What does the balloon symbolize? Shapes and colors of spiritual symbols. Definitions, meanings of words in other dictionaries

If quite recently the wedding hall was decorated mainly with homemade posters, now weddings decorated with fresh flowers, draperies and, of course, original compositions of balloons are in fashion. It's no secret that balloons are capable of creating a solemn atmosphere of celebration and fun with just their appearance. Many people immediately think of the words of Winnie the Pooh - “No one can be sad when he has a balloon!”

How to choose from the variety of composition options those that are right for you. First of all, you need to know what they symbolize.

Balloon arches . This is the simplest and at the same time quite economical option. They can be woven from round balls of different diameters, link-o-moon balls, or assembled from helium balloons. Their use is quite extensive. Arches are used to decorate the entrance to premises for birthdays, company anniversaries, presentations, and openings. For newlyweds, the arch symbolizes their future home. Passing under it, they seem to be entering a new family life. Such an arch can also be decorated with fresh or artificial flowers and fabrics. Which will make it more solemn and colorful. The arch can be installed as an independent element, in which case it will be on a frame, or mounted on a wall.

Heart . Traditional symbol of love. It is customary to give hearts made of balloons or balloons in the shape of hearts to lovers, as well as to decorate wedding halls. At the same time, two hearts woven together symbolize harmony, peace in the family and support.

Rings . An alternative to hearts is wedding rings. They are used exclusively for wedding decorations. They symbolize the bond of marriage, the union of two loving people.

Swans and doves . Original symbols of fidelity. Such figures will surely be remembered by your guests. Most often they are installed on columns in front of the entrance to the hall, on both sides of the newlyweds’ table, or as independent elements for decorating the presidium behind the spouses.

Figures of the bride and groom . These are a kind of “understudies” for the newlyweds. They are installed at the entrance to the hall to greet guests and conduct a photo shoot, or in front of the table with a birthday cake.

Surprise Ball . It is a huge ball filled with small balls, confetti, bills, rose petals, lollipops or forfeits with wishes. During the dance of the newlyweds, this ball is exploded by the toastmaster or best man, after which its contentsshowers the spouses, symbolizing the “cornucopia”. Children especially enjoy this procedure.

Balloon flowers . Usually symbolizes friendship and gratitude. Such flowers can be given both to newlyweds instead of traditional bouquets of fresh flowers, and to guests as a souvenir of the wedding. It is noteworthy that such bouquets will retain their attractive appearance for 1-2 weeks, which is not possible for ordinary flowers.

Balloon panel . A great way to decorate a banquet hall, to capture an important date or wish. You can depict almost anything your heart desires on such a panel.

Columns and racks. These compositions symbolize the path that the newlyweds will walk hand in hand. Moreover, they are ideal for decorating the podium and zoning the space. Often such stands are used to decorate the entrance to a banquet hall, with arches made of helium balloons attached between them.

Helium balloon chandeliers . A great alternative to regular helium balloons. This element symbolizes a home that will warm the spouses throughout their lives.

These compositions are the most common design options for both weddings and other celebrations. However, this does not mean that the options end there. Professional designers will be able to offer you many original ideas that can turn your holiday into an unforgettable spectacle.

Ball. 1. In mathematics: a part of space limited by a sphere. Radius of the ball.
2. An object of this shape. Billiard ball. Balloon (hydrogen-filled rubber balloon for studying the atmosphere). Balloting balls (black and white balls used in secret voting; obsolete).

Globe - planet Earth.
Balloon - 1) a lighter-than-air aircraft, lifted upward by light gas filling its spherical shell. Traveling in a hot air balloon. 2) an inflatable toy with a transparent colored shell filled with light gas. Balloon on a string. Garlands of balloons (at festivals).
Trial ball (book) - an action aimed at preliminary testing, testing something.
Even if you roll a ball (colloquial) - there is nothing, completely empty.
Black ball - a black voting ball expressing disagreement, also generally an expression of disagreement in secret voting.

Ball - Geometric body for bowling.

Ball- a symbol of the future.

The symbol of the ball is the globality of the Earth's ball. A symbol of the future, it differs from the cross in that the latter personifies suffering and human death.

In Ancient Egypt, they first came to the conclusion that the earth was spherical. This assumption served as the basis for numerous thoughts about the immortality of the earth and the possibility of immortality of the living organisms inhabiting it.

In India, the ball was one of the objects of religious worship; its elements were also reflected in stupas. In alchemy, the ball acts as a vessel into which the alchemical distillate is poured in the chemical wedding of Christian Rosencrucian. It is the ball that forms the basis of one of the attributes of royal power.

A person holding a ball in his hands symbolizes a subject bearing the burdens of the world. It is no coincidence that some train stations in Western Europe, for example in Helsinki, are decorated with similar sculptures: the hardships that fall on the shoulders of the traveler are depicted here.

Thus, the ball and globe are signs of providence, conduct, eternity, power and the power of crowned heads.

Source: Encyclopedia of symbols, signs, emblems. M., 1999; Bagdasaryan V. E. The problem of the mythologization of history in Russian literature of the 1990s. M., 2000.

Ball, Geometric body.

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What do various balloons and compositions made from them currently symbolize?

Long gone are the days when celebrations were limited to drawing a few posters. In modern realities, the wedding hall is decorated with imagination and creativity, using fabrics of all colors, fresh or artificial flowers, as well as balloons or entire compositions of them.

It is the balloons that allow you to more fully experience the festive atmosphere and solemnity of the event, while creating a feeling of coziness and complete comfort. Few wedding events are complete without charming balloon arches in two or three colors. The hall itself, the entrance to the restaurant, and the dance room are decorated with balloons. Any colors and sizes of balls are offered for decoration by various companies. You can order entire figures created from balls.

Moreover, each composition or figure made of balloons has its own significance and meaning, symbolizing certain objects or events. Let's look at the existing symbols that are widely used at weddings:

  • . This figure represents a rainbow, passing under which the bride and groom enter their future home as legal spouses. Often, when decorating arches, in addition to balloons, fresh flowers and fabric are used. The passage under the arch symbolizes the joint entrance of the newlyweds into family life.
  • . This is a traditional sign of love, accompanied by joy, happiness and understanding. Single and double hearts look equally luxurious as decoration. Two hearts woven together symbolize for the newlyweds to go through life together in harmony, with mutual support for each other under any circumstances.
  • Rings. This figure symbolizes love without beginning and end, as well as everything related to living together in marriage. Balloon rings are also popular at weddings and are always created by the couple.
  • Pigeons or swans. These figures represent faith and fidelity, messengers of good news. The figures must be in pairs and they are often placed at the entrance to the wedding hall or directly next to the table where the newlyweds are.
  • Floral. They are not too symbolic, so they can mean friendship, prosperity, or the emergence of a new family. Bouquets of balloons perfectly add solemnity to the event and lift your spirits. Such bouquets are usually placed near tables or directly on tables.
  • Panel on the wall made of balls. These are original inscriptions made from balloons. The inscriptions themselves carry the meaning corresponding to the text. This type of design looks very original. At a wedding, it is enough to use two or three inscriptions.
  • . They designate the immediate heroes of the occasion. Such figures are placed at the entrance to the banquet hall, constantly amusing all those present, who will remember for a long time the unique stand-ins of the bride and groom.
  • . They simply lift the mood of the guests, symbolize the ease of relationships and the relaxed atmosphere at the event and in life together.
  • Launch into the sky. A rather expensive pleasure that allows you to experience incredible delight and be remembered for a long time by all those present and nearby. It is very difficult to convey the sensations of hundreds of balloons soaring and soaring into the sky, reminiscent of a fairy tale. It’s better to order such a miracle for your wedding banquet and experience the whole gamut of positive emotions yourself.
A hot air balloon is an aircraft (aerostat) that uses lighter-than-air gas for flight. Consists of a gas-filled shell and a basket or trailer cab attached to it. WiKiPedia.org

Quite rarely, people decide to decorate their body with the image of a balloon. Perhaps the explanation for this fact is that balloons, in general, are rarely seen in modern life.

Who is it suitable for?
This tattoo is done by men and girls. The image of a hot air balloon will fit perfectly into the composition of another more complex tattoo.
Often there are tattoos with accompanying inscriptions or dates that are important to the owner of such a tattoo. This could be a date that marked a dramatic change in your life.

Places and style of tattoo.
There are two most popular styles of balloon tattoos: realistic and cartoon.

Symbol meaning

The image of a balloon indicates a free from stereotypes and easy attitude to life.
Common features characteristic of owners of this symbol:

  • easy to climb
  • positive attitude
  • openness to the world
  • desire to play by one's own rules
  • a calm and ironic attitude towards emerging problems
  • readiness to change places

Realistic tattoo with image hot air balloon indicates a willingness to take risks. A person with this symbol on his body must be ready, like a balloon, to “take off” and go on a dangerous journey.
Tattoo with the image of a child's colored ball will indicate childishness and no desire to grow up. Such a person, regardless of age, is as happy as a child. After all, he knows how to appreciate the moment of the present and is grateful for what he has at the moment.
A balloon in a basket with several people in it indicates the ability of the owner of such a tattoo to “pull up” his company.


Video of a girl getting a tattoo with a balloon (realistic technique).


Throw / throw (throw / throw) a black ball to whom. Razg. Vote against smb. (when elected to a position, especially an academic position, or defending a dissertation). Mokienko 2003, 144.

Balloon. Jarg. they say Iron. About a lonely person. Maksimov, 66.

Pocket the ball [into the pocket]. Jarg. they say Joking. Have sexual intercourse with someone. Elistratov 1994, 561.

Test ball. 1. Tech. Outdated A balloon released to test flight conditions. 2. Razg. A technique, a method that is resorted to when trying to find out something. BMS 1998, 635; FSRY, 532.

1. A body obtained by rotating a circle around its diameter.
2. Poem by Stepan Shchipachev “The stage is ... earthly.”
3. Sea strait.
4. Film based on the script by Kir Bulychev “Lilac...”.
5. What shape does a soap bubble strive to take in space?
6. Flying lightning shape.
7. What is the natural shape of liquid in zero gravity?
8. Hot air balloon.
9. Earthly...
10. Body for the Picasso girl’s body.
11. The shaky support of a girl from a painting by Picasso.
12. Kolobok shape.
13. Geometric body.
14. Blue, which spins and spins (song).
15. The ball is inherently.
16. Sphere.

m. sharishka, sharishka, sharischa, bathhouse south. zap. a round body, equal all around, one dead everywhere. The surface of the ball at all points is equally distant from its spine. Don't throw bread balls. Blood globules are visible only under microscopes. Bone billiard balls. Wooden ball for playing kaslo. Ball of earth. All suns and planets are balls, slightly flattened, from the rotor, at the ends of the axis. The voting ball, during elections or generally when casting a vote, is white; and indiscriminate, negative, black. Even if you roll a ball, everything is empty, bare. He took the ball for nothing, for nothing; crazy, cheap, charm psk. Same. | A tool for grinding rags at a paper mill. | among potters, one of the implements when making dishes. | Game ball, ball, ball, butter; players stand with balls, sticks, around the castle (hole), each at their own hole, preventing the beater from driving a wooden ball or a large ball into the castle; If, when the ball is released, the beater lands his ball in an empty hole, then the one who missed it goes to drive it. | Balls plural Vologda...

Ball the name of the sea straits in the north of the European part of Russia (for example, Matochkin Shar); some river branches.


BALL-a, (with numerals: two, three, four - balls); pl. balls; m.

1. A geometric body formed by rotating a circle around its diameter. Radius of the ball. Surface of the ball.

2. An object of this shape. Billiard balls. Sh. sun. Lunar Highway Balloon(a hydrogen-filled rubber balloon for atmospheric research). Zemnoy sh.(planet Earth). At least roll the ball(nothing, completely empty). Trial sh. (book; an action intended to preliminarily test, test smth.).

3. Outdated An object of this shape for a voice...



cm. Drying shag.

SHAR - the name of the sea straits in the north of the European part of Russia (for example, Matochkin Shar); some river branches.

BALL, a set of points in space whose distances from a fixed point (the center of the ball) do not exceed a given number R (the radius of the ball). Boundary of the ball - sphere>; area> of its surface S = 4pR2, volume of the ball V = 4/3pR3, where p = 3.1415...


launch a test balloon, even roll the balloon.

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999

ball I I, b. p. -a, bulg. ball "ball" (Mladenov 691); unconvincing attempts to approach Shar II, supposedly the original. in this case, “spot” (for example, Brandt, RFV 24, 190; Ilyinsky, IORYAS 24, 1, 136). The latter attracts good people here. The comparison with the Greek, κάρη “head”, Old Indian is also erroneous. c̨íras Wed. R. "head, top", Avest. sarah- (w. r.) – the same, contrary to Goryaev (ES 419). II II "paint", church, Russian-tslav. shar' "paint", shariti "to paint", shar'chi "artist" (Io. Lestv., 12th century; see Srezn. III, 1582), Old Slav. shar χρῶμα (Supr.), bul. ball "spot; motley", Serbohorvian. shara "variegation", sharac "pinto horse", Slovenian. šа̑r m., šárа f. "motley, spotted", šára w. "variegation". The spread of this word speaks in favor of early borrowing...

A and (with quantity) -a, plural. -s. -ov, m. 1. In mathematics: part of space limited by a sphere. Radius of the ball. 2. An object of this shape. Billiard Highway Sh.-probe (a rubber ball filled with hydrogen for studying the atmosphere). Balloting balls (black and white balls used in secret voting; old). * Globe - planet Earth. Balloon - 1) a lighter-than-air aircraft, lifted upward by light gas filling its spherical shell. Hot Air Balloon Travel; 2) inflatable toy - a transparent colored shell filled with light gas. Air highway on a thread. Garlands of balloons (at festivals). Trial ball (book) - an action aimed at preliminary testing, testing something. Even if you roll a ball (colloquial) - there is nothing, completely empty. Black ball - a black voting ball expressing disagreement, also generally an expression of disagreement in secret voting. I) skillful, ball, -a, m. (to 2 meanings). II adj. spherical, -th, -oe (to 1 value).

Ball ball, w ara; two (three, four) balls; in mathematics: two (three, four) balls; two children's balls (with definition); give a ball (in a billiard game); play with a ball, But: at least roll the ball (empty); pl. balls, -o in

Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS. M.V. Zarva. 2001.
