Dead trigger 2 walkthrough after China. Control and navigation

No matter how you look at it, the first part of the zombie shooter Dead Trigger from Madfinger I have to give it my due. For a long time, he was able to set the quality bar in terms of graphics quality and optimization. At the same time, it became an edification to all smartphone users for pirated downloads. Actually the current status of F2P and asynchronous MMO Dead Trigger 2 received precisely because of these events.

Looking back, it was easy to understand that Dead Trigger was a great benchmark, but it was by no means a good game. The number of missions designed for mindless “grinding”, diluting the overall line, drove even the most patient player crazy. In the end, the game turned into a short rest for five minutes.

Can't wait to play...

Talking about Dead Trigger 2 in its current state is the same as trying to review an MMO, that is, automatically touching the third rail of the subway. The most anticipated game of this year, so often shown as an example of the best tablet shooter of console quality, turned out to be quite empty at the start... What is this connected with?

Our roommates, and yes, they don’t care about the world around them

Among many of the promises that poured out of a cornucopia, one rather interesting sounded from the lips of the developers - a responsive world. Of course, everything is nice that the invasion will take place according to our actions and all sorts of special events will stir up interest. But there is one thing. Behind all this lies one problem - the developers initially did not try to give out the maximum of their abilities. The very design of Dead Trigger 2 will resemble a TV series, where the set of the next series of missions will depend only on the number of active players. And yes, a constant connection to the Internet also introduces its own negative directives.

Let's return to the "shelter" in which the player will be most of the time. A gunsmith, an engineer, a medic, a huckster are waiting for us there, and they all want only one thing from you - money. In-game free currency is quite enough at the start, but then the “Clash of Clans” disease begins - long periods of waiting for everything. From creating high-level things to leveling up secondary characters to obtain new technologies. In general, it’s strange why we should pay survivors just to study, considering that without the introduction of multiplayer and co-op, main character their savior and god.

Blank shot

No matter how you look at it, the farm is not what everyone expected from the game. So let's move on to what everyone downloaded Dead Trigger 2 for - the mauling of faces and other body parts by green-eyed zombies. The action map has lost detail and now the player will have to visit not different points of his city, but different points the whole country. How the hero does not get into various troubles described in films on this topic is unclear.

It's better to walk around with a gun than with this

Having entered the warpath, you will be met with a terrifying sterility of the image. It feels like the zombie invasion itself didn't do much harm, and what's more, there's a lack of quality in the level design. For example, constantly repeating textures of inscriptions on walls, damage, symmetry of environments. By the way, many of the “various levels” are actually one location, with a modified arrangement of obstacles blocking the player’s access to other parts of the map.

Each level hides... a golden pig - a secret that allows the player to earn a decent amount of in-game currency. What about zombies? They are not particularly amazing, there are fast ones, there are slow ones, there are kamikazes. About the most dangerous game will specifically warn you. During the passage, there is a feeling that you are being forcibly led by the hand - and they will inform you about the dangers, and there is a bloodthirstiness radar, and GPS, and even... they will shoot themselves when they reach a convenient radius and the point of destruction with your sight (you can turn it off, but why?) . The threshold for entry, as well as the excitement, drops sharply because of this.

See why - Damage

The missions, as in the previous part of the game, are not particularly difficult - there are no puzzles. Go - bring it, wait, protect it. In between, everything is the same - escort, protection, shooting. Sometimes timers appear, but, like chickens with machine guns (the pride of the developers), they don’t add much excitement. In one thing, however, the developers turned out to be honest - you can get absolutely everything for free, albeit with a lot of effort. At a minimum, assemble a crossbow at level four from the dropped blueprints.

Under the hood

Internet addiction is the worst thing that happened to this game. This is primarily due to the fact that Dead Trigger 2 will soon be released on Steam, and for synchronization it was necessary to enter a special account, and to earn money from impatient users - a constant connection. It’s just that after yesterday’s release the most impossible things began to happen - auto-logging into other people’s accounts, wiping saved games, the inability to go beyond the third mission (iOS 6 and Android), the disappearance of one’s own accounts. On the one hand, covering with good words an already far from ideal title, you understand that the servers simply cannot cope with the load. On the other hand, you remember that they already had Shadowgun: Deadzone and experience working with the network component, which shows another reason to call the developers negligent.

And the Lord said - let there be soap!


From everything you have read, each of you is unlikely to have learned much new. Statement of facts is more like the song of a zombie swan that thirsts for your brains, shouting “Press Tap To Win” and “Look at those puddles, what water, what fire!” However, behind all this decoration lies the first Dead Trigger, which has not evolved at all, even in graphical terms. Everything except the waving grass has already been shown Infinity Blade 3, so the game will no longer even become an analogue of the infamous Crysis. Excessive arcade style kills interest, because many would trade tens of thousands of polygons for the recoil effect of weapons, feedback from wounds, and at least local co-op. The new Dead Trigger remains the same cheap break attraction, being a game for an undefined audience, finding itself on the sidelines of a genre that is rotten to the point of rottenness.

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Received from Madfinger great addition. Excellent console-level graphics quality, an exciting plot and thoughtful gameplay turned this game into a real hit.

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IN App Store a “summer update” appeared, as the developers called it, with index 0.7. The game received absolutely new location POWER-T 10, new weapon models, regular missions and tasks for every day. Interaction with other participants has also been improved and the arena has been rebalanced.

Secret of success Dead Trigger 2 remained the same, except that the player shoots zombies in a team with other participants. In addition to the updated arsenal, the game also boasts new zombies, more realistic graphics and a defeat system, additional bonuses.

Let us remind you that the game has expanded almost 2 times compared to the original version. The player was presented with 3 regions, 15 locations, about 30 different types of weapons and over 150 gameplays. In close combat, you can “wield” six types of weapons: Big Hammer, Brain Mill, Machete and others.

In version 0.7, the gamer will also need to travel across game world, fighting against the terrible onslaught of the living dead. In addition to weapons and ammunition, you can also use various items and devices for fighting zombies. And it depends only on the player whether humanity has a chance of salvation!

Summer update Dead Trigger 2 from the Czech studio Madfinger invites the player to enter the world stage and has a number of features:

  • New daily missions and challenges in a new city. Now you can earn even more money than before, and spend it on new weapons, ammunition and provisions. Every day the player can also receive a huge number of prizes;
  • Location POWER-T 10 for experienced and tough players;
  • Unique camouflage skin and a weapon that can only be envied - Winchester 94 + KSG;
  • Daily Mission. Every day cities will appear on the world map that will die without the player’s help. For constant response to the call, the reward from general missions will be doubled. Moreover, by opening new regions, the gamer will receive new opportunities to increase the Daily Mission;
  • Daily tasks from mentors from the Vault. For each successfully completed task, the player receives “Gold”;
  • Improved interaction between participants. Now monitoring your friends’ results will be completely transparent. The player will be able to easily monitor statistics, the game process, visit friends’ Vaults, invite new participants, conveniently filter data, and much more.

The developers also offer some other improvements:

At one time, the original Dead Trigger seemed to many to be a kind of breakthrough among games on mobile devices thanks to its excellent picture. Indeed, everything looked almost the same as on large platforms; it seemed that all that was left was to polish the plot, polish the gameplay, and now you’d have a full-fledged zombie shooter. In the second part, the developers tried to correct all the shortcomings, but to no avail.

Dead Trigger 2

Genre Shooter
Platforms iOS/Android
Developers Madfinger Games
Publisher Madfinger Games


Nice picture, full campaign

Intrusive monetization

A good zombie shooter that still has room for improvement

The game begins quite promisingly, because the banal set of missions has been replaced by a more or less clear full-fledged campaign. Now you'll progress through the story while still being able to have fun with optional missions for cash rewards and weapon blueprints. The campaign is unlikely to be able to surprise anyone who has seen more than one movie about zombies, since Madfinger offers players a completely standard set - we search and rescue survivors, collect them in one shelter, which we will provide with supplies, protect from hordes of living dead and improve in every possible way , in return using the services of the inhabitants. Oddly enough, not for free.

The survivors help the main character in many ways - they produce medicines, make weapons according to the found drawings, they get all sorts of bonuses like experience boosters from the black market, but they only do all this exclusively for money, and in the case of the black market - for real money.

As the plot develops, it turns out that in addition to standard America, the resistance forces are waging an unequal battle with the undead in no less standard Africa, conquering not only cities, but entire countries from zombies, so you and other survivors are heading there. Moreover, in order to recapture a certain city or country from zombies, you need to destroy several million undead in additional tasks. The total number of kills among all players and as some cities are liberated is taken into account. Dead Trigger 2 others are added.

The tasks in Dead Trigger 2 are not too complicated, they basically require the player to collect key items scattered around the map, activate switches, hold a position for a specified time, shoot zombies from a helicopter, or simply offer to get from point A to point B alive. Along the way, the zombies are not particularly diverse. Basically, these are ordinary walkers, slowly but surely coming at the player from every doorway or hole in the fence. To complicate their task, and at the same time get some bonus cash, you can block the doorway in the place where the enemies appear. While the undead are dismantling the boards blocking the passage, the player can have time to drive back and forth with a can of gasoline, for example. True, these same barricades are allowed to be erected only in places specially designated for them.

Sometimes the game unleashes larger monsters on you, like a big guy with a barrel of fuel on his belly or a mutant zombie damaged by radiation, being near which can send the unwary player to another world. Dealing with them is not difficult if you have a couple of grenades, mines or explosive chicken in your pocket. I'm serious, we tie a stick of dynamite to a chicken, let the bird run around, the zombies get distracted by it, gather in a bunch... profit. Ordinary firearms You can get by, but it will be much more difficult and you will have to use first aid kits.

And here we are faced with the fact that execution additional tasks- this is not so much an opportunity as a necessity, otherwise you will experience a serious shortage of first aid kits, grenades, it will take a very long time to assemble a shotgun, and you will have to constantly postpone improving the machine gun. And why all? Because money is needed all around. Maybe not real, maybe just a game, but nonetheless. Moreover, sometimes the game does not hesitate to put the player in a obviously losing situation. Let's say there is a reward of $700 for completing a task, but at this level there are a couple of large monsters, and these are four grenades, which, in turn, cost $800. And you can’t help but use them, because the cartridges are running out, because you have a basic set of simple weapons and they shoot weakly.

The issue with the shortage of ammunition can be solved by improving the weapon, thereby increasing the destructive power and magazine capacity, but here the fun begins. To upgrade a weapon, you need to improve the gunsmith himself, and to improve the gunsmith you must... improve the technique. In other words, you need an upgrade upgrade to upgrade. Xzibit would be pleased. And, of course, every upgrade requires money and time. So imperceptibly, the 30 seconds needed to make a first aid kit smoothly flow into the hour needed to improve the specialist. An hour gives way to two, and two hours are replaced by six hours. And, of course, a wonderful button - execute instantly. For real money. Or go grind for dollars in optional missions, hoping that super zombies will not be encountered often in them.

What about game mechanics, then everything is as before, the character moves around the level and shoots at zombies, there is no talk of any jumping, hiding or running. Unless the automatic shooting option is enabled by default, in which the trigger is pressed automatically as soon as the target is in the crosshairs and at a sufficient distance for shooting. If desired, in the settings you can enable both manual shooting control and adjust the location of the controls on the screen. It's also worth noting that the game supports controllers.

Despite the noticeable push for players to purchase in-game gold, Dead Trigger 2 you can spend a couple of evenings, fortunately the game is available for free download, but it won’t be possible to call it a significant breakthrough compared to the first part, it only has the potential to be a major expansion.

Improved graphics on devices with NVIDIA TEGRA 4 processor

Offers players a more challenging storyline, additional types of levels and different types of weapons. Successful zombie hunt in Dead Trigger 2 requires knowledge of many nuances and subtleties of the game, which we want to tell you about.

Let's start with the fact that at medium and hard difficulty levels it is almost impossible to win without upgrading your weapons. But before you tackle it, you need to upgrade your technician and gunsmith, and only then will you be able to improve the three initial types of weapons available to you at the start of the game. This will make it easier to complete the middle levels and make the difficult ones at least possible to complete.

These upgrades will require money from you, albeit not very much, but still, you need to have them. The easiest way to get them is to go to levels where there is no time limit, in which the gameplay develops relatively calmly and is dedicated to defense and setting up patrols.

Then you need to find the point from which zombies appear and shoot them in unlimited numbers until you collect the required amount of money. This is especially convenient to do at easy levels, where you can safely kill all enemies simply with a wrench. This trick will allow you to earn huge amounts of cash for your upgrades.

The same method makes it possible to kill mini-bosses that at least sometimes appear at the same points. They drop much-needed parts of the drawings, so hunting them this way also makes sense.

Don't even try to go hand-to-hand against mini-bosses. Kamikaze deals a massive amount of damage when it dies, thanks to a giant bomb strapped to its chest. Sciencefist kills you with radiation if you get too close, and Vomitron will just vomit acid on you, so stay away.

Participate in events that are sometimes announced in the game. At the end of these events, for a large number of destroyed enemies, you have a chance to receive prizes - these could be ordinary first aid kits, but if the number of zombies you killed is really large, then the prizes will be more significant - new weapons or gold coins.

Use first aid kits as a time slower, and not just to restore health. After using each of them, you have about a second of time, and if you use several at once, it will slow down the flock of zombies attacking you and give you a head start in time.

If you want to complete the level quickly, just ignore all the zombies and run as fast as you can. This will help you in case of low health.

Setting up fire control options will help you save ammo, where you can select a function to control this process. There you can also configure additional extra commands for the gamepad if it is connected to your tablet or smartphone.

If you want to increase the animation speed on your slower device, you can change the graphics quality in the game settings, sacrificing detail. Conversely, if you have a powerful enough device, then set the graphics to maximum in order to truly enjoy the game.

Want to get more drawings? Find a level that has a boss near the start, fight him to get the blueprints, then let the zombies kill you, start the level over and repeat your previous actions as many times as necessary.

One of the most convenient ways to deal with the boss is with red barrels of gasoline, to which you need to lure your enemy. As soon as he is next to the barrel, shoot at it! It will explode and the boss will be practically dead, all you have to do is finish him off. The main thing is not to stand too close to the barrel, otherwise you will get it too.

Another way to kill the boss is to upgrade your engineer so that instead of exploding chicken bombs (which, by the way, are quite good against ordinary zombies), you receive fragmentation grenades. They are just capable of helping you in the fight against the boss. You will need to throw them so that they explode right on him - this will take away his health almost as quickly as barrels of gasoline.

If you want to buy something from a smuggler, but spend less gold, upgrade him first, and then the prices for his goods will drop automatically. The more you improve it, the lower the prices will be. But you shouldn’t expect significant discounts - for example, the first smuggler upgrade will give you only 2% savings on all goods.

Find blueprints for different types of weapons, since each individual game situation may require you to use different types of weapons. For example, guns are effective against bosses or large concentrations of zombies, since the level of damage they cause is quite high. Melee weapons are good for close combat or for getting extra money. Pistols are good for shooting at specific parts of zombie bodies in order to obtain cash prizes. The advantage of machine guns is the ability to fire at a large crowd of enemies.

Use the technique described above of shooting zombies in places where they appear not only to get money, but also to accumulate experience points. Increasing experience levels lead to receiving boosters that improve health and money.

Trailer for the game

I’ll tell you right away about the big drawback of this game: The game requires a constant connection to the Internet.

Hello dear readers.

As always, autumn turned out to be the brightest part of the gaming year, seasonality gaming industry did not bypass the industry mobile games. More recently, they appeared on online shelves Dead Trigger 2(which, as you understand from the title, will be discussed), the new Rayman, Asphalt 8 has moved to free content, etc.

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Dead Trigger 2– made by a professional team of ambitious developers with an intriguing name – “ MADFINGER Games" “Crazy Fingers” has earned recognition by releasing one of the best action games for smartphones and tablets quite a long time ago – “Shadowgun”. The Czechs specialize in the engine Unity3D and in Dead Trigger they squeezed almost the maximum out of it.

Today we can say with complete confidence that Dead Trigger 2 is one of the most striking arguments in the dispute: “ Is there such a thing as mobile gaming? »

Let's talk about everything in order.

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Going a little deeper into comparison, the second part of Trigger has become prettier, several options for picture quality have appeared ( low and high), apparently “high” will be appreciated not only by owners of top-end devices, but also by owners of medium-power devices. The range has expanded significantly, the scenery has been painted on and slightly diversified, but essentially everything remains the same: the weapons are nice with slightly jerky animation, the zombies are more diverse and have a larger number of polygons, except that I noticed some improvement in terms of shadows. Oh, I almost forgot - a few words about music and sounds: don’t expect anything super cool, the chatter of weapons is not impressive, and the background and rumbling of zombies have been carried over from the last part.

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Big Break occurred in motivating players to kill zombies. The game has a fairly clear plot, story missions have some coherent sequence, and the war zone has expanded to the whole world. As we move through the plot, we meet new characters, kill bosses, fly in a helicopter, and most importantly: now, after completing each next campaign, a new continent opens, the gameplay on each continent is 75% identical, but pleasant and interesting goodies slip through.

Several new ones have appeared species zombie, battles have become much more dynamic and fun. Now each mission has 3 different difficulty levels, depending on the chosen difficulty, you receive different amounts of reward when completing it (you can call this a step towards casualization and add to this the introduction of an auto-shooting mode, albeit with manual aiming. But I would not do this , playing on small screens has become much more pleasant, because now your finger does not occupy half the screen when shooting).

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