Children's game of classics on the asphalt. Games in the yard (hopscotch, jumping rope). The simplest option

As soon as the snow melts, chalked figures appear in yards. Of course, these are timeless “classics”. This is truly international game. Hopscotch is played in many countries around the world, and each country has its own version of the “class” pieces.
To play you need crayons and a bat (this can be a pebble or a tin of cream). The bat should be quite heavy. Therefore, fill the jar with sand and check that it does not open when it falls and hits the ground.
The rules of the game are very simple and are passed down from generation to generation. Draw a field on the asphalt with chalk - a rectangle 1 m wide and 2 m long. Draw the field into cells, which you number in order (Fig. 1).

Throw the bat so that it hits the first square.
Jumping on one leg, push (drive) the bat from cage to cage through all classes with the toe of your shoe.
The one who passed the entire figure without errors throws the bat again, but now into the second cell. In the third round - to the third. And so on. So each time the task seems to become easier. To make the game more difficult, there is a “fire” cage. If you push a bat into it or accidentally jump into it, everything will burn and you will have to start the game from the very beginning.
If you make a mistake, give way to the next one, and when it’s your turn to jump again, start where you left off. The first person to complete all classes wins.
An error is considered:
if the bat hits the wrong square, which is next in line, as well as on the line or in the “fire” square;
if the player stumbles, touches the ground with his other foot, steps on the line dividing the cells, or jumps into the “fire” cell.

If all the “classes” are completed successfully, the “exams” begin. The guys usually agree on all further testing conditions themselves.
A variation of the game is jumping hopscotch. In these variants the bit is not used.

"Shahmaka" (Fig. 2).

The players take turns jumping through the outlined classes. Jump on one leg into the single cage of the “classics”. Then with both legs - into paired cells, each leg - into a separate cell. Next, jump alternately with one leg, then with both.
On the last pair of squares, turn 180° and jump in the same way in the opposite direction.
If you have completed all the “classes” or made a mistake, give way to the next one. It is considered a mistake if the player touches the ground with his second foot in an unpaired square or steps on the line dividing the cells with his foot.
"Japanese staircase" (Fig. 3).

The players take turns jumping around the marked classes on one leg.
If the first player has galloped through all the classes without errors, that is, without stepping on any line or putting down his second foot, he has the right to put his sign in one of the squares. Next time he will be able to rest in the square where his signature is. If the first player makes any mistake, the next one comes into play. The winner is the player who manages to sign the most squares.
Playing hopscotch is an excellent exercise for the legs; it develops the eye well, promotes the development of a sense of balance, and develops good coordination of movements.

Olga Mayorova
My childhood game "Hopscotch"

The game of my childhood is “Hopscotch”.

"Classics" - the most popular game my childhood. In the spring, as soon as thawed patches appeared on the asphalt, we ran to draw classics and jumped until the evening. How fun and interesting it was! Modern children cannot understand us; they have computers, tablets and Sony PlayStation. They even play these games on the street! I appeal to parents and their teachers: “Let's teach our children to play hopscotch!”

Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to the development of motor skills in children preschool age in connection with problem solving physical culture, improving work on physical education in kindergartens, by creating good material living conditions. But at the same time, children experience a reduction in physical activity. This is due to the fact that they are accustomed to “ stereotyped limited forms of movement that are created in the indoor environment of our cultural life...” (Orbeli L.A. Questions of higher nervous activity. 1949, p. 602.)

Physical education specialists have noted that with insufficient development of speed and agility, children develop incorrect elements of running, jumping, and throwing techniques. Thus, an insufficiently wide swing, a sluggish push of the projectile and a low trajectory of its flight do not allow achieving a throwing range. The habit of running on half-bent legs, without using energetic push-off, makes it difficult to master good running speed.

The best conditions for improving dexterity are created in a variety of outdoor games: the child must show quick intelligence, evasiveness, the ability to move deftly between objects, initiative in case of unexpected changes in the situation, using favorable moments for this with the help of spatial and temporal orientations.

Hopscotch or classes is an ancient children's game, popular all over the world, including Russia and the USSR. It is played, as a rule, on asphalt, lined with chalk into squares or other shapes (“classes”). The players, jumping on one leg, push the “bit (k)u” (for example, a jar of shoe polish or a puck) from a square to the next square, trying not to get it on the line or step on the line with their foot. Very young children are allowed to jump on two legs. There is a version of the game without bits (k)i, when the squares are numbered in random order and they are simply jumped according to the traditional counting sequence - 1,2,3... The peculiarity of the game is that you have to jump sideways, backwards, through one or two squares etc., and it is forbidden to step in the square, adjusting to the next jump.

The outdoor game “Classics” - the use of simple, but at the same time varied movements that do not place great demands on technique, leads to free control of the body, the development of muscle sense, and increases the ability to more correctly manage one’s movements in space. Playing “Hopscotch” develops the ability to act economically, showing the level of speed, agility, strength, endurance required in specific conditions, and increases physical performance. This is also an excellent way to develop the eye and sense of balance, train good coordination of movements and provide an excellent load on the legs. And also, like any other game with rules, it naturally and easily teaches the child to manage his behavior in accordance with the rules.

Approximate versions of the “classics”


On the ground, draw a figure like the one in the picture, 5 to 6 large steps long.

Play with two or three. Each one has a small flat stone. One of the players stands in front of the line and throws his pebble into the “first class”. If this is successful, then the player jumps on one leg to where the pebble lies, pushes it back beyond the new line with the toe of his foot and jumps out himself. They also throw a pebble into all subsequent classes, jump after it on one leg, use their toes to knock it through all the previous classes and jump over the line. The winner is the one who manages to “finish the last class” first, without mistakes. After throwing into even-numbered classes and knocking out a pebble, you must jump from them on your right foot, and from odd-numbered ones - on your left. If a player lands a thrown pebble on one of the lines or in the wrong class where it should have been, or knocks a pebble out of a piece not across the line, then he gives way to the next one. When his turn comes again, he continues to play from the class in which he made a mistake. In the same way, a player gives up his turn if he stands on both feet, steps on the line, or, while knocking out a pebble, starts jumping on the wrong foot.

"Nimble Jumper"

Draw cells with numbers on the ground like in the picture. You need to jump in order, from one cell to another, and from the ninth - immediately through 3 cells “home”! How many squares does someone visit without stepping on a line, so many points will they receive? The trick: with each jump, turn on the fly, first to the left, then to the right. Who is the most agile jumper?


Now on the left, then on the right leg from one circle to the other. The more circles you jump, the more points you will get. And there are only 10 circles. Who will win?

"We are grasshoppers"!

Let's draw flowers on the site (roses, daisies, bells, we will, like grasshoppers, jump on both legs from flower to flower, jump over 1-2 flowers. Whoever wants to go anywhere!

"Jumping over bumps."

On the ground, circles indicate 3 rows of “bumps”. 3 teams of jumpers, each of which is assigned a name (for example, “Springs”, “Bunnies”, etc., line up in lines on 3 sides of the circles. When called by the leader, one at a time approaches the line to start jumping jumper from each team. When the word “It’s possible,” they jump from hummock to hummock. Each jump is performed from a place with a push with both feet. The one who jumps on the first hummock receives 1 point, on the second - 2 points, etc. The game continues until everyone perform jumps.The team whose players receive more points wins.

Rules. 1. On a hummock, you cannot bounce before the main jump. 2. Anyone who has not jumped to the next bump does not jump further. 3. At the end of the jumps, each jumper returns to his place on the team.

Note. Do not play on slippery or rocky ground.


Let's jump on the stripes. Each next strip is further and further. If you jump to the first stripe, you get 1 point, from the first to the second - 2 points, etc. Whoever jumps to the fifth stripe gets 5 points. Who will get more points?

“Boilers. Classes"

A figure is drawn on the ground. Each square of the figure is called a class. The players set a queue: who will start the game first, who will be second, third, etc.

The first player throws a pebble into the first class, stands on one leg, and jumps over the line into the same class. He knocks a pebble out of the first class with his toe and jumps out himself. He throws the pebble again, but this time to the second grade. Jumps on one leg to the first, then to the second class and again knocks out a pebble with the toe, etc.

In the fourth grade, you need to take a pebble in your hand and stand so that one leg is in the fourth grade and the other is in the seventh. Jump and rearrange your legs so that one is in the sixth grade and the other in the fifth grade. Next, the player on one leg jumps into the eighth grade, and then into a semicircle, where he rests for some time.

Standing in a semicircle, the player throws a pebble to the eighth grade. On one leg he jumps into the same class and moves the pebble with his toe to the seventh class. He jumps again, turns to the right during the jump and puts his feet in the seventh and fourth grades. Moves a pebble in the sixth grade, jumps up and stands with his feet in the sixth and fifth grades. Then, standing on one leg in the sixth grade, he moves a pebble in the fifth grade, jumps and stands up again in the seventh and fourth grades. The pebble moves to the fourth grade and, standing on one leg in the fourth grade, moves it to the third, then to the second and first. After that, he pushes the pebble out of the classroom and jumps out himself.

If the player has passed through all the classes, an exam awaits him. He puts a pebble on the toe of his foot and walks on his heel through all the classrooms. You need to walk carefully so as not to drop a pebble or step on the line. Only after the exam does each participant finish the game.

Rules. 1. The next player starts the game if the previous player’s pebble fell on the line or in the wrong class, or the player stood with his foot on the line.

2. The player who made a mistake starts the game again from the class where he made a mistake.

Instructions for carrying out. In this game, children independently control the implementation of the rules. They need to be taught that they can jump on both their right and left feet. The child must knock out and move the pebble with his free foot: if he stands on his right foot, he moves the pebble with his left, and vice versa.

The game can be ended when one of the players with the fewest mistakes completes all classes and passes the exam.


Classes are drawn on the ground. A participant in the game throws his pebble into the first class, jumps on one leg into the same class, pushes it from the first class into the second, and then through the swamp into the third class, remaining on one leg, and so on until the fifth class. From the last class, he either knocks a stone through all the classes into the field at once, or pushes it, jumping on one leg from class to class in order, or carries the stone on the toe of his foot.

Rule. If a pebble falls into a swamp, the game must be started all over again, from the first class.

"Game for School"

A rectangle is drawn on the site, consisting of five squares, the sides of which are equal to 60 cm. These are classes. Teachers are chosen by counting or another method. He takes a small pebble, hides it behind his back in his fist, and stretches his arms forward. One of the players - the student - must guess which hand the pebble is in. If he succeeds, then he gets the right to throw his pebble into the first class so that the pebble remains in the square. In this case, he again guesses in which hand the pebble is clutched, and if he is lucky, he throws it into the second class. If the pebble does not fall into the square or the student does not guess in which hand the teacher has the pebble hidden, then he remains in the first grade. The turn to play moves to the next student. Whoever completes all the classes first wins. Rules of the game. If the stone lies on the line, it is considered not to fall into the square. When repeating the game, the child throws a pebble into the square where he stopped the previous time.

"Who is faster?"

The player stands in front of the first square and throws a bat into it. Jumping on one or two legs, he moves the bat forward along each square in turn. Having reached the last cell of the “house”, the player takes the bat into his hands and jumps back. When thrown, the bat must accurately land in a certain cell. In case of a mistake, the player loses his turn. The winner is the one who is the first to be in the “house”, having completed all the “classes”.


The “classrooms” are arranged in a spiral - from large cells to the smallest ones, on which one child’s leg can fit. You need to get, jumping on one leg, to the smallest cage and return back. Dark cells are “pits”, falling into which the child loses his turn; these “pits” need to be jumped over.

"Classics" - not just entertaining game for children. This is also an excellent way to develop the eye and sense of balance, train good coordination of movements and provide an excellent load on the legs. We need to bring back the wonderful games of our childhood from oblivion.



Children's games - "classics"

Prepared by: teacher-methodologist at FIZO MDOU No. 45

Zinovieva Tatyana Viktorovna

Hopscotch is a children's outdoor game whose peak popularity was in Soviet childhood current parents and grandparents. Modern children have different priorities - they are busy with TV, computers and other benefits of technology, and today fun and active games for girls - hopscotch, rubber bands, jump ropes - are almost forgotten.

This is a rather sad trend, because no electronic entertainment can replace active games on fresh air, which are directly useful for children's health and also help develop communication skills. We need to bring back the wonderful games of our childhood from oblivion.

Hopscotch is not just an entertaining game. This is also an excellent way to develop the eye and sense of balance, train good coordination of movements and provide an excellent load on the legs. And also, like any other game with rules, it naturally and easily teaches the child to manage his behavior in accordance with the rules. And here the child has no protest, because the rules are dictated not by adults, but by the game itself. It is the ability to manage one’s behavior in accordance with the rules, the ability not only to win, but also to lose, that is very important for preparing a child for school.

To play hopscotch on the asphalt, we only need the asphalt itself, chalk for drawing on it and a “bat” - a round flat box, for example, shoe polish. And also favorable weather and friendly company. There are several variations of this game, which determine the type of field.

Let's look at the most popular of them.

A) The figure of “classes” is drawn on the asphalt. Its forms come in different forms.

The length of the cells is from 30 to 50 cm, the width is 50 cm. The cells are designated by numbers. Each of the players has a bat - a small flat stone, a shard, or a tin can.

One of the players stands in front of the line and throws his bat into the first class. If this is successful, then the player jumps on one leg to where the bat lies, picks it up and jumps further. They also throw the bat at all subsequent classes. The winner is the one who managed to finish the last class first.

If a player hits the line with the bat or in the wrong class, stands on both feet, or steps on the line, then he must give way to the next player. When his turn comes again, he continues to play from the class in which he made the mistake.

The figure marks those classes in which you can rest (in them the player stands on two legs), or vice versa, in which you cannot step (marked “fire”, “swamp”). If a bat hits them, then all completed classes “burn out.” We must start from the beginning.

Varieties of the game

1. Having hit the desired class with the bat, the player jumps to it on one leg and pushes the bat with the toe of his foot back through all previous classes beyond the end line, and he himself jumps through the next cells of the figure. In even-numbered classes you must jump on your right foot, and in odd-numbered classes you must jump on your left.

2. Having thrown the bat into the next cell, the player jumps to it on one leg, and overcomes subsequent cells by moving the bat in front of him with the toe of his foot. From the last cell he knocks it across the line.

3. Draw a figure and number the cells. The size of each cell is 30 x 30 cm. You must jump in order from one cell to another on two legs. Before the game, they agree on which direction to turn during the jump.

For all class options there are general mandatory rules:

1. When jumping, do not stand on the lines dividing the cells.

2. The bat is not allowed to hit the lines separating the cells.

3. The bat cannot jump over the next square.

4. Move the bat strictly according to the cell numbers.

IN) Options for playing hopscotch

To play the game you will need to draw a figure with squares on the asphalt with chalk.

The upper semicircle is called the "cauldron". You also need to find a bat - it can be a medium-sized pebble, a jar of shoe polish or candy (you can put sand or earth in them for weight).

Players schedule a line (who is behind whom). Then the first player throws the bat onto the first square and jumps there. Then there are two variants of this game

Option 1. Normal.

"Simple" classics. We jump on one leg to 1, then 2, then with two legs at once to 3-4, one to 5, two to 6-7, one to 8, two to 9-10, turn 180%, and at the same time find ourselves with two legs again to 9-10, and back in the same move.

Then we throw on square 2 (this is “second class”) and jump again from the beginning. And so on, throwing the bat further and further, but always starting to jump from the first square. On the “return path” you need to bend down and pick up your bat (if at this moment the player is standing on one leg, you still need to bend over - the main thing here is not to lose your balance). If we don’t hit the right square with the bat, a turn transition occurs - the next player jumps. The first one to “master” 10 (ten) wins. If a bat suddenly falls into the “cauldron”, then one “class” is burned out (you will have to throw the bat 1 square less than what you “scored” before).

Option 2. Diverse.

The main difference between this option is that the bat needs to be “passed” through all classes - from 1 to 10. A class is considered passed after the player reaches cell 10 with the bat.

The essence of the game: we throw the bat onto the square with the corresponding “class” and then carry out the “classes” tasks one by one:

The first one is ordinary. We jump or walk as we please, and throw the bat to the next square with each step (jump).

Second - throw the bat at the number "2" with eyes closed. Then we jump and walk as we please, the main thing is to reach the 10th square.

The third is "poker". We jump on our right foot, always “kicking” the bat to the left to the next square. "Recess" (the opportunity to rest while standing on 2 legs) - on the 5th square.

The fourth is on the left leg. We “kick” the bat all the time to the right. "Recess" (the opportunity to rest while standing on 2 legs) - on the 6th square.

Fifth - we jump (we don’t walk, we jump) and kick the bat with both legs at the same time.

Sixth - we jump and throw the bat over one cell (1-3-5-7-9).

Seventh - you can't laugh. Everyone around at this time is trying to make you laugh.

Eighth - you can throw a bat from the fifth class (square).

Ninth - throw the bat at "9" and jump with your eyes closed.

and the Tenth - a trickle (i.e. ten times on one leg from the first to the tenth), while you don’t have to touch the bat.

Required conditions:

If the bat does not hit the desired square, move forward.

You cannot stand with a bat in one class with both legs (the exception is the fifth class, which completely jumped on 2 legs).

If you get into the “cauldron”, the whole class burns out - the next move must be started from the previous level.

Don't trample, don't move the bat, and don't step on the lines!

Classics - a favorite of girls and boys different ages. To organize it, you do not need any special equipment, with the exception of a piece of chalk and a relatively small asphalt area. Despite this, the guys participating in this entertainment always receive a charge of vivacity and positive energy for a long time.

You can play hopscotch on the asphalt as directed, or you can think through the course of the game yourself. In any case, you can spend time playing this game with great pleasure and interest.

How to play hopscotch correctly?

There are many different variations of this game, and it is impossible to say for sure which one is correct. The most commonly used are the following:

"Simple classics"

To organize this game, the following diagram is drawn with chalk on an asphalt site:

Each “class”, or square, in it should have a size of 40x40 or 50x50 cm. Before the start of the game, participants determine the order of moves by lot or other means. Next, the first player throws a stone or any other object that replaces it on the first “class”, and then jumps: with one foot on 1, 2, then with two at once on 3-4, again with one on 5, with two on 6-7, with one at 8 and again with two at 9-10. After this, the jumper turns over 180 degrees and makes the same path to reverse side, picking up a stone along the way and taking it with him. At the same time, you cannot deviate from your direction or, for example, stand on 2 legs if you need to stand on one during the game. If everything is done correctly, the item is moved to the second “class”. In exactly the same way, he moves to the very end, that is, to the square with the number 10. If the player makes a mistake, the stone falls into the cauldron, and the player “burns out” one class, that is, the game “rolls back” several moves.

"Traditional classics"

The second option involves using the following scheme:

Here, a stone from grades 1 to 10 is also thrown, and players take turns jumping on one leg, moving from beginning to end. Such classics can also be played with a stone or any other object.

"Round Classics"

For this type of game, which is sometimes called “snail,” the following diagram is drawn on the asphalt with chalk:

The first player throws a stone into the first square, after which he jumps into it on one leg, trying not to touch any lines. Then, with the toe of his foot, he needs to move the pebble to the next square, but so that it does not touch a single line. Otherwise, the move is transferred to another player. To win, the participant must completely go through the entire “snail” and return back. Play round hopscotch You can either in the company of other guys or alone, which is an important advantage of this game.

Back in the days Ancient Rome, as evidenced by the mentions of Pliny, there was a game known to this day, the rules of which have not changed at all since then. More precisely, there are slightly more of them than in the traditional game, and in each yard the conditions may change somewhat, depending on the wishes of the participants, but the main ones are always strictly adhered to:

  • the one who threw the cue ball (pebble) and hit/beyond the line gives way to the next player;
  • the one who steps on the line of the square also gives way;
  • in a single square you cannot stand with both feet, or take aim and stomp on the spot for a long time before jumping, lowering your other foot;
  • the one who did not pass the con (all squares) starts all over again.

Types of classics and rules of the game with and without a stone

There are the following common types of hopscotch on asphalt, the rules of which can be traditional or fictitious. This:

  1. Snail.
  2. Herringbone.
  3. Drum.
  4. Star.
  5. Watch.
  6. Snake.
  7. Antenna.

The sectors for these games can be square or have any shape - circle, rectangle, oval, triangle. They draw figures with chalk on the asphalt, and at home they use a soft puzzle mat with numbers for this.

Most often, the game involves a so-called cue ball, which can be a pebble, a hockey puck, or any small object. There are ten numbered sectors in total, as well as a hopscotch pinnacle called house or fire. On it, the player can turn around to jump back in the same sequence.

The game begins with a draw, and after it, participant No. 1 throws the cue ball into the first sector, after which he jumps into the square with one foot. Then he needs to bend down in such a way as to pick up the pebble, but maintain his balance and not stand on his other leg. Then the move is repeated.

The right to throw and jump hopscotch is transferred to the next participant if the first one violated the rule - he stepped over the line or threw/missed the cue ball. After he misses, the turn goes to No. 1 if there are only two players, but he must start the game again, from the first square. The winner will be the one who manages to completely complete all levels. If there are more participants, then you will have to wait longer for your turn. The rules of the game of “Snail” classics are slightly different, since the dexterity of the players is even more important here. In it, the sectors are arranged in a spiral and the numbers alternate with shaded squares. Having hit one of them with a foot or a stone, the player must give way to the next one.

Knowing the rules of how to play hopscotch, you can have a great time with friends who will most likely be new to this game. After all, modern children are closer to various Internet adventure games than educational ones

Solitaire Solitaire