Data site and Relic site in eve. New radars, magnets in Odyssey. Eve Online bot, hack, cheats

→ Eve Online bot, hack, cheats

If you, my little naive friend, are expecting information on cheats for Eve Online from this article, then you are mistaken. In general, I’m not going to blame you and explain that it’s not good to use the same Eve Online bot. So to speak, your problems are why your ak will be banned. But it would be useful for older guys to become familiar with this. How do they spend their money? However, you, my young friend, spend money. Moreover, they are not our own at all.

Eve Online game paid. Not even shareware. There are no premium accounts in this game. Only the Pay-to-Play system, which means pay and play. At least out of pity for your money, you shouldn’t use cheats for Eve Online. After all, you can’t unblock a banned account, and you can’t get back the money spent on paying for it in the past. But that's not the worst thing.

Eve Online bots

Why are they even needed? Various well, VERY busy guys use the Eve Online miner bot to extract resources. I set up the program, went to work, and your ship digs without you, carries resources to the station, and defends itself from attacks. Convenient, it's a nightmare! There are just a few problems associated with this matter.

Firstly, these are not good cheats for Eve Online in any case. They will either get caught or banned for it. It is naive to assume that you will never get caught.

Secondly, the Isk bot framed with the help of Eve Online will not be acquired by any organization that respects itself and its clients, engaged in trading game currency in Eve Online.

Thirdly, it is much cheaper to buy yourself in-game currency. The cost of the bot and account payment will cost you more than purchasing claims from MMORPG trading sites.

Hack Eve Online

This is absolutely disgusting stuff. Let's call everything by its proper name - banal theft. Put yourself in the shoes of the person whose Eve Online account you are going to hack. Remember that the game is paid and a month of play costs four hundred rubles. Do you understand that by hacking an Eve Online account you are stealing four hundred rubles from a person? Personally, such a thought just makes me feel disgusted. But in reality, a drawn character and drawn boats are not worth more.

In Odyssey Eve, the radars were renamed to the Data site and the magnetometers to the Relic site, and the names of the modules were also changed. Now instead of Codebreaker we have Data Analyzer and instead of Analyzer we have Relic Analyzer

Site data are cosmic signatures and need to be scanned -

While hacking containers, the player can encounter many different subsystems:

Defense subsystems– System protective mechanisms. When detected, they prevent the module from moving into nodes adjacent to them. Some advanced defense subsystems may have additional annoyances for the attacker.

Useful subsystems- Various utilities are scattered throughout the system, which the player can use either to improve his module or to attack defense systems and cores.

Database– These encrypted nodes are generally harmless. The player can decrypt the contents of the node. This could give him a very useful subsystem, or it could activate a particularly nasty defensive subsystem.

Core– As mentioned above, this is the heart of the system being hacked. Kill all the cores of the system and gain control over it.

Modules, defense subsystems, and cores have attributes that define them coherence (hit points, hit points) And the strength of the retaliatory attack. Combat is resolved starting with the attacker's turn. The defender's coherence is reduced by the attacker's strength, followed by a retaliatory strike (if the defender survives).

The most important characteristics of the modules Data Analyzer and Relic Analyzer are now Virus coherence

(level - points *life*) and Virus strength (Attack Power*). The higher they are, the better. The Access difficulty bonus still remains, but its impact is unknown.

The second important fact is that now all NPCs have been removed from the Relic and Data signatures (except VX). That is, you can scan and farm them without guns. But the container explodes after 2 unsuccessful attempts to break into it. A hacking attempt is considered unsuccessful if you fly far from the container (greater than the analyzer activation distance) or you are deprived of all your lives.

Third, there are rigs that increase the standard of living for either the Data site or Relic. You can stick a couple of T1 rigs in Helios (we’re talking about it, since I fly it) and get +10 lives for both, or stick one T2, but get 20 lives for one of them. (or two T1s of the same, the same +20 to life) The choice is yours.

Eve also has an implant to increase the attack level. I only found one Poteque "Prospector" Archeology AC-905 or Poteque "Prospector" Hacking HC-905, they give +5 to the level of life, but both go into the 09th imp slot, so you won’t be able to have both at once. If you find more similar imps, I will be grateful for their indication.

Let's actually start. After approaching a container using any of the above signatures and activating the module for this container, a window like this will appear:

Below, in the left corner there will be two scales with numbers. The left scale is your life level, the right is your attack level.

When any enemy Utility module is detected, there will be a picture of it with two numbers (above and belowmodule), the upper ones indicate the life level of this module, the lower ones indicate the level of its attack on you. The modules only attack back when you click on them, so you can safely bypass them.

In this case, I came across a very nasty module that NEEDS TO BE KILLED IMMEDIATELY. As its description suggests, it restores the standard of living of other modules around. The following note is important, it restores the life level of only already opened protective modules, and only one module per turn.

Here is an example of a regular Firewall that was restored 3 times:

As we can see, now instead of 80 HP, he has 170 HP, which makes killing him difficult and costly.

In general, the following types of defense subsystems are found:

Firewall: many lives, weak attack.

Restoration node: many lives, weak attack, restores the lives of protective modules around

Virus node: few lives, strong attack.

Virus suppression module: average lives, average attack, lowers your attack level (in my cases by 15 units)

The node's protective modules block adjacent links in the chain. Be careful.

There are also useful subsystems Utility modules that can be found around:

Restoration (wrench icon):restores your lives within 3 turns

Kernel Rottakes exactly half the life from any protective module. Using it does not count as a move.

Secondary Vector: inOver the course of 3 moves, it takes 20 lives from one of the protective modules, or from the core.

Polymorphic Shield:it against 2 attacks of protective modules. This module is consumed only when you are attacked, so you can activate it right away.

In T2 analyzers you can have up to 3 Utility modules in stock at the same time. These modules are not carried over to the next scanning attempt, so use them immediately for their intended purpose.


Sometimes when opening a card you will see closed nodes - bdata basics,which simply glow with a bright dot. Sometimes there will be useful utility things there, but most often there will be hidden security modules there. Think before you click on them.

And finally, the main thing, the kernel or System Core, which must be killed to open the container:

The larger the core (more lives), the tastier the loot from the container will be. All the cores I encountered had the same 10 attack.

After killing the core, the hacking window closes and small containers fly out that need to be caught with handles (by double clicking on them):

These containers are not drawn in the overview (at least I haven’t found a bookmark for them). Therefore, you can only catch them by clicking on them.

Containers have certain time life and then disappear. Therefore, choose the type of container you want to catch carefully.

Clarification. Containers that you are going to break can be scanned cargo scanner ( Cargo Scanner I\II) and see what lies in it. It might help you save a little time.

Catching loot.

After opening the puzzle, fireflies of different types will begin to fly away from the container (Data, Materials, Parts, Equipment). Each contains either garbage or something useful. To catch a green firefly, you just need to click on it once. It will turn white and will be pulled towards the ship (automatically, Tractor Beam is not needed), the rest of the fireflies will turn yellow. After a few seconds, an icon of the caught loot will appear near the cargohold icon, the remaining fireflies will turn green, you can click on the next firefly. The distance to the firefly does not affect the pull-up time, but it is better to start with the farthest ones. Fireflies cannot be pulled up if the distance to them becomes more than 3 km; they turn white. But you can catch up with them if you start spamming them with a double-click.

- Data - may contain BPC. If the cargo scanner showed BPC for faction modules of pos, then you only need to catch Data.

- Parts- firefly first class. Most often contains the most valuable loot. Parts are the first to be stolen.

- Materials- second class firefly. Usually contains minor loot, which was shown by the cargo scanner. But it may also contain something valuable. Open after Parts.

- Equipment- most often contains trash, it makes sense to catch it only when there is nothing else.

- Scraps always contains a portion of Scraps Metal, you cannot catch them, they are only needed for interference.

What ship to fly on.

All ships with scanning bonuses have bonuses for virus strength and standard of living.

T1 frigates: Magnate,Heron,Imicus,Probe

T2 frigates: Anathema, Buzzard, Helios, Cheetah

T3 strategist. cruisers with installed subsystem: ***Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer

Directly modules.

Data Analyzer I\II - for hidden locations Data site

Relic Analyzer I\II - for hidden locations Relic site

What rigs are needed.

Emission Scope Sharpener I\II- for module Data Analyzer

Memetic Algorithm BankI\II- for module Relic Analyzer

Implants (connector 9)

Poteque "Prospector" Hacking HC-905 - for Data Analyzer module

Poteque "Prospector" Archeology AC-905 - for Relic Analyzer module

For example, fit Tengu without implants.

Astero's ship in Amar space.
Cadets, welcome to the Anomaly and Signature Scanning Academy! Here you will gain knowledge that will help you obtain secret information about the enemies of our great empire. You will be generously rewarded for your efforts! Study hard and diligently. Feel free to go your separate ways.

Skills and skills for scanning

Scanning in eve-online is one of the most highly profitable activities in the game, closely related to the production of rigs. Any beginner can easily start their journey in the game by scanning anomalies in the empire. In order to start scanning, you need to learn four skills from the Scanning branch. Let's quickly go through the skills and figure out which affects what:
  • Astrometrics - sensitivity of reconnaissance probe equipment, reduces the limit of deviation from coordinates when searching for objects, increases scanning speed.
  • Astrometric Pinpointing - reduces deviation from precise coordinates
  • Astrometric Acquisition - speeds up reconnaissance probe calculations
  • Astrometric Rangefinding - additionally boosts the sensitivity of probe equipment
  • Hacking - increases the health of the virus to collect data.
  • Archeaology - increases the health of the virus to search for artifacts.
For comfortable scanning, it is enough to learn all these skills in 4.

The best ship to scan in EVE.

There are 8 profile ships for scanning in the game, 2 for each race of T1 and T2 modifications. But there is also 9, this is the crown of all engineering technologies, created by the Sisters of Eve, it is called Astero. It has very good agility and a high bonus to the sensitivity of the probe equipment. This ship is the best for scanning in EVE, but very expensive for a beginner. The cost of Astero in full T2 fit is more than 200 million ISK.

So let's move on to a more budget-friendly, newbie option. I present to you the frigate - Magnate. Its main advantage among T1 skateboarders is its 4 lower slots, low-power connectors. Therefore, if you decide to engage in scanning, start the game as the Amar Empire, so you will need to learn fewer skills.

Ship features for scanning

If you started playing for Amarov and completed everything starting quests, then you have already received the frigate Tycoon as a gift. Okay, there is a ship, now let's lock it. A fit is a set of armor that we put on our character, in this case on a ship.

Rigs are inserted into the tuning module slot; these are a kind of earrings that close holes in resists or boost some skill. In the top slot, a high-power connector, a weapon is inserted, in our case, it is a launcher that will launch probes. We insert auxiliary modules into the middle one, with their help we will hack containers. In the lower slots we will install passive modules for the inertia and maneuverability of the ship.

Ship: Magnate
Tuning modules: Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I - 2 pcs.
Top slot: Core Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I - 16 pcs.
Middle slot: Relic Analyzer I, Data Analyzer I, 5MN Quad LiF
Bottom slot: Type-D Restrained Inertial Stabilizers - 2 pcs, Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure - 2 pcs.
This fit in a place with a ship will cost you around 1 million.

Interface setup

So you have learned all the necessary skills in 3-4. We acquired a ship for scanning and installed it. Now is the time to start looking for signatures. Before you start scanning, I recommend that you customize the interface a little and display the following windows on your desktop:
  • Local chat - for analysis of pilots in the system, a pirate is not a pirate, one’s own or someone else’s.
  • Podscan or plengator - for your own safety. Calculation of ship types, presence of battalion traffic jams.
  • The reconnaissance probes window is for searching for signatures.

Interface setup

In the empire, nothing threatens you, but in low or zero, these windows must be open.

Search for anomalies and signatures

To find the signature you need to open the reconnaissance probe window using the ALT+P command or by clicking on the icon: onboard reconnaissance systems. If there are signatures in the system, they will be displayed in the search results as a hidden signal with 0% clarity. Signatures are highlighted in red, anomalies in green. There is no need to scan anomalies, we are only interested in signatures.

Once you have discovered a hidden signal, you need to release reconnaissance probes, also called traffic jams. Then warp to a save spot or in the sun, and be sure to shut down, entering invisibility mode.

Open the system map and launch probes in a dense arrangement. Place a group of traffic jams in the center relative to the vertical and horizontal of the given signature. Then stretch the traffic jam balls so that their area is larger than the red ball, then press the button: analyze.

Probe Balls

After which the radius of the “red ball” will decrease or disappear altogether. Instead, there will be a point that can move to the side. In this case, you need to reduce the radius of your traffic jams and move them to the place where the point (signature) is currently displayed.

The procedure for reducing the radius of traffic jams and moving them from place to place is carried out until the signal reaches 100%. Next, an arrow appears: --->>, with which you can warp to the anomaly itself. Increase and decrease radius blue balls(traffic jams) can be done using the Alt+Mouse Scroll combination.

Hacking containers with artifacts and data.

Signatures are divided into three types: wormholes (holes), combat anomalies (plexes), hackable anomalies that contain containers with data and artifacts; we are interested in the latter.

Once on the anomaly, you will see “islands” - these are the very containers that we will hack using the Relic or Data modules, depending on the anomaly itself.

Hacking is a mini-game, a kind of labyrinth from which you need to find a way out. The player acts as a computer virus. In the process of searching for a hacking point, your virus will be attacked by firewalls, thereby reducing its health. As the virus spreads throughout the system, it can find useful boosters that will contribute to its advancement.

Hacking interface.

The movement of your virus must be done clockwise from your spawn point, while adhering to the course of ones and twos. This scheme is my own method and is not required for use.

How much can you earn by scanning in eve-online?

After you have hacked the container, take its contents on board. On average, from an Artifact signature you can get from 0 to 100 million ISK in the form of loot. From date from 0 to 25 million ISK, plus recipes for the production of rigs, and all sorts of other not cheap junk. If you scan in systems with status 0.0 and lower, earnings in the empire are much lower.

You can build a good business on scanning in eve-online and earn decent money by producing rigs. To do this, collect all the loot from artifacts in a separate box.

Having accumulated 20-30kk worth of dismantling components, buy several S-recipes for the production of a tuning module; they cost mere pennies. And start producing. You can earn 2 or even 3 times more than just selling loot to buyers. You can start by producing rigs for scanner ships, and then you’ll figure it out once you study the market.

  1. To create a safespot, find the sun in the overview (navigation panel) and click switch to warp mode in flight, after 3-4 seconds, press ctrl+b and ok. Then click right click to space, a point in the system will appear in the location tab, this will be your savespot.
  2. When scanning in zeros or wormholes, beware of skater players, they can set up ambushes on anomalies. Constantly use a direction finder (podscan) to determine the presence of player ships and battalion traffic jams. When approaching the container, point the bow of the ship to the nearest point: a planet or a belt, to quickly press warp.
  3. When scanning in a wormhole (WX), do not forget to save the entry and exit points, as you may get lost and spend a long time looking for a way out.
  4. If you arrive at an anomaly and it is busy, another scanner is already hacking there, find yourself a new one and observe etiquette. Otherwise, you may be destroyed.
  5. Do not attach modules that enhance protection to your scanner ship; they will make it heavy and clumsy. Your advantage is speed and maneuverability, quick turn and go into warp mode. Scanner ships are not designed for combat.

My video guide to scanning in eve-online.

The guide was recorded a long time ago, but the main points in the game have not changed, I hope it will complement those points that were missed in this article. Enjoy watching!

Write your questions in the comments so that the guide can be supplemented and become better. For a good comment on the essence of the topic, every T1 newcomer will receive a ship for scanning as a gift, do not forget to leave your game nickname to receive a prize. This completes the training course for beginner skateboarders. I wish you success pilots! o7

Zakatka Night wrote:

Doctor Gramodzeka wrote:

analysis of a map of the region and study of the local population

What should you pay attention to first?

p.s. regarding the breakthrough of camps with inters and bubbles + sabra (but there is no araz/rapier) -> what is better to do - melt out a bubble on an overheated MIA without shredder or 1 cycle of MIA, zaklok and melt it slowly and carefully with shredder?

(I consider going back to the gate a waste of time)

As usual, we break down how many kilos are in which systems. How many jumps? I advise you to ignore dead-end systems and pay special attention to pipes (pipes with 2 nuts). Next, we plot a route along which we will sequentially scan all systems that seem more or less safe. We first fly along the route as a scout, making spots in each route. In pipes and potentially dangerous areas there are additional visibility spots on the nuts. Along the way we observe the local aborigines. What do they do? On what spikes? How they react. If they make contact, we don’t remain silent, but communicate, trying to find out how they treat visiting scanners. We place depots in central places. There we store loot and PVP fit for the scout. A preliminary flight often provides a lot of useful information, and we adjust the route based on it. You will periodically drain the scout, you can’t do without it. In this case, we will scan the hole with a scanner and enter again with a scout. We break the relic only when the locale is empty, until we understand the habits of the local population. We use PVP fit scout for competitors. So we live in the region until we get tired of it or the locals force us out. Usually 1..2 months. Then we change the region.

If you fell out of the nut and found yourself in a mobile, with a couple of ceptors and a sabra flying nearby, then hehehehe, no matter what people write and brag about, even if you’re on the mat, there’s not much chance of getting out. They will dismantle you, don’t go to grandma... Those who camp with nuts constantly have their hands full... Therefore, the best option is not to go to camp at all. This is why a scout exists.

BUT!! Thank God, mobile phones are rare in the zeros. More often it is either a ceptor or a sabra in one snout. And most often it is waiting especially for you))). There are many chances to escape from sabra. Even with T1 shred. He went out often. The scheme is usual. Acceleration in a good direction and immediately a shred. Then just pray so that they don’t break it. Then you wait until the announcer’s test dissolves (3 minutes it seems). The second one was never thrown.

But it is much more difficult to escape from a skill receptor. He locks it in one fell swoop, faster than you can go into chaos. Ping probably plays a big role here. I'm thinking of trying jamming against them. Those. the scout flies on a jam-frig with a T1 cloak. He'll probably go against Sabra too, if he doesn't kill him with the alpha. If locked, then jam and shred/warp. If you’re on a mobile phone, then it’s jam-packed and you can get to the Ministry of Internal Affairs from your mobile phone. If you can jam one more time. HZ will help, you need to check it. I'm doing jamming on the scout. Let's see what happens. I don’t yet see another option to leave the skilled receptor.

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