Money magic to attract money, rituals and rituals. Rituals for attracting money How to attract money using a joker card

In magical rituals, all rituals for money and good luck are performed during the waxing Moon. Be sure to take this fact into account, since failure to comply can drive away luck and finances from you.

To ensure that banknotes come to you on their own, keep coins and banknotes at home, those that are in use at a given time. Perform rituals surrounded by jewelry and decorations that you possess. This will help you concentrate on what you want and enhance your magical energy.

Rituals to attract money at home

In general, constancy is one of the most important properties of magic. In order for the spell not to dissipate, it must be constantly reinforced, that is, conspiracies must be carried out periodically.

Christmas rituals to attract money

Magic rituals to attract big money

There is a ritual called “Morpheus’s Money”, where Morpheus is the ruler of the kingdom of dreams. Many opinions and hypotheses have been created about the origin of dreams, but the most probable is the following definition: “A dream is the sublimation of subconscious information, which can change a person’s behavior and his qualities in reality.” Magicians call dreams a journey to another reality, but the subconscious is another world for many.

If you saw in a dream that you have wealth, and this can happen if you think about it a lot, then try to pull it into our reality. This does not mean that when you wake up you will find a stack of dollars under your pillow. Visualize yourself withdrawing them from your account or simply finding them on the street. Then, within a few days, you will be repaid with an old forgotten debt, offered a promotion or awarded a bonus.

Be careful what you wish for, because an inheritance left is also income, but at what cost.

Rituals for the lunar attraction of funds

The moon protects women, so it is better for a representative of the fairer sex to perform this ritual. Analyze the time of the full moon before the new waxing month using the lunar calendar. The duration of the lunar period is three days. It is at this time that you need to throw your wallet into the yard (if you are a rural resident) or simply hang it outside the window so that the rays from the Earth’s satellite fall on it. The wallet must be completely empty - no change, no credit cards, no business cards.

When three days have passed and the new moon begins to rise, repeat the procedure, but now the wallet should contain money. And the more you beg, the larger the banknotes you need to deposit. This ritual symbolizes the end of a period of poverty and the growth of finances, just as the moon grows.

  • A prerequisite for attracting money is cleanliness in the house, in the workplace and even in the country, that is, in those places where you visit and spend your time. Throw away excess and unnecessary items, clear out clutter, get rid of cracked dishes and mirrors, and dispose of old clothes.
  • Rituals for money should be performed not only on the full moon, but also on the right days, for women - on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), men - on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).
  • Before performing the ritual, you should observe a three-day fast, tune in to a positive mood, pacify anger and negative thoughts, as well as envy and malice.
  • You cannot start a ritual when you are sick, even if it is a common cold. Also, you don’t need to start raising money if you are tormented by doubts or if you don’t even believe in what you are going to do.

Joker magnet

On the first Friday of the new moon, buy 54-sheet paper cards without haggling or taking change. Remove the joker from the deck (if they are different
colors, choose red) and put it in your wallet, black joker or burn the second one on the street, away from home. Hide the remaining cards at home in an inconspicuous place. These cards cannot be played or guessed; they should be stored in a piece of light linen. If the joker disappears, burn the deck at midnight on the new moon and repeat the ritual from the beginning on a new deck. The Joker attracts money and financial luck like a magnet.

Money box

To store money, you need to have not only a specific place, but also a container, for example, a box. This box should definitely be associated with the accumulation of money.

It could also be something that has no shape, such as a hiding place in a wall. It is best to put banknotes in your hiding place, while imagining how they multiply there. It is better to use banknotes of different denominations, so that some are “adults”, while others play the role of “children” who will grow up and also give birth to offspring.

What is written above looks strange, but the strangest thing is that it works! Don’t forget, when investing new money, again, constantly think about its growth and reproduction. If you need to take money from a hiding place, mentally imagine that it will quickly return there.

Morpheus money

If you have ever heard anything about the magic of dreams, then this ritual will be more than understandable to you, since during it you will need to get money from a dream, which can be done with any other objects.

The dream is a product mental activity, and also a separate reality. And just as we take something with us into a dream, we can take something from there.

As soon as you have a dream in which you made a large profit, when you wake up, begin to “transfer” money from the dream to real life. Imagine that you withdraw this money from a bank account in another city and deposit it into your existing one. Take the image of the money you dreamed about, the feeling of it in your hands, and bring it into this world. In the near future, this money will materialize in the form of an unexpected bonus, pay, benefit, etc.

Wallet and moon

There are many more ways to attract money, such as New Year's or money rituals performed at Christmas, as well as the corresponding Moon. So, watching lunar calendar, you can also get very rich. On every full moon, you should place a completely empty wallet on the window open. Ideally, moonlight should fall on this very wallet. This should be done during three nights of the full moon. The same ritual is repeated on three nights of the new moon, but the wallet is placed with money.

Tangle of money

Take copper coin and wrap it with green yarn, forming a ball. Instead of a coin, you can also take a paper bill. The ball should be secured so that it does not unwind, and then moistened with three drops of eucalyptus or bergamot oil, hanging by the free end of the thread above the front door of your home. Everyone coming to your house will bring money and gifts. To enhance the effect of the ball, lubricate it with oil weekly.

Money bag

The money bag contains only metal coins of different denominations. Coins of various denominations available in circulation in the country in which you live are placed in a small bag - from kopecks to rubles, if they are metal. Each coin is smeared with eucalyptus oil under the words of the conspiracy: “Kopeck for kopeck, nickel for nickel, fifty kopeck for fifty, ruble for ruble, chervonets for chervonets, all to the yard.” The bag must be hidden in the northern part of your house.

There are quite a lot of such rituals. Below are a number of tips for doing them correctly.
  • If you don’t want to work to fulfill your dream of becoming richer, then it’s better not to start: there will be no point anyway. Rituals should be performed only by diligent people seeking to increase their income. After money magic, luck will not keep you waiting.
  • One of the main conditions is to firmly believe in the power of magic. If you doubt the ritual, it may not bring results.
  • Rituals to attract money should be performed without the presence of strangers. It’s better not to even talk about your intention to commit it. Until a dream comes true, it is very fragile, and an envious glance can destroy it.
  • Follow the conditions of the ritual exactly, otherwise it will not work.
  • It is best to carry out rituals to attract funds on the waxing moon.
  • Perform the ritual for profit after cleaning the room. Get rid of old things that contribute to stagnation of energy.
  • Before performing the rituals, you should fast and clear your thoughts of negativity.
  • Rituals are not performed during illness.
So, these are all the rules that are recommended to be followed when performing magical rituals for profit.

Let's hit the wallet with magic

An important element of money rituals is the wallet. The wallet that you need to purchase should not be cheap, otherwise you will become the owner of the energy of poverty. The color of the wallet is also important. It is better to choose a wallet in black, brown, yellow. It is recommended to put cinnamon, heather or horseradish in your wallet to attract profit.

Ritual with cards

On Friday, on the waxing moon, buy a deck of cards of 54 pieces. Important! Do not take change when purchasing and do not haggle. You need to choose a red joker from the cards and put it in your wallet, and burn the black joker away from the house. All other cards should be kept at home in a secluded place. They will never be used. A joker in your wallet will attract money to you.

Ritual with a coin

You need to take any paper bill or coin and visualize how it attracts money to you. You should always carry this kind of money with you.

Container for money

Keep your money in a certain container that you will associate with wealth. When you put money in it, imagine how it multiplies. This ritual works very effectively.

Money from dreams

It is believed that dreams are another reality, and we can take any objects from it. If you have a dream in which you make a big profit, then as soon as you wake up, transfer the money from the dream to reality. You need to take the image of money and transfer it. After such a ritual, an unexpected cash flow awaits you. It can come in the form of a bonus or a gift.

Ritual with wallet and moon

Before carrying it out, you will need to follow the lunar calendar. Three nights when there is a full moon outside, you need to put an open, empty wallet on the window. Then the same ritual, only with a full wallet, must be performed at three nights during the new moon.

Horseshoe over the door

Since ancient times, the horseshoe has been considered a symbol of wealth and good luck. Hang the horseshoe upside down inside your home.

Ritual with cards

The ceremony is carried out on the last Friday of the calendar month. To do this you need to purchase a deck of cards. In this case, it is necessary to fulfill the following condition: do not bargain for the price and do not take change. Then you need to take red and black jokers from this deck (Fig. 116).

The ritual then leads to the desired result when performed with faith in its power. If you are not confident in yourself, in your desire to get rich, and cannot clearly imagine what will happen after the ceremony, then it means that you are not yet ready for changes in your life.

Place the first card in one of the empty pockets of your wallet. Burn the second card somewhere away from your home. Hide the remaining cards in a secluded place and do not use them for anything.

The red joker will be a talisman for you that will attract money. If this card from your wallet is accidentally lost, then burn the remaining deck of cards during the new month.

Figure 116. Joker

This text is an introductory fragment.

Appendix 3 Possible correspondences between Tarot cards and English letters

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Ritual with grain Symbol of strength, fertility, life, immortality, renewal, health, wealth. Dishes made from grain were traditional and ritual at festive and ritual meals. At Christmas they sprinkled grain on all the people in the house and on the house itself. At the wedding they showered the newlyweds with grain, which

Ritual with a pyramid Perform the ritual on the day of a lunar eclipse. Light three candles of different colors and place a natural stone pyramid between them. Place in front of the stone banknote and place your palms on it (Fig. 122). Look at the flame, the reflections of the pyramid and think about

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Christmas fortune telling with cards for fate Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle and remove the “cap”. Choose a king or queen (depending on the gender of the person you are guessing for) of any suit and, without removing cards from the deck, arrange them in 4 rows of 9 cards each. Those cards that will be around

Christmas fortune telling with cards of your choice Shuffle deck of cards, draw 6 cards from the pack, open them and make a wish on any card that is not in these 6. Shuffle the remaining 30 cards and place them in stacks of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cards. If the hidden card is in

Working with Tarot cards. Consecration of the deck The ritual of blessing the deck is key in the predictive practices of the Tarot. Its task is to form unity, integrity between you, your energy and the energy of the cards. Each Tarot deck has its own characteristics of consecration. But we

205. Yuletide fortune-telling with cards for the future Fortune-telling, in principle, can be done at any time, but the most favorable are considered to be “holy days” - from January 7 to 19. The timing of fortune-telling with Yuletide can be explained by the fact that it is at the turn of a person’s old and new year especially acute

206. Christmas fortune telling with cards for fate Take a deck of thirty-six cards, shuffle and remove the “hat”. Choose a king or queen (depending on the gender of the person you are fortune-telling for) of any suit and, without removing the cards from the deck, arrange them into four rows of nine cards. Those cards

207. Christmas fortune telling with wish cards Shuffle the card deck, draw six cards from the pack, open them and make a wish on any card that is not in these six. Shuffle the remaining thirty cards and place them in stacks of two, three, four, five and six. Working with Tarot cards Tarot cards represent primary situations in the form of ancient images. These are eternal, primordial images that indicate the states and circumstances that the traveler must go through on his way to the final goal. The principle of working with them is similar

Relationship of the Nazi Chart to Other National Charts The Nazi regime is historically the result of the First World War and astrologically represents the transition point that enabled the Second World War to emerge from the legacy of the First World War.

In this article:

Recently, a lot of information has appeared on how to improve your financial well-being, how to attract money and cash flow into your wallet and home, but the most effective were, are and will be rituals for attracting money, and not amulets and amulets, which are also available today a large number of.

Yes, the study of specialized literature and amulets are necessary and important. But after reading books and hanging yourself with talismans, you won’t wait a long time for new arrivals in your wallet, especially if you sit still and don’t take any active actions, in this case we’re not even talking about rituals, but about work. As the saying goes: “Water does not flow under a lying stone.”

For magical rituals to attract money to work, you should know and follow the following rules:

  • Any ritual for well-being or profit is done on the waxing Moon;
  • A prerequisite for attracting money is cleanliness in the house, in the workplace and even in the country, that is, in those places where you visit and spend your time. Throw away excess and unnecessary items, clear out clutter, get rid of cracked dishes and mirrors, and dispose of old clothes. Money energy should maneuver freely through your life and your space;
  • Rituals for money should be performed not only on the full moon, but also on the right days, women - on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), men - on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday);
  • Before performing the ritual, you should observe a three-day fast, tune in to a positive mood, pacify anger and negative thoughts, as well as envy and malice;
  • You cannot start a ritual when you are sick, even if it is a common cold. Also, you don’t need to start raising money if you are tormented by doubts or if you don’t even believe in what you are going to do.

The easiest place to start any money ritual is with your wallet. It's simple, you don't need either black or white magic for this. Wallets can be different - leather, suede, polyethylene, plain, bright, dark, etc. None of this matters. The important thing is that they keep the money within themselves.

If you decide to buy a new wallet, take your time and think about your choice. We do not recommend buying a very cheap wallet, as it has the energy of poverty and large bills are not allowed into it. The wallet should be decent in appearance and cost, if not very expensive, then in moderation. If you decide to spend a fabulous amount of money on your wallet, know that it will soon return to you and multiply.

The next thing to pay attention to is the color. Wealth is attracted by the colors of metal and earth, including black and brown, as well as gold and all shades of yellow, even orange.

You cannot store photographs in your wallet, as they “interrupt” cash flows energy, and also affect those depicted in the photo not in the best way.

Fold the bills in your wallet so that they face you and are turned in one direction.


On the first Friday of the new moon, buy 54-sheet paper cards without haggling or taking change. Take a joker from the deck (if they are different colors, choose red) and put it in your wallet, burn a black joker or the second one on the street, away from home. Hide the remaining cards at home in an inconspicuous place. These cards cannot be played or guessed; they should be stored in a light piece of linen. If the joker disappears, burn the deck at midnight on the new moon and repeat the ritual first on a new deck. The Joker attracts money and financial luck like a magnet.

Unchangeable nickel

Take a bill or coin of any denomination and mentally imagine how this banknote attracts money to itself and to you. Set money is always carried with you.


Money box

To store money, you need to have not only a specific place, but also a container, for example, a box. This box must definitely be associated with the accumulation of money, that is, it must be special.

It also may not be something shaped, such as a hiding place in a wall. It is best to put banknotes in your hiding place, while imagining how they multiply there. It is better to use banknotes of different denominations, so that some are “adults”, while others play the role of “children” who will grow up and also give birth to offspring.

What is written above looks strange, but the strangest thing is that it works! Do not forget, when investing new money, again constantly think about its growth and reproduction. If you need to take money from a hiding place, mentally imagine that it will quickly return there.

Rituals for increasing money

Morpheus's money

If you have ever heard anything about the magic of dreams, then this ritual will be more than understandable to you, since during it you will need to get money from a dream, which can be done with any other objects.

A dream is a product of mental activity, and also a separate reality. And since we take something with us into a dream, we can take something from there.

As soon as you have a dream in which you made a large profit, when you wake up, begin to “transfer” money from the dream to real life. Imagine that you withdraw this money from a bank account in another city and deposit it into your existing one. Take the image of the money you dreamed about, the feeling of it in your hands, and bring it into this world. In the near future, this money will materialize in the form of an unexpected bonus, pay, benefits, etc.

Spell for money


  • Green candle;
  • Tarot cards;
  • Ginger or cinnamon oil.

On the night of the new moon, anoint a green candle with oil that attracts money. Take the Ace of Pentacles from the deck of cards and place it face up behind the candle. This map symbolizes money, wealth and success coming to you along the beaten path.

Sit in front of the card, illuminated by the light of a candle fire, and look at it, thinking about the money that is coming to you and the ways in which you can get this money. Continue the visualization session until you feel the money in your hands, then blow out the candle by rubbing your hands together over the smoke, imagining that you are rubbing a coin between your palms. The rest of the candle and the card should be left in place and the ritual should be repeated the next night, placing 6 Pentacles to the left of the Ace.

Now you should imagine yourself as a very rich person, capable of giving money to family and friends who really need it. Complete the ritual in the same way as before - by extinguishing the candle and rubbing your hands over the smoke. The candle and cards again remain in the same place.

This ritual is labor-intensive, but very effective.

Usually by the third day the candle burns out. On the night of the third day, take a new candle, lubricate it with oil and take out the Page of Pentacles from the deck, which should be placed to the left of the six. Now imagine how you receive news of money coming from any source. Fully concentrating on these thoughts, blow out the candle, rub your palms in the smoke and leave all the attributes of the ritual in place.

The next night differs from the previous ones only by the addition of a card - 10 pentacles, which is placed to the left of the Page. Today we must imagine the culmination of wealth and material security. You should see and feel your security. After completing your meditation, blow out the candle and rub your palms over the smoke.

The next night is the last. After anointing and lighting the candle, the Queen of Pentacles (for a woman) and the King of Pentacles (for a man) are taken from the deck. The card is placed on top of the layout. Then everything should be done as before, saying:

“Money and luck come to me, the Universe gives me opportunities and sources of wealth. I send a spell into the Universe so that my order will be fulfilled.”

After blowing out the candle and rubbing your hands in the smoke, say:

“As my palms are full of smoke, let them be full of money.”

“So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Leave the layout in place until the full moon, the morning after which the cards are returned to the deck.

"Undercover" money

You need a large bill, preferably green, for example, a twenty-dollar bill. This ritual is suitable for those people whose front door opens outward or has a high threshold inside the apartment, where a rug is placed at the entrance. A bill is placed under the rug, which should always lie in this place, both after cleaning and when guests arrive, because they will not crawl under your rug in search of a quick profit.

Wallet and Moon

There are many more ways to attract money, such as New Year's or money rituals performed at Christmas, as well as the corresponding Moon. So, by observing the lunar calendar you can also get rich. On every full moon, you should place a completely empty wallet on the window open. Ideally, moonlight should fall on this very wallet. This should be done during three nights of the full moon. The same ritual is repeated on three nights of the new moon, but the wallet is placed with money.

Tangle of money

Take a copper coin and wrap it with green yarn, forming a ball. Instead of a coin, you can also take a paper bill. The ball should be secured so that it does not unwind, and then moistened with three drops of eucalyptus or bergamot oil, hanging by the free end of the thread above the front door of your home. Everyone coming to your house will bring money and gifts. To enhance the effect of the ball, lubricate it with oil weekly.

Money bag

Coins of various denominations available in circulation in the country in which you live are placed in a small bag - from kopecks to rubles, if they are made of iron. Each coin is smeared with eucalyptus oil under the words of the conspiracy:

“Penny to penny, nickel to nickel,
Fifty kopecks to fifty kopecks, ruble to ruble,
Chervonets to chervonets, all to the yard.”

The bag must be hidden in the northern part of your house.


Horseshoe for wealth

Inside the home, above the front door, you need to nail a horseshoe with the ends up so that it forms a “full bowl.” In this case, you should say the following words:

“As this cup is full, so may my home always be full of prosperity and happiness.”

Money bottle

Take a green bottle, a pinch of dry basil, a pinch of sugar, three drops of bergamot oil. Place all of the above in a bottle, into which you then throw one coin of any denomination every day. The bottle should be kept in your home.

Capital increase

If you want to increase your capital, write the amount of money you need on a piece of paper, put three sesame seeds in the sheet, then roll it several times so that the seeds do not fall out. Store the package in a hidden place.
