Counter Strike 1.6 with admin. The basic rules of administrator management

Hey! Today I will tell you how to register the admin in CS 1.6. You made the server, or I downloaded the ready-made COP server 1.6, now you want to manage it, well, or if you want to get it, directly in the game itself. In order for you to understand, the admin work works only when you already have AMXMODX. If you lacked, check in the server root folder: C: / Program Files / [Your Server Folder] / Cstrike / Addons. If there is no AMXMODX folder in the Addons folder, or there is no addons folder, then you will need to download. Addons folder from the archive to download the CSTRIKE folder on your server.

How to register the admin panel

  1. We go to the "Server folder" "CSTRIKE» Addons »Amxmodx» Configs
  2. Find and open the user.ini file through a notebook, or another text editor
  3. At the bottom of the file, write this line with the data replacement to your: "Nickname" "Password to the admin" "" ABCDEFGH "" A "
  4. Run the KS 1.6 server, or restart it if it is running, or in the Server console, you will write the AMX_RELOADADMINS command, if you do not want to restart the server.
  5. Go to KS 1.6 and write in the console: SetInfo_PW "Password to admin" (Password to administrack Write the one that was specified in the user.ini file)

Note! Nick must be the one that is written in the user.ini file, otherwise you cannot give the admin. When changing Nick in the game on another, you will need to change the nickname and in the user file itself .ini.

How to prescribe an admin in steam ID

  1. Go to your server or on any other.
  2. Push the Status command into the console.
  3. Find your nickname from the list received, opposite it will be something like this Steam_0: 0: 123456789
  4. At the bottom, I will write "steam_id" "" "abcdefgh" "CE" (instead of steam_id, write your own)

How to register an admin on IP

  1. Go to the site To find out your IP address and copy it.
  2. Open "Server folder" "CSTRIKE» Addons »Amxmodx» Configs »Users.ini
  3. At the bottom of the impregnate "IP" "" "ABCDEFGU" "DE" (where I replace IP)

Flags, Additional Administables

a - Immunity (Cannot navigate, Sleep, Slip, Ban) B - Reservation C - Using the AMX_KICK command (PC) D - Using the AMX_BAN command (BAN) E - Using the AMX_SLAY F command - Using the AMX_MAP G command - Using AMX_CVAR H - use AMX_CFG I - Using AMX_CHAT command and other Chat Commands J - Using AMX_VOTE command and other voting commands K - access to the SV_PASSWORD command (via amx_cvar) L - access to the AMX_RCON and RCON_PASSWORD commands (via amx_cvar) M - Customizable level A (for Additional plugins) n - Customizable B O - Customizable C P level - Customizable level D Q - Customizable level E R - Customizable Level F S - Customizable Level G T - Customizable Level H U - Access menu, via the AmxmodMenu Z command - User

How to enter and use the admin in the server

To manage the server directly in the game, there is an amxmodx menu, it is already installed with it. It will be necessary to bind a button to activate AMXMODMENU.

  1. Run your server and go to it.
  2. Open the console and register the bind "f" "amxmodMenu" command to make the menu call (where the letter F can be replaced by any other Latin letter)
  3. Press the F button and you will have an admin menu.

Video How to register the admin in CS 1.6


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If you have AMX MOD X.You need to perform: "Find in the folder and open ... / Cstrike / Addons / amxmodx / configs / users.ini."

The basic rules of administrator management

The first for all, Administ on NickName. In the users.ini file and at the very bottom there is nothing touching "your nickname" "your_pall" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "A", then, run CS 1.6, open the console, who is not aware, the console can be opened by pressing the button where the letter is located "E". In the input field we prescribe: "setInfo _pw" Your password "

On this, the creation of the admin ended when you went under your Nickname inscribed in the user.ini file and did not throw you out, then everything is performed correctly, if the focus, then check whether the password and all the steps described are properly registered!

Second way, in the user's.ini file and at the bottom of the nearest fit fit: "IP_adress" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de". In still, everything is simple and understandable, instead of "IP_adres" fit the desired IP. After that, go into the game under any nickname and in the end you administrator! You can define your IP address on the site

Third way to administration by Steamid, Suitable only to those who have a license for the game Counter Strike 1.6. We also go to the user.ini file and at the bottom of the file without producing text changes, enter: "Steamid" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "CE". Steamid It is possible to know when to register during the game in the "Status" console. Admins as well as on the IP address should work under any ninema!

All information is provided for informational purposes. Copy is prohibited.

Despite the fact that the game Counter Strike 1.6 (COP) was released back in 2003, she is gaining more and more popularity among gamers every year. It is now difficult to imagine the game world without this popular first-person shooter. For this game, special international tournaments and competition are increasingly being held, players are combined into clans and play against other clans for pleasure. Due to the fact that the game has such a large number of fans, it has many different modifications that are literally just in the game: from other models to completely converted graphics.

Now you can find a large number of servers that are dedicated to this game. Servers can be both classic and completely new. For example, there is a ZM mod, which is a map and players who are confused from evil zombies. There are servers dedicated to the Gun Game fashion. Players playing this mod must destroy their opponents and earn a new weapon. It all starts with a pistol, and ends with grenades. The mod attracts people to playing in it, you learn to shoot well almost from all weapons in COP 1.6. For example, if you never like to shoot from a shotgun, then in this fashion you will have to have a deal with him, because only after it you can get another, more powerful weapons. New weapons appear after a certain number of killings committed for the round. This game is considered to be traveled if you have come to grenades, but some servers are arranged on the contrary: from the most powerful weapons to the weakest (Glock gun).

Due to the fact, a large number of cheaters have emerged recently (people playing with additional programs that are essentially simplifying the game) on each server have administrators (abbreviated - admins). They monitor the order on the server and punish those who play dishonestly or use prohibited programs. But besides punishment of cheaters, admins are engaged in both entertainment on the server. They can make up interesting questions or voting, give players additional opportunities, weapons or lives. To implement these actions, used, which can be literally just in the popular Counter Strike 1.6 game. Download plugins for COP 1.6 for admins It is possible on the sites on this game, but if you speak AMXX programming language, you can easily write your plugin for COP 1.6.

Console Admin Commands for Counter-Strike 1.6

Admin Console Commands are required to manage COP 1.6 servers. With these commands you can ban, nick, print beautiful text in the game, withdraw voting. Also these commands will be needed to configure the server. All admin commands in CS 1.6 will definitely save themselves to a computer that would not forget or not lose them. Read the descriptions carefully, otherwise you are waiting for sad consequences on the server, so you do not confuse the command in the console. On our Russian version, use console teams on a lot easier.

Everything console teams It is necessary to enter strictly for this example:
amx_<команда> <опция1> <опция2> [option3]

Mandatory parameters are marked<>, optional -. Symbols<> And it is not required.

If you want to get the entire list of commands, enter such console team in ks 1.6:

To quickly call the Main Menu AmxmodMenu Admin, to constantly not enter in the console, can be borne for a quick call.

EG: bind F2 "AmxmodMenu"And when you click F2 will immediately pop up. You can replace F2 to any other button convenient for you.

Menu commands in KS 1.6 server

For these commands, ACCESS_Level_A is needed. "A", and "M". Team Access Description
amxmodMenu. Admin_Menu Displays the Basic AMX MOD menu.
amx_cvarmen.u. Admin_cvar Display the CVAR menu.
amx_mapmenu. Admin_Map Display Map shift menu.
aMX_VOTEMAPMENU. Admin_Map Display the voting menu to change the map.
amx_kickmenu. Admin_kick Display the menu of the kinks.
amx_banmenu. Admin_Ban Display Ban Menu.
amx_slapmenu. Admin_slay Display the SLAP / SLAY menu.
amx_teammenu. Admin_Level_A Display the menu of player commands.
amx_clcmdmenu. Admin_Level_A Display the client command menu.
amx_cmdmenu. ??? Server command menu.
amx_restmenu Admin_CFG Display the weapon menu.
aMX_TELEPORTMENU. Admin_CFG teleport menu.
amx_pausecfgmenu. Admin_CFG Pause menu.
aMX_STATSCFGMENU. Admin_CFG statistics menu.

Console Commands in CS 1.6 for admin

amxmodMenu. Admin_Menu displays the main menu

amx_kick. <имя или #userid> [Cause] Admin_Kick to nourished the specified player.
amx_ban. <имя или #userid> <время> [Cause] admin_ban to ban the specified player.
amx_addban. <время> [Cause] Admin_Ban Add Ban to Band List Server.
amx_unban. Admin_Ban Loose Players.
amx_slay <имя или #userid> Admin_slay kill the player.
amx_slap <имя или #userid> [Damage] admin_slay to hit the player for several horses.
amx_leave. <тег> [Tag1] [tag2] [tag3] admin_kick to nourish all players not contained in the list.
amx_pause Admin_cvar stop or continue the game.
amx_who. Admin_admin Pack all who are on the server.
amx_cvar Admin_cvar Show or change CVAR values.
amx_map <карта> Admin_map Change the map.
amx_nick. <исходное имя> <новое имя> Admin_level_a Change the player's nickname.
amx_cfg. <имя файла> Admin_CFG Connect the configuration file
amx_rcon. Admin_RCon Run the command in the server console.
amx_plugins. Admin_Admin Lists of all downloadable plugins.

Admin teams for chat in counter strike 1.6

Team Format Access Description
amx_say. <сообщение> Admin_Chat Send message to all players.
amx_chat. <сообщение> Admin_Chat Send message to all administrators.
amx_psay. <имя или #userid> <сообщение> Admin_chat Send a private message to the user.
amx_tsay. <цвет> <сообщение> Admin_Chat Send message to a specific color above the chat.
amx_csay. <цвет> <сообщение> Admin_Chat Send message to a specific color in the middle of the screen.

amx_votemap <карта> [Map] [Map] [Map] Admin_Vote Voting to change card.
amx_votekick.<имя или #userid> Admin_Vote Voting at the Kick Player.
amx_Voteban. <имя или #userid> Admin_Vote voting on player's ban.
amx_vote.<Вопрос> <Ответ1> <ответ2> [Answer3] admin_vote Run an arbitrary vote.
aMX_CANCELVOTE. Admin_Vote Stop running voting.

The menu of individual sections for admin
amx_mapmenu. - Display Map shift menu
amx_kickmenu. - Display Kick menu
amx_banmenu. - Menu Ban
aMX_VOTEMAPMENU. - Display Menu Card Selection Menu
amx_slapmenu. - SLAP menu (player kick)
amx_teammenu. - display the player's command selection menu

Console teams for statistics in Counter Strike 1.6

say / HP. Display information about your killer.
say / Statsme. Take your statistics.
say / Stats. Displays the statistics of other players.
say / Top15 Displays the top 15 players.
say / Rank. Wrap your rack on the server.

Admin teams RCON

Team: amxx
Format:<Команда> [parameters]
Description: Command list:
amxx Version. - Show version.
amxx Modules. - Display modules.
amxx Plugins. - Display plugins.
amxx GPL. - bring GNU General Public License
amxx Cvars. - Show AMX MOD X for Cvars.
amxx Cmds. - Show registered AMX MOD X commands.
aMXX PAUSE. - Stop plugins.
amxx Unpause - to check the work of plugins from the list
amx_modules. Admin_admin Lists of all downloadable modules.

Experienced admins in COP 1.6 already use our assemblies, because they are very convenient to use. And enter console commands with ease and understanding. By the way, in this client, the counter strike 1.6 We have been bubbeding several often using teams that are always needed by the admin.

Of course, CS 1.6 is a legendary game that is remembered by a large set of players and in which people played clock. Sometimes it happens that the player does not matter, he or a professional, decides to create his own, independent server on which other players would play. And very often, users face the problem of proper admins for themselves, familiar or friend. In order for this problem anymore anymore, we decided to write an informative article in which we will tell you in detail about how to prescribe admin in ks 1.6.

Immediately it is worth noting that to give someone the right of administrator is a fairly easy business. However, for its implementation, you need to have such a utility on your server as AMXMODX. Understand whether you have this program, as follows: Go to the folder of your server, then enter the CSTRIKE folder. It should contain the Addons folder itself, in which the AMXMODX folder will be located all the necessary components. So, if you are all right, then we will continue.

To begin with, we need to go through the following address of the folders: "Cstrike / Addons / amxmodx / configs". TV need to look for a user.ini file. To date, the admin panel can be created by relying on several parameters. Next, you need to open users.ini using an ordinary notebook. And they prescribe some parameters in it.

Admins on nickname in ks 1.6

"Nick" "Administ Password" "ABCDE" "A"

Admins on Steam ID in CS 1.6

"Steam_id" "" "abcdeu" "CE"

Administ on the IP address in ks 1.6


It is worth noting that every new administrator must begin to begin with a new line. Suppose
"Kote" "ka86" "abcdefgqrstu" "A" "COBAKA" "LOL868" "ABCNOPQRSTU" "A"

You can also prescribe words after the sign //. This is usually done in order not to forget some information. There is also a concept as flags. They, as if, mean some rights for some administrator, which he can use. You can add or other rights from administrators to add or other rights from administrators. It is done quite easily. All administrator flags can be directly viewed in the above-mentioned USERS.ini file. At the moment, the number of supported flags is large enough, but we decided to show you some of them:
a - if you give the player this right, then nobody can kill it on the server or ban / nourish it.
b - Additional slot or administrator slots.
c - Thanks to this flag, the Admin can ban a large number of players.
d - the administrator can be both banned and dilute a particular player.
e - Admin will be able to kill each player if he wants it.
f - Thanks to this flag, the admin can change cards.
g - thanks to him, it is possible to obtain permission to, so-called quarre. This flag is serious, so who fell to give it definitely not worth it.
h - If you give this flag to the administrator, then it will be able to change the server config.

We hope that we answered your question about how to make yourself admin in ks 1.6. If you have any questions left, then ask them in the comments in this news. Have a good game.
