What to download for the hunter diablo 3. Guide to the Demon Hunter: what you need to know. Ranged weapon

This guide will not include detailed descriptions game quests, story or plot. There won't be tons of text about all class skills. Instead, I'll try to talk about the intricacies of playing for Demon Hunter (hereinafter simply DH), which will lead you to the heights of the Silver Spire on Inferno difficulty. This guide is focused on softcore mode.

Part 1. Features of the class

DH is a specific class, not at all like all the others. If you are used to playing in the "hold down the button and see what happens next" style, this class is clearly not for you. DH is very demanding on control skills - you constantly have to perform 150-200 actions per minute to successful game... Heaven for Starcrafters, hell for casuals.

The main tactic of playing for DH is "hit'n'run" (hit and run - hit and run). We find the monster, shoot at it, step back, shoot again. When hatred ends (an analogue of manna from other RPG games), we are already shooting with the primary skill held down. And again we move away. Thus, ideally, you will kill any monster without losing health. At all. Of course, if for you the words ICCup and WCG are a set of incomprehensible letters, the first week of the game nothing will work, and you will again and again contemplate the sign “You have died”. But after…

The style of play DH is a mix of Assassin and Amazon from Diablo 2, Hunter and Rogue from World of Warcraft. The main idea is the same. In the first place - tactics and thinking through actions, in the second - killing the enemy at a time when he does not expect it. Everything is as usual. The only innovation is the appearance of a third hero resource - Discipline, which is spent on strategic skills.

Part 2. / dnd solo

Diablo 3 is basically a single game. If you don't have well-trained friends who understand their place in the group perfectly, playing solo is a much better option than playing in a party. This is especially noticeable in the case of DH.

Public games? Forget it! DH is a prominent solo boss runner - a class for fast passage (rush) and boss races (mf-runs). Skills Vault and Smoke Screen in conjunction with passives Tactical Advantage, Hot Pursuit and Perfectionist give us an unprecedented superiority in speed compared to all sorts of barbs and sorcerers. Being a ranged class, DH can deal with any bosses with ease, even with the worst equipment.

Thus, our companions - Templar or Enchantress - will give us much more help than the random passers-by of Sanctuary, controlled by real people.

Part 3. Characteristics

I am sure you have already read on the forums the controversy that Diablo 3 made it much easier than Diablo 2. Actually, there is no controversy and no - it's a fact. You don't have to think - is it worth pumping a block, how many points to invest in strength, whether to make a full vita build, how much dexterity is optimal, how much fhr is needed, what are the ias thresholds, how to calculate the speed of setting traps, which skills to max out, and which to pump from one point ... I'm just getting started.

There is none of this in D3. By level 60, you will have exactly the same DH as millions of other players. The same stats, the same skills. The only difference is what skills you put on the hot buttons and what clothes you wear.

It's even easier to choose clothes. DH is interested in things with:
a) Dexterity- gives a serious increase to damage and evasion
b) Armor- protects us from enemy attacks, reducing their strength
v) Resistance- resistance to specific types of damage
G) Vitality- the main source of life, except for the "+ life%" parameter
e) Attack Speed ​​Increased- the speed of attack and casting spells. Yes, fcr is no longer there either, there is only one ias left.

Everything. The bigger, the better. If in Diablo 2 we had to select things, focusing on the requirements of characteristics (156 str, 115 dex), then in Diablo 3 you can wear whatever you want, there are no stat requirements as a type. Also missing maximum amount resistances (all res), which are now measured in units, and not in percent, and, practically, have no boundaries.

The rest of the stats are not so interesting to us. This is a power that slightly increases defense; intelligence, which gives a very small increase in resistance. Characteristics, to put it mildly, are not a priority.

Part 4. Weapons

DH has several options for things that you can hold in your hands at the same time:

a) One-handed crossbow (1h xbow) and shield - less damage, more defense, choice for hardcore (hc). So far, we, the softcore people, are not interested in this. In the process of development of the game, with the appearance of the best things at the auction, this build may become the main one. But not now.

b) Two hand crossbows (dual xbows) - an option for the Natalya set, which looks very unattractive in the first patches of the game (1.01, 1.02). Dual xbows are the choice of aesthetes. In practice, this option loses to two-handed weapons in terms of quality / price.

c) Bow or Crossbow. Quiver of arrows included. The choice is not obvious. The bow grants a larger ias, which allows for faster Vault execution, quicker fire, and quicker retreat. While a crossbow with a lower attack speed consumes hatred more efficiently, and this is the release of an extra Companion.Bat skill. But the main difference is the advantage of using the crossbow in hit and run.

For example: there is a bow and a crossbow with the same dps, but different attack speeds - 1.6 and 1.1, respectively. We fire 160 bow arrows and 110 crossbow arrows to deal equal damage. The difference is 50 arrows - and there is a time advantage. While bow-DH shoots an extra 50 times, xbow-DH uses this time for maneuvers (the same micro-control, see part 1 of the guide).

I am sure that as the game develops, opinions will change many times. So far, there is only one conclusion - use something from which you will have higher damage. If you find a good bow, wear a bow. Buy a cheap crossbow - put it on and be happy.

Part 5. Satellites

Followers are the same yardstick from Diablo 2. The choice is not easy. There is a templar that grants hatred regeneration, healing and - most importantly - stun. There is enchantress, which gives a noticeable increase to armor. Scoundrel has not yet revealed its potential, we are waiting for new patches.

Personally, I prefer templar. He saved me more than once in the 4th act of inferno. In addition to an excellent stun, he always plays the role of a tank, so needed by the ranged class. When we play with the templar, most of the enemy arrows fly at it. When with a magic - arrows fly at us.

Of course, the choice is strongly influenced by clothing (well, how can we do without it). My templar successfully survives in the second act, when I make mf-wounds on zoltan + belial. The templar of my friend DH dies in the very first encounter with unique monsters in act 1, although our game resources are approximately equal. Companions, like regular tanks like the barb, also need armor, resistance and vitality. It will be great if you find things with “Chance to Stun” affixes - followers should not damage, they should help to survive.

Part 6. NPC and Auction

The jeweler and the blacksmith are a couple of extortionists for gold. Such gopniks offering to "buy a brick". No, these NPCs are useful to pump if there are good schemes for crafting and a bunch of unnecessary gold. But in the first month of the game, this gold is much more profitable to buy things at the auction. If it works, of course. And if there is no error 37.

Note: horror, it feels like I'm writing a guide for playing on pirate server, not for official game with 8 million players ... but the fact remains that the game is often difficult to get into. In case of error 37, I advise you to copy the password from the account to the clipboard and paste it into the login form until they pass it.

The auction is our everything. Diablo is a trading game. You can play without it, but it's like buying a Full HD TV with a satellite dish with 1000 channels, and watching exclusively the "first national".

In the current patch 1.02, the auction is terribly inconvenient, but where better trade on sites like d2jsp.

You need to buy everything. In the process of the first passage, you will not have much gold, so I recommend buying weapons first (every 4-5 levels), and only then the rest of the equipment.

Do not neglect magical things - they can be much more useful and cheaper than rare counterparts. Legendary items are currently, in general, much inferior to their yellow counterparts. Sets give meager bonuses. In general, there is only one advice - look at the numbers, not at the color. Naturally, this is not just about DH.

Note: after level 40, look for items with reduces level reqs. Few know this "secret" that allows you to get incomparably higher dps at low levels. The problem is that these items are not included in the standard ranking of the auction levels. So, for example, if there is a bow with 900 dps that initially has 60 level, but has the affix reduces level reqs -10, then you will not find this bow in the list of items at your 50 level. Therefore, in the auction search parameters, you need to set the level 60-60 and the affix.

You can write about how to trade at an auction for years. There are a huge number of tactics and ways to get rich. Many ways self-serving players try to sell to newbies. Don't be tempted! Whatever schemes are, without real experience of playing and trading, they will not bring you billions. For example, I, with six years of experience in active trading on d2jsp, can hardly make even one million an hour by doing resale. In addition, banal luck has a big impact. If, besides you, the auction is monitored by another hundred of the same "snipers", and newbies exhibit good things for 100k, but once a day, you have little chance of success.

Play, trade, gain experience.

Part 7. Technical

DH has a lot of interesting skills, but the skills of the Hunting group are the main ones. I often use Vault + Preparation + Companion right away. Therefore, the main advice: before playing, go to the settings, find the Elective mode checkbox, and turn it on. Without this, you will not be able to use several skills from the same group by default.

DH is very quickly consuming hatred, and often you have to replenish it with your primary skill by holding down the Shift key. On inferno this skill often turns out to be Hungering Arrow, which is also a homing arrow, which means it can be used more often than the same Elemental Arrow. Therefore, with an active hit-and-run, it makes sense to reassign the primary skill to right button mouse, and secondary to the left. It becomes much easier for some players to control the character this way.

I advise you to turn on the display of the enemy health bar in the settings - so it will be much easier for you to find enemies among the riot of special effects and pony-level colors. There you can also turn on the display of numbers when dealing critical damage - so we can observe how effectively the Sharpshooter skill works and whether it makes sense to use Night Stalker (from personal experience- no, so far this skill is second-rate).

Part 8. Pumping

You can bring a character to level 60 in 6 hours. This method involves the help of two or three more, already pumped and well-dressed, friends. The action is simple - a quest is selected, which is quickly completed and for which a stable amount of experience (xp, exp) is given, and is performed by the pumped characters until this very experience is obtained. The character to be pumped only has time to enter the games of "steam locomotives", complete quests (usually speaking with the NPC) and get levels.

On this moment used by quest Black Soulstone with killing Zoltan and gaining experience from Adria. I think that in the near future the developers will fix this (as they have already fixed the pumping on Azmodan), and a new quest will be chosen.

Still, I'm sure most players pump their characters themselves. For them, the following is written.

There is no point in describing the passage of the game on the difficulties normal, nightmare and hell. The task is one - to go and kill everyone you meet. And you will go and kill, there will be no serious tests before inferno. Nevertheless, it will be useful for beginners to find out which skills are best to use at what time of pumping.

At the very beginning of the game, DH confuses us a little - the main damage dealer class has no AoE skill (area of ​​effect). Therefore, crowds of zombies will fall under the arrows of the Hungering Arrow (HA) - a homing arrow with the ability to penetrate (pier). HA is often compared to Guided Arrow from Diablo 2, but in the initial Diablo 3 this skill serves a very different function - the function of clearing crowds. We choose the rune Puncturing Arrow, which gives an additional chance to the pier.

We finish off unique monsters with the help of Impale, the first rune of which also gives a stun.

Only using these two skills, we can easily pass Leoric, Butcher, and the entire second act.

Do not kill all "white" (non-unique) monsters. Run them. After killing a hundred monsters in the first locations, you will receive as much experience as you get for killing twenty in later maps. Ideally, you should choose the skills Vault and Tactical Advantage and run through all monsters, except for quest ones.

Thus, without straining, you can go through all 4 acts of the normal in 4 hours. On hardcore, with a detailed study of the plot and game world- for 6. Perhaps faster, these figures are taken from my personal experience of high-speed passage without preparation. But don’t be discouraged if you don’t invest in 10 hours, for the first time it’s okay.

The assassination tactics for Butcher, Belial, Azmodan and Diablo are the same for all difficulty levels. I will describe it further in the Inferno section. To inferno, you can mock poor bosses as you like - they will still die, no matter what wrong tactics you choose. The main thing is to go to the auction more often and spend the gold that you are given for quests. Parameters required for purchase: Dexterity, Vitality - at least 30 units for each piece of armor. Two-handed weapon with the highest possible dps - as far as finances allow.

At level 15, try to buy a soceted helmet and insert a ruby ​​into it (buy a higher quality. For example, Square costs only 800 gold today). This will give a nice boost to the experience gained.

At level 18, you will unlock an excellent rune - Twin Chakrams. This is a truly impressive AoE spell that clears monsters half the screen. The main thing is to have enough hatred. To replenish it, the most effective skill is Entangling Shot with the Chain Gang rune.

The tactics are extremely simple - you find a crowd of monsters, shoot an Entangling Shot, which slows down enemies and cover the entire field of Chakrams.

Level 22 will delight you with the Tinkerer rune of the Grenades skill. Please note - in just one grenade shot, you generate as many as 6 hatred units. It's a lot.

It is more profitable to go to level 24 to Elemental Arrow, the Ball Lighting rune. This is an imba skill, which, I think, will be degraded (nerfed) in subsequent patches - the radius of lightning emanating from a ball that flies through enemies is too large. When I saw this skill, I immediately gave it a name - orb - which later became firmly established in the Diablo 3 community. This is really the same Frozen Orb from Diablo 2, with the only difference - the orb does not explode through half the screen.

Ball Lighting you will use right up to level 59, when Nether Tentacles appears - a rune of the same skill Elemental Arrow, which gives the most effective damage. Not in numbers - in numbers, the damage should be higher for Rapid Fire. On practice. The thing is that Nether Tentacles, from the point of view of the Diablo 3 program, is a huge ball that passes through monsters several times. Therefore, the bosses in current patches are killed exclusively by "tentacles".

Normal is usually done at 28-31 levels. Do not relax, consider that you just installed the game and completed the first tutorial mission.

To survive on nightmare, we will need to visit the auction more often. The armor should already contain 50-100 dexterity, 30-50 vitality and have sockets - holes into which we insert Emeralds on softcore, Amethysts on hardcore. There are sockets: for helmets (1 piece), amulets (1), rings (1), pants (2), weapons (1), shields (1), and most importantly - for chest armor - up to three pieces. By inserting high (9+) level stones into the holes, we get a huge increase in damage / life. Unfortunately, while in the game you cannot make holes in objects yourself. An analogue of Larzuk's quest, I am sure, will be in the next patches.

Now we are actively using the infamous Smoke Screen skill with the Lingering Fog rune at each collision with a dangerous bunch of monsters (we go into invisibility, thereby removing aggro from ourselves - and the mobs switch their attention to the templar). When the discipline ends, cast Preparation. At level 35, he also acquires the Battle Scars rune, which replenishes life by 60% - our main "healer".

For the remaining buttons, we define the Bat companion (hatred is never superfluous) and the Vault with the Tumble rune - all the same for quickly moving around the locations.

From passives we choose Tactical Advantage (speed), Archery (damage) and Steady Aim, which we will later change to Sharpshooter. In terms of passive skills, DH is extremely simple.

If you have problems with Belial, go to the auction and buy a bow with a 150+ vitality affix. This will give a huge influx of life, from which the duel with the boss will turn into a farce.

Azmodan already starts killing with one hit (one shot, one-shot) fireball- dodge, run back, it's simple.

Rakanoth can also one-shot if you ignore the auction for long enough. You will need 10k life to fight him.

It makes no sense to fight Diablo up to level 50 - you simply won't be allowed on Hell.

After completing Nightmare, the Hell difficulty will unlock. Excellent, you can assume that you have almost completed the training.

At level 47, the Justice is Served rune of the Entangling Shot skill will open. Slow down enemies and get as many as 6 hatred - great! Secondary Skill remains the same - Ball Lighting. With this A1 set, hell is easy.

In A2-A3 Hell, problems can occur in dungeons. It's time for the Perfectionist passive, allowing you to run through difficult areas under the Smoke Screen and Vault while casting Preparation.

In the fourth act of Hell, it will already be much more difficult. The resulting gold will not be enough to buy good items that allow you to survive. However, up to level 60 we are locked in Hell, so we change the current quests to kill Azmodan and start swinging, at the same time getting good items (drop, loot). We sell bad magic items to NPCs, yellow ones - we take them apart from the blacksmith and sell the ingredients at the auction. We immediately send good ones for sale. So we have to save money for items with 100+ dexterity, 50+ vitality, 30+ resistance, 100+ armor. It is not necessary to have all these affixes on all subjects, two or three per unit is enough. Weapons of 50-55 levels are easily bought for little money with 400-600 dps. By level 60, you need to strive for 900+. After that we easily kill Diablo on Hell-e and finally start the game.

Part 9. Inferno. Skills

So here we go.

At level 50, the passive skill Tactical Advantage can be favorably replaced by Sharpshooter, which gives a good increase in damage. The damage in the character window with Sharpshooter is, of course, shown incorrectly. This is just the first shot damage (with a 100% chance of critical damage). However, this skill is the main one along with Archery. Stedy Aim can be replaced with Tactical Advantage, especially for MF runs on Butcher, where speed matters.

The main skills are Hungering Arrow with the Devouring Arrow rune, which allows you not only to recruit hatred, but also to bite normal (white) monsters. Elemental Arrow with the rune Nether Tentacles is the undisputed leader of the hit parade "the better to kill unique and bosses."

Smoke Screen with Lingering Fog and Preparation with Battle Scars are the two main skills found in any build. Even now, after the SS nerf, this link is irreplaceable. Go invisible at the slightest danger. Use Preparation as soon as the discipline goes down.

The remaining two slots for skills are the "variety" and "customization" promised by Blizzard. Here you can use:
Vault.Tumbe + Companion.Spider / Bat - classic build for Act1.
Vault.Tumble + RainOfVengeance.FlyingStrike - for mf-runs at locations like Warrior's Rest with a bunch of minions.
SpikeTrap.LongFuce + MarkedOfDeath.MortalEnemy - for mf-runs on yellow monsters of act 4 inferno (aspect of ***).
Vault.Tuble + Sentry.SpitfireTurret - for killing bosses that lack good equipment (usually Butcher and Diablo).

For fun play, while parading the unique monsters of Act 2, I use this build:

Note: if your DH is killed with one hit, it makes sense to use the Backup Plan rune in the Preparation skill. This way you will last longer. If you are using a bow instead of a crossbow, it is best to leave a raven companion that will hatred. With a crossbow, there should be no problems with the accumulation of hatred, especially when using Hungering Arrow.

Part 10. Inferno. Equipment

In the first act, the average DH has 30k hp, 15k dps, 2k armor, 100res. This is enough for the Butcher races. Next, you should increase your damage by buying items with 130+ dexterity, + attack speed, + crit.chance. We insert the most expensive Emeralds into the holes of the armor, Amethyst into the helmet, and Emerald into the weapon (critical damage will give a much larger increase in damage than rubies that we could use in the pumping process).

Don't get carried away with MF things. No matter how much MF you collect, Nephalem Valor (Valor) will more than cover all bonuses. Focus on damage - the more you have it, the faster you will kill packs of champions, accumulate valor up to five, and get a good amount of rare / set / legendary loot. Remember, luck is still the deciding factor.

After running on Butcher or goblins, you get bored, and you head to storm a2-a3-a4. I will give below the equipment, which is not difficult to get, but allows a solo without much masochism to clean up the fourth act and approach Diablo:

Natalya's Gaze 80 + dex, 1soc or Andariel Visage 125 + dex, 1soc

125 + dex 45 + vita 55 + res or Vile Ward

110 + dex 70 + vita or Lacuni or Strongarm

Chest Armor:
Natalya's Armor 3soc, preferably with + max discipline

150 + dex 16 + ias xx + fire res

150 + dex 70 + vita 60 + res

110 + dex 50 + vita 50 + res 2soc

170 + dex 70 + res or Boj Anglers

100 + vita, 30 + damage, 15 + ias, 50% + crit.dmg

Natalya’s Mark - no options.

the simplest is 15% ias 70 + dex, sold even by NPCs.

Manticore 200 + dex or any blue bow with 1k + dps

150 + dex 140 + vita 15 + ias 9 + discipline or Dead man's legacy

Thus, you should have: 30 + k hp, 3k + armor, 300 + res, 100k + dps, 40% dodge. The bigger, the better. I collected this equipment in the second week of the game. Now the auction is overwhelmed where best subjects with much better characteristics, so there is no problem to pass the inferno. There is a problem “to survive on inferno in a crowd of monsters”, but so far no person in the world can do it. I'm sure a little time will pass, there will be a good drop, and the inferno will be cleared without problems and one-shots.

Part 11. Inferno. Tactics

Butcher... The main problem of the battle is the so-called "enrage", when the entire floor lights up two minutes later. It is solved by a simple set of dps over 10k.

The tactics are predictable. Butcher attracts to itself a lasso ala Scorpio from Mortal kombat- turn on Smoke Screen. A red stripe emanates from Butcher towards you - we jump to the side and shoot at the boss rushing along this strip. From the chains we dodge / run away / heal ourselves. Run around the burning floor under the Smoke Screen with Tactical Advantage.

If it is very difficult (dps

Belial... Personally, I consider him the main boss in the game due to the difficult passage.

Phase 1. We go to the corner; without reaching a few steps, we put the Sentry. Templar and Companion.Spider hold back nascent snakes with ease. DH stands in the corner and shoots the nearest ones. If you stand in the left corner, at the end of the phase there should be one snake that remains in the right corner without attacking you. Use this - change the spider to + hatred, and wait for the cooldown. Only then kill the snake.

Phase 2. If you already have 70 + k dps, hang a stamp on Belial and shoot him with tentacles without stopping. Move away from the poisonous wave, use Smoke Screen when Belial switches to you. Ideally, you should "hurt" Belial before new snakes appear. If you are playing with someone, you will have to kill snakes - the same tactics as in phase 1. Having 90k + dps, it is really possible to "ferry" newly arrived friends to the inferno.

Phase 3. Stand in the right corner (Belial does not reach there with his “breath.” However, if this is corrected, the situation does not change - the first time I passed Belial without knowing this trick). Run away from puddles and its tentacles, build up discipline for massive storm puddles. Shoot with tentacles during breaks.

It is not simple. But it should work out 30 times.

Azmodan... Whipping boy. Come on, shoot. When he throws a fireball, either jump to the side, or turn on the Smoke Screen. The totems that appear are destroyed with a couple of shots with a homing arrow.

The main difficulty is puddles, which are very damaging and spread quickly. The principle is simple - Smoke Screen + duration, Vault and necessarily (!) Tactical Advantage.

Ikatsu... The complexity is not even in him, but in hundreds of small shadows. Most DHs go through with his running back tactics. Shot with tentacles / multishot, ran back half-screen. He fired again, ran away again. Even for "the best DH in the world" - Athene - in his famous video "Fastest boss kills" it takes a long time. I don't want to upset him, but I killed faster. It is done simply. Sentry, Rain of Vengeance, Mark Of Death. We go to the corner, set the trap a little closer from the corner to the center. When Ikatsu appears, hang up the stamp. RoV helps. And the most important thing. Crowds of small shadows are easy to clean with ... good old Twin Chakrams!

Rakanoth... Mr. One-shot. The problem is his instant teleportation with a blow that takes away all lives. Some people learn to anticipate this blow to the minimap. Some growl. The easiest way is to select the Backup Plan rune from the Preparaion skill and patiently repeat the fight until the trigger goes off at 30% and while a simple dodge goes off. We hang up the stamp, shoot with tentacles, cast Smoke Screen with Preparaion and wait for the random to turn in our direction.

Izual... Yes, the ice wave is one-shot. The point is that before this wave, Izual swears at Tyrael, and we manage to turn on the Smoke Screen. The rest is simple - run in circles and shoot the game. There is a small bug related to finding a path that allows you to kill some half-bosses (Izual, Zoltan Kull) without losing health. The bug is that if there is an obstacle between DH and the enemy, our eccentric AI cannot get around it! So, Zoltan cannot go around the central circle and dies from HA, and Izual - minerals scattered around the perimeter (the easiest way to lure him into a trap is in the lower part). In theory, we can approach the mineral, wait for Izual to come, turn on the Smoke Screen and run back to the opposite part of the obstacle, leaving Izual to fight Tyrael. “Murder without firing a shot” is not an achievement. Undocumented, of course.

Diablo. Main boss games. For now.

Phase 1. We put a sentry, run away from his fiery attacks, turn on the Smoke Screen when he appears at a dangerous distance from us. We shoot it with the help of HA and tentacles. The main thing is not to fall into "bone prisons". It is easy and casual.

Phase 2. We run back in the same way, but with one snag that spoils all the pleasure from the last battle. Shadow Clone. This is your double that suddenly appears and kills you with one shot. Fighting him is simple and at the same time boring - you need to turn on the Smoke Screen before the clone appears. After that, with a banal hit-n-wound, the double is sent to rest. The problem is that the clone does not appear once or twice. Therefore, the success of the entire fight comes down to whether you will be invisible when the double appears or not.

Phase 3. Repetition of the beginning, but with a branded Diablo zipper. If you have passed phases 1 and 2, then even now you will not encounter problems in completing the last part of the battle.

Part 12. Happy End

The game can be completed, but you can always find something else to do. There is a "secret" level with ponies, there are all kinds of competitions "who will reach level 60 faster", PvP will appear in future patches. Diablo 3 has come to us in earnest and for a long time. Have fun!

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P.S. Screenshots

Inferno Leoric Drop

First 60lvl Legendary

Inferno Izual Bug

Inferno diablo shadow clone

Diablo And 100k dps

It will not be difficult for a demon hunter to move a safe distance from approaching demons in the blink of an eye, and continue to shoot them from a safe distance.

The demon hunter uses hatred and concentration as resources. Concentration is gradually restored by itself, but there is also an ability that restores it to you completely. Hatred is used to deal damage, some abilities consume it, and some, on the contrary, restore it.

The Demon Hunter in Diablo 3 is a fast and merciless demon slayer. Below is a guide to the Diablo 3 Demon Hunter.

A new class is coming to wow in Legion. Not surprisingly, this is a demon hunter. By the way, you can follow the link. Delivery will be fast.

The main stats for the Demon Hunter in Diablo 3

1) Agility- This is the main stat for the Diablo 3 Demon Hunter class, it increases the damage done. One point of agility is 1% of base damage.

2) Attack speed- the more there is, the more shots you will have time to inflict before the enemy comes close to you.

3) Critical Damage- this indicator, when a critical effect is triggered, deals increased damage to the enemy.

4) The probability of a critical effect- the more it is, the more often critical damage will be triggered.

5) Maximum concentration reserve- this indicator will increase your base concentration reserve. Initially, it is 30. Concentration is necessary for setting traps, marks that increase damage to the target and jumps, allowing you to quickly move away from the enemy.

6) Vitality and resistance to all types of damage. These indicators are certainly good, but the demon hunter in Diablo 3 is exactly the class that should not allow blows on itself and quickly deal with the enemy causing a lot of damage. If these indicators are a plus to the main characteristics present on things, then they definitely will not be superfluous.

Demon Hunter abilities in Diablo 3

So, as mentioned above, the hunter uses 2 resources for combat - Hatred and Concentration. Below we give exactly the description of the abilities, without data on the damage done from the weapon, since the abilities change very often.

Hatred spending abilities:

  • Dagger throw- the hunter throws a dagger at the enemy.
  • High-speed shooting- very fast series of shots.
  • Chakram- the demon hunter launches a spinning Shakram (shuriken), causing damage to all enemies in the way.
  • Elemental arrow- shot with an arrow of the elements (the element changes depending on the selected rune).
  • Fan of blades- Launches a fan of blades that deals weapon damage to all enemies near you.
  • Spiked Trap - setting a trap in the specified place, which is activated after 1.2 seconds and explodes when the enemy hits it.
  • Shelling- The hunter on the move shoots at the nearest enemies.
  • Volley- fires a volley of arrows hitting all opponents in the area of ​​effect.
  • Explosive arrow- fire an arrow that explodes and then disintegrates into grenades.
  • Downpour of Vengeance- Release a powerful volley of arrows, hitting everyone around, arrows will fall from the sky, for some time, inflicting weapon damage on opponents.

Abilities that restore hatred.

  • Undercover retreat- Attack that deals damage. If the enemy is nearby, then the hunter will bounce back.
  • Homing arrow- a shot with a magic arrow that aims at the enemy and deals weapon damage. With a certain probability, the arrow can slip through and hit an additional enemy.
  • Slow shot- the demon hunter makes a shot with an arrow endowed with dark magic, slowing up to 2 opponents by chaining them.
  • Bola throw- The hunter throws a bola, which, when it hits an enemy, explodes after 1 second, damaging all enemies within a radius of 7 meters.
  • Throwing a grenade- Throw 3 grenades, which, when exploded, will damage opponents.

Focus spending abilities.

  • Somersault- acrobatic jump 35 meters.
  • To the ready- instantly restores all your concentration.
  • Pet- summon a pet that will help you (the pet changes depending on the rune, and each one performs a certain action).
  • Death Mark- the marked enemy takes 12% more damage.
  • Turret- set up a turret on the ground that will attack nearby enemies.
  • Thorns- the hunter sets, spikes, when hitting them, the enemy slows down.

Protective spells (concentration is consumed).

  • Smoke screen- Demon Hunter disappears into a smoke screen and becomes invulnerable.
  • The power of darkness- The hunter draws strength in the darkness, restoring 20% ​​of health from damage done
  • Demon Hunter in Diablo 3 has many passive skills that reduce the consumption of concentration, increase damage and speed up the hunter.

“Fearlessly deal with the hordes of the underworld, and if this is not the case in your case, this diablo 3 guide to the demon hunter will help put everything in its place.

And the first thing you need to understand is that kiting is not right. When you drive mostrov across a location for about a few minutes, for which no less difficulty could go through it all by killing a couple of hundred monsters, you lose both a lot of experience and a lot of gold. Verify this by looking.

Build optimization

Take advantage of Diablo 3's flexible build systems by matching talents to your Demon Hunter in such a way that each one is useful in what you intend to do and in which location to play.

For example, for pumping, there are several popular options and special builds that cope with the task as efficiently as possible - you can get acquainted with them in the article. Here you will also find a universal build not tied to the location, in two versions - for solo and group, the latter is shown in the picture.

With patch 1.0.8, DHs are hit not only from afar, and I want to highlight this new product separately - a melee build of a demon hunter, which allows you to farm experience on CM10 packs quite quickly, even with 130k DPS, however, it requires a particularly tenacious version of equipment, which turns it into a real tank. You can also find out more about this development option at the link above.

Dressing correctly

By the way, about the outfit: by the link you can see - a set of things that ideally can be better than any other clothes. And if you still don’t know that the mechanics of armor are identical to resistance to everything - there you will also find a link about stats specifically for DH.

Don't forget about the satellite

Many players underestimate the role of the companion, and use them only for the sake of a small bonus to damage
and search for items. And all because they never thought about what would happen if you give the spellcaster Maximus, and the villain - Buriz (you can see the result in the video).

Well, you can learn about the features of equipment and other options for interesting weapons from. by the way for the demon hunter From the companions, I recommend taking Lyndon, since he gives the best buff for DPS, and his weapon will allow you to keep monsters longer. However, Eirina is also a good option - she not only gives DPS, but also reduces damage, and maybe even better at high CM.

On this, I consider the demon hunter guide complete, and I advise you to find a suitable path for farming, if you did not find it in the description of a specific build, and enjoy killing monsters. I wish you success, and most importantly - good luck!

Introducing the preliminary changes to the Demon Hunter skills in the new patch for Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. Attention! As you read these changes, keep in mind that this is a very early version of the game and may not be final. In addition, our translation of the names of skills and their descriptions may differ from what will be in the official Russian version of the game.

Also note that if the name of a skill or rune to it is written in English, and the translation is in brackets, then this skill / rune is new and does not have an official translation.

Official Quote ()
Costs: 25 units hate
Unleash a massive volley of arrows that inflict 220 % 330 % weapon damage to all enemies in the area.
Requires Bow
  • Powerful volley: Damage dealt by Volley is increased to 286 % 420 % weapon damage.
  • Heavy fire: Every time the Demon Hunter fires a shot, it generates a shock pulse that inflicts on nearby enemies 200 % 65 % Weapon Damage as Arcane Damage.
  • Arsenal: Each time you use this skill, the Demon Hunter fires 3 projectiles at nearby enemies, each of which deals 200 % 140
  • Shooting at discretion: The cost of hate to use the skill has been reduced to 15 18 ... The damage is dealt as lightning damage.

Fan of blades

Cooldown: 8 sec.

Demon Hunter unleashes a fan of blades that inflict 320 % 500 % Weapon Damage to all enemies within 10 yards.The blades also reduce the movement speed of enemies by 60% for 1 2 sec.

  • Assassin's Blades: Throw long-range blades that inflict 70 % 500 % weapon damage to 5 additional targets.
  • Fan of daggers: The Demon Hunter's blades knock back and stun the enemy for 1.5 seconds. ( Previously not stunned )
  • Pinpoint accuracy (High accuracy): Increase the cooldown to 12 seconds. and the damage increases 2 times up to 1650% of weapon damage
  • Bladed armor (Blade armor): Demon Hunter increases his Armor to 30 % 65 %.
  • Chain: Demon Hunter fires an electrified circuit that lasts 2 sec. inflicts 70 % 80 % additional weapon damage as lightning damage.
  • Head hunter: 6% of the damage dealt by the Demon Hunter is healed accordingly. Slow effect increases to 80% .
  • Gas grenades: Demon Hunter throws grenades one grenade with a poisonous gas that explodes, causing 95 % 160 % Weapon Damage as Poison Damage, and leaves behind a cloud of gas that inflicts an additional 75 % 90 % Weapon Damage per second for 3 sec.
  • Bundle of pomegranates: Throw a bunch of grenades that will detonate 112 % 185 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage within 8 yards.
  • Grenade cache (Stock of pomegranates): Throw a bunch of 5 3 which, exploding, inflict 95 % 160 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage.
  • Two chakrams: The second chakram repeats the actions of the first. Each of them does 130 % 340
  • Boomerang: The chakram flies in a circle and returns to the demon hunter, inflicting all enemies in its path 240 % 400 % Weapon Damage as Lightning Damage.
  • Poisonous zigzag: The chakram slowly zigzags, inflicting all enemies in its path 270 % 500 % Weapon Damage as Poison Damage.
  • Razor Disk (Sharpened disc): The chakram moves in a spiral from a specified point and inflicts 220 % 340 % Weapon Damage as Arcane Damage to all enemies in its path.
  • Shuriken cloud: When using this skill, the demon hunter is around for 120 seconds. chakrams rotate, inflicting on nearby opponents 50 % 200 % Weapon Damage as Physical Damage per second

Explosive arrow

Costs: 40 units hate

Demon Hunter fires a special arrow that explodes and deals 300 % 550 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage, then explode into grenades that deal 135 % 220 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage.

Requires Bow

  • Fully armed: Weapon damage of Explosive Arrow increases to 405 % 770 %. Damage dealt is considered fire damage.
  • Starfall: Instead of grenades, the arrow fires 3 projectiles, each of which deals nearby enemies 300 % 400 % weapon damage as Physical.
  • Explosive bombs: Demon Hunter tosses a bunch of bombs into the air that fall in a straight line, each of which inflicts 280 % 800 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage.
  • Maelstrom: The Demon Hunter fires an arrow that does not fire grenades, but 5 Shadow energy bolts, inflicting on nearby enemies 225 % 220 % Weapon Damage as Physical. Demon Hunter's health is restored at the rate of 1% of the damage dealt.
  • Shining arrow: Enemies hit by the grenades have a 75% chance to be stunned for 2 seconds. / Cluster Arrow "s damage turns into Lightning. (Damage changed from Physical)
  • Mortal enemy: Attacks made by you or your allies to the marked target restore resources: Demon Hunter - 3 units. hatred, Barbarian - 2 units. rage, Crusader - 2 pts. anger, Monk - 3 units. spirit, Sorcerer - 16 33 units mana, Sorcerer - 4 units. magical energy.


Costs: 30 units hate

Cooldown: 6 sec.

Place a turret on the ground that attacks nearby enemies and inflicts 175 % 240 % weapon damage. Duration: 30 sec. The Demon Hunter can place up to 2 turrets at the same time.

  • Chain of Torment: A chain forms between the Demon Hunter and the Turret, inflicting 125 % 280 % weapon damage per second to each enemy it touches.
  • Homing missiles: The turret also fires homing missiles at random nearby targets, dealing 30 % 100 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage.
  • First aid: Nearby allies restore 2 % 1 % of your maximum health per second.
  • Healing couples: Demon Hunter while invisible restores 10 % 15 % health
  • Special remedy: The skill no longer costs concentration, but the cooldown is increased to 14 12 sec.
  • Shift: When using the skill, the Demon Hunter's movement speed is increased by 60%.
  • Night curse: Slows enemies within 30 yards by 60 % 80 % on 3 5 sec.
  • Dusk: When using the Power of Darkness skill, all damage taken by the Demon Hunter is reduced by 25 % 15 %.
  • Bloody moon: The amount of health that the Demon Hunter heals up to 1239 3303 .
  • Shade (Shadow): Unleash a massive volley of arrows that hit everything around you. Arrows fall from the sky over 5 seconds. and inflict 3600% weapon damage to all enemies in the area. (Skill renamed, former name Shadow bombs: Demon Hunter summons 20 Shadows to drop bombs on nearby enemies, each dealing 245% weapon damage.)
  • Dark cloud: A volley of arrows hits enemies, dealing 792 % 4000 % Weapon Damage for the next 12 8 sec.
  • Anathema: Demon Hunter summons a Shadow that will 15 8 sec. drops grenades from the sky that inflict 3300 % 6000 % weapon damage.
  • Air strike: From the sky, 8 shadows dive into the designated area, causing 100 % 480 % damage from weapons and stun enemies for 2 sec.
  • Dark flock: Demon Hunter summons 10 Shadows that sweep over the ground, knocking down enemies and inflicting 120 % 520 % weapon damage.
  • Frost arrow: Demon Hunter fires a frost arrow, which, after hitting the target, disintegrates into several more arrows and inflicts 170 % 330 % Weapon Damage as Cold Damage. Affected enemies have their movement speed reduced by 60% for 1 sec.
  • Ball lightning: Fires a slow arrow that shocks and shoots all enemies in its path with electricity. 155 % 300 % Weapon Damage as Lightning Damage
  • Wailing Skull: Releases a burning skull that deals 155 % 300 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage and a 40% chance Demon Hunter will scare hit targets for 1 1,5 sec.
  • Void tentacles: Void tentacles inflict on all enemies in their path 155 % 300 % weapon damage. In addition, Demon Hunter restores 0.2 % 0.4 % of maximum health for each enemy hit.
  • Lightning: Demon Hunter fires an electrically charged arrow that deals 155 % 300 % Weapon Damage as Lightning Damage and stuns foes for 1,5 1 sec. when dealing critical damage.
  • Bombardment: Demon Hunter throws grenades that deal 745 % 837 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage to all enemies within 11 yards.
  • Battle scars: Standing at the ready, the Demon Hunter also replenishes 60 % 35 % health.
  • Hit: Dagger Throw knocks the enemy back and has a chance 65 % 40 % can stun him for 1.5 seconds.
  • Severe wounds: The critical damage dealt by this skill is increased by 100 % 130 %.
  • Undermining: The Demon Hunter throws bouncing grenades that explode, dealing 240 % 290 % Weapon Damage to all targets within 9m.
  • Flame trail: Demon Hunter leaves a trail of fire for 2 sec. damaging 160 % 80 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage.
  • Fire storm: In addition to normal shots, the Demon Hunter also fires homing projectiles that deal 140 % 90 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage.
  • Sharp steel: Demon Hunter does not shoot, but throws knives, which additionally inflict 100 % 130 % damage if the attack had a critical effect.

Vengeance is mine(I'll take revenge)

Cooldown: 90 sec.
Demon Hunter transforms into physical form of Revenge for 15 seconds.

  • Side guns(Side guns): When you activate the skill, you get on the additional weapon on the left and right 4 additional weapons , each of which inflicts penetrating damage equal to 100% weapon damage.
  • Homing rockets(Homing missiles): Demon Hunter releases 4 rockets that automatically fire at nearby enemies, inflicting 75 % 50 % weapon damage.
  • From the shadows(Out of the dark): Summon allies from the darkness that attack your foes and stun them for 2 seconds.
  • Training drone(Training Drone) : The mechanical contraption revolves around you, causing 150 % 460 % weapon damage per second.
  • Stimulants(Stimulants): You are being treated for 10 % 6 % per second of your maximum health.
  • Seethe (Lose temper): You restore 25 pts. Hate per second.
