Dark souls 2 covenant of the pilgrims of darkness. Pilgrims of darkness. Joining the covenant

Pilgrims of Darkness(English Pilgrims of Dark)- one of nine covenants in the game Dark souls II.

Joining the Covenant:

To enter, you need to find the head of the Dark Wanderer Grandal covenant and talk to him in three locations: Darkshire, Dark Cleft, Dranglik Castle. The sequence is not important.

In Darkshire, in a cave with a bunch of basilisks and puddles of acid in one of the dead ends on the balcony, Grandal will be sitting in a chair next to the portal of darkness. We leave the cave and find an approximate place on top, where the balcony is located, there will be a hole in the ground, covered with boards. Having fallen into it, we go to the Grandal and talk to him.

In the location Dark cleft at the transition between the penultimate and last fires, you need to walk along the edge of the cliff with a torch in your hands: below there will be 3 balconies, one leads to Lukatiel, one to the door with locked giants, and jumping on one, we will get to the place with a portal to the darkness, near which Grandal sits.

In Dranglik Castle, after the first bonfire, there will be a room with a bunch of stone guards and closed doors with guards of the ruins. The second door on the left with the guard has a hole in the floor, falling through it, we fall into a small cave, where there will be a fire, Grandal and a portal of darkness.

Covenant levels:

The covenant is pumped by passing locations outside the portals of darkness at the meeting points with Grandal. To pass them, you need to light the altars in the locations of the covenant. After passing 3 locations at the exit, the player will find himself in the place of the battle with the boss Hiding in the Dark, who is considered a strong and interesting rival.


Enemies in the locations of the covenant are strong enough, while the invasions of other players are possible, so it is recommended that characters pass high level well equipped.

Dragon Bell can be obtained by simply killing Grandal at any of the encounters.

The ring of the abyss is a must for all mages of darkness, so at least an entry is required. And also for the sake of scrolls of spells you need to get 3 rank.

Upon reaching rank 3 in the locations of the covenant, it will be possible to invade through a cracked red eye, and pvp through a red crayon. Coal of enmity will be given for victory.

The first story of the world of Dark Souls 2 will be about the head of the covenant Pilgrims of Darkness - the grandfather of Grandal, walking in the Darkness and his secret boss - Hiding in the Dark: Darklurker, one of the most powerful bosses in the game. This plot will be especially useful for those who use dark magic. Because, after completing all the tasks of Grandal and getting 3rd rank in his covenant, we get a lot of corruption spells.

It all starts with the fact that while walking around Dranglik, you can accidentally meet Grandal in one of three dark places. Grandal always sits in his wheelchair, which looks like a wheelchair, near such a stone structure, which is a portal to small locations - Abyssal Dips. To get the task and meet the boss, you need to talk to Grandal in all places, that is, three times.

Usually meetings take place in this order:

First, in Darkshire, on the way to Scorpion, Najka needs to jump into a hole hidden in the bushes. In the first dialogue, he will simply greet and be glad that someone found him. Apparently it's boring for him to sit here alone. And here is a new potential adherent of his dark sect. But Grandal thinks that I am still too alive to seriously engage in the study of Darkness. And in general, he doubts my abilities. But he still makes his offer. In short, I correctly handled it. And after the conversation, Grandal moves in his wheelchair to another location.

The second encounter takes place at Black Rift. He sits in a cave behind a closed door. He likes dark, hidden places. Apparently there is better contact with his beloved Darkness ... by wifi. To get to it, you need to kill two giants in the neighboring cave just below. Here we get the first soul of a giant. And also the Forgotten Key. With this key we go to Grandal. The still forgotten key opens the door in the Dump, behind which lies the Havela set, and in the Pit in Majul, where there are also many gifts and the key to the first DLS. Here the old man is also not ready to share his knowledge yet. But at the next meeting, he promises to pay more attention. So we will search.

For the third time, we find Grandal at Dranglik Castle. Immediately after the first bonfire, there is a hall with knights coming to life and opening doors. We need the far left door. Behind it is a room with a sinking floor. It is better to light a torch in advance, because it is very dark here and lives Dark stalker- such a creature that it is afraid of bright light. There is also a bonfire here. And again, old man Grandal.

Now he is more inclined to communicate and even holds out his hands to me. Finally, he announces his name and his occupation. In general, he is a researcher and admirer of Darkness and invites everyone to join his covenant Pilgrims of Darkness. Of course, he is confused by the wheelchair: did not his fascination with darkness bring Grandal to such a state? Well, okay, our target is the boss Hiding in the Dark, so let's enter. By the way, they have a beautiful badge. We receive the ring of the Abyss, which enhances the power of dark spells.

And now the portals to the abyss are working. Grandal will activate them if you give him a humanity figurine. He opens the first portal for free and offers to visit these bottomless depths. And also Grandal becomes available as a merchant. Naturally, he sells mostly corruption spells. And also there are figures of humanity and coals of enmity. Now we need to clear all three Abyssal Hollows. Which are located respectively in Darkshire, Black Rift and Dranglik Castle. Strong mobs live there, and at the end of each location of the Abyssal Hollow, you need to burn the altar of darkness. For one altar, they will give the first rank in the covenant and the Sonorous Soul spell, for all three failures, respectively, the second rank, the Great Sonorous Soul spell and access to the boss.

You can come to the One Hiding in the Dark through any location, but the most convenient way is through the hole in the Dranglik Castle: here the bonfire is close. There are no phantoms for him, and this boss is not at all simple, so we prepare carefully and pump up the level before climbing to it. Darklucker is very good at damaging three types of damage at once: darkness, magic, and fire. It is quite difficult to provide yourself with protection from everything at once. So the best option would be lighter armor and dodges. But the weapon must be taken fiery or electric - the boss is vulnerable to them. He naturally has great resistance to darkness, and good to magic too. Now we jump into the abyss and plunge even deeper into the Abyss. This is where he dwells - Hiding in the Dark.

The start of the fight is pretty common. This boss is a very powerful magician and his main attacks are ranged. They do a lot of damage, but they are easy to dodge. Therefore, you can throw spells at each other. Close up, the boss casts a magic sword, which, again, is the easiest to dodge, especially since the shield will not completely save from magic damage.

One of the most dangerous boss attacks is the two dark spheres. The first sphere in front of him - the boss launches a dark ball of energy into it. And the second sphere can be anywhere in the arena - this projectile flies out of it and flies at high speed at us. And it hits with a decent radius. So even a fast run does not always manage to avoid a hit.

Well, a ray of dark energy is one of the most harmless spells. Nashandra has a similar thing and it is enough to move away from him and you can safely approach the boss for a melee attack.

The most interesting starts somewhere around 60 percent of the boss's lives. He clones himself. At this point, you can try to knock down the cloning if you do a lot of damage. But it is difficult. So most likely there will be two bosses. And this means twice as many spells flying at us, from which it will become twice as difficult to dodge. And accordingly, it is twice as difficult to look for moments for an attack or at least for treatment.

But the secret of success, as usual, is in competent control of all opponents. We must try to keep both enemies in sight, and when one of them conjures something of little danger, try to kick the second.

The use of massive spells can be effective, but it is quite difficult to collect enemies in one place, because they often teleport and scatter in corners to throw their fireballs or magic arrows.

I usually try to get close to one in order to chop it with the sword - the boss twists very easily. Especially to the left. And when the second appears, then we move away and throw something massive, maybe even fire bombs: he is just very vulnerable to fire.

But when they deploy their spheres, they have to run and run fast. If the total damage of the two spheres passes, then this is a guaranteed trip to the fire.

It's a good moment when one boss casts a dark ray - it turns off from the battle for a long time and you can do something useful.

We look at what they are doing, choose a victim and run to her. Fire rain flies past and you can manage to deliver two hits. Immediately we dodge the spells of the second, avoid the explosion of the first and again put the enemies in sight. This is what a successful maneuver looks like. Well, now we line up the birds in a column, focus the distant bird and pierce two of them at once with the Spear of the Soul. Well, that's all, we get Victory and the Soul of the One Hiding in the Darkness.

Of course, there are many different battle tactics - use Complete Silence on the boss, which is sold by Grandal, or take hefty fiery swords in both hands and kill the boss. Or wear sets with great magical protection, take rings of magic, darkness and fire +3, conjure a magic barrier and not be afraid of his spells at all. But the main tactics are still running, dodging and counterattacking.

Now we return to the world and go to the Grandal. We receive the third rank of the covenant, Grandal's inspiring speech about the depth and importance of the abyss in these dark times for the country, and the gifts themselves. Super powerful dark magic spell - Climax, as well as Xanthos' set. And if you talk to Grandal now, he will also give his Dragon Bell - a very powerful thing for witchcraft of corruption and probably the best bell for spells of miracles.

Well, the soul of the Hiding One can be exchanged with Strayd for another spell of darkness - the Area of ​​Vampirism. Creates a sphere of darkness for 5 seconds, damaging everyone who touches it. Doubtful such a spell, of course the Climax is much more interesting. With a good bell and rings that enhance the attack with darkness, it can knock out 3000 damage from enemies and even more, depending on resistance. But the truth is, it eats up all the souls from the wallet.

Well, if we do not need all these spells of corruption, too lazy to plunge into the abyss and fight with the One Hiding in the Dark, then we can just leave Grandal alone. Or take the Dragon Bell from him in a very dark way. It is not for nothing that they say like attracts like.


Grandal is a corruption mage in Dranglik, as well as the Leader of the Pilgrims of Darkness Covenant and possibly its only member, for apart from him we meet no one from this covenant, except for Felkin the Outcast, but his connection with the Covenant is not exactly known.


Grandala can be found in 3 locations, the order of which is not important.

If you talk to him in all three locations, he will offer to join his covenant, which, in turn, will open access to three secret locations and secret Boss

1 black cleft

Most likely this place will be the first place where you can find it, although it depends on your passage.

So where can you find it?

He goes to the second Bonfire location, from where we go to two holes, from where the Worms come out. We need to stand between them.

After that, we need to carefully approach the edge (If you read my article about the souls of giants, then you already know what to do), from here, if you use a torch, you can see a small ledge below and a white door.

We need to jump to the door and open it. In order for the door to open, we need the Forgotten Key, which is located just below, in a cave with two Giants (three if you have summoned a phantom before). From the last killed Giant, the Key will drop out.

We open the door and go inside, the Grandal will wait for us on the left side of the entrance. We talk to him then the exhaustion of dialogues and go to the fire (Old feather or Bone).

Dark ruins

The second place where we can meet Grandal will be "Dark Ruins" - the third bonfire of the Darkshire location.

We need to go to a spacious place from the ruins in which there is a bonfire to the place where the Giant Basilisk appears (in SotFS it does not exist, so orient yourself along the hole, covered by boards, on which the urn stands).

There we find another construction of boards on the ground, standing on which they will break, opening a hole and thereby a passage to the place with the old man.

We speak with him again until the dialogue is exhausted, and now we have the last Location.

Dranglik Castle

The last place will be the location Dranglik Castle.

To reach Grandala, we need the first bonfire of the location, the Royal Gate.

From here we go into a hall with doors, behind which are the guards of the ruins. To open the door, you need to kill the stone warriors near it, so that it absorbed his soul and opened (after that, only one stone warrior will be compared). We need the very last (third) door on the left.

We kill the Guardian of Ruins in this room and we see a small Hole almost in the middle.

We jump down and we find ourselves in a new place, near the third bonfire of the location-Lower level.

There will be two hikes, the one on the right will lead us to the fire, the same one on the left and leads to the Grandala.

We speak with Grandal and now, we receive an invitation to the covenant, and also Grandal becomes available as a merchant.

Products for sale

Interesting Facts

After killing the boss of Lurking in Darkness, Grandal will give you the Xanthos set and the Corruption Climax, and after talking with him, he will also give you the most powerful talisman in the game - Dragon Bell.

If the usual way of getting the bell seems difficult for you, or you are just too lazy to do it, then you can simply kill Grandal and take the bell from his corpse.

On NG +, after killing the boss, only the Dragon Bell will be given

Grandal travels the world in a magical wheelchair powered by the forces of darkness.

Grandala was also voiced by the same person who voiced the character from the first part of Dark Souls, Ingward, who, unlike Grandal, held back the darkness.

After talking with him, he moves to the next location and so on until you talk to him 3 times. After that, he can be found in all 3 locations.

It is not known for certain whether Grandal is disabled or only uses the wheelchair as a means of transportation. It is possible that Grandal is able to walk, judging by his concept art, or his legs stopped working due to a long stay in the dark.

It can also be assumed that Grandal did not always study the darkness. If you read the description of the Dragon Bell, you can find out that he was not always like that. It may well be that earlier Grandal studied not Corruption, but Miracles (judging by the bell that he uses) or magic (He also sells the Magic spell along with the corruption). But this is only a theory, although who knows.

On this note, I will end my excursion into the world of Dranglik, I hope you are one step closer to fully exploring this wonderful, albeit dangerous world
