Devil may cry 4 6 mission walkthrough. Skills and Devil Trigger

Secret missions allow you to get a piece for completing blue ball. They all differ in complexity and tasks. However, the concept of difficulty here is unique: what is easy for one gamer is incredibly difficult for another. So go for it! Not everything is as scary as it seems. You most likely won’t be able to complete all the secret missions on your first playthrough, although maybe I’m the only such loser x)

So what we have:

Secret Mission 1: Genocide

Where to find: Mission 02: Hell's Gate (on the terrace behind the pillar)

Goal: destroy 8 scarecrows in one minute

Character: Nero

What we see: a location already familiar to us - a fountain, and there are 8 scarecrows around. The easiest mission, in my opinion. It won't be difficult to get through it. We attract the Scarecrow with the devil's hand. The simplest thing is to hit the ground with it twice. If you want to go through in style, use combos and crush the freaks with your sword. But a stylish passage will take more time and there is a chance that you won’t complete it in a minute. Don't forget to break benches and trash cans. They contain red spheres.

Secret Mission 2: Equilibrist

Where to find: Mission 04: Cold Blooded (breaking the car spewing fire, you can see the mission icon)

Goal: perform Buster five times

Character: Nero

So, you are on the terrace. You will have to fight the scarecrows again. We jump, pull the scarecrow with our hand and hit it on the ground. And so five times in a row. Without ever touching the ground! It sounds quite clear and simple, but I never completed this mission >__<

It will be great if you bought Grip 2. And even better, 3. In general, if you look at the walkthroughs, everything looks very easy. Apparently I'm the only one so crooked:

Secret Mission 3: Mahatma Gandhi

Where to find: Mission 05: Trisagion (Nero) or Mission 15: Fortuna Castle (Dante)

Goal: raise the style to level B (C in the English version) without the help of weapons

Character: Nero or Dante


You will be able to complete this mission as Nero if you complete the game at least a second time. Because Nero will acquire the “shield” skill only after mission 8. Our hero is attacked by two Frosts and a bunch of Scarecrows. It is wisest to take Frost as a shield, since the Scarecrow will quickly fall apart. Well, however, Frost will not allow you to carry him on you for a long time, so you need to be careful: when he breaks free, he will attack you and thereby disrupt your style. As long as Nero holds the shield in front of him, he can tease. Be sure to use this to level up your style.


The Guardsman style will help you here, namely the Guards block. If anyone doesn’t know: the Guards block is a block a split second before the enemy’s attack. It sounds complicated, but it's even more difficult to do. Well, depending on who... In general, it’s an awesome thing if you learn how to perform this action. To improve your style, it is enough to perform the block several times. If you miss an attack, the style level will naturally drop. It's best to block Frost's attacks. If you wish, you can kill the scarecrow so as not to get in the way. To make it more convenient to block blows, you can go out into the corridor and stand in the corner: then Dante’s rear will be covered. And again: don’t forget to tease: B

Secret Mission 4: Treasure Hunter

Where to find: Mission 06: Revival (in the corner to the left of the entrance there is such a yellow thing, and behind it there is a note:3)

Mission goal: find all the hidden red balls in 2 minutes

Character: Nero

In my opinion, the easiest mission: 3 Well, maybe it seems so to me, because I completed it, and only the third time. Everything is simple here: Nero is in the Hall of Fortune and he needs to find three piles of red spheres in two minutes. He will be helped in this by his hand, which, thanks to the artifact received from Bael, begins to glow desperately in the right places. We stand in the place where the light is brightest and get hit on the head with a bunch of red spheres. There are several places where you can find spheres, but the combinations are different each time.

For those who are too lazy to look for themselves, I list the places where these spheres may be. So, we stand with our backs to the main entrance and:

1st floor:

  1. In front of the entrance door
  2. In the right corner under the arch
  3. Under the gyro blade, you need to push it off and stand in its place
  4. On the left, somewhere between the third and fourth columns

2nd floor:

  1. Before the blue circle
  2. Behind the mirror that needs to be broken (who knew and remembers, behind it there was a piece of a blue ball)
  3. On the left opposite the door there is a beam connecting the columns, so you need to get on it

Secret Mission 5: Skyscraper

Where to find: Mission 07: Temptress Snake or Mission 08: Creed

Mission goal: go upstairs in 1 minute

Character: Nero

The mission is a bit difficult because time is limited. There are six platforms in the air and five cute little blue shining things (I have no idea what they are called etc.). Everything is very simple: we jump onto the platform and are attracted to this thing. The difficulty will be with the fourth platform, which is behind bars. The grate needs to be broken. If something goes wrong, a double jump will help out a lot. I think there is no point in describing it step by step. It sounds simple, but it's difficult to do. Patience, skill, a little practice - and everything will work out.

Secret Mission 6: Insecticide

Where to find: Mission 10: Covered in Glory (at the end of the corridor with lasers, to the right of Nero there is a note hanging on the grate)

Mission objective: destroy the chimera seeds before they subdue the Scarecrow

Character: Nero

Oooh that was difficult. What's the point: Scarecrow falls in front of Nero. There are a lot of chimera seeds around. You just need to prevent the seeds from being captured by the scarecrow. There is no use in killing them. You won't have time. In fact, there is only one way: we grab the Scarecrow and carry it somewhere far away, or even better, somewhere higher. The wisest thing is to jump up the rocks with him. The seeds won't get there. We throw the scarecrow there and go to wet the seeds.

There are several problems:

  1. The seeds attack very brazenly and together cause decent damage to Nero
  2. You can get carried away and accidentally kill the Scarecrow, maybe I’m an original, but I managed to kill him three times o_O
  3. Nero cannot run around with Scarecrow in his hands. This can be solved quite simply by double jumping

Secret Mission 7: Free Roam

Where to find: Mission 10: Covered in Glory (Nero) or Mission 12: A New Beginning (Dante)

Mission objective: get to a piece of the blue ball by moving across the disappearing floor

Character: Nero or Dante

I think we can safely say that this is the most difficult and confusing mission. You will find yourself at the abyss, you were already here in mission 7, I think you will never forget this place. Again, the same plates, only they are located in a different order and disappear even faster. I think it's impossible to complete this mission honestly. Moreover, three Mephisto will actively interfere with you. Therefore, we will be cunning:


Everything is simple here. And even almost honestly. Almost^^ We light the circle and head to the slabs. Three Mephistos appear, and Nero makes a brick face and returns back to the ledge. And then, slowly and without fear of losing ground from under our feet, we deal with our enemies beautifully and stylishly. (Ugh I hate Mephisto ><). Убив врагов, снова зажигаем круг, осторожно и внимательно продвигаемся по плитам и забираем кусок Синего шара.

There is a second way, but for me it is tricky. To be fair, I will describe it too. You will need Nero's Enemy Step skill. We light the circle and carefully move closer to Mephisto, who is at the niche where the Blue Ball is hidden. We make a double jump from the plate to Mephisto, push off from him, and make another double jump into the niche. That's it, a piece of the ball is yours, darlings: Z


We're being cunning again. Be sure to include the Trickster style. We light the circle and wait. When the plates light up opposite Dante, and right next to the niche, we do a special trick: Slide forward + glide while in the air + double jump. If everything was done correctly, Dante should land right on this tile, and from it we already jump into the niche, the main thing is not to hesitate.

Well, the second method is completely dishonest. For him, Danka needs Pandora’s filled “rage scale.” We transform Pandora into a rocket launcher and fly into the niche, that is, straight, and then to the right: The difficulty is that you can go off course or get hit by Mephisto.

Secret Mission 8: The Guard is Impenetrable!

Where to find: Mission 14: Forest of Death

Mission goal: complete the Guards Block five times in a row

Character: Dante

And again the block. For those who don’t remember: a guards block is a block a split second before the enemy’s attack. In this mission you only need to complete it five times in a row. Dante is attacked by two Mephisto (those creatures again =_=). Well, to make it easier, you can kill one, and play with the second: Mephisto’s Attacks, I hope you already know. Well...I don’t think it’s necessary to write anything else about this mission. Everything is extremely simple and clear.

Secret Mission 9: Invulnerable

Where to find: Mission 15: Fortuna Castle (go down the spiral staircase, the note is hanging at the very bottom on the wall)

Mission goal: destroy all enemies without taking damage or being captured by Corruption

Character: Dante

You will have to jump and dodge a lot. The main thing is to look carefully at your step. Dante will be pursued by three Corruptions. Plus, you will be attacked by three Chimeras, three Lizards and three Chimero-Lizards. There are two difficulties here:

1. Damage that will constantly appear from underground and try to swallow Dante

2. The fact that you cannot take damage

Therefore, we try to kill the enemies as quickly as possible before they get to us. I think we can say that maximum care and dexterity is required from the player. Go for it: Z

Secret Mission 10: Puppeteer

Where to find: Mission 05: Trisagion (behind the mirror on the fireplace)

Mission objective: use the Gyro Blade to break 5 seals in 2 minutes

Character: Nero

The mission is quite simple, but I lost all my nerves =___= Nero finds himself in the hall of the Castle of Fortune. There are five seals located in the Corridor.

  1. In the center of the corridor
  2. In the niche where there were four gyroblades
  3. In a room behind bars, on a platform
  4. Opposite the hall behind bars, in a recess
  5. At the dead end at the end of the corridor

You only have two minutes. At first it seems that everything is elementary, but the problem is that you need to accurately calculate the flight path of the blade. It is wiser to break the seals in this order: in the center, in the niche, at the end, opposite the bars, behind the bars. Well, personally, it was more convenient for me. It will be very helpful if you bought acceleration from Nero. Because he will have to run around the corridor a lot, and this running takes up 60% of his valuable time.

Secret Mission 11: Firestorm

Where to find: Mission 16: Inferno

Mission Objective: Break two statues with Pandora within 30 seconds

Character: Dante

Dante finds himself in the Arena. He has 30 seconds to break the two statues that are located at both ends of the arena. There is no time to run to them, these seconds are only enough to go down the stairs and then have time to get to the bridge. You will have to shoot from a long distance. Here you just need acceleration so that Dante spends less time running.

You need to shoot from the Pandora converted into Revenge. To spend less time converting, enable Trigger. Although I have seen how skilled people pass it with a simple combo. I’ve never seen a walkthrough with Pandora... makes you think, doesn’t it?)

Secret Mission 12: Steeplechase

Where to find: Mission 17: Adagio for Strings (there is an urn at the grate on your right, break it - there is a note hanging there)

Mission objective: overcome a corridor full of lasers without taking damage

Character: Dante

So, the long-awaited last secret mission. Dante in front of the corridor with lasers. Everything would be elementary, but! The Chronos Key cannot be used.

There are three ways to go.

  1. Chitersky:Z
    You need to fill the Pandora scale and transform it into a flying rocket launcher. We calmly fly over the lasers..Voila!
  2. Turn on the Trickster mode and do the combination:
    1. Double Jump, air slide, pause
    2. Jump, slide in the air, pause
    3. Double Jump, air slide, pause
    4. Jump, slide in the air
  3. Turn on the stunt mode, activate the Trigger and quickly run through the lasers)

That's all I was with you Scarlett . See you again, cuties:Z

The game begins quite unexpectedly: in the church there is a sermon about the forces of evil. Suddenly Dante jumps out and tries to finish off the priest. Puzzled players are trying to figure out what is happening - it seems that Dante has always been an exclusively positive hero, but here he is doing such obscenity... It becomes completely surprising when a new character Nero appears on the scene, for whom, it turns out, he will have to play.

It is commendable that the developers tried to create some kind of intrigue, but, frankly speaking, it failed miserably. At one time, no one believed that Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell would work for terrorists, and now it seemed incredible that Dante could begin to serve the forces of evil. In addition, the developers soon announced that in addition to Nero, you will be able to play as Dante. After this, only the lazy did not realize that in fact evil was lurking in the church, and we had to expose it and eradicate it.

Therefore, we can simply watch the developing events with interest. The plot in Devil May Cry 4 is quite simple, we have seen such stories many times. And it would be a definite disadvantage for the game if it weren’t for characters with bright personalities and emotionally strong videos.

The monster is trying to escape to the underworld for a reason. He still has to fight with Dante.

If you played the third part of the game, you will immediately notice a change in Dante. Let me remind you that Devil May Cry 3 is the prehistory of the first two parts. The famous demon hunter was young, hot-headed, and just about to open his own agency when a commotion involving his brother began. Now Dante has noticeably matured, cooled down a little, but is still prone to posing and sarcastic jokes.

Perhaps the main changes affected the visual style of the game. Grotesque and pathos still prevail in landscapes and architecture. But the general gloom that used to be almost physically depressing has completely disappeared. In my opinion, this only benefited the game, although I must admit that not all fans of the game were happy about the departure of the classic dark atmosphere.

But, of course, the quality of staged fight videos has dropped. In the third part they were the most spectacular not only in the series, but probably in games in general. Only the cutscenes from Metal Gear Solid 3 can compete with them. In Devil May Cry 4 they are still quite impressive, but the new production director could not maintain the same level.

The game transfer went almost fine. The picture has not deteriorated, as was the case with Devil May Cry 3, the engine is well optimized, and even on the average configuration the game produces a decent number of frames per second. True, you can’t play normally without a joystick, as before, but... it’s almost impossible to completely remake the controls for a mouse and keyboard.

Devil must die

Nero is a very interesting character and new blood for the game mechanics. His main and most interesting difference from Dante is his demonic hand. Thanks to it, Nero can pull enemies towards him, grab magic balls to jump into inaccessible places, and throw lethal combinations of attacks.

Each enemy has its own animation. Nero snatches the spear from the demonic knight and pierces him through. Another demon is thrown painfully onto the ground several times, only to be thrown away. Even the huge bosses can't do anything about the devil's hand and have to put up with the cruel treatment.

Dante has changed little since the third part - old fighting styles, the famous sword, two pistols and a sawn-off shotgun. In addition to the usual attacks, there are unique ones for a particular style. For example, turning on the Sword Master style will give you new moves for each weapon. With the Trickster style, you can move faster and improve maneuverability in battle. By choosing Gunslinger - strengthen your firearms.

Also, by playing as Dante and destroying boss monsters, you will receive new weapons. The imagination of the developers once again did not fail, and unique samples await you. A box - or, more precisely, Pandora's Suitcase, which can turn into any firearm - from a machine gun to a rocket launcher. Lucifer, who shoots magical blades that pierce the enemy and after a while explode right in the body. Combat gloves and boots with which you can deliver powerful blows.

The essence of the gameplay has remained virtually unchanged. You go through levels, chop up monsters, buy new techniques in between missions, and even improve styles for Dante. It’s especially nice that the developers took care of inexperienced players as well. On easy difficulty you almost don't need to think, while on hard the opponents won't let you down. After the third part, in which, in fact, there were two levels of difficulty - “hard and insanely hard”, this is very pleasing.

When playing as Dante, you sometimes get the feeling that the developers decided to cheat a little. The scenery starts to repeat itself, and most of the bosses haven't changed at all since Nero had to fight them. Of course, the battle tactics change quite a lot, because Dante does not have a demonic hand, but the attacks of the monsters remain the same.

If you liked Devil May Cry 3, be sure to pay attention to the fourth part. The developers successfully used old ideas, added a lot of new ones and, most importantly, did not spoil anything in the game mechanics. New modes that open after completion will not let you lose interest in Devil May Cry 4 and will encourage you to play again.

combat system, challenging battles recurring bosses
Graphic arts
unusual surroundings, nice picture the videos have gotten worse
music, voice acting the melody in battles begins to become boring
Game world
integrity of the game universe, references to previous parts interesting but simple story
good optimization playing with the keyboard is a real pain


You can play Devil May Cry 4 on a keyboard, but this is a very dubious pleasure. Therefore, I recommend getting a joystick so as not to have problems with control while playing. Since joysticks are different, and maybe you will generally play on a keyboard, in this article I will name the keys by the action they perform.

  • Start- skip the splash screen, go to the menu and pause the game.
  • Mockery- the character teases the enemy.
  • Movement- character movement.
  • Camera- camera rotation.
  • Bounce- the character will jump once.
  • Punch/Style- Nero will strike with a demonic hand, Dante will perform a special strike for the chosen fighting style.
  • Hit- the character will hit with a sword.
  • Shot- the character will shoot from pistols (or from a sawn-off shotgun in the case of Dante).
  • Capture target- the character concentrates his attention on the selected enemy or object, and all actions - for example, blows with a sword - will be directed specifically at him.
  • Devil Trigger- the character turns into an evil demon.
  • Charge the sword/Change gun- Nero charges the sword with energy, Dante changes firearms.

Keys for Dante only:

  • Change sword- Dante changes swords.
  • Change style- choice of fighting style.


Let's continue our introduction to the game by talking about the interface; for two characters it is slightly, but still different.

1. Sword charge. Shows how charged Nero's sword is with energy. The more divisions, the stronger the blow.

2. Number of lives. The number of cells is the maximum health limit, the current health is green cells.

3. Devil Trigger. Magical energy that, when used, turns a character into a demon. At the same time, the hero’s attack speed and damage are increased. If more than three circles are filled, the effect increases significantly.

4. Number of red orbs collected. They are spent on purchasing items.

5. Style level. The more damage Nero inflicts on the enemy without receiving damage, the higher the style level. This does not play a big role in battle, but is used to gain advantages.

6. Style points. You can watch them only if you replay the completed mission. Style points are taken into account when calculating the player's rank after completing a level.

Differences in the interface when playing as Dante:

1. The chosen style is written above the health.

2. When you use the Royal Guard fighting style and successfully repel enemy attacks, a special indicator will fill. When it's full, you'll be able to perform special moves.

3. When you successfully use the Pandora's Box weapon, a special indicator increases. Once it's full, you'll be able to perform special moves with that weapon while the Gunslinger style is enabled.

Devil Spheres

Red Orb. Red spheres are the game currency, which is used to buy various items. Money can be obtained by killing enemies, destroying objects and finding hiding places. There are never enough red orbs, so search the levels carefully.

Green Orb. Green spheres restore the character's health. They can also be found by breaking objects, killing enemies, and finding hiding places. Green orbs are rarer than you'd like, so think carefully about when to grab them.

White Orb. White orbs restore the character's Devil Trigger energy. Sometimes they can be found in hiding places or by destroying objects. But most often they drop from certain monsters, as well as from assistants summoned by bosses.

Blue Orb. Blue orbs increase the character's maximum health by one division. They are very rare. Often, to get a blue orb, you need to complete a difficult task. Money players can buy the sphere in the store, but it costs a lot of money.

Blue Orb Fragment. Part of a blue sphere. Collect four fragments and get a whole blue sphere. They are easier to find, but don't expect them to appear too often.

Purple Orb. Purple balls increase the Devil Trigger gauge by one notch. It is impossible to find them, you can only buy them in the store after completing the sixth mission. I advise you to buy them as soon as the opportunity arises.

Gold Orb. Golden spheres revive the character if he dies. They can be found in caches or bought in a store. I advise you to save the golden orbs until the last levels, when boss battles become really dangerous. This will help you avoid going through the mission several times.


Vital Star S. The little star restores about a quarter of its total health. They can be found in caches or bought in a store. I believe that it is unwise to spend money on small stars; they can be found that way. But if you do decide to buy from the store, do it until your character’s health has increased too much. Then the cost will no longer justify the result obtained.

Vital Star M. The average star restores half its health. Useful in the middle of the game, at the very beginning it is strictly forbidden to waste it. Sometimes you can buy it (it is only available in the store), but only if there is nothing to treat it with at all.

Vital Star L. Restores all health at once. You can only buy it in a store for a lot of money. You need to buy a big star at the end of the game, when there are fewer problems with cash. Try to save it for boss battles.

Devil Star S. The Little Devil Star restores a small amount of Devil Trigger energy. It can be found in the level or purchased in the store after the sixth mission. I don't see any point in buying. It is expensive, but restores little. You can easily do without it.

Devil Star L. Big Devil Star fully restores Devil Trigger. You can buy it in the store. Very useful, but only at the last levels and only in boss battles. Spending a big devil star on something else is a waste of money.

Holy Water. Holy Water deals damage to all enemies when used. Regular monsters simply die, and bosses receive enormous damage. It is expensive, but can be found in particularly cunning hiding places. You definitely need to collect, and sometimes buy, but save until the last levels. Only use holy water against bosses if you can't defeat them with simple attacks.


Red Queen

Red Queen is a huge sword with a motor that can amplify the blow. In this chapter, we will look at all the types of attacks that Nero can perform with the help of the Red Queen. New attacks must be purchased using souls lost from enemies.

Red Queen Combo A

Method of execution: While on the ground, press Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch.

Nero delivers four quick slashes. A standard combination of attacks, which is useful in the early stages of the game, against weak opponents. But it is available from the very beginning, and you don’t need to buy it.

Red Queen Combo B

Method of execution: While on the ground, press Punch, Punch, Punch.

To accurately perform the technique, after the first swing of the sword, wait a fraction of a second and quickly continue to press the key. Nero will perform three strong strikes that deal decent damage. Learning this technique will cost you 150 souls.

Red Queen Combo C

Method of execution: While on the ground, press Punch, Punch - short pause - Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch.

An excellent combination of attacks against several opponents. The blows are not only fast, but also hit all nearby enemies. The second part of the attack does the most damage. Again, it is important to correctly understand when to break the pause. Watch when Nero is almost done with the second hit and start pressing the key again. This combination must be purchased without fail, so that there are no problems in a fight with a large number of enemies. Training the technique will cost only 300 damned souls.

Red Queen Combo D

Method of execution: While on the ground, press Punch, Punch, Punch - short pause - Punch.

In principle, this is not a full-fledged combination, but a continuation of Red Queen Combo B. The first three hits are three strong attacks. When Nero is almost done hitting the sword a third time, press the Strike key again and Nero will slam the enemy with a super strong overhead strike.

Aerial Combo

Method of execution: While in the air, that is, jumping or falling, press Punch, Punch, Punch.

Standard combination of kicks in the air. Nero, without any subtlety, delivers three weak blows. But the technique is quite fast and excellent for knocking down weak enemies. Before landing, the combination can be performed two or three times. This technique is available from the very beginning.

Roulette Spin

Method of execution: While in the air, press Punch, Punch - short pause - Punch.

A powerful combination that allows you to chop your opponent right in the air. The last blow actually finishes off the enemy. The key must be pressed slowly, and pressed a third time when the character is almost done with the slash. The reception will cost you 500 souls.

High Roller

Method of execution

Nero will slash upward with his sword and launch his opponent into the air. When the enemy lands, he can be thrown into the air again. You can continue this way until the enemy throws off his skates. If you do not release the Strike key while performing a move, Nero will jump after the enemy, and you can, for example, break through the Roulette Spin combination. The technique is available from the very beginning of the game.

If you charge the sword with energy and perform this move, Nero will not only deal more damage to the opponent, but will also launch the opponent much higher. This means you can carry out several combinations in the air at once. Highly recommended.

Exceed 2 and Exceed 3

This is not even a technique, but simply an improvement of the sword. Thanks to the improvements, you will be able to charge the sword twice and three times respectively. A very useful skill, especially in battles with bosses and strong monsters. Therefore, as soon as possible, find 500 Cursed Souls for Exceed 2 and 1000 Cursed Souls for Exceed 3.

Streak and Streak 2

Method of execution

Nero slides forward, swings his sword hard, and knocks his opponent down. A very useful technique that allows you to quickly reach your target and stun the enemy. Before the enemy has time to rise, you can grab him and throw another combination of blows. The cost of admission is only 50 souls, but the benefits are enormous.

Having received Streak, you can buy an improved technique for 500 souls - Streak 2. Its main difference is that Nero glides much further. Again, be sure to buy. A quick attack is not only an opportunity to instantly hit an enemy, but also a chance to escape from an enemy attack.

Also, by charging the sword, you will be able to perform an improved Streak. Nero deals much more damage and ends with one or two spinning slashes. Improved Streak is a great start to any fight. If you don't kill, you'll maim.


Method of execution: While in the air, press the Target Lock key plus move forward and the Strike key.

Nero will perform a sharp downward slash that will slam the opponent into the ground. A good way to knock down an opponent in a jump, pin a monster on the ground, or finish a combination of attacks in the air. A useful strike, but you're unlikely to use it often. However, the price of 50 souls is completely ridiculous, so buy it as soon as possible. You can perform the same blow with a charged sword. There are no differences other than impact force.


Method of execution: While in the air, press the Target Lock key plus move backward and the Strike key.

Nero makes a sharp dash towards the enemy and delivers a strong blow with his sword. This move is quite useful against flying opponents such as Sanctus or Angelo Agnus. Considering that you will have to fight with them regularly, it is advisable to buy this technique (it costs 500 souls) by the third or fourth level. If the sword is charged, the amount of energy in the blade determines how many strikes Nero will deliver in the air.


Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Target Lock key plus move backward, then forward and the Strike key.

This is a technique that is not entirely clear to me. Nero jumps away, then dashes forward and punches his opponent. The idea is that you first evade an enemy attack, and then carry out a counterattack. Quite difficult to implement and, in my opinion, too specific. Learn Shuffle for only 300 souls. The technique can be performed with a charged weapon, and the amount of energy determines how many hits Nero will deliver.

Blue Rose

Blue Rose is a huge revolver of a special design that fires from two barrels. There are no special techniques with a revolver; Nero is clearly not as skilled a shooter as Dante.

Normal Shot

Method of execution: Press the Shot key.

An ordinary shot from a revolver. Not very powerful, so press the Shot key several times to hit the enemy as hard as possible. This, um, technique is available from the very beginning.

Charge Shot, Charge Shot 2, Charge Shot 3

Method of execution: Press and hold the Shot key until the revolver glows with blue flame.

A charged shot is useful primarily because it knocks the enemy down. Before he has time to get up, you can run up and throw a combination of blows. However, if the monster is insensitive to melee attacks, Charge Shot can be used for the main attack. A loaded shot can be upgraded twice, but this is worth doing if you actively use the revolver. Charge Shot costs 50 souls, Charge Shot 2 - already 300 souls, Charge Shot 3 - the whole thousand.

Devil Bringer

Devil Bringer is Nero's right demonic hand, which has incredible strength and can suddenly grab and pull up enemies.


Method of execution: While near an enemy, press the Punch key.

If the opponent does not block, Nero will grab him with his demonic hand and perform a combination of blows. The advantage of the attack is that the enemy cannot independently interrupt Nero’s attack. She can only be stopped if another monster hits her in the back. Each enemy has its own animation of strikes, and this is pleasing to the eye.

The move is especially good against bosses. Nero doesn’t care what size the demon is, it won’t save the latter from brutal throws and blows. Buster does a lot of damage, but if you are fighting against a boss, it is better to turn on Devil Trigger before throwing. Then Nero will go completely wild and start hitting much harder.

Snatch, Snatch 2, Snatch 3

Method of execution: Press the Lock on target key and the Punch key.

Nero will grab the enemy and pull him towards him. If the monster is too big, the hero will pull himself towards it. Grab is one of Nero's most useful skills. Thanks to it, you can throw combinations of punches without stopping. After the last blow, it is enough to grab the enemy, bring him back to you and start attacking again.

If the enemies are too heavy for Nero to pull them up, Snatch can be used to quickly move around the battlefield. They attacked one monster, quickly pulled up to another, threw a combination of blows and attacked the third. Capturing is simply necessary in battles with bosses; the leaders give a little time to attack.

Capture is used in missions to solve story puzzles. For example, you will often have to grab the Grim Grip (glowing blue balls) to get across a gap. Snatch is given out for free according to the story, Snatch 2 will cost 300 souls, Snatch 3 costs 1000 souls. Each new level increases the distance at which you can grab the enemy. You must buy it as quickly as possible.

In addition to capturing enemies, you can get all sorts of benefits with Snatch. For example, spheres that increase the maximum amount of health. If you use Snatch while Devil Trigger is active, you can grab and pull up two or three monsters at once. It's funny, but nothing more.

After completing the eighth mission, a new ability will appear. After grabbing a monster, do not release the Punch key, and Nero uses the enemy as a human shield. Not to say that it is completely reliable, but it is nice to eliminate a captured enemy with the wrong hands. Overall, this ability is used more for fun.


Yes, yes, this same Yamato is the legendary sword of Vergil, Dante’s brother, with whom you had to fight in the third part of the game. In Devil May Cry 4 it is not used as a regular weapon. It's more of a special ability that increases Nero's stats for a while.

Devil Trigger

Method of execution: Press the Devil Trigger key.

After pressing the key, Nero will turn into a demon for a while, and you will be able to beat the enemy painfully. Just don’t waste time, Yamato’s energy tends to run out quickly. You will gain this ability as you progress through the game.

Trigger Heart

The improvement allows Yamato to consume less energy, which means Nero will be able to remain in the guise of a demon longer. The ability costs 2000 souls and requires immediate purchase.

Summoned Swords

Method of execution: When Nero is in demon form, press the Shot key.

Nero will create magical swords that will fly towards the enemy and cut him painfully. Not a very successful use of demon powers, but if the enemy is far away, why not? Still better than just waiting for Yamato's energy to run out.

Maximum Bet

Method of execution: When Nero is in demon form and standing on the ground, press the Punch key and Punch.

Nero, without any wisdom, slashes with his sword. But the force of the blow is such that the enemy suddenly becomes ill. Some monsters are gone forever. This blow costs 5,000 souls, which, of course, is an indecent amount.


Method of execution: When Nero is in demon form and standing on the ground, press the Lock key plus move forward plus the Punch key and Punch key.

Nero grabs Yamato's sword and strikes the enemy with a series of powerful blows. The ability costs 5000 souls and is mainly used in battles against bosses. Ordinary monsters are not worthy of such honors.


Side Roll

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Lock on target key plus move right or left and jump.

Nero will make a sharp roll to the side. This skill is useful when you are avoiding an enemy attack. In boss battles, the roll should be used along with the jump, and perhaps even a little more often.

Table Hopper

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Lock on target plus right or left and jump.

The move is performed in the same way as Side Roll, but the difference is that it must be done while the opponent is attacking Nero. Only in this case will the character dodge the blow and you will be able to counterattack the monster. Table Hopper only costs 150 souls, but it takes a lot of practice to learn how to do it correctly.

The improved version - Table Hopper 2 - already costs 500 souls. Its difference is that Nero jumps further; in addition, from a blow you can jump not only to the right or left, but in any direction. That is, the technique is performed as follows: while on the ground, press the Capture target plus right/left/back/forward and Jump.

The third version - Table Hopper 3 - will cost you 1000 damned souls. It only increases the effectiveness of the technique - after improvement, Nero will be able to evade almost any attack. Considering that the move is not cheap, it is best to buy it towards the end of the game when Table Hopper 3 is really needed.

Kick Jump

Method of execution: After jumping, while near the wall, press the Jump key again.

Nero will push off from the wall and jump again. With this skill you can climb onto high ledges. Usually Kick Jump is used to collect pluses, but sometimes you have to jump on walls to move further in the level.


Having purchased this skill for 300 souls, Nero first runs as usual, and then suddenly increases his speed. A very useful skill, especially in timed missions. But it will also be useful in battles, because the higher the speed, the better the maneuverability.


Method of execution: Immediately after performing any strike, press the Charge key.

A simple but incredibly useful skill. By pressing the key in time, you will again charge the sword with maximum energy. And this can continue ad infinitum. Keeping your sword charged at all times is difficult, but with this skill you can significantly increase your damage output. Max-Act costs 5,000 souls - it will take a long time to save.

Get More Orbs

By gaining this ability, Nero will be able to pick up all the red orbs in the room, no matter how far away they are. Get More Orbs makes it easy to collect red orbs hidden in secret places. You stand there, do nothing, and all the spheres are in your pocket. The skill costs 2,000 souls, and for that kind of money you can find the caches yourself.


Method of execution: While running, press the Taunt key.

To perform this move, you must first acquire the Speed ​​skill. Having accelerated, Nero jumps and hits the enemy with both legs. The move does not cripple the enemy, but knocks most monsters to the ground. Rainbow is not only a useful, but also a beautiful technique. And the best part is, you don't need to buy it.

Enemy Step

Method of execution: While in the air near an enemy, press the Jump key again.

If you perform the technique correctly, you will see how Nero pushes away from the enemy and jumps even higher. Funny and beautiful, but of little real use. So buy last. Still, 5000 souls at the beginning of the game can be spent with much greater benefit.

Air Hike

Method of execution: After jumping, while in the air, press the Jump key again.

Nero will create a force field under his feet and make a second jump. With this skill you can reach many hiding places, and also significantly increase your maneuverability during battles. Buy an Air Hike as soon as possible.



Dante's famous magic sword, with which he destroyed hundreds of demons. He won't let you down this time either.

Rebellion Combo A

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Kick, Kick, Kick key.

Dante's standard strike combination is three quick and sharp strikes. Weak monsters are knocked back by the blows, strong opponents do not even move. This technique is available to Dante from the very beginning of the game.

Rebellion Combo B

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Strike key - a short pause - Strike, Strike.

To perform the combination correctly, wait until Dante has almost finished making the first blow with the sword and continue pressing the key. Thanks to its wide swing, damage is caused not only to the enemy standing in front, but also to those sneaking up from the flank. When the combination comes to an end, Dante throws his sword forward (at the same time it begins to burn with red flames) and delivers a series of stabbing blows. At the same time, the faster you press the Strike button, the longer the lunges last. This technique is also available from the very beginning of the game.

Helm Breaker

Method of execution

Dante makes a powerful downward slash that hits his opponent both in the air and on the ground. A good technique if you need to knock down an enemy while jumping or simply stun someone standing on the ground. The kick is available from the very beginning of the game.

As you progress through the game, the demonic knights will learn to act together and even attack in formation.

High Time

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Target Lock key plus move backward and the Strike key.

Analogue of Nero's High Roller technique. Dante delivers a powerful upward slash with his sword, which knocks his opponent into the air. If you hold down the Strike key, Dante will jump up after the enemy, and you can continue to beat him up in the air. Admission also costs nothing.


Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Target Lock key plus move forward and the Strike key.

Dante rushes forward and delivers a blow that scatters weak monsters and stuns strong ones. In general, it is somewhat reminiscent of Nero's Streak technique. I recommend using the strike to quickly move around the battlefield. Learning Stinger will cost Dante 150 souls. For 700 souls you can improve reception, and Dante will be able to dash over longer distances.

Million Stab

Method of execution: When Dante performs a Stinger move, release all keys and continue to hold the Strike key.

After performing the Stinger move, Dante will perform a series of thrusts, similar to Rebellion Combo B. Not as useful a strike as it might seem at first. It mainly only works against strong enemies that Dante was unable to push back. In any case, this move is available from the very beginning of the game, there is no need to purchase it.

Round Trip

Method of execution: While on the ground, press and hold the Strike key. When the sword glows red, lower the key to strike.

Dante will dash his sword at his opponent. Not a very strong move, but allows you to reach the monster when it is far away. Until the sword is returned to its owner, you can move and shoot with pistols. If you want to return the blade faster, then press the Strike key. This move costs 1000 souls.


Gilgamesh are steel gloves and boots that can be used to hit enemies extremely hard. True, you first need to defeat the boss monster in the 13th mission. A similar weapon was already in the third part of the game.

Gilgamesh Combo A

Method of execution: While on the ground, press Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch.

Dante takes turns hitting his opponent with each arm and leg. These powerful attacks can be further enhanced by holding down the Strike key between attacks. This combination is available from the very beginning of the game and does not need to be purchased.

Gilgamesh Combo B

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Kick, Kick - short pause - Kick, Kick.

This combo of attacks is not much different in principle from Gilgamesh Combo A. Only the Strike key must be pressed when Dante is almost done with the second strike. If done correctly, the character will finish the move with two circular kicks. Just like in the previous combination, each strike can be strengthened by holding down the Strike key. This technique does not need to be purchased; it will come with the weapon.

Full House

Method of execution: While in the air, press the Strike key.

Dante will attack his opponent from above with a powerful kick and knock him down. Before the enemy has time to come to his senses, you can unleash another deadly combination of blows on him. This technique is also available from the very beginning.

Try to jump behind the knight to strike with your demonic hand.


Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Target Lock key plus move backward and the Strike key.

Dante will quickly jump back, thereby dodging the enemy's blow. This technique is good to use as a setup for a counterattack or specifically for a Straight strike.


Method of execution: Immediately after performing the Draw move, release all keys except Punch. When the weapon turns red, release the key.

The result of these actions will be Dante's sharp throw towards the nearest enemy followed by a blow. Just be careful not to wait, otherwise the enemies may strike first. In certain situations a very useful technique. Moreover, Straight does not need to be purchased, it is available from the very beginning.

Kick 13

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Target Lock key plus move forward and the Strike key.

Dante, fluttering like a butterfly, delivers a series of powerful kicks to the monster. If the enemies are gathered in a group, everyone will get it. This move costs 500 cursed souls, which is a fair price.


Method of execution: Press the jump key.

Having purchased this move for 1000 souls, Dante will begin to jump very dangerously for his enemies. Literally. When the character jumps up, he is surrounded by magical flames that burn the enemy. The damage is small, but the enemy will fall to the ground. Overall, Flush is more of a defensive move that prevents monsters from attacking. Larger and tougher enemies will simply take a little damage but will not be knocked back.


Another demonic sword that will blow everyone's head off their shoulders. You will receive it by defeating the boss monster in mission 16.

Lucifer Combo A

Method of execution: While on the ground, press Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch...

Actually, you can really hit indefinitely. Lucifer's specialty is that he creates magical blades that pierce the enemy's body and explode after some time. Therefore, drive as many magic swords as you like into the enemy, and then watch how the unfortunate monster is torn into small pieces. This technique is available for free and there is no need to purchase it.

Lucifer Combo B

Method of execution: While on the ground, press Punch, short pause, Punch, short pause, Punch...

Actually, this combination differs in execution from Lucifer Combo A only in the frequency of pressing the key. But the result is completely different. Magic swords also pierce the enemy's body, but they do not need to explode, they immediately deal full damage. Sometimes it is more convenient to hit this way, but you need to look at the situation. This appointment is given free of charge.

Lucifer Combo C

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Strike key, Strike - long pause - Strike.

This combination is a continuation of the Lucifer Combo B. When you have made two presses, wait until Dante is almost finished moving, and press the Strike key again. The hero will turn towards the nearest enemy and create a wall of magic swords. The enemy has no choice but to retreat or die senselessly. The main problem when performing this technique is to correctly calculate the time and distance to the enemy. Lucifer Combo C is also given from the very beginning.

Lucifer Combo D

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Impact key, Impact - a short pause - Impact.

Dante first shoots two magic swords in front of him, then turns 180 degrees and places four more swords. This combination is useful when you have to fight against a group of monsters and there is a real threat of being surrounded. Two swords in front and four in back, if they don’t kill, will temporarily stop enemies. There is no need to purchase the appointment, it is available from the very beginning.

Lucifer Combo E

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the key Impact, Impact, Impact, Impact - a short pause - Impact.

At first, Dante simply hits with magic swords, then suddenly throws out three blades at once. Nothing special, just the enemy will take more damage. But this is a rather complex combination; you can easily make a mistake and perform one of the above techniques. Lucifer Combo E is also given from the very beginning.


Method of execution: While in the air, press the Strike key.

Dante creates four magical blades while jumping. Quite a way to bring a flying monster down to the ground while simultaneously inflicting decent damage on it. As you probably already guessed, this is a free appointment.


Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Target Lock key plus move backward and the Strike key.

This technique causes all the magic swords that were created earlier to explode. Moreover, the blades explode in the sequence in which they are released. This technique allows you to save a lot of time and also get good style points. There is also room for creativity, simultaneous detonation of all enemies, it is difficult, but incredibly beautiful. Ecstasy is also completely free. Just some kind of communism.


Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Target Lock key plus move forward and the Strike key.

Dante creates 5 magical swords that pierce the enemy. After a while they explode and deal additional damage. True, the detonation time is indecently long, so it is better to use Ecstasy for a quick detonation. This is perhaps the most useful trick Lucifer has. You can instantly repeat the move three times and summon 15 magical swords. You know, this is a serious argument even in a fight with strong monsters. True, communism has not yet arrived and for Pin-Up they will demand 500 souls from you.

Ebony & Ivory

Two famous pistols of Dante, with the help of which he brings eternal goodness and glory into the world.

Normal Shot

Method of execution: Press the Shot key.

One shot doesn't do much damage, but the more you press the key, the faster Dante fires. If you shoot in the air, the character will fall much slower. It is clear that you won’t have to buy a simple shot.

Method of execution: Press and hold the Shot key until the pistols glow, then release the Shot key.

The pistols are first charged with energy, and then Dante fires several powerful shots that cause good damage. Each subsequent improvement in the technique increases the number of powerful shots. Charge Shot - will cost 150 souls, Charge Shot 2 - 500 souls, Charge Shot 3 - 1000 souls.


An ordinary sawn-off shotgun, loaded with unusual buckshot that kills demons on the spot. You can change pistols to sawn-off pistols right during the battle.

Normal Shot

Method of execution: Press the Shot key.

A simple shot. The sawn-off shotgun does not fire as fast as a pistol, but it does more damage and can knock back an enemy (depending on the type of demon). The latter seems to me to be the most useful, you can throw the enemy away from you so that he does not have time to hit, and then quickly counterattack.

Charge Shot, Charge Shot 2 and Charge Shot 3

Method of execution: Press and hold the Shot key until the sawed-off shotgun glows, then release the Shot key.

A shot from a sawn-off shotgun charged with energy causes much more damage than a simple shot. Each new level increases the number of charges released. After maximum improvement, a charged shot can already be used as a full-fledged and independent attack. Although temporarily concussing the enemy is still of great value.

In general, a shotgun is a crude weapon that allows you to mock the enemy. It's nice to watch how the monster, just short of reaching Dante, flies back with buckshot in the stomach. Charge Shot - costs 150 souls, Dante fires one charged shot, Charge Shot 2 - costs 500 souls, Dante fires two charged shots, Charge Shot 3 - costs 1000 souls, Dante fires three shots.


Yes exactly. Pandora's Box in Devil May Cry 4 is a full-fledged weapon. Moreover, if you believe the description, it is capable of crippling the enemy in 666 ways. Of course, in reality there are much fewer techniques. To be precise in 658 ways, but everything is great - the idea is extremely original. I take my hat off to the developers. You will receive Pandora's Box by defeating the boss monster in mission 15.

PF013: Epidemic

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Shot key.

Pandora's Box transforms into a bow that fires three homing missiles. The charges deal a lot of damage, but are extremely slow, so they can only be used against slow-moving opponents. This attack is available from the very beginning.

PF262: Jealousy

Method of execution: While in the air, press the Shot key.

Pandora's Box turns into a machine gun that quickly fires at the enemy. Not as much damage as PF013: Epidemic, but the shots hit, even on a moving target. While shooting, Dante falls down more slowly, so if circumstances are successful, you can have time to open fire as many as two times.

PF124: Hatred

Method of execution: Press and hold the Shot key, then press right or left three times and release the key.

This time, Pandora's Box will turn into a bazooka that will fire rockets. True, they fly even slower than bow missiles, so it happens that the enemy manages to dodge by simply moving a little to the side. In general, shoot when the enemy is not going to move anywhere. This reception costs 500 souls.

PF398: Revenge

Method of execution: After performing the Hatred move, press move to either side twice.

The further into the forest, the angrier the partisans. Before the enemy has time to recover from the bazooka salvo (Hatred technique), Pandora's Box will turn into a laser installation that will fire a powerful energy beam. Here you need the target not to move anywhere at all. If you miss, then the enemy will receive terrible damage. This move costs 1000 souls.

Fighting styles

If you played the previous part, then you will immediately understand what we are talking about. In general terms, each style has special moves and attacks. Each style has three levels, which you have to buy with souls. But each level gives certain techniques or skills.


This style greatly improves Dante's agility. All techniques are in one way or another related to rapid movement in space.


Method of execution: While on the ground, press forward and the Style key.

Just a sharp jerk to the side. A good technique for dodging attacks and maneuvering on the battlefield.

Sky Star

Method of execution: While in the air, press forward and the Style key.

The trick is somewhat reminiscent of Air Hike: Dante creates a force field under his feet and makes another jump, but this time in a horizontal plane. The technique significantly increases the character’s maneuverability, making it easier in battles with bosses on high difficulty. The best part is that Sky Star can be performed even after Air Hike and Kick Jump. This move requires Style Level 3.


Method of execution: After performing the Dash move, continue to hold the Style key.

For this technique, you need to have some kind of monster next to the character. Dante, after finishing his Dash, will jump on the enemy and make a high jump. Requires style level two.


Method of execution: When an enemy knocks your character down, press the Style key.

The meaning of the technique is very simple - Dante, having received a blow to the head and falling to the ground, will jump sharply to a safe distance at the press of a key. A good way to avoid further attack, as well as prepare for a retaliatory attack. This technique requires a second style level.

Air Trick

Method of execution: Lock on to a target, press forward and the Style key.

Dante will instantly, unless the distance is very large, move towards the enemy. An incredibly useful skill - before the monster has time to come to its senses, you are already standing next to it, waving a huge sword. However, this technique will become available at the fourth level of the style.

Sword Master

An offensive style that adds new attacks to all weapons. Actually, there is nothing more to add.

table 2
Sword Master
Level Price New tricks
Second level 300 Aerial Rave, Beast Uppercut, Climax
Third level 700 Drive, Quick Drive, Rising Dragon, Divine Dragon
Fourth level 5000 Over Drive, Dance Macabre, Real Impact, Bondage


Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Rebellion, press the Style key.

Dante spins the sword in front of him like a propeller. The enemy hit is thrown up. The move is useful due to its ability to throw enemies into the air. The impact force, unfortunately, is small.


Method of execution: After performing the Prop move, press the Style key.

Dante begins to spin the sword again. Exactly the same effect and damage done. There is only one difference - hold down the Style key, and Dante will continue to spin the sword.

Aerial Rave

Method of execution: While in the air and armed with Rebellion, press the Style key four times.

Dante lands four sharp blows. This is a kind of improved jump attack; it differs from a regular air attack in greater damage. The technique requires a second level of style.


Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Rebellion, press Lock on Target plus move backward and the Style key.

Dante charges his sword with energy and sends a vertical blast wave at the enemy. Please note that the technique requires time to prepare, so you need to make sure that the monsters do not have time to interrupt the attack. The strike requires style level three.

Quick Drive

Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Rebellion, press the Style and Strike key.

Fast version of the Drive technique. Performs much faster, but deals less damage. The Style and Strike keys must be pressed and released at the same time. This technique requires the third level of style.

Over Drive

Method of execution: When Dante performs the Drive move, namely launching a blast wave, quickly press the Style key.

If you hit the key at the right time, Dante quickly releases two more blast waves. This is a great way to complete a combo, but it is quite difficult to pull off. You need to subtly feel when exactly to press the key, because the time allotted is indecently short. The technique is available at the fourth style level.

Dance Macabre

Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Rebellion, press Lock on Target plus forward movement and the Style key.

Dante slides forward and throws a combination of punches, somewhat similar to Rebellion Combo B, only the move is much faster and does more damage. In my opinion, Dance Macabre is one of the most beautiful moves in the game, the ending is especially impressive. To learn this blow, you will have to spend money on the fourth level of the style.


Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Gilgamesh, press the Style key.

Keep the key pressed until your fist turns red. Dante will slam his hand onto the ground, causing any nearby enemies to take minor damage. Due to the weak blast wave, this move is better suited to slightly stall monsters.


Method of execution: While in the air and armed with Gilgamesh, press the Style key.

Dante jumps down sharply and hits the ground hard with his hand. The effect and damage are exactly the same as the Shock technique. A good way to clear the area before landing.

Beast Uppercut

Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Gilgamesh, press Lock on Target plus forward movement and the Style key.

Dante rushes towards his opponent and does an uppercut. This is such a simple blow. True, it deals good damage and, importantly, knocks down even healthy monsters. Therefore, until the enemy comes to his senses, you can jump up sharply and attack again. The technique will become available at the second style level.

Rising Dragon/Divine Dragon

Method of execution: After performing the Beast Uppercut, continue to hold all three keys (Lock Target, Move Forward, and Style Key) and when the gauntlet glows, strike.

Continue taking Beast Uppercut. Dante throws an uppercut again, only this time the damage is much higher. A good combination of attacks when you are fighting with few but strong opponents. First, one was knocked out, and then the second was sent after.

However, instead of Rising Dragon, you can perform Divine Dragon. To do this, just wait until the glove flashes a second time. The result will be as expected - an even stronger uppercut. True, the reception takes a long time to prepare, which is not always convenient. Rising Dragon and Divine Dragon are given at the third level of the style.

Real Impact

Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Gilgamesh, press Lock on Target plus backward movements and the Style key.

Dante runs up to the enemy and throws several strong blows at him. A good combination against a single opponent. The technique requires Style Level 4.


Method of execution: With Lucifer equipped, press the Style key.

A trick with great potential. First, Dante collects all the previously released swords that did not stick into the enemy, and then shoots them forward. That is, you can collect useless blades on the battlefield and hurt an enemy who is not expecting such a trick. I recommend paying special attention to this technique.


Method of execution: With Lucifer equipped, press Lock on target plus backward movement and the Style key.

Dante again summons the previously released free swords, but this time places them around himself. The blades will hang in the air for a second and explode. A good defensive technique that will quickly throw the enemy back, causing him decent damage. If desired, Climax can be used as a trap. The strike requires a second level of style.


Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Lucifer, press Lock on target plus forward movement and the Style key.

Dante summons previously released free swords and points them at the target enemy. The blades will pierce the monster and explode after a while. However, by using Ecstasy you can force them to detonate ahead of schedule. This strike is the best way to use unattended swords. This way nothing will go to waste. The technique requires Style Level 4.


In Devil May Cry 4, firearms can hardly be called auxiliary weapons. It, of course, causes less damage than blades, but if used correctly, it will spoil the enemy a lot of blood. It is not for nothing that firearms have their own style. With Gunslinger you can use Ebony & Ivory, Coyote-A and Pandora. Also, each successfully completed move fills the style indicator.

Table 3
Level Price New tricks
Second level 300 Rain Storm, Fireworks Air
Third level 700 Backslide, PF422: Grief
Fourth level 5000 Honeycomb Fire, Gun Stinger, PF666: Omen

Twosome Time

Method of execution: While on the ground and equipped with Ebony & Ivory, press the Style key.

A beautiful, but a little stupid technique. Dante starts shooting with both hands at once. With your left hand, the character shoots at a specific enemy, and with your right hand you can control and aim independently. However, if you don't want to aim, Dante will find the target on his own. The shooting, of course, looks beautiful, but the character practically cannot move at this moment. Therefore, the only thing Twosome Time is good for is to shoot a bunch of weak monsters with pathos and escape.

Rain Storm

Method of execution: While in the air and armed with Ebony & Ivory, press the Style key.

Dante flips upside down and begins to fall, firing both pistols at the same time. The higher the altitude, the longer it will shoot and the wider the radius of destruction on the ground. A very, very pleasant technique, for which you can buy the second level of style.

Honeycomb Fire

Method of execution: After performing the Twosome Time move, release all keys and begin quickly pressing the Style key.

Dante will independently take aim at any monster and start shooting incredibly quickly. The faster you press the Style key, the more bullets will be fired. True, during shooting the character cannot move at all. Therefore, when using this technique, make sure that there is no bloodthirsty monster with dirty intentions nearby. For Honeycomb Fire you will have to purchase the fourth style level.


Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Coyote-A, press the Style key.

Dante will begin to spin the sawn-off shotgun around himself, shooting in all directions. A good technique when the character is surrounded by opponents. Weak monsters will be knocked down, and strong enemies will simply be in great pain. For the shots to hit the target, the enemy must be indecently close to the character.

Fireworks Air

Method of execution: While in the air and armed with Coyote-A, press the Style key.

Dante simply shoots around himself with a sawn-off shotgun. In general, the same as Fireworks, only in the air. The enemy also has to be close to be shot, making the technique not very useful. The situation when several monsters surround you while jumping is quite rare. To learn the Fireworks Air move, you will have to buy the second level of the style.


Method of execution: While on the ground and equipped with Coyote-A, press Lock on Target plus move backwards and the Style key.

Dante grabs a sawn-off shotgun and shoots at the enemy sneaking up from behind. Not a bad technique, especially when you need to quickly drive away the enemy. If you hit the target, the monster will receive good damage. But the target should be as close to Dante as possible; the firing range is still short. This technique requires the third level of style.

Gun Stinger

Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Coyote-A, press Lock on Target plus move forward and the Style key.

Dante throws the sawed-off shotgun forward and shoots at the enemy. The technique is also best performed at close range; the firing range is not too high. But if you do hit, you will cause enormous damage (relative to the sawed-off shotgun, of course). This is the best move with Coyote-A, but requires style level 4.

PF594: Argument

Method of execution: Armed with Pandora, press the Style key.

Pandora's Box continues to delight and surprise. Now it turns into a rocket launcher. All you have to do is capture the target and fire missiles (Shot key). The technique looks amazing, and the enemy becomes unbearably painful. The more the style indicator is filled, the longer you can shoot.

PF422: Grief

Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Pandora, press Lock on Target plus move backward and the Style key.

Pandora's Box turns into a boomerang with huge blades, which Dante quickly throws at the monster. The blades slice at the enemy until the style meter is empty or the victim goes to hell. Not too much damage, but good throwing distance. This technique requires the third level of style.

PF666: Omen

Method of execution: While on the ground and armed with Pandora, press Lock on Target plus move forward and the Style key.

Dante opens Pandora's Box and a bright flash burns his opponents. A good attack radius and high damage - what else is needed for happiness? This move completely depletes the style meter. To learn PF666: Omen, you need to buy style level four.

Royal Guard

This style allows Dante to block and deflect enemy attacks. Each successful use of a Royal Guard move fills a special meter. When it reaches its maximum value, new techniques will become available to you.


Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Style key.

Dante blocks enemy attacks. However, not every attack can be repelled, and the defense weakens with each new blow. Sooner or later the enemy will break through the block anyway. Therefore, release the key in time to restore protection. If an enemy breaks through the block, the style indicator will reset to zero.

Air Block

Method of execution: While in the air, press the Style key.

The same block, only in a jump. In my opinion, a less useful technique. You don’t always have time to react, and in the air Dante is usually in less danger. A jump block also does not reflect all attacks. Usually the character misses attacks from especially strong monsters. This technique requires a second style level.

Royal Block

Method of execution: At the last moment before hitting, press the Style key.

This technique differs from Block only in the method of execution, the result is the same - reflecting the enemy’s attack. However, if you successfully Royal Block, the style meter will fill up a lot more. In general, for those who like to take risks and are confident in their abilities. If successful, the reward will be significant.


Method of execution

When the style meter is full or almost full, you can perform this technique. Dante attacks with his bare hands and throws out all the accumulated energy. The attack is quite destructive, so it is best used against strong monsters.

Air Release

Method of execution: While in the air, press Lock on target plus move forward and the Style key.

Same as Release, only in the air. Again, it is better to use against strong monsters. To get Air Release, you need the second style level.

Royal Release

Method of execution: While standing on the ground, at the last moment before hitting, press Lock on Target plus move forward and the Style key.

You probably already understand the meaning of the technique. Same as Release, but when you perform it at the last moment before an enemy strike, Dante deals triple damage. Whether to take risks or not, decide according to the situation.


Method of execution

Dante becomes invulnerable to enemy attacks. It cannot be penetrated by anything, not even thrown back with a strong blow. At this moment, the enemy can only die. Don't hesitate, energy is consumed quickly. To use Dreadnaught, the gauge must be at least half full. This technique requires style level 4. Of course, it’s a little expensive for one use, but complete invulnerability is worth it.

Dark Slayer

You will receive this style when Dante has the Yamato sword in his hands. This will happen at the end of the game. To select a style, double-tap the Sword Master style selection key. Dark Slayer doesn't need to be upgraded.

Slash Dimension F

Method of execution: While on the ground, press Lock on target plus move forward and the Style key.

Dante will create a wall of swords several meters wide in front of him. After a while, the swords will explode, causing damage to enemies. The technique is effective only if the enemy is not moving too actively. It is enough to step back and the blow will miss the target.

Slash Dimension C

Method of execution: While on the ground, press Lock on target plus move backwards and the Style key.

Once again a wall of exploding swords is created, but this time directly in front of Dante. Overall, a defensive move that can interrupt an enemy's attack or break up an environment if monsters corner you.

Yamato Combo S

Method of execution: While on the ground, press the Style key three times.

Dante first hits the enemy twice with the scabbard, and then draws his sword and strikes a third blow. Unfortunately, Yamato's sword is incredibly cool only in cutscenes. There's really nothing much to brag about.

Aerial Rave V

Method of execution: While in the air, press the Style key.

Dante will simply hit Yamato with his sword. In general, a normal jump attack. Before Dante lands, you can hit him several times.

Skills and Devil Trigger

Dante, unlike Nero, can transform into a demon (Devil Trigger ability) without the Yamato sword. While the character is in monster form, he moves and attacks faster, and also deals more damage. For Dante, you can only buy Trigger Heart, which increases the time you stay in demon form.

Dante also has fewer skills than Nero. And, what’s most offensive, what there are - Kick Jump, Speed, Get More Orbs, Enemy Step, Air Hike - are exactly the same both in cost and method of application. It doesn't even turn out interesting somehow.

Now you know what techniques both characters have, as well as how to fight bosses. However, this does not mean that the described tactics are the only and unique ones. Any opponent can be beaten in completely different ways. Combine attacks and skills to find something new.

Table 5
Item cost
Item First purchase* Second purchase Third purchase Fourth purchase Fifth purchase Sixth purchase Seventh and subsequent purchases
Vital Star S 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000
Vital Star M 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000 10000
Vital Star L 3500 5000 7500 13500 20000 20000 20000
Devil Star S 2000 2800 4300 7800 15000 15000 15000
Devil Star L 3500 5000 7500 13500 20000 20000 20000
Holy Water 10000 15000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000
Blue Orb 3000 5000 10000 15000 30000 50000 50000
Purple Orb 2500 4500 8000 15000 20000 30000 50000
Gold Orb 10000 15000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000

* With each subsequent purchase, the cost of the item increases.


Mission 1: Birds of a Feather

The first mission is a kind of training. They will tell you how to jump, shoot, avoid enemy attacks, etc. Once you complete the tutorial, a full battle with Dante will begin. However, the famous hero is not too eager to fight, and you can defeat him in a thousand and one ways. You can simply score with a demonic hand or sword.

Mission 2: La Porte de L'Enfer

Opera House Plaza

After the video in which you will be shown how terrible demons kill innocent citizens, the second level will begin. Finish off the monsters that appear after the start of the level, break the benches to collect red orbs, and go into the building.


Break the tanks to reach the pluses, climb up the small ladder and double jump off the wall to reach a cache with a golden orb. Then jump onto the upper tier, finish off the monsters that appear and move on.


Go to the glowing column and take the artifact. Now Nero can cling to glowing blue balls with his hand, and also drag enemies towards him. Using your new ability, go up to the top tier, break the furniture again to get red orbs, and leave the room.


Go to the far end of the balcony and use the demonic hand to jump to the other side of the street. Keep jumping until you reach the patio. There's nothing interesting here, you can go straight to the next area.

Residential District

Break the huge crystal to get a lot of red orbs. Then jump for the red orbs onto the roof. Having climbed to the very top, jump into the niche on the left to pick up a fragment of the blue sphere. Let me remind you that by collecting four such fragments, you will receive an additional division to the amount of life.

Port Caerula

After passing through the tunnel, double jump from the wall to take the red sphere and inspect the area. To go further, you need to somehow lower the drawbridge. Use the demonic hand to jump to the other side of the pier and enter the building.

Customs House

Finish off the monsters that come running, and then hit the circle with the blue lights until you destroy the barrier at the top. Jump onto the second tier, go into the control cabin and examine the remote control. Nero will convince the mechanism to lower the drawbridge. Finish off the enemies that appear and leave the room through the second entrance.

First Mining Area

Collect red balls in the aqueduct and go to the statue. You need to hit the “Brutal” combination on it to get a blue sphere, which increases Nero’s health by one notch. Then buy skills and items from the statue seller if necessary, and move on to the next area. The first boss awaits you there - the hellish horse Berial. We talked about how to fight him in the last issue.

Mission 3: The White Wing

Second Mining Area

In the tunnel, finish off the monsters and break the wooden boards to get to the red crystal, from which you can knock out red spheres. Then use the demonic hand to jump up. A fragment of a blue sphere is hidden here. However, to get to it, you need to have the Snatch 2 upgrade.

So, first jump onto the first two platforms. When you jump to the third one, the camera will change angle. Jump forward and grab the blue ball with your demonic hand. You can only grab it if you bought Snatch 2. Grab the second ball, and then jump from the wall and grab the third ball. Continue climbing until you reach a platform with a blue orb fragment.

Then jump into the tunnel, finish off the enemies and go down the left sleeve to pick up the Vital Star S. Follow the tunnel until you come out.

Fortuna Castle Gate

Run forward, collecting red balls until you fall down. Now you have to meet the ice demons. They need to be grabbed and beaten with a demonic hand. If, while you are spinning the demon, another enemy is nearby, he will also receive small damage. After dealing with the monsters, go into the building.

Grand Hall

Break all the chairs to collect the red orbs and exit through the western door. Through the Large Hall corridor you need to get to the Torture Chamber.

Torture Chamber

A crowd of monsters is waiting for you here, so move more actively and try to hit the enemy in the air to protect yourself from attacks from behind. Climb up and remember how the blue balls move. Your task is to grab them in time and get to the door on the other side. You can relax on the platforms. If you fall down, you will have to fight the monsters again, and then start over.

Foris Falls

Actually, we came here only for Vital Star S, which is located on top of a small column. After taking the first aid kit, exit through the second door and run to the Upper Grand Hall. There, hit the circle with the blue lights to remove the protection, and go through the southeast door.


Collect the hidden red balls - for this you will have to jump a little on the ledges - and go into the library. There you will meet the demonic knights for the first time. Jump behind them and, while they turn around, hit them with a sword or demonic hand. After destroying the monsters, take the item from the yellow pillar of light.

Mission 4: Cold Blooded


Hit the strange bladed object with your demonic hand. This will activate the artifact. Now push him towards the door with the emblem with blows to destroy the barrier.


There is also a bladed artifact here. But we use it for other purposes, namely to destroy the monsters that appear. Hit it with your demonic hand, then hit it with your sword a few times. When the blades begin to spin quickly, strike again with your demonic hand and watch as the artifact quickly rolls around the room, destroying opponents.

Grand Hall

Go to the Upper Grand Hall and jump down. Activate the artifact again and destroy the sarcophagus in the center of the hall. Below it you will see a red sign (needed for high jumps), which we cannot use yet. So go out to Large Hall.

Large Hall

Here you need to destroy the blue seal on the door. This can be done by placing four bladed artifacts on the flaming circles. Two artifacts are already standing, so you only have to do half the work.

First, activate one of the artifacts and push it to the opposite end of the corridor. There, destroy the seal to release another artifact. Now push them back towards the door. Don't forget to hit them with your sword to make them roll faster, cutting down your opponents at the same time. It remains to find the last artifact. Quickly go to the Dining Room.

Dining room

Finish off the demonic knights that appear. Then break the chairs and cutlery to get red orbs and go out into the corridor. A fireball periodically flies there, which you cannot dodge. Therefore, activate the artifact standing in the corner and, using it as a shield, start moving along the corridor. Push until the artifact destroys the mouth that shoots fireballs.

After exiting through the door, you will again find yourself in the Large Hall, but in a closed room. Kill the demons and hit the circle with the blue lights. This will open the passage. Now activate the artifact - this is the fourth one we were missing - and push it to the door with the seal. Don't forget to give it a boost to quickly destroy the monsters in the corridor.

When all four artifacts are in place, the seal will disappear and you will be able to enter the Central Courtyard. A demonic toad awaits you there. We already talked about how to fight this boss in the last issue.

Mission 5: Trisagion

Soldier's Graveyard

The level will begin with a battle with new monsters. While they are shrouded in darkness, you cannot deal serious damage. Therefore, remove the protection with shots from a pistol or wait for the creature to strike, and then grab it with a demonic hand. When the monster is on the ground, you will see its true appearance - some kind of huge insect. At this moment, the demon is helpless, so run up close and throw a combination of blows.

Then start collecting red orbs. Break tombstones, icicles near the fountain, monuments. Don't forget about the cache, it's located near the eastern wall. If Nero's glove is on fire, it means you need to jump. Also pick up the golden sphere. It's also located on the east wall, but to get to the prize you need to have Snatch 2, otherwise you simply won't be able to reach the plus.

Master's Chamber

There's nothing interesting here. Therefore, beat the demonic knights, break the furniture to get to the red orbs, and go to the Torture Chamber.

Torture Chamber

Hit the circle with the blue lights to extend the bridge, and push the artifact to the statue. After the impact, everyone will fall into the ground together.

Spiral Well

Once at the bottom, finish off the flying demons and take the artifact from the red column. You can now use red circles to jump high. But before you leave the well, thoroughly search the area. You must find hidden red spheres, a red crystal with spheres, holy water and Vital Star S. Having collected all this stuff, you can safely leave the musty dungeon.

Grand Hall

Now you need to get to the Grand Hall. You already know how to go, all that remains is to cut through the crowds of enemies. In the Grand Hall, stand on the red circle to jump onto the chandelier. Hit the cable and the chandelier will make a huge hole in the priest's portrait. Go into the opened passage. Use the demonic hand from behind the bars to grab the Vital Star S and run down the hallway to complete the level.

Mission 6: Resurrection

R&D Access

First of all, grab a fragment of the blue sphere and jump down. Demon swords await you there. While they are flying in the air, shoot them with a pistol. When the sword sticks into the ground, run up and grab it with your demonic hand. You can also hit with a sword, but the damage will be much more modest.

Game Room

In this room you have to play a simple game. There is a field with circles of a certain color. There is a figurine of the main character and a huge cube. You hit the die, a number appears, and the figure moves to the corresponding field. Depending on the color of the field, an event occurs. Your task is to bring the Nero figurine to the end of the playing field.

Red field - monsters are attacking you or some unpleasant event is happening. The effect depends on the specific field on which the figure stands. Blue field - various advantages, starting with rain from red and green spheres and ending with the appearance of treasures. Yellow field - the figure returns to the previous yellow field. White field - nothing.

Containment Room

You will find yourself in a room with the alchemist Agnus, and the boss battle of the level will begin. We already wrote about it in the last issue, but in short, you need to break the glass by throwing demon swords at it. Having won and watched the video, you will receive the Yamato sword as a reward. This is the famous blade of Virgil, Dante’s brother, whom he killed several times over the course of three parts. With the help of Yamato, Nero will be able to turn into a demon for a while.

Foris Falls

Pick up the first aid kit and hit the circle with the blue lights to extend the bridge and remove the seal from the stairs. Go upstairs and look for a fragment of the blue sphere. To get to it, you need to use the Streak technique.

Angel Creation

There are especially many demonic knights in this room, so don't relax and watch your health. After destroying the monsters, find the hidden balls (a niche not far from the remote control) and leave the room.

Underground Laboratory

Use the remote, then go to the red circle and start jumping up. You will find yourself in the castle again. If you forgot to do something - collect prizes, pass tests - this is your last chance. As Nero, you will no longer return to the castle. Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? Then go across the bridge.

Mission 7: The She-Viper

Forest Entrance

Once we crossed the waterfall, we were already in the jungle. But what about the snow-covered castle, why such a sudden change in climate? Here's something weird... First of all, break the giant eggs to get to the red spheres. Sometimes they are difficult to notice; you navigate by the fiery veins. Then break the crystal and move on.

Windswept Valley

Ruined Church

In the destroyed church you will see what happens when seeds jump on ordinary monsters - chimeras are obtained. These demons are dangerous because they can interrupt your attacks and counterattack even if you knock them down. Therefore, try to attack with a demonic hand or shoot with a pistol.

The southern doorway is blocked by a strange plant, so the only thing we can do is jump up. Hit the circle with the blue lights to activate the magic bridge. His problem is that platforms disappear too quickly. So run to the door before you fall down.

Ruined Valley

Use the demonic hand to jump over the gap and hit the circle with the blue lights. The magic bridge will appear again. But now the task has become somewhat more complicated. The tiles appear slowly, and there are also flying monsters trying to knock Nero into the abyss. I advise you not to try to finish them off, but simply dodge the attacks.

If you do fall, you will find yourself in an impromptu arena, from which you can only get out by finishing off all the monsters. But this does not save you from having to run across the magic bridges again. In general, this can become another headache - the opponents won’t knock you down, so you yourself can jump unsuccessfully.

Lapis River

A fairly large area, but nothing bad will happen in it. Therefore, collect the red orbs hidden in the strange eggs and go to the Ancient Plaza.

Ancient Plaza

Finish off the flock of chimeras that have come running and go northeast. You will find yourself in a familiar valley, but on the other side. Using a blow from the demonic hand, activate the artifact and push it to the runic wall in the southeast. Then go through the door. Oh, familiar places again! Walk across the bridges...

Somehow the dragon arrived at the wrong time... And what’s really unpleasant is that he begins to break the bridges. To avoid falling into the abyss, quickly run forward and do not try to attack the monster. It's useless, you can't kill him now.

Forgotten Ruins

First, hit the statue with a combo to get the Atomic! style score. If successful, you will receive a blue orb fragment. Go forward and chop up another squad of monsters. If you hurry, you can kill the seeds before they can jump on the demons. Then buy from the statue seller and go to the boss battle. We already talked about how to fight the ancient Greek Echidna, the mother of many disgusting creatures, in the last issue.

Mission 8: Profession of Faith

Ancient Training Grounds

Passing under the bridge, jump up and break the eggs that block the fragment of the blue sphere from view. Pick up the plus, run forward and attack the monsters. If you don't delay, you can destroy the chimera seeds before they attach themselves to the stuffed animals. Once cleared, walk across the Lapis River to the Ancient Plaza.

Ancient Plaza

Remember the strange plant that blocked the path? Go straight to him and press the jump key. Thanks to the ability received after defeating Echidna, Nero will destroy plants with one touch. A surprise awaits you ahead - Nero is attacked by demons, which you may recognize if you have played the previous parts of the game. Greet old friends with a blow from the demonic hand.

Ruined Church

After dealing with the monsters, go to the Ruined Church through the Windswept Valley area. In the church, finish off the monsters and clear the southern passage from the plants. Well, we are little by little getting closer to our goal.

Lost Woods

You will find yourself in an extremely interesting place. There is a pillar at the crossroads of four roads. There is a hint written on it that hints which road to take. If you choose the wrong path, you will find yourself in an arena with monsters. It will be possible to get out of there only by destroying all the creatures. But after this the second part of the hint will appear. And if you make a mistake again, the third one (though you still have to fight the demons first).

However, the first clue is already quite clear. Always follow the path that is on the opposite side of the pillar's shadow. The shadow points south - go north. Just like that, run through this intersection - it’s normal that you will return to it until you leave the enchanted place.

Gran Album Bridge

You will run across bridges over the Forgotten Ruins and Ancient Training Ground areas (don't worry, you won't be bored - the monsters won't let you) until you reach the order's headquarters. Run across the long bridge to the arena. Credo will come to Nero and reveal a terrible secret. Then the battle will begin.

Mission 9: For You

Gran Album Bridge

Break everything that is not bolted to the floor and move on. A rather unpleasant surprise awaits you. As part of a detachment of demonic knights, you will be greeted by the same demonic commander. While he is present in the squad, ordinary knights act more harmoniously and attack in an organized crowd. In addition, the officer fights much faster, deals more damage and defends better.

However, despite the fact that the commander “improves” the knights, he should be beaten last. First, deal with the ordinary soldiers, then take on the leader. The reason for this choice of targets is simple - you will not be able to attack the commander normally, the knights will constantly interfere and not give room for maneuver.

In this battle, as in all other similar ones, I would recommend using the sword more often. Of course, the demonic hand does more damage, but the enemy often interrupts the attacks. However, if the enemy has gathered in a crowd in one place, it is better to hit with your hand - this way you will damage several demons at once. When the commander is left alone, seize the moment between his attacks, jump behind him and hit him with your hand.

Grand Hall

It's calm and quiet here, and you can start breaking down the benches to collect the red orbs. Also be sure to pick up the Devil Star S in the northwest corner. All that remains is to deal with the statue. This time, to get the blue orb fragment, you need to achieve the Smokin'! style rating. Then go to the south door and use the remote. A passage will open, but lasers will be activated in the hall, the touch of which is very harmful to health. Therefore, carefully jump over the beams and exit the Grand Hall.

Key Chamber

After destroying a squad of knights, take the artifact from the storage room. If you hit the chrono machine with this key, time will slow down. True, the effect is very short-lived. The first chrono machine is in the center of the room. Activate it. Lasers blocking the exit will slow down, and you can run past them without harm.

The Gauntlet

Stand in the center of the room to get the hidden red orbs. Then hit the circle with the blue lights to lower the lift. Step into the cage and get ready to fight monsters while the elevator moves. When the lift stops, grab the blue orb fragment behind the bars and go into the next room.

Here again you have to run through laser beams using a chrono machine. The task is complicated by the fact that you will have to overcome two openings, and time is very limited. After passing through the protection, go to the next lift. During the elevator ride we will again have to fight with demons, but we are no longer used to it.

Are you ready for your next run through the lasers? Nothing has changed except the difficulty; Now the rays follow more cunning trajectories, and there is even less time. There's one last elevator ride left with another fight. When the lift stops, run along the corridor, pick up the green orb, optionally buy items from the statue seller and get ready to fight Angelo Agnus. We also talked about this battle in the previous article.

Mission 10: Wrapped in Glory

The Gauntlet

Return to the lift, near which new flying demons are already waiting for you. They are much more dangerous than their younger brothers, but they are killed in the same way. After destroying the demons, exit the elevator and use the chrono machine to rush past the laser beams. Go to the next elevator and hit the circle with the blue lights to remove the seal on the passage.

Use the chrono machine again to rush past the lasers, collect the hidden red orbs and go to the Grand Hall through the Key Chamber (demons will be waiting for you here). The drawbridge is lowered and you can enter the Security Corridor.

Security Corridor

This corridor is completely blocked by lasers, in addition they are constantly moving forward. Therefore, it is highly advisable to buy an Air Hike to make it easier to jump over especially high lasers. As soon as you run into the beam, Nero is thrown almost to the very beginning of the corridor.

Experiment Disposal

Jump to the bottom of the well and finish off the flying monsters. This will open access to the chrono machine. Your task, while time has slowed down, is to quickly jump up past the spinning blades. If you are sharpened by the side, Nero will collapse to the ground and you will have to start over. The Air Hike skill will again greatly help you get out of the well.

Meeting Room

Finish off the demonic knights and break the crystal to reach the red orbs. Don't forget to break all the objects you come across; red and green spheres are hidden in them. Then use the magic lift and leave the room.

Ascension Chamber

Demon knights and their commander are waiting for you in this room. After breaking off their horns, destroy the furniture to get red spheres, buy the necessary items from the statue and go to the next room. Dante is waiting for Nero there, who really wants to return his brother’s blade. We have already talked about how to fight this boss.

Mission 11: The Ninth Circle

Advent Chamber 1F

There is a statue in the corner that will give you a Blue Orb Fragment and Red Orbs if you get the Super Smokin' Style! level. Once you've completed this definitely challenging challenge, hit the circle with the blue lights to activate the magic lights. With their help, rise to the second level. Finish off the flying monsters, use the remote control to lower the elevator, and go to the upper tier.

Advent Chamber 2F

From the elevator, go right and read the clue. To open the gate, you need to grab the monster behind the bars with your demonic hand and place it on the slab on the other side. Nero must stand on the slab, on his side. After this, the gate will open. Go to the next area with the vendor statue and stand in the elevator "shaft" to get the hidden red orbs.

To go further, you need to get over the wall with the help of magic balls. Just don't forget to collect the red orbs first. The next tests will not be very diverse. There will be more magic balls, they will start moving up and down, but this will not complicate the task too much. The main thing is to remember to collect red spheres and destroy demons if you fall down.

Once you reach the top platform, hit the circle with the blue lights to activate the magic balls. Then use them to jump onto the third tier.

Advent Chamber 3F

Collect the spheres and use the remote control, which will activate the elevator on the second level next to the seller statue. Fight off the oncoming demonic knights and return to the lift along the old road. An ambush awaits you there. By the way, after destroying the demons, you can leave the area and return to the elevator again - this will revive the monsters. This way you can collect a lot of red spheres. When you get tired of killing demons, get into the elevator and go to the battle with Sanctus. We have already talked about how to fight this boss.

Mission 12: A New Beginning

Meeting Room

You can say goodbye to Nero temporarily. The one and only Dante, the main character of the previous three parts of the game, enters the stage up to and including the eighteenth level. If you played Devil May Cry 3, you will quickly remember the controls - fortunately they have not changed. Let's start the fun. Chop the demons and leave the room.

Experiment Disposal

Take the artifact left by Nero and go down to the lower level. You should notice a fragment of a blue orb. You can take it by first turning into a demon and using the Air Hike skill. Remember that you only have one try. In the next room you will be informed that there are ten minutes left before the building is destroyed. We need to quickly get out of the order's headquarters.

Pick up the golden orb lying in the northeast corner and hit the circle with the blue lights to call the elevator. Get on the lift and finish off the ice demons. Without Nero's demonic hand, this will be more difficult, so roll to the side in time. Once at the top, break the crystal to get red orbs and run to the Security Corridor.

Security Corridor

Dante will fall into a dungeon where flying demons await him. Having dealt with the monsters, take the artifact that Nero left in the chrono machine. Then climb up the giant blades. They no longer rotate, so you can do without time dilation.

Once you get up, you will find yourself in a corridor with laser beams. Activate the chrono machine to slow down the passage of time - you definitely won’t be able to get through the corridor without it. This is perhaps the most difficult trap with laser beams. You need to precisely adjust the height of your jump - the slightest mistake, and Dante will be thrown back. The main thing is not to rush, you are almost at the exit, and there should be enough time.

Grand Hall

A squad of demonic knights awaits you in the hall. It's really sad without Nero's demonic hand. Choose the Sword Master fighting style, jump behind your back and hit with special techniques. If you have enough time, break the furniture to collect the red orbs and leave the building.

Mission 13: The Devil Returns

Forgotten Ruins

The vile snake Echidna, who Nero did not have time to finish off, decided to confuse Dante. Now transitions between locations do not lead at all to where you might think when looking at the map. From the first area, go to Forgotten Ruins. The passage there is not blocked by fog. Destroy the monsters - beat the chimera seeds first before they stick to the monsters. Then stomp from here through the eastern exit.

Windswept Valley

Go to the valley and finish off the next pack of monsters. Given the short distances, try to constantly jump and shoot with the sawn-off shotgun. Once you've won, exit the valley through the eastern doorway to reach the Ancient Plaza.

Ancient Plaza

You don't have to linger here, unless you want to fight monsters, and immediately head towards the northern exit, which will lead to the Lapis River.

Lapis River/Ruined Church

Get to the bridge, quickly finish off the flying demons, jump under the bridge and go into the mysterious cloud. You will be miraculously transported to Windswept Valley, from where you can get to the Ruined Church. In the building, break all the eggs to get red orbs and hit the statue with a combination of attacks to the Atomic! style level. Then go through the southern door - it is not blocked by fog - to enter Lost Woods.

Lost Woods

You've already been here and know how to get out of the enchanted crossroads. If the shadow of the pillar points south, it means you need to go north. In the next area, break the eggs to collect red and green orbs, buy items from the statue seller and go to the second battle with Echidna.

Mission 14: Forest of Ruin

Ancient Training Ground

The echidna is dead, the forest has been cleared of witchcraft, and you can move on. But new creatures have just appeared. When you see a blue circle under the character’s feet, quickly jump to the side, otherwise the giant head will absorb Dante and transfer him to the arena. You can get out of there only by killing all the monsters.

You can kill the giant heads, and you'll even get a green orb for doing so, but there's no point in doing so. There are plenty of such monsters in every area, and it takes a long time to beat them. It's easier to jump to the side in time. Although when you fight the scarecrows and chimera seeds - they are waiting for you behind the tunnel - it will become a little more difficult.

Lapis River/Ancient Plaza

Finish off the flying monsters, not forgetting the giant heads, and go to the northwest exit. You will find yourself in Ancient Plaza. Here you will have very limited space for maneuver, so it is best to constantly jump and shoot with a sawn-off shotgun to avoid getting caught in the teeth of the giant head.

Windswept Valley/Forest Entrance

A crowd of monsters with heads is again waiting for you in the valley, so get ready to jump a lot and shoot with a sawn-off shotgun. Then jump up the ledges and break the red crystal and eggs to get red orbs. Don't forget to take the Vital Star M, which is hidden in the log.

Mission 15: Fortuna Castle

Foris Falls/Central Courtyard

Before leaving the area, hit the statue with a combination of attacks until the Smokin' Style level is achieved to obtain a blue orb fragment. Then go to Central Courtyard. There you will meet a new demon. If you hit the electric creature with a sword, Dante will receive an electric shock. So jump and shoot with pistols or sawn-off shotguns. If you hear a characteristic sound, it means that the electric field has been removed and you can attack with a sword.

Grand Hall/Library

Everything in the central hall was covered with ice, and we couldn’t get anywhere at all. And you need to get into the secret room behind the portrait. Therefore, all that remains is to proudly head to the Library. Beat the demonic knights and break the crystal to get red orbs. Then go to the southern room, jump down and go through the door.

Dining Room/Torture Chamber

You'll find yourself in the southeast corner of Large Hall, where again everything is covered in ice and you can go through a single door. Soon you will encounter a bunch of monsters that need to be beaten. There's no more entertainment expected, so head to the Torture Chamber.

Joyful ice demons are running around there, clearly lacking warmth. After melting their hearts, hit the circle with the blue lights to activate the blue circle. He will take you to the second level of Torture Chamber. Before you leave the room, use the red circles to collect the red and green orbs. Also don't forget to break the red crystal.

Master's Chamber/Soldier's Graveyard

There is nothing interesting in the Master's Chamber except monsters, so quickly leave this room. Soldier’s Graveyard is already much more interesting. Here you can break many objects and search caches to get red orbs. Then go to the Central Courtyard, where Dagon awaits you. We have already talked about how to fight this monster.

Mission 16: Inferno

Underground Laboratory/R&D Access

The level will start quite unexpectedly - the fan has stopped working and the room is filled with poisonous gas. It seems like you need to run away quickly, but there is a statue here. And if you can get the style to Smokin' level, you'll get a blue orb fragment. True, you may not live to see this - your health decreases every second.

If you still decide to get a prize, do not forget to collect green spheres later to restore your health. Monsters are waiting for you in the next corridor. There is no time to coo with them. First, slow down the monsters by shooting from pistols, and then hit them with the Stinger technique. Don't forget to collect green orbs along the way.

Game Room/Containment Room

In the next room, Dante just needs to cut the cube, but along the way he will have to fight a swarm of demon swords. It is convenient to shoot them down with pistol shots and finish them off with a sword before they break free. In the next room, in addition to the demon swords, there will be knights. By the way, in the laboratory you can collect red balls. If your health allows, be sure to check it out.

Foris Falls/Angel Creation

Now you have escaped the toxic area. Replenish your health with a green orb, and then go upstairs. There is again poison in the angel creation room and there are many demonic knights that need to be quickly destroyed.

Underground Laboratory (B2)/Grand Hall

Finally, we are finally out of the toxic area. Jump up using the red circles. You will find yourself in the Grand Hall. Break all the furniture to collect red balls and leave the castle.

Fortuna Castle Gate/Second Mining Area

On the street you will meet new enemies - fire dogs that can spit fire. They can reach Dante even while jumping, so constantly jump from side to side. While you are approaching the demons, fire at them with a shotgun, and then sharply finish them off with a sword.

Collect the red and green orbs, and then start climbing up. There you will meet another pack of demon dogs. There is noticeably less room for maneuver, so make sure that the dogs do not surround you. After destroying the monsters, go to the caves. Find and break the red crystal, buy items from the statue seller and go to battle Berial. We have already talked about how to fight the hellish horse.

Mission 17: Adagio for Strings

First Mining Area/Port Caerula

Pick up the green orb near the statue, then collect the red orbs in the aqueduct and leave the room. You will find yourself at the port. Cross the drawbridge. On the wooden platform, deal with the scarecrows and demonic knights to move on. Then pick up the red orb from the pier and near the tunnel.

Residential District/Business District/Terrace

First of all, use Pandora to disperse the flying demons. Then collect the red orbs, break the red crystal and exit through the door. You will find yourself on the street where a crowd of monsters is waiting for you. It will take a long time to fight, but it won't be too difficult. Before leaving the area, break all the trash cans to collect red orbs.

Opera House Plaza/Opera House

Run past a ruined fountain, hordes of evil demons and some pretty cute buildings until you reach the opera. There, Dante and the alchemist Agnus will stage a real performance based on Shakespeare's work, and then resolve all the contradictions by cutting off limbs. We already talked about how to fight this boss in the last issue.

Mission 18: The Destroyer

Before you start fighting the boss, you'll have to anger the giant golem a little. At the beginning of the level you will be told about Yamato's blade, Dark Slayer's fighting style and what follows from this. We talked about all this in detail in the last issue, so we won’t dwell on what has been covered.

How can a statue cause harm? The golem releases blue balls of energy that can be shot with a pistol, thereby replenishing the amount of demonic energy. Periodically, the statue launches fireballs that you need to run away from. She also constantly tries to kill Dante with punches. Add to this the demonic knights that constantly appear out of nowhere.

What needs to be done? Destroy all the crystals on the golem's body. The task is complicated by the fact that you have to fight on platforms. You can move between them by stepping on the blue circle on the floor. Dante will instantly transfer to another platform. By the way, you don’t have to be afraid of falling into the abyss. Nothing will happen to the character - if he falls, he will simply appear on the main platform.

Let's start with the left hand. When the statue hits the pad with it, climb onto the front side of your hand and run up. First destroy the crystal on the forearm, and then on the shoulder. Strike with a sword or shoot with a sawn-off shotgun. The statue will try to throw Dante into the abyss, so don't forget to jump to the side.

Let's switch to the right hand. To do this, find a two-tier platform with a circle with blue lights on the right side. When the statue wants to hit with his right elbow, hit the circle with the blue lights. This will activate a laser, which will cause the golem to be stunned for a period of time. Jump onto your right hand, quickly break the crystals on your shoulder and forearm and jump into the abyss.

Let's continue the acts of vandalism. Find a platform with another laser (there will also be a circle with blue lights there) and stun the statue again. Run along the hand again, but now use pistols to shoot the crystal in the forehead. This needs to be done quickly before Dante is thrown down. Half the work is done, the last push remains.

Jump again to the two-tier platform and run to the familiar laser, which has changed a little. Now this is a real cannon, a shot from which will knock the golem onto its back. There's no time to waste now. Quickly jumping from platform to platform, destroy the crystals on the right and left shins and back.

After destroying all the crystals - if you didn’t have time in one go, fire a second laser shot - the statue will come to life and start shooting with a fiery beam. Jump from platform to platform to avoid the attack. Soon this disgrace will stop, and the boss battle that we talked about in the last issue will begin.

Mission 19: The Successor

After the mission starts, run into the glowing gap. You will find yourself in a suspiciously familiar room with a cube. Nero is not Dante, you have to play by the rules. They have not changed since last time: blue field - various advantages, red field - fight with the enemy, yellow field - return to the previous yellow field.

So, your task is to climb to the top level, or, in game terms, to “pass the five heavens.” Every sky has a special enemy waiting for you. Fifth Heaven - Demon Knights. The fourth heaven is the hellish horse Berial. Third Heaven - Ice Toad Dagon. Second Heaven - the vile snake Echidna. First Heaven - demonic chemist Agnus.

In general, the nineteenth level consists of a series of boss battles. The battle tactics haven't changed at all, so I don't think you'll have any problems getting through it. In addition, after each battle you can restore your life by picking up green spheres hidden along the edges of the arena.

Mission 20: La Vita Nuova

The twentieth mission will begin with a battle with Sanctus Diabolica. We have already talked about how to fight this boss. Having won, you will find yourself on the street. Although the main villain is defeated, his insane golem does not want to give up. We'll have to pacify the statue. First, wait for the golem to strike with its right hand. Roll away from the blow and strike back with a demonic hand. When the monster starts attacking with its left hand, counterattack while the enemy's hand is in the air.

The golem is finally defeated, and after the beautiful video the credits will roll. However, don’t rush to relax - while the credits are rolling, you need to protect the girl from monsters. If the monsters deal her at least one blow... nothing terrible will happen. The fighting will simply stop and you will be forced to watch the credits.

Secret missions

You can find secret missions as you progress through story missions. If you see a red scroll with strange runes on it, that's it. Get close and press any key to start the test. If you complete the task, you will receive a fragment of a blue sphere.

  • Secret Mission 1: Annihilation. You need to destroy all enemies within the allotted time. It is better to go through Nero, constantly attacking with a demonic hand. You will find the secret mission on the second level.
  • Secret Mission 2: Alley-Oop. You need to perform five blows with a demonic hand in the air without ever touching the ground. Stand in the corner and wait for the demons to come close. Jump as high as possible, pull the monster from the ground with the help of a demonic hand, and then immediately strike with it. Grab your opponent again and hit him again. And so on until the bitter end. You will find the secret mission on level 4.
  • Secret Mission 3: Nonviolent Resistance. You need to raise the style level to the “Carnage!” rank without attacking the enemy. The easiest way to go is Dante. Choose the Royal Guard technique and place a block at the last moment before an enemy attack. The main thing is not to miss hits, and you will quickly fill the scale. You will find the secret mission on levels 5 and 16.
  • Secret Mission 4: Tracking Treasure Down. Your task is to collect all the hidden red spheres. You need to look for hiding places, guided by the glow of Nero’s demonic hand. Time trial. You will find the secret mission on the sixth level.
  • Secret Mission 5: Sky Scraper. You need to temporarily jump to the very top using the red circles and pick up a fragment of the blue sphere. A test of agility and the ability to calculate the accuracy of a jump. You will find the secret mission on the seventh level.
  • Secret Mission 6: Vermifuge. You need to prevent the chimera seeds from jumping onto the lone scarecrow. There are six demons in total, and they attack from different directions. If you control your character well, you can simply try to kill the chimera seeds. It's difficult, but possible. Or you can grab the scarecrow with a demonic hand, carry it to safety, then return and finish off the monsters. You will find the secret mission on levels 10 and 12.
  • Secret Mission 7: Free Running. You need to run along magical disappearing platforms to the exit and not fall into the abyss. The main problem is the flying demons, of which there are too many. Fighting is useless, so learn to dodge attacks by jumping. You will find the secret mission on levels 10 and 12.
  • Secret Mission 8: Royal Blocker. You need to perform Royal Block five times in a row. Of course, you'll need Dante. How difficult the task will be depends entirely on your ability to place a block. I succeeded on the first try. You will find the secret mission on level 14.
  • Secret Mission 9: Unbreakable. You need to finish off all the enemies without missing a hit or getting caught by the giant head. This mission is quite simple. Buy the Air Hike move, turn on the Trickster style and start jumping around the edge of the arena - jump, second jump, horizontal dash in the air - all the while shooting with a sawn-off shotgun. Dante will aim on his own, you only need to follow the direction of his movements. Ten minutes of jumping and shooting, and the mission is completed. You will find the secret mission at level 15.
  • Secret Mission 10: Puppet Master. Within two minutes, you must destroy five pillars using a bladed artifact. Only Nero is suitable for this mission. First, find out where the pillars are, then quickly start pushing the artifact. Remember that accuracy and speed are important here. You will find the secret mission on the fifth level.
  • Secret Mission 11: Point of Impact. For this mission, buy the Speed ​​skill and the PF398: Revenge move. Your task is to destroy two statues in thirty seconds. Given the distance, this is not at all easy. First, run to the base of the northern stairs and fire the PF398: Revenge. Climb back up, run to the building and through the southern opening shoot again with PF398: Revenge at the second statue. You will find the secret mission at level 16.
  • Secret Mission 12: Steeplechase. You need to go through laser beams without slowing down time and without touching a single thing. The jump will be long and tedious. Training, training and more training - it all depends on your skills. You will find the secret mission on level 17.

Boss Battles


Despite its enormous size and hellish flames, Berial is a fairly easy opponent that will not be difficult to defeat. First of all, use your demonic hand to pull yourself up to Berial's head and hit him with your sword. When the fire horse tries to hit Nero, simply stop attacking and fall to the ground. All his blows will miss. The monster’s sword, of course, is huge, but it’s of no use.

After several combinations of attacks, the hellfire will disappear and Berial will scream in pain. Don't waste time and hit the horse on the head with your demonic hand. Nero, despite the size of the enemy, will grab the monster and begin to mercilessly throw and beat him. After being hit on the horns, Berial will light himself up again, causing a large explosion. To avoid getting hit by the shock wave, quickly jump to the side.

This is how the monster is killed from the beginning to the end of the battle. You pull yourself up to the monster’s head, remove the protection with blows of the sword, and throw it with the help of a demonic hand. When Berial has less than half health left, he will begin throwing fireballs. When this happens, you can tell by the small fire under Nero’s feet. At this moment, jump to the side or roll. Health can be replenished by collecting green orbs that fall from destroyed houses.


The battle with the huge toad will begin when you beat the two mermaids thoroughly. It turns out that the drowned women are just bait for the demon to lure its victims to. Let's start punishing the warty evil.

First, use your demonic hand to pull yourself up and start hitting the icicles on the face. Mr. Toad does not intend to tolerate this and will try to reach Nero with a jump from above and his icy breath. You can dodge the jump by jumping to the side when the shadow of the falling monster appears on the ground. It’s even easier to dodge the icy breath - just roll to the side.

Sometimes Bael jumps somewhere into the darkness and only mermaids remain in the yard. Attack any drowned woman and beat her until she turns black and falls to the ground. Then grab the mermaid with the devil's hand to pull the toad demon out of ambush. Just make sure that the drowned women do not touch the character. Otherwise, Nero will be frozen and Bael will knock him down with a jump from the darkness.

Having broken the icicles - at this moment the demon will begin to roar in pain - run up to the muzzle and hit the tongue with your demonic hand. A series of throws will follow, and then Bael will quickly restore his defense. Hit the icicles on the toad's head again. When the demon has less than half health left, it will start shooting icicles from its back. Avoid the attack by rolling or jumping, carefully looking at the ground to understand where the charges will fall.

When the toad has very little health, he will begin to freeze periodically. At this moment, you can hit the mermaids to knock out the green spheres. Just be careful, the demon will soon thaw and attack with a swift jump. Be prepared to roll or jump out of the way. The style of attack does not change throughout the entire battle. No surprises here though...


The first meeting with the chief alchemist of the order can hardly be called a full-fledged boss battle. Your task is to break the glass in the laboratory. This can only be done with the help of flying swords, which the alchemist sets against Nero.

Do not try to hit the barrier with a regular sword, otherwise you will get electrocuted. Your job is to grab magic swords in the air with your demonic hand as they prepare to attack. Alternatively, you can rip them out of the floor after the attack. Once you receive the sword, there is nothing else you need to do. Nero spins around on his own, takes aim and throws the blade at the glass. The middle of the room is the best position for catching and throwing magic swords. If you stand too close or too far from the barrier, the blades can become embedded in the floor or wall.

During battle, the main thing is to constantly move. Swords take a while to aim. If they constantly jump and somersault, they will not be able to strike accurately. However, if you are still injured, you can finish off the magic blade to get green orbs. Although in this battle it is generally problematic to get hurt, and in order to die, you need to try hard.


At the beginning of the battle, jump to the snake and hit the body with your sword (in the sense of a human form inside the monster). If the Echidna starts to fight back with its tentacles, jump back to a safe distance and wait out the attack. When the monster turns into a dragon, watch its flight carefully. When the creature circles and tries to bite Nero in flight, jump to the side or roll.

When Echidna spreads eight tentacles and starts spitting out small monsters, quickly run up to the “genital” organ and hit with your demonic hand. You need to press the Punch button as often as possible to quickly stop this mess. Finish off the remaining monsters with a blow from the demonic hand. It only takes one hit per creature.

After receiving a certain amount of damage, Echidna will begin to scream in pain. At this moment, run up to the enemy, jump to the body and hit with a demonic hand. Nero will jump on the demon and begin mercilessly cutting Echidna with his sword, causing significant damage.

Stick to this tactic for the first half of the battle. When Echidna has less than half health left, she will begin to attack in a different way: turn her tail into a strange-looking flower and attack with tentacles from the ground. Escape from blows by somersaulting from side to side and do not forget to hit the body, delivering sharp blows with your sword.

Having received his, Echidna will scream in pain again. Run up to the body again and hit with the demonic hand. Nero will carry out another, no less crushing combination of blows. Continue with this battle tactic until the demon has very little health left. Now the hardest part begins.

The demon, among other things, will begin to pretend to be a bomber, flying around the battlefield and dropping explosive seeds. Use jump and roll to dodge seed bombs. You need to beat Echidna using the same tactics. If your health is really bad, you can replenish it by breaking eggs scattered along the edges of the clearing.

Angelo Credo

This is the first really difficult battle. The demonic angel's behavior is somewhat reminiscent of his younger demon knights: he defends himself with a shield and delivers lightning-fast blows with a sword. You need to start the attack by firing charged shots from a revolver from a medium distance. You won’t get much off, but at least you’ll give the brat a beating.

Then begin to get closer, bypassing the enemy on the left side. By attacking in this way, you will avoid retaliatory attacks and will hit the side that is not covered by the shield. Once you reach Creed, turn on Devil Trigger and throw some particularly deadly combination with your sword. When the monster puts up a shield and blocks the attack, quickly jump back to avoid a retaliatory attack.

You can try to attack differently. To do this, grab your head with your demonic hand, pull yourself up to the enemy and jump behind him. You already know what to do next. Just make sure there is somewhere to retreat. When Credo flies to the edge of the square, takes out his spear and begins to accumulate energy, stand still and watch carefully. He will soon rush towards Nero; you need to roll to the side in time. The demon will repeat this attack three times and calm down.

Having lost half his health, Credo will periodically begin to fly to the edge of the area and freeze, leaning forward, as if from fatigue. At this moment, run up to him and hit him with your demonic hand. Nero will perform signature punches and throws that deal great damage.

When the enemy has less than a quarter of his health left, he will prefer to hang in the air most of the time. You will have to hit in a jump, and you still need to attack from the left side. The shield hasn't disappeared anywhere. Credo will also have a new attack: he will set magical homing blades on Nero. You can get rid of them by striking several times with your sword. But the most surprising thing is that at the end of the battle it becomes easier. The enemy will often go down to rest, and then he can be beaten with impunity by the demonic hand.

Angelo Agnus

Even in demonic form, Agnus prefers to kill opponents with the wrong hands. Most of the time he flies around the room, setting magic blades on Nero and periodically shooting ball lightning. Don't try to hit the demon when it's glowing yellow, it's invulnerable at that point.

In general, if Agnus begins to accumulate strength, it means that he will soon fire a volley of energy charges. At this moment, you need to quickly move your feet away from the monster and prepare for anti-missile maneuvers. Between jumps and somersaults, don't forget to shoot with your revolver. The damage, of course, is small, but at least it’s something.

You need to hit Agnus when he is just hanging in the air. Turn on Devil Trigger mode, jump up and throw a combination of punches. Here, however, you also need to be careful. The demon can grab Nero, drain his life and restore his health. This is perhaps the most offensive thing.

There is another way. You can beat the damned alchemist with his own weapon, just like in the laboratory. Grab one of the magic swords - you should already know how this is done - and throw it at Agnus. In this case, the blade, falling apart from the blow, will give white spheres that restore Devil Trigger. It is best to alternate two types of attacks: first, striking with a sword in the air to transform into a demon, then throwing magic swords to restore energy.

When Agnus has less than half his health, he will add a new attack to his standard dirty tricks. Now the demon flies into the center of the room, glows green, and then begins to attack at high speed. The hit drains Nero's health and increases Agnus' life. It's difficult to dodge, so it's better to interrupt the attack with Charge Shot 2 or some series of jumping attacks.


We will only look at the fight with Dante in the tenth mission. The first battle is almost a training session, where Nero is not even really attacked. Dante is a very specific opponent. But this is understandable, after all, the second main character. Firstly, it is useless to shoot him with a revolver. He will simply deflect the shots with return fire. Secondly, it is useless to beat him, having turned into a demon. He will take the same damage as from normal attacks.

The best weapon against Dante is a demonic hand strike. First, wait for your opponent to throw his combo. This can be difficult. Dante attacks a lot and quickly, so it is not always possible to jump to the side. Having survived the attack, go around him from the side or jump from behind and hit him with a demonic hand.

The second option is to start attacking with the sword yourself. When Dante repels the attack, and he will definitely do it, quickly hit with your demonic hand. Third option: catch the enemy when he starts teasing. The fourth option is to knock Dante down while jumping and wait until he opens up. It's true that it takes a long time, but it's quite safe.


A very easy boss if you understand the battle tactics. “Holiness” hangs in the air all the time, so you can’t even dream of attacking it on the ground. In front of him hang two lanterns, which periodically turn into lightning and try to strike Nero. Both lanterns can be used as objects to be grabbed by the demonic hand to jump closer to the demon priest. True, you first need to shoot at the magic lamp.

The shot lantern hovers between Nero and the demon. First grab onto him, then try to grab onto the priest. If the enemy begins to fly back, quickly, while still hanging in the air, shoot at the second lantern to use it to pull yourself up to Sanctus. Although you can immediately grab the priest, however, to do this you need to run much closer.

Once next to the priest, start hitting him with your sword. At the same time, the force field surrounding Sanctus will begin to change color. At first it will be blue, then it will turn red and collapse. But for this you need to strike several times. If you hesitate, the force field will be completely restored and you will have to start over. When the defense is destroyed, jump up again and hit the priest.

Sanctus will fall to the ground. Quickly turn on Devil Trigger mode, pull the priest towards you and deliver a series of blows with your sword. Try to break through the best combination. Then pull up Sanctus again and, while Nero is in the guise of a demon, hit him with the devil's hand. To complete the entire combination, you need to act very quickly. As a result of such an attack, Sanctus can lose a third of his health at once.

Sanctus sluggishly shoots lightning bolts, which pose no danger. The only thing to be wary of is the energy blast when you break the force field. It's hard to avoid, you're too close. But there’s nothing to be done here; the defense will still have to be destroyed. The priest will twitch sluggishly until his health drops to less than a third of its maximum level.

After that, he will fly into the statue, which will try to slam Nero. You can simply somersault to the side to avoid the blow. However, if you time it just right, you can interrupt the attack with a blow from the demonic hand. Then Sanctus will fly out of the totem completely defenseless, and you can finish him off with one move.

If you fail to parry the blow, you will have to suffer - the priest will become more aggressive. You will still have to destroy the force field. But now that the protection is removed, Sanctus begins to quickly fly away from Nero. At this moment, you need to shoot the lantern in order to quickly jump to the demon and knock him to the ground with a blow. If you can’t catch up, jump to the priest not immediately after removing the force field, but when he begins to prepare for an attack.


Echidna behaves in the battle with Dante in the same way as in the battle with Nero. The main difference is that you don't have a demonic arm. So first, turn on the Sword Master style and cut her with your sword. When the snake starts flying and biting, switch to Gunslinger and fill the creature with lead.

In general, where Nero hit with a demonic hand, turn on Sword Master and slash with a sword. When the demon is far away, change the style to Gunslinger and shoot with pistols. You already know all the habits of the monster, so you can win without much difficulty. As a reward you will receive the Gilgamesh weapon.


The hellish horse returns to suffer brutally from Dante. Even without the devil's hand, dealing with Berial will not be difficult. Of course, at first it’s unpleasant that you have to jump to the horned head, but you quickly get used to it. But you can use PF398: Revenge and PF422: Grief when the demon freezes in place. Once you win, you will receive the Lucifer weapon.

Angelo Agnus

The Lamb, like other monsters, decided not to change battle tactics for Dante's sake. Everything remains the same, except for one thing - he releases Basilisks first. Spit on them, the little demons won't cause any trouble. Turn on the Sword Master style and sit tight on Agnus. You need to attack while jumping... however, you yourself know everything. This part of the battle, other than the other monster helpers, plays out the same as Nero's.

When Agnus is below half health, he will start summoning Cutlasses and chasing after Dante. There is nothing left but to flee. When Agnus has had enough and throws the Cutlasses, start jumping and slashing with your sword again. After some time, the demon will be offended, call Cutlasses, but attack with a different technique.

Now is the most important and practically decisive moment in the battle. You need to equip Coyote-A, activate Devil Trigger and shoot Agnus to the ground. Quickly switch to Sword Master and throw some strong moves. This will calm the demon slightly; you must finish him off before he decides to repeat the frantic attack. Defeating Agnus will reward you with the Yamato Sword.

The Savior

To get started, run along the platform and shoot at the animated statue with pistols, having previously turned on the Gunslinger style. The statue will try to slam it with a blow or incinerate it with energy. You can escape from this by quickly jumping to the next platform - just step on the blue circle. Sometimes the statue will fire three blue bolts. Shoot them quickly to recharge the Devil Trigger.

You need to escape from fireballs by rolling or jumping to the side. Keep shooting and jumping on the platforms, and when the statue is near you, hit Yamato on the gem in the chest. This is a rather difficult moment, so you will have to practice. A strong blow will cause the statue to fly into ruins.

Jump to the demon - all you have to do is step on the blue circle, turn on the Devil Trigger and hit the crystal with a powerful combination. You may not kill him right away (although I had enough time to destroy the crystal), but your health will practically be reset to zero. In any case, after this attack the monster can be easily finished off with pistols.

Sanctus Diabolica

Remember the previous battle with the priest? So, from that moment everything changed, Sanctus clearly gained strength and is ready to fight to the end. Although the beginning of the battle is exactly the same as in the eleventh mission: you shoot down the lanterns with shots, and destroy the force field with your sword. Having lost his protection, Sanctus will begin to flee.

Jump to him again... This is where the first unpleasant difference will open. It turns out that the demon has a second protective field. It is, however, weaker and will fall apart much faster. When the priest falls to the ground, quickly run up to him, activate Devil Trigger and throw the best combination with your sword, finishing the attack with a blow of the demonic hand. The attack will cause the enemy to lose almost a quarter of his health.

While the attack tactics are not much different, the priest's attacks have undergone significant changes. "Holiness" can suddenly disappear and turn into a ring of spears around Nero. He will also suddenly appear behind the character and try to hit Sparda with his sword. This strike does massive damage. You need to avoid attacks by jumping to the side or rolling.

When Sanctus has less than half his health left, he will change his battle tactics. When you remove the force shields, he will appear in the center of the room and begin to accumulate energy. Immediately drop everything and start fleeing. When the demon accumulates energy, he will deliver six powerful blows and a seventh final attack, from which you can easily die.

After dodging all attacks, turn on Devil Trigger and attack with Streak. Use a combination of blows to knock the priest down and hit him with the demonic hand. If you haven't run out of Devil Trigger energy yet, this will be enough to finish the battle.

1 2 3 4 All

18. Destroyer,
19. Successor,
20. The end.

  • Passing secret missions:
  • , , , , , , , , , , , .

    general information

    Below is a complete walkthrough of Devil may Cry 4, including collecting all the secrets and completing all the secret missions.

    In the walkthrough description, all important bonuses are highlighted in colored font.

    The framed text describes how to get to secret places or get particularly difficult bonuses. If you are not going to complete the game 100%, then you can skip these steps.

    Purchasing Items and Skills

    At the beginning of the game, the hero has only basic abilities and techniques. Most of the skills will have to be purchased between levels or in special statue stores (Divinity Statues). Stores also sell items for permanent or one-time use (to use, you need to go to the game menu and select the desired item). Moreover, skills are purchased for one currency, and items for another.

    Red spheres(Red Orbs) – “money” for purchasing items. Spheres fall from killed enemies, from destroyed environmental objects, are knocked out of red crystals (Red Orb Pedestals), can simply lie in hard-to-reach places, or can appear out of nowhere at certain points (invisible clusters of red spheres). At each level there is a certain number of red spheres. At the end of the level, the number of spheres collected by the player is calculated as a percentage of the total. This characteristic is used to calculate the overall rating of the mission, and therefore affects the number of proud souls received.

    Proud souls(Proud Souls) - “money” for purchasing new skills. Souls are awarded at the end of each mission. The number of souls earned depends on the rating of completing missions. The rating is calculated based on three characteristics:

    1. Travel time (the shorter the better);

    2. Fighting style (the less damage received, and the more varied the attacks, the better);

    3. Number of collected red spheres (the more, the better).

    Maximum Health

    At the beginning of the game, the hero has a vital energy bar consisting of 6 divisions. As you progress through the game, the length of your life bar can be increased by collecting Blue Orbs.

    Entire spheres are sold only in the store; at levels we can only collect blue orb fragments (Blue Orb Fragment). Four fragments turn into a whole sphere. Fragments of spheres can either be found in secret, hard-to-reach places, or obtained by destroying special combat statues (Combat Adjusticator) (blue statues can only be destroyed by Nero, red ones - only by Dante), or obtained by completing secret missions (Secret Mission).

    By collecting all the fragments of blue spheres, we will increase the hero’s maximum health to 20 bars.

    Global game map

    Passing levels

    Mission 1. Birds of a feather (Birds of a feather)
    Devil May Cry 4. Mission 1. Birds of a Feather

    This is just a training mission that will introduce you to the basic abilities of the hero. Destroy all the benches in the level to collect more red orbs (new benches appear in each new tutorial episode).

    Problems with the passage can only arise if you play the English version of the game, but do not know the language. In this case, all instructions of the training mission have been translated into Russian below.

    (Shoot the enemy with a pistol, do not let him get close to you).

    (Jump to avoid enemy shots).

    (Dodge to avoid getting hit by enemy shots (space+jump+to the side)).

    (Attack the enemy with your sword using combo attacks (sword+sword+sword)).

    (Use the High Roller ability to launch the enemy into the air (back+sword)).

    (Use demonic hand to grab opponents (arm)).

    After completing all the tasks, the time will come to pass a kind of exam. Dante will have a health bar, and now he can be defeated using all the techniques you just learned.

    Boss: Dante(Dante)

    We use regular attacks with a sword and a demonic hand. You don't even have to dodge Dante's attacks; he won't be able to do much damage. Cinematic clips will be shown from time to time. Eventually, Dante will stop playing with you and leave the battlefield.

    Mission 2. Port of Hell (Hell's Gate)
    Devil May Cry 4. Mission 2. La Porte De L'Enfer

    Opera House Plaza (Theater Square)

    We kill hostile Scarecrows, along the way we destroy all the benches and trash cans to collect the red spheres necessary for purchasing items.

    We enter the first room - the Storehouse.

    We go up to the second floor along a dilapidated staircase. The doors will be blocked by red cobwebs. Now, to open the door, you need to kill all the monsters. We also destroy all destructible objects around to collect red spheres, go out the door to the terrace (Terrace/Business District), go to the next door.


    In the cathedral, directly opposite the door by the grate, we jump up, there is a red sphere hanging there, which cannot be seen due to the camera angle. We approach the altar on the lower floor, take away the item Devil's Legacy(Evil Legacy). From this acquisition a new ability will appear - Devil Bringer (pulling things with a demonic hand) (space + hand).

    Next, we stand in a blue luminous circle on the floor, aim at an object hanging in the air (Grim Grips) and attract ourselves to it using our hand (space+hand). At the exit from the cathedral on the left on the other side of the abyss lies a large red sphere; you can also pick it up with your hand.

    We go out onto the balcony again. We stand in a circle, grab the luminous object, jump across the street and find ourselves in a narrow corridor. There will be a small piece of paper hanging on the column here - this is the entrance to secret mission 1 “Destruction”.

    Residential District

    We find ourselves in a residential area and walk along the streets. Destroying the big one red crystal(Red Orb Pedestal) to get red orbs.

    Port Caerula

    At the exit of the tunnel on the left there is a large red sphere hanging. We go to the far edge of the pier, stand in the green circle, with the help of the demonic hand we jump to another pier, go into the room (Customs House). Inside we kill all the enemies, after which we attack the strange blue wheel until it opens a passage to the second floor. At the top we turn on the mechanism for lowering the bridge (Nero will do it himself). Now we leave the room, at the docks we jump back to another pier, we move forward along the lowered bridge.

    First Mining Area

    In the next room we jump into the water to collect red spheres. We jump up using double use of the demonic hand (space + hand).

    Ferrum Hills

    Boss: Berial(Berial)

    Berial is a huge fire demon that looks like a centaur. His attacks: a sword strike, a roundhouse strike with his tail, a little later he will begin to summon pillars of fire from underground and hit the ground, causing explosive waves. Berial is a very dangerous opponent, his sword attacks are sudden and swift, and they also cause significant damage. The only thing that improves the situation is that Green Orbs will appear on the battlefield from destroyed buildings, restoring your health.

    The best tactic against Berial is to jump strike him with your sword. To do this, we are attracted to his head with the help of a demonic hand (space + hand), hit him with a sword without stopping, and then try to grab him with his hand. After each successful capture, a cinematic will be shown. The boss's fire will go out, at this time you need to move away from him, he will gather his strength and flare up again, causing damage to all living things around him. You can dodge pillars of fire by rolling, and shock waves by jumping into the air.

    If you are afraid to get close to the boss, then you can shoot him from afar and evade his attacks with rolls in time, but this will take much longer.

    The boss is defeated.

    Mission 3. White wing
    Devil May Cry 4. Mission 3. The White Wing

    Second Mining Area (Second Mining Area)

    Let's go through the tunnel. Turn left, break through the wooden wall, destroy red crystal. We go to the right, kill the monsters. We go to the waterfall. We jump onto a hill, then onto a wooden tower, and from there, with a demonic hand, we cling to the luminous points one by one.

    We leave the waterfall. We kill monsters. Let's go further along the tunnel. At the dead end to the left lies the life star S. We go to the surface.

    Fortuna Castle Gate

    We walk through the snow-capped mountains. On the left we jump up along the small ledges and take the large red sphere. We go further, along the road we destroy lonely thin pillars to get green spheres.

    We jump off the mountain. We meet new enemies - frost demons. They are easily destroyed by the demonic hand. On the tops of two thick triple pillars there are invisible clusters of red spheres. We go to the entrance to the castle and meet Gloria, a warrior girl from the Order in an extravagant dress. We enter the castle.

    Grand Hall

    Inside the building, you can destroy benches and chairs to obtain red orbs. From the central room we exit through the left door from the main entrance. We find ourselves in the corridor (Large Hall).

    We go a little forward, go into the door at the left dead end of the corridor.

    Torture Chamber

    We enter, kill all the monsters. We pass into the next small room and go upstairs. On the second floor you need to overcome all the abysses by grabbing the moving luminous points with your hand. If you fall down, it’s okay, you’ll just have to defeat the monsters again and go up to the second floor again.

    Having jumped over all the abysses, we enter the door. We walk along the second floor of the central building, along the outer courtyard, and exit into the backyard.

    Foris Falls (Foris Falls)

    We go down the stairs.

    The battle statue standing on the road cannot be hit by our sword (it is red, and only blue battle statues are available to Nero). We go up another staircase, go further along the other side of the second floor.

    Grand Hall. 2nd floor (Grand Hall. Second Floor)

    We return to the central hall, activate the blue wheel with sword blows.

    We go through the first door on the right. We go through the Gallery to the library.


    Here we meet a new enemy with a shield and pike - the White Knight (Bianco Angelo). The knight slowly hits with his pike, this is not dangerous, but if he blocked your attack, then dodge immediately, otherwise he will stun you with his shield and then finish you off with his pike. It is best to attack the knight from the back, or first break his shield with a blow from the demonic hand.

    We kill several knights that appear. We take away the item Essence of Mercury(Anima Mercury) (allows you to activate gyro blades).

    Mission 4. Cold Blooded (Cold Blooded)
    Devil May Cry 4. Mission 4. Cold Blooded

    In the library we collect all the spheres: we break the trash cans again, jump along the wall to the second floor, break the tables. With the new item we can activate metal objects in the form of a spinning top - Gyro Blade. After activation with a blow of the hand, a blue flame ignites above the gyroblade, after which we can spin it with blows of the sword (this will increase the speed of movement of the gyroblade) and push it to the side using blows with a demonic hand. We hit the gyroblade with our hand several times so as to push it towards the locked door. Thus, we break the seal on the door and enter from the library.

    We go into the Gallery, here there is another gyroblade near the far wall. We spin it and push it to cause serious damage to the appearing monsters. Go ahead.

    Grand Hall

    In the central hall we jump down. We break all the benches and chairs. We activate the gyro blade standing on a hill in the northern part of the hall, then push it to the coffin in the center of the hall. The impact of the gyro blade will break the coffin, inside we will see a round device on the floor. It doesn't work yet, the required item is missing. Let's go into the corridors.

    Corridors (Large Hall)

    We find ourselves in a closed corridor. We kill several scarecrows here and destroy the surrounding objects. After this, with sword blows we activate the blue wheel on the wall - the lattice door opens. We activate the gyro blade, push it to the central northern part of the corridor, simultaneously killing the scarecrow.

    There are already two gyroblades in the northern part of the corridor, we just pushed another one here, now we need to go for the fourth. Pushing one of the gyroblades in front of us, we go to the southwestern dead end of the corridor. There, with a blow from the gyroblade, we break the door with the blue seal, freeing another blade. Now we push both blades back to the central part. We place all four gyroblades on the luminous points on the floor, as a result the northern doors open.

    Central Courtyard

    Boss: Baal(Bael) (Bael)

    We go out into the courtyard and see two demonic mermaids. We hit them with a sword, since we won’t be able to catch them with our hands. After this, a huge ice frog suddenly appears, and two mermaids are just his decoy whiskers.

    Baal is very active, constantly jumping from place to place, jumping high into the air. To deal damage to him, you first need to catch up with him. To do this, it is better to use a long-range hand grab (space+hand) or a Period strike (space+forward+sword). Baal's tactics: inflates and then releases two ice streams (we dodge by rolling); jumps up high (at this time we watch his shadow so that he does not fall on us); launches ice spikes upward, then they fall from the sky (we run away from the shelled area); if you get close to Baal, he will begin to kick out with his legs (so it is better to strike by jumping a little before attacking).

    But it is not necessary to attack Baal himself. From time to time he releases his mermaids again, and this is where he becomes most vulnerable. We approach the mermaids and hit them with the sword. As soon as one of the mermaids darkens and falls to the floor, we attack her with a demonic hand (if nothing is done with the mermaid at this time, Baal will jump out and try to swallow the hero!). Nero will grab the mermaid and throw him with all his strength, from this Baal will appear in a stunned state, we finish him off with a sword and a demonic hand.

    After victory we receive an item mermaid body(Rusalka Corpse) (search for secret objects, Nero's hand begins to glow when approaching the secret).

    Mission 5. Trisagion (Trisagion Hymn)
    Devil May Cry 4. Mission 5. Trisagion

    Soldier's Graveyard (Military Cemetery)

    We break the lattice fence and move on. We meet here a new enemy in the form of a ghost - Mephisto. Mephisto flies above the ground and occasionally attacks with a sharp spike or scythe. To begin with, Mephisto definitely needs to hit with his demonic hand in a jump, this will dissipate the black fog around him, and he will become vulnerable to attacks with a sword, and generally completely helpless. In the cemetery we destroy all the tombstones and ice statues.

    We go up the stairs and enter the door.

    Master's Chamber (Master's Chambers)

    We kill several white knights and destroy all the furniture.

    We enter the door and find ourselves in the Torture Chamber on the top floor on the other side. We activate the blue wheel on the wall, then push the gyro blade straight along the suspended platform. At the end, the blade breaks the tower and we fall deep down.

    Spiral Well

    At the bottom of the abyss we kill two Mephisto. Take the item Wind talisman(Wing Talisman) (activates red circles - trampolines). With a new item, we need to return to the central hall of the castle. We jump up on the trampolines.

    After jumping on five red trampolines, we get back into the room.

    We kill several scarecrows and Mephisto in the Torture Chamber, we go out into the corridors.

    Grand Hall

    We enter the central hall. If the coffin in the center is not yet broken, we destroy it with a gyroblade standing nearby. We jump onto the red trampoline left after the destruction of the coffin, and from it we jump onto the chandelier. We hit the base of the chandelier with a sword. We enter the opened passage behind the painting.

    Let's go down. Behind the bars we see a star, we use a long-range grab with a demonic hand, we get the star of life M. We go further along the narrow corridor.

    In front of you is the opera building. It hosts a solemn symposium on the occasion of the 2000th anniversary of the Dark Lord's defense of Sparda society. The opening of this celebration was accompanied by a song performed by Kryie. At the very end of the grand show, the main character of Devil May Cry 4, Nero, bursts in, then you will continue to play with this hero. Kryie will sit down next to him and find a surprise. He did not have time to present it directly into the hands of a beautiful girl. Towards the end, our hero Nero begins to fall asleep and decides to leave. But suddenly, the devil Dante jumps from the roof of the building, aiming his weapon at the priest and hits him. Why he attacked is not clear to anyone. Previously, Dante, like Nero, was a member of the order. Nero tries to distract the girl from what is happening and take her to a safe place, but she rushes to the aid of her brother Credo. Our main character enters into a one-on-one fight with Dente to give Credo a chance to take his sister away, and is defeated. Our walkthrough of Devil May Cry 4 will help you deal with all the intrigues and complexities of the plot.

    Mission 1

    The moment has come when you have to manage all the processes yourself, playing as Nero. And only our Devil May Cry 4 walkthrough will be your assistant. Credo promised to return later and with reinforcements. This mission is just the beginning of an action-packed game. Here you will learn basic techniques. Your life scale is still disabled, you just have to do what is required of you. When you pin Dante against the wall, he admits to you that he and Nero are very similar and the difference is only one thing. What? Without speaking, he will leave through the gap from which he came. At this moment Credo appears.

    Mission 2

    With great effort, the girl brought Nero his sword weapon, the Red Queen, which he holds in one hand. This is his main Devil May Cry 4 weapon for now. Kryie remembered her gift and decided to get it. Despite his bruises, he survived. Nero decided to present her with a winged gold pendant. In this place, Nero will have a new first task - to find Dante and punish him. The city is in complete turmoil, rebels from hell are exterminating civilians. You must protect them, and Nero once again saves Kryie. Now you can teach new skills to your character Nero and start fighting.

    Start destroying your opponents, moving on and breaking objects for which you receive bonuses. There are no complicated paths here, so there is no point in describing everything in detail. When you reach a dead end, turn right. Enter the room and find the golden bonus, which is safely hidden in the wall. If you have it, you don't have to start the mission over again if you die. Then go up the stairs. Now you are in a small room with monsters. The exit is blocked by cobwebs on the door. You will find out how to free it in our walkthrough of the game Devil May Cry 4. The red web will disappear when all the enemies are destroyed, and the blue web will disappear when you solve the puzzle. Go through a couple of doors and look around on the balcony. Have you seen it? The creatures are generally uncontrollable and dance on the bus.

    Go down to the bottom of the hall and take out the blue crystal in the shape of a skull from the strange mechanism. Stand in the center of the glowing circle and use Nero's plastered hand to jump to the place where you couldn't reach using the stairs. Then repeat the jump a couple more times. Go forward, a secret mission awaits you here. Its goal is to destroy monsters in a specially allotted time. If you successfully complete the task, you will receive a prize as a reward - a crystal. At the end of the mission, in any case - win or lose, continue moving on. There is another web waiting for you ahead, and only killed opponents will help you get rid of it. Further on your way there will be many more different battles, defeat the monsters and don’t stop. Once on the roof, pick up another piece of the crystal. Then enter the huge wooden doors. Walk along the pier. Were you surprised that there are no tricks? This is just the calm before the storm! When you enter the building, a barrage of monsters from hell will fall on you right from above. They have blades instead of legs. So be careful, otherwise they will cut you into pieces.

    In front of you is a blue web. Another puzzle? It doesn’t matter, because we took this moment into account in the walkthrough of Devil May Cry 4. Use your demonic hand to turn the mechanism, do not forget to stop it after that and the obstacle will disappear. When the web disappears, you will see a structure that controls the drawbridge. Entrust this matter to Nero. Walk across the rickety bridge on the pier, and then cross the bridge it lowers. You find yourself in a building. Here you will have to show skill - while jumping, quickly grab onto it with your strong hand to get higher. Here you need to turn right and enter the next doors.

    These doors led you to a remote place. Here, hiding, a fire demon - the boss of this mission - will attack you. Attack him using the Devil May Cry 4 weapon - a pistol. Hide from his fiery attacks, and attack from afar, shooting from a pistol or using a sword. It is best to destroy your opponent when it goes out. When buildings begin to collapse, first aid kits will fall from them. Collect them and try not to miss them, as they will add your number of lives. When the battle finally ends, go to the place where the web was and run into the cave, which is on the right side.

    Mission 3

    What a strange place? This is a mine. Move straight along the rails, killing all the monsters from hell on your way. When you find yourself near the waterfall, then climb up in any way. From there, enter another cave. And the boards near the passage are easy to break with a couple of blows. Now you can easily exit through the free hole. Don't be surprised - there is a lot of snow around. You just find yourself in the mountains. I think it's a great place for Fortuna's castle, isn't it?

    Don't bother if you use our Devil May Cry 4 walkthrough. Go forward, but be careful in your movements. Here you will be attacked by a considerable bunch of hellish opponents. Deal with them as best you can. Having reached the nearest gate in the area, the beautiful girl Gloria will fall right next to you. She is also from the warrant and has heard a lot about Nero. True, the girl claims that what they say about you is not at all positive. After talking, you need to go your separate ways - each to do his own thing.

    You have arrived at the cathedral lobby, turn left and enter the door. There will be a lot of wandering around here. Enter the room where the floor will be wet and disgusting. Then go upstairs and jump to get to the second floor. Go to the end of the room and open the door. Go down to the opposite staircase to climb higher. Before you is another already familiar obstacle - a cobweb. Get rid of it, as mentioned earlier in the Devil May Cry 4 walkthrough. When the door is free, enter the next room.

    Once in the gallery, do not be distracted by the art that talented people have created, but rather fight off your enemies. Go straight down the corridor to the library. Gain strength and patience to fight the next boss of the game Devil May Cry 4. The boss stands in front of Nero in the form of a knight. Attack him with your devil hand. Thus, you will hit the enemy with his own weapon. Only after this the knight will split into two. But it will be easier to win. At the end we learn that hellish creatures have taken possession of the order's armor. Go to the strange mechanism and take another crystal fragment from there.

    Mission 4

    Go back to the room where you were before. There is a torch hanging near the wall - break the door with it. Through the gallery you need to get to the dining room. At the end of the dining room there is a structure that shoots out clouds of fire. To get to it, hide behind the torch. Then use the same object to destroy the mechanism. Then you will have to go through a small secret mission.

    Our walkthrough of the game Devil May Cry 4 will help you complete part of the puzzle. There is a wheel behind the door, spin it and it will open the grate. This way you can carry the torch to the end of the corridor. Pushing the torch statue, roll it to the doors at the end of the corridor and break through the door. Now you have all the statues to place them in their places. You went outside through the doors. Here Nero will be attacked by monsters in the guise of women. Naturally, proceed to self-defense, after several blows you will see that these creatures are hanging on the antennae of a huge toad. It also must be destroyed by all possible means. Start attacking in the mustache using a Devil May Cry 4 weapon such as a pistol. Thank God, Nero managed to close the portal before the brothers of this vile monster appeared.

    Mission 5

    You have clearly never been to a place like this before - a cemetery. Very dark sensations, especially from flying demons. Kill them and immediately jump over the partition. Run to the big stairs. Underneath there is another secret task. Climb up the stairs and start killing a bunch of knights.

    When leaving the bedroom, as before, spin and stop the wheel. Take the statue with you to break through the locked door ahead. Suddenly Nero falls down, where demons are simply swarming. Kill them all to save your life. There is a Wind talisman in this room. Find it and take it for yourself. You need to get upstairs, fight your opponents there again and head to the main hall. Use your statue to break through the object that is located in the center of the room. Jump up and grab onto the chandelier, then watch what happens. Go down to the underground laboratory. Do you see the hole under the painting? Go through it and Nero will be in the right place. A little later, a video will appear from which you will learn that the priest survived the shot, and the people are not entirely happy that Nero is going in search of Dante.

    Mission 6

    The adventures continue through the laboratory. Don't be afraid to jump, because your ward character Nero lands very successfully from any height. Moving along the free route for a short time, Nero will reach a dead end. Monsters will come running to help you get out. Having overcome all the obstacles and demons, you find yourself in the next room. Here you need to solve the puzzle. The passage of the game Devil May Cry 4 will help in this confusing task. Task: move the piece to a certain end. In fact, there is nothing complicated. Just roll the dice. The number of points that appear on it is the number of cells the figure will move. But not everything is as simple as it seems. If your piece lands on a yellow square, then the move will be backwards, but if it lands on a red square, there will be trouble: monsters will appear or a beam will shoot at it, from which you need to escape as quickly as possible. Having successfully completed the puzzle to the end, move on.

    The scientist doesn't like you inhabiting his personal space. For this he will punish you by inciting the monsters to attack Nero. You will have to deal with both the monsters and the scientist. As a result, he will fly away, transforming into a demon. The same effect awaits you, only Nero will turn out to be a good demon.

    And now the moment of clarification has come. The priest turns out to be not at all who he said he was. He wanted to conquer the whole world. And this laboratory was created to develop a variety of plans. Good news - there will be a new weapon in Devil May Cry 4 - Yamato. Nero is no longer so afraid of demons.

    It's time to talk to Credo. Head towards it, killing all the monsters on the way. Exit the laboratory and get rid of the cobwebs. All paths go towards Rome. When you find yourself in the room where the gorge is under the portrait, turn into any door and go across the bridge. Here, move straight, as there is no turning back. When you reach the forest, you will see the figure of Dante, who will hurry to hide.

    The priest learns about Nero's devilry and will try to catch it. And Gloria will go out in search of Dante. How it will all end is still unknown. Continue the exciting game and use the walkthrough of Devil May Cry 4.

    Devil 4 walkthrough

    Mission 7. Viper

    So, you are in the forest. Follow the map to the door icon. You find yourself in a different location. Go down the cliff and take the stairs on the right. Immediately go inside the building and get rid of the enemies, then go up to the second floor. Use the wheel and quickly run across the disappearing bridge. On the other side, go through the massive door. Go forward and another wheel will appear in front of you, which will create another disappearing bridge. If you are lucky enough to fall, then you can rise up, using the teleport to destroy all the monsters. When the difficult crossing is behind you, you will reach a bridge over the river.

    If you cross the bridge and go left, you can go through another secret mission. From the bridge go right. Gradually moving forward, you will reach a closed gate, break it with a nearby statue. A little further there is another gate, break that too.

    On the bridge you will have to run away from a giant snake, I do not advise you to hesitate. After that, continue forward. Soon you will come out into a clearing with a portal and this, excuse me, demon snake will fly to you (as it turns out, it can also take the form of a spider...). The most dangerous thing for her is hitting the bud that appears on her in the form of a spider; it is useful to use Yamato. Otherwise, she is no different from other opponents. Before the snake disappeared behind the portal, Nero managed to tear off a piece from its tail, which immediately merged with the demonic hand. This artifact will give you the ability to clear bushes blocking the path. Go into the passage behind the bush. Mission over!

    Mission 8. The meaning of faith

    Go down the mountain path and don't turn anywhere. Get rid of the devilish bush that stands on the road. Cross the bridge and go back where you came from - scary monsters will attack you. Now go back into the building, in the courtyard of which there is a fountain, you will immediately be shown a bush under the stairs that needs to be dried. There is a door right behind the bush.

    You have come to an intersection with an obelisk, follow the road straight ahead, then turn right, then left again. If you make a mistake, you will end up with the monsters that are protecting the teleport, and you will have to start all over again. Go to the order building.

    When you get close to the tower, you will find that they are already waiting for you. After a short but rather unpleasant conversation, be prepared to defend yourself from the blows of Credo, who has turned into a demon (funny, he thinks he is an angel). In this case, you can bring the outcome of the battle closer in any way.

    Yes, I said bring it closer, because there will be no corpses - Kryie will come running, and a mad scientist will take her prisoner under the pretext of protection. Credo, wisely, decided that the fight should be postponed until he found out the whole truth and his sister was safe, and then flew away. Now you have to save the girl from the clutches of the crazy Sanctus.

    Mission 9. For you

    Go where you were going, you need to find Kryie. You will meet two knights in armor, first they will deal with two monsters, and then they will attack you. Break through to the door behind them at any cost!

    Go up to the balcony and use a strange device that should lower the bridge. It won't work to lower it, but Nero will think of checking the hall - a door will open there, but the path to it will be blocked by dangerous lasers. Reach the door. In the room, take the key that will allow you to slow down time to get through this type of trap. In the next room, call the elevator. Exit one elevator and go to another. And so on several times.

    After a series of elevators, you will finally find Kryie, but Angnus will also find you. Hit him for everything. Defeating him is not difficult, you just need to dodge all his attacks and throw his own swords at him. And also, stay away from him, the vile creature can use you as a battery to restore his life.

    But when victory is close, Sanctus will fly in, there will be no fight: you will be a demon knight while they fly away with Kryi. This is where the game lives up to its name.

    Devil May Cry 4 walkthrough

    Mission 10. Wrapped in Glory

    Okay, you can’t leave it like that, move on. Go through the elevator and get rid of the cobwebs by turning the wheel. Jump to the place where the web was. Go to where Nero failed to lower the bridge.

    Go across the bridge and get over a whole chain of lasers. Now, turning right, you can complete the Secret Mission. Jump down, but be careful. Below, use the device that was covered in cobwebs and jump to the door that was shown in the video.

    When you finally find yourself at the door, you can breathe easy and go into the room. Go through the next elevator and go to a more advanced elevator powered by the wind talisman. Upon arrival, go straight, all other doors are closed.

    After going through the council room and smashing the round table (optional), you can go through another Secret Mission hidden behind the door on the left.

    There you will meet Dante again, who will first demand you give Yamato, and then allow you to take it. When meeting him, beware of his stabbing blows with a sword, and also avoid shots. Despite your best efforts, he will defeat you (in the video). After that, you can calmly talk to him. When he leaves, Gloria will enter the room and it will turn out that she and Dante have known each other for a long time and her name is not Gloria at all, but Trish (from the previous parts of the series).

    Mission 11. Circle nine

    Go up the left stairs and spin the wheel there, then quickly climb up. And there, on the elevator, even higher. Don't step on the teleporter, but go right. To open the door, pull the monster towards you. After going a little further, you must jump to the other end of the cliff. You need to do this this way: jumping from one edge of the cliff, smack Nero harder into the other and jump directly over the wall. When you have jumped over, go forward. Jump over the cliff again. Then turn the wheel and go up. At the top, click on the red lever - you lowered the working elevator.

    Go to him, he will take you straight to Sanctus. You can only damage him when he's on the ground, so knock him down first. To do this, first break the sphere, and then strike it once. When he uses a huge stone statue, dodge its blows until Sanctus appears again.

    At one point Nero will fall into a trap. Credo will come to his aid. But the outcome of the battle will be the death of Credo and the capture of Nero. The fate of the world passes to Dante.

    Mission 12. New Beginning

    You are already playing as Dante. Check out the new opportunities and go straight ahead. Soon you will have to run and very quickly - you have ten minutes before collapse, run the same way that Nero came here. You will again have to climb the previously moving platforms, but, fortunately, they will be stationary. Then climb over the laser beams again and run further. In the hall, deal with the knights and run out of the building, and just in time - the tower collapsed right behind you.

    Walk a little and Dante will start to remember where it all started. In any case, one more mission is over.

    Mission 13. Return of the Devils

    Go straight, follow the map. When you reach the round “square”, jump down and get ready to fight off the monsters. Go forward and go down the mountain. Go through the burgundy cloud.

    Cross to the other side across the bridge. Go forward and go down to the river itself, go under the bridge. Go inside the building and go under the stairs, at the obelisks go like this: forward, back, right, right. By the time I thought of this, I thought I was going crazy. The spider-echidna snake is waiting for you again. Defeat her, just like last time, she seems to have forgotten everything.

    Dante will receive new weapons and become even cooler than before. Unlike Nero, he will see things through to the end. Leave the arena.

    devil may cry 4 walkthrough

    Mission 14. Forest of Ruins

    Follow the path, it still doesn’t turn anywhere. But be careful that there is no head under your feet that is trying to swallow you from the ground. Head to the lonely statue that Nero used to break the gate, and climb into the mountains. Having passed, you will then be able to go through the next secret mission. Now go to where Nero came from - to the castle.

    Mission 15. Castle of Fortune

    You find yourself in a familiar castle again. Deja vu? No - Dante. Go to the castle. An electrical miracle will attack you soon. You can only attack him from a distance, and if you don’t like experiencing electricity on yourself, then dodge attacks. Having dealt with him, move on.

    Entering the hall, you cannot help but notice that it has changed greatly - it is covered with ice. Go to the library where you first met the knight. There, go through the gap in the wall and jump into the hole. Below you can go through the Secret Mission. Go where you can - you will still end up where Nero managed to break through the floor and collapse. You know what to do with the wheel that will take you to the top. At the top, just walk across the bridge and go through the doors. Deal with the enemies in the bedroom and go through the cemetery.

    Soon you will meet that toad again and, naturally, Dante will finish it off. But unlike Nero, he did not immediately recognize the bait (but he smelled the smell). Deal with the toad the same way as last time, and even faster. After victory, you will receive a dozen more toads and one new weapon, which is difficult to describe - as the instructions say, it can take many forms, from a minigun to a tank (cool). Naturally, Dante immediately transformed him into a tank to deal with the toad.

    At the end, our hero will fall through the ice, but this is not the end, jump even lower to complete the mission.

    Mission 16. Dead Man

    With Dante you won't have to relax - immediately after your jump, poisonous gas will come from everywhere, from which you will have to run. Run, destroying demons along the way. You don't need to solve the cube puzzle because Dante will get rid of the cube, just go through the doors. In the room where Nero gave Agnus the heat, you just need to destroy the enemies. Now you can breathe easy, there is no more gas, and you are on the street. Climb the stairs on the right and... gas again. Go forward and then jump up.

    In the main hall you will see that the ice is gone and you can safely leave the castle. Hellhounds, after the bridge, are easiest to scatter with Pandora. Go higher along the mountain path. You probably already guessed who the next opponent will be. Go to where you fought the fire demon. First, Dante will sit on his tail (he burned through his cloak quite a bit). Having dealt with him, Dante will take away another weapon. Go to the pier.

    Mission 17

    So, you are at the pier, head towards the opera. But first, fight off a large bunch of monsters that are waiting for you on the streets of the city. After dealing with the offenders at the opera, go inside. In front of it you can find another Secret Mission.

    There Dante will put on a whole performance - all in front of the same unpleasant guy Agnus. Get rid of him, this time you can ignore his swords. At the end, having destroyed the floor of the opera, Dante shoots through his notebook, and then rather brutally eliminates the dangerous scientist.

    Now go down through the blue light and take Yamato, thereby blocking the passage from the world of demons.

    Mission 18. Destroyer

    They'll set that huge statue on you. You need to fight it like this: jump on the platforms, turn on the laser gun and... jump onto the statue and break the blue crystals on the arms and shoulders. Then shoot Pandora at the crystal on her head. A large cannon will help you deal with the crystals (except for the one on the chest). When the last crystal remains, jump a little, dodging the deadly laser. Soon you will see the giant's life bar, which means you can say goodbye to him. Attack the last crystal when it's at your level or with something ranged. When everything is over, Dante will free Nero.

    Mission 19. Successor

    And inside this Savior there is fun - some eyes in the wall... Let's play as Nero again. Go straight. There you will find yourself playing with cubes again, only this time longer. The rules are the same. And one more difference: you can’t reroll the die - you need to get to the purple or yellow circle. But before you rise higher, you must first deal with your opponents (you will have to deal with old demons again). Then jump into the teleport and repeat everything until the very top.

    When you find yourself at the top, break the hot stones and jump into the fire. Mission over!

    Devil May Cry 4 walkthrough

    Mission 20

    Before you is Sanctus again, however, his appearance has completely changed and his mind has become clouded. It's a pity, but this didn't affect his strength. Destroy it one last time, just like the first time. This will save three lives: yours, Dante's and, of course, Kryie's.

    All that remains is to disassemble the statue into stones. Dodge and hit her hands with the devil's hand. Since there are only two hands, if you do everything correctly, it won’t take much time. Watch Nero break the statue.

    You have completed the entire game, but you can watch one more scene; to do this, protect Kryie for one and a half minutes.

    That's all, I really hope that the guide to Walkthrough of the game Devil May Cry 4 written clearly.

    Solitaire Solitaire