Dead space 3 plot description

Meet Dead Space 3 is a cult third-person horror shooter. This time, Isaac is forced, literally at gunpoint, to return to the Obelisks.

The plot of the game Dead Space 3

The situation is this: Captain Norton breaks into Clark and demands to find Ellie, a girl Isaac cares about, and she has gone missing. The engineer was involved in the search only because he was the only one who had personal experience with the Obelisks.

Here you will have to deal with the good old necromorphs, familiar from the previous two parts. The game will feature both old and new monsters. But monsters are not the only problem; along the way you will meet sectarians - unitologists who idolize necromorphs and consider these monsters a new stage in the evolution of humanity. Their leader, Danik, will try in every possible way to prevent Isaac from completing his task, namely, the destruction of the Obelisks.

The innovation is not only in enemies, but also in pumping. Bots will now be available - robots that can be sent to search for resources. They need to be installed in certain places, and in which places - this will be shown by the Bots themselves. At the workbench, as in the previous two parts, with the help of the resources obtained by the Bot, you can improve your X: stasis, kenesis, air supply and health level. Resources will also be needed to modify weapons. In addition, there is a safe on the workbench where you can store an unlimited number of first aid kits and ammunition, as well as boring weapons.

Weapons can please you with their variety, from a plasma cutter to a grenade launcher. Weapons can not only be modified, but also combined - it can be a simple machine gun with a shotgun or an acid SMG with a flamethrower. You can also install additional effects on the weapon, for example, the player will attack the enemy with bullets with a stasis charge, or when killing an enemy, health will be replenished.

Dead Space III Walkthrough: Basics

Dead Space 3 has a mode co-op playthrough storyline, where one player is Isaac Clarke, and the second, his partner, is John Carver. Players can transfer first aid kits and ammunition to each other. Since this is a horror game, co-op play takes on a dynamic action feel and the horror genre is relegated to the background. The game has Additional tasks, which must be completed exclusively in cooperative mode, and the reward is a large amount of resources and modifications for weapons. All you need is to take a partner with you and storm the abode of the necromorphs.

Several months have passed since the events Dead Space 2. Isaac Clarke and Al l and Langford dated for some time, but broke up due to the fact that Elle and wanted to put an end to the Obelisks once and for all, but Isaac chose to stay away. One day, two special forces officers break into Clark's apartment.EarthGov, Captain Robert Norton and Sergeant John Carver , and demand that he go with them. Having learned from them that Ellie disappeared on a mission and they are looking for her, Isaac sets out on the road without any doubt.
As soon as the group left the house, they were attacked by unitologists. As a result, Isaac (B co-op and John Carver ) is separated from it. Making his way through the crowds of unitologists and necromorphs, the engineer meets the main villain - Arthurohm Dannycom. Having reached the train, Isaac is attacked by a Unitologist stormtrooper, but is saved by a stormtrooper.EarthGov . Next, Isaac is sent into orbit of the planet Tau Volantis. Once in a minefield, the attack aircraft crashes and the crew barely manages to evacuate to the nearest abandoned ship. CMS Roanoke . There he subsequently finds Ellie and the survivors from her team, namelyAustin A Buckle a andJennifer Santos. To get to the planet you need to repair the transport ship and Isaac(In co-op and Carver)volunteer. Having found all the necessary parts on other ships, the team manages to repair the transporter and they head back to the planet.
The landing was rough and Isaac (In co-op and John Carver) gets separated from the team and breaks his helmet in the process. Since the planet is very cold, Clark has to walk around near fire to avoid freezing. Seeing a trail of signal lights, Isaac decides to follow them. While fighting off necromorphs, he randomly stumbles upon a freezing and wounded Buckle. He tells him that there are insulated suits in the basement of the building and in order to go further Clark will need the same one. Having said these words, Buckle dies. Taking the elevator down to the basement, Isaac discovers that all the inhabitants have mutated from eating infected flesh and have become cannibals. Having reached the end of the fall, he finds a suit and recovers further. After this, he meets with Carver (in co-op Isaac and Carver see the lights on the laboratory and decide that all the survivors have gone to Tuta) and he is attacked"Snow Creature" Having defeated her but not killed her, since she escaped, Isaac enters the laboratory and finds survivors. After this, the group learns that the obelisks are controlled by some kind of machine and they will be able to find it by tracking its location thanks to the Nexus, as others once did. Going to the hangar to the Nexus, the group is attacked again and is separated by Isaac(To co-op and Carver) we have to look for another way. Having reached the hangar and having put all the systems in order, there is one more thing to do"probe" with the help of which the car will be found. Having found all the parts, Isaac assembles the probe and heads inside the Nexus. Having determined the location of the car, the team goes to the rocks, and Isaac(In co-op and Carver ) is taken up in the elevator from the Nexus by Norton. When the elevator with the hero arrived, Norton attached Isaac, leaving him there. Using kinesis, Isaac gets out of it and as soon as he goes outside he is captured by Dannik and finds out that Norton was leaking all the information to the unitologists. Then Nexus suddenly comes to life and kills the unitologists and wounds Dannik, who in turn escapes on a stormtrooper. Having defeated the Nexus, Norton tries to shoot Isaac but fails (Isaac shoots first).
Clark goes to the cliff to meet Ellie. After telling her the truth, Isaac for some time feels guilty for her despair, so he tries to hold her in every possible way. Having reached the top, they are attacked by the Snow Creature, and since Santos does not have time to leave the elevator, the monster fenced her off from the others. Isaac tries to save her, but then the mountain begins to collapse and Carver cuts the cable that held the elevator. Santos and the monster fall down. Isaac (B) co-op and carver ) also falls but remains alive because it does not fall to a significant height. Trying to get to Ellie, he stumbles upon a fallen monster and kills it with the help of harpoons.
Having reached the entrance of the next laboratory, he meets with Ellie. He tries to climb the stairs into the building, but nothing comes of it because the stairs collapse.Having found another entrance, Isaac immediately goes into the building. Having reached the control room, Isaac learns that in order to disable the machine he needs to collect a key. And to collect it you need a part of Rosetta - a dead necromorph alien which was discovered by the first colonists. After walking through the entire laboratory, Isaac collects the necessary parts of Rosetta and returns to the control room. Having placed all the parts of the monster in the correct order and seeing how the obelisk that the aliens worshiped killed everyone to start the Conjunction, turning it into the Moon and how the aliens built a machine to prevent this from continuing not only here but throughout the universe., Isaac realizes that the key is needed not to turn it off, but rather to turn it on and thereby stop the Moon. But then Dannik and his unitologists attack the team and take the key from Isaac. To stop the unitologists, Clark releases gas into the room, which is deadly to organic matter. Only Isaac and Carver manage to escape. Dannik chooses from the room too. Nothing is known about Ellie, although Isaac and Carver consider her dead. Having reached the mines with the car, the heroes will have to take the key from Dannik and turn on the power of the car.Once Isaac grabs the key and repairs the car, he heads to the control panel to end this once and for all. But Dannik was not waiting for him there alone. He took Ellie hostage and demanded the key from Isaac. Clark doubted it because Ellie screamed not to do this. Carver took the key from Isaac and gave it to Dannik because he considered saving Ellie much more important.
As soon as the machine was turned off, the entire planet began to fall apart and the Moon began to absorb everything. After turning off the car, Dannika is killed by a rock. Having weakened Luna, Isaac turns on the machine again and Luna dies. After the credits, Isaac can be heard calling Ellie. The further fate of Isaac and Carver is shown in
DLC Awakened.

At one time, the first part of Dead Space created a real sensation. Many gamers still remember the sci-fi game with admiration. Thanks to the success that the first part brought to the developers, they decided to release the second, and later the third chapter. So, in 2013, the Dead Space 3 project was released.

About the game

The third part still remained a sci-fi third-person shooter. The developers did not forget about the main highlight of the project - Survival Horror. The third chapter was expected, since it was initially announced that it would be a space trilogy.

Changed in Dead Space 3 game process. Main character can now crouch and hide behind covers. In addition, in addition to the evil necromorphs, soldiers of the Church of Unitology appeared.

The developers worked on new characters and also redesigned the appearance of the necromorphs. The changes affected the workbench. It has now become easy to create weapons, ammunition and ammunition. In addition to drawings for crafting pistols and machine guns, the player can use his own imagination. After creating a weapon, you can improve it with modifiers.

Main innovation

But the main change that affected both the main chapter and the add-on Dead Space 3: Awakened is the passage in cooperative mode for two gamers. In the main part, friends can study history as Isaac and John Carver.

Co-op gameplay is significantly different from solo play. The developers have focused on player interaction. Now you can raise a wounded comrade, share your finds, etc. The plot of the third chapter also changes slightly depending on the playthrough mode.


Walkthrough Dead Space 3: Awakened became available to players a month after the release of the main part. This addition is a continuation of the story. It was released on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

It is believed that the DLC has become a shining example of classic horror films. Moreover, in the addition, the developers decided not to scare with unexpected jumping monsters or suspenseful music; they focused on surreal images and the general atmosphere. During the passage of Dead Space 3: Awakened, what awaits the hero is not victory over Darkness, but the triumph of Evil.


The third game ends with a black screen appearing in front of the gamer, which is accompanied by the voice of Isaac coming from somewhere far away, who once again defeats a flock of necromorphs. And everything somehow turns out to be ambiguous for the hero. It seems that the prophecy was not destined to come true, and it seems that Isaac came out alive from the whole situation that happened.

The walkthrough of Dead Space 3: Awakened begins with the fact that both Isaac and John survived the disaster. They are trying to leave the damned planet of ice. But this is not so easy to do. Therefore, many who have already completed the DLC, they advise using the cooperative mode here too: it’s not scary, and it’s a little easier.

The difference between the add-on and the main part is that the developers decided to pit the main character against monsters much less often. But that is precisely why the moment of waiting for an attack is even more exhausting. The game prepares you for every meeting with monsters with its decorations, music and general atmosphere. All this is supported by hallucinations, which cannot always be distinguished from reality.

Even on the Youtube channel “Piggy Bank with Games,” the passage of Dead Space 3: Awakened looks terrifying. Here you can see how the developers suddenly remembered the unitologists they introduced into the game. And if in the main part they turned out to be ordinary terrorists, then in the addition they were shown to be real fanatics. Here we see how they mutilate their bodies, perform inhumane rituals and occupy the spaceship of the main characters. This is where you will have to face the madmen and their leader.

Walkthrough DLC

As already mentioned, the supplement consists of 3 chapters. The completion time for Dead Space 3: Awakened was very short - about 2 hours. Nevertheless, it is worth attention, since these couple of hours will be one of the most terrible in virtual life gamer.

The first chapter of "Requiem" begins with an introductory video. You need to go with John to the cave and find a lift. After the next video, you need to turn right and go to the weapon crafting room. Here you can upgrade your guns, change clothes and prepare for terrifying battles.

We turn left and meet Norton and the necromorphs on the way. After defeating them, you can continue on your way, while fighting hallucinations and monsters.

On the way to the gorge you need to defeat two huge necromorphs. To do this, just dodge their attacks and shoot at their limbs. In the cave you will have the choice to turn left or right. This way you can go to the exit or to the supply room, respectively.

After the location with the machine, Isaac and John meet worms that can be defeated using stasis. Having taken the elevator, the heroes notice flying ships. You need to turn left, go straight up the stairs and then follow the corridors. John is already waiting for Isaac on the ship. At the end of the chapter, click on the button on the left of the door.

In the chapter “Infidels,” the gamer finds himself in a familiar situation: he travels around the ship, destroys enemies and opens doors. There are no complex mysteries along the way, since everything is already known from the main series of the game. At the end you will need to shoot at the Obelisk, but avoid the possessed ones.

In the third chapter you need to meet with Carver. On the way you will have to fight monsters again in reality and in hallucinations. After killing John's clones, Isaac finds himself in another world. Here he needs to destroy the prophet. We shoot at the glowing Obelisks, and when the boss is on his knees, we shoot at him.

At the end of the chapter you need to take the elevator to the reactor. Then go left and connect the panel. Thanks to stasis, we pick up the balls and throw them into the center. If you hit it accurately, platforms will appear from different corners of the room. We need to destroy them. After successfully completing this location, you can run to the exit. The supplement ends with a final cutscene.


Walking through Dead Space 3: Awakened in hard mode is practically no different from normal mode. Isaac meets more powerful characters along the way. It takes longer to fight them. Bosses also become stronger, so it is better to immediately upgrade your weapons as much as possible and be ready for attacks.

Also, many players asked the question of how to launch the Dead Space 3: Awakened add-on. If you have a licensed version of the third chapter, then there is nothing difficult. You just need to buy the DLC and install it. It launches easily without errors or crashes.

If you want to play a pirated version of the add-on, you will have to search hard to find a file without viruses and errors. Typically, such a package comes with an accompanying document that describes the rules for installing the hacked game.

Even Hell trembled before me, afraid that I might hurt everyone there.

"The cunning hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha"

It is this idea from the epigraph that Visceral Games seems to have tried to convey to us. It’s difficult to understand the idea otherwise, especially after the uncompromising statement from the marketing boss Laura Mealey: “Statistics showed that people generally like thrillers, but they found our games too scary.”

Too scary - this is “The Thing” John Carpenter(aliens in ice and snowstorms are exactly his trick), after which people did not dare turn off the lights at home. And the first two parts ,even if they didn’t scare everyone, they were rewarded with an atmosphere of cosmic horror that was relatively fresh for games. Now the fate of the necromorphs is completely unenviable - their role as predators has been taken away from them and they have become simply aggressive extras. They won't see the glorious hunt for engineer Isaac... The treacherous nonhumans are waiting for heavy boots with magnetic soles. Yes, not just one pair, but two.


The plot of the third part is expected. Old Isaac has turned gray, sank and is drowning his bitterness in the slums of the Moon City, hoping to forget about the nightmares he experienced. Naturally, he won’t be allowed to enjoy the binge for long. Through a friendly blow to the jaw and vague explanations, he is urgently “encoded” by Robert Norton, along with Jack Carver, one of the last surviving soldiers of the Earth Government. The escape from the Moon ends disastrously for the latter: the city remains in the clutches of the unitologists - the priests of the Obelisk - and plunges into chaos.

IT IS IMPORTANT: At the beginning of the game in Lunar City, you can evaluate the work of the designers. The metropolis looks natural and alive, but once you leave the residential sectors, you find yourself in the usual realm of technogothic (a set of terrifying metal structures and dark corridors). In addition, the sunset landscapes on Tau Volantis and the expanses of space are noteworthy, hypnotizing with their tranquility.

The first twenty minutes of the game

After the starting spurt, the script gets tired very quickly and returns to normal. We will spend several chapters among the wrecked ships in orbit of Tau Volantis - the planet where it all began. We fly here for the sake of the missing team of scientists - including one-eyed Ellie from the second part, but we are stuck for many hours. On the ships there is despondency and boredom, faceless walls made of assorted metals and incomprehensible mechanisms. At the same time, the principle “Isaac, fix it” is sacredly observed. “While we are busy here with extremely important matters.” It’s clear that this is the professional responsibility of our protagonist, but we can’t abuse it like that!

There is an extreme shortage of posters in the same spirit and other small items. Just audio recordings game world you won't reveal it.

A fall (can't be called a landing) on ​​an ill-fated planet turns into a mixture for several minutes: the hero must monitor his body temperature and warm himself near the fires so as not to freeze to death. Then Isaac puts on a frost-resistant suit and again dives into the abyss of corridors, interspersed with snowy locations on the surface. After wandering in the dark, it is, of course, pleasing, but the meager set of bunkers and snowdrifts becomes boring very quickly.

Be strong. Frosty hell will not let you go almost until the very end. Meanwhile, the story unfolds according to the scheme of a classic horror film: the characters die one after another, and approaching the truth, oddly enough, only moves away from it. Well-produced videos provide little clarity: the understatement is persistent, like paranoia. At one point you will most likely realize that you have completely lost the thread of the story. Right after you get confused in the corridors of scientific bases.

Again a Kalashnikov assault rifle?

Interesting guesses can be heard from attentive and resourceful players. a chilling theory was voiced. Dead Space is Mass Effect vice versa! Beware, there are spoilers below the cut!

The first to be compared were the reapers - artificially created machines that destroy all intelligent beings every fifty thousand years (five times per galactic year). Isn’t it true that one is tempted to compare it with the Blood Moons, which create life in order to then “consume” it?

To fight the reapers, the unfortunate intelligent creatures built a colossal device - the Forge. In Dead Space 3, Obelisk was locked on a frozen planet to stop the infection.

In both universes, we are shown a lost race of extremely wise aliens who could not resist the threat. In Mass Effect, the Protheans were crushed by the reapers, and in Dead Space, the aliens fell prey to the necromorphs.

The main character and friends are being hunted by fanatics. In one case, this is Cerberus - not exactly the most fanatical, but quite totalitarian and does not choose means, an organization. In Dead Space, the role of fanatics is played by unitologists.

These analogies may seem far-fetched to you. We won't prove anything. If desired and due diligence, one can decipher the quatrains of Nostradamus in the spirit of a distant, distant galaxy, and it is not at all difficult to find similarities in two series of heavy caliber, with a plot as transparent as a child’s tear.

Zombie curls like an evil snake

Dead Space 3 is primarily an action game. Not survivalist, like or, but ferocious and extremely aggressive. In short, when we see an enemy, we are encouraged not to back away with round eyes straight into the clutches of another monster, but to break off the sharp hook-arms of one monster and drive them into the second with an unpleasant squelching sound.

While this handsome fellow gloomily trudges into our clutches, his brother is preparing to jump out behind our back.

The principles have escaped the trends of the times. According to the format, Dead Space is a third-person action movie, with high-quality dismemberment elevated to the rank of an urgent necessity. Mutant necromorphs must be cut into pieces, and not just stuffed with bullets or shrapnel. Most of the “cutting” tools migrated to the continuation from the previous parts: plasma cutters, blades, other firearms, stasis - time dilation, kinesis - an exact copy of the gravitational gun from. And there is also a local fatality - a kick, such a strong one, with swearing and a crunch.

THIS IS INTERESTING: Universal cartridges came under particular attack from players. There is one type of ammunition and is suitable for any weapon. Casual? Yes and no. After all, whole clips of cartridges are wasted! Remember. I spent one bullet from the drum, reloaded out of habit, and the remaining five charges fall to the ground along with a single cartridge case. The same is true in Dead Space 3. When there is a shortage of ammunition, reloading a weapon during every break becomes an unaffordable luxury.

Climbing up steep cliffs becomes much more fun when necromorphs crawl out of all the cracks.

The last game of the trilogy is not very similar to the second part in terms of feel, except for the powerful - half-screen - back of Isaac Clarke and the darkness in the corridors, favored by necromorphs. We won’t blame Visceral Games for copying itself, this is a normal development, and the controversial direction is a separate issue. And this is certainly not what made the game makers from Redwood City change their style.

Along with the arsenal, a certain sluggishness of action crept into the third part. Isaac walks slowly, necromorphs in most cases do not rush from corner to corner, but attack systematically and predictably (even if they jump out suddenly). Other parts disappeared along the way or flew overboard for a reason. The signature tightness has sunk into oblivion: at one time, the Ishimura’s holds seemed to be pressing with their walls, which is not the case on Tau Volantis, and darkness has ceased to be ubiquitous. The feeling of loneliness and hopelessness dissolved into oblivion.

After serene flights to outer space I don’t really want to go back on deck.

That's not to say that former EA Redwood Shores (now Visceral Games) has given up trying to scare us. The very sight of necromorphs, in theory, should be terrifying, but when they come in packs, we simply do not have time to see the enemies and be imbued with one of the most tenacious types of fear - the fear of human traits in an obviously inhuman creature. Just as the note of a tenor in a wolf's howl makes you shudder especially strongly, so the appearance of necromorphs, consisting of human remains, is bound to tickle your nerves. In Dead Space 3 there is no time to look at mutants, and the synapses itch for completely different reasons.

After all, the combat component in the game did not become independent and complete. The situations are almost always the same; it gets boring to carry out necrocide over and over again - the enemy is predictable. Small inserts with shootouts (living, damn people!) dilute the action, but extremely rarely, and for the atmosphere of horror they are like potatoes in the exhaust pipe. Very often you have to go through the same places, and this is disastrous for the expensive linear action game that Dead Space began to turn into, but abandoned it halfway through.

Now do you understand why polar explorers wear thick beards?

Collect and eat

Fans are always suspicious of any attempt to make bold changes to the game. Many looked suspiciously at two extra wheels on the cart: a weapon creation system and a cooperative mode, which is not very appropriate in a psychological thriller.

The weapon designer in Dead Space 3 is akin to the ship editors in space strategies like, only here we create cannons instead of corvettes. A base is taken - a handle, and one or two weapon modules are welded onto it. The choice is wide: a shooting system, a plasma cutter, a power pistol, a saw cutter and much more. In addition, a variator is installed on the module, changing the specifics of the original (for example, a simple shooting module begins to fire shot). In addition, you can add a couple of little things, like an automatic cartridge selector or an optical sight. Finally, additional elements are inserted into the electrical circuits of the weapon, giving an increase in damage, reload speed, rate of fire, or simply increasing the clip.

Ready-made bots for assembling resources look like radars. So that's what you are, traffic cops of the distant future!

IT IS IMPORTANT: controversial issue - game resources: scrap metal, somatic gel, etc. Almost any item in the game can be synthesized from them, and almost any item can be disassembled into its components. This is a big plus in survival mode: the player is not given anything except resources; everything necessary is constructed as the action progresses. The other end of the stick hits all other modes. Spare parts are confusing, although they are universal and are suitable both for improving a suit and for creating weapons according to drawings.

It’s strange that no one thought to hide from infection in the suit changing chamber. The path is a dead end, but I want to live!

It seems that we didn’t see any truly new weapons, but the opportunity to combine old ones in a new way to suit your taste is extremely valuable. Throwing away evil spirits with a shock wave and immediately detonating them with a rocket from a safe distance is very convenient. There are a lot of combinations, and among them there are no ultimate ones: no matter how effective the design you solder, the game is always ready to offer something no less attractive and killer.

It's good to eat my friend!

The following phrase will sound like a pure oxymoron. Dead Space 3 only finds its integrity in co-op. Co-op? In horror? Yes exactly.

It is not easy to find an adequate comrade for hiking through the thick of necromorphs. Therefore, special thanks to yeti01234, whom I met completely by chance, for his help in difficult times.

So, now John Carver, a fighter of the Earth government, is rubbing and clanking his armor side by side with Clark. Another living player with his own weaknesses. The same as you. And also surprised that playing together is much more fun! Crowds of necromorphs, annoying with their arrogance in single-player mode, become dangerous opponents. Problems that Isaac lazily solved alone begin to require coordinated action. What is it worth just to climb on cables along a sheer cliff, when the cutter brothers must slow down the boulders falling from above with stasis and shoot down the monsters walking on the vertical surface!

IT IS IMPORTANT: Items falling from enemies will not have to be divided. Each player gets his own personal junk at his feet. An ideal way to avoid quarrels between party members, but comrades also have to communicate less, because there is no point in exchanging belongings.

In its sociable form, Dead Space 3 has its second bottom. There is a sense in having double workbenches - so that your comrade does not have to wait half an hour while you pick and re-pick some Holy Antiochian Badabum. One is armed with something universal - a machine gun, for example, and the second - with a large caliber. Of course, you can’t shoot a grenade launcher alone; necromorphs like to get in the way. But since you can hide behind your partner, why not?

Carver and Clark don't always solve puzzles together. Often one tinkers with the task, while the other fights off the evil spirits.

The cooperative even influences the plot, although not much - it’s just that Carver in the single-player campaign sticks together with the “quest givers”, and when passing together gets into the thick of things with Isaac. Some dialogues sometimes replace others. Some scenes change: Isaac does not catch his helmet himself, but “receives a pass” from Carver. However, the cooperative saved pleasant surprises for the last third of the game. John is haunted by the ghosts of the past, and sometimes Isaac is left in the company of a deranged friend and a crowd of hungry necromorphs. The friend, meanwhile, is enjoying a walk through his own hallucinations.

And yet, the presence of a living soul before my eyes finishes off the already sluggish sprout of fear...

And yet I'm scared

“Dead Space 3 stopped scaring us!” - we will say and miscalculate. When there is nothing to hit with, dishonest methods are used. For example, tickling, like at Petrosyan’s concerts in a well-known joke. That is - a dirty game!

The first trick, the annoying one: screamer

The hatch opens and a monster jumps out. So cliched that it must be accompanied by a comedic “Boo!” and throwing the cake. In reality, it ends with a charge of plasma vivacity in the necromorph's face (or whatever it is he has).

Minimum Requirements Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 2.8 GHz/AMD Athlon 64 3000+, 2 GB RAM, video card supporting DirectX 9.0c and 256 MB memory, for example NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT/AMD ATI Radeon HD 2600, 10 GB hard drive, internet connection and Account on Origin Recommended Requirements Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 600e 2.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, video card with DirectX 10 support and 512 MB memory, for example NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / AMD Radeon HD 4870 release date February 8, 2013 Age limit from 18 years old Platforms PS3, X360, PC Official site

Game tested on PC

Even before its release, Dead Space 3 began to be accused of excessive emphasis on entertainment - they say that the game has completely lost its horror roots, turning into another blockbuster with explosions, fireworks and other special effects that no one seems to need here. Such criticism is not constructive for the reason that the development of the series followed a completely logical scenario, and the third part is an organic evolution of the ideas of its two predecessors.

However, the original game can hardly be called truly scary. Yes, it had some distinctive horror elements, such as artificial restrictions for the user and the general slowness of what was happening. This can also be attributed to the conventional atmosphere - corridors with poor lighting, predictable appearances of monsters and some understatement in the story. With all this, the first Dead Space was great game, but did not frighten me because of its sterile academic nature - everything in it was so correct and verified that there was no room for imagination. And the latter, as you know, can picture much more horrors in your head than the monitor screen will show.

But she herself game concept immediately appeared in almost perfect form - there was nothing special to improve in the sequel, so in order not to repeat itself, Visceral Games remained to focus on scale and epicness. As a result, the Dead Space universe expanded proportionally, acquiring new characters, storylines and worlds.

Accordingly, further movement forward followed under the understandable slogan “Faster, higher, stronger.” Updated realities appear in the very first chapters of the third part - Isaac Clarke shoots at terrorists from behind shelters, travels to a distant planet, and then a star station beautifully collapses right under his feet. Yes, Dead Space 3 does in some places resemble Uncharted or Call of Duty - and there’s probably nothing wrong with that.

⇡ Accelerations, braking and payments

But after a rollicking introduction, the game slows down for a while and offers the usual pastime - leisurely walks through narrow tunnels inhabited by monsters. At such moments, too obvious a contrast with dynamic scenes begins to work to a disadvantage: either due to a sharp slowdown in the pace it becomes boring, or with the beginning of the next epic turn of events, on the contrary, a feeling of inappropriateness arises. Still, in this regard, the balance was maintained much better in the second part - here the form turns out to be too uneven in places.

Enemies in general have become more like their counterparts from traditional action games - there are now much more monsters, they are faster, larger, and they have also acquired the habit of attacking en masse much more often. Isaac, in turn, does not have time to adapt to the new realities - the protagonist is still slow and awkward, and his command of new techniques is frankly inept. This becomes critical during shootouts with unit soldiers - the hero crouches and aims from behind cover so awkwardly that sometimes it’s easier to shoot everyone while standing. The situation is aggravated by the inconvenient implementation of new control commands - alas, the original scheme did not imply any special changes from the first game.

First aid kits and cartridges drop out much more often - this is compensation for strengthening opponents, both qualitatively and quantitatively. At a normal difficulty level, even with not the most rational use of resources, there are almost no situations when there are enemies around and there is nothing to shoot.

But the main innovation and at the same time the hero’s trump card is the system of manual assembly of weapons. Apart from the already symbolic laser cutter for the series (and another plot gun), the game no longer contains ready-made means for reducing the population of monsters. But there are drawings and materials for assembly lying around everywhere - on special machines you can build an interesting tool yourself. For example, a revolver with a flamethrower. Or an electric harpoon with a pneumatic hammer. Or, say, the same laser cutter, but with a system for automatically attracting useful objects.

In general, you will have to figure out all this a little, especially with the method of operation of the machines - assembling guns turns out to be not the most obvious thing. In addition, no one is immune from creating an unsuccessful copy - for example, it turned out that the optical sight does not fit everything, and the expensive electric trap turned out to be inconvenient to use. But you can always disassemble something created into parts and try other combinations.

You can search for useful raw materials both in the process of exploring levels, and with the help of a search bot, which, through certain time he will bring all the things to the machine himself. There is a third option - micropayments, a thing for ordinary “boxed” games that is very unusual and almost innovative. For very real rubles you can buy missing materials and items, significantly strengthening your character. It should be noted here that no one is forcing you to pay an additional fee - the game works fine without elements of the shareware model; the latter are only an option for the lazy or those who want to experiment with weapons once again.

On the other hand, a future trend is becoming apparent: micropayments (especially in games from Electronic Arts, which has a clear reputation) will soon become the norm. The danger is that the story with DLC may repeat itself, when entire pieces were cut out of finished projects in order to sell them later separately. And if in Dead Space 3 internal transactions do not break the game, then there is no obvious answer to the question of what awaits us in the future.

⇡ A story for two

Another fundamental difference between Dead Space 3 and its predecessors is the presence of a cooperative mode. The second player takes on the role of Sergeant Carver - the character is also present in the single-player campaign, appearing only in some scenes with a hint - they say that everything here is designed for joint passage.

When playing with two players, the balance of difficulty is evened out - hordes of attacking monsters are no longer so dangerous, and several battles with bosses (which are certainly huge) become fairer. The plot content does not change much; True, each of the characters sees a number of scenes in their own way - this is how Carver’s periodic madness, which sometimes rolls over the hero in the form of hallucinations, is played out. Talking about proper horror in a co-op is no longer relevant at all - the game is finally turning into an action movie a la Gears of War, only adjusted for narrow spaces where the devil himself cannot turn around.

The plot background of all the events that take place remains true to the tradition of the series and is quite ascetic. The general message of the story fits literally in one sentence: the heroes find the source of the devilish signal and go to the home planet of the obelisks; Unitologist fanatics are interfering with the mission in every possible way. It’s difficult to feel any special emotions during the narrative - it’s almost immediately clear which of the characters will survive to the end and how it will all end in the end. Dead Space 3 in this regard is a typical threequel - the universe of the franchise, despite the artificial inflation with books and full-length cartoons, is quite poor and built around a flimsy script core. All the intrigue remained in the first game, when there was a mystery “what the hell is going on around here?” At the end of the trilogy, they somehow expanded the line with alien relay artifacts, but all this no longer arouses serious interest.

Although there are plenty of dialogues and story scenes in the game, it’s a pity that most of them are designed to outline the motivation for further actions, such as walking to three ends of a huge base in search of several pieces of equipment. The heroes methodically spell out their plans and remind the user a hundred times what is happening right now. But the staged moments are magnificent from a visual point of view - every hour Isaac very beautifully falls from somewhere (from a platform, from a cliff, from the orbit of a planet, and so on), sometimes even fights with someone. In this regard, Dead Space 3 does not lag behind Uncharted, and the proprietary continuous editing of the video sequence and the “floating” camera make the picture even more impressive and lively.

It may seem that there is a lot of criticism in the text. Yes, Dead Space 3 does have some shortcomings, and it’s hard not to talk about them. With the advantages, in turn, everything is clear - they are inherited from the previous two games in the series. The result is a classic situation with the completion of a thematic trilogy - the idea and production have ceased to surprise, and after the almost flawless second part, any imperfect element is especially striking. This was the case, for example, with Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3 or Gears of War 3 - the sequels of these series were very difficult to surpass.

I would like to finish the conversation about Dead Space 3 with a simple thesis: it’s interesting to play, twelve to fifteen hours fly by almost unnoticed. A good action-adventure game that's worth replaying with a friend.


  • a long-lasting action movie that really captivates you;
  • interesting weapon combinations;
  • beautiful game design;
  • excellent staging of dynamic scenes;
  • adequate cooperative.


  • uneven pacing of the story;
  • management that does not fit into the new realities;
  • The game often repeats episodes from its predecessors.
Graphic arts Regular expensive game on our own Visceral Engine. There are no major differences from Dead Space 2, but it is worth noting several beautiful locations in space and on a snowy planet. 8
Sound Powerful surround sound and authentic screams of the main characters, as well as the squeals of monsters. 9
Single player game More than twelve hours of a really short-lived story campaign by modern standards, during which many interesting events take place. It’s a pity that the presentation is somewhat chaotic, and there’s a lot of repetition. 8
Group game Same as Single player game, but with a brother in arms. A few non-critical differences and completely different impressions. 9
General impression The third part of an expensive franchise, released after the largely flawless second. This is a standard situation for the current generation of games. 8

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