What does RDD mean in games? General overview of RDD fighters in the Legion! Damage Tactics

Perhaps this is one of the most discussed topics on all official and fan forums - who has it easier - RDD or militia? Most recently, Wyatt Cheng shared his views on this topic, as well as his upcoming plans:

Quote Blizzard employees

I'll start with what, in my opinion, this moment there really is a discrepancy between melee fighters (MCD) and fighters ranged(rdd). I think I've talked a lot about the game design philosophy and haven't mentioned that we actually see these inconsistencies because now people will again assume that we think everything is good and nothing bad is happening. No. I will repeat: at the moment the correspondence between the MDD and RDD is incorrect, changes will be made, and even if you do not agree with the above, we have a very large number of feedback that this situation requires our attention.

It may not be as noticeable, but a very large number of changes in 1.0.3 are aimed at closing the gap between RDD and MDD. Let me tell you a little about this.

Quote Blizzard employees

Hardcore (xc)

Let's start with the hardcore. In general, on hardcore there is much less inconsistency between classes. On Hardcore, the ratio of classes progressing to Inferno is even. Why is it important? What is this connected with? This is because the main difference between DMD and RDD is that RDD can progress very quickly, even dying. If an MDD runs into a crowd and surrenders there, he will do virtually no damage to elite opponents. Rdd will be able to kite, destroy mountains of HP, die, respawn, and destroy more mountains of HP. In the realities of HC, any unsuccessful mortar, vortex, jailer or reflex will kill a character like “Glass Cannon”, which is why there is such a big dominance of RDD here, as in softcore.

Repair fee

One of the innovations is an increase in repair fees. The main purpose of this innovation is to make death more tangible for the player. One of the most common counterarguments to this innovation is “I’m already dying a million times to move a centimeter along Inferno. If you increase the repair fee significantly, progress in Inferno will no longer be possible for me.” And, characteristically, we almost always hear this counterargument from the RDD – glass cannons. Most melee players say that "increased repair costs are something we can live with" since they don't use deathzerg tactics. This innovation will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of such a strategy for RDD.

Enemy health and damage
We also plan to slightly revise the damage and health of monsters in Acts 2-4 on Inferno. This innovation is again aimed initially at MDD, but RDD will also receive bonuses here. Many RDD build their build according to the principle: “Well, let’s pray that we don’t hit even once.” And in general, street roads are hit much, much less often than miles. Therefore, the reduction in incoming damage is not very significant for RDD, but for melee it is a very, very big plus. I'm hoping these changes will give survival gear more traction with RDDs because it will finally make sense. Because when the damage was so great, it was absolutely pointless to try to reduce it in any way, other than to go into full defense. I hope the situation will change with the upcoming changes.

Damage reduction in co-op

Another change aimed at making life easier for melee players is a reduction in damage in cooperative games. Once again, since most RDDs make a glass cannon build and try to completely eliminate damage to themselves, they actually don’t care that the damage of monsters will increase - and so it’s a one-shot, and so it’s a one-shot, but MDD is very well noticed when they join the game new player, because before this life-on-hit allows you to stand in the crowd and tank, but as soon as +1 appears, your glutton can no longer cover the HP loss from hits and you look at the red monitor.

Additional changes

And finally, there are many not so global, but still pleasant moments for the mile - such as changes in the behavior of some monsters (BEES!!!). Now they will run away from you much less often. I specifically spent a lot of time making sure that if a bee flies away from you and you are chasing it, it won't suddenly turn around and shoot 4 bees in a row at you. We are also working to ensure that when you move away from the blow of Dark Berserker's hammer, it does not turn after you (although we are unlikely to have time to make this change in 1.0.3). Changes of this kind will not even be noticed by the RDD, and the miles will definitely attract attention.

Another change we are making is that we are increasing the maximum range and dead zone of monsters with the Mortar affix. This affix was originally intended to be an anti-RDD, but most RDDs can simply stand outside of its range and shoot, shoot, shoot, while many melee units sometimes get caught in the crossfire of two nearby mortars. So this change is also meant to make life easier for miles.

Rdd - comes from the English phrase ranged damage dealer and is translated as causing damage at a distance. What is RDD in online games? These are character classes that attack from a distance - archers, hunters, rangers and all types of mages.

Rdd in the game is a weakly protected character with a small amount of health. As a rule, he wears light armor made of leather or fabric, and is armed with a bow or staff. His ranged attacks deal high damage, but in close combat he becomes almost defenseless. To slightly remove this imbalance, rdd has several controls - slow, stun and others.

Basic stats

For rangers and archers, the main stat is agility. They must shoot quickly, penetrate armor, score critical hits, and dodge enemy attacks. In most games, all these parameters are somehow related to dexterity, so heroes with bows and crossbows primarily level it up. Secondary parameters should contribute to survival - first of all, this is evasion, then armor, and various types of resistance to magic.

For magicians and other casters, the main stat is intelligence. They must deal high damage with spells and put up magic shields if they receive damage. Secondary parameters should increase the amount of mana and HP, increase the casting speed and critical damage from spells.

Role in the group

It’s easy to guess that the main role of the rdd in a group or raid comes down to throwing arrows and spells at the enemy from behind the melee fighters standing in front. In most cases, they are required to damage monsters and, but without over-aggravating them on themselves, since the archer or magician will very quickly die from the blows.

Damage, or DPS for short, is one of the most common roles in World of Warcraft, and is divided into two broad groups:

    Characters that deal damage to enemies standing next to them, or as we say, in melee combat.

    Characters who deal damage to enemies at a distance from them.

This guide describes the second group; after learning the capabilities of each class with a given role, you will choose the one that suits you, and also learn the basics of DPS!

Get ready to face some tough competition when choosing this role in World of Warcraft. Here are some of the most basic principles of playing as a ranged fighter:

    Give out as much damage as possible.

    Choose the right place from where you will deal with enemies, and at the same time do not stand where it is dangerous.

    In raids, if tactics do not oblige, stand away from other participants.

    Focus on the main targets, killing them as quickly as possible, this will make life easier for tanks and healers.

The guide will give you a basic understanding of how to deal damage, how to be a ranged DPS, and cover all six ranged DPS available in Legion. Also check out our tanking and healing guides:

    Overview of healing and healing specializations in Legion


In general, the role of DPS in Legion has not changed at all from previous expansions, the behavior in this role remains the same, however, the mechanics of some of the classes have been changed, their abilities have been updated or completely redesigned. The changes are expressed in reworked and new talents, and in the form of newly introduced features in artifact weapons. In Legion, each spec will receive a unique artifact that grants a new active ability almost immediately after you acquire it. In addition to the active one, by spending artifact power on this weapon, you can unlock 3 large and a number of small passive abilities.

Damage Tactics

Today, unlike the recent past, it is no longer a secret to anyone how to produce the maximum damage with your class. If you met your class not long ago, better place to study and understand it is outside the game. Read the guides for your class to learn the basics, this will give you the right foundation for playing as it, and by developing in the right direction, you can get the most out of your class!

Once you know the basics of the class you're going to play for, there's only one thing left to do: Play. No longer invented The best way increase your damage rather than constantly playing, dealing damage over and over again, learning to get the maximum out of it on automatic, this will greatly help you in dungeons and raids, where you should focus on the features of the battle and the mechanics of the boss, and not on “what spell should I cast?” should I play next?"

What kind of DPSers do they like?

Being a DPS is not all fun and games. Although we have fewer responsibilities than tanks and healers, we still have them and, if we do not fulfill them, this can lead to further big problems these tanks and healers, or, in principle, to wipe, but we don’t want that, right?
So, if you are a fighter, what kind of fighter should you be?

    Be respectful! - Going on your first adventures as a fighter, you, of course, are unlikely to be in your best shape. Don't be afraid to admit it, let the group know that you are new to your role and if there is any advice for you, you will definitely listen to it, there is no shame in that! Keep this in mind constantly, perhaps in the future you will be able to help some other beginner.

    DO NOT STAND IN THE FIRE! - (The word fire means "anything that deals damage while you stand in it") You may have heard this phrase hundreds of times, and you can even survive a few ticks of this fire by walking through it, still don't do it! Why is that? The first reason is that dead DPS does 0 damage, we don’t want that, right? The second reason is that even if you don’t die, additional healing will be required for you, which can lead to the death of someone in your group, for example a tank, because you diverted the healer’s attention to yourself, and this will lead to a wipe of the entire raid. The third reason is that if you have already established the habit of standing in fire, when leaving it is extremely important, it will stick with you and you will continue to stand in it, for which you will be kicked out of groups/raids.

    Choose who you want to kill wisely - In most raid battles and dungeon battles, new enemies - also called adds - will appear throughout the fight - they are usually much easier to kill and are higher priority to kill than the bosses themselves. Thus, be sure to switch your damage to adds, even if it risks you losing DPS.

    Stand inside the healing/useful zones - exactly the opposite advice to the second. Many of the healers have spells that create healing zones on the ground, standing in which you are passively healed. If you suddenly find one of these nearby, be sure to stand in it! In addition, in some battles there will be special zones in which you will receive additional bonuses. Before the battle, be sure to check with the dungeon log what type of zones you will encounter during the battle, so as not to get confused!

    Wait before you start damaging a new target - remember that you are not a tank. Let the tank aggro the adds and bosses as they appear first, otherwise they will aggro on you and make short work of you. Simply put, start attacking when the target's attention is drawn to one of your tanks.

    While fulfilling all the above points, do not forget to inflict the maximum possible damage - last, but not least, I will repeat the main goal of our role. Even if you master the mechanics of the boss, he needs to be killed within the allotted time frame, so never forget to deal damage, this is very important.

Which Ranged DPS should I play?

Bad news! I can't answer this question, I'm sorry. Good news! I can help you make your own choice! All available RDD classes are worth choosing. Even if someone now says that class/specialization A or B is not in the best shape right now, this will not always be the case. If my goal is to help you choose, choose the one that suits your playstyle and you like more than others, no matter for what reason, the spells look cooler, you like the history of the class, whatever. Don't let the "pick of the month" influence your decision unless you change characters like gloves.

Below is a list of the main features of each ranged class and some basic understanding of it. For more detailed information, be sure to read the guides, the list of which is above.


Druids in World of Warcraft are considered a "jack of all trades" class - they can take on any role they wish, they have the wealthiest gaming style. Choosing this class means that if you are tired of your, say, current role as a melee fighter, you can always try yourself in another role without changing and leveling up another character! From tank to healer, and even melee fighter, Druids can handle it all!

Basic mechanics

    The main mechanic of the Druid is transformation. Depending on the role he plays, the druid has a special form of beast for this purpose. RDDs gain access to Moonkin Form, you turn into a moonkin/moonkin (you may have already met similar players while swinging and even killed some of them). If you don't like being a chicken, there is always Glyph of Stars to change this form to the astral one.

    Resource: To attack, munkins use a variety of spells, all of which are themed around nature. The main resource is Astral Power, which is accumulated by some spells, such as Solar Wrath, and spent by others, such as Starfall.

    Situational abilities: As a Druid, Munkin have a number of extremely useful abilities for the group:
    Rebirth - combat resurrection;
    Solar Beam - an interrupt that lasts as long as the target is in the affected area;
    Barkskin - a cooldown that reduces the damage you receive will help you survive;
    Dash - to speed up you will have to take Cat Form, you will not be able to deal damage, but you will survive;
    Remove Corruption - a spell that removes damage and poisons, useful if your group does not have a healer with a similar ability;
    Innervate - for 10 seconds, the healer in your group will cast spells without costing mana.
    Affinity - These three talents fit perfectly into the image of the druid as a "jack of all trades", allowing him/her to perform the functions of another without changing the current role.
    Mighty Bash - stuns the target for 5 seconds.
    Mass Entanglement - entangles all targets in the selected area with roots for 20 seconds, damage interrupts this effect.
    Typhoon - knocks down all enemies in front of the drood and causes them to become dizzy for 6 seconds.

You should play a balance druid if:

    You enjoy being useful to the group by casting spells that benefit them.

    You are tempted by the idea of ​​playing a double role


Hunters are a unique RDD class in World of Warcraft. He is the only non-magical ranged fighter who uses bows and guns. The Hunter has various shots and poisons that place debuffs on enemies, and they scatter traps to damage/slow/immobilize their enemies.

Basic mechanics

    The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to hunters is, of course, pets. Although not only hunters have pets, they play an important role in this class. The hunter can tame more than 50 different types of pets, each pet belongs to its own family and gives various bonuses to its owner and his group. From boosting stats to being resurrected in battle, pets can handle it all.

    Resource: As stated, Hunter is the only ranged unit that deals physical damage, so most of their attacks have no cast time. The only limiting action and main resource is Focus. Focus is mechanically similar to the energy of Rogue a and Monk a, but it recovers much slower. Therefore, the hunter has abilities that restore concentration.

    Damage Boost: Depending on the specialization, the hunter has various damage-increasing abilities, for example, the Beast Mastery has Bestial Wrath and in the shooting specialization the Trueshot ability and a couple of abilities in the talents, Stampede for the Beast Master.

    Situational abilities: The Hunter has a variety of group-useful abilities, some of which are available in various specializations:
    Feign Death - Resets your threat to zero and leaves the fight. Does not make you immune to combat mechanics such as ground fire;
    Disengage - You jump back a long distance, can be used to avoid taking damage when falling;
    Camouflage - Reduces the distance at which enemies will notice you;
    Misdirection - Redirects the threat you receive to the selected target, the ability can help tanks with gaining threat and collecting new adds;
    Distracting Shot is an extremely useful taunt if you need to kite a target.
    Flare - Detects all hidden and invisible opponents in the specified area;
    Counter Shot
    Concussive Shot - Causes the target to become dizzy and slow down by 50%;
    Freezing Trap is a trap that freezes a target caught in it for 1 minute; any damage interrupts the freezing.

You should play a hunter if:

    You like collecting animals.

    Do you enjoy playing as a mobile character?


Mages are classic mages/wizards from role playing games and other stories. They command the powers of arcane, fire and ice magic, their abilities depend on the school of magic they choose. Each specialization - Arcane, Fire, Ice - has access to unique spells and mechanics, they are all unique. Outside of combat, all specializations have many common useful spells; a mage can place portals to cities, create food for himself and his group.

Basic mechanics

    In general, it cannot be said that a magician is good at only one thing; each of his specializations is different from the others. In one, you deal with single enemies with strong spells, leaving no empty space behind them. In another, you are strong against several enemies, with excellent passive damage to them and their temporary slow. In the third, you rely on critical damage, dealing more and more damage as your stats increase, your enemies go up in flames and burn alive, and the fire easily spreads to other targets.

    Resource: Each specialization has its own resources and ways to generate them:
    Arcane magic (arcanum): Arcane Charge is the main resource of arcanes, with each stack you deal more and more damage, the resource determines your rotation and acceleration time to cast spells. Each spell either generates or has a chance of generating Arcane Charges.
    Fire: The specialization does not have a direct resource like Arcane, but instead uses Heating Up/Hot Streak, which are generated by spell critical hits.
    Ice: Also does not have a direct resource, but there are two triggered effects that change your rotation: Brain Freeze and Fingers of Frost.

    Damage Boost: Common to all specializations will be the Time Warp ability, which has a common cooldown for your entire group/raid. In addition, each specialization has unique counterparts. Arcana has Arcane Power and Evocation, fire has Combustion, and ice has Frozen Orb and Icy Veins. There are also damage amplification abilities available in talents, such as Arcane Orb and Comet Storm, and a couple common to all specializations, Rune of Power and Unstable Magic.

    Situational abilities: Mages use a variety of both combat and non-situational abilities:
    Blink - instant teleportation several meters forward;
    Invisibility / Greater Invisibility - Resets all threat within a few seconds, making the magician invisible;
    Ice Block - You do not take damage, all negative effects are removed from you, but you become motionless and cannot perform actions;
    Dragon's Breath (Fire) - Disorientation of targets for a short period of time;
    Cone of Cold (Ice) - Slows down nearby targets for a short period of time;
    Counterspell - Interrupts the casting of a spell;
    Spellsteal - You steal a buff from the enemy;
    Polymorph - Turn the target into a sheep, it loses control over itself;
    Frost Nova - Opponents around you freeze;
    Various teleports - Teleports you/creates a teleport to the main ones game cities and locations;
    Conjure Refreshment / Conjure Refreshment Table - Create food for yourself/your group.

You should play a mage if:

    You love having portals to any of the major cities in the game at your fingertips.

    You like to choose how you want to deal damage.

    You enjoy being helpful in a group.

    You don't mind changing your specialization from time to time depending on the specifics of the battle.


Priests of darkness use the power of faith and their intellect to inflict pain and suffering on their enemies. Most of their spells involve either damaging the minds of their opponents, weakening them with each blow of a powerful and ancient force drawn from the Void. As with other specs, they can also heal their allies, but if they are not focused on it, they deal much more damage. Priests of darkness can transform the torment of their enemies into the salvation of their allies using vampiric rituals.

Basic mechanics

    The specialization of the priest of Darkness is primarily distinguished by the ability Voidform, which allows the priest to physically immerse himself in the forces of the Void, giving him a translucent appearance, he becomes the living embodiment of the Abyss. With a couple of tentacles and effects.

    Resource: Shadow Orbs are the main priest resource in the Shadow specialization. Most actions performed by priests generate Insanity. Collecting all Shadow Orbs unlocks the use of Void Eruption, which then activates Voidform. The more you are in Voidform, the faster speed casting spells. However, during it, your Shadow Orbs begin to fly apart, faster and faster over time, until it reaches 0, then the Voidform is deactivated.

    Damage Boost: While your spells are on cooldown, the shadow priest cannot perform many actions, only summon Shadowfiend. With talents, the choice becomes richer, new different options appear: Shadow Word: Void, Dominant Mind, Power Infusion, Shadow Crash, Mindbender and, last but not least, Surrender to Madness, the only 10-minute cooldown in the game to increase damage!

    Situational abilities: Since the other two specializations are healing, some of the shadow specialization's spells can heal, others have their own effects:
    Vampiric Embrace - Converts your damage from Shadow spells into healing for your party;
    Mass Dispel - removes all negative effects from allies and positive effects from enemies located in the selected area;
    Levitate - Allows selected members of your party to levitate, reducing fall damage taken and allowing them to walk on water;
    Silence - Interrupts the casting of a spell;
    Fade - Resets all your threat, making you less of a target to attack for a few seconds;
    Dispel Magic - Removes all useful buffs from the enemy;
    Purify Disease - Removes all disease effects from an ally.
    Dispersion - You turn into a pure and cool embodiment of darkness... I wanted to say into energy, the damage received in this form is reduced;
    Shadow Mend - Heals an ally for a large amount, but at the same time imposes a dotage equal to half the damage healed.
    Mind Bomb - Stuns all enemies around the selected target after a short delay.

You should play a Shadow Priest if:

    You love Voidform (Especially tentacles, don't be afraid to admit it). Seriously, how can you not like this?

    You like classes that primarily deal damage over time with spells.

    You like classes with a dynamic fighting style.


Among shamans there are those who call themselves shamans of the elements. They call upon the forces of the elements, storms and thunderstorms for help, in order to defeat their enemies with them. Like other shaman specializations, they have powerful spells of water, earth and fire, which also help them in battle. The shaman can temporarily bind powerful elementals with his will and direct them towards his enemies.

Basic mechanics

    One of the first things that symbolize a shaman is totems. Some of his abilities are directly dependent on the totems he places. Also, with the release of Legion, the Elemental specialization became the only one capable of summoning elementals to help.


long range missile

Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. - M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. - 318 p., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. - St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. - 527 p.

Russian Children's Fund

Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. - St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. - 527 p.


market of bilateral agreements


regulated bilateral agreement

Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations. Academician 2015.

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Network variants of the Russian language are a large and separate topic that deserves at least a couple of dissertations. Take “Albatsky,” which any self-respecting blogger must speak.

Warcraft slang- a phenomenon not so well known to the rest of the masses, but no less interesting. According to rumors, the foundations of the slang were laid by the Russian-speaking pioneers of WoW, who began playing on American and European servers in the shaggy years of 2004-2005. I don’t know how this slang can be defined in linguistic and philological terms, but the essence is this: English words are pronounced in Russian (and conjugated and inflected according to the rules of the Russian language). This language is oversaturated with abbreviations and words related to game mechanics, names of locations, monsters, bosses, characters. In short, the mixture is terrible. Moreover, the English slang has already been overwritten. This is difficult for a beginner to understand.

Slang at the beginning of RuVoV was quite an interesting topic. There was a problem of (mis)understanding. Beginners who started playing with the release of localization had difficulty getting into gaming slang, on which veterans communicate. Then another process began - the “newcomers” began to distort Russian words, creating derivatives from them. Now the problem of “fathers and sons” has already been solved.

There will be no detailed research here. The purpose of this posting is to provide a basic understanding and translation into common Russian of words and abbreviations that are circulated in in-game chats and forums. One way or another, you still have to master it. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to communicate with your neighbors in Azeroth.

A few notes before you start looking for the right words. This part of the dictionary does not contain slang names for locations or instance bosses. Further, since slang is in a certain sense in a state of mutation - the transition from purely English derivatives to Russian ones - then perhaps not all terms are already relevant. Lastly, if you have anything to add or correct, do not hesitate to write, the list of terms is, of course, not complete. I will only be glad to help. And no longer me, but those newcomers who cannot understand what we are talking about.

Abilka(from English ability) - ability.

Avoid(from English to avoid) - avoid

Agro(from the English agro, synonym: hatred) is a characteristic of a mob that determines its level of aggression towards the character. The more aggro the character deals damage to the enemy or heals his allies, the greater the aggro.

Agro-radius- the radius around the enemy, when the character crosses it, the enemy attacks him.

Aguila(from English agility) - dexterity

Aimed- hunter skill Aimed Shot

ACC- account, account

Alto- alternative character; Each player has one character who is the main, i.e. main; usually the main is one of the first characters to reach the maximum level, dress up and participate in the endgame; violas are alternate characters, which the player creates after the main either with the goal of trying out another class, or raising a fighter for the guild (there can be many other “or”s).

Alik- a character belonging to the Alliance faction

Auk, AH— auction

AT- Arena Team (from the English Arena Team)

AFK- from English AFK (Away From Keyboard), in the case of MMORPG - to move away from the keyboard during gaming session; afkat - to be absent during a raid or instance for five people, being included in a group.

Budge(from the English badge) - a certain version of the monetary policy system introduced by Blizzard in the first addition to The Burning Crusade and which found its continuation in Wrath of The Lich King; in order to avoid a situation where, when distributing loot, most of the raid is left with nothing, now from each defeated boss in “heroics” and raids of Outland and Northrend (levels 70 and 80), each member of the raid gets badges (most often one, but sometimes more). For badges, you can buy items of epic quality from merchants in Shatratta, Dalaran and in the Lake of the Ice Shackles location for a character who has completed the instance and alts (in the case of BoA items, account-linked).

Bajran— a group trip to an instance for five people, the purpose of which is to receive badges. An option is fast bajran (quick run for badges).

Ban- a temporary or permanent spell that Blizzard casts if the owner violates the EULA ( user agreement). Violations include the purchase and sale of in-game currency, the use of bots, the sale and purchase of an account, etc. Simply put, you are deprived of the opportunity to play. Synonyms: “banana”, “send to the bathhouse”.

BG- battlefield (from the English Battleground)

Beach- applied by “advanced” players (but boors by nature) to those who are less well equipped or play weaker.

BL(from the English Bloodlust) - “thirst for blood”, a skill of the Horde shamans, which gives an increase in casting and attack speed to all raid members by 30% for 40 seconds. An analogue of the Alliance shamans’ skill “Heroism” (aka “gerych”)

BR, battleres(from the English Battle Ressurection) - the ability of resurrection in battle for druids

Buff, buff(from English to buff) - In the general sense - enhancing the properties of something; in a particular case, a useful spell that temporarily increases a character’s characteristics.

Buff- please use an ability-enhancing spell.

Bug— use of incorrectly working items, talents, skills

BVH- cheat

BRB(from English BRB, Be Right Back) - I'll be right back

Side— paladin buff “Blessing of Kings” (also called "helmet"

Boss- a special monster in dungeons that has a large supply of health, unique abilities and from which you can get things good quality(“blue”, “epic”).

Bot— a program that controls the character while you are absent from the game (not controlling the character); From Blizzard's point of view, using bots is a violation for which you can get a banana.

Railway carriage– a player who does not bear the main load (dealing damage, healing) in a group game, i.e. when completing raids and instances for five people, also applies to players who play poorly.

Vanilla WoW— The Matrix..., the first period (or version of the game) of Warcraft of Warcraft before the appearance additions The Burning Crusade, time frame from November 2004 to January 2007. So-called. “original WoW” or “pre-TBC WoW”.

Warlock- (from English warlock) - warlock, synonym - lok. Abbreviated English pronunciation class. The second syllable is taken, because Warriors are called warriors.

Wipe(from English wipe) - result crookedness and ignorance of the class unintentional actions of a member or members of a group, leading to the death of all members of the group passing through the instance.

Vaipalschik- the person who wipes the group.

Vendor(from English vendor) - seller, merchant.

Viklik- a weekly task that is completed in a raid instance.

Wisp- from English to wisper, means to contact in person, synonym - PM, pm

VTB(from English WTB, Want to Buy) - I’ll buy.

MTC(from English WTS, Want to Sell) - selling

VPE- cheat

Carry out- an expression meaning killing a mob, a group of mobs, a boss

Ganking(from the English ganking) - usually dishonest behavior in PvP (see below), an attack at an inconvenient moment for you (for example, after you barely survived a battle with a mob), from an ambush, etc.

Game Master, GM (from the English gamemaster) is a Blizzard employee who monitors the game. Can answer questions, resolve controversial situations, help players and punish them for breaking the rules.

Heroic— instance in the “heroic” version. “Heroics” appeared with the release of the first addition to WoW: The Burning Crusade and applied only to instances for five people. Essentially, it all came down to the fact that the monsters were thicker and hit harder, and accordingly, objects with higher characteristics and badges fell from them. In the second expansion, raid instances also acquired “heroic” versions.

Ger- synonym for "heroic"

Guild Master, GM- head of the guild, its creator and leader.

Guild, guild- a group of players united in the game by common goals on a long-term basis

Gir(from the English gear) - character equipment, synonym - gear.

GKD(from the English GСD, Global Cooldown) - a general cooldown (recovery) of abilities, triggered when using most of them.

Graz, Hz- Congratulations. Derived from a whole series of abbreviations of the English Congratulations.

Grid(from English to greed) - an option when sharing loot, which means that you would like this thing, but you don’t really need it, most often this option is used when sharing “green” and things that fall in instances from “regular” mobs

Grinding(from the English grinding) - repetitive actions of a monotonous nature, the purpose of which is to level up the character, acquire a certain amount of resources, gold, reputation, etc. In general, grinding is considered a low-brain activity, akin to Tetris, but an inevitable part of any MMORPG.

Griffin(from the English griefing) - behavior in the game that interferes with other players (mainly their allies), irritates and upsets them.

Coffin— a warlock stone for summoning a party member.

Go- (from English to go) ran, “follow me.”

Gold— (from the English gold) gold, in-game currency.

HS- an index showing the player’s equipment level, from English. GS (GearScore is a special add-on, an addition to the standard game interface that calculates this indicator), after patch 3.2 gained wide popularity and is now the standard for determining the level of gear

“Give it to the party”- join the group!

“Give me a leader”- give the authority of the group leader

Darn— Darnassus, capital of the Night Elves

Damage, damage(from English damage) - damage, damage.

Dungeon, dungeon, donjon(from English dungeon) - dungeon; The term “dungeon” usually refers to instances (for five people and raid ones);

Debuff, debuff- the opposite of a buff, i.e. weakening of characteristics.

DEF– protection indicator

Deilik- a daily quest that can be repeated every day, unlike quests that are done once (from the English daily quest)

Tree- Druid in a certain specialization (healing)

Dirighople- Horde airship

DK— Death Knight (from the English Death Knight)

PrEP(from the English DKP, Dragon Kill Points) - a system for accruing star points for participation in raids, which is then used when distributing loot between raid participants

DMG- damage

DoT(from the English DoT, Damage Over Time) - damage that is inflicted gradually over a fixed period of time.

DPS(from English DPS, damage per second) - damage per second.

Drop(from English to drop) - items dropped from a killed mob.

Damage dealer, DD, DPS(from the English damage dealer) - the function (role) of a character in a group. This function comes down to dealing damage from a long distance or in close combat. Moreover, DPS is an incorrect use of the term in this case, but it does occur.

Dru- druid, synonym - drul.

Nerd- a person who spends a lot of time World game of Warcraft

Zelenka- “green” thing, official name “unusual”

Zerg- quickly kill the boss without following any tactics

Imba(from the English imbalance) is a certain element of game mechanics that introduces an imbalance into the game. This term refers to a character who is incredibly powerful in relation to other characters of his level. Most often characterizes high level games of the person who controls the character. In more rare cases, it is used to designate some strong elements of the game, for example, particularly cool abilities of a character of a certain class.

IMHO- “in my humble opinion” (from English IMHO, In My Humble Opinion)

Invite(from English to invite) – invite (to a group, raid, guild)

Inzha— engineering

Instance(from the English instance) - instantiated zone - a separate copy of a specific location in the game, created for a group of characters; instances are available for 5 people (5ppl), 10 and 25 (the last two are raid)

Inta- intelligence

Casual– a person who plays World of Warcraft not very often and not for very long. In a general sense, he is an ordinary person who approaches something without great passion.

Kiting, kite(from English to kite) - a combat technique for “long-range” classes, which allows you to keep a mob at a distance and at the same time inflict constant damage on it; Most often used by hunters and magicians.

Custer(from English caster) - caster. A character who knows how to use spells (mage, warlock, priest, etc.).

Cast(from English to cast) - cast a spell.

CD, cooldown1. (from the English cooldown), the mechanics that apply to raid instances are such that when you kill a boss, a copy of this instance is “saved” for you, i.e. you can come here the next day and you won't have to kill him again, but the reset, i.e. The restoration of a full copy of the instance with all the bosses occurs after server maintenance on Wednesday. In the English-speaking environment of players, the term save has been fixed, in ours, for some reason, cooldown or cd. 2. the delay before the next use of an ability, spell, or item.

Kill(from English to kill) - kill a mob.

QC(from English CC, Crowd Control) - Crowd control. The ability to control a target in battle, for example, immobilize it, thereby temporarily removing the mob from the battle, making the battle easier for others.

Craft(from English to craft) - to make objects.

Craft, crafting(from English crafting) - production of things

Crete(from English crit) - critical hit.

Ku- Hello

Cooldown(from the English cooldown) - the delay before the next use of an ability, spell or item.

Level, lvl(from English level) - level.

Lowlevel(from English low level, synonym: lowbie) - low level, low level character.

LOL, lol(from English Laugh Out Loud) - “I laugh” in the sense of “I laugh very loudly (at something)”

Lock- Warlock

LoS(from the English Line of Sight) - visibility area

Lolodin- a mocking name for the paladin class

Loot(from English loot) - items falling from a mob

Loot- search a dead mob

LFG(from the English LFG, Looking For Group) is a group search system built into the game interface for completing an instance; if you see similar abbreviations in the chat, this also means “looking for a group”, also the name of the group search channel. Can be used in the following variations:

LF 1M- “we are looking for the last member of the group”

LF tank / healer / DPS— “we are looking for a tank / healer / DPS”

Mount(from the English mount) - a mount.

Miles, militiamen(from English melee) - classes that specialize in melee combat

MD(from English misdirection) - hunter skill Redirection

Mob(from the English mob, mobile object, synonyms: monster) - an NPC hostile to the character.

Monster- see “mob”

Metro- an ingenious invention of the dwarves - an underground cable car between Ironforge and Stormwind

MP- mana

Mainemain character player, the main one in the sense of the one with whom he plays most often, who is best dressed, etc.

Hatred— see agro.

Nerf(from the English nerf) - deterioration, weakening, usually performed to balance characters and simplify instances and mobs.

NZ, nz - you're welcome

Nid(from English to need) – an option when dividing loot, meaning that you need this item

Nick- (from English nickname) character name

NP, np - (from English no problem) no problem

Newb, noob(from the English newbie, noob, n00b) - a newbie or low-level character. Sometimes used with a derogatory connotation.

Nyker- mage with mass spells

Overgear - equipment that significantly exceeds the content requirements (for example, a 5-person instance) to complete it

OLO— Lake of Ice Shackles

OLOLO- Lake of Ice Shackles in the evening, when the entire server begins to lag very much during the battle.

OP or OP(from the English OP, Over Powered) - a class or any item that is overly strengthened after a buff

Pal - paladin

Dad- a person who plays very well, synonyms - folder, hellish folder, father

Locomotive– most often a high-level player who bears the main load in a group game, most often used in the case when a high-level player leads through the instance most often low-level players, who are called carriages.

Pass- password

Party(from the English party) - a temporary group of comrades, numbering from 2 to 5, gathered for the purpose of completing an instance or simply doing a quest together.

PvP(from the English PvP) - a “player versus player” game mode, or a WoW server type, also used to indicate the type of equipment.

PvE(from the English PvE) - a game mode “player versus environment”, or a type of WoW server.

Persian- short for “character”.

Pet(from the English pet) - a tamed or summoned creature that obeys its owner. Usually a hunter's beast or a warlock's summoned creature. Or a non-combat pet.

Plz- please (from English please)

Pnh- go to …

Hang- usually combined with a pillbox - hang a pillbox - cast a pillbox on a player

Port— a portal between cities, or a portal leading to a stone at the entrance to the instance

Ppts- extreme degree of indignation

Ppl(from English ppl = people) - people

Preved- Hello

Profa- profession

Priest(from English priest) - priest.

Pug(from English Pick Up Group) – random group; in general, a group is a group assembled through a search system, in which people play who have not previously played with each other in the same team; attitudes towards scares are different due to the fact that an unplayed team means a high probability of frequent wipes; on the other hand, instances for 5 people (including “heroics”) are quite successfully completed by pugs on old servers, where there are quite a lot of veterans of the game.

Pull, pullin'(from the English pulling) - a battle tactic in which an individual mob or group is “pulled” into an area where a group of players can deal with them without any problems

Ran - a group of comrades going to an instance (from English run)

Res(from the English resist) - resist resistance to a negative effect

Res(from English ressurection) - resurrection after death

Raid- a group consisting of 10 or 25 comrades who come together to complete high-level difficult content (raid instance)

Range, range(from English range) - classes that specialize in fighting from a distance

Reparan— a race into an instance in which the main goal is to kill mobs in order to raise your reputation

Respawn, respawn(from the English respawn) - the reappearance of something or someone in the game world (mob, mined resource, etc.).

RDD -(Ranged Damage Dealer) DDs that deal damage from a distance (hunters, warlocks, mages, etc.)

Horns(from English rogue) - robber.

Roll(from English to roll) - the principle of loot distribution, when people claiming something throw out a random number with the /roll command (random number generator). The person who rolls the maximum number gets the item. Reroll - rerolling a roll (usually when two or more members of a group or raid roll the same number). The second meaning is choosing a different character to play.

RO— end of the raid (from English Raid Over).

RF, radish(from the English Ready Check) - checking the readiness of a group or raid for a boss fight

Ruth(from English root) - stopping the target, tying it to the point at which this effect caught it. In root, the target can fight and make ranged attacks.

Sammon(from English summon) - summon a member of a group or raid.

Blue- “blue” item, official name “rare”

Skill(from English skill) - skill, skill - a gamer who knows how to play well

Scatter- hunter skill Disorienting Shot

Slacker– a player who skips raids, hides behind his comrades during a boss fight, and generally screws up.

Spell(from English spell) - spell

Alcohol- a spiritist or spirit in a cemetery that resurrects.

THX or thank you

Wed, sr(from English sorry) - sorry

SS(from the English soul stone) is a warlock stone that is hung on a raid participant so that he can get up immediately after death. Throw ss - hang this stone on a character, usually healers or tanks.

Page or strand (from English strength) - strength

Steady- hunter skill True Shot

Mill(from the English stun) - a stun that turns the target off from the battle for a while. The character or mob becomes immobile and cannot do anything during the stun.

Summon— calling a player to an instance or raid using a “summoning stone” or a warlock portal

Surv- hunter specialization "Survival"

Taxi- griffin maker.

Timerun— going to an instance where you need to complete some of the tasks for a while (for example, killing a boss)

Tank(from the English tank) - the role of a character in a group, usually a character with a high defense indicator, holding back the aggro of mobs in battle (usually a warrior, paladin, rarely a shaman, a robber).

Twink(from the English twink) - a character leveled up with the help of other high-level characters, and wearing things received from them, synonymous with alt, but more often used for alternative characters that are intended for playing PvP (player versus player).

Tray(from the English try) - an attempt, usually used when an attempt is made to kill the boss, kill try- an attempt that ended in killing the boss

Ladder(from English trap) - trap

Trade skill(from English trade skill) - trading skill

Axe- a player who, after numerous explanations of raid tactics, repeatedly makes fatal mistakes for himself or the raid (group)

TT- extreme surprise

Toilet— a warlock stone from which “health stones” are taken by raids.

Uber(from German uber) - a prefix or independent word to denote an ability or character that is superior to others. Can be considered a stronger version of imba.

Farming(from the English farming) - repeated killing of mobs in order to obtain items that fall out of them, synonym - farming, grinding.

Fail- failed attempt, failure

FD(from the English Feign Death) - a “cheat” skill of a hunter: Feign Death

Hunt(from English hunter) - hunter, hunter

Highlevel(from English high level) - high level or high level character.

Hits(from the English hits, hit points, HP) - the amount of vital energy that determines the amount of damage that a character or mob can withstand.

Heal-bot— paladin

Hill(from English to heal) - to treat

Healer(from the English healer) - the role of a character in a group, which comes down to restoring the health of group members, synonym - heal.

Hilyay- treat

Hardmode— complicated raid boss mode; after patch 3.1, difficult modes were introduced into the game mechanics for more advanced players; the abbreviation hm or xm is also used

HoT(from the English HoT, Healing over Time) - healing that is performed gradually over a fixed period of time

HP(from heal points) - indicator of health level

Char(from English char, character) - character

Kettle(from the English chain lightning or chain heal) - either chain lightning (if cast by mobs or bosses) or chain healing of shamans.

Chanter- enchanter (profession)

Cheat(from English cheat) - forbidden technique, deception

Sham - shaman

Shmot- things, items of equipment, synonym - gear

Epic- “fillet” thing, the official name is “excellent”.

epicfly- a flying animal that moves at a speed of 310% of the normal movement speed of a walking player.

Yuva- jewelry making (profession)
