Call of duty system requirements. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare system requirements on PC. Minimum System Requirements

based on Gigabyte solutions

Brief information about the game

  • Release date: November 4, 2016
  • Genre: First Person Shooter
  • Publisher: Activision
  • Developer: Infinity Ward

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a very popular multi-platform first-person shooter created by developer Infinity Ward and publisher Activision and belonging to the series of games under the general name Call of Duty. The thirteenth game in the series was released on November 4 in versions for several gaming platforms: PCs running Microsoft Windows, as well as Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft game consoles Xbox One.

This is the first game in the series in a new three-year Call of Duty cycle, in which games are developed in turns by Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch. The game takes place around the battle for the Solar System, which the Settlement Defense Front (SDF) is trying to capture, acting as the main enemy, and the player controls Captain Nick Reyes from the Special Combat Air Recon (SCAR) special forces. The game we are reviewing today has a completely new story about space, it also contains elements of original mechanics, such as battles in zero gravity, although otherwise the gameplay differs little from other representatives of the genre.

To move in the absence of gravity, players have special equipment like a boost pack and a grappling hook, which allow them to move in outer space. Since the game is a space game, during the process the player will visit different planets, satellites and asteroids, and he will also have the opportunity to control a fighter while participating in battles in outer space. But otherwise, this is a typical modern first-person shooter and the differences from other games are rather cosmetic.

Infinite Warfare began development in 2014 and is Infinity Ward's first game in the series since Call of Duty: Ghosts released back in 2013. In February 2016, it became known from Activision's financial report that a new game The Call of Duty series, developed by Infinity Ward, is expected to be released in the fourth quarter. In April it became known that the publication would also include updated version game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, released in 2007, as well as other hints about the imminent release of a continuation of the series. Official announcement The game took place in May, when the first trailer for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare was released and the exact release date of the game was announced - November 4, 2016.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is based on the IW Engine, developed by Infinity Ward for use in its own developments, as well as other games from the publisher Activision. This technology was used in the Call of Duty series of games with numerous changes made by Treyarch and Sledgehammer Games, who also developed games in this series. The IW Engine has been repeatedly refined and improved while working on each new game.

First game Infinity Ward became the 2003 Call of Duty, which was based on the id Tech 3 engine, but with many changes: DirectX instead of OpenGL, new post-processing effects, advanced water surface shaders, a more complex lighting system and dynamic soft shadows. In the continuation of the series - Call of Duty 2 - the IW Engine 2.0 was used, which is an even more redesigned id Tech 3: complex post-effects, particle systems, relief texturing and even better shadows are used.

The third version of the engine became the basis for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and the IW engine was again improved: more complex shaders, improved facial animation and lighting, new post-processing effects like simulated depth of field and color correction, and self-shading. IW Engine 4.0 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 brought streaming texture loading, and the lighting system was also improved. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 used IW 5.0 with new streaming and lighting improvements, and Call of Duty: Ghosts used IW 6.0 using tessellation and displacement maps. new system animation, dynamics of liquids and gases and other changes.

All this is also available in the IW 7.0 engine, on which Infinite Warfare is based, and the game is indeed graphically quite good. It has realistic lighting with soft dynamic shadows, advanced post-processing and physical effects, realistic fire, water and weather effects, a good particle system and animation. also in latest version The engine introduced such modern algorithms and techniques as a physically correct rendering system, volumetric lighting, global illumination simulation, and an advanced DOF simulation post-filter with bokeh.

In general, both the engine itself and the specific implementation of the graphical part in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare are really quite good, although the impression remains that the Infinity Ward game engine is still a little outdated, at least in the graphical part, and the same Battlefield 1 and Gears of War 4 are both technically more advanced and overall look decidedly more modern.

System requirements

Minimum system requirements:

  • CPU Core i3-3225(3.3 GHz) or similar to AMD;
  • RAM capacity 8 GB;
  • DirectX 11 compatible video card Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850;
  • video memory capacity 2 GB;
  • free storage space 70 GB;
  • 64-bit operating system Microsoft Windows 7/8.1/10;

The requirement to use the 64-bit Windows operating system has long become commonplace; it helps to get away from the outdated limitation of 2 GB of RAM per process, which is clearly not enough for modern games. Since the game uses exclusively the capabilities of DirectX 11, there is no requirement to use Windows 10 in this case. So this game can be run in all 64-bit operating systems from Microsoft starting with Windows 7.

The game's hardware requirements are below average by modern standards, in our opinion. Especially considering that under the guise of minimally suitable video cards, quite old and not so powerful video cards of the GeForce GTX 660 and Radeon HD 7850 models are presented, which are really close to each other in performance. However, let's not forget that this is only the bare minimum required to run the game at low or medium graphics settings.

To run the game, a system with 8 GB of RAM and a medium-power processor is required. Recommendations for using a not particularly powerful CPU are justified; the game does not load the test processor too much with work, and this applies to both multi-threading and the performance of individual cores, although all this strongly depends on the choice of graphics settings and graphics processor - powerful GPUs can still run into problems CPU capabilities in relatively light conditions.

In the case of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, the developers decided not to indicate recommended settings, and users will have to guess for themselves whether their configuration is suitable for obtaining the highest quality image at an acceptable frame rate. We can only say in advance that video cards of the GeForce GTX 1060 and Radeon RX 480 level will be quite sufficient for very high settings, but we will consider the issue of the required amount of video memory separately.

Test configuration and testing methodology

The game Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is not included in the marketing and technical programs of AMD and Nvidia, but both of them released specially optimized versions of drivers for the release of this significant project (as well as some others). In the case of Nvidia, it was the WHQL driver version 375.70 dated October 28, 2016, intended for the games Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, Titanfall 2, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, Obduction and Dishonored 2. It was this version of the driver that we used in our tests of Gigabyte video cards.

Like previous games in the series, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare does not have built-in performance testing or the ability to play back a previously recorded piece of gameplay. And therefore, as a test segment, we simply took the very beginning of the “Black Skies” mission, the demands on the system are quite high, although not maximum, in relation to the rest of the game. We measured the average frame rate per piece gameplay, using the Fraps utility. The start of the mission is not too variable, and we tried to make the test as stable as possible, without moving much and showing minimal activity. The spread in the obtained frame rate between runs is not too large and allows us to obtain a fairly high repeatability of results, suitable for express testing.

Experience shows that playing the single-player campaign of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare becomes more or less comfortable at a frame rate of 45 FPS, and no less. In the case of multiplayer battles, it is better to have a stable 60 FPS without falling below this mark. Lower FPS scores in our performance test will result in a lack of fluidity in the game, where the response to player input becomes too sluggish. Our benchmark can be used for a rough estimate, setting a minimum playable level of 45 FPS on average for undemanding players and about 75-80 FPS with a minimum 60 FPS for multiplayer. Also, do not forget that testing may be hampered by the limitation of the maximum frame rate of 125 FPS, which is achieved by the most powerful video cards in Full HD resolution at medium settings and in light scenes.

Optimization for multi-core central processors in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is done well, the game runs well on such processors, and sufficiently powerful CPUs do not limit the rendering speed of the game when high resolution and graphic settings. In our study, the test CPU was loaded with work by 45-50% or even more, which is quite a lot by modern standards. But at the same time, the overall speed was almost not limited by one of its cores, which was sometimes loaded with work up to 90% or more. Only the most powerful video cards in comparison are a little limited by CPU speed at Full HD resolution and low settings, but this pressure is not too strong - see the core load graph:

The video memory requirements for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare are the most difficult question. They are difficult to evaluate unambiguously, since the game easily fills the entire available local memory of the video card with more resources than are required for rendering frames. It looks like the developers game engine we specially configured it so that it fills all the video memory “just in case.” Therefore, the video memory usage figures are absolutely wild - they easily reach 8 GB on powerful solutions. But at the same time, the game will work almost the same on a video card with either 6 GB or 12 GB of memory.

However, if the game really does not have enough video memory, and not just the entire physically available volume, then Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare can replace some textures with variants with a reduced resolution automatically, without any notification to the user. Thus, it turns out that a solution with a small amount of memory (say, 2 or 3 GB) will show acceptable performance, but with worse rendering quality. So for the game in question it is difficult to name the recommended amount of video memory - the more, the better. To be very approximate, 4 GB will be enough for medium settings, 6 GB will be needed for high settings, and all 8 GB will be needed for maximum settings, otherwise the rendering quality may be automatically reduced.

Testing video cards in this game is quite difficult due to such an original use of video memory - and under completely identical conditions it is completely impossible to do this. If you use a video card with 2 GB of video memory, then maximum detail in the game is simply not available, and it doesn’t matter what is set in the graphics settings menu - at the moment there is no way to disable this behavior of the game. Not only 2-3 GB solutions suffer from such free behavior of the game; on video cards with 4 GB of memory there is also a slight decrease in quality in rare cases at a resolution of 2560x1440 and higher. Also, in addition to a decrease in quality, if there is a lack of video memory, you may experience unpleasant slowdowns when loading resources, which greatly affect the overall comfort of the game. Therefore, you need to have at least 4 GB, and better - 8 GB.

Impact of settings on performance and quality

Graphic settings in Call game of Duty: Infinite Warfare are changed exclusively in the internal game menu, which can also be called up during gameplay. Changing all graphic settings, with the exception of texture resolution, takes effect immediately and does not require restarting the application, so adjusting the rendering quality in the game is quite convenient. But to change the texture quality you will have to restart the game.

The graphics settings in the game have many changeable parameters that give the user the opportunity fine tuning for a specific system. But alas, there are no preset quality profiles here in any form, which can confuse inexperienced users and complicate the task of obtaining comfort when playing. Well, for our tests we had to come up with such profiles ourselves. We used our homemade Medium, High, and Ultra settings profiles as follows:

Medium settings

High settings

Ultra settings

The difference between different quality settings is not always obvious, but in the dynamics, differences in the quality of rendering of landscapes and objects, lighting and shading are still visible. This is most noticeable in the quality of shadows and lighting, as well as anti-aliasing and the presence of post-effects. In general, the settings are well balanced, low ones make the game possible for owners of weak systems, and the game is well optimized even for relatively weak GPUs, and the maximum ones are suitable for the most powerful video cards.

It would be best to adjust the rendering quality and final performance to your requirements, based on your own feelings and FPS indicators. Moreover, the influence of some parameters on the resulting rendering quality with different settings in the game is not always noticeable. Based on the videos, it will be somewhat easier to note the different rendering quality corresponding to different levels of graphics settings.

Medium settings

Ultra settings

There are quite a lot of graphic settings in the game Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, there are more than enough of them. The game allows you to fine-tune it to suit your needs, changing the quality of the picture and its rendering performance. In the main graphics settings menu there is a choice of the video card and display used by the game, its mode (full screen or windowed), resolution and refresh rate, it is also possible to enable vertical sync. We will look at the immediately available choice of rendering resolution in detail below.

IN additional settings includes the choice of texture resolution, their filtering, the quality of lighting and shadows, the complexity of post-processing effects, the geometric complexity of the scene, as well as the choice of a full-screen anti-aliasing method and the ability to enable simulation of global lighting Ambient Occlusion. Let's take a quick look graphic settings games Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, as well as changes in performance on a system with a powerful GeForce GTX 1070 graphics card.

From full-screen anti-aliasing methods Anti aliasing You can only apply post-processing filters known from previous games in the series: FXAA, Filmic SMAA 1X and Filmic SMAA T2X, and multisampling (MSAA) is not supported by the game. We strongly recommend using either method, as Infinite Warfare has a lot of polygon edges and other details that require high-quality anti-aliasing. However, we recommend using the FXAA method only in case of an acute lack of performance, since overall clarity is lost, and some elements, such as vegetation, are smoothed too poorly.

Two “cinematic” methods work very well, smoothing out the picture and eliminating artifacts such as the flickering of individual dots and lines. They also reduce image clarity, but this can be adjusted using the Filmic Strength parameter. For example, choosing the Filmic SMAA T2X method with a medium value of this parameter would be a good option. In addition, the game has the ability to change the rendering resolution, which is popular in modern games. Render resolution in addition to the screen resolution, which makes it possible to either improve performance by lowering this parameter, or apply supersampling to the image by raising the rendering resolution higher than the monitor resolution.

Post-processing anti-aliasing methods typically cause a slight performance hit, but in the case of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, frame rates can drop by 5-7% when the highest quality T2X method is enabled. But FXAA costs almost nothing, reducing overall performance by 1-2%. So on powerful systems, choose the highest possible option Filmic SMAA T2X, and on very weak systems you can limit yourself to FXAA.

Settings Texture resolution adjusts texture resolution in the game, but only limits maximum level, and the specific texture quality is selected by the engine depending on the amount of local video memory available on the video card. Accordingly, assessing its impact on productivity is not easy. On a video card with 8 GB of video memory, the difference in rendering speed between the maximum (High) and minimum (Very low) values ​​was about 5-7%. Taking into account the possibility of automatically reducing the quality of textures, it is better to set the High value only on video cards with 8 GB of memory or more. With 4 GB one step lower and so on.

Parameter Texture filter anisotropic in the menu is responsible for enabling various levels of anisotropic texture filtering. Larger values ​​enable higher quality anisotropic filtering and result in sharper surfaces at an angle to the camera. On modern systems, the difference between the extreme values ​​(Low and High) is not felt at all and does not exceed a couple of percent in the worst case. So we recommend choosing exclusively High quality.

Graphic setup Shadow map resolution is responsible for the resolution of shadow maps, and therefore their quality. The higher the setting, the less “stepped” and better quality shadows you will see. Lowering the setting from the highest possible setting to Extra to the lowest Normal adds about 5% to rendering speed. But this is on a powerful video card, and if you have a weak GPU, this difference can be greater. Don't forget about video memory, which is also consumed by higher-resolution shadow cards.

Shadow caster levels- a parameter also related to the quality of shadow rendering. More precisely, with their number and drawing range. The higher the value, the more shadows in the game you will see at a greater distance from the camera. The effect of this setting on the frame rate is much less than in the case of the previous setting - in our testing there was only a 1-2% difference, which does not exceed the measurement error.

Parameters are also associated with shadows Cache spot shadows And Cache sun shadows, but they are not responsible for the quality of shadows, but for the performance of their rendering. When set to Yes, the corresponding shadow types will be cached in video memory, which may provide a small speed boost at the expense of more video memory usage (but where else?). We didn't find any difference in speed between Yes and No, but you can experiment with these settings yourself.

Settings volumetric lighting allows you to turn on or off the simulated volumetric lighting that is sometimes found in the game. In our test, the difference between the ambient lighting on and off was a respectable 5%. So if you absolutely do not have enough performance, then this graphics setting is one of the first candidates to disable.

Ambient occlusion- similar to the previous one, the setting turns on or off the simulation of global shading. The Ambient occlusion method here is one and quite simple (probably SSAO), it adds shadows on objects that are not rendered by conventional methods, and as a result the scene becomes more voluminous and looks more realistic, whereas without global illumination the objects in the game seem too flat. The difference in frame rate between AO enabled and disabled was only 2-3%, and since the global shading technique greatly affects the overall realism of the picture, we strongly recommend keeping it enabled on powerful systems.

Parameter Particle lighting is responsible for adjusting the quality of illumination of particles (imitation of smoke, dust, etc.). The higher the value, the more realistic various effects, such as explosions, fire and smoke, will look. In our study, the difference between the maximum possible Ultra value and the minimum Low did not exceed 1-2%, so feel free to turn it to maximum and reduce it only if there is a serious drop in FPS in difficult scenes.

Settings Depth of field And Motion blur control the inclusion of post-processing effects of the same name - simulating depth of field and motion smoothing, respectively. Post filters on modern systems are performed very effectively, and our tests confirm this - the increase in speed from disabling these effects did not exceed one frame per second (less than 1%). That is, given the use of DOF mainly in scenes in the engine, there is no point in disabling these post-filters if they do not annoy you.

Parameter Bullet impact includes the display of hits from various weapons on walls and other surfaces in the scene - dents and other traces of hits are drawn on them. This setting does not affect overall performance at all, so feel free to leave it enabled.

One of the most interesting graphical parameters Tessellation, it is responsible for enabling and selecting the tessellation level of some objects in the scene. You can choose to disable tessellation or use it partially or completely, but in practice it is almost impossible to see the difference between them. Performance is no different either - with tessellation turned off, you will get plus 1 FPS, at best.

Settings Particle quality changes the quality of particle systems, likely their number and density when rendered. We did not find any difference in speed between the High and Normal values ​​on a powerful video card, so we recommend leaving it at the highest possible value.

And last on the list is one of the most important parameters - Level of detail. As the name suggests, this setting is responsible for the level of detail in the scene depending on the distance from the objects to the camera. Smaller values ​​will result in a clearly visible change in the geometric complexity of objects when the camera approaches and a significant simplification in the distance. The parameter has a significant impact on rendering speed; between the Low and Ultra values ​​on our system there was about a 7-8% difference in frame rate, which is quite a lot. Therefore, owners of weak GPUs should pay special attention to this setting.

In general, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare scales well, and you can get smooth frame changes on both powerful and relatively weak video cards. Everything here is configured quite subtly; a large number of parameters contribute to quality and performance. Since even with maximum settings the game works fine on many video cards, then on a system with a fairly powerful modern GPU you can safely set the settings to maximum and gradually reduce them if the performance is not enough (average FPS below 45 frames per second or minimum below 60 FPS, depending on the player’s demands).

Only a few parameters have a significant impact on rendering speed, and many settings have almost no effect on frame rate. Thus, game performance can be significantly improved without losing too much in image quality by lowering settings such as Texture resolution, Shadow map resolution, Volumetric lighting and Level of detail. Well, full-screen anti-aliasing can be set to a lower value if necessary. And in some cases, you can use the ability to change the rendering resolution regardless of the display resolution, so that on a powerful GPU you can get additional anti-aliasing using the supersampling method, and on a weak GPU, you can set higher settings while reducing the number of processed pixels.

Performance testing

We tested the performance of four Gigabyte video cards based on Nvidia GeForce GPUs, belonging to different price ranges and two generations of Nvidia GPUs. When testing, we used the two most common screen resolutions (1920x1080 and 2560x1440), as well as three settings profiles we selected ourselves - Medium, High and Ultra.

We do not consider settings below the average (Normal in game terms) level, since even the weakest video card in our comparison, GeForce GTX 960, should cope with average graphics quality in at least Full HD resolution. Traditionally for our site, we will check the maximum rendering quality mode, as the most popular settings option among gaming enthusiasts. First, let's look at the most popular Full HD resolution with a profile of medium quality settings.

Resolution 1920x1080 (Full HD)

In the most basic conditions, game performance was slightly limited by the speed of the CPU, but the video cards were able to deliver most of their capabilities. Judging by the diagram, the optimization in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is not bad, and even the younger model of our comparison in the form of a previous generation solution (GeForce GTX 960) with medium graphics settings in the most common resolution managed to ensure very smooth frame changes without any difficulty - with an average frame rate of 70 FPS, it was just a little short of the minimum frequency to achieve the ideal level of smoothness.

The rest of Gigabyte's video cards are more powerful, and in such simple conditions they easily showed maximum comfort and smooth frame rate in this game at an average speed of 97-111 FPS. The three older video cards in comparison at medium settings showed a very high frame rate - at least 84 FPS, which indicates the highest possible comfort. Even on a GeForce GTX 970, the frame rate in the game is unlikely to drop below 60 FPS, and older video cards with Pascal GPU architecture will absolutely ensure perfect smoothness.

At high quality settings, the frame rate decreased, and the younger model from the previous generation GeForce GTX 960 was already able to show results only slightly above the minimum limit we set for undemanding players in a single-player campaign in the form of 45 FPS. Providing frame rates above 50 FPS in the test on average with 46 FPS as a minimum, it allows the game to be played with sufficient comfort for most players, and even some demanding users will be satisfied.

Those who need at least 60 FPS in the game can pay attention to the other three video cards in our test. Even the GeForce GTX 970 was able to manage to achieve a stable 60 FPS when playing, showing 75 FPS on average with drops of at least 68 FPS in our test period. Those who want to get even greater smoothness can use video cards based on Pascal architecture GPUs, which were able to show more than acceptable performance at 83-101 FPS average and 73 FPS minimum. It remains to be seen how the speed will change when setting the maximum quality profile.

When choosing the highest possible graphics settings in the game, the performance of the younger GeForce GTX 960 is already slightly short of the minimum comfortable value of 45 FPS on average; the average frame rate on this video card dropped to 44 FPS, which is only 1 FPS lower the minimum playable level for the single-player campaign in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, as set by us. And to ensure acceptable smoothness on this video card, you can simply lower a couple of graphics settings to a “high” level. It turns out that on a not very powerful video card of the previous generation it is quite possible to play at maximum settings in Full HD resolution, which once again indicates good optimization of the game.

And another video card of the previous generation, the GeForce GTX 970, was able to not only provide minimal comfort, but also almost reached the ideal, showing 67 FPS on average with a minimum of 59 FPS in our test segment. The solutions of the current generation GeForce GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 performed even better, which already provided 69 and 87 FPS on average, and even for the weak model the minimum frame rate was slightly higher than 60 FPS. Maximum comfort at ultra settings will absolutely ensure without drops in frame rate below 60 FPS by the older solution - GeForce GTX 1070.

Resolution 2560x1440 (WQHD)

When setting a higher rendering resolution, the performance of all Gigabyte video cards in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare seriously decreased, which confirms that performance is limited by the capabilities of the GPUs, and not by the central one - at this resolution the video cards are no longer limited by the CPU. The younger comparison model GeForce GTX 960 in WQHD resolution conditions was still able to cope with the task of providing at least 45 FPS, showing an average value of 53 frames per second, so we recognize this level of settings as playable for it.

It is logical that the GeForce GTX 970 turned out to be even faster; this model from the previous generation already provided 77 FPS on average with a minimum 65 FPS, that is, it provides ideal comfort and smoothness. Well, the older video cards of the current generation from Gigabyte reviewed today (GeForce GTX 1060 and GTX 1070) provide maximum comfort with an even greater margin under such conditions - the average frame rate was 82 and 102 FPS, and the minimum during the test was never below 70 and 92 FPS, respectively.

Only at high quality settings in WQHD resolution, the weakest video card in our comparison no longer lacks performance, it provided only 39 FPS, and we consider this frame rate level unplayable, since at such a rendering speed (below 45 FPS) there is no change on the display keep up with the player's actions, and even in single-player mode it is quite unpleasant to play. So, provided you own a WQHD monitor and this video card, you will have to limit yourself to medium settings or at least something intermediate between high and medium. But the GTX 970 was able to show 60 FPS on average, which is quite playable.

Well, the power of the Pascal family of graphics processors, on which the GeForce GTX 1060 and GTX 1070 are based, is enough to ensure smooth gaming. But a stable 60 FPS can at least be achieved only with a more expensive model. If the younger solution showed a frame rate of 63 FPS on average with drops to 55 FPS, then the older model always rendered frames at a speed above 70 FPS with 82 FPS on average, although not in the most complex scene. Well, to achieve maximum comfort on the GTX 1060, the most demanding users may need to lower a couple of the most demanding graphics settings.

When setting the highest possible quality settings in WQHD resolution, the weakest solution of our material showed a very low speed of 35 FPS on average with a minimum value of 30 FPS, which is clearly not enough. I was pleasantly surprised by the GeForce GTX 970, which, with its 3.5+0.5 GB of video memory, showed a quite comfortable frame rate in our test of the game Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare at maximum settings in WHQD resolution - 52 FPS on average. The question remains whether the available video memory was enough for it, or whether the game simply dynamically reduced the quality of textures and rendering - the second seems more likely to us.

The GeForce GTX 1060 again coped with the task of providing minimally acceptable comfort and smoothness, showing 54 frames per second on average in such conditions and not falling below 48 FPS in the test scene. This level of smoothness will be more than enough for all undemanding players, but those who have special requirements for the comfort of the gameplay in the form of a minimum 60 FPS will have to use a more powerful video card - GeForce GTX 1070. It was this powerful solution that was the only one that was able to show perfectly smooth changes frames with at least 60 FPS under any conditions and settings.


Judging by our testing of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, it is quite well optimized for modern gaming PCs various classes. The game is balanced in terms of graphic settings and graphics complexity in such a way that it allows you to get sufficient frame rates on the entire variety of modern video cards: from mid-level solutions to the most powerful ones. At the same time, the image quality even at medium settings turns out to be quite good. The game makes excellent use of the capabilities of multi-core processors, practically without limiting the speed of its individual cores, while the frame rate is sufficient.

Although the graphics quality in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare does not look as impressive as it was in the case of Battlefield 1, it is still at a very good modern level. Thanks to fairly high performance on any video card, even at maximum settings in Full HD resolution, video cards such as the GeForce GTX 1060 provide a stable 60 frames per second. And the performance level of the GeForce GTX 960 allows you to show an acceptable speed of almost 45 FPS on average, which we recognized as a fairly comfortable level for this game. Even with a higher display resolution of 2560x1440, powerful GeForce GTX 1060 and Radeon RX 480 graphics cards easily cope with the task of ensuring smoothness, and owners of less powerful graphics cards can customize the game with a large number of graphics settings.

True, those who want to use the highest graphics settings should get a video card with as much video memory as possible. For maximum quality of textures in the game and graphics in general, 8 GB of video memory will be simply required, although this does not greatly affect the final quality of the resulting image, in our opinion. When playing games, solutions with 4-6 GB of memory will suffer from both a slight decrease in the quality of textures and rare but unpleasant jerks when they are loaded into video memory. So the difference between video cards like the GeForce GTX 1060 in versions with 3 GB and 6 GB of video memory in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare may be greater than usual, and the older version looks preferable for this game.

We didn't find the game too demanding overall; it doesn't limit single-threaded CPU performance at fairly high settings, and it makes good use of multi-cores. The game's GPU performance requirements are also at a good modern level, but nothing more. To play in Full HD resolution at any settings, we can recommend all tested Gigabyte video cards, but for WQHD resolution you already need video cards of the GeForce GTX 1060 and GTX 970 models, if we consider high or maximum settings. However, even these powerful solutions did not provide a stable 60 FPS in the most difficult conditions of our testing; only the older model of our study, the GeForce GTX 1070, was capable of this.

As for central processors, it is advisable for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare to have at least a mid-level quad-core processor. During our research, our test processor was loaded with work at an average level of 45-50%, and although the rendering speed was not limited by the capabilities of only one of the CPU cores, without limiting the frame rate in most cases, there was a slight speed limit in the CPU With medium settings and the presence of a powerful GPU in the system, we still noted.

The game's RAM requirements are typical - it needs at least 8 GB of system memory, since Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare itself consumes 7-7.5 gigabytes of RAM or a little more. But since there is no room left for background processes, it is recommended to have 12-16 GB of system memory. We have already talked about the game’s video memory requirements - they are large by modern standards - even with medium settings in Full HD, the game will easily take up 8 GB of video memory, and for high picture quality at maximum settings, this amount is simply required. We consider a volume of 4 gigabytes to be minimally comfortable; with two or three gigabytes of video memory, the game noticeably reduces the quality of textures.

First person, is part of . Was announced for this year.

Infinite Warfare introduces three unique game modes: Campaign returns to the gritty, large-scale military roots of the franchise while boldly looking forward. Multiplayer provides the future of warfare, with many new gameplay innovations. AND Zombies co-op mode takes players on a wild ride through a new storyline with unique gameplay features and mechanics.

Return to large-scale wars

A vast, never-before-seen environment. Blockbuster cinematic moments. Infinite Warfare is a gripping depiction of war that takes you back to the roots of the franchise.

Fight against fanatical enemies

SetDef is made up of violent and militant radicals. They seek to control all resources and wealth from outposts throughout solar system, grabbing death grip countries of the Earth.

Intense multiplayer

Multiplayer Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare promises to provide the future of war. We will know the details soon.

Although the shooter Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will be released next Friday, publisher Activision has only now revealed the system requirements for its PC version. Moreover, so far only the minimum required configuration has appeared on the game page in the Steam digital store - the recommended one will be made public later.

While the minimum system requirements of last year's Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 were practically no different from those of 2014's Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare to play newest part on low settings graphics will require a much more powerful PC. It must be equipped with a 3.3 GHz Intel Core i3-3225 processor or AMD equivalent, 8 GB of RAM and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850 graphics card with 2 GB of video memory.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a bit more demanding than Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, but is inferior in this regard to Mafia 3, Doom and Watch Dogs 2 (though Ubisoft games and 2K Games only needs 6 GB of RAM). A significantly less powerful system is needed for Dark Souls 3: with the same 8 GB, an Intel Core i3-2100 and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 465 or an equivalent processor and video card from AMD are enough. At the same time, a much less powerful PC will be enough for the game than is needed for Quantum Break (the latter requires an Intel Core i5-4460 or AMD FX-6300 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon R7 260X).

Minimum system requirements:

  • OS: 64-bit version of Windows 7 or newer OS;
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-3225 3.3 GHz or equivalent;
  • RAM: 8 GB;
  • video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 with 2 GB of video memory or AMD Radeon HD 7850 with 2 GB of video memory;
  • DirectX version: 11;
  • hard drive space: 70 GB (requirement may change over time);
  • sound card: DirectX 11 supported;
  • broadband internet connection required.

A few weeks ago, the publisher announced that installing one of the two enhanced editions of the game, which also includes Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, will require 130 GB of free hard drive space. According to Activision, we are talking about the maximum estimated volume of two games, taking into account the first day updates and additional multiplayer maps that will be released before December 31 of this year. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered will initially include ten multiplayer maps, with the remaining six coming in December.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has been developed in versions for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The Russian release will take place on the same day as other countries. The game will be released with a full translation into Russian. Those who pre-ordered the PS4 version received access to the single-player campaign of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered on October 4.

The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you begin, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and relate it to the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you don’t need to know the exact specifications each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and others components any personal computer. A simple comparison of the main lines of components will suffice.

For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, it is more difficult to compare processors from different manufacturers, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that the implementation minimum requirements enough to start the game and go through it from start to finish. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphics settings.

Thus, thanks to an understanding of the basic principles of component classification, absolutely anyone can sensibly assess the possibility of startup and correct operation - and it is the system requirements that will help with this.
