What do domino players do? Fish (in dominoes). What you need to know to learn how to play dominoes

Domino - board game, known to almost every person since childhood. The process itself is simple: a chain of chips is lined up according to the principle of contact of halves with an equal number of points.

The classic domino set includes 28 rectangular dominoes. On the front side there is a division into two parts. Each part displays a certain number of points (scores) from zero to six. There are also special domino sets where the number of dots is greater and reaches 18 points.

The history of dominoes

Dominoes are one of the first board games known to mankind. The history of dominoes begins in the 2nd century BC. Today the game is very popular in European countries, but originally appeared in China. In turn, dominoes came from bones that were previously brought to China from India.

The rules of playing dominoes were different in those days. Participants rolled two dice. The result of the roll is the player's score. Two dice - two dominoes on a modern chip.

Around the 18th century, dominoes came to Europe. It is not known for certain who brought the game to the mainland, but many historians claim that it was Marco Polo. Already in Italy, the original version of dominoes was transformed, and the classic version became available to the world, which is played to this day.

More than forty varieties of dominoes are known in eastern countries. In Russia, several types of this game are most popular. The main differences lie in the principle of scoring points, determining the winner, and some other nuances. Before the start of the competition, figure out how to play dominoes and what is special about the process. This will allow you to win faster!

What is a fish in dominoes

The victory is won by the player who places the chip after which the other participants do not have the appropriate combinations to continue the competition. It is this blocking move that is called a fish in the game.

In most types of dominoes, the winner receives a number of points equal to the sum of the chips remaining in his opponents' hands. Then a new round begins, and the final victory belongs to the one who accumulated the number of points established by the rules. For example, in the “Goat” domino you need to score 101 points to win, in the “Sea Goat” - 125.

There is a second option for ending the game - the winner is the one who first placed all his dominoes on the table. Points are awarded in the same way in this case.

Classic domino rules

Some contemporaries call dominoes a classic of gambling. This is a game with incomplete information: until the end, the opponent does not know which dominoes are in his opponent's hands. There is even a theory that the dominant theory of the universe is encrypted in dominoes.

Classic dominoes are a doubles game, involving two or four people. If there are only two players, then they are dealt seven chips per hand, for four - five (in this case the game is played 2x2). The remaining dominoes are placed in a reserve called the “bazaar”. The first move belongs to the participant who got “double zero” or “double six”. This means that equal values ​​are drawn on both sides of the chip: zeros or sixes.

If the participants do not have dominoes with doubles in their hands, you can start the game with “double five”. If the players do not have doubles in their hands, then they start the game with the chip with the highest value (for example, “five - six”, “four - six”).

After the first move, players place chips with the corresponding values. If other players do not have suitable chips in their hands, they take additional ones from the reserve.

Rules for playing dominoes "Goat"

The rules of the goat game are slightly different from the classic dominoes. From two to four players also participate. If four people play, they are divided into pairs. In this case, the players sitting opposite each other will be allies.

The principle and mechanism of the game are the same as in classic dominoes. But after the end of each round, the losers add to their account the amount of domino points that remain in their hands. The record starts with thirteen points (fewer points are discarded). Once a player has accumulated 101 points, he is declared a loser, jokingly called a “goat.”

Rules for playing dominoes “Sea Goat”

Another popular variation of dominoes. Suitable for players who like dynamics, excitement and higher difficulty.

Differences in the rules from dominoes “Goat”:

  • The minimum number of points that a player can record for himself is 25
  • The winner of the game writes down the sum of the losers' points.
  • The loser is the player who scores 125 points. He is called the "sea goat"
  • Only one player can score points. If another participant scores more than 25 points, then all players again have 0 points
  • You can place a double at different ends of the chain of chips. This is allowed by the rules
  • The end of the round with a “zero-zero” double means victory. In the game, this move is called a “quick” move. 75 points are added to the loser's account in this case.
  • If the end of the run occurs with a “six-six” double, the loser gets 100 points. A player who completes the game with such a domino has all his points deducted to zero.

Rules for playing dominoes “Donkey”

Another dynamic type of domino. Scoring is carried out up to 101. The minimum required for entry is 13 points.

Differences in the rules from the game “Goat”:

  • You can use one take or all four at the same time, if the participant has them in his hands
  • The player can place chips on four sides of the first double placed on the table (shape of a cross). You can place chips at the same time
  • The player placing the double has the right to make a “cover” (the chip is turned face down). In this case, it is prohibited to further expose the dominoes on this side. The player who made such a move can declare “open” at any time convenient for him.

Rules for playing children's dominoes

Children's dominoes are very similar to the classic version of the game. The rules will be similar to classic dominoes, but a little simpler. Is different appearance knuckles: instead of black and white dots, bright multi-colored pictures are drawn: animals, cartoon characters, flowers and plants. With the help of games, a child masters counting more easily, learns the alphabet, and develops logical thinking.

  • If you end up with dominoes with different scores, try to structure your game very carefully in order to reduce the risk of taking additional chips from the reserve
  • If you have a couple of doubles on hand during the deal, do not rush to immediately use it in the game, wait until your opponent makes a few moves
  • Try to understand the enemy's tactics. If you are playing in pairs, try to interact with your ally as much as possible
  • Identify the leader of each round, choose a game plan against him in such a way as to protect your positions as much as possible and get ahead.

Learning to play the classic goat dominoes is not as difficult as it might seem. All you need to do is read in detail the rules of the game for beginners that are written here. The instructions with the rules are illustrated with photo examples, so the rules are much easier to understand. After reading this article you will not have any questions “How to play board dominoes?”

How many bones should there be in a domino set?

The number of tiles in one set of dominoes should be 28 pieces. Chinese dominoes have more tiles, but classic dominoes have exactly 28 dominoes in a box. By the way, many people mistakenly ask how many chips, dominoes are in a set; the correct name is bones, stones, or just dominoes.

Doubles in dominoes are paired dice with the same number of dots on both sides; in a set of 28 double dice there should be 7 pieces: 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, 3–3, 4–4, 5–5, 6–6. How many doubles in dominoes - 7 pieces.

How to play dominoes goat

We figured out what doubles are in dominoes and how many dominoes there should be to play “Goat” (28 pieces). Let's proceed directly to how to play dominoes goat.

1 Mix the bones
We pour the dice onto the table so that the points (dots) on the dice are not visible. Mix the bones well, now this pile of stones is called “Bazaar”.

How many dominoes should be distributed per player?
Depends on how many people will play, a maximum of 4 players.

  • 2 players - take 7 dice each;
  • 3–4 players - take 5 dice each;
  • The bazaar is the closed extra dominoes that remain after all the players have picked up the dominoes. When there is nothing to go around, players from the Bazaar pick up dominoes.

    After everyone has picked up the dominoes, the game begins.

    3 First move
    The first stone in the center of the table is placed by the player who has a double with fewer points in his hand, 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, and so on. If no one has doubles, a simple die with a lower number of points is placed, for example, 0–1, 0–2, and so on. In the example, two players had the smallest die for the number of points turned out to be 2-2.

    4 Second move
    After the first player, the rest place their dice in turn. If a player has several domino options for walking, for example, 2-6 and 2-3, he decides which tile to place. In the example, the second player played stone 2-6.

    5 What to do when you can’t walk?
    It's your turn to place the tile on the table, and you don't have a suitable domino in your hands. Then the player searches the “Bazaar” for suitable dominoes. The player takes each open stone from the “Bazaar” into his hand.

    5 Game over
    The game ends when one of the players runs out of dice or when a “Fish” is obtained. All other players with dice in their hands begin to count the points.


    Before the game starts, players agree on how many points they will play in dominoes, for example, 300 points. This means that the first one to score 300 points wins. After each game played, the winner gets points from the stones that were left in the hands of the losing players.

    Which die gives how many points?

    • Dummy or empty-empty (0–0) - counted as 25 points;
    • Dice 6–6 - count as 50 points;
    • All other stones give as many points as there are points on them. For example, a 1–4 die is 5 points, a 6–4 die is 10 points, a 3–5 is 8 points, etc.

    What does fish mean in dominoes?

    Sometimes in dominoes a situation arises that none of the players have a stone in their hands that can be placed to continue the game and the Bazaar has run out of dice to pick up, this situation is called Fish in dominoes.

    What is a dummy and empty empty in dominoes?

    Zero, dummy, empty, bald, naked is what the 0-0 stone is called, it is a bone on which there are no points (dots).

    If you have reached this part of the article, then you have read all the rules on how to play tabletop dominoes. To consolidate and understand everything that is written in this article, try playing the dominoes below. And remember never say chips, dice, stones or dominoes would be correct :)

    Rules of the game of dominoes: Goat

    Preparing for the game

    The game includes 28 unique dice:

    0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 0-6
    1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
    2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6
    3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6
    4-4, 4-5, 4-6
    5-5, 5-6

    Dice with the same value on both halves (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5 and 6-6) are called doubles.

    The game involves two to four people.

    The game of "Goat" is divided into rounds.

    At the beginning of each round, players pick up seven dice blindly.

    If a player has five or more doubles or six or more dice with a repeating value, the dice are mulliganed.

    If less than four people take part in the game, then the extra ones remaining after the dice are dealt face down are moved to the edge of the table. These bones are called "bazaar".

    The first move in the first round belongs to the player who has a 1-1 double. It is from this take that the participant must enter. If no one has such a double in their hands, then the one of the participants who has a 2-2 double in their hands goes. And so on until bone 6-6. If none of the participants has a dice 6-6, then the first move from a double is 0-0. If there are no duplicates at all, then the move from the dice is 5-6, and so on in descending order of the dice values.

    The stroke is transmitted clockwise. Each subsequent player must place a die whose value is equal to the value of the die already placed on the table on the side of contact.

    If the player does not have suitable dice, then he “goes to the market,” that is, he blindly draws one of the extra dice placed on the edge of the table. This continues until the player finds a die with the required value. If there is no “bazaar” or it has ended, and not a single dice has come up, the player “knocks”, that is, he misses a move. All the bones taken at the “bazaar” remain in his hands.

    A player does not have the right to skip a move if he has a die in his hands that can be played.

    A player can only place one die per turn.

    The round ends when one of the players has no dice left in their hands, that is, the player is “out”, or when a player places a “fish”. The first move in the next round is made by the “out” player, or “fisherman”, that is, the one who placed the “fish”. He can walk with any bone.

    "Fish" refers to a situation in which all players have bones in their hands, but are unable to walk. A similar situation is possible when all six (not counting the double) dominoes with the same value are laid out on the table and both ends of the chain are closed by tiles with the same value.

    For example, the dice 1-2, 2-6, 0-2, 2-3 are already laid out on the table. The chain ends on one side with a 2-4 die, and on the other with a 5-2 die. This is a fish".

    If the 2-2 double were not played as shown in the picture, but were in the “bazaar” or in the hands of one of the players, it would still be a “fish”.

    If the round ends not with a fish, but simply with one of the participants “exiting”, getting rid of all his dice, then the remaining players reveal their dice and count the sum of the points of these dice.


    If a player has only one 0-0 dice left in his hands at the end of the round, then it counts as 10 points. All other dice are counted at face value.

    If the player’s dice total does not exceed 12 points, then this number is “remembered” for the next round for the player. If in the next round the player again scores 12 points or less, then the new amount is added to the old “memorized” amount and goes into the “remembered” amount for the next round. If a player “quits”, then all his “remembered” points are reset to zero.

    If a player scores more than 12 points in a round, then he has opened his account in the game. If the player had “remembered” points at the time of opening the account, then they are added to the accumulated amount. From the moment an account is opened, points are not “remembered” and any, even the smallest, number of points scored in a round will immediately be added to the player’s account.

    All points scored or “remembered” by players are displayed on the screen next to the login. “Remembered” points are displayed in yellow. There is a “+” sign in front of the point total.

    The open account is displayed in red, without the “+” sign

    Let's look at the scoring system using the example of when one of the players " came out»

    The top number in the table is the points scored in previous rounds.
    The number in the middle (above the line) is the amount scored in the current round.
    The number below the line is the total score.

    In the example we are considering, the player Masha “quit” because she scored 0 points. Before this round, she had 19 “memorized” points. Since the player “left”, his remembered points were reset to zero and the total amount was zero.

    Player Alex did not have any points at the beginning of the round, but in the current round he scored 3 points. Since 3 points are less than 12 and the player did not open the score, he received +3 “remembered” points as a result.

    Player Olya had +7 “remembered” points at the beginning of the round. In the current round, she scored 13 points and thus opened the scoring. As a result, she received 13 + 7 = 20 points.

    Player Serg had +4 “remembered” points at the beginning of the round. He scored 5 points in the round. Thus, he did not open the account, but the “remembered” points were summed up. Now he has +9 “remembered” points.

    If the round ends with a “fish”, then there are several variants of the rules by which points are calculated. When creating a request for a game, you can specify one of these options by changing the corresponding parameter. Now let's look at each of them with an example.

    Let's call the first version of the rules “ fish for everyone" In this version, scoring is no different from the usual scoring mechanism. The only difference is that each player in this round has scored points, since there is no player "out".

    Let's pay attention to the table. In the middle line of the table there are fish icons. They tell us that the round ended with a fish.

    Let's call the second option " fish for one" In this variant, not only the points of each player are calculated, but also the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the players' hands. The result of the scoring is the player who scored the most points in that round. It is to him that the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the players’ hands is added. Let's look at an example:

    In this round, the player with the nickname Masha scored 2 points, Alex - 3 points, Olya - 13 points and Serg - 5 points. This means the total amount of points scored by the players is 23.

    Olya scored the most points in the round, she has 13. This means that she receives the total amount of points scored by all players. That's 23 points. In addition, she had 7 points “remembered”, which are added to the amount when opening an account. As a result, Olya gets 30 points. Please note that the memorized points of other players have been reset to zero.

    Another situation is possible when several players score the same maximum amount points. For example:

    Players Alex and Olya scored the most points. Each player has a bottom of 14. In this case, the round is considered a draw. The entire amount of fish (35 points) goes to the next round.

    This situation is also displayed on the screen. In this case, a fish icon appears under the timer. It displays the number +35, that is, the amount transferred to the fish from the last round.

    In this case, in the next round, regardless of its outcome (it doesn’t matter whether it ends with a regular exit or a “fish”), the player who scores the maximum number of points will receive, in addition to his score, the entire amount transferred from the previous round.

    If the round ends with a “fish” again and the situation with the same maximum number of points repeats, then the results of the new round will be added to the memorized amount and the total memorized amount for the two rounds will go to the next one.

    This will continue until there is one player who has scored the maximum number of points.

    Game results

    The game is over as soon as one player reaches 101 or more points. A player who scores 101 or more points in total based on the results of the rounds is considered a loser, that is, he becomes a “goat”.

    Calculating the rating for the game of "Goat"

    (100 − [sum of points scored by the player]) / 10

    For example:
    Masha scored 25 points.
    We substitute the value into the formula and calculate: (100 − 25) / 10 = 7.5.
    Round up = 8.
    Thus, Masha’s player rating based on the results of the game will increase by 8 points.

    If the game is interrupted by a timeout, then the player who left the game due to the timeout does not receive rating points.

    All other players in this case receive points towards their rating. The rating is calculated using the following formula:

    ([points of the player eliminated by timeout] − [sum of points scored by the player]) / 10
    with rounding according to the rules of mathematics, but with the condition that the result cannot be less than 1 point.

    For example:
    Alex scored 32 points and left due to timeout. He receives no rating points.

    Masha scored 30 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault.
    We substitute the value into the formula, count: (32 − 30) / 10 = 0.2
    Round up = 0.
    But we remember that the result cannot be less than 1 point. Thus, Masha’s player rating will increase by one.

    Olya scored 13 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault.
    We substitute the value into the formula, count: (32 − 13) / 10 = 1.9
    Round up = 2 points.
    Thus, the Olya player’s rating based on the results of the game will increase by 2 points.

    Rules of the game of dominoes

    Dominoes are a board game in which a chain of dominoes (“bones,” “stones”) is built, with halves touching each other and having the same number of points. Name Domino comes from a combination of white and black colors. "Domino" is a French word; This is what the Christian priests called the winter robe, which was black on the outside and white on the inside. Domino is also a type of mask that represents a black and white motif.

    The history of dominoes dates back to approximately the 2nd century BC. Dominoes, although quite common in the West, are actually a Chinese invention. It came from dice, which were introduced into China from India in the distant distant past. Each domino tile was originally the result of throwing two dice. One half of the domino represents the result of throwing one die, the other half the other.

    Dominoes come from the well-known dice (cubes). The number of dominoes is calculated by the formula: [(n+1)*(n+2)]/2, where n is the maximum value of one half of a domino (number of dots). For example, a standard set of dominoes includes [(6+1)*(6+2)]/2 = 28 tiles.

    A domino is a rectangular tile, the front of which is divided by a line into two square parts. Each part contains from zero to six points (there are also options with 9 and 12 points). Reverse side The knuckles are usually straight. Dominoes are made from bone (plain or ivory), plastic, metal or wood.

    How to play dominoes - rules of the game

    Traditional domino

    Played by two to four people. For two, seven stones are handed over, for three or four - five. The rest are placed in a closed reserve (“bazaar”). The player who has “double six” (6-6) in his hands starts. The following players place stones with corresponding points (6-1; 6-2; 6-3…). If there are no suitable stones, then you have to get them from the reserve. If neither player has a 6-6 double, you can start the game with a 5-5 double. If you don’t have a single double in your hands, they don’t go “to the market” for doubles, but start with the stone that has the largest number (for example, 6-5). The game ends when one of the players places the last stone. It is possible to end the game with a “fish” - this is what is called blocking the layout when there are still stones in the hands, but there is nothing to report. The winner receives the sum of the points of all the stones in the hands of the losers as their winnings. When blocking (“fish”), the winner belongs to the one who has the fewest points in his hands. The difference in points is recorded as his win. The game continues until a predetermined amount - for example, 100 or 150 points.

    Varieties of the game of dominoes

    More than 40 are known in the East various games using dominoes. There are dominoes with colored dominoes, where color denotes dignity. Several varieties of the game have become widespread in Russia, differing from each other in the ways of scoring points, victory conditions, etc.

    The most popular type of game.

    The game involves 2-4 players. Each player receives 7 dominoes. The player with the smallest double starts the game. The next round starts with the player who won the previous round or declared the fish. The losers of each draw write down the amount of points on their remaining dominoes to their account. To start recording, you need to score at least 13 points.

    The first player to score 101 points is declared the “goat” - the loser.

    If the variety of goat is paired goat when 4 players play in pairs. In this case, players sitting opposite each other play on the same team.

    sea ​​goat

    A dynamic game, often more difficult than a goat. The game involves 2-4 players. 4 players usually play in pairs.

    The game differs from goat in the following ways:
    The winning player writes down the sum of the losers' points.
    The minimum number of points you can start recording is 25.
    Only one player can score points. Thus, if another player scores more than 25 points, all points are “written off” - all players have 0 points.
    The player who scores 125 points is declared the winner
    If a player has the opportunity to place a double on each side, then he can place two doubles at the same time.
    The player who finishes the rally with 0-0, 6-6 or both doubles at once (see previous rule) automatically wins the game
    If at the end of the rally the player only has a 0-0 double, it counts as 25 points; only 6-6 counts as 50 points; Only 0-0 and 6-6 - 75 points
    The player who started the “record” has the right to start the rally with 6-6. This move is called “one hundred”. If the player who reaches 100 finishes first, he automatically wins the game, otherwise the points are deducted.

    A dynamic domino game for 2-4 people. Outwardly it may resemble the telephone mentioned below, but the rules of the game are closer to the Goat.

    The game differs from Goat in the following ways:
    You can place dominoes on all four sides of the first double you play.
    Even if the player is a fool, he has the opportunity to put up a double on each side (2, 3 or 4 doubles), he can put them out at the same time.
    The player placing a double has the right to “close” it (the domino is turned face down). At the same time, further placing of the dominoes on this side is prohibited. When placing several doubles at the same time, the player has the right to close or open any number of doubles.
    If the first move was not a double and until at least one double was placed, the next player has the right to close two doubles at the same time. The drawing ends here and the usual scoring takes place.

    Scoring is like in Kozl - a game up to 101, to record you need to score 13, everything that is less than 13 is “remembered” and reset only if nothing is recorded or remembered for this player in the next draw.

    Telephone (Houses, Five)

    A game that is very different from other types of dominoes in the way it scores points.

    The game involves 2-4 players. Each player receives 7 dominoes. The first take placed on the board is declared “home”. You can attach bones to it on 4 sides.

    Points are awarded as follows:
    Every time the sum of points at the ends of the chips placed on the board is a multiple of 5, the player is written down the number of points divided by 5. The double is counted as the sum of his points. For example:
    the field stands 6 at one end and 3 at the other end, house 4-4.
    The first player places a double 6-6. He scores 3 points for himself (6 + 6 + 3 = 15; 15:5 = 3).
    The second player puts 4-5 to the house. He scores 4 points for himself (6 + 6 + 3 + 5 = 20;20:5 = 4)

    Next, a 5-5 double can be set with a record of 5 points.
    The player who wins the draw writes down the sum of the other players' points divided by 5 and rounded up.
    Variant of the rules: it is allowed to place up to four doubles simultaneously (one on each side) in 1 move.

    Domino five rules

    Number of players: from 2 to 4 (you can play 2x2)
    The game uses a standard set of 28 dice.
    Another name for the game of domino five is Muggins Domino. The Muggins game is a close relative of games such as All Fives and Sniff, and is recognized by many as one of the most best games domino It is played according to the rules of regular dominoes (Draw Dominoes), except that the goal of the game is not just to get out, but also to place dice at the ends that add up to 5 (or multiples of five).

    2 players - 7 dice each
    3 players - 5 dice each
    4 players - 5 dice each
    The remaining bones make up the “bazaar” (boneyard or stock).

    The player determined by lot (the smallest die) goes first at the beginning of the game. The first move in the deal is general rules. You can move with any bone, not necessarily with a double. The first double placed, whether it is the first move or not, becomes the base of the cross - dice can be placed on all four edges. All subsequent takes are regular takes.
    The game is on clockwise. If a player cannot make a move, he takes dice from the bazaar until he finds the right dice. If the die is not found, the player misses his turn.
    The goal of the game is to score a certain number of points (100, 250, 500). Points are awarded to the player when, when placing his dice, the sum of the open values ​​at the ends becomes equal to 5 or a multiple of five (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.).
    At any moment of the game, 2, 3 or 4 ends can be open (without a cross - only two). For a double that forms a cross, all four ends are taken into account when counting (after it is closed on both sides). For a regular double, its full amount is taken into account (6:6 - 12 points).

    a. If the first die shown is 5-5, then the player receives 10 points. On this moment all sides of the 5-5 double are playable.
    b. If the second die is 5-0, then the player receives 10 points. There are currently three sides of 5 available and also empty.
    c. If the third die is 3-5 on a double 5-5, the total is 3 (3 + 0) and the player receives no points. If, after placing 3-5, the next player bids 0-2, the sum is 5 (3 + 2) and the player who placed 0-2 receives 5 points. The upper and lower parts of the 5-5 cross remain available for play, as do the open 3 and 2. In the version implemented on Gambler, after closing the two sides of the cross, the cross tile is not counted. Only bones at the ends.
    d. Four moves later, 5-4 was placed on top of 5-5, double 2-2 was placed on top of 0-2, 2-5 was placed on top of 2-2, double 3-3 was placed on top of 3-5. Sum 15 points (4 + 3 + 3 + 5). There are now 4 ends open: the bottom of the cross is 5-5, 3-3, 4, and 5. The 2-2 and 3-3 doubles are regular doubles - the top and bottom ends are not playable.

    The deal ends when one player displays all of his dice, or when the game is blocked ("fish"). The winning player (in case of “fish”, the one who has the fewest points) receives bonus points: the points in the hands of opponents are summed up, rounded to a multiple of 5 (3 to 5) and divided by 5. The points received are added to the winner of the hand. When a fish occurs, the points in the winner's hand are subtracted from the total score. For example, if the winning player has 3 points in his hand, and his three opponents have 5, 11, and 13, then the total difference is 26 (5 + 11 + 13 - 3) - rounded up to 25 and divided by 5. The winner receives 5 additional points. Regardless of victory, all players keep their points that they received in the game.
    — For a double that forms a cross, only the sides played are taken into account when adding: in example “C” the sum will be 5 (3+2), in example “D” the sum will be 15 (3+3+4+5).
    - Without a cross.
    — The points scored by the losers are not divisible by 5 and, after rounding, are completely credited to the winner; in the case of a “fish”, the loser’s points are taken into account in full (without taking into account the winner’s points).
    — “All Threes” is basically the same game, except that it takes into account the multiples of 3 instead of 5.

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    Played by two to four people.
    For two, 7 stones are dealt, for 3 or 4, 5 dice. The rest are to the side, clean side up (in the bazaar).
    The player who has the double 6-6 starts, he puts up a die.
    The following players put up 6-1, 6-2, etc. respectively. If there are no such stones, then you need to get them from the market.
    If none of the players has a double 6-6, then you can play with others, for example 5-5, 4-4, etc. from largest to smallest. And if no one has a double, then they go with larger stone values, for example 6-5.
    The game ends when one of the players places his last stone.
    The winner receives the sum of the points of all the stones from the losers.
    The game may end when there are stones in the hands, but there is nothing to report. In this situation, the winner belongs to the one with the fewest points. The difference in points is recorded as his win.
    The game continues until a predetermined amount, for example, 100 points.

    The rules of this game are familiar to almost everyone.
    This game is usually played two-on-two (although two or three can be played).
    At the beginning of the game, everyone takes 7 dice (if less than 4 people are playing, then the remaining stones form a “bazaar”).
    The one with the 1-1 double starts the game.
    Players walk in a circle clockwise, placing dominoes with the corresponding values ​​in a chain formed on the table. If someone cannot make the next move, then he skips it (in the case of two or three players, he takes stones from the bazaar until he finds the one he needs).
    The game ends when one of the players has laid out all the stones.
    The values ​​on the remaining dice are added up (in a two-on-two game, both players add up their stone scores).
    The first team to score 101 points loses the match.

    1. General Provisions
    Number of players: four. Pair game: players of each pair sit opposite each other.
    The goal of the game is to score as few points as possible.
    The one who scores more than 100 (300, 500 - optional) points loses and becomes the “goat”.
    Stones: that's exactly what they play with. They consist of two fields with specific values ​​(from 0-0 to 6-6) - indicated by dots.
    At the beginning of each round, each player receives seven stones.
    The round ends after one of the players does not have a single stone left in his hands or after a “fish” (impossibility of continuing the game).
    Retake: if there are 5 doubles (or more) on one hand.
    The first move of the game: is performed by the player who has the “1-1” stone.
    The first move of the round: performed by the player who is the partner of the winner in the previous round or who placed the “fish”. It is done on any double (a move to 0-0 or 6-6 is optional - see “Counting points”), if there is no double, it is done on any other stone.
    Stroke: The turn transition proceeds clockwise. A move is considered to be placing a stone on the playing field next to a previously installed one that has a “free” field, numerically equal to one of the fields of your stone. If there is no required (possible) stone, the player “knocks” and misses a move.
    “Fish”: a situation in which no player has a single stone to move when all players have stones.
    Points: The sum of the values ​​of the fields of stones remaining at the end of the round is the points scored in this round.

    2. Scoring
    2.1. Standard end of round. The points of the losers are summed up, the points of the finishing partner are not taken into account.
    2.2. “Fish” The amount of points on the line is determined. All points are recorded to those who have the highest amount. If there is a tie, the entire amount goes to the next round and is added to the points of the losers of the next round.
    2.3. Special bones. The first move is 6-6 or 0-0, the loser gets an additional 50 or 25 points, respectively. These duplicates do not require opening the game.
    At the end of the round there is one die on the hand 6-6 = +50, 0-0 = +25.
    Finishing the round at 6-6 = +50, 0-0 = +25 for the loser.

    The number of players in this game is from two to four.
    If two or three play, then they receive six stones, if four, then five.
    The game starts with a “soap” - a double 0-0, or with the nearest double. If there are no duplicates, then from the minimum stone.
    Players are awarded points during the game. So, whoever comes in with a double gets two points. In addition, the player receives two points each time the stone he placed on the free half matches the free half at the other end of the layout. Doubles are always located across the main layout. A player can earn three points if the layup ends with a double on one end and a half stone on the other end with the same number of points as the double.
    If necessary, the player can buy one stone from the market.
    The last two bazaar stones do not take part in the game. If the players have nothing to move from, and there are still two closed stones left in the reserve, the game is considered blocked.
    The scoring begins.
    The player who has no doubles left in his hands receives 2 points. If no one has doubles, 2 points go to the player who has the least amount of points in his hands. If everyone has doubles, the owner of the smallest double gets 2 points. The player who managed to place all the stones before the game was blocked also receives 2 points.
    With two players the game continues up to 15 points, with three players up to 10.

    The drawing begins with the turn of the player who ordered the highest game. There are trump cards in this game - they are announced by the same player. Any stones (their higher halves) can be considered trumps - from six to zero. In each draw, therefore, seven trump stones are involved. Some of them are also considered premium.

    The person entering lays out a stone. Each player adds his own to it. They must go according to the suit: trump cards are placed on the trump card, and the other stones must match the higher halves.

    Example: on stone 5-2 you should place stone 5-3 (and not, say, 2-4).

    If there is no stone with the required number of points, you can beat the bribe with a trump card, but this condition is not considered mandatory. The bribe will be received by the player who puts the highest trump card into it. Also, a bribe can be taken by the one who interrupted the bribe with a trump card or, in the case of a bribe without trump cards, placed the highest stone.

    After the end of the drawing, the number of points received by each side is calculated. The couple who ordered the game and received the stated number of points or more, writes down the actual number of points received to their account. The enemy does the same. If the couple who ordered the game failed to score the stated number of points, then nothing is recorded for this couple. Opponents, on the other hand, write down the points they actually win and add in addition to them the points claimed and not scored by the couple who ordered the game.

    The first side to reach or exceed 250 points wins the entire game. If both pairs exceed this figure at the same time, then the pair with the larger amount of points scored is considered the winner.


    This game only uses twenty stones. Take 1-1 and all dice with empty parts are removed. The game is played according to the same rules as card poker, with the exception of the sequence and composition of the required combinations. The order of combinations is as follows:

    - Pair - any two takes.

    - Flush - any five dice with one identical part (for example, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5 and 6-6).

    - Three - any three takes.

    - Four Straight - four consecutive dice with one identical part (for example, 4-6, 4-5, 4-4 and 4-3).

    - Full hand - three doubles and two dice with one identical part (for example, 6-6, 3-3, 2-2, 2-4 and 2-1).

    - Five Straight - five consecutive dice with one identical part (for example, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 and 3-5).

    - Four of a kind - any four takes.

    - Six Straight - five consecutive dice with one identical part of a six (for example, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 and 6-6).

    - Royal Flush - five takes.

    When none of the above combinations are completed, the winner is the holder of the most dice points.


    Number of players: from 2 to 4 (you can play 2x2).

    The game "Pyaterochka" is recognized by many as one of the best domino games. It is played according to the rules of a regular domino, except that the goal of the game is not just to get out, but also to place tiles at the ends that add up to 5 (or multiples of 5).

    After shuffling the dominoes, each player picks up one tile to determine who goes first, after which the dominoes are returned to the table and shuffled again (“toss”). Next, each player takes the required number of dice, which depends on the number of players:

    – 2 players – 7 dice each

    – 3 players – 5 dice each

    – 4 players – 5 dice each

    The remaining bones make up the "bazaar".

    The player determined by lot (the smallest die) goes first at the beginning of the game. The first move in the hand follows the general rules. You can move with any bone, not necessarily with a double. The first double placed, whether it is the first move or not, becomes the base of the cross - dice can be placed on all four edges. All subsequent takes are regular takes.

    The game goes clockwise. If a player cannot make a move, he takes dice from the "bazaar" until he finds the right dice. If the die is not found, the player misses his turn.
    The goal of the game is to score a certain number of points (100, 250, 500). Points are awarded to the player when, when placing his dice, the sum of the open values ​​at the ends becomes equal to 5 or a multiple of five (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.).
    At any moment of the game, 2, 3 or 4 ends can be open (without a cross - only two). For a double that forms a cross, all four ends are taken into account when counting (after it is closed on both sides). For a regular double, its full amount is taken into account (6:6 – 12 points).

    a. If the first die shown is 5-5, then the player receives 10 points. At the moment, all sides of the 5-5 double are playable.

    b. If the second die is 5-0, then the player receives 10 points. There are currently three sides of 5 available and also empty.

    c. If the third die is 3-5 on a double 5-5, the total is 13 (5 + 5 + 3 + 0) and the player receives no points. If, after placing 3-5, the next player bids 0-2, the total is 15 (5 + 5 + 3 + 2) and the player who bid 0-2 receives 15 points. The top and bottom of the 5-5 cross remains playable, as do the open 3 and 2.

    d. Four moves later, a 5-4 was placed on top of a 5-5, a 2-2 double was placed on top of a 0-2, a 2-5 was placed on top of a 2-2, a 3-3 double was placed on top of a 3-5. Sum 20 points (5 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 5). There are now 4 ends open: the bottom of the cross is 5-5, 3-3, 4, and 5. Doubles 2-2 and 3-3 are regular doubles - the top and bottom ends are not playable.

    The deal ends when one player displays all of his dice, or when the game is blocked ("fish"). The winning player (in the case of “fish”, the one who has the fewest points) receives bonus points: the points in the opponents’ hands are summed up, rounded to a multiple of 5 (3 to 5) and divided by 5. The points received are added to the winner of the hand. If there is a fish, the points in the winner's hand are subtracted from the total score. For example, if the winning player has 3 points in his hand, and his three opponents have 5, 11, and 13, then the total difference is 26 (5 + 11 + 13 - 3) - rounded up to 25 and divided by 5. The winner receives 5 additional points. Regardless of victory, all players keep their points that they received in the game.

    Played by two to four people. For two, 7 stones are dealt, for 3 or 4, 5 dice. The rest are to the side, clean side up (in the bazaar). The player who has the double 6-6 starts, he puts up a die. The following players put up 6-1, 6-2, etc. respectively. If there are no such stones, then you need to get them from the market. If none of the players has a double 6-6, then you can play with others, for example 5-5, 4-4, etc. from largest to smallest. And if no one has a double, then they go with larger stone values, for example 6-5. The game ends when one of the players places his last stone. The winner receives the sum of the points of all the stones from the losers. The game may end when there are stones on the hands, but there will be nothing to report. In this situation, the winner belongs to the one with the fewest points. The difference in points is recorded as his win. The game continues until a predetermined amount, for example, 100 points.


    The rules of this game are familiar to almost everyone. This game is usually played two-on-two (although it can be played with two or three players). At the beginning of the game, everyone takes 7 dice (if less than 4 people are playing, then the remaining stones form a “bazaar”). The one with the 1-1 double starts the game. Players walk in a circle clockwise, placing dominoes with the corresponding values ​​in a chain formed on the table. If someone cannot make the next move, then he skips it (in the case of two or three players, he takes stones from the bazaar until he finds the one he needs). The game ends when one of the players has laid out all the stones. The values ​​on the remaining dice are added up (in a two-on-two game, both players add up their stone scores). The first team to score 101 points loses the match.


    The number of players in this game is from two to four. If two or three play, then they get six stones each, if there are four. then five. The game starts from the “soap”, or from the nearest take. If there are no duplicates, then from the minimum stone. Players are awarded points during the game. So, whoever comes in with a double gets two points. In addition, the player receives two points each time the stone he placed on the free half matches the free half at the other end of the layout. Doubles are always located across the main layout. A player can earn three points if the layup ends with a double on one end and a half stone on the other end with the same number of points as the double. If necessary, the player can buy one stone from the market. The last two bazaar stones do not take part in the game. If the players have nothing to move from, and there are still two closed stones left in the reserve, the game is considered blocked. The scoring begins. The player who has no doubles left in his hands receives 2 points. If no one has doubles, 2 points go to the player who has the least amount of points in his hands. If everyone has doubles, the owner of the smallest double gets 2 points. The player who managed to place all the stones before the game was blocked also receives 2 points. With two players the game continues up to 15 points, with three players up to 10.

    Description of the domino set

    Dominoes come from the well-known dice. A standard domino set includes 28 dominoes. A domino is a rectangular tile. Its front side is divided by a line into two square parts. Each part contains from zero to six points. In specialized domino sets, the possible number of dots can be up to nine, twelve, fifteen or eighteen.

    The number of dominoes is calculated by the formula: [(n+1)×(n+2)]÷2, where n is the maximum number of dots. For example, the “standard” set described above includes [(6+1)×(6+2)]÷2 = 28 tiles.

    There are other domino sets. Thus, in Chinese dominoes there are 32 dominoes, and there are no parts without dots in the set, but there are several pairs of duplicate dominoes.

    The back of the domino is usually flat. Dominoes are made from bone (plain or ivory), plastic, metal or wood. Sometimes used as dominoes deck of cards. In addition to traditional dominoes, there are many other variations of this game.

    Rules of the game

    Played by two to four people. For two, seven stones are handed over, for three or four - five. The rest are placed in a closed reserve (“bazaar”). The player who has “double six” (6-6) in his hands starts. The following players place stones with corresponding points (6-1; 6-2; 6-3…). If there are no suitable stones, then you have to get them from the reserve.

    If neither player has a 6-6 double, you can start the game with a 5-5 double. If you don’t have a single double in your hands, they don’t go “to the market” for doubles, but start with the stone that has the largest number (for example, 6-5).

    The game ends when one of the players places the last stone. It is possible to end the game with a “fish” - this is what is called blocking the layout when there are still stones in the hands, but there is nothing to report.

    The winner receives the sum of the points of all the stones in the hands of the losers as their winnings. When blocking (“fish”), the winner belongs to the one who has the fewest points in his hands. The difference in points is recorded as his win. The game continues until a predetermined amount - say, one hundred or one hundred and fifty points.

    Several varieties of the game have become widespread in Russia, differing from each other in the ways of scoring points, victory conditions, etc.


    The most popular type of game.

    The game involves 2-4 players. Each player receives 7 dominoes. The player with the smallest double starts the game. The next round starts with the player who won the previous round or declared the fish. The losers of each draw write down the amount of points on their remaining dominoes to their account. To start recording, you need to score at least 13 points.

    The first player to score 101 points is declared the “goat” - the loser. Sometimes 4 players play in pairs. In this case, players sitting opposite each other diagonally play on the same team.

    sea ​​goat

    A dynamic game, often more difficult than a goat. The game involves 2-4 players. 4 players usually play in pairs.

    The game differs from goat in the following ways:

    • The winning player writes down the sum of the losers' points.
    • The minimum number of points you can start recording is 25.
    • Only one player can score points. Thus, if another player scores more than 25 points, all points are “written off” - all players have 0 points.
    • The player who scores 125 points is declared the winner
    • If a player has the opportunity to place a double on each side, then he can place two doubles at the same time.
    • The player who finishes the rally with 0-0, 6-6 or both doubles at once (see previous rule) automatically wins the game
    • If at the end of the rally the player only has a 0-0 double, it counts as 25 points; only 6-6 counts as 50 points; Only 0-0 and 6-6 - 75 points
    • The player who started the “record” has the right to start the rally with 6-6. This move is called “one hundred”. If the player who reaches 100 finishes first, he automatically wins the game, otherwise the points are deducted.


    A dynamic game for 2-4 people. Outwardly it may resemble the telephone mentioned below, but the rules of the game are closer to the Goat.

    The game differs from Goat in the following ways:

    • You can place dominoes on all four sides of the first double you play.
    • Even if the player is a fool, he has the opportunity to put up a double on each side (2, 3 or 4 doubles), he can put them out at the same time.
    • The player placing a double has the right to “close” it (the domino is turned face down). At the same time, further placing of the dominoes on this side is prohibited. When placing several doubles at the same time, the player has the right to close or open any number of doubles.
    • If the first move was not a double and until at least one double was placed, the next player has the right to close two doubles at the same time. The drawing ends here and the usual scoring takes place.

    Scoring is like in Kozl - a game up to 101, to record you need to score 13, everything that is less than 13 is “remembered” and reset only if nothing is recorded or remembered for this player in the next draw.

    Telephone (Houses)

    A game that is very different from other varieties in the way it scores points.

    The game involves 2-4 players. Each player receives 7 dominoes. The first take placed on the board is declared “home”. You can attach bones to it on 4 sides.

    Points are awarded as follows:

    • Every time the sum of points at the ends of the chips placed on the board is a multiple of 5, the player is written down the number of points divided by 5. The double is counted as the sum of his points. For example:
      • the field stands 6 at one end and 3 at the other end, the house is 4-4.
      • The first player places a double 6-6. He scores 3 points for himself (6 + 6 + 3 = 15;15:5 = 3).
      • The second player puts 4-5 to the house. He scores 4 points for himself (6 + 6 + 3 + 5 = 20;20:5 = 4)
    • The player who wins the draw writes down the sum of the other players' points divided by 5 and rounded up.
    • Variant of the rules: it is allowed to place up to four doubles simultaneously (one on each side) in 1 move.

    The game goes to 72 points.

    The history of dominoes

    The roots of the game of dominoes go back to India and China, where dice in the form of plates appeared. The dots on the dice in Chinese dominoes are multi-colored (white and red); the set does not include pacifiers. In the 18th century, the game was brought to Italy and modified. Modern dominoes are also closely related to the game of dice. Two halves of a domino are one of the possible combinations that appear when throwing two dice. It is believed that domino was named after the black and white masquerade costumes, which, in turn, originated from the attire of the Dominican friars, who wore white cloaks with black hoods.

    Domino symbols in Unicode


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    Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    fish- s; and. see also fish, fish, fish, little fish, little fish, fish, fish, fish 1 ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Y; and. 1. An aquatic vertebrate with an unstable body temperature, breathing through gills and having fins. Freshwater, sea, river river. Aquarium fish breeds. Predatory river Large, small river Promyslovaya r. Cartilaginous, bony fish. R. splashes,... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fish: Fishes (lat. Pisces) are a superclass of aquatic vertebrates. Fish zodiac constellation. Pisces zodiac sign. Fish is a term for the game of dominoes. Fish is a slang name for a text, the meaning of which is irrelevant, used as a preparation.... ... Wikipedia

    en queu de poisson- * en queue de poisson. In the shape of a fish's tail. To no avail. The fourth act is full of disappointment. There is not even a picture here, and the whole drama ends en queue de poisson, as the French say, comes to naught, speaking in Russian. Observation 1892 12 2 7.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Fish: Wiktionary has an entry for “fish” Pisces (lat. Pisces) superclass of aquatic ... Wikipedia

    Thieves' jargon (it would be more correct to call this phenomenon "argo") is a social dialect (sociolect) that developed among declassed elements of society, as a rule, criminals. It is a system of terms and expressions designed initially... ... Wikipedia

    Domino is one of the ancient games on the planet. At least once, each of us played it, trying to put together a “fish” from fancy chips. For a fun evening, you will need twenty-eight special dice that players will eventually use to make doubles.

    There are several ways to play dominoes.

    Some of them will be relatively simple, which will allow you to use it as evening entertainment with children. Others are designed to test the nerves and mental strength of players.
    One of the oldest games on the planet

    History of appearance


    For little lovers of this ancient oriental game sets with pictures, letters and numbers have been released. By playing children's dominoes, your child will be able to develop memory skills, logical thinking and learn numerals and the alphabet.

    Types and features of dice and chips

    Domino dice come in numerous shapes and colors. How many dominoes are in the set determines the type of tiles chosen. Initially, stones and bones were used as materials, but nowadays they are made from any raw material, including plastic and glass.

    How many Domino chips should there be:

    • The classic set contains twenty-four rectangular tiles
    • Chinese dominoes include thirty-two stones in a set
    • In the Trimino set you will find fifty-six dominoes
    • The square set contains one hundred and twenty-five tetrahedral tiles.

    Domino terms

    In the game Goat you will find unusual words for people who have never played the ancient Chinese entertainment:

    • A double is any die that has equal numbers on both ends.
    • Fish in dominoes- the last chip in a line, which cannot be continued by any player with cards in his hands. If the participant managed to place it, he must put the last bone in place and then everyone shouts “fish”.
