What does the word desert mean in Russian?

English-Russian translation DESERT

transcription, transcription: [ ̘. ̈n.ˈdezət]

1) desert; desert area an arid desert ≈ waterless desert trackless desert ≈ lifeless desert reclaim a desert cultural desert Syn: plain, waste, wilderness

2) unattractive field of activity lost in a desert of doubt ≈ lost in the abyss of doubts

1) abandoned, abandoned Syn: forsaken, abandoned

2) uninhabited, deserted a desert island ≈ uninhabited island He fell asleep in a desert wood. - He fell asleep in a deep, uninhabited forest. Syn: uninhabited, unpeopled, desolate, lonely

3) barren, infertile (land, soil) Syn: uncultivated, unproductive, sterile, barren

4) poet. dry, inexpressive desert authors ≈ boring authors, inexpressive writers

1) leave (territory or person), leave; abandon (family); surrender, leave (territory) to desert the stage for Hollywood ≈ leave the stage for the sake of Hollywood In the presence of Socrates, his thoughts seem to desert him. - It seemed that in the presence of Socrates his thoughts left him. Syn: abandon, forsake, release, give up

2) military. desert; leave the post, leave the watch (without permission) he deserted from his regiment ≈ he deserted from the regiment to desert to the enemy ≈ run over to the enemy camp He deserted in the midst of the battle. ≈ He deserted in the midst of the battle.

3) a) parl., scotl. declare a break in work b) lose legal force, cease to be effective II noun.

1) dignity, advantage I visited him as a man of desert. “I came to him as a worthy person. Syn: meritoriousness, excellence, worth

2) a) a good or bad deed (usually deserving of reward or punishment) to do to each according to his deserts ≈ to give each according to his deserts b) usual. pl. what is deserved (reward or punishment) He has got his deserts. ≈ He got what was due to him. Syn: reward, punishment

desert - the Sahara D. Sahara desert - near * semi-desert uninhabited, deserted place wilderness dry, uninteresting topic; boredom deserted, deserted, uninhabited - * streets deserted / deserted / bare streets; barren - * tract of land barren land (obsolete) abandoned, abandoned; abandoned desert dweller > D. Rats 7th Allied Armored Division (during the 2nd World War) > D. Rat soldier of the 7th Allied Armored Division (during the 2nd World War) abandon, abandon (smb.) ; run away (from someone) - to * a friend leave a friend (in trouble) - to * one "s family abandon family (to the mercy of fate) - to * one "s leader leave his commander leave, leave - to * one "s post to leave the post - the streets were *ed the streets were deserted - his presence of mind *ed him the presence of mind left him - his courage *ed him his courage failed him to desert - to * the colours, to * from the army to desert from the army to desert; leave; change; become a defector - to * one's party leave the party ordinary. pl merit, dignity - to recognize real * (be able to) see the true merits of what a person deserves; reward; punishment - to each according to his *s to each according to his deserts - to get /to have, to obtain, to meet with/ one"s *(s) get what you deserve - to treat smb. acording to his *(s) , to give smb. his *s, to deal with smb. according to his *s do with smb. according to merit

desert boring topic, work ~ abandonment ~ naked, barren ~ military. desert ~ desert ~ merit ~ merit ~ (common pl) deserved (in a good or bad sense); reward; to treat people according to their deserts ~ uninhabited desert place ~ leave ~ leave, leave; abandon (family); his courage deserted him desert island uninhabited island ~ deserted ~ desert ~ desert

~ deserted; desert island uninhabited island

~ leave, leave; abandon (family); his courage deserted him

near ~ semi-desert

to obtain (or to meet with) one "s ~s get what you deserve

~ (common pl) deserved (in a good or bad sense); reward; to treat people according to their deserts

Big English-Russian dictionary. Large English-Russian Dictionary. 2012

  • English-Russian dictionaries
  • Large English-Russian Dictionary

More meanings of the word and translation of DESERT from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “DESERT” in dictionaries.

  • DESERT — I Large, extremely dry area of ​​land with fairly sparse vegetation. It is one of the Earth's major types of …
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  • DESERT - I. des·ert ˈdezə(r)]t, usu ]d.+V noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin desertum, from …
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  • DESERT - desert 1 - desertic /di zerr"tik/, adj. - desertlike, adj. /dez"euhrt/, n. 1. a region so arid…
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  • DESERT - I. des·ert ˈde-zərt noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin desertum, from Latin, neuter of desertus, past participle …
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  • DESERT - noun that is deserved; the reward or the punishment just due; claim to recompense, usually in a good sense; ...
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  • DESERT - n a large area...
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  • DESERT - I. des ‧ ert 1 W3 /ˈdezət $ -ərt/ BrE AmE noun [ Date: 1100-1200 ; Language: Old French; ...
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  • DESERT - n. &adj. --n. a dry barren often sand-covered area of ​​land, characteristically desolate, waterless, and without vegetation; an uninteresting…
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  • DESERT - n. &adj. n. a dry barren often sand-covered area of ​​land, characteristically desolate, waterless, and without vegetation; an uninteresting…
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  • DESERT - 1. v. 1.tr. abandon, give up, leave (deserted the sinking ship). 2 tr. forsake or abandon (a cause or …
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  • DESERT - The noun is pronounced /dezə(r)t/. The verb is pronounced /dɪzɜ:(r)t/ and is hyphenated de‧sert. (deserted) Frequency: The word is …
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  • DESERT — I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a coastal/desert/mountain etc environment ▪ The storm caused significant damage to the coastal environment. ...
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  • DESERT — (SANDY AREA) - (a large area of) land covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain …
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  • DESERT - n. Arabian Desert Atacama Desert desert varnish Gibson Desert Gobi Desert Great Sandy Desert Great Victoria Desert Kalahari Desert Karakum …
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  • DESERT — I. noun ADJECTIVE ▪ arid , barren , dry , hot ▪ green fields surrounded by arid ~ ▪ vast …
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  • DESERT - n. 25B6; noun an African desert: WASTELAND, wastes, wilderness, wilds, barren land; dust bowl See list. 25B6; adjective desert…
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  • DESERT - noun BAD: I was miles from anywhere, stuck on a desert country road. GOOD: I was miles from …
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  • DESERT - desert.ogg _I 1. ʹdezət n 1. desert the Sahara Desert - Sahara desert near desert - semi-desert 2. uninhabited, deserted ...
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  • DESERT - I 1. [ʹdezət] n 1. desert the Sahara Desert - Sahara desert near ~ - semi-desert 2. uninhabited, desert place; ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • DESERT - _I 1. ʹdezət n 1. desert the Sahara Desert - Sahara desert near desert - semi-desert 2. uninhabited, desert place; ...
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  • DESERT - (v. t.) To abandon (the service) without leaving; to forsake in violation of duty; to abscond from; as, to desert...
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  • DESERT — (a.) Of or pertaining to a desert; forsaken; without life or cultivation; unproductive; waste; barren; wild; desolate; solitary; as, they...
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  • DESERT — (n.) A deserted or forsaken region; a barren tract incapable of supporting population, as the vast sand plains of Asia…
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  • DESERT - (n.) That which is deserved; the reward or the punishment just due; claim to recompense, usually in a good sense; ...
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  • DESERT - (v. t.) To leave (especially something which one should stay by and support); to leave in the lurch; ...
  • DESERT - (v. t.) To abandon (the service) without leaving; to forsake in violation of duty; to abscond from; as...
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  • DESERT - (v. i.) To abandon a service without leaving; to quit military service without permission, before the expiration of …
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • DESERT - (n.) That which is deserved; the reward or the punishment just due; claim to recompense, usually in a …
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary


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  1. desert
  2. leave (leave, throw, leave)


  1. desert
  2. merit

Plural number: deserts.


  1. uninhabited (deserted, deserted)

Verb forms


desert the army
desert from the army

desert island
leave the island

desert the ship
abandon ship

desert Isle
desert island

deserted street
deserted street

deserted place
deserted place

Sahara desert
Sahara Desert


No one should desert his friends.
No one should leave their friends in trouble.

Crossing that desert is dangerous.
Crossing that desert is dangerous.

Don't desert me here in the desert!
Don't leave me in this desert!

The Sahara is the largest desert in the world.
The Sahara is the world's largest desert.

Desert sand cools off rapidly at night.
Sand in the desert cools quickly at night.

A few hours after the clouds cleared and the the sun came out, and the desert smelled of ozone.
After a few hours the clouds cleared and the sun came out and the whole desert smelled of ozone.

They explored the desert in quest of buried treasure.
They explored the desert in search of buried treasure.

I wouldn't take a glass of water in the desert from you.
I would not accept even a glass of water from you in the desert.

The Sahara Desert is almost as large as Europe.
The Sahara Desert is almost as large as Europe.

This is a desert flower.
This is a desert flower.

I miss you like the deserts miss the rain.
I miss you like deserts miss rain.

Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, to risk their lives for us.
Even now, as we stand here, we know that brave Americans are waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan and risking their lives for us.

By seven o"clock in the evening, the streets are deserted in this town.
In the evenings, by seven o'clock the streets of this city are empty.

If you had to go live on a deserted island and could only take one book with you, which one would you choose?
If you had to live on a desert island and you could only take one book with you, which book would you choose?

He wasn't deserted by his friends.
His friends abandoned him.

Tom's body was found along a deserted road.
Tom's body was discovered on a deserted road.

If you had to spend the rest of your life on a deserted island, who would you spend it with?
If you had to spend the rest of your life on a desert island, who would you take with you?

Tom deserted his wife and family.
Tom left his wife and family.

Desert, erte 1. (dé zêr, dé zèr t) adj. 1° Qui est sauvage et sans habitants. Une campagne dessert. Ole dessert. C est un instinct commun à tous les êtres sensibles et souffrants de se réfugier dans les lieux les plus sauvages et les plus... ... Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

deşert- DEŞÉRT, ÁRTĂ, (1) deşerţi, arte, adj., (II) deşerturi, s.n. I. adj. 1. Care nu conţine nimic în interior; gol. 2. (Despre terenuri, ţări, regiuni) Lipsit de vietăţi şi de vegetaţie; pustiu. ♦ Nelocuit, nepopulat. 3.fig. Lipsit de temei; amăgitor…Dicționar Român

Desert- Desert, a. sert. See 2d (Desert).] Of or pertaining to a desert; forsaken; without life or cultivation; unproductive; waste; barren; wild; desolate; solitary; as, they landed on a desert island.… …

dessert- DÉSERT, ERTE. adj. Inhabité, ou qui n est guère fréquenté. Lieu dessert. Ville dessert. Campagne dessert. [b]f♛/b] On dit au Palais, qu Un appel est désert, Quand celui qui l a interjeté, ne l a pas relevé par lettres dans les trois mois. [b]f♛/b] … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

Desert- Des ert (dz [ e]rt), n. sert, L. desertum, from desertus solitary, desert, pp. of deserere to desert; de + serere to join together. See (Series).] 1. A deserted or forsaken region; a barren tract incapable of supporting population,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Desert- De*sert (d[ e]*z[ e]rt), v. t. serter. See 2d (Desert).] 1. To leave (especially something which one should stay by and support); to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Dessert- (franz. für Wüste) ist der Name folgender Personen: Alex Désert (* 1968), US amerikanischer Schauspieler, Musiker und Synchronsprecher Claire Désert (* 1967), francösische Pianistin Solen Désert Mariller (* 1982), francösischer Kurzstreckenläufer … sch Wikipedia

desert- DESERT, erte. adj. Inhabité, qui n est guere frequenté. Lieu desert. ville deserte. campagne deserte. l Arabie deserte. Il est aussi substantif, & signifie un lieu desert. Desert sauvage. desert effroyable. les deserts de l'Arabie. les... ... Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

desert- DESÉRT, deserturi, s.n. Fel de mâncare, de obicei dulciuri, fructe, brânzeturi etc., care se serveşte la sfârşitul mesei; timpul când se serveşte această mâncare. – Din fr. dessert. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 07/12/2004. Sursa: DEX 98  desert s. n...Dicționar Roman

desert- Ⅰ. desert VERB 1) leave without help or support; abandon. 2) leave (a place), causing it to appear empty. 3) illegally run away from military service. DERIVATIVES desertion noun. ORIGIN Latin desert…English terms dictionary


  • Desert, Le Clezio Jean-Marie-Gustave. La toute jeune Lalla a pour anc 234;tres les "hommes bleus", guerriers du d 233;sert saharien. Elle vit dans un bidonville, mais ne peut les oublier. La puissance de la nature et des l... Buy for 1048 RUR
  • Desert Nights: Falcon's Prey / The Sheikh's Virgin Bride / One Night With the Sheikh, PENNY JORDAN. Exotic escapes&the ultimate desert fantasy Falcon’s Prey Penny Jordan’s first Mills&Boon book!When ordinary English girl Felicia agreed to accompany her fiancé, Faisal, to his homeland, there…

Desert, erte 1. (dé zêr, dé zèr t) adj. 1° Qui est sauvage et sans habitants. Une campagne dessert. Ole dessert. C est un instinct commun à tous les êtres sensibles et souffrants de se réfugier dans les lieux les plus sauvages et les plus... ... Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

deşert- DEŞÉRT, ÁRTĂ, (1) deşerţi, arte, adj., (II) deşerturi, s.n. I. adj. 1. Care nu conţine nimic în interior; gol. 2. (Despre terenuri, ţări, regiuni) Lipsit de vietăţi şi de vegetaţie; pustiu. ♦ Nelocuit, nepopulat. 3.fig. Lipsit de temei; amăgitor…Dicționar Român

Desert- Desert, a. sert. See 2d (Desert).] Of or pertaining to a desert; forsaken; without life or cultivation; unproductive; waste; barren; wild; desolate; solitary; as, they landed on a desert island.… …

dessert- DÉSERT, ERTE. adj. Inhabité, ou qui n est guère fréquenté. Lieu dessert. Ville dessert. Campagne dessert. [b]f♛/b] On dit au Palais, qu Un appel est désert, Quand celui qui l a interjeté, ne l a pas relevé par lettres dans les trois mois. [b]f♛/b] … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

Desert- Des ert (dz [ e]rt), n. sert, L. desertum, from desertus solitary, desert, pp. of deserere to desert; de + serere to join together. See (Series).] 1. A deserted or forsaken region; a barren tract incapable of supporting population,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Desert- De*sert (d[ e]*z[ e]rt), v. t. serter. See 2d (Desert).] 1. To leave (especially something which one should stay by and support); to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Dessert- (franz. für Wüste) ist der Name folgender Personen: Alex Désert (* 1968), US amerikanischer Schauspieler, Musiker und Synchronsprecher Claire Désert (* 1967), francösische Pianistin Solen Désert Mariller (* 1982), francösischer Kurzstreckenläufer … sch Wikipedia

desert- DESERT, erte. adj. Inhabité, qui n est guere frequenté. Lieu desert. ville deserte. campagne deserte. l Arabie deserte. Il est aussi substantif, & signifie un lieu desert. Desert sauvage. desert effroyable. les deserts de l'Arabie. les... ... Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

desert- DESÉRT, deserturi, s.n. Fel de mâncare, de obicei dulciuri, fructe, brânzeturi etc., care se serveşte la sfârşitul mesei; timpul când se serveşte această mâncare. – Din fr. dessert. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 07/12/2004. Sursa: DEX 98  desert s. n...Dicționar Roman

desert- Ⅰ. desert VERB 1) leave without help or support; abandon. 2) leave (a place), causing it to appear empty. 3) illegally run away from military service. DERIVATIVES desertion noun. ORIGIN Latin desert…English terms dictionary


  • Desert, Le Clezio Jean-Marie-Gustave. La toute jeune Lalla a pour anc 234;tres les "hommes bleus", guerriers du d 233;sert saharien. Elle vit dans un bidonville, mais ne peut les oublier. La puissance de la nature et des l... Buy for 1048 RUR
  • Desert Nights: Falcon's Prey / The Sheikh's Virgin Bride / One Night With the Sheikh, PENNY JORDAN. Exotic escapes&the ultimate desert fantasy Falcon’s Prey Penny Jordan’s first Mills&Boon book!When ordinary English girl Felicia agreed to accompany her fiancé, Faisal, to his homeland, there…


1. n (ˊdezət)

1) desert

2) uninhabited desert place

3) boring topic, work, etc.

2. a (ˊdezət)

1) deserted;

desert streets

2) naked, barren

3. v (dɪˊzɜ:t)

1) leave, leave; throw ( family);

his courage deserted him

2) military. desert

desert (dɪˊzɜ:t) n

1) (usual pl) deserved ( in a good or bad way); reward; punishment;

to treat people according to their deserts;

to obtain ( or to meet with) one"s deserts get what you deserve

2) merit; offense


translation from English into Russian in other dictionaries

Translation DESERT- New large English-Russian dictionary under general management acad. Yu.D. Apresyan


1. (ʹdezət) n

1. desert

the Sahara Desert - Sahara Desert

near ~ - semi-desert

2. uninhabited, deserted place; poet. etc. wilderness

3. dry, uninteresting topic; ≅ boredom

2. (ʹdezət) a

1. deserted, deserted, uninhabited

~ streets - deserted / deserted / streets

2. naked; barren

~ tract of land - barren land

3. mouth abandoned, abandoned; abandoned

4. desert dweller

Desert Rats - 7th Allied Armored Division ( during World War 2)

Desert Rat - soldier of the Allied 7th Armored Division ( during World War 2)

3. (dıʹzɜ:t) v

1. 1) throw, leave ( someone); run ( from smb.)

to ~ a friend - leave a friend (in trouble)

to ~ one's family - abandon family (to the mercy of fate)

to ~ one "s leader - leave your commander

2) leave, leave

to ~ one "s post (the ship) - leave the post (ship)

the streets were ~ed - the streets were deserted

his presence of mind ~ed him - the presence of mind left him

his courage ~ed him - courage betrayed him

2. 1) desert

to ~ the colors, to ~ from the army - to desert from the army

2) desert; leave; change; become a defector

to ~ one's party - leave the party
