Frequently encountered bugs, errors and freezes, crashes - fix options. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - solving problems with crashes, blurry textures and cracks Call of duty advanced launches

The game “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare” was officially released on PC on November 4, 2014, but two days ago it could be downloaded from a Russian torrent tracker. Only our people can steal the game before its official release)). After spending a day downloading a 47 GB image of the game, I was slightly upset. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare at first refused to launch, then suffered from a lack of RAM. After dancing with a tambourine Advanced Warfare has begun crashed and slowed down over and over again, and the textures were blurry. As a result, all the diseases of the game were overcome. I suggest reading the solution to all the problems described above, because the latest COD is worth playing.

The 11th game in the Call of Duty series is the most voluminous and beautiful. Besides, all these technological things just add adrenaline to the shooter. In general, I’ll tell you my impressions of the game a little later, after I’ve completed the whole campaign, but for now I’ll talk about solving problems with the operating system, blurry textures and bugs at startup.

First, keep in mind that you need at least 6 gigabytes of RAM. The game in minimized form consumes almost 4 gigabytes, plus a gigabyte for the system.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare launched on my video card. Minimum Intel i3 processor required. You shouldn't even try to install it on dual-core Celerons. And before installation, free up 55 gigabytes on your hard drive. IMHO, I have never seen a toy that is large in volume. True, make no mistake, it is still short, because half of the volume in it is taken up by videos.

The main problem is blurry textures. It is worth setting the blur to minimum and disabling shadow caching. Then everything will be corrected and there will be a normal, clear image.

If you get a black screen, but there is sound, then the problem is related to the resolution. After I set the monitor's native resolution, the image appeared.

After installation, you may see the following error with a bunch of questions and hieroglyphs.

If you put English language, then you will be able to recognize an error hinting that you have an inappropriate video card and processor. There is a special launcher with which you can launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, bypassing the system characteristics. You can download the launcher.

When you download the game image, make sure that there is a 3DM crack as a tablet, because a fix that bypasses the system characteristics only works normally with it.

Having problems with the new COD and don't know what to do? Write in the comments, we will analyze your problem)

Many gamers are having problems with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Gaming forums are simply bursting with topics related to this issue. This article presents, if not all, then a significant part of the errors that cause problems with the game.

The famous action series Call of Duty has already passed its tenth anniversary and is not going to stop there. Today the 11th part, called Advanced Warfare, was released. This sequel was quite expected. However, not everyone is happy with the direction of the series' plot. Players are sent further and further into the future, which at the same time looks unreal, in the literal sense. Well, okay, it's a matter of taste.

The first thing you should check if you have problems with Advanced Warfare is that you meet the minimum system requirements:

OS: only 64-bit version of Windows Vista/7/8/8.1;
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 with 2.80 GHz | Intel Core i3-530 with 2.93 GHz;
Video card: ATI Radeon 5870 | Nvidia GeForce GTS 450;
RAM: at least 6 GB;
DirectX Version: 9.0;
HDD: at least 55 GB of free space.

Using pirated assembly Windows with various tweaks, it is recommended to uninstall it and install a clean image from Microsoft. Numerous conflicts between various unnecessary add-ons for the OS can cause a huge number of errors and turn game process into real torture.

If the above requirements match the characteristics of your PC, read the next part.

Divers and libraries

Be sure to check and, if necessary, update the diving software for Nvidia GeForce video cards.

Owners of AMD Radeon cards should also complete this procedure.

  • Windows 7/8/8.1 (32-bit) (for Rx 200, HD 7000, HD 6000 and HD 5000 desktop graphics cards)
  • Windows 7/8/8.1 (64-bit) (for Rx 200, HD 7000, HD 6000 and HD 5000 desktop graphics cards)
  • Windows Vista/7 (32-bit) (for HD 4000, HD 3000 and HD 2000 desktop graphics cards)
  • Windows Vista/7 (64-bit) (for HD 4000, HD 3000 and HD 2000 desktop graphics cards)
When using APU graphics, be sure to use the auto-detection program and load the necessary AMD Radeon driver.

In addition, you should pay attention to additional software:

And auxiliary dynamic libraries:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (32-bit) (Service Pack 1)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64-bit) (Service Pack 1)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (32-bit) (Service Pack 1)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (64-bit) (Service Pack 1)
These were the basic actions that every player needs to do. Now let's look at the most common errors that users encounter.

The game has blurry textures

Solved by disabling two items related to data caching in the settings. You can also set the blur level to a minimum; this will make the overall picture much clearer. Some players were helped by increasing the graphics quality to “Maximum” (use if the computer has sufficient resources).

A window appears with question marks and other hieroglyphs

This is a message that the processor is not using a fast enough processor or there are not enough resources at all. It is quite possible to get around this problem. Read on.

On weak computer the game doesn't start at all

Good people have already found how to disable the tracking process system characteristics. You just need to go to the game folder and launch it before starting the game.

There are sounds, but the screen is black

Perhaps it has something to do with the resolution. After starting the game, transfer it to windowed mode combinations Alt+Shift+Enter or Alt+Enter. Then change the resolution to the optimal one.

Feel free to write about any errors you encounter in the comments. Together we will definitely find a solution to the problem.

If you bought/downloaded the wonderful continuation of the COD series under called Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, but unfortunately found that the game does not work for you under any circumstances, then you have come to the right place, because on this page we will help you launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. If this cannot be done in fact, we will explain why.

To begin with, we will tell you in what area we will help you. Since there are quite a few reasons why Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare may not launch, we will highlight only the most common ones and fix them accordingly.

So, what could be causing the game to not work? Let's get down to the points of tips and reasons.

1 . Inconsistency with system requirements

It is quite possible that your computer simply does not meet the minimum system requirements. Call requirements of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and now this is worth paying a lot of attention to.

Here are the minimum system requirements games:

System: Windows 7 64-Bit / Windows 8 64-Bit / Windows 8.1 64-Bit
Processor: Intel CoreTM i3-530 @ 2.93 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 810 @ 2.80 GHz or better
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 @ 1GB / ATI Radeon HD 5870 @ 1GB
DirectX: 11.0
Disk: 55 GB

From this list you need to take away that your The video card must support DirectX 11.0 at the iron level, you have Necessarily must be 64-bit Windows 7/8/8.1 and you must have not less than 6 GB random access memory.

These are important and key conditions to successfully launch COD Advanced Warfare, otherwise you may receive errors when trying to launch the game.

If you have a weaker configuration than required, then install this fix. It will allow you to run the game on your computer<6Гб ОЗУ и <4 cores. С ним желательно использовать таблетку 3DM. Фикс это не патч, его не устанавливают. Скопируйте фикс в папку с игрой и подтвердите замену.

The error contains the words " msvc100.dll, msvcr, dll is missing" - You need to reinstall Microfoft VCR.

It is advisable to install the listed software in any case, since sometimes in certain cases an error does not occur, but reinstallation of one or another software is required.

Sometimes it is unknown which library does not work. You can identify a broken file using this program. Once determined, you can download it from the Internet.

4 . Before starting, turn off all unnecessary programs and software from the tray. Especially turn off resource-intensive programs, as well as overclocking software.

Run the game as administrator.

5 . The reason for the refusal to launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare may lie in the absence of some files in the game folder.

If you have a licensed copy of the game on Steam, then you should check the integrity of the cache using Library - RMB for the game - Properties. In one of the tabs you will find an option.

Sometimes the game may not start because there is simply a problem with Steam itself. In this case, the best solution would be to delete all content from the Steam folder, except for the game library and the main exe file of the game. Run this exe file and it will automatically restore all the necessary files for the program to run successfully.

If you have a pirated copy of the game, then you should turn off your antivirus program before installing and launching it. If you are running on Windows 8, the game crack could have been eaten by the standard antivirus that is in the OS shell.

6 . If you play on a laptop, make sure that your gaming video card runs with the game.

7 . If you play on a pirate, we recommend changing the crack. They say it works more stable on 3DM than on the crack from RELOADED. Moreover, for some, the game runs only on the crack from ALI.

8 . Increasing the page file in the game helped some. Try it.

9 . Sometimes COD Advanced Warfare refuses to start due to the fact that the path to the game folder contains Cyrillic characters. Make sure this doesn't happen.

We hope we helped you launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. If anything, write in the comments.

Less than a day has passed since the release of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, and the network is full of messages asking you to solve this or that problem with the game, we will try to help you with this and will publish a method for solving the most common game problems and errors.

Before dancing with a tambourine, follow the universal advice - install the latest versions of drivers for your PC, only after that start experimenting.

The number of PC configurations is very large, so it is not a fact that the tips published below will help solve your problem in . In any case, there is no need to despair, try to write through feedback from the game developers or, as a last resort, wait for a patch.

The most common problems and errors in the PC version of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and how to solve them:

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare won't download

Make sure you have free disk space. Check the game download location, select the built-in hdd if an external one is specified.

If everything is fine, turn off Steam, restart your router and wait 15 minutes, then try to download the game again.

How to enable SLI in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare?

Using Nvidia Inspector. You will need a new profile, where you need to set the number of GPUs to 2 and enable AFR2 mode.

Mouse sensitivity issue in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Change the mouse frequency to 125 Hz. Either through the game settings or through the control panel.

Low frame rate, texture errors in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Disable Cache Spot Shadow Maps and Cache Sun Shadow Maps in the advanced settings section. Use optimal graphics settings.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare freezes after pause

Press Atl+Tab, turn off the game, restart your PC.

Error installing Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

If you receive the error Create2DTexture ($cached_sun_shadow_bsp_only_64, 1536, 1536, 0, 40) failed: 8007000e during installation, it means that you do not have enough space on your system to install the game.

DirectX error in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Install the latest version of DirectX.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has stopped working + .dll file error

You need to install the Dll-Files Fixer program and check the entire system. Or, you can download the file in the error message from the network and install it in the System 32 folder in the Windows partition on the disk.

Brakes in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Update graphics and sound drivers.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare crashes and freezes during gameplay

Update your graphics drivers. If it doesn't work, try reinstalling the game.

If the problem persists and you have adequate hardware, make sure your antivirus and firewall are not interfering with the game. Also check the processes running on the system.

How to change Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare language to English

We exit the game, in the \Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Advanced Warfare\ directory we look for the “russian” folder. We delete it, having previously saved it, if Russian voice acting is required in the game again.

Create a directory "english" in \Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Advanced Warfare\. We add English voice acting to it. The file can be found online under the name "Call of Duty Advanced Warfare ENGLISH FOLDER ONLY", weighs 1GB.

The most important thing is that all this applies to a licensed copy of the game for Steam.

#1 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare won't download
Do you have enough disk space? Make sure the game is not downloaded to a removable drive.
Is the download location correct?
If everything is ok, then turn off Steam, restart the router and wait 15 minutes before trying to download the game again.

#2 How to enable SLI in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare?
Using Nvidia Inspector. You will need a new profile, where you need to set the number of GPUs to 2 and enable AFR2 mode.

#3 Problem with mouse sensitivity in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Change the mouse frequency to 125 Hz. Either through the game settings or through the control panel.

#4 Low frame rate in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Disable Cache Spot Shadow Maps and Cache Sun Shadow Maps in the advanced settings section.
Use optimal graphics settings.

#5 Soapy textures in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
See point #4.

#6 Error “Your settings may result in lower texture resolution”
See point #4.

#7 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare freezes after pause
Press Atl+Tab, turn off the game, restart your PC.

#8 Error when installing Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
If you receive the error Create2DTexture ($cached_sun_shadow_bsp_only_64, 1536, 1536, 0, 40) failed: 8007000e during installation, it means that you do not have enough space on your system to install the game.

#9 DirectX error in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Reinstall DirectX. Latest version here

#10 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare stopped working + .dll file error
You need to install the Dll-Files Fixer program and scan the entire system. Or, you can download the file in the error message from the network and install it in the System 32 folder in the Windows partition on the disk.

#11 Brakes in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Update graphics and sound drivers.

#12 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare crashes and freezes during gameplay
Update your graphics drivers. If it doesn't work, try reinstalling the game.
If the problem persists and you have adequate hardware, make sure your antivirus and firewall are not interfering with the game. Also check the processes running on the system.

#13 How to change Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare language to English

Close the game, Steam is not necessary
In the \Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Advanced Warfare\ directory there is a folder "russian". We delete it or simply move it somewhere if Russian voice acting is needed in the future.
Create a folder "english" (without quotes) in \Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Advanced Warfare\
We add English voice acting to it. The file can be found online under the name "Call of Duty Advanced Warfare ENGLISH FOLDER ONLY", weighs 1GB
Let's start the game

Black screen appears, but sounds are heard

It's most likely something to do with the resolution. After starting, try making the game in windowed mode (Alt+Enter or Alt+Shift+Enter), then change the resolution to an acceptable one.

A window appears with a bunch of hieroglyphs and question marks. What the heck?

This is a window in which it is written that your processor is not good enough and has generally poor characteristics. See the solution here

Sound freezes in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

In the settings there is an option to load shaders during screensavers - by disabling it you can get rid of sound interruptions during videos.

You can also minimize a running game (Alt+Tab), open the task manager and set the game process to high priority. Helps.

If your game freezes on pause (Esc), then it’s a matter of time, since the problem is in localization. In English there is no such hang-up. Switch the game and computer to English.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare won't save

In order for the game to be successfully saved, you need to run it as a system administrator.

Where are the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare saves?

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare\players2\

Where is the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare settings file located?

The settings file is stored in the folder with the game itself. More precisely, here it is:

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare\players2\config.cfg
