Dark souls 2 are similar. Games similar to Dark Souls

Some people like to cut themselves, others hurt themselves in other ways, and there are extremists who will go further and play Dark Souls . If you are mentally unprepared, such a game will be torture for you. You will face extremely difficult gameplay that will make you scream, break, curse and may even drive you crazy. Unfortunately, there are only 3 issues of Dark Souls, so if you have completed all the series and want to continue screaming at your monitor, then you are out of luck, kidding. We bring to your attention 15 amazing games similar to Dark Souls. While playing them, you will be so addicted that you can damage your computer equipment.

15. The Surge

The Surge - another game of the Dark Souls genus, where the action takes place in the distant future. Humans have created exosuits and endowed them with superhuman abilities and strength. The game offers a combat system with a gauge of the level of vitality, where your task is to cut off the limbs of enemies, which will help you improve your own suit. The battles are extremely harsh, and the enemies are incredibly difficult. The Surge, with its fantastic animation, is closest to the Dark Souls series. Be careful with the enemies, they will not hesitate, but at the first opportunity they will put you on the shoulder blades.

14. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen offers a huge open world where you explore each location. You are waiting for fights with bosses and monsters that will tear you apart if you make a mistake. The combat system is exhausting, but at the same time very rewarding. Every creature or monster has a weak point that must be found and exploited in order to win. This mechanism will add a whole new flavor to the game.

Attractive graphics, an intriguing plot and a well-thought-out combat scheme will attract Dark Souls fans.

13. Book of Demons

Book of Demons started out as a parody of Diablo game. However, it quickly attracted the attention of gamers with great graphics and unique gameplay, where the main focus is on the battle with the enemy and pumping heroes. It does not copy Dark Souls, however, if you like to explore dungeons and fight demons, then Book of Demons will meet your expectations. The game offers delightful gameplay, subtle graphics, aesthetically pleasing to the eye, as well as a varied time management system. In a game with such features, you can positively count on a pleasant pastime.

12. Castle in the Darkness

A new retro platformer with an alluring game design inspired by dark games souls. Players will have to explore a castle filled with the evil forces of a dark magician who is ready to destroy your entire peaceful kingdom. Let 8-bit graphics not be particularly intriguing, however game process with its insanely difficult bosses and instant kills, it's definitely similar to Dark Souls.

Collect as many weapons, armor and other magic items as you can to help you along the way. If you like Castelvania and other 2D games then you will love Castle in the Darkness . In this game you will satisfy both your love for 2D and your passion for Souls games.

11. Hyper Light Drifter

Independent Hyper Light Drifter is a combination of games The Legend of Zelda and Diablo, only much more difficult. It has been compared to Dark Souls in terms of difficulty. You will tear and throw, swear near the monitor, and you can even break something out of anger. Proper timing, patience, accuracy and planning are your tactics, otherwise the monsters will swallow and spit you out in one minute. In this game, the bosses are more aggressive than in Souls, and they attack all the time. You need to accurately calculate the defense and attack in order to defeat these huge monsters. This Dark Souls-style sci-fi is definitely worth your time.

10. Exanima

Examina is a game entirely based on the laws of physics. You will have to learn a little if there were problems with her at school. All underground caves are built according to physical canons, and a unique combat system expands the Dark Souls system. The success of each hit will depend entirely on the movement of the mouse. Move a little harder, and your hero will turn in the wrong direction, and his weapon will stick into the ground. Examina does not imitate, but rather complement the Souls games. If you want a unique battle experience, try this game.

9 Necropolis

A game Necropolis reveals a mesmerizing underground labyrinth with low-poly characters and gloomy tones. In addition to excellent graphics, endless underground tunnels, treasure hunts and legendary boss battles await you. In each cave you will find an unusual trophy and stumble upon a huge monster that will be happy to destroy you. The slow and consistent combat system of the game makes it similar to Souls, where you will feel every hit physically. Necropolis is beautiful game with a unique design and style of warfare borrowed from Dark Souls.

8. Dark Mouse

DarkMaus is a complete revival of the Dark Souls games. Only instead of the usual monsters and disgusting creatures you will meet mice, evil monsters, cats and other enemies. The gameplay in this game is just on top, you really feel like you are back in Dark Souls. Players have to turn into a small mouse (Maus) and fight with ferocious animals (in this game they are called Cats). The combat system is so realistic that you will have to repel enemies very quickly in order to survive. Look for answers hidden in the bowels of the dark world and unravel why everyone around is so ferocious. If you like to use different battle tactics and a rich combat arsenal, then DarkMaus is for you.

7. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

This action game is one of the main releases of the game series. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night completely changed the idea of ​​such a genre as action-adventure in 2D reality. Most of the new 2D games are Symphony of the Night imitators. Even the famous Dark Souls borrows from this exciting adventure the gothic world of Dracula, along with monsters. The gameplay is identical to Souls, only shown in 2D. You fight against hordes of monsters, collect resources, strengthen equipment, improve abilities and fight giant impenetrable monsters. It feels like you're playing Dark Souls, only in 2D and with a more interesting storyline.

6. Titan Souls

Titan Souls- it's a mixture games Legend of Zelda and Dark Souls in terms of graphics and gameplay. However, this game is a little like the others, it has its own zest. If you like the brutal combat of Dark Souls, then you will definitely love Titan Souls, in which you will face stronger bosses every time. There is one simple rule in this game: everyone dies in one hit, and you are no exception. Find weak spots enemy, repel the attack and kill the enemy. It seems that everything is easy and simple, but in fact, as in Dark Souls, you have to die many times. If you like exciting and challenging monster fights, Titan Souls is waiting for you.

5. Salt and Sanctuary

Salt and Sanctuary is a co-creation of Castlevania games and Dark series souls. If you love playing Souls, but you're more into 2D controls and immersive action, then Salt and Sanctuary, a game with amazing 2D graphics and sinister reality, is perfect for you. The player's task is to collect salt and enter the shrines in order to improve the abilities and magical abilities of the character. Inspired by Dark Souls, the new game will allow you to enjoy dark adventures in the famous 2D image.

4 Hollow Knight

You will embark on an exciting journey underground through a ruined kingdom full of treasures and strange monsters. Action adventure with side-scrolling technology and 2D controls is reminiscent of Dark Souls in its upgrade mechanics and resource extraction. The game encourages you to explore the huge map in any order. Most sites are playable from the start of the game, so you can start exploring right away.
You will meet tricky enemies, so you need to quickly upgrade the hero and take the fight. In the battle with the monster, you will test your reaction, where each monster has its own fighting technique. Hollow Knight is a colorful game with artistic design, close in spirit to Dark Souls.

3. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

monster hunter 4 Ultimate slightly different from the style of Dark Souls and offers exciting, incredibly difficult and downright deadly boss battles. You engage in fights, fight huge monsters, keep track of the level vitality, the amount of health and control the abilities of the hero. During the battle, you must not forget about your viability. It is important to understand when to defend and when to attack, as well as heal the hero in time so as not to die. You will feel like you are in the combat system from Dark Souls. If you like strategic battles, then this game is for you.

2. Lords of the Fallen

Compared to the Souls series, Lords of the Fallen brighter computer graphics and rich gaming environment. The combat scheme, the upgrade mechanism and the movement of the heroes are very reminiscent of Dark Souls, but the pace of the fights is lower. Souls has more action.
AT new game the boss fights are slow and methodical, very reminiscent of the Souls games, but the focus is on the action. The combat is difficult and at the same time it will give the player great pleasure. To strike the enemy, you must be extremely careful, otherwise you will be defeated. Lords of the Fallen is a great alternative for fans of Souls games.

1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 is a new generation role-playing game with a deep story and an exciting game universe that you will not find in Dark Souls. The game takes place in a fantasy world where the player takes on the role of the Witcher. You have to kill monsters and fight the forces of evil, using dark magic and the art of wielding a blade. The Witcher is the story of a lone ranger, Geralt, who travels to unravel a mystery. The combat model of the game is reminiscent of Dark Souls, where the player must always be on the alert so that powerful enemies do not knock him out of action. The third Witcher won several awards for its amazing gameplay and fun storyline. You will not tear yourself away from the game, you just have to start.

The Best Dark Souls-style Leisure Games
Think you can handle all the games at once? We recommend gradually progressing from one game to another until you master everything and then challenge several games at once, and may the force be with you. Let us know about other games you think are similar to Dark Souls. Perhaps we missed something. Write about them in your comments.

On March 28, the release of the second addition to Dark Souls 3. The creator of the series, Hidetaka Miyazaki, assured that this would be the end of the Dark Souls story. If you have already managed to go far and wide Demon's Souls , bloodborne and all three parts Dark Souls and now you are afraid to be left without really difficult action-RPGs - do not despair.

Below we have compiled a list of the most interesting Souls clones - both released and still in development.

Lords of the Fallen

Lords of the Fallen in 2014 went down in history as one of the first attempts to copy the mechanics of Dark Souls - the same third-person view and monsters that resurrect if the hero dies. An important difference between Lords of the Fallen and projects from From Software is the slower pace of combat. In LotF, the character always wears heavy armor with huge shoulder pads in the style World of Warcraft and brandishes gigantic weapons, so don't be surprised that he's clumsy in battle.

In terms of the elaboration of the world (its mythology, history) and visual style, Lords of the Fallen falls short of Souls, but the game still turned out to be fascinating. First, in LotF, just like in Diablo, items of equipment and weapons drop out randomly, which gives a reason to play further. Secondly, the developers came up with interesting feature: the longer the player does not die and is not saved at checkpoints, the higher his chance of getting some especially valuable loot. This nuance adds spice to the gameplay, because you have to constantly ask yourself whether it is worth saving and losing the bonus to luck, or is it better to continue the dangerous journey for the sake of a potential reward?

The Surge

Souls fans often fantasize about what a futuristic game like this would look like. The authors of Lords of the Fallen were imbued with this idea and decided to release an analogue of Dark Souls, the events of which take place in the future. In The Surge, the player roams the corridors of space stations and fights crazy killer robots on distant planets, relying on an exoskeleton and powerful weapons. Judging by the first videos, the creators of The Surge also draw inspiration from dead space and System Shock. The game will be released on PS4 Xbox One and PC already in May.

Salt and Sanctuary

Hardcore platformer Salt and Sanctuary is a 2D Souls wannabe. It has its own analogue of bonfires, in which the hero is reborn and healed, and a similar system for improving the characteristics of the character. Souls is also reminiscent of text hints that users leave to each other before a fight with a strong monster or boss. The battles in Salt and Sanctuary are also quite in the spirit of From Software games: enemies cannot be defeated by “clicking”, and each hit consumes stamina. And the bosses here turned out to be so interesting and complex that it’s hard to resist exclamations of joy after defeating a dangerous enemy Salt and Sanctuary impresses with huge and intricate levels that can be compared with locations from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- a classic of the platformer genre. It is hard to believe that a team of only two people made such a game. If you have a PlayStation 4 or PC and don't mind 2D graphics, this adrenaline-filled adventure is not to be missed.


One of the biggest PlayStation 4 exclusives of the year, Nioh is out in a matter of days. The authors from the Team Ninja studio do not hide the fact that in its current form their development is an ideological clone of Dark Souls, but here they should be given their due: although Nioh borrows the concept of the famous RPG, it has a lot of new interesting ideas.

The first feature that deserves mention is the entourage. The game takes place in feudal Japan, and many of the hero's opponents come from Japanese mythology. Enemies turned out to be both colorful and interesting. For example, here you can encounter a nimble demon in the guise of a one-eyed boy: if he is not killed in time, the small imp will transform into a huge cyclops, and then there will be no time for jokes.

Like in Dark Souls, in Nioh you need to dodge enemy attacks, block attacks and wisely spend the hero’s energy, but everything is not limited to this. The hero can switch between three combat stances on the fly, each of which helps in the fight against different types of opponents. Another interesting innovation is that the player can restore the stocks of spent stamina, if in certain moment combo attacks will press the R1 button. Such nuances force us to reconsider the strategy of behavior in battle that is familiar to Dark Souls.


DarkMaus is an incredibly complex top-down action game. The connection with Souls is immediately visible: the player systematically moves from campfire to campfire. It is worth being distracted during the battle or hurry - the character has already died. Key Feature DarkMaus - mice. All characters in the game, including enemies and the main character, are rodents armed with shields, swords and bows.

The main thing to remember when launching DarkMaus is that it is probably more hardcore than any game on this list. Every minute here you encounter such difficult opponents or situations (for example, a narrow tunnel guarded by three archers at once) that you can spend as much as half an hour, and in the end move only ten meters forward. If the hero often dies, AI-controlled ghost mice come to the rescue, but even with their support, it is far from always possible to win the next battle.


The role-playing game Eitr has been in development for two years (only a couple of people are working on it). First of all, it attracts with graphics - albeit pixelated, but very stylish. Events in Eitr take place in a fictional universe inspired by the Scandinavian sagas: The main character is a red-haired warrior who travels between dimensions to save the world tree Yggdrasil from death. Like Lords of the Fallen, Eitr merges Dark Souls with Diablo. From the first game, it borrows a complex combat system with blocks and rolls, and from the second - a system of loot, which is randomly generated. According to the creators of Eitr, they always liked the treasure hunt in Diablo, but wanted more action.

All these games will help pass the time before the announcement of the next From Software developments. While we're saying goodbye to Dark Souls, there's a good chance Miyazaki will start making role-playing games in a similar style, but on a different theme, as was the case with Bloodborne. Moreover, it is possible that we will hear about his new project this year: quite recently, representatives of Sony and From Software hinted that they have something to please PS4 owners.

The developers from the Japanese studio studio From Software managed to create an unsurpassed atmosphere of pain, suffering and an irrepressible desire to explore the secret nooks and crannies of gloomy locations.

To the surprise of many major publishers, it turned out that such hardcore game mechanics demanded by a significant part modern gamers and it's hard not to notice the growing trend to create similar projects.

compiled in accordance with the personal gaming preferences of the author of the publication

Lords of the Fallen

The ancient god Adyr, once defeated by three heroes and imprisoned in another dimension, threatens people again. Former criminal Harkin is the only one who can stop the evil invasion.

The project of the German studio Deck13 Interactive and the Polish City Interactive was called by many a clone of Dark Souls before the release, and there are reasons for that. "They almost made it!" - you might think, watching a video from YouTube, but the game has much more "tight" controls and a not very sane plot ... however, the attempt was not bad.

Salt and Sanctuary

The ship of the princess, who went to the overseas fiance, is attacked and her bodyguard ( the main character) is overboard. When he comes to his senses, he finds himself on a mysterious island inhabited by terrible creatures.

Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, behind the guise, there is clearly a game made in the style of Dark Souls, where the death and rebirth of a game character are an important game component.

The Surge

A Dark Souls-like game set in a dystopian future where natural resources are depleted and mega-corporations run the show with macabre robotics experiments.

Initially, the idea of ​​​​creating a game about robots with a combat system in the image and likeness of Souls seemed reckless, but fears that the futuristic setting would spoil the atmosphere and gameplay, fortunately, did not materialize and the second attempt by Deck13 turned out to be valid ... you can only complain about a small amount bosses.


The inhabitants of the ancient city of Yharnam have long been famous for their knowledge in the field of medicine, which attracted a large number of people who longed for a cure for diseases. Suddenly, the city is engulfed by a plague, turning people into terrible creatures...

The project in the setting, clearly inspired - does not lag behind its ideological inspirer in terms of the complexity of the passage, even though it is the brainchild of the same developers from the From Software studio.


English navigator William Adams, by the will of fate, finds himself in Japan during the Sengoku period, torn apart by a civil war for the title of shogun, in which the hatred of the parties is fueled by supernatural beings.

From the Team Ninja studio, perhaps the first Dark Souls-type game from a third-party company, which is never inferior to the projects of Hidetaka Miyazaki and K, while not being a Dark Souls clone and adding new facets to the gameplay polished over the years.

Demon's Souls

“Demon Soul” is a project that many have heard of, but few have played, and all because one of them has not received (I hope so far) re-release on other platforms.

The game is completely identical to the Dark Souls trilogy (down to the smallest detail) and, moreover, has the charm of the original source ... I will tell you "in confidence" that in my "table of ranks" this game, of all presented, is number one .

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