Devil may cry 4 how to open lady

The last change of console generations surprisingly took place without discussions on the topic of the death of PC gaming. But besides the absence of gloomy prophecies, the move of the console public to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 is characterized by another interesting trend. Not only has the stream of games coming out on the PC not dried up, on the contrary, projects are moving to us (or are planning to move) which, according to the structure of the universe, should not have poked their noses beyond the boundaries of their own platform. And if the visit Gears of War And Viva Pinata(Xbox 360) was still expected, then the release of new parts in our area Street Fighter and, according to some reports, Mortal Kombat completely discouraging. But most main game from the category " and we didn’t even hope"is certainly Devil May Cry 4. Especially considering the incident (you can’t call it a port) called Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening- Special Edition .

Devil May Cry is a universal project. It's equally popular in Japan, where it's prized for its crazy plot and complex universe, as it is in the West, where everyone loves its super-fast gameplay.

The first part was released in 2001 on PlayStation 2 and was immediately canonized. According to the backstory, thousands of years ago a bloody war began between humans and demons. Humanity turned out to be too weak to compete on equal terms with the legions of darkness, so its representatives died one after another. So everything would have ended in the defeat of people if the leader of the demons Sparda had not sacrificed his own immortality and closed the portal between the worlds. Remaining on Earth, he founded the Order of the Sword, setting the goal of the complete destruction of evil spirits.

The player took on the role of Dante, one of Sparda's sons, a foppish-looking blond with a boorish sense of humor. The first part was a masterpiece thanks in large part to its amazing combination: it combined incredible combos and bloody carnage with entertaining puzzles.

The question of the fate of the sequel was resolved, but, alas, Capcom, unexpectedly for everyone and itself, stumbled. The developers themselves apparently did not understand the reason for their own success. IN Devil May Cry 2 The plot and atmosphere, mistakenly taken for unnecessary garbage, went under the knife. The result was a rather indistinct action game, equipped with new attacks and techniques, which there was no place and no reason to use. This time the story was dedicated to a certain old woman who promised to tell Dante a terrible secret about his father if he agreed to kill a businessman who had entered into an agreement with the forces of evil. The battles took place in open areas, and the detailing left much to be desired. The bosses, one of the main trump cards of the series, turned out to be so boring that I didn’t want to play at all after meeting the first one.

But Devil May Cry 3 (which Capcom for some reason decided to release on PC in the form of an obscene piece of software code) put everything in its place. Style, riddles, plot, humor - everything is back. But the main thing, of course, is Dante - he straightened his shoulders again, and it was interesting to watch him again.

The plot of Devil May Cry 4 starts immediately after the events of the first part (the third was a prequel, and the developers seem to ignore the shameful second). A special feature of the game is proposed to be the new main character - Nero. He witnesses how Dante himself, the famous fighter against evil spirits, kills one by one the knights of the order created by his own father. The reason for this behavior is the main plot intrigue of Devil May Cry 4. The impressionable Nero swears revenge on Dante, instantly classifying him as a top-ranking villain.

The change of the main character brought so many angry messages from fans to Capcom that the authors first hastily announced that Dante would also be playable in some missions, and then they completely dedicated an entire half of the game (the second) to him.

Fair sex on the warpath

Capcom has a tradition - one of the central characters must be a girl. It was like this throughout the entire series. Resident Evil , V Lost Planet and, of course, in Devil May Cry. Dante regularly found himself an extravagant girlfriend, and each time a new one.

Trish (Devil May Cry)

A woman created (that is, artificial, yeah) by the demon king Mundus, who used the classic technique - pretended to be good and lured Dante to the castle, where, in theory, a long and painful death would await him. But in the end she goes over to his side and even saves the hero’s life. As the game progresses, Dante more than once notes that Trish is very similar to his mother (hello, Freud!). Unfortunately, I didn’t get to play as the girl.

Lucia (Devil May Cry 2)

A woman who came from nowhere and who has been helping Dante exterminate for fifteen hours - ha ha! - mutated helicopters. Despite her dubious charisma, Lucia is good primarily because you could play her yourself. An entire disc is dedicated to her adventures (Devil May Cry 2 was released on two DVDs).

Lady (Devil May Cry 3)

For the best Devil May Cry - the best heroine. At first, Lady (real name Maria) pursues her own interests and, having met Dante, opposes him (even appears as a boss). But, realizing that their goals are almost identical, Dante and his new acquaintance form an alliance and stand shoulder to shoulder. The character of the Lady is written simply impeccably, and her acrobatic sketches in the videos defy any description at all.

Gloria (Devil May Cry 4)

According to Hiroyuki Kobeyashi, game producer, Gloria - " best heroine in the history of the series" We have no reason not to believe his words. She is the highest ranking woman in the Order of the Sword. Gloria boasts excellent fighting abilities and an excellent sense of humor. This is basically Dante in a skirt. It's a pity, but apparently you won't be able to play as her.

If you suddenly don’t know what Devil May Cry is, we remind you that it’s a slasher film. That is, a third-person action game with all that it implies - a huge number of monsters, multi-stage combos, special moves and other wall bounces. Devil May Cry stands out against this background due to its artistic, so to speak, execution. What happens on the screen when you start this game cannot be confused with any other slasher film. This is real visionary choreography. With one blow, Dante throws the enemy into the air, then shoots him with pistols on the fly, kicks him, soars up and repeats the same thing, only in flight. Devil May Cry is sheer foppishness, it’s the rapture of rapid-fire, it’s all our own ridiculous ideas about “coolness” put together: a leather coat, sunglasses, two pistols, stupid bangs, swords, a stern look.

All the more surprising is that we will play for Nero throughout the first half of the fourth game. The new alter ego's arsenal is a rather mediocre analogue of Dante's weapons. Let us remember that he had an amazing Rebellion sword, as well as two pistols, Ebony and Ivory. Nero has a Red Queen blade as a bladed weapon (smaller in size than Dante's sword, but overall looks good). Instead of Ebony and Ivory, there is a single Blue Rose pistol, which is clearly inferior compared to the Dante twins.

Perhaps the only argument in favor of the new protégé is the Devil Bringer, a magical unit worn on Nero's right hand. It can be used to teleport short distances, which compensates for the slowness of the new hero. In addition, you can grab an enemy with telekinesis and then slam him into the nearest wall.

Dante's arsenal, fortunately, will remain virtually unchanged. At least the sword and pistols are there. But the most interesting thing is that now the real hero of Devil May Cry has a kind of “Pandora’s Box”, from which, on demand, as if from a cornucopia, a variety of firearms will pour out: rocket launchers, crossbows, shotguns and other little joys. And after this, Capcom wants to convince us that playing as Nero is almost more fun than playing the hero we loved in the first three parts?

The action itself will now take place both in open spaces and in various castles and even dungeons. There will be a lot more puzzles (which, alas, seems to be more of a drawback - there were quite enough of them in Devil May Cry 3). Acrobatics are also promised. Without fanaticism, of course, but jumping should still bring some variety.

Technically, Devil May Cry 4...underwhelms. Open spaces are richly decorated and decorated with special effects, but when it comes to close contact, polygons float uncomfortably into the frame. There are few of them, and they are not in the best shape. But the whole point is that Devil May Cry has never looked static. In the course of numerous acquaintances with the game at exhibitions, we established the following: technically it is not capable of turning heads, but the choreography and style redeem a lot. When Dante, even if he lacks polygons, soars up and, showering his enemies with a hail of special effects, brings down all his power on them, remarks about low-quality models somehow get stuck in the throat.

Ninja Gaiden (Xbox, Xbox 360 and PS3)

New episode games Ninja Gaiden(not to be confused with Ninja Gaiden for arcades and NES) is very similar in mechanics to God of War. Only instead of Spartans and myths Ancient Greece steam punk is mixed here, modern world and, of course, ninjas. By and large, there is nothing special in the game - it’s just an old-school slasher film of a very, very high class. Last game series, Ninja Gaiden Sigma(PS3), released recently.

* * *

And finally, the main sore point of all Capcom ports is control. The news about him is not very good. The fact is that we got acquainted with the game exclusively in console versions, and even there, not everything is smooth. New DualShock For some reason it doesn’t provide the same smoothness as its counterpart for the PlayStation 2, and the Xbox 360 gamepad has its own problems. The left stick is not at the same level as the right one, but higher. This is good in first-person shooters, but when you have several hours of continuous, as they say in the West, button mashing, your hands simply get tired.

It’s scary to imagine what awaits PC owners. Crazy jumps and execution of combos at the speed of “twenty severed limbs per second” - our keyboard is clearly not used to this. On the other hand, if we talk about at least support for the Xbox 360 controller, then everything won’t be so scary.

Moreover, the second coming of a game like Devil May Cry on our platform is an unconditional, unconditional holiday. Even the mutilated third part at one time gathered a considerable number of fans around itself, despite the mocking direction and the catastrophic picture. So there is no need to complain about the lack of landfills - we only have to wait until February!


The main character of the game. Nero was orphaned as a child and adopted by the Order. He is especially close to Credo and his younger sister Kyrie. It seems that Nero treats her like a brother, but in reality his feelings for her are much deeper. Everyone in the Order fears Nero because he exudes strength, agility and fearlessness. However, it cannot be said that Nero is respected. With his complex character, he regularly displeases others. It is quite in his style to be late for Mass, casually lounging in a pew and listening to heavy rock music instead of sermons. It is difficult to compete with him in audacity and cynicism. This self-confident young man also loves to swear in a fight and shows indecent gestures. But everything is redeemed by his courage, bordering on recklessness, and such a touching fear of losing Kirie...


The famous demon hunter has matured and grown stubble. He still loves pizza, pretentious fights, and sitting with his feet up on the table. The years have not spoiled him at all; from a melancholy, reserved young man, he turned into a cheerful, charming man. Dante is brutal and romantic at the same time. And cool as always! Incredibly cool! Each battle for him is a whole performance that makes you hold your breath, causes a smile and delight. Like a jack-in-the-box, he appears in the cathedral, breaking through the roof, and shoots Sanctus in cold blood. Nero is tasked with catching a mysterious killer, but is it possible to catch Dante? Of course not! He can appear out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere. We can talk a lot about Dante, but what's the point? It's better to play with it and feel the fullness of its coolness.

Minor characters


The Lady has also changed significantly since DMC 3. It's hard to say whether she's friends with Dante or just using him. How can this relationship be called otherwise, given her meager payment for her work? Every time she is too lazy to do any work, or this work is too tough for her, she turns to the Devil agency may cry"And, to her credit, she skillfully proves to Dante that he simply must complete the next task. This time she is worried about the Order of the Sword, which is hunting for demonic weapons. The lady wants Dante to find out their true goals.


Dante's partner, his friend and ally. Trish is willful and will not let herself be offended. Likes to act alone. Brave, ready to take risks. She can silently disappear, leaving only an inscription in lipstick. He never misses an opportunity to tease Dante. Unfortunately, he rarely appears in the game. But she now has a second appearance...Gloria.


The only woman in the Order. She has only recently been there, but has won Sanctus's trust by bringing the sword of Sparda. Her charm, extraordinary appearance and magnificent body, barely covered by clothes, dazzle those around her. Gloria is confident and bold, it seems that she is not afraid of anyone or anything. In a fight, she has no equal: only she can cope with a crowd of demons so deftly, effectively and erotically.


Leader and commander of the Holy Knights of the Order of the Sword. Bears the title "His Holiness". Sanctus seems to be a harmless old man, but his plans are dark. He strives to achieve fame, respect and power. To do this, Sanctus comes up with a plan full of intrigue. He creates a statue of the Savior, a new object of worship. But his dreams are not destined to come true.


Captain of the knights. His goal is to protect the city from demons. Has demonic power. Strict, valiant, honest. Absolutely trusts the Order and brotherhood and is ready to give his life in the name of the Order. Credo does not understand that he is simply being used. The moment of truth for him will come only when the matter touches Kirie - his little adored sister.

Dante is the main protagonist of the series, a demon hunter. He is only half human. Son of the demon Sparda. The owner of a stunning appearance, big physical strength, master of incredible martial arts. Cool and charismatic. A subtle connoisseur of black humor. He loves hard rock and making fun of his enemies before finishing them off, but he always takes important and responsible matters seriously. Playable character throughout the series. Can use Devil Trigger(the ability to turn into a demon for a while), due to which Dante’s appearance changes and his combat skills increase several times.



Dante's evil brother and also the owner of the same power as him. Cunning, smart and dangerous. In the third part, in the tower Temen-ni-gru tries to remove the seal of Sparda, which fences off our world from the demonic. The mysterious Arkham helps him in this. Mundus enslaves him and is now Nelo Angelo, the armored servant of the demon emperor.

Dante subsequently encounters Nelo Angelo three times in "Devil May Cry", and each time the latter sees the former's half of the amulet, he leaves the battlefield. In the final battle, Nelo Angelo reveals his face and Dante sees that it is Virgil.

He dies, leaving behind half of his amulet...



A demon who rebelled against his kind to save all humanity 2000 years ago. He defeated all evil spirits and their patron Mundus, closing the portal between our world and the other world. After this, most of his enormous power was contained in the demonic realm, the key to which was his sword and a unique amulet. With the help of the latter it was also possible to reopen the portal between worlds. The amulet could be split into two pieces, causing its power to be deactivated. Subsequently, Sparda gave the amulet to his earthly wife Eve, who became the mother of his twin sons - Dante and Virgil. Parts of the amulet were later given to the brothers, and each of them received his father's unique sword. Dante became the owner of the Rebellion, and Vergil became the owner of the Yamato sword.

The further fate of Sparda remains unclear...



Emperor of the Demon World, the embodiment of pure evil. Was defeated by Sparda two thousand years ago. It looks like a huge angel, tens of feet tall, and has a third eye on its forehead. The main antagonist of the first "Devil May Cry" and the creator of Trish (a copy of Eve), who was supposed to lure Dante to Mallet Island. There, Mundus and his minions try to destroy the son of Sparda, but they fail. Dante emerges victorious in this fight, freeing Trish from the oppression of Mundus, who, after his defeat, makes a promise to return...

This character also appears at the end of "Devil May Cry 3" in the form of three glowing halos in the sky, with lightning around them.



Eve is the earthly wife of Sparda and the mother of twins Dante and Virgil. She was killed during a demon attack, but not before giving her sons parts of their father's amulet for their birthday. Appears in the game only as an image in a photograph standing on Dante's desk, and as a voice in a flashback (memories of the main character) of the first "Devil May Cry". Trish was created in the image and likeness of Eve.



She made her debut in the first "Devil May Cry". Also present in the second part as a playable character (this is a bonus feature, it was not present in the plot itself). Trish is a creation of Mundus. She is very similar to Dante's mother, Eve. Possesses a number of supernatural abilities, such as superhuman strength and control over energy waves. In the first part, she hires Dante to help her stop Mundus, who plans to conquer our world by opening a portal to the world of demons on Mallet Island. Dante later learns that she is a creature and servant of Mundus, and that her resemblance to Eve is part of a plan to lure him to the island and later finish him off. At the same time, because of Sparda's son, she gains human feelings and helps him destroy the demonic emperor. At the end of the game, she becomes Dante's partner in his difficult profession and together they rename the agency "Devil Never Cry" ("Demons never cry").

In the anime based on the game, she already acts on her own, but sometimes appears in the office and again works together with Sparda's son.



Lucia is, along with Dante, the main character of DMC 2. Very quickly and effectively deals with enemies in battle, using two beautiful curved daggers. Like Dante, she can use the Devil Trigger transformation, after which she looks like a demonic bird. He is part of the Vie de Marli, a clan of defenders of humanity from otherworldly forces. All members of this organization have demon blood running through their veins. She invites Dante to her island, where Matir, her mother, asks him to help them destroy Arius, the villain who has turned their homeland into a paradise for demons. Dante agrees and begins to carry out the task with Lucia, but they act separately. Later, it turns out that Lucia is, in fact, a demon created by Arius. But Matir found the girl and raised her herself. These facts do not change Lucia's main goal, and so she continues to complete the task. But when she gets to Arius, she sees that Dante has already killed him. After this, the son of Sparda goes to the demon world in order to kill more demons. But Arius, in fact, did not die and rises from the rubble of the building in demonic form. Lucia takes the fight and defeats him.

Matir is a minor character in DMC 2. The elderly woman is a member of the Vie de Marli clan, like Lucia. In her youth, she and her organization fought against demons alongside Sparda. By nature, she is cheerful and optimistic, confident in Dante’s victory over Arius.

One of those who taught Lucia how to use Arcana (mystical relics). At her request, Dante was invited to the island, whom Matir never calls by name, but calls him “son of Sparda.” At first, Matir introduces herself as Lucia's mother, but it turns out that Lucia is one of the creations of Arius, who later planned to use her for his own purposes: Matir did not allow this to happen, so she took the girl to her place and raised her herself.

The main villain of "DMC 2". An extremely wealthy businessman, owner of the international company "Uroboros". I wanted to find the legendary artifacts of Arcana, capable of freeing the demon Agrosax from the other world, which he, in turn, wanted to use to assert his power on earth. Although Arius is only human at the very beginning of the game, this does not prevent him from having powerful magical powers at his disposal, allowing him to fight against experienced demon hunters such as Dante and create new types of demons in the form he wants.

Trish will also be introduced in DMC 4, again as Dante's companion.



The lady first appeared in "Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening". In the game, she appears in various cutscenes, is a boss in one of the levels and fights with Dante during the credits. She also acts as a narrator: she talks about how she met Dante and Virgil and how it came to be that Dante named his agency "Devil May Cry". Her real name is Mary, which was given to her by her father - Arkham. She later renounced this name after Arkham killed her mother. Dante was the first to call her Lady after she did not answer the question about her name. Her eyes are different colors. Being an ordinary person, she is a real professional in using firearms and practices acrobatics in close combat. Her most powerful weapon is the Kalina-Ann, a custom rocket launcher or grenade launcher.

Appeared in DMC 4, along with Trish.

A scientist with supernatural abilities and an expert in demonic folklore. Much taller than Dante and Virgil, bald, no eyebrows. On the left side of his face there is a scar that pulsates in many of the game's cutscenes: this is the result of a failed ritual to turn him into a demon, for which he sacrificed his own wife. He himself, like his daughter Lady, has eyes of different colors. In most scenes, Arkham holds the book in his hands, even in battle.

One of the antagonists of "DMC 3". He first appears in the very first scene of the game, where he invites Dante to a meeting with Virgil. As the plot progresses, he deceives everyone (Dante, Virgil, Lady) to achieve his own goals. Has another demonic incarnation or alter ego - Jester.

After his conceived plans come true, he transforms into a cloudy, pulsating, shapeless liquid. In order to stop him, Dante and Virgil join forces and defeat him. But it is the Lady who kills Arkham.



The main character of the fourth part. He looks like the young Dante both in appearance and in character. As an orphan, he was sheltered by the Order of the Sword, under the direct influence of Kiri, the sister of the head of the Credo organization. Subsequently he became a Holy Knight of the Order. He liked to work alone, so he usually did all the “dirty work” for the organization. In battle he uses a sword called the Red Queen, a Blue Rose revolver and the power of the "Devil Bringer", a glove worn on his right hand.



Kiri is the sister of the leader of the Order of the Sword. Born and raised in Fortuna. Singer at meetings of the Order. She helped Nero “get on his feet”, and therefore he treats her like an older sister. But soon this feeling becomes love.



The head of the Holy Knights, a strict and fair commander of several hundred servants of the Order. He showed excellent results on the battlefield, which aroused the genuine admiration of many. Kiri's older brother also considers Nero part of his family, but cannot come to terms with his brash nature.



A scientist who works for the Holy Knights and is involved in various technical developments. He creates demon-killing weapons for the Order. A closed workaholic who rarely appears in public. He conducts work hidden from prying eyes, so only a few Holy Knights know about his research.



The only female Holy Knight of the Order. Has an unusual and attractive appearance. Other servants of the organization did not trust her at first, but, nevertheless, later recognized her superiority over others in combat techniques and much more.

From the very morning, rumors spread across the network that in the re-release of Devil May Cry 4, which received the Special Edition, it will be possible to play not only as Nero and Dante, but also as Vergil, Lady and Trish. By evening, the information was confirmed at the official level. It also became known that the Legendary Dark Knight mode and a pack of new costumes will be added to the game. The game's release is scheduled for June 18 on next-generation consoles, as well as June 24 on personal computers. But the indicated dates are currently only relevant for Japan.

Details of Virgil's appearance have not yet been announced. Let us remember that it simply wasn’t there in the original game. It is only known that renderings from both the third part of the game and the recent DmC were used for his model. Vergil will have new combat mechanics at his disposal, which will allow him to increase the damage dealt, provided he does not lose health. Virgil will also learn to teleport using his illusory swords.

Despite the fact that the Lady appeared in both the third and fourth parts of Devil May Cry, it will be possible to play as her for the first time. She will specialize primarily in ranged attacks. In turn, Trish will get rid of all the leapfrog with styles and weapons and will cope exclusively with the Sparda sword. You can defeat your opponents by simply pressing a few buttons, and the developers promise to implement all this using rather non-standard methods.

As for the Legendary Dark Knight mode, previously the creators from Capcom simply could not include it in the main game. Apparently, this was caused by the fact that Devil May Cry 4 was the absolutely first project authored by Japanese developers for the PlayStation 3 console. As for the mode itself, in it you have to fight against truly huge hordes of enemies, choosing completely new methods of fighting struggle.

Let me start by saying that I have little experience in creating guides, and this is the first guide I have created. I divided all the achievements in the game into categories, and described in them what needs to be done to get the achievement. There are 6 categories in total with 42 achievements, more on that below.
  1. Game modes
  2. Game Modes - Rank "S"
  3. Murders
  4. Skills and Life
  5. Bloody Palace

Game modes

The game contains 7 game modes with 20 missions each. For completing each mode you will receive an achievement, regardless of which company you chose to complete | Dante - Nero | Trish - Lady | Vergil|. There are separate achievements for completing some modes at "S" rank.

To get “story” achievements, you need to go through the company as Lady Trish and Virgil. Game mode doesn't matter. It is enough to complete from 1 to 20 missions, and the achievements are yours.

Deadly Pair
Complete the game Lady and Trish

Devil In A Blue Coat
Beat the game as Virgil

By completing the game in various modes you will receive corresponding achievements. The company for which you do this is not important. So the choice is yours, but I would recommend Nero - Dante, as there are more good cutscenes there.

Easy Does It
Complete game mode: Human

Done and Done
Complete game mode: Devil Hunter

Hardly A Simple Task
Complete game mode: Son of Sparda

All Bow Before You
Complete game mode: Dante Must Die

What Legends Are Made Of
Complete game mode: Legendary Dark Knight

Step into the Light
Complete game mode: Heaven or Hell

Tonight, We Dine in Hell
Complete game mode: Hell and Hell

A Throne of Glory
Complete all game modes

Combos and rank in this game are like separate species art. There is not enough section in the manual for me to fully write all the intricacies of playing for the characters. Therefore, as a recommendation, I will point out that sometimes you really need to see it once and understand how to stylishly take other people’s lives. YouTube will not leave you without an answer.
If you are just at the stage of getting acquainted with the game, then take into account the “general” points. Variability and high tempo of attacks, forms excellent combos. Which, together with the lack of damage received, give an excellent result.

Receive "S" rank during battle

Smokin' Style!!
Receive "SS" rank during battle

Smokin' Sick Style!!!
Receive "SSS" rank during battle

Game Modes - Rank "S"

To unlock the next 5 achievements, you will need to complete 20 missions at “S” rank in the first 5 modes. After completing the mission at the end there is a calculation:

  • Time it took you to complete the mission
  • The number of combos you have completed (in numbers)
  • Number of collected red spheres
You need at least 2 of the above parameters to be rated “S”, then for the mission itself you will receive “S” - 20 such missions and 1 of 5 modes will be completed. Bonuses for not receiving damage and not using inventory items significantly increase the likelihood of getting an “S” - very important in the game mode: Human. In the "Mission menu", where you select the game mode or company, there is "Total Ranking". Your statistics are shown there, and you can track which missions you have left to complete to rank "S".

The Best of the Rest
Complete all missions with "S" rank in game mode: Human

A Cut Above
Complete all missions with "S" rank in game mode: Devil Hunter

A Stunning Feat
Complete all missions with an "S" rank in game mode: Son of Sparda

Never Say Die
Complete all missions with an "S" rank in game mode: Dante Must Die

I Am Legendary
Complete all missions with "S" rank in game mode: Legendary Dark Knight


The game has 11 achievements related to killing demons. They consist of killing certain “bosses,” as well as a cumulative version of killing all demons.
Regardless of which company you started keeping the kill count in, if you switch to another it will continue.

This achievement works well for Virgil. You need to buy an improvement for Yamato called "Judgement cut end". Find a larger crowd and use this skill on them.

Wrath Of The Raging Demon Hunter
You must kill 10 or more demons in 1 second

Kill a certain number of demons. If you are focused on obtaining other achievements, then there is no need to farm.

Rookie Devil Hunter
Kill 100 demons

Skilled Devil Hunter
Kill 1,000 demons

Legendary Devil Hunter
Kill 10,000 demons

To get these 7 achievements you need to kill the "bosses" under certain conditions. To begin with, your game mode must be at least the mode: Son of Sparda, subsequent difficulty modes are acceptable. Also, the "boss" must be defeated with the "SSS" rank. The main difficulty is to remove the remaining 10% of the boss's health and not lose the "SSS" rank. If you can’t finish it off yourself, use holy water from your inventory. If these conditions are met, the trophy is yours.

One Winged Devil
Kill Angelo Credo with an SSS rating and a mode of at least Son of Sparda

Skills and Life

There are only two achievements related to skills. To get them you need to acquire all the skills for two characters Nero and Dante. To acquire any skill you will need "Proud Souls". Proud souls are a kind of currency that you receive at the end of the mission, depending on the amount of rank you have achieved at the time of its completion. All the necessary skills to acquire can be viewed before starting the mission in the “Skill Up” section; enter it through “Power Up”. All earned proud souls are transferred from one company to another. For example, you won't have to develop Nero and Dante from scratch if you've already completed the game as Lady and Trish, or Virgil.

Skill Collector - Dante
Acquire all of Dante's skills

Skill Collector - Nero
Acquire all Nero skills

There is one achievement in life, and it is not directly related. You need to complete all 12 secret missions in the game. Which character you intend to do this with is not important. For each mission you receive a blue shard - if you have 4 shards, 1 blue sphere is formed, giving you 1 life cell. Maximum amount life - 20 cells. Nero's demonic hand will help you find secret missions; it begins to glow when approaching hidden objects, one of which may be a secret mission. When you go to "Total Ranking", there will be numbers from 1 to 12 on the right - these are the numbers of secret missions. The presence of a purple star opposite indicates that you have passed it. You will receive the achievement upon completion of the main mission, not the secret one.

Nothing Left Unsaid
Complete all secret missions

Bloody Palace

Access to the Bloody Palace will open after beating the game in Devil Hunter mode or higher. The Bloody Palace consists of 101 stages. Starting from 1, each subsequent one is more difficult. If you die, you will have to start from stage 1, regardless of which stage you died at. The achievements of the Bloody Palace are divided into who will complete it and the conditions for completing it.

Different games