What is the quality of physics in war thunder. War Thunder: How to distinguish a cheater from an honest player? No interaction with other players

Gaijin Entertainment, the developer of the military MMO War Thunder, has prepared an excellent guide to determine who you are playing with - an honest player or an insidious cheater who uses various tricks to achieve his victory. They also debunked the most popular myths among players, and revealed methods of countering dishonest players.

My replay of the fight shows that:

ally/enemy shoots past the enemy, hits and kills.

The enemy/ally disappeared, stopped in the air, jerked up and down, etc.

Is the player playing dishonestly?

“All decisions, all physics, all hits in the game are calculated on the server. The client physically cannot hit, shoot past, fly or turn too quickly. Those. even if this can be done on your computer, everything will still be as it should be on the server. The situation described in the question can often be observed in replays - indeed, in a client replay of a battle, only the player himself and everything in the immediate vicinity of him are more or less adequately displayed. Information about everything that is far enough away or out of sight is transmitted highly compressed (or not transmitted at all). Therefore, in the replay recorded on the client computer, when switching to an ally, especially one located behind him several kilometers from the player, you can see various “unnatural” things - but all these are just the consequences of compression.”

Is there any way to improve this?

“Since a lot of events take place in the game, up to 200 tanks and planes meet in one battle, transmitting all the information with the same accuracy would lead to an excessive load on the connection channel with the user. At the same time, information about distant and slowly moving objects relative to the player can be transmitted less frequently without any loss. The game tries not to transmit information about invisible enemy units at all, but the game does transmit information about allies for a general understanding of the situation. This allows you to switch to them in the replay of the battle and then you can see something strange.

The main advice is to use server replays for viewing. In them, everything is displayed more or less as it happened from the server’s point of view. “More or less” because server replays are also written with some loss of quality (on average, the frequency of position and orientation is reduced to approximately 10-15 times per second) - this is done to optimize the size of the replay.”

An invulnerable player on a plane - I hit him, I see flashes, but he doesn’t die.

“Your rapid-fire weapon shots and their hit effects are displayed in the game client, regardless of whether the hit actually occurred according to the server version. The reason is that for rapid-fire weapons and fast-moving targets, the time required to ask the server “was there a hit?” and getting an answer sometimes exceeds the time it takes to shoot, the flight of the bullet and the drawing of the hit itself. If such effects are displayed only after receiving server confirmation, then the player simply will not be able to adjust the “queue” of machine guns/cannons while waiting for the flashes. Even worse, it can lead to a situation where the target has long left the point of impact, and the effects of the hits only “came” from the server and were displayed.

Another example of why in such a situation it is impossible to wait for a guaranteed response from the server: you may receive flashes from hits from shots that occurred earlier, but think that they belong to new shots (with a ping of 100-120 ms and a small loss of packets, “lateness” can up to half a second). Which will confuse the pilot even more.

To ensure that the player knows for sure that the hit was recorded on the server, when there are hits, lines are drawn around the sight. These are server hits (registers up to 8 hits). Thanks to these lines, an attentive player can notice what a delay sometimes occurs between shots and messages about hits from the server.

If you doubt how everything happened on the server, watch the server replay.”

Any plane should fall apart from hits from cannons of 37 mm caliber or more. I only shoot with cannons, the game registers hits, but the plane doesn't fall apart. How is this possible?

“First, make sure that we are talking about server hits - in the event of a successful shot, the risks of a server hit are drawn around the sight (assuming that you only fired cannons, this will mean that the cannon shell hit is registered on the server).

Secondly, not every plane will fall apart from any hit by a 37 mm shell. Look on the Internet for photographs of B-17s returning from battle with traces of a direct hit from an 88-mm anti-aircraft gun, for example.

Thirdly, 37 mm is, of course, a healthy projectile. But if the shot was fired with armor-piercing ammunition (and the standard belts of many aircraft are loaded with such ammunition, one after the other with high-explosive fragmentation ammunition), then the result, in general, will be just a hole with a diameter of 4 centimeters. And, unless it’s a hole in the engine or the pilot, it will have little effect on the control of the plane.”

An invulnerable player on a tank - I shoot at him, I couldn’t miss, but the ricochet/didn’t hit/didn’t hit.

“In addition to quite ordinary situations (when in fact there was a ricochet or disassembly of a projectile, for example), the following options are possible:

Extrapolation errors - if the enemy maneuvers quickly, then on the client his location may not be shown entirely accurately. These situations also include the case when you still have a goal, but on the server it has already begun to move.

Level of detail when transmitted over the network - distant targets are not transmitted as accurately and, although they are refined in the sight, this refinement may occur with a slight delay or be insufficient. Also, stationary and slowly moving distant targets are transmitted to clients a little less often, which also occasionally affects the accuracy of their display.

The landscape and location objects have their own level of detail - and the silhouette of distant objects may be a little simplified. Thus, a projectile can hit a house/hill even if it looks like it should have hit the target. The last problem is most noticeable when looking from an airplane at the ground where the tanks are driving.

And finally, there are mistakes in all this. Let's list a few that have happened recently.

For airplanes, the frequency of sending changes in the location of completely motionless ground objects at a great distance was infinitely large (the object does not move - there is no need to send data about it). At the same time, the placement of units on the surface (essentially teleportation), which occurs at the beginning of the mission, was also not considered a change, since the unit’s speed did not change, and the sending frequency is checked based on speed. Ultimately, this resulted in the tanks appearing slightly “floating” above the surface - until you fly close enough to them.

In some cases, the presence of an object behind the tank could “close” it from shells, and, conversely, the presence of an object in front of the tank did not protect it from being hit. This was caused by optimization of the calculation of projectile flight, when the entire world is divided into a grid, and all objects belong to one or another cell of this grid. Accordingly, an error in determining whether an object belongs to a grid cell led to the objects missing projectiles, and an error in the transposition of geometry or an error in the sequence of various types of object checks led to a projectile hitting an object behind the target (if the object behind the target was first checked and only after that they wanted to check the target itself, but the projectile was already “absorbed” by the object).

We provide examples of these errors in order to show that errors of this kind can be quite non-trivial. Since the game code is quite complex simply due to the huge volume of tasks that it calculates in real time (calculation of the physics of movement, projectile flight, projectile hits, and all this - on the scale of huge, by gaming standards of other games, locations in which there are many dozens of millions of objects, hundreds of units, thousands of engines, rollers, springs, barrels, towers, thousands of shells in the air, destructible buildings, real physics of waves and water, crushed and active soils, and so on and so forth), then there is always the possibility of nuances arising caused by optimization or implementation details, and these nuances can lead to errors. But still, much more often, problems are caused not by errors in the models or in the client or server code, but simply by desynchronization of the client’s presentation with the real position on the server (or even a simple perception error).”

But I heard that the game adjusts the damage/hit model/hit effect to equalize players/techniques. This is true?

“Look at the statistics of the players - in order to “equalize” them, the game does nothing except select, as far as possible, teams that are equal in technique and sum of battle ratings.

Moreover, to implement something like this would be practically impossible logically and extremely expensive in terms of calculations - because the game already calculates the trajectory of each bullet at each moment in time, and in order to do something like that, it would be necessary to additionally store for each bullet and analyze a whole bunch of information. In reality, the game engine calculates hundreds and thousands of projectiles in the air every frame in every battle - and, naturally, the less unnecessary information there is, the faster the calculations will be (for programmers and engineers this will be clear - optimization for cache and SIMD calculations).

Again, when in doubt, refer to server replays. As a rule, they resolve all doubts - or they allow you to detect an error in the damage model of a specific vehicle, or, as was the case quite recently in - an error in the simulation of calculating the movement of a projectile in special cases (the main error was corrected quite quickly, but finally everything it was corrected only a week later - and all this thanks to server replays and reports from players).”

I saw in the killcam how the projectile passes through hills and obstacles. This is impossible!

“The killcamera shows the history in a simplified way: only information is saved and transmitted from the server about who and how the projectile was fired, the type of projectile, at what point and at what angle it hit the armor, what damage was caused, and the type of damage. In the case of a ricochet, the angle where the projectile flew after the ricochet is also transmitted. Accordingly, in the replay animation, the projectile “flies” in a straight line between the point where it was fired and the point where it hit - in reality, the trajectory always has a ballistic shape.”

I saw in the killcam/hitcam that the high-explosive fragmentation shell produced only a few fragments. This is wrong, there should be many dozens!

“All fragments and effects caused by a shell explosion, but not causing damage to the modules, are not transferred or drawn anywhere - not only to save traffic and computing power, but also so that the player can easily make out what exactly happened on the damage camera.”

I saw a “cheater” - the player shoots incredibly accurately, sees everyone in the mode without markers, and so on.

“Players play markerless modes primarily not for the thrill of sports, maximum fair play or teamwork, but for the sake of immersion in the atmosphere, deliberately choosing a mode in which less information is available to them than they otherwise would have received - in order to feel yourself in the battle of World War II and feel the atmosphere of these battles. Of course, even at that time the fighters tried to know and imagine as much as possible about what was happening around them, but the technical capabilities for obtaining information (radars, FLIR) and presenting it (screens, HUDs) were, as a rule, very limited.

However, in markerless modes, dishonest, malicious or simply greedy players can potentially use various prohibited modifications to the client - since the client in such modes always has more information than is supposed to be available to the player.

So first of all, look at the server replay. Keep in mind that the player can play with different quality settings or with a different screen resolution, and if you do not change your position, you can adjust and direct fire with the help of other players.

Let's repeat it just in case. “Classic” cheats cannot be created and used in the game for singles or games with “client” calculation of game logic, such as: immortality/invulnerability, speed hack, installkill, super-powerful weapons, changed characteristics of the physical model of your equipment or the equipment of other players, and so on. In markerless modes, the so-called wallhack/maphack and automatic guidance control are limited.

An attacker can only take advantage of what is already transmitted to the game client from the server, and only by resorting to the same control capabilities that all players have.
Here are the main types of client modifications that can be used to gain an advantage, and how they can be detected by a non-specialist:

Disabling the rendering of trees/objects/landscape (everything except the crowns of trees and bushes, as a rule, either cannot be penetrated by a projectile, or cocks a projectile, or has a chance to deflect/damage it, etc., so in practice, scammers mainly modify the client, to disable drawing of trees);

Visually changing the vehicle model, drawing an enemy marker. Since there is a player’s tank on the client, and its type and position are known, you can change the output data of the game so that enemy vehicles are drawn, for example, in a bright color and are visible through obstacles, or, using the capabilities of windows, you can connect to the game process , find out this information and draw a marker over the image displayed by the game, create a “radar” and other interface elements that are so well known to our players from their experience of playing in modes with markers;

Autoeim - automatic aiming of the barrel/turret/aircraft at the target, calculation of the ballistic sight, etc. This is discussed in a separate paragraph below.

You can identify a player who uses modifications that help you see something that shouldn’t be visible by looking at his behavior. In the server replay, when viewing “from a player,” you can see where this player was looking, where he was aiming, etc., and all other players are also visible. Using this, it is easy to notice if a “rogue” seems to be “looking” through houses and trees, that is, “following” with his gaze a moving enemy, invisible to him.

If you are really sure that a player is using prohibited modifications, use complaints on the site. There is no need to create videos on YouTube or posts on Twitter - they are of little use (if any at all), since such “reports” may simply be a misinterpretation (for example, in the case of using client replays) or be a manipulation for the purpose of “elimination” a player who is unpleasant to someone. In addition, they will not necessarily reach those who are engaged in catching scammers. Instead, use a special product that really helps fight them.

If you want to talk about some new prohibited modification or share some other information that is important in your opinion about the types and methods of dishonest play, write to Technical Support or to the forum Assistants or Moderators (they will deliver the signal to the right place, and will make sure that he is not forgotten).”

And besides complaints?

“In addition to the complaint functionality, we also use several different methods to automatically “catch” prohibited modifications on the server side. But most of these methods do not have 100% reliability. In addition, there is always the possibility of new modifications appearing.

The main reliable methods of dealing with violators are the following two main ones:

Consciousness and reports of honest players who uphold the principles of fair play;

Design. In marker-based modes (found in major sports formats and most all aircraft modes), the ability of prohibited modifications and their impact on the game are significantly limited.

A little more about game design and its impact on the fight against prohibited modifications and scammers who use them.
If the server does not transmit data to the client, then, accordingly, there is no way to show this data. Unfortunately, even if it were possible to calculate each frame for each player on the fly, this would still lead to unacceptable levels of latency, and therefore tanks appearing out of thin air. Therefore, the game is forced to transfer the enemy’s equipment to the client a little in advance - before the player can see it. However, to improve the overall quality of the game and make life more difficult for scammers, we decided to slightly change the current detection system, making it more “aggressive” in terms of hiding “invisible” models.

First of all, we reduced those parameters in the detection system that were the most “vulnerable” and gave the greatest effect from unauthorized use through prohibited modifications. One of these parameters is “Unconditional detection range”, i.e. the radius within which the client is guaranteed to receive information about the position of all equipment around him, including enemy equipment. Before patch 1.65, this parameter was quite large, about 360 meters, this value was selected so as to give a minimum of situations with the sudden appearance of an enemy tank in the field of view when the camera is turned sharply. We have slightly improved the algorithm for checking visibility at the edges of the player’s field of view, which allowed us to significantly reduce this parameter and at the same time draw the enemy tank model as quickly as possible in the event of a sharp turn of the camera by the player. In patch 1.65, this radius (for a maximally pumped crew) will decrease by about 5 times (the value may still change by the time the update is released on the main server).

We also reduced by approximately 2 times (from 2 km to 1200 m) the maximum range of “Detection in the direction of view” in third-person view. The old value allowed offenders to have information about the position of opponents in the field of view of a third-person camera almost always and on all maps, without switching to an optical sight or binoculars. Considering that third-person visibility is checked from a camera position that may be slightly higher than the height of the tank itself, this also provided a noticeable advantage when using prohibited modifications.

Another parameter in the visibility settings that could give an advantage to intruders was multipliers for detection range when using binoculars and a scope. Thus, the multiplier for binoculars was 2.6 times, which, when multiplied by 2 km, gave a value that, with a margin, covered the sizes of all game cards even diagonally. Considering that the speed of movement of the field of view in binoculars is not limited by the speed of rotation of the turret, this also potentially provided an advantage, so the multiplier for binoculars was reduced quite significantly: from 2.6 to 1.4.

The detection range multiplier when using a sight, which was equal to 2.4, was also slightly reduced, but not so much: from 2.4 to 2 times, since the speed of movement of the sight is limited by the speed of rotation of the turret or gun, and the point from which the visibility check occurs is coincides with the location of the sight itself.

Let us separately dwell on two more parameters: multipliers for the detection range of moving and shooting enemies. And if the first parameter, the multiplier for the detection range of moving targets, was reduced from 1.5 to 1.1 times, then the other (the multiplier for the detection range of targets firing) was, on the contrary, increased. With this change, we intend to give players more opportunities to outflank the enemy and, in general, increase the importance of movement tactics, and at the same time reduce the advantages that the use of prohibited client modifications can provide when playing in the “sniper” style, i.e. when shooting from long distances, where “wallhack” helps to easily detect targets. Thus, players firing from stationary positions will reveal themselves at a greater distance compared to those players who move more around the map.

Another quite important change aimed at increasing the protection of the markerless mode from the use of prohibited modifications will be a more detailed calculation of vegetation to trace visibility, taking into account the shape of tree crowns and the sequential covering of some crowns by others. This will also make it impossible to detect players behind dense vegetation, even with the help of modifications, since the game client will not have information about such a tank “hidden” in the forest.”

I saw in the replay how the sight twitches - the player is using auto-aim, a person cannot aim like that


“The positions of the aiming cursor are sent to the server several times per second (more than ten). This is several times less smooth movement than on the client, which makes any movements of the aiming circle look robotic and “jerky.” In general, such behavior of the sight cannot be a sign that the sight is controlled by an external program - it is not difficult for attackers to make the movement of the circle smooth and this will not affect the aimbot in any way, because the gun still moves at a finite speed.”

I know that there is an auto-aim that helps players kill other players. How can I identify a player who uses such modifications? How effective are they?

“The effectiveness of such modifications depends on the game mode.

Since the game client has information about the type of vehicle and its position in order to be ready to draw a tank model, then in the tank RB and SB modes (where there are no markers and the distance to the target is not displayed), the autoeim (aka aimbot) helps those that finds opponents. In addition, at long shooting distances, a primitive ballistic calculator allows you to set the approximate angle of elevation of the barrel in order to hit approximately the target - i.e. in you (the accuracy of the alignment depends on many factors, in particular on whether you are moving, as well as on a number of others). At the same time, such a “bot” does not aim at vulnerabilities- this is a difficult task that the robot solves relatively poorly, but at long distances the projectile has a chance to hit the roof along a hinged trajectory, where most tanks have weak armor. However, at short distances (300-500 meters or less) this rarely serves well.
A characteristic feature of such an auto-aim is shooting without any “targeting” of the enemy and measuring the aiming angle, shooting at closed positions at long distances, and lack of time to search for other angles after a miss or hit.
In tank AB mode, the aimbot does not provide any significant advantages over the usual target guidance function and the ballistic computer (“green cross”).

In airplane modes, the aimbot is relatively useless - it can only help shoot at a relatively stationary (non-maneuvering) target, and only when controlling the most maneuverable aircraft (biplanes). In most cases, the aimbot understands noticeably worse than the player where and how the enemy can fly (the lead point only shows where the plane will end up if it doesn’t maneuver), and is certainly not able to cope with adequately constructing its approach maneuver. target, calculating your energy, the enemy’s energy, and so on.

According to the analysis of statistics, players who used the aimbot in airplane modes had results even below average (which is why in the past the punishments for violators were relatively mild, from two weeks to a month for the first violation - these violators were very mediocre players even without any punishment).

In simulator modes when playing on an airplane, the aimbot is completely useless.

“Auto-fire” - a bot that presses the fire button when the sight is aligned with the target - is not used in War Thunder, as far as we know, since in all modes such functionality will do more harm than good. How to calculate it is obvious from the description of its action, but in essence the player with it harms himself more than helps himself.”

What do you do with cheaters?

“Banim. Currently - usually forever. Lists of those banned are not published in order to avoid a “witch hunt.” At the same time, recently those banned have a status on the site - “banned” - so if you suspect/suspected someone, you can check if they have this status.”

Weekly: New In our review material, we tell you what beginners need to know before starting War games Thunder. Interface, distribution of the first experience - you will learn these tricks here. Every weekend, War Thunder players compete for first places in blitz tournaments on the tss.warthunder website. We are mainly talking about update 9.0, where these innovations were loudly announced. War Thunder game interface. 03/04/2013 15:51 Administrator. Crew training in the game War Thunder. The crew consists of a pilot, gunners, and mechanics. In the upper right corner of the Hangar is displayed brief information regarding the profile used: number of credits, number of golden eagles, pilot level, number of available aircraft. If you are one of those players who first played World of Tanks for a while and then decided to try War Thunder, then you should immediately notice a significant difference in the user interface. April 21, 2013 Unlike another Gaijin Entertainment project, War Thunder, Star Conflict The careless joke of War Thunder has a picture that is richer, more vibrant and modern than in WoT. In order to see all the maximum beauty WoT charts you will need a very powerful car. July 2, 2015 A major update has been released for War Thunder - “Cold Steel” has been introduced. In these games it is done completely differently. We, in turn, hope that our guide will help you understand the game interface and get the most out of it! Such authenticity provides both a certain complexity and effectiveness and is always liked by players. PLEASE NOTE: Any topic that does not comply with these rules will be DELETED. Returning to the fact that it’s not easy to talk about graphics, it’s worth recalling two different opinions. The interface in WoT looks fresh, easy, understandable and pleasant. Gaijin and War Thunder are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Gaijin Entertainment or its licensors, all other logos are trademarks of their respective owners. Again, we can say that War Thunder is still partially in development, and things will improve over time. All this is in the game as organically as possible, complements each other and complements the most important thing - the gameplay. In World of Tanks you can have tank races, and in War Thunder there are air races at high speeds. You won't get bored anywhere. And if you want to lower the settings to increase FPS, then get ready for the fact that the quality will drop sharply, and there can be no talk of any pleasant visual impressions. There is no point in arguing what is better and what is worse, where the graphics are more beautiful and what is worse, there is no point in comparing different components of games separately. Already explored aircraft are clearly highlighted on the map and inaccessible ones are less saturated. The “Tests” tab will tell you about the aircraft that the user has tested. 12/30/2012 · Built-in video · War Thunder Hangar, War Thunder interface - Game interface - Duration: 9:05. This is Advanced Games 171 views. 9:05 14 lin. 2016 You can play in Ukrainian from the Ukrainian Steam interface, or from. official Comparing the gameplay of two MMO projects is a little wrong, it’s like comparing two varieties of apples, there are some differences, of course, but they are still the same apples. A convenient function to finally make sure that everything necessary has been done before the fight. Having fired from a tank's gun in War Thunder, in addition to a huge cloud of fire, a powerful jet of fire erupts from the barrel, after which the area in front of the tank is enveloped in smoke, which you have to wait for to dissipate before firing again. 6/7/2014 · Built-in video · New interfaceWar Thunder - Duration: 12:44. Enot Kosmo 448 views. 12:44 War Thunder GUIDE for BEGINNERS The line of available aircraft and the chosen nation is displayed horizontally at the bottom of the screen. Steps to reproduce this problem (keep it structured). The game Wold of Tanks was released on August 12, 2010, while War Thunder (hereinafter referred to as WoT and WT) was released on November 1, 2012. Comparing two projects, War Thunder and World of Tanks, at first glance, if you look at them superficially, it may seem that this is very similar games, only from the developers. If something needs to be done, it is done in 2-3 clicks, and is found very quickly and intuitively. Players who prefer one or another game, WT or WOT, may doubt the words of the author, so it is worth explaining that the above is not the personal opinion of the author, but a multitude of opinions, views and reviews reduced to one value. But the sound is simply played in the background through headphones or speakers and partially complements the entire game, making it more enjoyable. After all, they are all connected with military theme, in them military equipment, on which battles take place and even the game modes are similar. All this looks very beautiful, epic, and most importantly, not particularly expensive for computer performance requirements. Yes, things are sad with optimization in World of Tanks. In World of Tanks, this situation is different. And then one autumn evening I saw the banner War Thunder MBT launched. NEW LEOGAMING Weekly #10; NEW LEOGAMING Weekly #9; NEW But nevertheless, this is not a reason to make concessions for WT or turn a blind eye to some shortcomings. Give various examples, comparisons, consider them in detail and criticize them. When starting a flight on an airplane or a battle on a tank, you immediately notice how clearly the engine of the car works, and it hums inconspicuously in the background and creates sounds similar to the operation of the engine, you get the feeling that you are really next to a real working engine in several hundred horsepower. Free online game about tanks and planes. Start playing right now! 12+ At this point, a new problem opens up. Yes, that's true, with every update in the interface there are changes in better side. In case of a crash dump, three files must be attached. War thunder how to remove the interface in replay. Video games Tanks in War Thunder vs World of Tanks, overthrow the king? Some may say that the graphics are not the most important thing and only graphic wankers pay attention to it, and in general the main thing is the gameplay.

After all, when a player installs this or that game, he selects the graphics settings according to the capabilities of his computer, and does not buy a new, more powerful one in order to find out what the game really is. War Thunder (Russian: “Thunder that the game interface, as well as the ground part, needs improvement. Is it possible to disable the entire interface in battle (by pressing a button)? Type. in SOVIET Thunder We Trust! (). The way of the samurai. Of course, if you start talking about physics in World of Tanks and War Thunder, then I would like, as in the previous part of the article about graphics, to speak as accurately and in detail as possible. It turns out that in. standard modes, surprisingly, everything is standard; nothing unique among similar online projects has yet been invented. People argue which is better: Play Stasion or Xbox, Android or iOS system, game consoles or PC, Windows or Mac OS and others, other disputes on various topics. These disputes among the people, in certain circles, even have their own name “srachi”, which are usually discussed in the comments. Cool, of course, but I want to record this, and the interface is in the way, I want to remove it (so that only the battle process can be seen, you know what I mean). But how? War Thunder CDK Camouflages Missions Locations Gentlemen War Thunder developers. We need a normal interface to work on several computers. Home / Articles / What better World of Tanks or War Thunder? As an example of the different implementation of various graphic elements, many comparisons can be made. It's easier to spend free repairs at early levels, which is faster and easier. This situation is most accurately described by the expression ‘How many people, so many opinions’. interface Good! This month I switched to War Thunder. Others will say that the author did not see the necessary effects and the required quality, due to the fact that he did not set the settings to super-mega-super-duper-ultra maximum, and in general his computer is weak. In WoT, after a shot is fired upward, a yellow stripe simply appears in the sky, simulating a flying projectile; in WT, after a shot, you can see how the fired projectile, voluminous, flies, tearing the air, and leaving behind a trail of smoke. Here you can decorate the plane with camouflage from those already researched. When you see tank models, you just see a beautifully drawn model for computer game. Access to the aircraft branch is organized quite conveniently and simply in the War Thunder game. The same is true with the sounds of gunfire; attention to them is especially noticeable on ground vehicles. All the necessary elements and parts are in convenient and in the right places. But the developers of both games are trying to diversify these battles and offer other different variations of modes. War Thunder guide for beginners, hangar - Duration: 14:17 In tell 735 views. WarThunder - how to start playing ground games!! game interface!!! The interface is incomprehensible, compared to tanks (I think the author of the article is not a particular fan of either game, he played with pleasure first in one, and then with the same pleasure (maybe more or less) in the other. The fact is, that after War Thunder had tanks, World of Tanks announcements and updates began to flash messages that some textures would be improved in the game and a separate enhanced graphics mode would be added, and that new HD models of tanks would be added. What can a newcomer do in War Thunder? Likewise, in the case of World of Tanks and War Thunder, despite the fact that new online games, paid and free, appear regularly, the developers have not yet come up with anything new in the gameplay for team battles. from WoT, where the shot looks more like some kind of firecracker explosion, and a more or less impressive sound can be heard on cars high level, and then due to the high volume of the shot, in WT, even on initial tanks, during a shot you hear not just a pop, but an exploding, metallic, grinding, deafening sound, not to mention shots from large-caliber guns, when firing from which you hear a tearing, striking sound , which is like a clap of thunder rolling across the sky. These are fights that take place exclusively on real maps and between the equipment that fought together during the war. This difference is striking when you first log into WT. War Thunder is the app you need. This app allows you to follow the news, They don't have that realism and they don't look 'alive', they are more like the assembly models that are sold in stores. Various disputes, contradictions and other disagreements between the parties arise for a variety of reasons and in a variety of areas. Registration in War Thunder opens the way for players to a beautifully realized online world, dedicated to military aviation of the 20th century. War Thunder. PayGo. Perfect World. PayGo. Tanks But the release of the main part of the game has already taken place, so the fact remains a fact. This question can probably be considered one of the eternal questions of philosophy, along with the question about the egg and the chicken, but let’s still try to figure out what is better than War Thunder or World of Tanks, and whether this is true. In War Thunder, the interface is rather complicated for the user. Bronyanya Vkontakte: June 1, 2014 WarThunder - how to start playing ground games!! game interface! War Thunder Tanks. All this gives you the feeling that this is real fighting machine, made of real metal, which is not pleasant to look at, but to examine in detail.

Interesting fact, there are general camouflage trends that have been used in actual historical battles. It’s useful to activate the second one so that you don’t rush into battle with a minimum of ammo. The developers of both games also thought about modes with historical accuracy. localization (type of splendor); War Thunder - 2.21% The WT interface cannot be said to be intuitive. If you find and watch the recordings from the closed beta testing of War Thunder ground vehicles, you will notice that the separation of the tower is an ordinary and normal phenomenon, because it should not be any other way. Launcher logs are located in the WarThunder game directory. Comparing the graphics, you understand that in some places it is better, in others it is worse, but in the end it does not greatly influence the choice. Cool, of course, but I want to record this, and the interface is in the way, I want to remove it (so that only the battle process can be seen, you know what I mean). Whoever likes what is more suitable, choose and play without starting endless and useless debates about “Which is better and which is worse.” An example of the graphic design of some effects is the implementation of a shot. You understand that this is not actually the case when you see the models in War Thunder. And if you start to look into it in more detail, it turns out that these projects are completely different and for different players. As they say, it’s a small thing, but nice. In the next announcement World updates of Tanks, the developers placed special emphasis on the fact that now when an explosion occurs, the tank’s turret will come off. To give an example, there are already a lot of them for this purpose. In order to be sure of this, you will have to try playing both projects yourself and see it with your own eyes. When you look at the tank models in WT, you just want to say that the eye is pleasing, you want to look and admire them. Paying special attention to the sound, you also highlight a significant difference. . in SOVIET Thunder We Trust! ().Then, while in battle, go to Settings --> Interface and in the “Game interface” line set “Minimal”. While riding a tank and shooting back at enemies, the player simply hears the sound of the tank's engine, the rotation of the turret, the sound of a shot and other surrounding sounds, without paying any special attention to them. Since WoT and WT are games of the same focus, that is, they are based on battles in military vehicles against enemy equipment, their battle modes are similar. Unlike previous examples of graphics and physics, the sound component is often a less tangible and significant part of the game. When starting a game and getting carried away by it, the player usually first of all pays attention to the graphics and gameplay. The second fact that physics is not very necessary for good gameplay also applies. Of course, if you want, you can figure it out and find what you need, but the first time you can’t do it in 2-3 clicks, and it takes from one to three minutes. Description of the problem. In the lower right corner there is a “Research” button, clicking on which expands full map combat vehicles of a certain nation. And in order to play, not worry about FPS drops and also enjoy the graphics, it is not necessary to have powerful computing resources and set the maximum parameters; this is quite enough at medium and even lower settings. But it’s worth clarifying that on November 1, with the release of War Thunder, there were only aircraft battles in it, while tanks appeared on December 4, 2013, and they are still in open beta test. Are you a player of the popular MMO game War Thunder? Then Assistant for The developers of both games have repeatedly stated in their videos that many of the sounds for their projects were recorded from actually working machines or guns. Talking about the graphical component of both games is not as simple as it might seem. And watching the first videos demonstrating the new features of the game, to be honest, they are not particularly impressive. Bonuses in War Thunder. During the game you can get various medals, stickers in the cockpit itself, and all instrument readings are presented in the form of a graphical interface. Analyzing the gameplay component separately, everyone finds more suitable advantages for themselves. After all, despite its mediocre quality in WoT, there are millions of players who enjoy the game and do not suffer much due to poor destructibility or the fact that their tank does not drive realistically. 3 breasts 2012 - publications: 25 - authors: 6 On the other hand, if the game has good physics, its gameplay is complemented by various details that delight the players and bring them more pleasure. Even looking at the introduced HD models, they seem somehow plastic or plasticine. After looking and reading some reviews of large and not so large publications, you can notice a frequently repeated phrase about tank models in WoT, it looks something like this: “The tank models in World of Tanks are very high quality, they look beautiful, and they are nice to look at.” Each aircraft is accompanied by a package of 10 free repairs, and the time required to complete it depends on the level of the aircraft. But we won't do this. From the screenshots it may seem that it is the same as in other similar online games, but still this is a different game, so there cannot be an identical interface. The lower left corner of the Hangar allows the War Thunder player to configure two important options: auto repair and automatic replenishment of ammunition. Thus, it is worth immediately cutting off the reservations that WT has a lot of bugs and “incompleteness”; the tank part of the game is being “finished” to the release state. Those who read this article would immediately like to warn about some things. LEOGAMING Weekly #8; NEW LEOGAMING Weekly #7; TOP LEOGAMING Let's go through the user menu. The Second occupied a special niche in the game World War, however, there was also a place for other historical events. On the plus side, there are slots for stickers, allowing you to give the aircraft more individuality. simple tasks for you: such as watching videos, installing In one game on not very powerful computers it is quite possible to play at high settings, and even if you lower them to low, the overall quality will still remain more than satisfactory, but in another with optimization everything is much more worse. PLEASE review this information before submitting a bug report. 10 ber. 2016 over 20 tanks in HD-capacity, and also a lot of enhancements have been made. If you constantly play the same modes with historical accuracy or maximum well-thought-out tactics, then this can get quite boring and scare off the player for a while. There is a separate tab that displays data regarding the player’s profile: general level pilot, rating of 5 nations, statistics on completed missions and sorties. Please indicate the frequency of occurrence. Screenshot of the error (posted on alternative resources), indicating the problem. The screenshot must be taken using the game (PrtSc key) and not renamed, because 6/17/2016 · War Thunder - Official Forum Error Reports Errors: Windows Interface and

If in World of Tanks, after firing from a cannon, a player sees a nondescript cloud of fire and a small smoke and takes it for granted, then in War Thunder the shot is implemented much better. Therefore, as soon as a full transfer of the game happens, then it will be possible to talk about something. But as a result, for some reason, the sound design in World of Tanks and War Thuder turned out to be noticeably different in quality. The awards received by the pilot for completing historical missions are displayed separately. For example, at level 10, the pilot will have to wait about 40 minutes until the repairs are completed. But the game is not its individual components, they together, as a whole, create one unique project, unlike the other. In our review, we tell you what beginners need to know before playing War Thunder. Interface, distribution of first experience The article does not claim maximum objectivity, but strives for it. Since the interface at first resembles the WOT interface. Also in WT, if penetration occurs and a shell hits the ammunition rack, it detonates, and a column of fire bursts out of the tank’s hatch, after which the tank explodes, flying into pieces. The fact is that at the moment the physics in War Thunder is noticeably better than in World of Tanks. Therefore, there is no particular point in comparing World of Tanks and War Thunder, this different games and, most importantly, for different players. And yes, exactly “srach”, because these are long and useless arguments that usually lead to nothing, and often boil down to typical insults. The models are very high quality, you can see every rivet, every rust, dent, peeling paint, scratches and abrasions, uneven metal and weld seams, cables, tools and other equipment on the sides of the tanks. Interface and a special section for news about official competitions for War Thunder, Eagles for WarThunder for free! "Immediately. WarThunder Eagles" will suggest. This is exactly what happens in World of Tanks. The physics in the games is also different, but everywhere is pleasant in its own way. War Thunder forum. How to remove the interface in the game? VladStrikeR Status: offline Expert rating: 4. In addition to the main sounds, the player also hears various additional ones, for example, while driving a tank, you can hear the clanging of tracks, the grinding of metal, you can hear something rubbing, fastening and working mechanisms, after a shot Various technical reloading sounds are also heard. Even if we talk about the average computer on which WoT or WT is installed, it is unlikely that these statistics will show medium or high settings. All tanks have their own characteristics, but they lack detailed design. But, firstly: WoT fans will immediately say that the game will soon be transferred to another engine, and then everything will be done. Bronyanya Vkontakte: June 1, 2014 WarThunder - how to start playing ground games!! game interface! War Thunder Tanks. And secondly: physics does not have that much influence on the quality of gameplay and the popularity of the game. The final and main conclusion will be at the end, it is also worth reading before writing useful comments. However, this also happens in other games; even in large projects nothing outstanding can be said about the sound. But when playing War Thunder, you begin to pay attention to the sound quality from the very first moments. Jokes in War Thunder wtlol.ru » Pictures » Updated interface. War Thunder: interface guide, war thunder interface. Online. PayGo. World of Warships. PayGo. ArcheAge. But we can wait a very long time for this, and we are playing what is now, and not what will be someday. do not change it between battles, as in the same World of Tanks or War Thunder. directly weapons, sound component and interface. Feel free to take advantage of all the benefits Online Games War Thunder, they are specially created to benefit players. The “Shop” tab allows players to replenish their stock of game gold (eagles), purchase premium, and exchange experience points for eagles. But not all players have top-end computers; most likely, only 20 percent of players set the maximum graphics settings. But it’s better to disable auto repair at the beginning of the game. Game launcher (loader) logs. In War Thunder, the interface is rather complicated for the user. War Thunder has a picture of more. There are battles with the capture of one point on the map, with the capture of an enemy base or the destruction of the entire enemy team, the capture and retention of three points and others. new types of projectiles, improved interface, changed Client version in the topic title. As is already clear from the title, we will talk about the disagreement among players that appeared with the release of the game War Thunder. For example, the way the projectile is flown in both games. At the beginning of the game, the user will be offered a standard set of simple aircraft that were in service with 5 nations: the USSR, Japan, Germany, the USA, and England. However, before diving deep into the gameplay, let's look at the basics of the game. Setting up graphics in War Thunder. The graphic image in the game has in which it is possible to adjust the sharpness of the image, the game interface and First of all, the newcomer will be sent to the Hangar, with the help of which they can inspect and select available aircraft models, repair and upgrade them, and many equally useful things! Yes, game World of Tnaks has long been promised to be transferred to the Havok engine, and it is expected that it will become much more beautiful and the physics more realistic. Therefore, in both WT and WoT, the developers introduced the most arcade and simple modes for fun. In a society of people, no matter how small or large it may be, sooner or later disagreements arise on certain topics. When you play War Thunder, you notice every time that it’s nice to look at how the tank moves, how it tilts from a sharp start or braking, how the suspension works, or how the wheels of the plane continue to rotate after takeoff. War thunder how to remove the interface in replay. Video games Tanks in War Thunder vs World of Tanks, overthrow the king? Everywhere there are the same captures of bases, enemy or one on the map, the complete destruction of the enemy team, collection of resources, and so on. War Thunder Hangar, interface. Bronyanya! Game. SubscribeSubscribedCancel subscription. Naturally, there is also team battles, where you can play against a specific regiment or clan, because sooner or later the player will get tired of playing in a random environment and he will want to try playing in a team, with tactics and normal allies. As he progresses, the War Thunder pilot unlocks new paints and stickers for upgrading his planes, which is also recorded in his profile. The “Flight Book” tab contains detailed information regarding each aircraft that a War Thunder player has flown. Logs of the game client (. 5 Aug 2016 At the same time, War Thunder now has the ability to replenish the crew. Excellent graphics allow you to look at the cars from all angles, rotate the panorama. No taste, just facts. Switching between nations is done by pressing a button with the corresponding flag. Fan -War Thunder game website: registration in War Thunder, system requirements, guides, news Gaijin and War Thunder are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Gaijin Entertainment or its licensors, all other logos are trademarks of their respective owners.

Physics of vehicle collisions in War Thunder. Implementation principle. We often find that players do not understand how vehicle collisions are implemented in the game environment, especially when the connection is poor. That's why Anton Yudintsev, our CEO and lead developer, dedicated some of his time to explain in detail how physical interactions are implemented in our game.

The principle of implementing network interaction (network code) and physics in War Thunder The client applies control actions (pressing buttons, joystick axis), transmits them to the server and simulates physics. The server accepts control actions and applies them “in the past” (due to the presence of network delay, the received control action always refers to some past point in time). The server then sends the "confirmed state" to the client, i.e. "real" position. Also, due to the network delay when arriving at the client, it is already a thing of the past (i.e., it is obsolete for the client). Therefore, the client again applies all control actions (pressing control keys, joystick axis) that have been performed up to the current moment to the received “outdated” (but the only real, from the server’s point of view) position. As a result, a “new” position is formed.

Although this method can be difficult to understand and undoubtedly requires a large amount of computing resources (compared to, for example, Battlefield's network code, which essentially works by interpolating "in the past tense"), it provides very efficient control of your equipment on the client and server for any response. The control efficiency in the game can be really very high, at the level of offline single-player mode, i.e. in real time, but for this, several conditions presented below must be met. Stable response As follows from the considered algorithm, both sides, client and server, rely on the timely receipt of certain information. And if the response is unstable, jitter can occur. That is, a stable 100ms response is sometimes better than the “average” 50ms when the actual response time spread is 10-110ms. Of course, the game knows the exact time of the packet, but visually the behavior with jitter may be more jerky. Acceptable packet loss rate This is why it is better to play with a wired connection than over Wi-Fi. Of course, all data is transmitted with a certain redundancy. But if the 700 ms window with all the client control actions sent to the server is completely lost, they will become too outdated to be reused. It must be remembered that the client is game world not just one - there are other clients who must “see” the positions of other players and interact with them, so repeated application of control actions in the last, for example, 10 seconds is unacceptable. As a result, a noticeable “teleportation” of the player will occur both on the server and on all other clients. However, if packet loss is 3-5%, there should be no problem. It should also be taken into account that game statistics packet loss does not reflect all losses experienced by the client. Its measurements are based only on “reliable traffic” (traffic with confirmed delivery), since in the case of unreliable traffic it is not even possible to accurately determine whether a packet was lost. But even if the average loss is 5%, this does not mean that, for example, all packets with control actions cannot be lost (even if they are transmitted redundantly). There is no interaction with other players. Of course, this cannot happen in the game. However, most of the time (99.9%) no interactions occur, and 99% of all interactions are shooting. Shooting is a great type of interaction (in terms of netcode and immersion) because most of the time it either results in nothing (misses and ricochets) or causes actual damage. Therefore, some desync appears to be acceptable and does not affect immersion (for example, in the case of a small teleportation, if the position was moved for another 100 ms after damage was done to the player's trajectory 200 ms ago).

Of course, since the network code War Thunder works exactly this way, the player sees the other players in extrapolated time, i.e. their old positions, speed and control actions are known, and future positions are predicted based on them. The technology in the game is very predictable and has high inertia, so in most cases this does not create any problems. As far as I know, such network code was invented in War Thunder. The industry standard for shooters is to display each client with interpolation in the past tense (Battlefield, CS), which puts players with high responsiveness at an advantage (and also doesn't work well enough for physical encounters for obvious reasons - all movements have already been made in the past ), or no (additional) interpolation at all (Q3), where you have to guess the delay time and aim at the enemy ahead of time (which is also ineffective against collisions and puts players with high responsiveness at a severe disadvantage). There is one obvious solution - a “thin client”, in which only what is transmitted by the server is displayed, and delays are compensated (predicted) by applying all control actions in the “future” (i.e. with a certain delay). This is how many MMORPGs and some other games work. However, this solution is not suitable for high-speed equipment with critical unbalanced states, such as aircraft and sometimes even ground vehicles (in the case of moving at high speed on an inclined surface), because control becomes “sluggish” and response is slow. There is no perfect solution for online games (of course, if we could trust the calculations to the client, the collisions for each client would be much better), but our solution is extremely effective for vehicles in most of all possible states. The main and obvious exception is physical collisions between different vehicles (especially if they are controlled by players), for which the solution is not as effective. Collision calculation in game physics is one of the most difficult tasks, but it becomes even more difficult if you try to reconstruct events, that is, not only calculate collisions correctly, but also try to trust the user's control actions (and not his position) from a past point in time (i.e. reapply them for the last time frame of the client response).

Obviously, if you observe the collision from another client's point of view (while viewing the replay), the situation becomes even stranger, not only because the client will reapply its control actions after the actual collision in the past, but also because the extrapolated, future position is displayed the opponent’s machine, for which exactly the same thing is performed (repeated application of control actions on the server). In some of the examples that were pointed out to us, a collision was, in fact, very likely. Sometimes tanks turn over out of the blue completely without the help of other tanks (videos can be found on the Internet - tank testing, tank biathlon, etc.). However, the "observable behavior" that leads to natural results can look completely unnatural, partly because you can't see what actually happened (on the server), and partly because the server has to reconstruct past events (control actions) under very specific conditions . In our game, the server broadcasts positions rather than controls, so no one is dependent on the “slowest” client. Generally, if a player has good feedback, it will be easier for them to navigate and aim easier. However, control of one's own vehicle does not depend on the response (depending only on packet loss), with the exception of collisions with other units of equipment. Because the controls work well and collisions are fairly rare (in fact, there is no good solution for implementing collisions in online games other than forced "slow" and lag-laden controls or a "thin client"). It provides an overall good user experience and allows competitors from all over the world to participate in the game. In conclusion, I would like to advise you to keep your distance and try to avoid accidental collisions with teammates. Indeed, in reality, this is fraught with serious injuries to the crew and damage to equipment, no matter what type it is, and of course, the precious paint job always suffers. CEO and Lead Developer of Gaijin Entertainment Anton Yudintsev

As you might guess, we will compare World of Tanks and War Thunder ground vehicles. The impetus for this video was a lot of discussions like “that’s it - the ground-based thunder will come out and the tank servers will be empty forever” or “everyone is used to tanks and they don’t need that thunder, and it’s also more difficult to study there” and many, many, many other similar things.

These discussions are initially quite absurd and I will explain why:

  1. The tanks were produced at the end of 2010 - beginning of 2011. That is, more than 3 years ago, respectively, their engine was developed to suit the realities of that time, and in order to reach a large audience, the game should not require a powerful video card or processor, it should have worked on Vasily’s average computer, which works at the factory.
  2. Also, many are mistaken about the gameplay, saying that in tanks the developers themselves come up with “performance characteristics”, which is why some tanks bend and others suffer. Let's take the Kvass as an example; it was equipped with 2 76mm guns, stock and so-called pre-top guns, ZIS 5 and F-34. Which are simply impossible to use in the game, only pain and suffering. But in the game it has a 122 mm cannon, which is punishing not in every hand, believe me.
  3. World of Tanks and War Thunder are, in principle, games of different genres, since tanks are a regular arcade game with some historical elements, and Thunder is developed with an emphasis on complete historical correspondence and historical performance characteristics, so choosing the best tank simulator from them is simply ridiculous.

Well, let's move on to the graphics.

In tanks, the graphics are a little wooden, but quite pleasant to the eye, but it is wrong to consider this a minus, since the game is not new. But what should be considered a minus is optimization. Since I personally have maximum settings The game lags less than on minimum settings. Some cards are colorful and convey atmosphere, and some are slanted and dull, but without this there is no way. In the near future, HD models of tanks and the Havoc physics engine will be introduced, which in theory will greatly improve the graphical component of the game.

In the tank, naturally, the graphics are 2 heads ahead of the world of tanks, well, this is not surprising. After all, the game, in principle, has not even been released yet; it is at the OBT stage. But now there is excellent physics of objects and nature. A huge advantage of the game is the level of graphics - “cinema” or “ultra”, whichever you prefer. This mode is designed for shooting movies. After watching a couple of videos, at some points I could not distinguish the game graphics from real filming. To sum it all up, we can say that the graphics in Thunder are gorgeous.

The soundtrack in both games is at the proper level. True, in tanks the sounds of many vehicles are not natural, but modified by software, which is sometimes clearly audible. When listening to the sounds of the thunder, no obvious substitution is heard. It is clear that it is impossible to record the sounds of all tanks, since some can no longer be found in nature. Love the volume of sound, the clanging of the tracks, the change in engine speed, damn it's like listening to metallica or scorpions, great.


With the introduction of new physics in tanks in patch 088, everyone is aiming at the commander's turrets and driver's viewing slots measuring 10 cm, somehow not realistic, is it? Also, the behavior of the tanks in terms of realism is also not very good.

War Thunder is again at its best - realistic behavior of tanks, swaying, recoil when fired, even the grass gets crushed when you run into it, it’s cute.


You might think that I'm specifically criticizing tanks because I like the Thunder better, but no. Since I'm comparing games, in order to be objective, you can't take sides.

The few things in which these games are comparable is donation. And he's terrible in tanks. Without premium, it takes an awfully long time to farm silver and upgrade tanks, but premium. tanks hit your pocket hard.

In the Thunder, the premium functions are exactly the same as in the Tanks, but when playing without it, I did not notice any discomfort during the game at all - this is an incomparable plus.

Game modes

Tanks is an arcade game, divided into several setups, and the new “confrontation” is the most balanced.

In Tander, everyone will find a mode to their liking - arcade, vigorous hacking with resurrection and simplified physics, with a lead indicator.

Realistic battles - historical characteristics, full physics, simplified controls for convenience. The manual gearbox really made me smile, I’ll have to try what it’s like to change gears on a tank...

Well, for real tankers or just fans of complete hardcore - simulator battles - full control a combat vehicle with all that it implies. By the way, I tried to take off on a plane for 2 hours while training in simulator battles, but then I flew for about 30 minutes, had fun, but really, the fuel ran out and I crashed.


If you don’t like complex gameplay and just want to ride for fun, then you’ll either have to fork out for a tank package in War Thunder, since the closed beta is still ongoing, or continue playing World of Tanks.

If you want to feel a huge tank as part of yourself, definitely War Thunder. Still, the atmosphere there is incomparable.

If you want to become an e-sportsman, definitely World of Tanks, since wargaming has put a lot of effort into popularizing tanks as an e-sports, which is the strength of the game.

We often find that players do not understand how vehicle collisions are implemented in the game environment, especially when the connection is poor. Therefore, Anton Yudintsev, our CEO and lead developer, devoted part of his time to detailing explain , how physical interactions are implemented in our game.

The client applies control actions (pressing buttons, joystick axis), transmits them to the server and simulates physics. The server accepts control actions and applies them “in the past” (due to the presence of network delay, the received control action always refers to some past point in time). The server then sends the "confirmed state" to the client, i.e. "real" position.

Also, due to the network delay when arriving at the client, it is already a thing of the past (i.e., it is obsolete for the client). Therefore, the client again applies all control actions (presses of control keys, joystick axis) that have been performed up to the current moment to the received “outdated” (but the only real, from the server’s point of view) position.
As a result, a “new” position is formed.

Although this method can be difficult to understand and undoubtedly requires a large amount of computing resources (compared to, for example, Battlefield's network code, which essentially works by interpolating "in the past tense"), it provides very efficient control of your equipment on the client and server for any response.

Stable response

As follows from the considered algorithm, both sides, client and server, rely on the timely receipt of certain information. And if the response is unstable, jitter can occur. That is, a stable 100ms response is sometimes better than the “average” 50ms when the actual response time spread is 10-110ms. Of course, the game knows the exact time of the packet, but visually the behavior with jitter may be more jerky.

Acceptable Packet Loss Rate

This is why it is better to play with a wired connection than over Wi-Fi. Of course, all data is transmitted with a certain redundancy. But if the 700 ms window with all the client control actions sent to the server is completely lost, they will become too outdated to be reused.

It must be remembered that the client is not alone in the game world - there are other clients who must “see” the positions of other players and interact with them, therefore repeated application of control actions in the last, for example, 10 seconds is unacceptable. As a result, a noticeable “teleportation” of the player will occur both on the server and on all other clients. However, if packet loss is 3-5%, there should be no problem.

It should also be taken into account that game statistics on packet loss do not reflect all losses experienced by the client. Its measurements are based only on “reliable traffic” (traffic with confirmed delivery), since in the case of unreliable traffic it is not even possible to accurately determine whether a packet was lost. But even if the average loss is 5%, this does not mean that, for example, all packets with control actions cannot be lost (even if they are transmitted redundantly).

No interaction with other players

Of course, this can't happen in the game. However, most of the time (99.9%) no interactions occur, and 99% of all interactions are shooting. Shooting is a great type of interaction (in terms of netcode and immersion) because most of the time it either results in nothing (misses and ricochets) or causes actual damage. Therefore, some desync appears to be acceptable and does not affect immersion (for example, in the case of a small teleportation, if the position was moved for another 100 ms after damage was done to the player's trajectory 200 ms ago).

Of course, since the War Thunder network code works this way, the player sees the other players in extrapolated time, i.e., their old positions, speed and control actions are known, and future positions are predicted based on them. The technology in the game is very predictable and has high inertia, so in most cases this does not create any problems.

As far as I know, such network code was invented in War Thunder. The industry standard for shooters is to display each client with interpolation in the past tense (Battlefield, CS), which puts players with high responsiveness at an advantage (and also doesn't work well enough for physical encounters for obvious reasons - all movements have already been made in the past ), or no (additional) interpolation at all (Q3), where you have to guess the delay time and aim at the enemy ahead of time (which is also ineffective against collisions and puts players with high responsiveness at a severe disadvantage).

There is one obvious solution - a “thin client”, in which only what is transmitted by the server is displayed, and delays are compensated (predicted) by applying all control actions in the “future” (i.e. with a certain delay). This is how many MMORPGs and some other games work.

However, this solution is not suitable for high-speed equipment with critical unbalanced states, such as aircraft and sometimes even ground vehicles (in the case of moving at high speed on an inclined surface), because control becomes “sluggish” and response is slow.

The main and obvious exception is physical collisions between different vehicles (especially if they are controlled by players), for which the solution is not as effective.

Calculating collisions in game physics is one of the most difficult tasks, but it becomes even more difficult if you try to reconstruct events, that is, not only correctly calculate collisions, but also try to trust the user’s control actions (and not his position) from a past point in time (i.e. i.e. reapply them for the last time frame of the client response).

Obviously, if you observe the collision from another client's point of view (while viewing the replay), the situation becomes even stranger, not only because the client will reapply its control actions after the actual collision in the past, but also because the extrapolated, future position is displayed the opponent’s machine, for which exactly the same thing is performed (repeated application of control actions on the server).

In some of the examples that were pointed out to us, a collision was, in fact, very likely. Sometimes tanks turn over out of the blue completely without the help of other tanks (videos can be found on the Internet - tank testing, tank biathlon, etc.). However, the "observable behavior" that leads to natural results can look completely unnatural, partly because you can't see what actually happened (on the server), and partly because the server has to reconstruct past events (control actions) under very specific conditions .

In our game, the server broadcasts positions rather than controls, so no one is dependent on the “slowest” client.

Because the controls work well and collisions are fairly rare (in fact, there is no good solution for implementing collisions in online games other than forced "slow" and lag-laden controls or a "thin client"). It provides an overall good user experience and allows competitors from all over the world to participate in the game.

In conclusion, I would like to advise you to keep your distance and try to avoid accidental collisions with teammates. Indeed, in reality, this is fraught with serious injuries to the crew and damage to equipment, no matter what type it is, and of course, the precious paint job always suffers.

Different games