forming a starting hand: against fast decks, such as Aggro Shaman, Dragon Warrior, Pirate Warrior, and against slower midrange and control decks.

You can determine the following highest priority cards when playing against aggro decks:

Arcane Blast is a targeted early game removal that also synergizes well with Blood Mage Thalnos, allowing you to destroy larger creatures such as Totem Golem, Tomb Raider, etc.

Chatty Book - a creature with 1/1 characteristics cannot be called a strong combat unit, but its battle cry can sometimes bring very good map. And a 1/1 creature is better than nothing.

Master of Potions is a 1-mana creature with good stats and a deathrattle that is extremely useful in the current meta.

Doomsayer is one of the best cards for slowing down the game against aggro decks. Unfortunately, already on the second turn a situation may arise in which the opponent is able to destroy a creature with seven units of health, but often the Doomsayer will allow you to seize the initiative and significantly slow down the game.

Frostbolt is another spell that allows you to counter early aggression.

Mental Technician - alas, the current meta is so fast that sometimes you can implement the battle cry of this creature on the fourth, or even the third turn.

Volcanic Potion – Most aggro decks rely on early game board advantage to deal damage. And although this map– not the best choice against Midrange Shaman, she performs well in games against Warrior on pirates.

Kazakus - playing this card on the fourth turn and creating a potion for 5 mana, one of the effects of which will cause damage to all creatures, often guarantees you victory. But even without receiving this effect, it is possible to destroy one creature and receive a certain number of armor units. You can learn more about all the possible combinations of Kazakus potions at.

Reno Jackson is a card that, when played on turn 6, guarantees you victory.

Acid Slug – This is worth keeping when playing against classes that use weapons, such as Shaman, Warrior.

Snack Vendor/Water Elemental - Worth keeping if you have good early game cards in your hand or if you have a coin if your starting cards don't include creatures or spells that cost 3 mana.

Blood Mage Thalnos – with Arcane Blast in hand against classes that have popular early creatures with four health units: Totem Golem, Enraged Berserker, Arsonist.

When forming a starting hand against slow decks, you should pay attention first of all to the following cards:

A chatty book - a battle cry can sometimes bring a very good card. In this case, your opponent must spend resources to get rid of this creature.

Doomsayer – While Doomsayer is good against aggressive archetypes, it will also be useful against slower decks.

Cabal Courier - even with weak characteristics, it is very strong against control decks, since the number of possible valuable cards to obtain with the help of the Cabal Courier is very, very large.

Forgotten Torch – it is advisable to implement this card as soon as possible into the Burning Torch, which can help us deal the missing damage to complete the game.

Snack Vendor / Water Elemental are good 4-mana minions that allow you to avoid missing turns and maintain board presence.

Kazakus - depending on what archetype you are up against, you can either play it immediately, receiving a valuable potion and, due to its effect, outplay your opponent, or wait it out and use it in combination with Brann Bronzebeard.

Reno Jackson - There's not much healing in the Reno Mage deck, and who knows how the game might turn out, and besides, it's against a control deck.

Situational cards, left only in certain cases:

Early targeted removal like Arcane Blast or Frostbolt - these cards will only be useful against control decks that have a significant number of early game minions, such as many Anduin builds.

Azure Dragon - if the remaining cards in the starting hand are good.

Effectiveness of Reno Mage in various matchups:

Archetype Win percentage Number of games
Aggro Shaman 52% 9 461
Pirate Warrior 52% 6 517
Miracle Rogue 48% 5 692
Renault Mag 50% 5 262
Renolock 53% 5 248
Midrange Shaman 49% 5 077
Jage Druid 31% 3 713
Renault Priest 42% 3 194
Dragon Priest 36% 2 914
Dragon Warrior 48% 1 791
Murloc Paladin 57% 920
Tempo Mage 43% 827
Midrange Hunter 44% 538
Hunter of secrets 42% 441
Discard Lock 57% 338
Freeze Mage 53% 243

The first place to start is with a strategy for playing against fast decks. In this case, the game tactics will be somewhat different from the usual strategy of control decks, which consists in surviving the opponent’s early game and then pressing with more powerful creatures. The reason is that the deck has a small number of cards that have the effect of restoring health, and there is also no ability to give allied creatures a taunt effect. The main tactic here is to use targeted and AoE removal to prevent the enemy from inflicting a large amount of damage on you, thus slowing down the pace of the game, exhausting the enemy, and then playing Renault Jackson. An alternative option is to restore your health with the help of Alexstrasza, but the implementation of such a strategy is unlikely due to the fact that the most popular aggro decks today are aimed at winning on turns 5-7.

A fairly common mistake when playing against aggressive archetypes is overusing your Hero Power. Of course, killing a creature with one health unit without spending a card on it is profitable. However, in the early game, two mana crystals make up a significant portion of the total available. Therefore, when choosing between destroying a creature with Flare of Fire or destroying a creature with a spell and playing the creature on the board, the decision should often be made in favor of the second option, since despite wasting your resources, you get the opportunity to maintain the pace of the game against aggro decks and force exchanges. All this contributes to achieving the main goal: saving your health and delaying the game into its late stage.

In general, we can say that the game against aggressive builds is quite clumsy: you are looking for a starting hand Renault Jackson or just trying to live as many moves as possible in order to find Renault Jackson. In a game against control decks, everything is much more complicated. Reno Mage has a large number of tools that can help him outplay his opponents: Chatty Book, Cabal Courier, and Kazakus - all of which allow you to get cards without using the draw mechanic, which makes them incredibly useful in such confrontations.

One of the most powerful combinations available Renault Maga, this is Brann Bronzebeard + Kazakus + Soul Summoner. Playing a combination of cards like this allows you to get two spells that can significantly change the outcome of the game, and at the same time you get two additional cards into the deck, allowing you to delay the moment you take damage due to fatigue. Of course, getting four Kazakus potions in one game is an ideal situation, but usually three or even two potions are enough to end the game in your favor.

The second strategy for playing against control decks is to reduce the enemy character's health with the help of Alexstrasza and deal lethal damage to the opponent with spells. An additional tool for implementing such a strategy is Archmage Antonidas.

One final play that can throw a wrench into your opponent's plans is a successful Dirty Rat play.

Having discussed general features match-ups, it is worth analyzing in more detail the options for playing against the most popular decks today.

Aggro Shaman

In general, Reno Mage often outplays this archetype. Despite having a large number of cards that are sometimes difficult to answer (Flame Faceless, Totem Golem), this deck relies heavily on the early game and then building up an advantage through it. If you clear the playing field, you will surely win.

As described above, don't be afraid to spend your resources in order to keep up with your opponent's pace. Also, if possible, try to save your targeted removal for Flame Faceless.

Be careful when using AoE spells– there are not many of them in the deck, and the Shaman is able to quickly return the board after clearing it.

There is no need to play Mud Rat early in the game - there is a high chance that your opponent may have a Flame Faceless, Azure Dragon or Aya Blackpaw in his hand, and the appearance of these creatures on the field will result in defeat for you.

Don’t delay in implementing the health restoration effect – Shaman can deal 10-15 damage with 2-3 cards in hand. Therefore, if possible, it is worth playing based on such a situation.

Aggressive archetypes don't use Hex, so playing Archmage Antonidas can work to your advantage in a big way, as your opponent either has to trade with him, or you have the opportunity to constantly get targeted clears in the form of Fireballs, as well as the chance to end the game at the expense of causing damage to the enemy character with these Fireballs.

Pirate Warrior

One of the most unpleasant matchups, since even with Aggro Shamans the game drags on until the late stage of the game, which is unusual for games against Garrosh.

The main task is to stall the game, to minimize the damage received as much as possible.

Use AoE spells, even if they destroy your creatures. In most cases, the Warrior's pressure stops on turns 4-5, after which his main tactic is to finish off his opponent using weapons combined with Heroic Strike and Mortal Blow. So don't be afraid to waste valuable spells like Fireball and Polymorph, since none of them have more than 4 health anyway.

An important aspect of playing against the Pirate Warrior is destruction of weapons– An Arcanite Reaper, or at least a Fire Axe. But if your opponent plays N'Zoth's First Mate, then using Acid Slug in tempo can have an extremely positive impact, namely preventing some damage while making Small Buccaneer much weaker. You also remove the ability to cast Sailor South Seas with a dash and realize the Cultist Pirate's battle cry.

The Water Elemental can also bring significant benefits, allowing you to prevent damage from weapons using the freezing effect.

Don't forget to play from Deathstroke. You shouldn't leave 12 health to the Warrior if you can't survive playing two copies of this card. It's better to lower your opponent's health to 13 (or more) units, and be guaranteed to win the next turn (by this time you should have enough big advantage to deal more than 15 damage in one turn).

Dragon Priest

Another one of the most problematic opponents for Reno Mage, since he has the ability to quickly outplay you due to the pace of Blackwing Technician, Twilight Guardian, Blackwing Destroyer, and at the same time get valuable cards from Draconid Spy.

The main task is not to lose the table too much, because due to your hero power, as well as cards that increase the health of creatures, the opportunity to win back becomes incredibly difficult.

The main card that can bring victory is Kazakus, which is preferably used in combination with Brann Bronzebeard. When creating a potion, your choice should fall on effects that allow you to clear the board (Dealing damage to all creatures), however, targeted damage to only one opponent’s creature can work into your favor.

Another opportunity to replay Dragon Priest is Archmage Antonidas. If you are in a losing position or if your opponent has used both Shadow Word: Death, this card can save your party, since most of Anduin's minions have 6 health or less.

Midrange Shaman

This confrontation is somewhat more difficult than against Aggro Shaman, but still not so difficult. The general game plan is to capture the gaming table, and then use your AoE removal bring the match to a victorious conclusion.

This confrontation is characterized by a long duration, so you should not devote all your resources to slow down the pace of your opponent’s game. Of course, you may be faced with a perfect start with Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem, but due to the lack of Pirate-based combos, the issue of losing quickly is not so acute, so it is important to look for opportunities to play your creatures and outplay your opponent through more profitable trades .

Proper use of spells that deal damage to multiple enemy creatures is one of the key aspects of playing against this archetype. Midrange Shaman there is little that can oppose you without an advantage on the playing field. It is important to choose the right moment to act out AoE: Use these spells when you have minions on the board rather than hero power summoned totems, or when there are cards that you can't destroy but their effect has a significant impact on the game (for example, Flametongue Totem).

Unlike more aggressive builds, the Midrange Shaman deck has two Hexes , Therefore, it is worth keeping in mind the possibility of getting this spell when casting only one strong creature per turn, which will result in a severe loss of tempo. Try to bait these spells onto less powerful creatures (such as Water Elemental or Reno Jackson) or create a creature advantage so that your opponent's use of Hex doesn't have a significant impact on how the match plays out.

The weakness of many Midrange Shamans is the absence of treatment effects. There are builds that include Water Speaker, but they are not so popular. Therefore, aggressively playing Alexstrasza to reduce the enemy's health can be one of the strategies that will bring you victory.


Another difficult opponent. In general, we can say that the value of the cards presented in the Reno Mage deck is slightly higher than in the Renoloka, with the exception of Lord Jaraxxus. However, this card is too strong and you are very likely to lose unless you have the ability to somehow deal fifteen points of damage.

Your early game should be structured with the expectation that you might see a Twilight Drake or Mountain Giant on your opponent's side on turn four. The ideal option is to have it in hand Transformations. Also a good answer would be Doomsayer on the third turn or playing creatures through a coin for four mana crystals.

With a successful response to the two above-mentioned cards, the rest of the game will proceed according to the following principle: one player attacks, the other responds to the opponent’s actions. As long as you don't lose the table, you're unlikely to have any problems. It is worth paying attention to how long a particular card is in your opponent’s hand. If he's been holding them for quite some time, then maybe it's part of a combination with Leeroy Jenkins. In this case, you can try to remove Leeroy Jenkins or the Faceless Manipulator from the Warlock's hand using the Dirty Rat. Although here it is worth making a reservation and adding that even if there is a combination with Leeroy Jenkins, which deals 20 units of damage, it is still not so terrible for Reno Mage due to the presence of Ice Block in the deck. It would also be a good outcome if the Dirty Rat's Warcry pulled Lord Jaraxxus out of his opponent's hand.

At a very late stage of the game, everything is decided due to the previously mentioned legendary card Warlock. Here the only way to win is to deal damage with spells such as Forgotten Torch, Ice Arrow, Fireball, Portal: Firelands. Thanks to the freezing spells in the deck, Ice Block, Reno Jackson, you may be able to finish off your opponent with the mentioned spells when using your hero power. Kazakus potions can also provide additional assistance here.

Archmage Antonidas can also be a card that brings you victory. If your opponent previously spent all of his targeted removal, then he may not have any options left to deal with Archmage Antonidas. It doesn't matter if you lose him, but still get extra Fireballs, since you're blocking Lord Jaraxxus' play.

Miracle Rogue

In this confrontation, you cannot give preference to any of the decks.

Despite the fact that in most cases the game against this archetype is not fast, the build Miracle Rogue today includes the Small Buccaneer and the Rogue Pirate in combination with the Eye Pirate. Therefore, it is worth keeping early defensive spells such as Frostbolt or Arcane Blast.

When playing against Miracle Rogue There are a few things to be wary of. Firstly, this is the Adventurer. If your opponent plays this card, you must deal with it on the same turn. Another key card is the Goblin Auctioneer, which it is also advisable to get rid of in the same turn.

A serious problem can turn out to be a competent play of the Disguise card, which should also not be forgotten. The main countermeasures in this case are either Kazakus potion or freezing playing field and clearing it the next turn, when the disguise from the enemy creatures has already disappeared.

The Dirty Rat looks good in this matchup, because by playing it on turns 6-7, you will most likely pull the Goblin Auctioneer out of your opponent’s hand and, by destroying this creature, you will be significantly closer to victory.

Combinations in the Reno Mage deck

The mechanic of shuffling the card with the help of Soulcaster is extremely useful. Main targets for mixing: Kazakus, Reno Jackson, Alesktraza. Mental Technician and Dirty Rat can also boast good synergy. When playing against slow decks, the combination of Blizzard and Doomsayer looks good. Doomsayer can also counter single enemy creatures with Ice Arrow.

Unique synergy Renault Jackson with Ice Block. Main weakness Renault Maga- This is instant damage, inflicted mainly through some combinations. However, Ice Block allows you to survive whatever your opponent throws at you and make the most of Reno Jackson.

Shows itself perfectly dirty rat, allowing you to influence your opponent's hand. Also, if there are three creatures on the board, it is possible to play the combination of Dirty Rat + Mental Technician, which looks even more impressive when using Brann Bronzebeard. But even in this case, you should still play against the worst possible consequence of using a given combination of cards, and have an answer to it.

Doomsayer + Ice Storm- another combination that Renault Mag can boast of. Of course, it can only be useful against slow decks. Also, when fielding one powerful creature, the combination Doomsayer + Ice Arrow is applicable.

Main feature of the deck Renault Maga lies in her variability. In this regard, we invite you to additionally consider options for assembling this deck. There is always the opportunity to simply go to any specialized site and use the assemblies professional players. However, it is worth emphasizing that when assembling the deck they are guided by popular tournament decks and games on high ranks legends, which can lead to the fact that if you copy a deck from some source, you may get less than expected returns from the deck due to the fact that, for example, it was built to play against slower decks, and you took it to rise from rank 15 to rank 5, where aggressive archetypes prevail. In addition, if you know your deck thoroughly, you will immediately understand how you can beat certain matchups. Self-building also allows you to rebuild your deck depending on the current meta.

The main task when assembling any deck is to define it key cards, which are indispensable for this archetype. This deck has a certain core of cards that form the basis of the deck, which cannot be replaced by anything. This includes:

Arcane Blast; Ice arrow; Sorcerer's Intelligence; Forgotten Torch; Ice block; Volcanic Potion; Fire ball; Kazakus; Transformation; Blizzard; Wave of Fire; Acid Slug; Blood Mage Thalnos; Herald of Doom; Brann Bronzebeard; Azure Dragon; Reno Jackson.

Let's focus our attention on the 13 remaining cards, the choice of which is situational and depends on your personal preferences and on what kind of meta has formed at the ranks at which you play. We will consider the most common replacement options.

Creatures for the early game.

Let's list some cards that are strong when played on turns 1-2. They will help you against aggro decks, as well as against archetypes where it is important to set the tempo. So, for example, if in a game against Jade Druid you only use the hero power until the fourth turn, you will most likely be defeated.

So for the early game, in addition to the Chatty Book and the Master of Potions, the advantages of using which were described earlier, the Treasure Collector can be used, which, in addition to allowing you to maintain the pace, ensures that the deck is busted with its deathrattle.

Cards that allow you to restore health /Cards with the “Provocation” effect

In the current meta, where aggro decks and fast midrange decks predominate, there are often situations where you simply don’t make it to turn six, and Reno Jackson alone is not enough. In addition, it is quite reckless to rely on the timely entry of one of the 30 cards. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to cards that allow you to delay the game.

These include the already mentioned Snack Vendor and Potion Maker. But besides them, you can try to include in the deck a Second-Rate Bonebreaker, an Earthen Reverend, and maybe even an Ice Barrier.

Cards with draw effect

The draw in our deck is represented only by Sorcerer Intelligence and Azure Dragon. You may want to speed up the process of going through the cards in your deck. Then you can use the already mentioned Treasure Collector, Servant of Pain. If you tend to run into slower decks, it might make sense to look at Ethereal Conjurer instead of Chatty Book.

Mid-game creatures

It can be noted that mandatory for Renault Maga the cards are not extremely strong for the late game. And even against aggressive archetypes, having fought off the entire early game, you may not have enough resources to put the squeeze on your opponent. Below are creatures that are most likely not capable of radically changing the outcome of the game, but will provide a worthy response in a losing situation and will increase your advantage if the game goes under your dictation.

Thieving Badass is a card that has rapidly gained popularity in Reno Mage decks due to its good synergy with Archmage Antonidas.

Faceless Summoner is one of the best creatures Jains, even though the characteristics of the creature summoned for 3 mana can vary greatly: from a 1/1 Moneybag to a 5/5 Mukla King or a 4/7 Wounded Grunt.

Ethereal Wizard - as already described above, this creature already has a fairly high value due to its battle cry, but at the same time, the number of attack units allows it to exchange with many heavy enemy creatures, which will force him to spend some additional resources on his destruction.

Late Game Cards

If we talk about the creatures that are the basis for achieving victory, then the main cards between which the choice is made are Emperor Thaurissan, Sylvanas Windrunner, Archmage Antonidas, Guardian Medivh, as well as Alexstrasza and Ragnaros. Although there are also very “greedy” assemblies, in which 4 of the 6 mentioned cards are presented.

Spot/Mass removal

When playing a slow deck, you need to be able to withstand some form of aggression from your opponent. In the deck we are considering, the required spells are Fireball, Forgotten Torch, and Wave of Fire. You can additionally add cards such as Forbidden Flame or Pyroblast to them. Also popular are the Fire Lance, the Twilight Pyromancer, and the Ice Lance, which is often used when Renolocks dominate the meta to deal explosive damage with the 13-damage combination of Fireball + Ice Arrow + Ice Lance, which becomes even more powerful if you have a Blood Mage. Thalnos.
