What you need to do in Minecraft to... Walkthrough of Minecraft - Installation, configuration and first day. Build a boat and set sail

Have you been looking for something to do in Minecraft? Well, you've come to the right place! What you will need:

  • A game Minecraft
  • Free time

1. Blow up everything with dynamite

It doesn't matter if you play free mode or story-wise - blowing things up with dynamite is always fun!

2. Build a boat and set sail

Whether you want to play a pirate or just need to get to the next island, doing it with a boat you built yourself is always fun. You never know what you can find at the bottom of the sea!

3. Build a cobblestone and stone generator

If you need a huge amount of stones, this is the most The best way get them.

4. Build a city

Building a city is not that fast, especially if you want to make it well-equipped, but no one has yet invented a better way to kill time!

5. Construct buildings from real life

It's always great to recreate something that actually exists: monuments, buildings and other nonsense. This is truly a great way to show everyone what you are worth, because building a building from real world requires remarkable skills and abilities.

6. Collect a complete collection of crystals (64 pieces)

Crystals are always useful in the household, and it is better to have a surplus than a shortage.

7. Kill every creature at least once

It may not be very useful, but the challenge is still the same - find every creature and kill it!

8. Unlock all achievements!

Wherever you play - XBox, PC, Playstation, on a tablet or even on a Smartphone, it doesn't matter, there are always many goals to achieve!

9. Build a sky-high tower.

There are not many reasons why you would want to build a skyscraper, but there should be enough: you can look at your world from a bird's eye view, estimate how much more space you have at your disposal, or even build a city in the sky!

10. Build an animal farm

Animal farms are very useful - you can breed animals and collect animal products, which will give you a lot of wool and other cool things.

11. Kill the Ender Dragon

If you want to feel like you've achieved at least something in Minecraft, then try killing the Ender Dragon. Once you kill him, you can confidently say that you have done one of the hardest things in Minecraft!

12. Create all possible wooden devices

Creating everything you can out of wood is a great way to save resources, because in this way you will have a constant supply of wood - after all, you will grow trees almost non-stop, but you will never use them.

13. Create all possible stone devices

Same thing - and don't forget that if you have a cobblestone and stone generator, then mining the stone will become even easier.

14. Create all possible iron devices

Creating everything you can out of iron is very useful, because iron tools are famous for their service life, and you can dig mines with them!

15. Create all possible devices from gold

Gold devices are useful if you want to extract resources faster, but you need to save them for the time being, because they wear out very quickly.

16. Create every possible gadget out of diamonds

Diamond weapons are the best thing you can create in Minecraft. They last a long time and extract resources very quickly!

17. Build a Creature Crusher

Having a Creature Crusher is always a great thing to have, as it is a huge benefit when it comes to resources. For example, if you build a Skeleton Crusher, you can get an unlimited supply of bones, which can be ground into bone meal, which in turn can be used as fertilizer for trees.

Also you can use bones to train wolves :)

18. Build roller coaster

Building a roller coaster is always fun because you have no idea what you might find while you're building it. Well, when the slide is ready, you can show off in front of your friends who don’t have one!

19. Build a tree house

Tree houses are cool because with their help you can easily keep track of your enemies!

20. Find the NPC village

Searching for non-game villages always brings pleasure and benefit, because once you find one, you can easily steal all their resources or make the village the foundation for a huge city!

21. Go fishing

Fishing is always useful, because you need food for resources and for basic health replenishment! And in general it’s fun, so you combine business with pleasure.

22. Build a house differently using the same blocks

This idea may not be all that useful, but it will definitely be fun if you're already bored catching flies!

23. Build your dream home

If you have a rough idea of ​​what your dream home should look like, build it in Minecraft first! In this case, you can change the details and various building elements until the moment when your ideal home appears in front of you.

24. Build your own subway

The underground train system is a great way to get around quickly. For example, if you have several cities and you need to get from one to another, the metro will help you!

25. Plant a tree in the Nether

One tree now, 100 later. Sooner or later Lower world it will look much brighter :)

26. Play an adventure/puzzle map

This can give you pleasure, because the tasks require a certain skill, and besides, coping with them is not always easy!

27. Recreate a scene from your favorite movie and upload it to YouTube!

It may not be that easy, but when you do, you can upload the video to YouTube and show off for the world to see!

28. Hunt at night. WITHOUT weapons

It's a lot of fun... and dangerous. Yes, this requires skills: think for yourself what it’s like to defend yourself from creepers and skeletons without weapons - they have a bow and arrows, and you have bare hands!

29. Take a ride on a pig - who knows where it will take you?

Pigs stick their curious noses into every corner, so if you need to get somewhere or find something interesting, or just go to an unknown place, sit on a pig and ride for at least half an hour - take a look at where it takes you will abandon it! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

30. Dig right under yourself

Digging directly under yourself is the first action that you cannot do, because everything can end with you falling into the abyss or into lava - depending on your luck. However, sometimes this is a good thing because you might be lucky enough to find a cave or dig up something even more special!

31. Open the mine!

Mines are a great way to extract resources - iron, gold and diamonds.

32. Start a food farm

Opening a food farm will bring many benefits: you will have an unlimited supply of melons, carrots and other products.

33. Tame a wolf

Wolves are great to keep as pets because they help you scare away creatures like zombies and skeletons!

34. Gather an entire army of wolves!

What could be better than one wolf? A hundred wolves! When you have so many predators, whoever comes near your city will face the worst day of their life!

35. Build an underground headquarters

This is a cool idea because if you're on a multiplayer server, it'll be much harder for other players to find you unless they see a tag with your name on it, so go really, VERY deep underground!

36. Build a boat dock

Where else to keep boats if not at the docks? Whenever you want to sail overseas, you can easily board a ready-made transport. This is much better than building a new one every time.

37. Start a forest fire

A forest fire is a great way to quickly clear an area or just have fun!

38. Build an underground tree farm

Doesn't it piss you off when you need a bed and you go outside to get some wood and end up getting hurt or even killed? Well, if you decide to grow trees underground, you won't be risking your own life... As long as you have good lighting, of course!

39. Have a staring game with a character

Yes, it's fun, but it's also challenging at the same time, so be careful!

40. Build a water slide

Just like an American one, building a water slide is fun because you never know what you'll stumble upon while building it. When it's finished, you'll have something to show off to your friends!

41. Build a pixel art piece

This is another way to show everyone what you can do and just create something fun and funny!

42. Build a secret room

The good thing about secret rooms is that you can hide things that are valuable to you there.

43. Record music

Recording music is always fun, whether you're creating a full song or just a doorbell ringtone. Yes, it may be difficult, but it is very useful!

44. Make a snow golem

Snow golems make great bodyguards because they throw snowballs at your enemies!

45. Make an ARMY of snow golems!

Having gathered an entire army of these giants, you will be invulnerable and will be able to turn any animal into a snow animal!

46. ​​Paint the sheep

Painting sheep can be very useful, for example, if you need pixel art and need some unusual color.

47. Enchant something

Enchanted weapons are much more effective than regular ones, especially if they are made of diamonds!

48. Download and install some mod

Mods are really fun because they add a lot of different activities and things that can be useful to Minecraft.

49. Play hunger games

The Hunger Games is one of the coolest mods, because the thinnest one wins!

50. Build a volcano

Volcanoes look great in the background of any of your villages. You can even create an entire volcano island!

51. Build an underwater headquarters

The underwater headquarters is also perfect for those who play multiplayer and want to hide from other players.

52. Build a spaceship

If you have nothing else to build, think about building a spaceship! You can even compete with your friends and see who can build the fastest ship!

53. Use a texture pack

Texture packs are another way to decorate your game.

54. Build a headquarters in the sky

If the Multiplayer players you encounter don't look up, they'll never find your sky headquarters!

55. Carry out a massacre

Massacre is a great way to earn experience!

This is quite easy, because all you have to do is find the creature, bring them to your headquarters and trap them.

57. Capture at least 10 zombies, jump towards them and try to survive!

Yes, this is a difficult task, but nothing is impossible, right? If you tried this and it worked, please post the video on YouTube and leave the link in the comments!

58. Arrange the launch of a cannon... man

Using a person as a cannonball is a great way to get around, as you can reach any height and distance if you have enough dynamite!

59. Collect an entire set of armor from leather, gold, chains, iron and diamonds

Each set of armor has a different shelf life and protective properties, so you will be better off using weaker armor on weaker creatures - and vice versa.

60. Build a stadium for gladiator fights

Building a gladiator stadium is a very cool idea, because you can organize games on it where your friends will fight with whole clouds of mobs!

61. Go down to the stadium yourself and participate

By the way, there are special mods to make this task easier.

62. Record a video

Recording a video and posting it on YouTube is the best way to show everyone what you have achieved in Minecraft.

63. Build a domino effect in the sand

The domino effect looks really cool! Making a perfect row of dominoes is a very difficult task that requires a lot of skill, but it's worth it!

64. Build a working Redstone TV and watch it

It may not look like a normal television, but think about what you can't build!

65. Have a building competition with your friends

This can definitely be fun. One of your friends can be a judge, the other two build the same building, and then the judge decides who did better! The only thing to remember is that the judge should not know whose house is in front of him.

66. Make a whole comic out of pixel art

I've never seen anyone do this, but it's a good idea, right? Make your own comic or recreate something you love.

67. Create everything you can at least once.

This is very useful because you never know what you will need in the future!

68. Get very close to the creeper, and then run away without losing a single unit of health

This is much harder than you think, because the range of destruction of creepers is wow!

69. Create a game map yourself

Yes, creating your own map will take a lot of time, but there you can let your imagination run wild, and then give your friends the opportunity to play on this map and see if they can handle it?

70. Play capture the flag

Capture the Flag is a game mode from Call Of Duty, but why not play it in Minecraft?

71. Host your own fireworks show and invite all your friends!

Depending on how many fireworks you need, this will take a long time, but once you've got everything set up, you can just sit back and enjoy!

72. Breed at least 50 wolves, and then hit one...

Oh, this is a tough test, good luck! Use anything except dynamite.

73. Change your skin

A different skin will help you stand out from other players.

74. Try shooting a bow while spinning in place.

In fact, it is very difficult, because it is impossible to aim, and your target is never in one place.

75. Find a mine shaft

You can find a lot of useful things in the mine shaft, from bread to diamond tools.

76. Find a temple in the jungle

The jungle temples are as rich a deposit as the mines, and there are many diamonds and emeralds here.

77. Find all biomes

When you do this, you will gain a huge advantage, because each biome has something interesting that you have not seen before. Temples can be found in jungle biomes, oak trees can be found in ice, and emeralds can be found in high hills! According to Wikipedia, there are about 61 different types of biomes in the game.

78. Build a Streltsy row

Streltsy ranks help you not only improve your skill, but also find a new way to fight skeletons or an enemy player in multiplayer.

79. Build a 50 by 50 castle with three (at least) floors

Building castles is always fun, but what if you play a little game? role-playing game and fight with a friend? Why are three floors needed? Simply so that you can show your imagination!

80. Throw eggs at chickens

Why not? It's funny to watch chickens run away from their own eggs ;)

81. Build an amusement park

What to build in Minecraft? Previously, I wrote about how you can build several slides. Why not the whole park at once?

82. Build a lighthouse (without using mods)

Beacons are good at pointing to your home when you're at a long distance, so I'd suggest building one ASAP!

83. Run around

Running is cool! I usually just run forward until I find something interesting or a place to build a house.

84. Build an elevator

What better way to get to tree houses and sky headquarters than by elevator?

85. Join the server

When you're bored, it's always interesting to join a server because it's a new atmosphere and environment that you can explore, and maybe play with others - it all depends on the server you end up on.

86. Try to break as many Minecraft records as possible at recordsetter.com

This site has many world records that you are encouraged to break. Good luck!

87. Build a museum and display everything you find in the game

Above I talked about creating everything you can in the game, so why not show it off to everyone else?

88. Build a dive board out of indigenous materials, jump into a 2 by 2 hole that is at least 5 blocks deep, and try to survive!

It will be very difficult, because during the fall you will be constantly moving.

89. Try to recreate an entire episode from your favorite TV series.

This will require a lot of dedication from you, because the episode needs to be recreated second by second. Good luck!

90. Try to recreate an entire movie

It will take you 3-4 times more time to create a film than an episode of a TV series, because they usually last from one and a half to two hours, depending on the film. Good luck!

91. Start your own Minecraft server

When you start your own server, you can play with your friends without any problems. And, by the way, there is nothing complicated about this.

92. Build a monument to yourself

Just to show off.

93. Build a monument to your idol

What better way to show your appreciation to someone than by building their monument in Minecraft? :)

94. Play Walls

Walls are another great one game card!

95. Do griefing

Of course, this is not the best thing to do, but if you are really that bored, and you have nothing against hatred, then go ahead - attack the first server you come across and destroy everything you see. Just don't touch your friends and their villages!

96. Set goals for yourself to achieve.

For example, select a few items from this list and try to complete them as soon as possible.

97. Play Minecraft in Hardcore mode

Hardcore mode is even harder than Survival because you only have one life - see how long you can stay alive. GOOD LUCK!

98. Play Minecraft in Survival Mode

Playing Minecraft this way is the easiest way, because the main thing is to survive.

99. Play Survival Island

Survival Island is another cool game map, so enjoy!

100. Play the Sky Block card

Last but not least, the card is Sky Block.

The plot of the Minecraft game is extremely interesting and fascinating; it is based on the ability to survive in different types of worlds, which you can choose for yourself at will. All elements of a particular world are presented in the form of separate blocks, from which you can build various objects, destroy them and slightly modify them. In order to be able to make various interesting changes in the game, add certain objects and much more, you need to install special programs for Minecraft that allow you to play and implement everything you have planned. The game is mainly built from a large number of blocks, which are used to build a house, traps, and many other elements.

In addition, with the help of special programs that are written specifically for this game, you can significantly modify it and slightly modify the created objects, making them more convenient and perfect. Some programs are perceived very positively by players, but some are considered a completely unnecessary addition that can be done without. Before installing any application or add-on for the game, you need to determine which programs are needed for Minecraft and which ones should not be used. To play the game you need to use various programs, as well as graphic editors that help you perform the correct installation, configuration and add some elements.

For example, the following programs are required for installation: · Java Script; · MCPatcher HD; · Permissions; · WorldPainter, as well as many others. As add-ons, you can use programs that help carry out operations and movement on the ground using maps, programs for changing the texture of objects in the game, diagrams for using one or another component, and many others. Many players have noticed that in this game it is very difficult to make any specific settings and install individual programs, because there are a huge number of them, and they all complement each other.

All the most best items, mods and tools are collected in one specific collection and at the same time they are considered as a set of proprietary programs necessary for full operation in the game and ensuring the gameplay. Most programs are designed to improve the game itself, to make it possible to construct a wide variety of buildings and structures, create furniture and many other items. The official website of the game contains a huge number of different programs that allow you to create your own original versions of worlds, design a unique and inimitable landscape, and also make many other useful settings for the game.

In addition, there are special programs for launching Minecraft, with which you can not only install, but also configure access in the game. When you install the MCDungeon program in the game, chaotically placed ruins, towers, houses and castles begin to appear on the map completely randomly, in which you can find a huge number of artifacts that are of great value to players. Using the MinecraftPE 6.0 program, you can create various farms, collect seeds, give birth to animals, create pictures and signs, as well as introduce a large number of different blocks that help in construction. There are also special programs for creating mods, such as LinkseyisModMaker.

To install it and make settings, only minimal knowledge is required in English. To ensure normal and quality game you definitely need to install and activate some programs for minecraft that will help improve and optimize game process. Very often there are modifications that cannot be installed and configured using the ordinary and familiar ModLoader. That is why, to perform such tasks, it is best to use the Pipix program, with which you can install and perform absolutely any modifications and settings. To optimize and bring textures into the desired form, it is best to use the MCPatcher HD program.

With its help, you can patch textures, after which they begin to work more correctly, and the game will take up much less space and overload the computer. It is especially needed when working with textures that have a high resolution. There is also a special program for launch minecraft, which allows you to start the game. This game is built entirely on the Java engine, which is why in order to launch and normal operation of the game the JavaScript program must be installed, because without it the game simply will not start at all. There are a huge number of different programs that are designed specifically to significantly improve and modify the game.

All of them were developed over a very long time, and a huge number of various updates and additions appeared, which make it possible to somewhat diversify and improve the game. Thanks to such programs, you can perform all the necessary settings, such as appearance the game itself, as well as the ability to add a large number of objects and add textures to it. In addition, there are special programs with which you can generate maps that allow you to move into completely new and non-standard worlds. Knowing what programs are needed for minecraft, you can significantly diversify and improve the gaming world.

To ensure proper work with textures, you must use the MCPatcherHD program, which allows you to improve and optimize your work with textures. In addition, without it, the game simply starts to freeze and may not work entirely correctly. Also, with the help of programs and updates, you can optimize the gameplay.

In Survival Mode, at first glance, everything is the same. Actually, no: you find yourself in the middle of a hostile world, in which at night terrible monsters crawl out of all the cracks at you, and you can only build them with the blocks that you picked up or made yourself during the game. The emphasis is shifting radically: in Survival you build not because you want to, but because without creating shelters and various items you cannot survive. Although you will also sculpt for pleasure - but only after you have secured the rear, got comfortable and settled in game world more comfortable.

Secondly, you don't need them. Whatever poultice you use is a game made for your imagination. No beautiful effects can replace the hard work of your brain. originally designed in such a way that you can take it apart into small pieces and reassemble it endless worlds- this is why the game engine and construction mechanics are built around cubes; the concept and geometry of the cubes is clear even to a child (remember? - this is LEGO), and the logic of exploration and construction of the world, thanks to these same cubes, is completely transparent. Once you realize this and accept this forced assumption, you will immediately begin to see forests, mountains, rivers and ominous caves beyond the set of strange stairs - and as soon as this happens, a brave new world will open up to you.

5. Once you start the game, don’t get lost

Each game starts in a randomly generated world. This means that no one in the world, not even Markus Persson himself - even though he is in second place on Time's list - has any idea where your journey starts. Meanwhile, the tactics and your first actions in the game greatly depend on what biome you find yourself in.

You may be lucky and find yourself in a sunny clearing next to a forest and mountains. The forest is a source of wood, from which you can build houses, interior items and even weapons. In the mountains there are often caves that hide vital coal and rare minerals (and monsters, of course); In addition, the mountains themselves contain a lot of stone, which is indispensable in any construction.

Or you may be unlucky, and you start the game in the middle of a hot desert, in which there will be no wood, no stone, no coal - nothing at all, except useless cacti and endless sand. Or you start on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, from which you can only get to the mainland by swimming - and you still don’t know which way to row.

All of this can be discouraging. However, wherever you start the game, don't get lost or panic. Remember that you can die in this game mainly for two reasons: meeting a monster or not eating on time.

Monsters live and breed in the dark: so don’t try to venture into caves and dark forests without being armed to the teeth. Remember: it will begin to get dark pretty soon, night will fall - and at night it is completely destructive to be outside the walls of your home. Therefore, when you start the game, immediately think about where you will spend the night. If there is a forest nearby, collect several blocks of wood with bare hands, then make an axe, chop more wood and build a hut, albeit a very small one, where you can spend the first night (instead of a door, you can close the passage into it with mud or sand - the main thing is just not to leave access to the street). If there is no forest and it’s already getting dark, don’t panic - dig a hole right in the ground, hide there and wall yourself up for the night. Or climb a tall tree (a piece of stone, an earthen hill) and wait for the morning at the top. At worst, hide in some dead end - there is always a chance to survive the night (especially the first one).

6. Forage for food ahead of time.

The problem of hunger for a novice player is probably more serious than finding a place to sleep. Over time and with every action you take in the game, you will want to eat more and more - and if you delay your meal, you will begin to lose health. As luck would have it, cows, the killing of which is necessary to obtain meat (just kill the animals not with your bare hands, but with a sword!), are rare and not in all biomes. Once you find meat, try not to eat it raw, unless you are on the verge of death - cooked over a fire, it satisfies hunger much more effectively; In addition, the risk of food poisoning is reduced.

Try to make a fishing rod as soon as possible: you can catch fish in almost every puddle, and this is a great way to periodically refresh yourself without wasting time on hunting. Well, study on the Internet the rules for organizing vegetable gardens and watering systems: it’s always a good idea to have home-grown bread in your backyard.

7. Learn to build

Your reference book when playing should be an iPad with an open encyclopedia of “recipes” for creating certain items. Study carefully the properties of things and create everything you need. At first, you won't be able to live without a workbench and a furnace, but don't stop at them. It would be a good idea to cover the entrance to your new home with a door. Be sure to build a bed in your house: thanks to it, you will be able to sleep at night, reducing the time you wait for dawn, and in case of death, you will be reborn next to it, and out of nowhere.

Never forget about torches. Monsters are known to be born in the dark; Therefore, if you fence yourself off from the outside world with high walls, but forget to carefully illuminate all the corners of your home, sooner or later, at the moment of your relaxation, some kind of nasty thing will attack you - hopefully, without a heart attack. Very soon you will become bored and cramped in your hut, and you will decide to expand it, adding new rooms and corridors, or even deepen it, starting to dig down. Hang torches on the walls at short intervals and collect all the coal found in the mountains at the first opportunity: without it you will not be able to make fire.

A game about construction; you can construct certain objects, sculpt the most grandiose buildings in it ad infinitum. Just remember to replenish your supplies and ensure your own safety.

8. Explore!

The worlds generated are almost endless (at least in the PC version): you will have to spend more than one year of real time to reach one of the ends of the local universe. Such a long journey is, of course, overkill, but do not hesitate to expand the area of ​​​​your domain and explore, explore, explore. Finding walled-up underground vaults of crystals, or bizarre lava lakes, or beautiful waterfalls in the forest, or strange abandoned buildings hiding treasures is one of the key delights of the game. The further you move away from your first home, the more time you will have to drag yourself back; build additional houses or transit points instead. You can even pave railway and start riding back and forth in a car!

A key element of world exploration is excavation. Arm yourself with a shovel and a pickaxe and start gnawing the ground or picking at a stone - and sooner or later, going deeper into some mountain or making your way down, you will stumble upon something interesting: a gold mine or a cave with spiders, for example. Don’t be afraid to dig, just always keep in mind the most important rule: you can’t dig directly above or below yourself; always work diagonally or sideways. Otherwise, you risk dropping a ton of sand on your head or falling into a lava lake.

9. Imagine!

As stated at the beginning of this article, this is a sandbox game in which you need to entertain yourself. If you're used to these types of games and are willing to spend hours completing random missions in GTA, this won't bother you; If you like games to lead you by the hand, you may get bored.

Once you get comfortable in the game world, build a small house, learn how to fight monsters and get food, you will definitely ask yourself: what to do next? The answers can be very different. For example, there is a kind of “end of the game”: you need to go to a parallel world and kill a dragon, and also fight a three-headed skeletal monster. It is clear that in order to achieve this goal, you will have to go through all the circles of hell, learn how to make the most powerful weapons and armor, collect a bunch of rare minerals (including visiting the local hell - the world of Nether, in which it is extremely difficult to survive) and defeat dozens of strong enemies .

However, you can do without this. The best incentive to continue playing and discover new facets is to turn on your imagination. Set an ambitious goal and start working. For example, build the entire building of your office - with all floors, rooms, doors and windows. Or explore every single cave you can find. Or lay several branches of the underground (ground? air?) metro. Or build the underwater city of Rapture or the sky city of Columbia out of glass. Or build huge calculator. Or build death star. Basically, open up YouTube and start getting inspired.

Unless, of course, you have a couple of years of completely free time.

10. Play with people

Sociopathy and endless loneliness are one of the delights of exploring a hostile world, but be sure to try playing with other people. You can find a random server and join a world where people are already building their civilization - just walking around and seeing what other players have been able to achieve is very interesting. Settle right there, build your house next to your neighbors, plant a garden - and soon you will understand that showing off your architectural achievements to other living people is much more interesting than meditating on them in splendid isolation. And then you will gather into a gang and organize a joint raid in Nether in order to gain experience points and pick up rare sand.

And if some bastard comes to your house, ruins it or burns it to the ground, you can do the same. Go and blow up your neighbor's castle with dynamite. Fill his cellar with lava. Destroy his garden. Destroy his Rapture or devastate his Columbia. - a game about construction, but you can also destroy in it; there is no limit to human abomination, except for server settings.


A game you can spend years playing. It's not obligatory; A few days are enough. But you must try the classics, and no excuse will work. If, of course, you like video games at least a little and appreciate the emotions and impressions that they can give. Just start - then everything will work out on its own.

This collection of tips (instructions for the game) begins from the moment you enter the game. If you don’t yet know how to install the game, we recommend reading our instructions: .

Introduction: About World Generation

When creating a new world, it is generated completely randomly, and your position in it is also random. If you don’t like the generated world (for example, I don’t like deserts and winter, and once the starting point was in the water) - just create a new game.

We are starting to explore a new world

A player appears in the world with absolutely nothing, and the first thing to do is tools. But before you run away from the starting point in an unknown direction, advice number 1:

1) Do not run far from the starting point - the same point will be the place of appearance after death. Remember this place.

The very first tools that can be made are wooden. We run to the nearest tree and “chop” it with our hands.

2) In order to destroy blocks you need to hold down the left mouse button

For starters, 4-5 blocks of wood will be enough. Afterwards, open the inventory (key E) and make boards from wood:

We make sticks from the boards (you won’t need more than 8 for now):

And we make a workbench from the boards:

Now we need to use the workbench to gain access to the 3x3 crafting grid. To do this, open the inventory, move the workbench to the quick launch panel, and place it on the ground with the right mouse button (RMB). And RMB open it.

3) To place or use an item, you need to right-click on it.

Open the workbench and make an axe, shovel and pickaxe:

4) Each tool is effective for its blocks. Ax - for wood, Shovel - for earth/sand/crushed stone, Pickaxe - for stone, sandstone, cobblestones.

Now, you need to mark the starting point (forgot where it was?), to do this, we dig the earth/sand with a shovel. Having collected 50-60 blocks, we make a vertical pillar up to the clouds - we jump, and at the moment of the jump we place a block under ourselves. It should look something like this:

After which we jump off, die (naturally), but immediately “respawn” nearby and pick up all our things.

5) When you die in Minecraft, you lose all your items. And if you die near the starting point, then, in fact, you don’t lose anything, because... you can collect everything at once.

And here’s how our “lighthouse” is visible from the outside - it’s always easy to find the way home if you build a house near the starting point:

6) Build your first house near the starting point - it’s convenient and practical.

But, before you start building a house, you need to do a few more things: - find a cave and get cobblestones - because... wooden instruments are very “weak” and break quickly.

If there is no cave anywhere, you can dig a hole in the ground and get to the stones.

After you have acquired stone tools, it's time to make a furnace and a chest:

The chest is great for storing spare tools and extra junk, and the furnace is an essential tool in Minecraft.

Now it's time to make torches.

7) Torches illuminate a small area around them. Torches burn indefinitely. The torch can be installed on any plane except the “ceiling”. And, most importantly, monsters do not appear in the illuminated area.

For torches you need sticks and coal:

Coal can be found in caves, but it’s easier to make it yourself - using a stove:

8) Loading into the oven necessary materials, you can close the oven window and go about your business - the process goes on without the participation of the player.

If you are not in a hurry to build a house, you can also melt sand in a stove to get glass. My favorite house is made of glass:

Having built a house, surround it with torches, install them inside - so that there is light everywhere. Also, move the workbench, stove and chest into the house (to do this, they need to be broken and picked up).

So that you can enter/exit the house, but the monsters cannot, you need to make a door:

The door takes up 1 block in width and 2 in height.

There should be no “holes” in the house because spiders can climb walls and your house can become your trap.

9) When a house is built where you can wait out the night, you need to think about food. How to get food for yourself is written in.

How to survive the first nights

It’s easy to survive, but spending the first nights interestingly and usefully (I mean construction and crafting) is almost impossible for a beginner. Therefore, contrary to many advice, I recommend not to take a steam bath during the first nights, and not to wall yourself up in some cave, without tools and with one torch.

And during the night you can:

  • prepare a site for building a house (including with the help of creepers);
  • meet the local nocturnal inhabitants;
  • get the basics of combat.

If you did everything as I wrote above - you started to settle down right next to the starting point - then when you die, you immediately come back and pick up things / kill enemies. I happened to fight three skeletons at the same time with my bare hands and killed them.

After the house is built, there are two options for spending the nights: 1) “scrolling” the night using the bed:

To create which you need boards and wool. Wool can be obtained by killing sheep (or shearing them with scissors).

Or, what’s more interesting (an option for real miners) is to dig underground and explore natural caves. And I recommend starting to dig your first cave right away in the house:

And it turns out: during the day, we explore the surrounding area, extract “ground” resources, at night we go into the house and go down into the dungeons.

As you dig your dungeon, sooner or later you will stumble upon the “natural,” and they can be very, very large and deep. And most importantly, with valuable resources - diamonds, redstones, etc.

Rare resources

In order to create something serious, you need rare resources- redstones, gold, diamonds. But where can I get them? There is a universal rule - the deeper you go, the greater the chances of finding a rare resource.

The best option would be this - dig a hole to the very “bottom” (to the “bedrock” blocks that cannot be broken), after which you climb 5-7 blocks up and dig out a cave wide.

The bedrock blocks have begun, there is no need to dig deeper:

I started digging immediately in width, but it’s clear that the resources go a little higher:


Bookmark and explore.

You can share your tips in the comments.

Good day, dear readers. The Minecraft game is certainly very interesting and entertaining, but it is often quite difficult for novice players to get used to it. That is why we decided to write this short walkthrough Minecraft games, which will help you survive the first few days and understand the essence of the game. Before we begin the actual playthrough, we’ll tell you how and where you can buy and download the game.

Purchasing a game

1. Demo version of the game Minecraft. If you have not yet decided whether you want to buy the game or download it for free, then this option is the best. You can play the trial (demo) version of the game absolutely free on the official website of the game. To do this, you first need to register using this link (http://www.minecraft.net/register), confirm your registration via email (e-mail) and launch the demo version directly in your browser using this link (http://www. minecraft.net/demo). Please note that in order to start the game, you must have Java configured (more on this below).

2.Paid official version of the Minecraft game. To buy the Minecraft game, you will need a VISA, MasterCard or American Express bank payment card with a CVV code. CVV code - a three-digit or four-digit code to verify the authenticity of your payment card. If you have a VISA or MasterCard card, then the CVV code consists of three digits and is located with reverse side payment card, on the right in the white signature field. If you do not have a payment card or the CVV code is not printed on it, then contact the bank branch. If so, it's time to buy the Minecraft game. To do this, go to the official website of the game (http://www.minecraft.net/login) and enter your username and password. If you have not registered yet, you can do so using this link (http://www.minecraft.net/register).

On home page you will find an orange BuyNow button, click it, then you should click on the Buy button Minecraft for this account. Next, you need to select a country, a payment method, check the box I "ve read and I agree to the terms (it is advisable to read them) and click the Proceed to checkout button. Then you need to fill out a form in which you indicate the country in which you live, your name , last name, card type and number, expiration date, CVV code and email address. Next, click the CONFIRM AND PAY button. After all the manipulations, a letter with a transaction code will be sent to your email.

Now that the game is purchased, you can finally download the game from the official website. To do this, go to the download page (http://minecraft.net/download) and select the version for the OS that is installed on your computer/mobile device. After downloading the Minecraft distribution, you need to launch the game, enter your username and password and wait until the game downloads itself from the Internet (about 40 MB). Now you can start playing Minecraft with a pure soul. Once again, please note that the game requires Java installed.

Installing and Configuring Java

Java is software, necessary for the game to work. If you do not have it installed, then completing the Minecraft game will be impossible. Luckily, Java is free to download, so installing it won't cost you any money. Go to the website http://www.java.com/ru/. Click the "Download Java for free" button, then click the download button, select the location on your PC where you want to save the downloaded file. Then, once the file is downloaded, run it and follow the prompts to install the program. If you did everything correctly, you will eventually see a window that says “You have successfully installed Java” and a Close button. This completes the installation of Java on your computer, and you can safely play Minecraft installed on your computer. But if you want to play Minecraft online or want to try the demo version, you need to install a special plugin on your browser.

Well, I hope the game is installed and you are ready for the adventure! Then you can safely start playing Minecraft. There are only a few items in the main menu, so before starting the game, we recommend that you set required settings in the corresponding menu. Then, select the desired section - Singleplayer or Multiplayer and start the game. Below we will talk exclusively about the Singleplayer mode. First, the computer will create for you absolutely unique world and will drop you at his random point. If you weren't familiar with the game yet, its graphics will definitely amaze you. First, you should get comfortable with the controls.

Game process

W, A, S, D - move forward, left, backward, right
Space - jump;
E - inventory;
LMB (left mouse button) - destroy the block;
RMB (right mouse button) - move/create block.
Numbers from 1 to 9 - belt cells

These are the main control keys in the game. But if you want to make your Minecraft walkthrough more complete and of higher quality, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following buttons:

Q - throw away the current item;
T - chat;
F1 - hide interface;
F2 - screenshot;
F3 - debugging screen;
F5 - switch view. There are 2 options: first or third person view;
F10 - cursor capture;
F11 - switch between full screen and windowed mode.

I think you are already quite bored with this reading, and you want to start playing. Well, we are all for it! The first thing you need to know is that night will soon come, and with it spiders, creepers and other evil spirits will begin to appear, which will easily kill you and let you in for dinner. Therefore, the first priority for completing Minecraft is to secure a place to stay for the night.

First day

First of all, it is worth noting the place of your appearance. It's a good idea to build a hefty pole for this. As you can see, the entire world around us consists of cubic blocks. In order for them to be used, they must first be destroyed. To do this, approach the block at a close distance and hold down the LMB. The block will begin to become covered with cracks and will soon collapse. A smaller copy will appear in its place, which needs to be picked up.

The easiest way to make a pillar is from the ground. It is needed in order to move in a given direction and not get lost when you need to return to your home. To create such a structure, simply stand on the ground, jump up and quickly place a block using the right mouse button. In this simple way, by jumping and placing blocks, you can make a very impressive pillar. Just don’t try to jump from the very top to the ground later: you will lose a lot of health. An alternative is to jump onto a tree nearby or initially build a second pillar nearby, which you can then launch onto the blocks again and thus descend.

The next step in completing Minecraft is finding wood. To do this, find the nearest tree and destroy the brown blocks it consists of. Pay attention to the peculiarities of local “physics”: even without several blocks, the tree does not fall. We recommend that you stock up on 15-20 blocks to start with. We recommend that you do not remove the lowest block first, as you can jump on it and reach higher blocks. Now you need to decide on the location of your future home. There are 2 main options: either make a dugout consisting of blocks of earth, or a full-fledged house made of wood.

So, option one, fast dugout. Find a hill or natural small cave. Create a shovel (see below) or dig with handles. Your task is to dig a cave about 3*3*3 blocks and, while placing blocks, leave a passage for yourself. When night comes, you will simply block this passage with blocks and survive your first night.

Option two, more interesting, house. The house, of course, is preferable for completing Minecraft, but it will require much more effort. First, open the inventory window (E key). Now a few words about how to drag and drop objects and create new ones:

In the upper right part of the window there is a Crafting area with four cells, where you need to drag materials;
- to move a block, you need to click on it with LMB and drag it to the crafting area. However, in this case, all the blocks in the stack will move. To move only 1 item to a cell in an area, you need to select the entire pack, hold down the LMB, move it to the crafting cell and right-click once.

To take half of a stack of blocks, hold down RMB. It's hard to get used to a system like this at first, but as you progress through Minecraft you'll learn how to create items very quickly without having to think about what to do or how to do it. Move the wood blocks to the crafting area. Four boards will appear on the right side. You can make more boards without having to carry one cube of wood at a time if you place several cubes at once in the crafting area and press Shift when moving boards from the crafting cell.

To create a house and further progress through Minecraft, 60 units of boards are enough. Be sure to put the crafted boards in your inventory slots and not leave them in the crafting area. Otherwise, they will be thrown away immediately after you close your inventory. You can immediately place the boards in a cell on the belt and select it using keys 1-9, or by rotating the mouse wheel. Construction skills will help you more than once in completing Minecraft.

Select a cell with boards on your belt (a cube will appear in the character’s hand) and start creating a house. To do this, you need to install blocks by pressing RMB. Please note that in this case black square outlines appear at the site of the future building. This is where the block you are holding in your hands will be installed after pressing RMB. We recommend making the first house quite small - 4-6 blocks long and 4-6 blocks wide. The height is more than enough, 3 blocks. It is advisable to make a roof on top. When the construction of the first house is completed, look outside, if the sun is already setting, then you can safely stay in the house and do crafting, if not, go in search of cubes of coal (coal ore) and hunting.

Before locking yourself in a dugout or house for your first overnight stay, we recommend that you prepare the following items:

Wood - 6-8 cubes;
- cobblestone - 8 cubes;
- coal - 6-8 cubic meters;
- meat - if possible (chickens, pigs, cows);
- leather - if possible (cows);
- wool - if possible (sheep).

With their help, you can create numerous items that will greatly facilitate the passage of Minecraft.t

When you collect the necessary items, or night falls, return to your home and close the entrance. It's time to craft. So, I hope you already have boards, if not, then it’s time to make them (read how above).

1. Workbench.
A workbench is a device needed to create more complex items than those that can be made in the inventory. The workbench has nine slots for crafting (3*3). A workbench is created in the inventory in the crafting panel from four boards. After creation, move it to the belt and right-click to install it in your home. To use a workbench, you need to right-click on it. This item is mandatory and without it it is difficult to imagine a complete passage of the Minecraft game.

2. Stick.
A stick is needed to craft most tools. It is made of two units of boards placed vertically. You can make a stick both at the workbench and in your inventory.

3. Pickaxe. A pickaxe is a convenient tool for mining cobblestones and coal. Like any tool, it has a safety margin, which decreases when used to destroy blocks. Created on a workbench using two sticks placed vertically in the center and three boards placed horizontally in the top row.

4. Shovel. Used for quick digging of soil. It is made in the same way as a pick, with the only difference being that only one board is installed on top of the sticks (in the middle). Please note that if you have already found a sufficient amount of cobblestone, then a shovel and a pickaxe can be made from it. To do this, when crafting, use cobblestones instead of boards. Such tools will last much longer and will make completing Minecraft much easier.

5. Oven. With the help of a stove you can not only cook food, but also create from wood charcoal. A furnace is created from 8 pieces of cobblestone, located in all cells of the workbench, except for the central one. The stove must also be installed in the room, as you did with the workbench.

6. Chest. Used to store objects, blocks, materials. It is created in the same way as a furnace, with the only difference being that the chest is made from planks. In other words, you need to place eight units of planks on the workbench, so that the central cell remains empty. If you place two chests next to each other, they will merge into one. It is recommended to put the resources you find in the chest when you go on an active Minecraft playthrough: explore caves or fight off monsters. After your death, the things that were with you will remain at the place of death for five minutes and then disappear.

7. Charcoal. Serves as material for torches. Place an equal number of cubes of wood in the upper and lower cells of the furnace and after ten seconds you will receive charcoal. We recommend making at least 3-4 units.

8. Torch. Serves to illuminate the cave and home. Is very important element, since hostile mobs can only appear in dark (not lit) parts of the map. 4 torches are made from a stick and charcoal (regular or charcoal) placed above it. We recommend making about 20 torches to start with.

9.Food. Just like in real life, in Minecraft, meat needs to be fried before consumption. To fry, place the meat in one of the oven cells and place the appropriate number of boards in the other. To eat, you need to place the food in the cell on the belt and hold it for a couple of seconds right button mice.

Depending on the components you find during Minecraft, you will be able to create the following basic useful items:

1. Bed. With this piece of furniture you can get through the night quickly. To create, you will need three units of wool and three units of boards. Place boards in a row, and on the top row place three units of wool.

2. Sword. Weapons are vital for every player. The simplest sword is made of stone. Place a stick in the bottom cell and two cobblestones above it (vertically). In addition, as you progress through Minecraft you will be able to create a bow and arrow.

3. Armor. With the help of armor you can protect your hero from enemy attacks and thereby save his life.

It makes no sense to describe verbally how a helmet, cuirass, leggings and boots are made, so look at the screenshots.

This completes the introduction to the technique of playing Minecraft. In the next article we will tell you about exploring caves, creating your own mines, the basics farm and much, much more.

Tactics and tips
