The goal of the game is brown bear. ​5 crazy drinking games from around the world. Game "sly fox"

Irina Papsheva
Outdoor games for little ones (1.5–3 years)

Outdoor games for kids(1,5 – 3 of the year)


“A mosquito sat under a bush

On the spruce tree on the stump

He dangled his legs under the bush. Hid!”

Children - mosquitoes run around to the sound of a tambourine. When finished, the sound stops. The teacher reads a nursery rhyme. For the first 2 lines, children sit on chairs. On the 3rd, they swing their legs, and on the 4th, they cover their eyes with their palms. A teacher with a toy - a frog in his hands speaks: “Where are the mosquitoes? I’ll find them now!” Looking for children finds: “Here they are, hiding!” The children run away, the teacher tries to catch up with them.


“You're a dog, don't bark, don't scare our ducks!

Our ducks are white, already timid!” – (repeat this line 2 times)

The duck children walk, swaying, behind the teacher, who pronounces the text of the poem. Children imitate ducks (arms lowered and pulled back) At the end of the text he runs out "dog", "barks" and catches up with the running children.

Note: When you start learning the game, take a toy dog ​​or a bibabo dog.


“Tepiki - tepiki, slam some water,

Clap your hands and bare feet.”

Children stand freely and perform movements as shown by the teacher. When reading a nursery rhyme, children shake their hands with both hands, as if hitting water. On the last line they stamp their feet, stepping from one foot to the other.

"Brown bear"

“Brown bear, brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

I didn’t treat myself to honey, that’s why I was angry!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5! I’m starting to look for honey!”

Children are hares, running and jumping around the playground. The teacher with a toy - a bear or wearing a bear mask, walks between the children, pronouncing the words of the poem. After the words “I’m starting to look for honey”, He growls: "Oooh" and begins to catch hares, and the hares run away.


“Clouds walked across the sky, the sun was red caught:

And we will catch up with the sun! And we will catch the red one!

The sun ran, red galloped:

But I'm not afraid of clouds! I’ll dodge the gray ones!”

The kids follow the teacher in a flock, the 3rd and 4th lines are spoken by the cloud children together with the teacher. "Sun" pronounces the final 2 lines, after which he runs away from the children. The clouds are catching up with the sun.

"The Fox and the Hares"

“Because of the white snowdrift, my long ears stick out.

Look, fox, try, they'll give you some cunning white bunnies.

You're trying in vain, you cheat, you won't find their godfather,

Because grandmother winter cleverly hides hares.”

Hares run about in all directions. At the end of the tambourine, everyone squats down, bowing their heads, showing their ears. The teacher reads (1 -4 –yu) lines of the poem. The fox runs out, looks for bunnies, saying “Where did they hide, now I’ll find them” After "unsuccessful searches", the presenter says (5-8 lines) The fox runs away. The game is repeated, now the fox can find 2-3 hares. This game can be taken to the New Year tree.


“On the edge of a ditch, on a grass sofa

having fun in a crowd

Dandelions have spread.

Then the sun rose and rolled like a ball.

The red sun is looking for, where are the dandelions?

Children - dandelions in yellow hats - run to the sound of music or the sound of a tambourine. With the end, they run to their places. The teacher says the text, after which he goes to look for dandelions, which are hiding with their hands covering their faces.

Educator: Yellow dandelion, I'll pick you.

A yellow dandelion hid in the grass.

The teacher leaves. The game repeats itself.


“The hen walked around the Senechki

I persuaded the children - the chickens:

Don't you chickens run around the yard,

Don't look for grains by the fence.

The gander approaches the fence.

He’s going to pluck the chickens.”

Chicken children follow their teacher, a chicken, in a flock. From the 5th line to the end of the text, the chicken speaks, turning to the chickens. At the end of the words, he runs out "gander" who is catching up with the children.


“On the lawn barefoot, warmed by the sun,

Summer fled by behind the flowery moth.

Swimmed in the river, lay on the sand

It caught fire, flew by and disappeared into the distance.”

Children stand in a circle. With the beginning of the words, they move in leaps in one direction, and Summer Jumps in a circle in the opposite direction. On the 6th-7th lines the circle stops. Summer jumps on the spot, making swinging movements of her arms "mill" On the last 3 lines, Summer runs out of the circle and sits down. any of the children. At the end of the text, children look for where Summer hid. Whoever finds it behind his back goes into the middle, this is a new Summer.

"Who is faster"

“Come on, ducks, who can swim to the reeds faster?

The most clever one will be given a sweet for dinner for the victory.”

2 lines are drawn on opposite sides of the site. One line has 4-5 children (ducks, the other line has reeds. Words children talking games not participating in the game. At the end of the words, the ducks begin to cross to the reeds, imitating swimming movements. The one wins who will come first (running is not allowed)

1. Bottle
They play the same way as an ordinary spin the bottle, but no one kisses (well, except at the final stage of the game, after the “do you respect me?” stage). Whoever the untwisted empty bottle points at drinks a dose of vodka. Possible with a snack. The “losers” send the “winners” home.

2. The Bear Came (The Last Hero)
Classic lavender game. Everyone is sitting with glasses. Everyone pours vodka into a glass and puts a buck next to it. They drink. The presenter announces: “The bear has come!” Everyone crawls under the table. The presenter says: “The bear is gone!” Everyone crawls out from under the table. They pour again, put in a buck and drink. The host says again: “The bear has come!”, everyone crawls under the table again... In the end, only one person gets out. He takes all the money and leaves. The rest remain sleeping under the table.

3. The brown bear has come! (The very last hero)
A very extreme competition. It is not recommended to play together. Champagne is poured into a large basin, and the participants sit around. Everyone takes turns drinking a glass of champagne and adding a glass of cognac to the basin. When the liquid turns brown, they say: “The brown bear has come!” Then it’s the other way around - after each shot of glass drunk from the basin, champagne is added to it. When the liquid turns yellow, they say: “The brown bear is gone!” Few people saw the brown bear leaving...

4. Tower
We build a tower from dominoes. We place the plate flat, then two plates vertically, one on top again flat, and so on. The one through whose fault the tower collapses must drink. There are no losers: after thirty minutes, the players unanimously try to place the next record vertically and roll to the floor, where they fall asleep.

5. Cowboy Joe
The two stand on opposite sides of the table. The third loudly knocks on the table with his fist. At a signal, vodka is taken onto the chest. The winner is the one who manages to return the empty container back to the table first. It must be returned loudly and with a bang.

6. Subway
Take a metro card and a bottle of vodka. We choose a route, for example: Tushinskaya - Leninsky Prospekt. We appoint a presenter - he will announce the stops. Be careful, the doors are closing - the next station is Polezhaevskaya! Everyone drinks a glass. The next station is Begovaya! Everyone drinks again. They drink separately for each change. Gradually, as people become intoxicated, they begin to leave the train. Accordingly, the one who gets to the place wins.

7. Hundred
Beer is poured into a bucket or keg. Athletes with hundred-gram glasses sit around and, scooping, drink once a minute. Ideally, the winner is the one who manages to drink at least a hundred glasses. If the participants are well prepared, the game can be played without any losers. You can run to the toilet, but very quickly - you cannot stray from the drinking schedule, and exactly in a minute all participants must take another hundred gram dose. If you have a cast iron bladder, then this game is for you.

8. Stand in stacks, stand in a row.
Stacks (about 10 pieces) of extreme strong drinks are lined up in a row. A glass of water is placed in the middle of the row. Two people from different ends, without using their hands, grabbing shot glasses in their mouths, begin to throw drinks down their throats. The winner is the one who gets to the drinking glass first.

9. Ishsho
A game of the simplest. Three players each take a glass of beer. The first person to run to the toilet brings more beer for himself and the losers. They play like this until the money runs out.

10. Inkwell
It's the same simple game. A glass is passed around the circle, and everyone pours a little wine into it. The one whose glass overflows and drinks it all to the bottom. Then the process is repeated.

Well, have you practiced? Now - options for extreme sports enthusiasts. We warn you right away that the options are inhumane and are allowed for use only with the permission of the attending physician. The administration is not responsible for the consequences of use.

11. "Trickle" The number of players is not limited. Suddenly, one of the players is recognized as the Leader and tied to a chair, and then all the other players feed the leader beer for 5-6 hours. The game is over when a trickle appears.

12. "Bottle-2" The number of players is not limited. The players sit in a circle. In the center of the circle, the leader, who by that time had been untied from the chair and dressed in the uniform of an ordinary player, spins an empty bottle on a long rope. The player who exclaimed: "Oh, yo!" and whoever grabs the header is not only considered, but is also eliminated from the game. The game continues until either there are no players left in the circle, or one of them is able to get close to the leader and tie him to the chair again. In the latter case, the trickle game is resumed with renewed vigor.

13. "Nonsense" The number of players is slightly limited by previous games. Suddenly one of the players is recognized as the leader and tied to a chair, and then the rest of the players feed him beer for 2-3 hours. Compared to 5-6 hours of playing trickle, what is happening seems to the presenter to be simply nonsense. Hence the name of the game.

14. “Hide and Seek” The number of players is not limited. Suddenly one of the players is recognized as the leader and tied to a chair. Then the first player says loudly and clearly: “We have an extra 20 liters of beer. Where can we hide them in 5-6 hours?” After which the actual game of hide and seek begins.

15. "Blind Man's Bluff" The number of players is not limited. One of the players (optional) is tied with a scarf around his neck and another 20 liters of beer are poured out for the host. The player goes for beer, and the presenter squints with displeasure.

16. "Sea figure, freeze!" The sea figure is untied from the chair and placed on the sofa. All players go home, and the sea figure freezes until the morning. The one who receives a call from the sea figure in the morning wins.

The problem of raising a healthy generation has been and remains relevant in the practice of public and family preschool education and dictates the need to search for effective means of their implementation. The formation of children's health and the full development of their body is one of the main problems in modern society. During preschool childhood, the foundations of health, comprehensive physical fitness and harmonious physical development are laid in the child.

Play in childhood has a high developmental value. L.S. Vygotsky noted that in childhood, play and activities, play and work, form two main channels along which activity flows. He saw in play an inexhaustible source of personal development, a sphere defining the “zone of proximal development.”

Outdoor games- one of the main means of physical education and development of children. Children's great need for movement must be satisfied through such games. The game creates a positive emotional background against which all mental processes occur most actively.

In general, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of outdoor games for children, especially at the present time. During active movement, metabolic processes in the body, breathing and blood circulation are activated. In addition, qualities such as attention, spatial perception, coordination of movements, speed of reaction are developed, strength and endurance are trained, impulsivity, emotional and muscle tension are relieved. Also, during such games, children develop and improve communication skills.

The same game can be played several times in a row, depending on the mood of the children and the nature of the motor load. The total duration of outdoor games ranges from 5 to 15 minutes (depending on the baby’s age and physical activity).

So, let's start playing?

Brown bear

This game requires the participation of two adults. "Bear" (one of the adults) sits on a chair in the corner of the room “in a den.” Another adult with the child (or children) walks through the forest, collects “mushrooms” and “berries”, they call to each other: “Ay! Ay! Then the adult and children, holding hands, begin to approach the “bear” with the words:

Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

And the “bear” answers:

I didn’t treat myself to honey,

That's why I got angry with you. R-R-R!…

On the last word the “bear” growls (gently! so as not to scare the kids) and runs after the players, catching them.


When cheerful music plays, children run, jump, and have fun. The music stops, and the children squat down and hide (so that the snake “doesn’t notice” them). Snake (toy) crawls past the children, and the children have to hold on and not rush to run away from the snake. In this game, children develop endurance.

"Cat and Mouse"

Children - “mice” - dance in a circle, in the middle “the cat sleeps” (one of the children)

The cat guards the mice

Pretended to be asleep

Hush, mice, don't make noise!

You won't wake the cat!!!

At the last words, the “cat” wakes up and catches the “mice”. Children can hide if they sit on chairs (they will climb into the holes).

Pancakes and pancakes

A large hoop is placed in the center of the room (that's "damn"), and there are several small hoops around (“pancakes”). Children run around the room, then the adult says: “Damn,” or “Pancakes.” Children need to stand in the appropriate hoop.


The driver says: Imagine that we are walking in a zoo; when I clap my hands once, you (you) will turn into a frog and squat down, if I clap twice, you will turn into an elephant and spread your arms to the sides, and if I clap three times, you will turn into a heron and stand on one feet like real herons.

Traffic light

Each player is assigned a "car". The game requires three circles (red, yellow, green).

The driver says: You are cars (you are a car), you will drive around the room, but paying attention to the color of the circle that I will show you.

Red light - no way, you stop

Yellow get ready, start your engines, get ready to move

And the green one says, you can go, the way is open! continue on your way."


Children stand one after another in a column and place their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. It turns out to be a “locomotive” that slowly moves around the room with the words:

"Locomotive, locomotive,

Brand new, shiny,

He drove the carriages as if he were real!

Who's on the train?

Different kids: beautiful girls and brave boys!”

At the last words, the children run away and can pretend that they are picking mushrooms and berries. At a signal from an adult, they again stand one after another, pretending to be trailers.

Find your match

First you need to prepare postcards cut into two parts. (Pictures) by the number of children.

Children get into pairs. Each pair of children is given one of two parts of the card.

At a signal from an adult, the children separate and run around the room at random. At the second signal, each child must find his pair as quickly as possible. The couple that spent the longest time looking for each other loses.

Catch the bubble

Prepare soap bubbles.

Open the caps

Blowing bubbles

Here they are - look!

They are all airborne

And very naughty.

How can we catch them?

Hold it in your palm!

An adult and children blow bubbles, watch them, and catch them. You can use mittens (in order to hold soap bubbles).


Everyone joins hands and stands in a small circle. An adult recites a poem and takes small steps back, saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble!

Blow up big!

Stay like this

Don't burst!

The circle expands until the adult says, “The bubble burst!” Then everyone claps their hands, says in unison: “Clap!”, runs into a small circle and joins hands again.


Bubbles are funny people

He lives in his own houses.

And now you will be bubbles, and the hoops will be your houses. (At the signal “Let’s fly,” children run out of the hoops and fly; at the signal “Home,” they return to the hoops).

Masha, you are in our forest...

Everyone joins hands and stands in a circle. One child is in the center of this circle, blindfolded. An adult recites a poem:

Masha (child's name) you are in our forest,

We call you: “AU!”

Well, close your eyes,

Don't be timid!

Find out who is calling you, quickly!

An adult shows a child who calls the name of the one who is blindfolded. The child who was called must guess by his voice who did it.

Big feet ..

An adult says words and shows movements (children/child repeats after him):

Big feet walked along the road

Top-top-top takes big steps

Little feet ran along the path

Top-top-top. Takes small steps.

Sunny bunnies

An adult takes a mirror (if the weather is sunny) or a lantern and shows the child how a yellow spot appears on the wall: “This is a sunbeam.” Invite your child to catch the “bunny” with his palms. If the “bunny” ends up on the floor, you can catch it with your feet.

Runners are jumping -

Sunny bunnies.

We call them, they don’t come,

They were here and they are not here...

Sunshine and rain

Show how you can turn an ordinary chair into a house for a child by turning it back to face, squatting and placing your elbows on the seat. Wave your hand through the “window” and explain that this is a house where you can hide from the rain.

Then pay attention to the sky and joyfully say: “Look! The sun is in the sky! We can go for a walk!” The baby runs out of the house with you into the middle of the room and enjoys the sun. Here you can jump and dance together to the rhyming words:

The sun is shining through the window,

Our eyes narrow.

We will clap our hands

And run outside.

Then look at the sky again and say: “Look, a cloud is coming, it’s going to rain, hurry to the house!” Having taken refuge in the house from the rain, you can read the nursery rhyme about the rain again:

Rain, rain, pour, pour, pour,

Drip drops without regret,

Rain, rain, more,

The grass will be thicker!

To create a more vivid imagination of rain, you can tap your hand on the table and even use a spray bottle (I lightly sprayed the children from it).

These are just a few of the games that I often use both in my kindergarten classes and at home with my youngest son. Children really like these games.

Play outdoor games with your children and the results will not be long in coming! Have a nice game!

educational psychologist, combined type GBOU No. 1177

Moscow, Russia

They play the same way as an ordinary spin the bottle, but no one kisses (well, except at the final stage of the game, after the “do you respect me?” stage). Who will the untwisted empty bottle point to? he drinks a dose of vodka. Possible with a snack. The “losers” smash the “winners” home.

2. The Bear Came (The Last Hero)

Classic lavender game. Everyone is sitting with glasses. Everyone pours it into a glass and places a buck next to it. They drink. The presenter announces: “The bear has come!” Everyone crawls under the table. The presenter says: “The bear is gone!” Everyone crawls out from under the table.

They pour again, put in a buck and drink. The host says again: “The bear has come!”, everyone crawls under the table again... In the end, only one person gets out. He takes all the money and leaves. The rest remain sleeping under the table.

3. The brown bear has come! (The very last hero)

A very extreme competition. It is not recommended to play together. Champagne is poured into a large basin, and the participants sit around. Everyone takes turns drinking a glass and adding a glass of cognac to the basin. When the liquid turns brown, they say: “The brown bear has come!”

4. Tower

We build a tower from dominoes. We place the plate flat, then two plates vertically, one on top again flat, and so on. That, whose fault the tower will collapse, must drink. There are no losers: after thirty minutes, the players unanimously try to place the next record vertically and roll to the floor, where they fall asleep.

5. Cowboy Joe

The two stand on opposite sides of the table. The third loudly knocks on the table with his fist. At a signal, vodka is taken onto the chest. The winner is the one who manages to return the empty container back to the table first. It must be returned loudly and with a bang.

6. Subway

Take a metro card and a bottle of vodka. We choose a route, for example: Tushinskaya - Leninsky Prospekt. We appoint a presenter - he will announce the stops. Be careful, the doors are closing - the next station is Polezhaevskaya! Everyone drinks a glass. The next station is Begovaya! Everyone drinks again. They drink separately for each change. Gradually, as people become intoxicated, they begin to leave the train. Accordingly, the one who gets to the place wins.

7. Hundred

Beer is poured into a bucket or keg. Athletes with hundred-gram glasses sit around and, scooping, drink once a minute. Ideally, the one who wins is who manages to drink at least a hundred glasses.

If the participants are well prepared, the game can be played without any losers. You can run to the toilet, but very quickly - you cannot stray from the drinking schedule, and exactly in a minute all participants must take another hundred gram dose. If you have a cast iron bladder, then this game is for you.

8. Drunken Checkers

There are even quite official competitions for this game. A real checkers board is used, and instead of checkers there are stacks. Red wine is poured into the glass on one side, and white wine on the other. Further everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. Cut down the enemy stack - drank it.

For variety, you can play giveaway. Particular maniacs can pour cognac and vodka into shot glasses. In this situation, only international-class masters of sports win three games in a row.

9. Ishsho

A game of the simplest. Three players each take a glass of beer. The first one to run to the toilet brings more beer for himself and the losers. They play like this until the money runs out.

10. Inkwell

It's the same simple game. A glass is passed around the circle, and everyone pours a little wine into it. The one whose glass overflows and drinks it all to the bottom. Then the process is repeated.
