Dark Sector: Complete walkthrough. Dark Sector: Walkthrough Chapter VIII: Unnatural History

Dark Sector is the son of difficult mistakes. This long-term construction, which originated at the beginning of the new millennium, once started as a space stealth-action, gradually transformed into something between Gears of War and Resident Evil 4, replacing the scenery of deep space with secret Soviet-style bases. It was released in 2008 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, canceled on a personal computer, and then returned to PC, but only in Russia and the CIS.

Sector of darkness

The plot of Dark Sector develops in the best traditions of three-penny action films of the early 90s. Hayden Tenno, the best agent with a burden of personal problems, an unstable psyche and problems with his superiors, is sent on a top-secret and super-dangerous mission. The region where the main character arrives has been infected, so its inhabitants are various monsters and task forces that are clearing the territory. By the way, the fictional country is located in Eastern Europe, so get ready for Soviet surroundings.

Behind the horror is former intelligence officer Mezner, who intends to obtain a mysterious virus that turns people into monsters endowed with superpowers. Hayden's task is a mere trifle: to single-handedly stop the spread of the infection, destroy the culprit and, if possible, stay alive. The operation is led by stern bosses who prefer to shoot rather than undershoot.

The plot is amazingly delirious until the very end. The hero is turned into a monster at the very beginning of the game. Then characters from the past appear on the scene and become enemies. The bosses regularly plant a pig, and in the end a terrible conspiracy is revealed...

What happens in the game resembles an unsuccessful parody of Resident Evil 4, only “Resident Evil” is supported by previous series and talented scriptwriters. In Dark Sector, the development of the story resembles individual shots into space. The heroes met, talked and went their separate ways. The action is clear and simple, but the plot actually exists separately from the game, and no sense of involvement is created.

The localizers who carried out the translation according to the anti-crisis economical program did not disappoint either: periodic discrepancies between subtitles and voice acting, untranslated lines and speech delays. After this, the actors sadly reading out the text and not trying to convey the emotions of the characters do not even cause surprise. Indeed, why and for what?

But the optimization is at a quite decent level: the game does not crash and pleases with good performance. It's a pity that the same cannot be said about the management. Playing from the keyboard is a real pain. The situation can be improved only if you have a programmable mouse with additional keys.

Resident of War

The gameplay in Dark Sector is a kind of mixture of Gears of War and Resident Evil 4. The game adopted the cover system and graphic style from the first. The main character, although he has superpowers, is often embarrassed and dies under machine gun fire. Therefore, you have to hide behind cover, occasionally leaning out to shoot enemies with precise shots or...

By approaching the enemy from behind, you can finish him off with one blow.

Cut off with glaive throws. Yes, don’t be surprised, according to the developers, this weapon can be thrown like a boomerang. The idea and implementation were borrowed not from history, but from the movie “Krull”. The local “glaive” does not have a proper shaft; it looks like a star with curved knife-rays. A sharp throw - and the blade goes flying, cutting off important parts of the enemy's body, so that it can then return to the owner. Surviving enemies fall into a stupor, giving them the opportunity to finish them off with one blow. Of course, this is not such a brutal spectacle as evisceration with a chainsaw in Gears of Wars, but it looks convincing and impressive.

The glaive can be charged with electricity, fire or cold if desired, and a charged weapon almost always kills on the first try. These nuances seriously change the gameplay. You have to think: should you finish off the enemy with a machine gun, or get to the burning car? Ammo is not very common, and if you waste it uncontrollably, you can be left with an empty horn when you really need an automatic weapon.

The graphics, especially the city levels, make us once again remember the “gears of war.” Gloomy and abandoned buildings with an imprint of majesty - similarity not only in design, but also in color scheme. The visual style, despite the obvious borrowing, is impressive, and the instilled fear makes you feel out of place. The first level, executed exclusively in black and white, was especially successful. But as soon as the action moves into the dungeon, we see dull corridors, blurry textures and incomprehensible piles of all sorts of rubbish.

From Resident Evil 4, in addition to a similar plot about biological weapons, the game inherited a system of improvements and boss battles. After the main character is infected, the selected weapon, thanks to infection sensors, begins to break after 7-10 seconds of use. In order not to look for a working machine gun during firefights, you have to buy and improve “clean” barrels for a decent amount of money. This adds versatility to the game. You have to think about what weapon to choose, and from this build your battle tactics, because you even need to take into account what kind of ammunition it requires.

Boss fights are made in the best traditions of Japanese action films and arcades. For each monster you need to develop your own battle tactics. The colossus cannot be penetrated by any weapon until you set it on fire. And the invisible Stalker can only be seen if you look closely at the circles from the paws on the water. Such fights periodically occur with ordinary opponents. Soldiers with shields and armored suits cannot simply be shot with a machine gun; they need a subtle approach. Of course, what’s happening doesn’t reach the level of Resident Evil 4 or Lost Planet, but it turned out pretty well.

The riddles are also good. At first they are quite simple - charge the blade with electricity to open the door, but then it gets more interesting - the blade has to be controlled manually in order to avoid obstacles and hit the desired object. And if this happens for a time when the character’s life is at stake... There is only one complaint about the riddles - they are interesting and exciting, but there are too few of them and they do not really strain the player. I would like it to be bigger and more complex.

Dark Sector is a kind of cross between Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War from enthusiasts who persistently refined the adopted ideas. It turned out interesting and exciting, although not without its drawbacks. In any case, if the plot is not the most important thing for you, and it is the worst thing about Dark Sector, the game is worth a try.


When used correctly, the glaive turns into a formidable weapon. What is the principle of operation? You aim and press the throw key. Hayden throws the glaive. It flies forward until it encounters an obstacle or reaches its maximum flight range. If the enemy is an obstacle, the glaive will pass through him and continue to fly forward.

If the enemy has full health, then the glaive will not finish him off, but only wound him. This is sometimes tiring, because the weapon does not return instantly, but after some time. During these painful seconds, the enemy can limp to Hayden and begin to commit all sorts of obscenities. To prevent this from happening, the developers left a pistol in the left hand, which allows you to shoot back at enemies while the glaive is in free flight.

It turns out to be a good combination - first you wound the enemy, and then quickly finish him off with a pistol. This way you can deal with a crowd of enemies with minimal expenditure of ammunition and time. And if you charge the weapon with fire, electricity or cold, then you won’t even need to finish off the enemy. After a while he will die on his own.

The glaive's capabilities are not limited to dismemberment alone. Over time you will receive new ones.

Collecting Items (Chapter 2). Point your sight at the desired item, and when the icon changes shape and color, throw the glaive. In this way, you can simply save time by collecting items, or pick up objects that you cannot reach on your own. In any case, it's a handy ability.

Powerful throw (chapter 3). Press and hold the throw key until the edges of the crosshair start to move. When they come together and the sight turns yellow, release the key. Hayden will perform a powerful throw that kills most enemies in one hit. This way you can still break strong locks.

Quite a useful ability, but mainly against zombies. They run quickly and try to force hand-to-hand combat, but nevertheless you can safely aim at them. This trick won't work with soldiers. While you're waiting for the right moment, you could die from an overdose of lead in your body. Of course, you can activate the shield, but no one guarantees that the enemy will not hide behind cover when the blade flies.

Manual control (chapter 3). If you press and hold the throw key after throwing the blade, you will be switched to manual control of the glaive. You can gracefully lead him into cover to surprise a soldier, or hit multiple enemies at once. But this is only in theory. In practice, controlling the blade is quite difficult and uninteresting.

It is much easier to make several accurate headshots than to actively move the mouse (this is not a joystick from a console, where it is more difficult to aim). Manual control is usually used to solve puzzles. For example, if you need to charge a blade with electricity to open a door, but the electrical panel is behind a fence and you need to first pass the blade through a narrow gap to accurately hit the target.

Special Abilities

As you progress through the game, the main character will unlock new abilities that make life much easier. Using them wastes energy. Its level can be determined by looking at Hayden's right hand. Energy is restored over time, but this does not happen as quickly as we would like.

Power shield (Chapter 4). A force shield is created in front of the character, which protects against shots (including missiles) and sends them back to the sender. Sometimes the offender dies from the rebound. In this case, you can fire back. In general, an extremely useful skill. It can be used not only during an attack, but also for defense. Let's say you've been caught in cover and your character is on the verge of death. Quickly turn on the power shield, move back and shoot back from the enemy.

Energy release (chapter 5). When the glaive is charged with fire, electricity or cold, throw it at the enemy, and then press the E key. The glaive will release its energy, causing an explosion. Quite effective, especially when there is a whole crowd against you. But it is advisable to have a constant source for charging the weapon nearby.

Invisibility (Chapter 7). Hayden can temporarily become invisible, allowing him to sneak up on an enemy and finish him off with one blow. Invisibility lasts until the first hit. A practically useless ability - after all, Dark Sector is not a stealth-action, and opponents never move alone. Having killed one enemy, you can find yourself in the company of scoundrels who will not allow you to calmly retreat to a safe distance.


Tekna 9mm

Price- 9000 rubles. Clip capacity- 12 rounds. Ammunition type- for a pistol. When becomes available- Chapter 1.

The first available pistol in the game. The weapon is so-so, but considering that it is given for free, it will do for the first time.

Tekna Burst

Price- 10,500 rubles. Clip capacity- 26 rounds. Ammunition type- for a pistol. When becomes available- Chapter 4.

Unlike the base model, it has a larger clip and fires three rounds. It loses in accuracy, but wins in stopping power due to its rate of fire. In general, the weapon is almost for close combat.

Vekesk Micro

Price- 21,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 30 rounds. Ammunition type- for assault rifles. When becomes available- Chapter 4.

Not very accurate, but a fast-firing submachine gun with a large clip. It goes on sale simultaneously with Tekna Burst, so if you have enough money, it’s better to stick with Vekesk Micro.


Price- 28,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 2 cartridges. Ammunition type- for shotguns. When becomes available- Chapter 6.

A sawed-off shotgun, of course, is a good thing, even despite its short firing range. But two cartridges in a clip is no good. With the same Tekna Burst you will shoot more enemies with fewer problems.

Hammer 1895

Price- 31,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 6 rounds. Ammunition type- for magnum. When becomes available- Chapter 6.

A powerful revolver that has good accuracy and pierces through enemies. This is just great, but it is very problematic to find cartridges for it. Considering how much it costs, this seems like a slight mockery.

Primary Weapon


Price- 20,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 30 rounds. Ammunition type- for assault rifles. When becomes available- Chapter 4.

The main weapon in the game, which the vast majority of enemies are armed with. An excellent assault rifle with which you can easily run through the rest of the game without experiencing any particular inconvenience.


Price- 26,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 6 rounds. Ammunition type- for shotguns. When becomes available- Chapter 4.

A powerful but not long-range shotgun. Can be used against zombies who are armed with melee weapons. Not very useful in shootouts with soldiers.


Price- 39,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 12 rounds. Ammunition type- for shotguns. When becomes available- Chapter 5.

A more powerful, but equally short-range shotgun. Therefore, again - exclusively against zombies.

VX Carbine

Price- 30,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 6 rounds. Ammunition type- for magnum. When becomes available- Chapter 5.

A sniper rifle with an optical sight that kills the enemy with one hit. But due to the low rate of fire and the fact that most fights in the game take place at medium range, this weapon is only really useful at one level.

Korbov TK6

Price- 40,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 30 rounds. Ammunition type- for an assault rifle. When becomes available- Chapter 7.

The best assault rifle in the game, which is head and shoulders above the AKS-74. But it costs so much that if you decide to buy, you need to save up from the very beginning of the game, denying yourself almost everything.

Other items in the game

Ammo boxes. You cannot remove cartridges from captured weapons, even if you have the exact same model. Therefore, you have to look for boxes of ammunition. But Hayden's pockets are not bottomless, and fit into them: for pistols - 350 rounds, for assault rifles - 800 rounds, for shotguns - 200 rounds, for magnums - 25 rounds.

Money. Cash in the game just lies in piles of 1000 rubles or is unpacked in suitcases - 3000 rubles. The money is spent on buying weapons.

Improvement. A metal suitcase containing an upgrade. They are usually hidden, so search the levels carefully.

Grenades. The explosion of a grenade covers a decent area, and the enemy often does not even have time to run away to a safe distance. Grenades are convenient for covering clusters of enemies, as well as destroying soldiers with shields that cannot be penetrated by firearms. You can carry up to four grenades. The extra ones can be sold for 450 rubles.

RPG-7. The grenade launcher is usually used to fight walking robots and helicopters (they still can’t be penetrated by other weapons). But if there are extra missiles left, the RPG-7 will also work against ordinary soldiers. One shot and no one moves. You cannot use other weapons while you are holding the grenade launcher.

Light machine gun/grenade launcher. Once you receive the suit, you will be able to pick up and use a light machine gun, which is armed with soldiers in armored suits. In addition to the machine gun with endless ammo, which spreads panic and fear, you can use the built-in rocket launcher. With its help, it is convenient to destroy enemies on the approaches or in shelters.

In-game store

The store in the game looks like a slightly open and slightly shiny sewer hatch. The seller offers the following services - sale of weapons, purchase of weapons and unnecessary items, free improvement and storage of items. The fact is that Hayden cannot simultaneously carry more than one main and secondary weapon. The remaining barrels have to be stored in a locker. Considering that the merchant is quite rare, it is better to take a responsible approach to the choice of weapons.


With the help of black suitcases that are scattered throughout the level, you can improve the purchased weapon completely free of charge. But there is no turning back, so think carefully about each upgrade. Unnecessary suitcases can be sold for 2,500 rubles.

  • Accuracy- the weapon's shooting accuracy increases.
  • Increased clip- clip capacity increases by approximately 25%.
  • Double Shot- instead of one bullet, two are fired. Accordingly, the consumption of ammunition increases.
  • Enferon cartridges- bullets poison monsters and the infected, which is why they die after a while without your help. A good improvement, especially when the enemy isn't pushing too hard.
  • destructive force- increases damage dealt.
  • Rate of fire- the rate of fire of weapons increases.
  • Punching- the shot pierces the enemy through and cripples the enemy standing behind.
  • Reload- reload speed increases.
  • Stopping power- the shot knocks the enemy down, but does not damage him.
  • Additional cell- you can make additional improvements. This upgrade can only be used once on each weapon.


First chapter

The first chapter, according to tradition, is a kind of training in which you will be told how to run, jump and shoot. You will start the level with a pistol, but no one forbids you to pick up a captured weapon. As long as Hayden is not infected, you can use it without fear that it will fail at the wrong time. After a series of shootouts and a meeting with a captured agent, you will find yourself on the roof, where you are attacked by a helicopter.

The helicopter will shoot a little and fly away to a safe distance. While he's not bothering you, finish off the soldiers and grab the grenade launcher that lies near the container. Now you need to knock out the pinwheel. Given that the pilot has no brains, the firepower of a heavy machine gun is wasted. It is enough to hide behind the container, sticking out only to shoot. If you run out of charges, there is a box with endless rockets nearby.

By hitting the helicopter three times with a rocket, you will destroy the car and end the level. A biological miracle will come running to the roof, which, dashingly wrapping the rocket in a force field, will throw Hayden down. When the hero wakes up, the main villain Mezner will rush in and infect Hayden with the virus. After this, the game will take on color and the second level will begin.

Chapter two

After waking up after being infected, go to the hut to contact the authorities. During the communication session, guards will enter the house, and Hayden will grow a glaive, with which he will gut his enemies. After the cutscene, exit the house and use the blade to finish off the enemies. Sure, you have a gun, but it's missing ammo. From this moment on, you cannot constantly use captured weapons; they will burn out after some time.

But that’s not so bad, but the fact that Hayden doesn’t have the intelligence to remove the clip is a real problem. Therefore, carefully search the level for the presence of boxes of ammunition. After a short fight, the character will have a new ability - to collect objects using a glaive. Pick up the explosives - they will show you where they are - and place them on the door. An explosion will occur and you will be able to move on.

Once in the building, you will fall through to the first floor. There is little room for maneuver here, so try to keep your distance from enemies. When you go out into a room with windows facing the street, you will be ambushed. Collect ammo and shoot back, hiding behind the partition. Then a huge monster will come running and break through the wall of the house. The soldiers will immediately forget about Hayden and start shooting at the mutant.

Everyone has forgotten about you, so run out into the street and, taking advantage of the situation, begin to slowly cut out the soldiers. When you are alone, the mutant will begin to attack Hayden. You can't penetrate his armor yet, so limit yourself to somersaults and rapid escape. Finally, the Colossus will get bored and rush away.

Throw the glaive at the control panel on the other side to lower the bridge. Collect the pluses, break the lock and move on to the third chapter.

Chapter Three

The level will begin with a massacre of soldiers among tents and gloomy landscapes. After this, Hayden will receive the ability of a powerful throw, which periodically helps in battles, but right now it is needed to break a strong lock on the gate. Next, another crowd of stupid enemies awaits you, after dealing with which you can safely go down into the sewer.

In the sewers you will meet zombies for the first time. They attack exclusively with sticks, but quickly hobble, which does not allow them to stand in one place and cut with impunity with a glaive. Constantly jump from side to side, throw your blade and shoot back with your pistol. You can use electricity to kill monsters with one hit.

After clearing the room, charge the glaive again with electricity and throw it at the lock to unlock the door. In the sewers you will encounter crowds of zombies, so in order not to waste time, charge the blade with electricity and throw it into the water to hit several opponents at once. Hayden himself is in a suit and is quite reliably protected from side effects. If there is no constant source of energy, you can use lamps - they are enough for exactly one charge.

Once you reach the elevator, go up to the top tier. You will immediately be attacked by a squad of soldiers, and the developers will give you a new ability - controlling the blade in flight. If the enemy is not too aggressive, you can use this trick to kill enemies right in cover. Just be careful not to get carried away, because soon soldiers with shields will appear. To hit them, throw grenades or shoot at their legs.

Then you need to control the blade in flight, move the glaive over the fence and hit the control panel. Given the gifted management, this may take some time. Having completed the task, you will find yourself in the agent’s hideout, who, having issued a new batch of instructions, pushes Hayden out the door. Follow the corridor to end the level.

Chapter Four

In this level, a merchant will appear for the first time, whom it is advisable to visit in order to buy an AKS-74 or at least an improved pistol. In the courtyard you will run into a detachment of soldiers. Hide behind stone benches - wooden shelters tend to break quickly. Then enter the building and step into the school courtyard.

Zombies are running around in the yard. Having dealt with the monsters, turn the valve to release the gas on the fountain. Then charge the blade with electricity and ignite the gas. Now charge the glaive with fire and burn the black film that is blocking the door. Enter the building and go up to the second floor. Break the locks and burn the next black film to get to the elevator. The source of the fire outside the window is a fountain that was set on fire.

On the third floor everything is the same - a black film that needs to be burned. When you get out of the school, you will come under massive fire. Hide in cover and wait. Soon the Colossus will come running and kill all the soldiers. Now you can move on. After a while you will reach the Jackal robot. This four-legged machine fires a machine gun and periodically launches rockets.

Immediately grab the grenade launcher lying at the entrance to the courtyard and collect the rockets. If there are not enough of them, look for additional ones - they are scattered on boxes and benches in the yard. You need to act like this: hide in cover, and when the robot stops shooting, lean out and fire a volley. It will take approximately five hits to destroy the machine. Then charge the glaive with fire from the burning Jackal and burn the film on the door.

Enter the building and go up to the second floor. You need to charge the glaive with electricity and set fire to the gas on the first floor (look for the destroyed kitchen). Now charge the blade with fire and burn the black film to move on. When you reach the attic, a monster will attack Hayden and throw our hero out the window. Hayden will lose consciousness and wake up late at night.

Walking forward a little, you will see soldiers fighting zombies. If you weren't too lazy to carry a grenade launcher with you all this time, you can load a rocket into the crowd. The RPG-7 will also help get rid of soldiers with shields. After crossing the bridge, quickly blow up the barrels in the tunnel to stop the endless stream of zombies. Then go down the tunnel and go through the door on the left. Eventually you will come out to a cemetery.

First you need to turn the valve to light the torches and destroy the black film. Go straight, and when you reach the mausoleum, run left. You will be taken to the mentioned crypt. Turn the valve to light the torch. Charge the blade with fire and run to the next torch stand. You must light it before the glaive goes out. So you must light the torch at the crypt. Now go to the right of the mausoleum, setting fire to the torches you encounter. Finally burn the black film to exit the cemetery. You will find yourself at a church where soldiers are fighting the Colossus. Ignore them, but immediately destroy the black film and enter the church. The Colossus will be waiting for you there, ready for the decisive battle.

The battle takes place in two stages. First, the Colossus will jump onto the column and throw debris. You must charge the blade with fire and throw it at the monster. He will fall to the ground and turn slightly red. At this moment you must run up and strike. Then the Colossus will jump back onto the pillar. If you act quickly, he will not even have time to attack - he will only fall down.

After receiving three hits, the Colossus will change tactics. Now he will run around, trying to trample the main character, and throw debris. When the monster stops and releases green gas, you need to throw a blade charged with fire at it. The colossus will catch fire and become vulnerable. At this moment you need to switch to the machine gun and shoot at the enemy until it goes out. If you run out of cartridges, look for boxes with ammunition in the corners of the room.

Having received a shock dose of lead, Colossus will die, and Hayden will receive the ability - a force shield. Run into the room with an automatic cannon and a power shield and reflect the missile so that it destroys the passage behind the cannon. Then go downstairs and enter the room. After the video, the countdown to the explosion will begin. Finish off the zombies blocking the path. Run out into the corridor and jump into the tunnel on the left.

Chapter Five

The level will begin with a battle with the Jackal. Only this time it must not be destroyed, but captured. First, blow up the fuel truck. Charge the blade from it and burn the black film. A generator will be found behind it. Charge the glaive with electricity and throw it at the robot. It will short out slightly. Run up close and throw the pilot out of the cockpit.

Now you have a robot and you can move forward. The weapons are as follows: a machine gun, a cannon and an anti-missile system. The latter is needed to shoot down missiles. You can recognize their launch by a high-pitched squeak and icons on the screen. Go forward, taking out the infantry, until you reach the warehouse. Drop your equipment and go on foot. Once outside, Hayden will gain the ability to dispel the energy contaminated in the glaive.

You can indulge yourself in this new ability, since there is a burning car nearby. Move forward until you find yourself on the ship. Finish off the sentry and pick up the sniper rifle. It burns out much more slowly than a machine gun, and you can manage to finish off all the soldiers on deck.

When you go down to the deck, you will be attacked by a helicopter. Grab the grenade launcher and start shooting back. Considering that you have a force field, it will be much easier to deal with the enemy. When the helicopter crashes onto the deck, jump down the hole. After wandering around the decks a little, you will release the Stalker from the cage, and the ship will begin to rapidly sink. You have ten minutes to leave the ship.

You will run away, everything will explode. It’s unclear where monsters will jump out and bite in different places. In addition, three times you will have to first, under manual control, hit the power source with your glaive (it is located behind the fence), and then run to the door and throw the charged blade into the lock.

Chapter Six

The sixth level will be marked by the appearance of new opponents - mutants. They prefer not to get involved in hand-to-hand combat, but to shoot with incomprehensible clumps. Don't pay attention to their strange appearance, they act exactly the same as ordinary soldiers: most of the time they hide in cover, running across only if they are really pressed.

Having reached the opening covered with black film, look for an invitingly sparkling pipe. Break it with your glaive. Water will fill the opening and short-circuit the generator. It will burst into flames and you can charge the blade to burn away the black film. Then zombies and mutants await you. In the large hall you will be introduced to a new enemy - a soldier in an armored suit. He is armed with a machine gun, but can sometimes fire a rocket launcher.

The soldier will begin to beat the mutants, and when he is finished with them, he will attack Hayden. Before you attack the soldier, you need to destroy the three blue things on his back. The enemy is quite clumsy, so you can run around brazenly. He will only try to turn around. There is an optimal distance when the soldier does not yet start shooting, but is no longer trying to hit him with a machine gun.

After destroying the three blue things, throw the blade at the soldier. The opponent will be short-circuited and turn red. At this moment you need to come close and deliver a finishing blow. Or just shoot with the machine gun until he passes out, but this will require a lot of ammo. Then charge the blade from the destroyed suit and throw it at the elevator control panel. This will make it work, and you can go down to the lower tier.

Chapter seven

You are already familiar with fire and electricity. In this chapter you will have to get acquainted with the cold. A hit from a blade charged with cold turns the enemy into an icicle. It also destroys black film. Take advantage of this feature to move on. Having reached the area where soldiers and mutants are fighting each other, you will meet an enemy in an armored suit. He kills himself in the same way.

Charge the blade from the suit to open the door. Going forward, you will reach a tunnel engulfed in flames. Charge the blade with cold and put out the fire. Next you will meet a Stalker who will try to strangle Hayden. Press the indicated key to release yourself from the grip. Soon you will emerge into a tunnel where soldiers are fighting mutants. Using the carts as mobile cover, sneak up close and finish off the enemies.

In a huge cave, turn the valve to release the water, then freeze it with a charged blade to create cover for yourself. Extinguish the flame at the end of the tunnel. Next you need to be careful not to get hit by a passing train. Finally, after going through many rooms and killing many mutants, you will reach the Stalker.

The monster acts quite monotonously. He turns invisible and runs to the corner of the room, then runs invisible towards Hayden and tries to hit him. You can understand where the enemy is moving from by following the tracks on the water. At this moment, shoot at the Stalker, jump to the side just before the blow and shoot again. Alternatively, you can charge the glaive with cold - the containers move along the wall - and temporarily freeze the enemy.

Having received a certain amount of damage, the Stalker will climb onto the pillar. Keep shooting at him until the monster jumps to the floor and fires a blast of energy. Turn on the force field to reflect the projectile. Having received his gift back, the Stalker will stop and blush slightly. At this moment, run up to the monster and deal a fatal blow. After defeating an enemy, Hayden will gain the ability to become invisible. Use it to sneak past the security camera and finish the level.

Chapter Eight

It's time to get a suit that will make us cool and indestructible. Where did he suddenly come from? Well, it's simple - at least that's what the developers think. We're on a military base, period.

The level will start traditionally - hordes of monsters, long battles in the corridors, once a machine gun and clearing the large hall. In it, do not rush to go down the stairs, but destroy enemies from the second tier. Then go to the rubble and, controlling the blade in flight, charge the glaive from the electrical panel. Open the door and then use electricity to destroy the automatic machine gun. Just don’t forget to cover yourself with a force field first so that the recoil doesn’t hurt you. Get into the elevator and go down to the laboratory.

To go further, you need to run through the security camera under invisibility. Otherwise the door will be locked. In the room, do not get caught in the rays, otherwise the doors will be blocked and poisonous gas will be released into the room. In the next room, automatic cannons await you. Wait until they shoot enough mutants - just finish off the survivors - and run past under invisibility.

In the next room you need to go through laser beams. There are significantly more of them, but they move slowly, and there is also where to stand and wait until they move away so that they can run past. Then, under invisibility, go past the security camera. Finally you get to the military suit.

Contrary to expectations, it does not add much to survivability. But there are benefits, and it looks great. Now you need to get outside. This will be interfered with by soldiers and monsters, who both fight among themselves and try to hit Hayden in the neck. The slaughter will be long and difficult in places. Two automatic machine guns must be destroyed with electricity. Entering the elevator will complete Chapter Eight.

Chapter Nine

There are no new weapons for sale, so after making an improvement, you can safely go into battle. The shootout will take place in the standard manner. The main thing is not to forget to destroy the shooters on the upper tiers. As you move forward, you will be attacked by soldiers with shields. Blow them up with grenades or turn on invisibility and attack from behind. Then collect ammunition and enter the building.

A soldier in an armored suit attacks you in the room. Quickly destroy it - the tactics remain the same - and charge the blade with electricity. Throw the glaive at the switch to open the door and return to the soldier. Now when you wear the suit, Hayden can pick up a light machine gun. This weapon has infinite ammo and ten missiles. You also can't run or jump, which adds some difficulty.

However, the force field and timely retreat will save you. Go outside and start crushing your enemies. You don’t have to skimp on ammo, because there’s a second machine gun nearby. What to save when ammo doesn't stack? Then you will come across a zombie. Considering what kind of weapon you have in your hands, you will pass through the ranks of enemies like a hot knife through butter. Once you reach the bridge, you will fall down to the lower level.

They are already waiting for you here, but, in addition to the usual shooters, you will have to deal with two soldiers in armored suits. Immediately focus your machine gun fire on them. If you're lucky, you'll be able to finish them off before they even set foot on the bridge. Having reached the stairs overgrown with black film, throw the machine gun, charge the glaive with fire (the fire is in the far dead end) and burn the obstacle. Having climbed up, finish off the next squad of soldiers and go to battle with the boss.

Nemesis is not a difficult opponent, but he is a terribly boring opponent. She has two attacks - blade strike and blade throw. The second kills with one hit, so when you hear a characteristic sound, roll to the side. Now you cannot penetrate the monster's armor, limit yourself to maneuvers. When Nemesis gets tired of chasing you, which can last up to five minutes, she will charge the blade with electricity and make a throw.

While the blade is sticking out in the wall or floor, you need to charge the glaive from it and throw it at Nemesis. A loaded weapon will break through the defense - the lady will blush slightly and drop to one knee. At this moment you need to run up and strike. The monster will now jump onto the ledge, charge the blade again and throw it at Hayden. Power up the glaive with electricity again and attack. After this, Nemesis will jump down and start chasing you again.

That, in fact, is the whole tactic. You need to shock the lady three times and hit her three times. After this, Nemesis will die and it will turn out that she is already familiar to us. This is understandable and expected, but why the hell is she in a suit head and shoulders taller than Hayden? Trendy military uniform with heeled boots?

But the level won't end there. You need to get on a walking tank and get to the base gate. The main thing is to remember to shoot down the missiles in time. Regular enemies do not pose a serious threat.

Chapter ten

The last level is a traditional battle with the main villain. True, first you will have to fight with soldiers and mutants, and you don’t have to fight with the latter to the end. The main thing is to call the elevator, wait for it and get out quickly. Then you will be taken to Mezner.

The old man went completely wild and merged with a huge monster. The battle traditionally takes place in several stages. During the first stage, the tentacles will spit muck and throw debris. Avoid attacks by rolling over to the side.

First you need to charge the blade with electricity. The installation is located directly above the monster. With a charged blade you need to hit one of the bubbles on any tentacle. The easiest way to do this is to manually operate the blade. After this, all the tentacles will open. Quickly throw a charged blade into the center to destroy the appendage. If you don't have time, repeat the attack on the bubbles. When you hit all the branches, Mezner will appear, who needs to be hit with a charged glaive.

During the second stage, you need to do the same thing, but there will be two tentacles, and endless zombies will pester you. There is no point in fighting them, rely on speed. They quickly charged the blade, hit the bubble and immediately destroyed the shoots. Of course, they will try to eat you, but when you manually control the blade, time moves much more slowly and no one really interferes. After destroying the tentacles, hit Mezner a second time.

In the third stage, the zombies will disappear, but five tentacles will appear. In addition to the three in the center, there are two more on the sides. They attack in the same way, so a somersault will save you from all troubles. Destroy all the shoots and throw the charged blade at Mezner one last time.

The world is once again saved, and the heroes, wiping away blood and sweat, rush home. It is unlikely that we will meet with them again, so all we have to do is say: “Goodbye, Hayden. “Goodbye” is probably not appropriate here...”

The Dark Sector project refers to long-term construction, that is, those games that have been in development for quite some time, but have not yet been released or have been released much later than originally planned. At the beginning of the new millennium, Dark Sector was supposed to be a stealth action game set on a space station. However, with the passage of time, a lot has changed and in the end it turned out that the game was transformed into a regular action game, and received decent graphical equipment. And it was released in 2008 on consoles, after which it was canceled on personal computers. Therefore, if you want to try out this project, you will have to use an Xbox or PS for this. What can this article offer you? Many gamers experience certain difficulties when playing Dark Sector. The passage can sometimes be quite demanding, so you can use the guide to make things easier for yourself.

Chapter 1

In the game Dark Sector, the passage begins, as in most similar action projects, with some kind of training. You find yourself on a level where there are already plenty of opponents who want to harm you - and you will need to destroy them, and the game will simultaneously tell you exactly how best to do this. So, you will progress through the level, learning new techniques and combinations, until you find yourself on the roof. A helicopter awaits you there, but not one that you can fly away on, but one that also wants to kill you. And here you will understand the difficulty of this game. In many action projects, the main character can withstand a large amount of damage, direct hits from powerful weapons, and so on. But in "Dark Sector" you will have to use the cover system, since one burst at your hero and he will die. Thus, use the rooftop cover while the helicopter fires its machine gun at you. During breaks, lean out and fire a rocket at him - it only takes three hits to bring him down. If you run out of shells, you'll have to run - there's a box on the roof with infinite ammo for the rocket launcher. When the helicopter is destroyed, a mutant will burst onto the roof and throw your hero down. Waking up on the ground, you will see the main villain of the game, Mezner, in front of you, who will infect you with a virus and disappear. Well, now your hero has a goal, so you can move forward in the game Dark Sector - the passage from there will only become even more exciting.

Chapter 2

What does the walkthrough have in store for you next in the game Dark Sector? At the beginning of the second chapter, you will wake up after what Mezner did to you - go to the hut to try to contact your superiors. You will be interrupted by two guards who will look at you. There are no weapons - what to do? Here the virus will make itself known - you will have a glaive, your new and very powerful weapon, with which you can chop the guards into mincemeat. After this, move through the level, collecting weapons and ammo, but remember that due to the virus, captured enemy weapons very quickly cease to function, so do not try to make large reserves - you will only waste time. Go to the building where you will find yourself on the first floor - and they will immediately open fire on you. Hide behind cover and shoot back until the wall of the building is broken through by a mutant - the opponents will immediately switch to him, so go outside and start clearing the way for yourself. When you kill the last enemy, the mutant will attack you, but for now you cannot harm him with your weapon, so dodge his attacks and wait until he leaves you on his own. Now all you have to do is throw the glaive at the control panel to lower the bridge leading to the third chapter. The passage of the game Dark Sector continues!

Chapter 3

The passage of the game Dark Sector continues approximately in the same place where the previous chapter ended. You'll need to fight your way through crowds of not-so-dangerous opponents - here you'll learn a new ability that allows you to charge your glaive with electricity for a powerful throw. With this ability, you can now, for example, open doors that are locked. Go down into the sewer, where you will encounter zombies for the first time - they are much more dangerous than all previous opponents, so proceed carefully. This is where your powerful throw comes in handy, as you can throw a charged glaive into the water to electrocute multiple enemies at once. Now you need to take the elevator up into the building - as soon as the doors open, a squad of enemies will attack you. The game will simultaneously teach you how to control your glaive in flight, so now you can attack directly from behind cover. However, be careful - at this level a new type of enemy with shields appears - they need to be neutralized either with grenades or targeted shooting at the legs. When you have dealt with your opponents, use your new skill to send your glaive behind a high fence and open up a passage further for yourself. Don't underestimate this skill - the bosses in the Dark Sector game are particularly difficult, so you'll need absolutely every skill available.

Chapter 4

This chapter is very different from the others. Firstly, here you will meet for the first time a merchant from whom you can buy new weapons and improve old ones. Secondly, the hardest part in the Dark Sector will begin - the passage of bosses and mini-bosses, which will now be encountered quite often. And thirdly, you now have many more puzzles to solve than before. So, go to the merchant and spend the money you earn on upgrades and new weapons and move to the courtyard. There you can quickly deal with a group of soldiers, after which you enter the school grounds - zombies are already waiting for you. Deal with them and turn the valve so that gas comes out of the fountain. Charge the glaive with electricity and set the gas on fire - now you can also charge it with fire. With the help of a fiery glaive, clear your way from the black ribbons that block it. As you progress in this way, you will eventually reach the first mini-boss - the Jackal robot. You need to fight it like you fight a helicopter - hide behind covers and periodically lean out to fire a rocket at the robot. This time you will need to make five accurate hits. After this, get out into the street, where there is a battle between zombies and soldiers - you can fire a rocket into the crowd to make it easier to move on. Don't forget to block the passage, because zombies come out of it endlessly. Enter the building and look for an abandoned kitchen - here you can again use electricity and gas to create a fire. Light the torches with your glaive until you find yourself in a large room, where the Colossus you met at the beginning of the game is already waiting for you. This time you are ready. First, the mutant will jump onto the columns, from where you need to knock him down with well-aimed glaive throws. When he falls, attack him until he gets back up. Having shot him down three times, you will notice that the enemy has changed tactics. Now he is running around the room, trying to trample you. Hide from him in the shelters and watch for when he stops and releases green gas - immediately charge the glaive with fire and throw it at him, the Colossus will light up from this, and you can shoot him with weapons, cartridges for which can be found in the corners of the room. After killing the Colossus, you will receive a force shield ability, which you can try on the way to the next level - deflect a missile fired at you so that it makes a hole in the wall, through which you will exit. After such a level, I really want Dark Sector 2 to appear - the passage is incredibly captivating and exciting.

Chapter 5

You will be surprised what turns the passage takes in Dark Sector. The cemetery where the battle between soldiers and people took place was a rather difficult site, but now you will face more difficult tasks. For example, a new meeting with the Jackal awaits you, only this time your goal is not destruction, but capture. You will need to charge the glaive with fire to get to the robot, and then charge it with electricity to throw at the Jackal - he will short out. Quickly run up to the robot and throw the pilot out of the cockpit - then you will need to get used to the controls. You have a machine gun and missiles, as well as a special anti-missile system that will be very useful to you. Ride forward on the Jackal, destroying enemies and shooting down missiles as they approach. When you reach the warehouse, you will have to leave the robot and continue on foot. You will be able to extract energy from the glaive, which can be useful in more difficult battles. When you find yourself on board the ship, you will need to fight with the soldiers, and when you deal with them, a helicopter will appear. The principle of fighting him is the same as in the first chapter, only this time you don’t need to hide, since you have a force field, so the battle will go much faster. The downed helicopter will fall onto the deck and break a hole in it - go down and release the Stalker from the cage. This will cause the ship to begin to sink and you will be given ten minutes to escape. To do this, you will need to run a lot, dodging mutants constantly trying to attack you, as well as charge your glaive several times to knock down the locks, and manually control it to hit the control panels. We can only hope that the same fun will be in Dark Sector 2 - the passage of the first part looks great so far.

Chapter 6

So the walkthrough of the game "Dark Sector: Part 1" is over, it's time to move on to the second part. Now you find yourself in a secret base, where you will have to fight a new type of enemy - mutants. You have met them before, for example, on the ship in the last chapter, but they acted more as objects of the environment - now they are your direct enemies. They act in the same way as soldiers, but they attack with some kind of chemical clots. Defeat all the mutants you meet and go to the opening covered with film. You can burn it by charging the glaive from a generator, which will explode if you cut the water pipe on the wall. Then you will have to fight zombies and mutants until you see a new boss - a soldier in an armored suit. He will deal with the mutants attacking him, and then switch to you. You won't be able to deal damage to him, so dodge machine gun and rocket fire and move closer to him to get behind him. There you will see three blue crystals that power the suit - you need to destroy them. After this, finish off the enemy, turn on the elevator using the glaive and go to a new level of the game Dark Sector 2009 (PC). The passage in the future will be even more exciting.

Chapter 7

So far, you were familiar with the fire and electricity that could be used to charge the glaive. Complete completion of the Dark Sector game will also require you to master cold, which you will be taught at the very beginning of the chapter. The ice glaive can freeze the enemy, and also allows you to destroy the film no worse than the fire one, so use this ability when cutting your way. When you find yourself at the scene of a fight between soldiers and mutants, do not open fire on them - focus on the soldier in an armored suit, who can be defeated in the same way as last time. Move further until you meet the same Stalker who was already seen on the ship - he will attack you, and you will need to save yourself using a QTE. Then use the water and the frozen glaive to create shelter for yourself - defeat the mutants and move on. Now the time has come to fight the Stalker in open battle. He can turn invisible, so watch the water under your feet carefully - when he runs towards you, he will leave footprints. Shoot in his direction, and before he is about to strike, jump away and continue shooting. You can also use cold to temporarily immobilize the boss. After a while, the Stalker will climb onto the pillar - you need to constantly fire at him so that he comes down. After this, he will shoot a bolt of energy at you, which you need to reflect with a force shield directly at the Stalker. All that remains is to finish him off - as a reward you will receive the ability to become invisible - make your way past the surveillance cameras to the next level. The walkthrough in the Dark Sector game is already coming to an end. Chapter 3, it would seem, only recently taught you how to charge your glaive with energy - and you can already use three elements and even become invisible.

Chapter 8

What else unusual can the passage of the Dark Sector game offer you? Chapter 5, for example, gave you control of a full-fledged robot. Well, the main goal of the eighth chapter will be to find a special military suit. Please note that in this chapter, most of the time you will not need to fight anyone - you will solve various logic problems. Of course, at the very beginning of the level you will find yourself in a spacious room in the company of a large number of soldiers, whom you will need to get rid of, and surprises will await you in the form of automatic machine guns. Destroy everything that wants to harm you and move on. Go down to the laboratory. You will need to use invisibility to get past the camera and into the lab door - if you are seen on the camera, the door will be locked. Once inside, you will need to go through the lasers - try not to hit any of them, otherwise poisonous gas will be released into the room. The next room is automatic machine guns, which are not paying attention to you yet, as they are occupied by mutants. When the mutants run out, activate invisibility and walk past. And again, rays await you that cannot be touched - now there are many more of them, but it is quite possible to pass this section. That's all - now all you have to do is activate invisibility again and walk past the camera to get a suit that gives a good increase in health and also looks very stylish. All you need to do to finish the level is to break through the crowd of soldiers and mutants who are trying to destroy each other, and at the same time, you. You have very little left to finish the game Dark Sector 2009 - the passage is not the longest, but very intense.

Chapter 9

This is practically the last chapter, which actually completes the passage in Dark Sector. Chapter 4 confronted you with your first impressive boss, and chapter nine will actually offer you the last and one of the most powerful. So, the entire level consists of continuous battles, either with soldiers or with mutants - even simultaneously with several armored machine gunners, which is quite difficult. In general, you need to survive this massacre in order to find yourself face to face with Nemesis, which caused the virus. She is encased in armor that you cannot penetrate, but she will try to kill you with a blade - she can strike and throw with it. Wait and dodge until Nemesis decides to make a serious attack - she charges her blade with electricity and powerfully throws it at you. You need to dodge, then charge the glaive from the blade and throw it at Nemesis. This will break through her defenses, after which you can strike. Three such approaches will destroy Nemesis, but it won't end there. You will need to walk in a walking tank and destroy a couple of dozen enemies. You have one level left - and the passage of the Dark Sector game will end. The chapter "Baggage Claim" is considered one of the most interesting by gamers, but the last level is still a classic.

Chapter 10

The tenth chapter begins with the fact that you will need to defeat a crowd of soldiers, and then shoot back from the same crowd of mutants until the elevator arrives. He will take you to the main villain, who will merge with a huge mutant right in front of the main character. You will need to fight the final battle with him. It will take place in three stages, each of which is very similar to the previous one. In the first stage there will be three tentacles that spit mucus and throw debris. You will need to explode the bubble on the tentacle, and while it falls, attack it until it dies completely. At the second stage there will be only two tentacles, but at the same time you will be disturbed by zombies, which you don’t need to be distracted by - just run and dodge. Well, the final stage will ask you to fight five tentacles at once. After each stage, the monster will open up, giving you the opportunity to attack Mezner himself, and after the third attack he will die, and you will save the world from the virus.

Lasria, USSR, 1987

Chapter 1


A creepy start, by God. A hero who does not believe in his own success, gray tones and a voice-over constantly broadcasting about infection. And also some kind of pathological association with Sam Fisher. However, the psychological complexities of games do not at all imply. Moreover, there is no smell of stealth here. The first enemy we meet on the way will convince us of this.

We move forward by jumping over obstacles and shooting through the keyhole with a pistol. We go downstairs, where our first opponent finishes off the infected. Well, here's the opening fight. The enemy's fire is not very accurate, so we can deal with him calmly. We select the rifle and move on.

Around the next bend is the first serious skirmish. Four opponents will fight us at once. It’s better to hide and peek around the corner with control shots. Two clips taken from the previous victim should be enough. We confiscate the cartridges from the corpses and continue moving.

Again, the usual shootings according to the usual algorithm: we take cover around the corner, take aim, shoot. Soon we will find ourselves in a prison cell, and the gameplay will turn into a video.

“The job is done,” as the main character said. Therefore, we need to move on - guards are waiting for us at the exit again. Again, no difficulties will arise, although there are about a dozen of them opposing us. Climb up and immediately start running - the window is being fired upon from a helicopter.

When we go out into the street, the helicopter will fire a rocket at us, so we go down to the stairs as soon as possible - the projectile will fly there. The shelling of the aircraft will end, but soldiers will appear from below and begin firing from different sides. Without hesitating for a second, we deal with them and look for a place for cover, because soon the helicopter will again take up its usual business (yup, catching spies). Climbing to the base of the fortress, you can find a bazooka - it will silence the helicopter forever. We don’t worry about the supply of shells - there is a box of shells nearby, so sooner or later our “bird” will “click” its blades.

Learn the materiel, friends!

Chapter 2


At first we see poorly, we walk crookedly, and we need to get rid of these inconveniences. We go straight into the open shed and after watching a short video we can already feel confident. At the same time we saw the glaive in action. Let's move straight.

This is the first battle for the level. Hiding behind cover, we try not to stick out too much and throw the glaive at unwary opponents. Let's get into the building and, before going up the stairs, look into the room on the right - pick up the cartridges. Once at the top, we will also start looking for cartridges, they will come in handy very soon.

During the next shootout, we will learn to attract objects to us. It just becomes clear how to open the blue door that blocked further movement. To do this, we will attract explosives located on the scaffolding of a neighboring building.

The next shootout will end halfway, as a huge boss nicknamed Colossus, reminiscent of his colleague the Guardian from Collapse, will appear on the stage. It is not possible to kill this giant now, so the best solution is to help the monster deal with human opponents. We run up to our adversaries from behind, pick up their weapons, shoot with our own pistol or throw ourselves with a glaive... Of course, the boss won’t leave us unattended either - we need to constantly dodge his massive runs and the stones he throws. Having gone a little mad, the creature goes home. It is advisable that all enemies are dead by this moment, otherwise we will be easily surrounded from all sides.

Our first meeting with the Colossus. After a couple of levels you even have time to get used to it.

A bridge will take us across the water to the opposite side, which opens by hitting the glaive on a red light flashing on the other side of the shore. We dive into the hatch inside the building and the mission will be completed.

Chapter 3

Receipt of baggage

Having picked up the cartridges and money, we run away from the sewer. A shootout awaits us on the street, now the soldiers will begin to use grenades for the first time. Just don’t rely on just one glaive; it’s better to grab captured weapons from dying enemies. We open the iron door using a power throw. It is quite difficult to perform this technique the first time; you need to accurately guess the time when the sight lights up yellow. After a couple of tries it will definitely work. In the tent there will be a chance to practice your power throw again - you need to open the chest. Let’s not forget to “grab” the “Accuracy” skill from the table.

The next shootout will bring elements of tactics, since there are many opponents and almost all of them are hiding behind strong shelters. Our task is to fish one of these guys out into the open so that he drops his weapon. We select him with the help of a glaive and try to shoot as many enemies as possible. Repeat several times. We are afraid of grenades - you practically don’t notice them, but after each throw the grenade launcher shouts out to those on duty, “Now it’s going to explode!” Grenades, by the way, can be shot in the air. The machine gunner will be the last to fall; it is better to run for cover from him and, getting closer, shoot him point-blank. There is nothing more to do on the surface - having knocked out the lock to the left of the machine gun, we penetrate the hatch.

After the video we will find ourselves underground again. To open the blocked door in the sewer, let's go back to the corpse. There is an electric shield there, let's throw a glaive at it. Soon you will have your first meeting with zombies - there are only a few of them, so there will be no problems. We recharge the glaive on the nearest electrical panel - and go! Soon we will get to the drain, zombies are waiting there again, which in an unknown way will be born directly from the water. You need to hold out until the door on the other side opens. We proceed as follows: we run in a circle, throw a glaive, and in rare cases shoot back. You can electrify the glaive from a light bulb and simply throw it at the input - H2O serves as a good conductor.

Monument to the builders of communism. Oh, these “Westerners”! There will be no peace with our red past.

On the surface there is another massacre. It is better to take powerful cover at the very beginning of the perimeter and not jump down - from here you can shoot in absolutely all directions. The main thing is not to miss a soldier with a shield, who can certainly watch for you behind the next cover. Let's try to get rid of it first. Despite his formidable appearance, his shield is by no means as strong as it seems. The best tactic is to hit him with a glaive, and when he opens his armor for a couple of seconds, shoot him with a firearm.

To open the grate, throw a glaive at it, switching to direct control mode (hold down the “C” key and control with the mouse), and hit the red light. And before leaving, let’s not forget to look into the basements where enemies ran out - useful things are hidden there.

Three-pointed star Of course, the main feature of Dark Sector is the glaive. Immediately after the game was released, the public rushed to blame the developers, saying that Hayden’s weapon was not a glaive at all, but a shuriken or even a chakram. The glaive, according to critics, is a spear with a pointed tip, used mainly by the Swiss army in the Middle Ages. In fact, these accusations were made out of ignorance, and not on the merits. The English word “glaive”, as well as the Russian “glaive”, has two meanings. In fantasy and science fiction, it precisely means a throwing weapon with several tips. The theme of such a glaive was especially explored in the cult fantasy film of the 80s “Krull”. Now let's take a closer look at the abilities that the glaive awarded to the main character of Dark Sector.


They will give it immediately after the protagonist's mutation. With the help of a throw, you can not only chop down enemies of all types, but also pick up weapons, ammunition, and money. Needless to say, during the game we will use the throw more than one hundred times.

Power throw

It should be used mainly to open doors. It is not very effective against enemies, since it requires a certain amount of time to complete, which we never have. Moreover, during use the ward is very vulnerable.


You can charge from any electrical sources. Opens heavy doors. Has the property of a chain reaction. Hit enemies hard. There is only one drawback - it is electrified for a short period of time.

Change direction

We control the glaive in flight manually with the mouse. It will come in handy because human enemies really like to evade the “automatic” mode of the glaive. Well, it’s absolutely indispensable when you need to direct the glaive to a precise place where you otherwise wouldn’t be able to reach it. For example, when you need to charge it from an electrical source.

Fire Glaive

It acts exactly the same as electricity, only it destroys the cocoons blocking the path. For some reason you can’t set fire to barrels. In battle it has the same destructive power as current.

Force field

The force field is first “showed” in black and white by Nadia. Halfway through the game, we too will acquire this skill. It creates a non-piercing shield around the hero that deflects bullets and missiles. “The Matrix”, no less... There’s no point in mentioning its usefulness - during firefights it’s simply priceless. With this ability, we are not afraid of any battles.

Glaive Charge

By charging the glaive from any energy source (fire, ice, current), you can make a small “boom”! The effectiveness is not very high, since performing the technique requires considerable effort, and the effect is not as desirable.

Freeze Glaive

Similar to fire and electricity, but freezes enemies. Oh yes, it also allows you to pass through fire and some kind of barriers.


Golden find. With it, you can really create real stealth - hit your opponents in the back, constantly penetrate large concentrations of enemies into the rear undetected. Use as often as possible.

Game: Platform: PC, PS3, X360 Genre: action Release date: March 25, 2008 Developer: Digital Extremes Publisher: D3 Publisher of America Publisher in Russia: New Disk / Hunt down Lasria, USSR, 1987

Chapter 1


A creepy start, by God. A hero who does not believe in his success, grayish tones and a voice-over constantly broadcasting about infection. And also some kind of pathological association with Sam Fisher. However, the mental difficulties of gaming do not in any way imply. Moreover, there is no smell of stealth here. The first enemy we meet on the way will assure us of this.

We move forward by jumping over obstacles and shooting through the keyhole with a pistol. We go downstairs, where our first competitor finishes off the infected. Well, here's the opening fight. The enemy's fire is not very accurate, so we can deal with him calmly. We select a rifle and move on.

Around the next turn is the first serious skirmish. Four opponents will fight us at once. It’s better to hide and peek around the corner with control shots. 2 clips taken from the previous victim should be completely enough. We confiscate the cartridges from the corpses and continue moving.

Again, the usual shootings using the usual method: we take cover around the corner, take aim, shoot. Soon we will find ourselves in a prison cell, and the gameplay will turn into a video.

“The job is done,” as the main character said. Why do we need to move on - at the exit the guards are waiting for us again. Again, no difficulties will arise, although there are about a dozen of us opposing us. Climb up and immediately run into a run - the window is being fired upon from a helicopter.

When we go out into the street, the helicopter will fire a rocket at us, so we go down to the stairs as quickly as possible - the projectile will fly there. The shelling of the aircraft will end, but soldiers will appear from below and begin firing from different directions. Without hesitating for a second, we deal with them and look for a place for cover, because soon the helicopter will again take up its usual business (yup, catching spies). Climbing to the base of the fortress, you can find a bazooka - it will force the helicopter to shut up forever. We don’t worry about the supply of shells - there is a box of shells nearby, so at some point our “bird” will “click” its blades.

Learn the materiel, friends!

Chapter 2


At first we see poorly, we walk crookedly, and we need to get rid of these inconveniences. We go straight into the open barn and after watching a short video we can already feel confident. At the same time we saw the glaive in action. We're moving straight ahead.

This is the first fight for the level. Hiding behind cover, we try not to stick out too much and throw the glaive at dozing enemies. Let's get into the building and, before going up the stairs, look into the room on the right - we'll pick up the cartridges. Once at the top, we will also start looking for cartridges, they will be needed very soon.

During the subsequent shootout, we will learn to attract objects to ourselves. It just becomes clear how to open the blue door blocking the upcoming movement. To do this, we will attract explosives located on the scaffolding of the adjacent building.

The subsequent shootout will end halfway, because a huge boss nicknamed the Giant, reminiscent of his own employee Security from Collapse, will appear on the stage. Destroying this giant at the moment does not seem likely, so the best solution is to help the monster deal with human opponents. We run up to the adversaries from behind, pick up their weapon, shoot with our own pistol or throw ourselves with a glaive... Obviously, the boss won’t leave us unattended either - we need to constantly dodge his powerful runs and the pebbles that he throws. Having gone a little mad, the creature goes home. It is better that all the enemies are dead by this moment, otherwise we will simply be surrounded from all sides.

Our first meeting with the Giant. After a couple of levels you even have time to get used to it.

A bridge will take us to the other side across the water, which opens by hitting the glaive on a reddish light bulb flashing on the other side of the shore. We dive into the hatch inside the building, and the mission will end.

Chapter 3

Receipt of baggage

Having picked up cartridges and supplies, we run away from the sewer. A shootout awaits us on the street; now the fighters will begin to use grenades for the first time. Just don’t rely on just one glaive; it’s better to grab a captured weapon from dying opponents. We open the metal door using a force throw. It is quite difficult to perform this technique the first time; you need to accurately guess the time when the sight lights up yellow. After a couple of attempts it will certainly work. In the tent there will be a chance to practice your power throw again - you need to open the chest. Let’s not forget to “grab” the “Accuracy” skill from the table.

The subsequent shootout will bring elements of strategy, because there are many enemies and in fact they are all hiding behind strong covers. Our task is to catch one of these guys in the open so that he drops his weapon. We select him with the help of a glaive and try to shoot as many opponents as possible. Repeat a couple of times. We are afraid of grenades - you actually don’t notice them, but after each throw the grenade launcher shouts out to those on duty, “Now it’s going to explode!” Grenades, by the way, can be shot in the air. The machine gunner will be the last to fall; it is better to run for cover from him and, getting closer, shoot him point-blank. There is nothing more to do on the surface - having knocked out the lock to the left of the machine gun, we penetrate into the hatch.

After the video we will find ourselves underground again. To open the blocked door in the sewer, let's go back to the corpse. There is an electronic shield there, let's throw a glaive at it. Soon there will be a first meeting with zombies - there are only a few of them, so there won’t be any problems. We recharge the glaive on the nearby electronic shield - and go! Soon we will get to the drain, zombies are waiting there again, which in an unknown way will be born directly from the water. You need to hold out until the door on the other side opens. We proceed as follows: we run in a circle, throw ourselves with a glaive, and in the rarest cases we shoot back. You can electrify the glaive from a light bulb and simply throw it at the input - H2O serves as a good conductor.

Monument to the builders of communism. Oh, these “Westerners”! They will never calm down with our reddish past.

On the surface there is another massacre. It is better to take a massive cover at the very beginning of the perimeter and not jump down - from here you can shoot completely in all directions. The main thing is not to miss a fighter with a shield, who can probably ambush you behind another cover. Let's try to get rid of it first. Despite his stern appearance, his shield is not as strong as it seems. The best strategy is to hit him with your glaive, and when he opens his armor for a couple of seconds, shoot him with a firearm.

To open the grate, throw a glaive at it, switching to direct control mode (hold the “C” button and control it with the mouse), and hit the reddish light. And before leaving, let’s not forget to look into the basements where enemies ran out - useful things are hidden there. Three-pointed star
Of course, the main “trick” of Dark Sector is the glaive. Immediately after the game was released, the public rushed to incriminate the developers, saying that Hayden’s weapon was not a glaive at all, but a shuriken or even a chakram. The glaive, according to critics, is a spear with a pointed tip, used mainly by the Swiss army in the Middle Ages. In fact, these accusations were made out of ignorance, and not on the merits. The English word “glaive”, as well as the Russian “glaive”, has two meanings. In fantasy and science fiction, it is precisely a throwing weapon with several tips. The theme of such a glaive is particularly explored in the cult fantasy film of the 80s “Krull”. Now let's take a closer look at the capabilities that the glaive of the main character of Dark Sector has endowed.


They will give it immediately after the protagonist’s mutation. With the help of a throw, you can not only chop down opponents of all types, but also select weapons, cartridges, and equipment. It is worth saying that during the game we will use the visible one hundreds of times.

Power throw

It should be used mainly to open doors. It is not effective enough against opponents because it requires a certain amount of time to complete, which we never have. Moreover, during use the ward is very vulnerable.


You can charge from all electronic sources. Opens heavy doors. Has the property of a chain reaction. Hit opponents a lot. There is only one drawback - it is electrified for a short period of time.

Change direction

We control the glaive in flight manually with the mouse. It will be necessary, since human enemies really love to evade the “automatic” mode of the glaive. Well, it’s absolutely indispensable when you need to point the glaive at a clear place, from where you otherwise can’t get there. For example, when you need to charge it from an electronic source.

Fire Glaive

It acts exactly like electricity, only it destroys the cocoons blocking the path. But for some reason you can’t set fire to barrels. In battle it has the same destructive power as current.

Force field

The force field is “showed” for the first time in black and white by Nadia. Halfway through the game, we too will acquire this skill. It creates a non-piercing shield around the hero that deflects bullets and missiles. “The Matrix”, no different... There’s no point in talking about usefulness - during firefights it’s simply priceless. With the ability, we are not afraid of any massacres.

Glaive Charge

By charging the glaive from any energy source (fire, ice, current), you can make a small “boom”! The effectiveness is not very great, because performing the technique requires a lot of effort, and the effect is not as desired.

Freeze Glaive

Similar to fire and electricity, but freezes opponents. Oh yes, it also allows you to pass through fire and some kind of barriers.


Golden find. With it you can really create real stealth - hit your opponents in the back, constantly infiltrate huge concentrations of opponents into the rear undetected. Use as often as possible.123

Chapter One - Prologue

You play as a special agent, the goal is to destroy a city in which a biological weapon has leaked and all the inhabitants have mutated. Things that can be destroyed are shiny and can either be shot or broken by hand (space).

Climb into the building through the window, since you need to shoot the castle. World quest - plant C4 explosives in a building. Go down the stairs behind the door and place the first C4 on one of the columns. The second mine needs to be installed on the floor below. Go down, go through the shower, place a mine near the soldier killing the infected. Around the bend, two military men need to raise their weapons to collect ammunition. Go through a couple more rooms with military men to a door with a lock. You will talk to the man behind the door and the first task will be completed.

Now you need to find a person who is going to remove the virus from the infected zone of the Dark Sector. Go up the stairs, kill a couple of military men and go through the door on the left. There will be a ladder, go up it.

There is shelling from a helicopter on the right, you need to run (ctrl). Install C4 in the room, there are several military men and a helicopter outside, 2 grenade launchers are stored for the helicopter. When you shoot down the helicopter there will be a cutscene, a mutant will appear, and he will take you somewhere where you will talk with the person you must kill. The mutant will infect you with a virus and you will begin to mutate.

Chapter Two - Impact

In the second chapter, color will suddenly appear. Go straight to the wooden house, there will be a walkie-talkie there, you will talk to the base. After attacking the guard, you will mutate and be able to throw the glaive (C). Go to the next building, there are several military men there.

Collect money, they will be useful for upgrading your weapons. Military weapons will begin to explode after a while if taken by a stranger. Go through the door on the second floor, there will be a small meat there, deal with everyone and take the explosives on the scaffolding, not far from the door that needs to be blown up. To do this, take aim and throw the glaive. Blow up the door, right ahead in the box there is a technology for improving the rate of fire, it can be used on the black market, take it with a glaive. Go to the next room where you will fall through.

If you find yourself in a room, you will be attacked by special forces, a couple of people. Walk along the corridor until you come out into a large hangar, there, first shoot the military as if in a shooting gallery, and then the little animal will come running and break through your passage. To go further you need to lower the bridge, throw the glaive at the red light on the other side. In the room behind the door, knock down the lock from the hatch.

Chapter Three - Receiving Baggage

Take the money and go ashore, take the money on the shore too. Go upstairs, there are several military men among the tents. To go further you need to open the gate with a force throw. Hold C and release just before the color changes. In the tent behind the gate, pick up the new shooting technology. Open another gate, there are many soldiers behind it, you need to go down the hatch on the left.

To open the door, launch the glaive into the electrical panel, and then into the door. Take the fire boost and kill some mutants and open another door with the electrified glaive. There is a descent behind it, a couple of dozen mutants will attack below, and when you kill everyone, the door will be broken down. There is an elevator behind the door, open it with a strong throw.

After taking the elevator up, the glaive will mutate again and you will be able to control it in flight by holding S. Kill everyone in the open area, in the center there is a descent down, there is cash and ammunition. To go further you need to open the door in the fence using a new skill, launch the glaive and hold C, control it with the mouse. You can also kill from around the corner or just look around.

Agent Yargo will meet you outside the door and give you new instructions. Go down into the sewer through the hatch in the floor.

Chapter 4 - Moths to the Fire

Open the gate with a strong throw, collect the scattered cash and go into the passage on the right. There will be a hatch - the entrance to the black market, where you can buy, sell or improve weapons. You can also use a locker.

Go ahead and jump down. If you are killed, you will have to purchase again. There are about 10 people below and on the left there is a stationary machine gun that you can shoot from, although it is not very effective. Especially if you bought an AK-47 and upgraded the firepower. At the machine gun, turn right and enter the door, open the next door with a power throw.

Kill the zombies, now you need to electrify the glaive in the room on the left, and throw it into the streams of silvery garbage on the statue. The fire will light up, and you will be able to break through the barriers on the door with the ignited glaive. If you have special effects turned off in the game settings, for example to increase performance, then you will not see the fire appearing above the statue.

Go up the stairs and go to the elevator, take it up. Jagro will contact you; the transmitter to lure the infected is turned on; it must be destroyed as soon as possible. There are military men in ambush around the bends, a huge beast will attack them, don’t forget to take everything that is lying around in the tents. On the right is a hatch - the entrance to the black market. Go into the building and go down, behind the door is a machine gun, which is not military shields and does not kill those who stand far away, its advantage is only in endless ammunition and the fact that it does not reload. Then there are a couple more blocks with armed resistance. At the end there is a boss waiting for you, he is easy to kill - you need to shoot at the orange thing, when you hit it, he staggers.

When it explodes, throw a glaive at it and clear the door with the burning glaive. Climb the stairs on the left there in the room, electrify the glaive from the shield, and through the gap in the floor set fire to the gas leak, and with the fire glaive clear the path further, go up the stairs there is another traffic jam. At the top you will be attacked by the infected and thrown out of the building. There are several barricades there and the infected are fighting with the soldiers. Kill everyone and make your way to the gate.

It is very convenient to mow down everyone with a glaive in control mode. Behind the gate, open the valve on the right, then I think you know what to do. To light the next bowls, go along the narrow passage with zombies escaping. On the right there will be a staircase going up, there will be another valve, open it and light the bowl. And so on until you get out to the square, clean the gate there. Behind the gate will be the boss Colossus.
Burn him with fire, when he falls, run up and finish him off. He will fall from the pillars, keep hitting him and he will die.

Chapter 5 - Cargo

A Jackal will attack you, blow up the truck on the right, use the fire to clear the electrical panel in the background. Using manual control, charge the glaive. If you now launch a glaive at the Jackal, it will stop for a while. Run up behind him and switch places with the pilot. Now burn everything around while there is somewhere to go. The IR Trap is an infrared trap for homing rockets.

When you reach a dead end, get out (Enter), climb the stairs and go through the door.

On the ship you will acquire a new ability - a release of energy (T), charge the glaive with any energy, throw it and press T. A car is on fire ahead, behind it are soldiers in the barricades. There is money in the hangar on the left, there is a further passage on the right, go up to the 2nd floor and go along it to the adjacent hangar. There is a black market there, when you leave the room a helicopter will fly by and you, clinging to its cargo, will move to the next ship. Go upstairs, from there you can shoot everyone below and go down. Ahead on the left at the end of the deck lies an improvement. A helicopter will arrive, the RPG lies in the center of the deck along with a box of ammunition. For some reason, the helicopter crashes only after the third hit. As the helicopter falls, it will break through the deck, jump there. Go through several compartments with cells. In the last compartment, where you open some kind of chamber, the ship will begin to sink. You have 10 minutes to get out. Climb the ladder on the wall. Kill all the zombies, the ship will tilt and the boxes will float to another place, go through them. Now you need to open 3 doors with an electrified glaive. Use glaive control to reach the electricity through the fence.

Chapter 6 - Bait

New types of infected will appear here, more mutated. They will attack you before entering the building, go inside, go up the stairs, there is a weapon upgrade in the room behind the next door. Make fire in the hole in the floor. Move on, here I have already run out of all the ammunition, monsters that hit from afar are no problem, but those that fight in close combat are annoying because you can’t get away from them by running.

In the next room on the right there is an upgrade for weapons. Here you will be attacked by several monsters and soldiers in armor and with a powerful machine gun. To kill him you need to aim at the red glowing thing near his head, closer to his back. When you hit it, it starts to sparkle. It's better to kill him first, and the mutants will distract him at this time. When you kill him, charge the glaive with electricity and launch it at the elevator control panel.

Chapter 7 - Industrial Revolution

Here you will be immediately attacked by several long-range zombies, there is almost no ammunition, you will have to target everyone with a glaive. Enter the building to break through the ice barrier and launch your glaive into the device on the rails. Then you will come across monsters that can become invisible; they are killed with one strong throw of the glaive. At the location where there is another freezing device on the rails, between the two trains there is a suitcase with an improvement.

Go to the door, it leads to the street, 4 more long-range monsters will attack you. In the building opposite there is a descent down, there will already be people mixed with monsters, and a super soldier in armor. Electrify the glaive from it and open the door by throwing it at the control panel. Run along the rails to the left. To get through the fire barrier, put it out with an ice glaive; to do this, break the barrel of liquid nitrogen. Run further along the rails, there will be a rise on the right, there you can go to the black market.

Go to the machine gun, shoot all the evil spirits with the machine gun, there is a suitcase in front at a dead end, there is a passage further on the right. Open the valve to freeze the water, kill the super soldier to move on, put out the fire with ice. Then a train will pass carefully and may hit you. The boss is the Stalker, he is almost always invisible. Throw the glaive at the barrels passing on the sides, and freeze as much water as possible under you. When the Stalker freezes, shoot at him, he will be visible for a couple of seconds after he becomes invisible. When it turns red, run up and finish it off. You have now acquired the ability to turn invisible by holding E.

Chapter 8 - Unnatural History

You will wake up in the hospital, as soon as you go out into the hall you will be attacked by a dozen melee mutants. Go through the room with the voice recording; opposite it in the room there is a suitcase. Next, there are a few more skirmishes with monsters until you come to a large hall where there are many invisible mutants, and there is a machine gun there. There is a suitcase at the bottom center. Electricity to open the locked door must be taken from the room on the left, use manual control of the glaive. Behind the door you will be fired at by an automatic cannon, then go down the elevator. You can go through the first room with a security system by simply becoming invisible, the second you need to go through without touching the rays, in order for the door to open, turn on invisibility. After you talk to Nadya you will receive an armored suit. Now all that remains is to reach the exit, naturally destroying all living things on the way.

Chapter 9 - Border Guard

After leaving the building, you will find yourself at gunpoint at twenty machine guns, both behind the barricades and on the roof. In the building opposite, there will be an armored soldier, now you can take his machine gun, the passage opens with an electrified glaive. At “C” you can fire rockets, but they are running out, then there will be another machine gun with full rocket ammunition. Melee mutants that used to cause trouble now only cause laughter as they dance under a machine gun. Two super soldiers in a location with a bridge is also not a problem.

But in order to go further you need to climb the stairs, but this won’t work with a machine gun. The boss here is an armored monster. My strategy is when he runs towards you, jump towards him (ctrl) or use invisibility and so on until he starts to become electrified. You need to dodge when he throws his thing at you and charge your glaive. If you hit it, it will turn red - run up and finish it off, if you hit the shield, do the same again. He will jump up, we do the same, he will jump and all over again.
This needs to be done three times. Well, at the end of this chapter you will take a ride on the Jackal.

Chapter 10 - Territory of Darkness

Your hero will meet with his superiors, they will argue, and in the end you will have to fight off the special forces armed with TK-6. Follow into the building, to open the gate, climb onto the stairs, there will be a button there. Go to the dead end, there will be an elevator on the left, press the call button and fight back until the elevator arrives. To go further you need to open the door, the button in the corridor on the right.
Boss - shoot at the green things on the mountain snake so that it opens its mouth, when its mouth is open, throw a glaive charged with electricity at it. When all 3 heads die quickly, throw the glaive at Mazner, you need to hit 2 times. After this there is one more circle, but the mutants will interfere; on the third circle he will have 5 heads.
