Didactic game for the younger group of cognitive development. Card index of didactic games in the second junior group. Card index of games for artistic and aesthetic development

Didactic games are an indispensable attribute of every lesson in kindergarten. And in the second younger group, this form of realizing educational goals and objectives is given a very special place, because children 3–4 years old cannot yet perceive information in the form of a set of facts, kids need a plot, actions into which new knowledge is woven. Therefore, the teacher should pay close attention to organizing and conducting this kind of games, and for this they cannot do without a theoretical basis and understanding of practical experience.

The essence of the concept

Didactic games are educational games that involve organizing the activities of children in conditional situations where the game task has educational significance, that is, it carries cognitive value. This goal is not realized openly, but indirectly: through a game task (for example, help a bunny count carrots), rules (“the hare can take only one carrot at a time and put it in the basket), game actions (participants go to the “storage” of vegetables " one by one).

This is interesting. The outstanding Soviet psychologist, teacher and philosopher Alexei Nikolaevich Leontyev called didactic games “milestone”, that is, denoting a transition from exclusively play activity to educational.

Didactic games are a transition from gaming activities to educational ones

Goals and objectives

The mission of educational games is:

  • development of cognitive activity (imagination, memory, observation, speed of thinking);
  • forming the concept of the sequence of performing intellectual operations (for example, mastering counting to 10);
  • training stable and voluntary attention;
  • speech development;
  • activating the desire to interact with peers and adults;
  • stimulating the need to feel part of a team;
  • encouraging the desire to interact with adults and children;
  • fostering the need to feel part of a team.

Playful activities teach children cooperation

Problems that can be solved using didactic games in the second younger group, the following can be distinguished:

  • learning to compare and select items based on the same, similar or completely different characteristics (for example, different vegetables according to ripening season, according to appearance, according to the location of the edible part of the plant in relation to the ground);
  • developing the ability to classify objects by type or material of manufacture (dishes by shape or by raw materials used in production - metal, clay, porcelain);
  • developing the skill of identifying an object by one fundamental feature or several (kids describe the animal, and one child guesses who they are talking about);
  • training attention and memory (for example, kids remember the sequence of objects or pictures, turn away, and the teacher changes the location or removes one object, children must describe the changes).

Didactic games introduce children to the manifestation of independent cognitive activity

Classification of didactic games

There are several types of educational games, which are based on one or another determining factor.

According to the principle of educational content

Based on the principle of choosing game material

By type of game actions and rules

By way of organizing children

This is interesting. Another fundamental principle of the classification of outdoor games is the role of the educator. In accordance with this grouping, games can be with the direct participation of an adult, for example, in the role of a driver, or with indirect participation, when the teacher does not play directly, but remains in the role of an observer. In the second younger group, the teacher always participates in the fun.

Considering that the goals of any lesson include a teaching component, as well as a variety of types of games, we come to the conclusion: they are used in all lessons taking into account the specific requirements for organizing didactic fun.

Psychological and pedagogical requirements for the selection of didactic games

This is interesting. A didactic game must have game rules and game actions. Otherwise it will become a teaching exercise.


For conducting didactic games, as in any other educational activities, the teacher uses three groups of techniques.


The word of an adult plays a leading role for children 3–4 years old who are actively mastering speech. At the same time, children not only perceive the semantic component of the teacher’s speech, but also form their own communicative image, that is, they replenish their vocabulary, form a set of non-verbal components (facial expressions, gestures, manner of speaking). In didactic games, three types of verbal techniques are used.

Teacher's speech - a role model for children


Of course, the most important technique in working on educational games: the teacher not only describes in detail all stages of the game, but also gives recommendations and instructions along the way.

Before the game starts, the teacher describes all game materials


This is a motivational technique used before the game starts. Often, the teacher uses riddles to make the transition from direct educational activities to gaming ones. So, when studying the topic “Birds”, before giving the task to find similarities and differences between individual birds, but after the teacher has described the animals and let them listen to the sounds they make, the kids are offered riddles about birds. Eg:

  • Who sings so loudly About the fact that the sun is rising? (Cockerel);
  • Red paws, Pinches your heels, Run without looking back. (Goose);
  • Black, darker than the darkness, There are no birds, he is smarter. On a tall spruce tree - there he is. This is an old, wise... (Raven).

In the second younger group, unlike the first, where all the riddles had agreements, classical patterns are introduced, that is, when the answers to the riddles do not rhyme with quatrains.

Guessing the contents of a magic bag is much more interesting using riddles

Short stories

Small stories preceding the game are the most successful motivational technique. Moreover, the story can not only directly relate to the course of the game, but also indirectly, when a fairy-tale hero (a toy or an image in a picture) offers to play the game as a thank you for help in solving educational problems.

In my practice, I use this technique like this: after the children have helped Dunno name the insects depicted in the pictures (birds, animals, plants), he invites them to play a game in which they need to connect bugs of different shapes with a suitable shadow. If we talk about fairy tales in which the games are woven, then this could be a story about how Luntik is going to go out for a walk in the winter, but does not understand at all what clothes to wear. The children's task is to help their fairytale friend.


Visual-visual perception is the leading one in children, so to fully understand the conditions of the game, children need to see:


After the teacher has demonstrated all the game actions, the children move on to the game itself, which in itself is a practical understanding of the activity. In addition, after the game, kids can make drawings and applications based on the fun.

For example, when distributing food among forest animals, I give the children the task of either drawing nuts for the squirrel, or gluing them in the form of an applique.

Creating drawings and applications based on games is a practical way to reinforce the material

Card index of didactic games

Educational fun can be grouped by:

  • lexical topics being studied (the most popular in this group are puzzles, the subject matter of which allows them to be used in any lesson);
  • areas of cognition (for example, dominoes and lotto are used for socialization, that is, those games in which the presence of a partner is important due to the competitive component);
  • the goals of a specific lesson (for example, to develop speech hearing and become familiar with the sounds of the surrounding world, you can use the games “Guess what it sounds like” - children guess the sounds of nature and “Clock” - kids imitate the ticking of a clock).

To select games for classes, all three classification principles are used. At the same time, with experience, the teacher develops his own card index, which is periodically replenished with new amusements.

Playing with a base in the form of a mitten allows you to acquire a whole range of knowledge about shape, color, as well as simple geometric figures

Table: example of a card index of games for the second younger group

NameType of gameApplication areaTargetMaterialsProgress of the game
"Find a pair of mittens"Desktop-printedMathematics, speech development
  • consolidate the ability to distinguish and name colors;
  • repeat the names of geometric shapes;
  • consolidate the concepts one-many;
  • develop attention, thinking and perseverance.
  • mittens cut out of paper with geometric patterns in different colors;
  • clothespins or paper clips.
The teacher lays out the mittens on the table and draws the children’s attention to the design on the mittens. Shows how to make pairs. The finished pair must be secured with a clothespin or paper clip. To complicate the task, you can give it to the speed of whoever is faster.
"Pets"Develop memory, logic, attention, thinking and imagination.Pictures with different groups of pets.The teacher invites children to group images according to different principles:
  • by body parts (dog, cat, cow);
  • by matching the silhouette of the shadow;
  • according to the plot of the story told, etc.
"Seasons"Games with objectsFamiliarization with the outside world, speech development.
  • introduce children to the main characteristic features of each season;
  • teach children to dress a doll according to the season;
  • develop the ability to establish the relationship between the seasons and people’s clothing;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Dolls, seasonal clothesThe teacher selects illustration poems for each season, the children dress the doll, commenting on their choice.
Mathematics, familiarization with the outside world, physical education - it all depends on the topic that is currently being studied.
  • learn to find, at the request of an adult, identical, but different in size objects;
  • improve finger motor skills, coordinate hand movements;
  • teach how to combine toy parts according to a picture.
Three-seater matryoshkaThe teacher invites the kids to assemble the toy by size, design, etc.
"Teremok"Playing with objects and picturesSpeech development, familiarization with the environment
  • develop coherent speech;
  • practice using quantitative and ordinal numbers; fix the spatial placement “right”, “left”, “up”, etc.
A house cut out of plywood or thick cardboard with holes for pictures.Children distribute animals into windows:
  • imitating the sounds they make;
  • guessing riddles given by the teacher;
  • fixing the spatial arrangement of objects;
  • telling a fairy tale.
"Collect the beads"Mosaic (desktop-printed)Speech development, mathematics, artistic and visual creativity
  • form hand-eye coordination based on actions with objects;
  • consolidate knowledge about color, shape, quantity;
  • develop attention and sensory perception;
  • provide the child with the opportunity to develop fine motor skills in the game, be active, and achieve results.
Beads of different shapes, colors, sizes, cord.The teacher invites the kids to collect beads:
  • right and left hand;
  • by color;
  • according to form;
  • according to the model;
  • according to your own plans, for example, on March 8th for your mother.
"Call me kindly"VerbalSpeech development, familiarization with the environment.
  • introduce the diminutive word-formation form;
  • expand children's vocabulary;
  • instill a love of language.
Pictures of some of the named objects.Depending on the topic, the teacher names the words, and the children answer with a diminutive form (wolf - top, dog - doggie, squirrel - squirrel, etc.).
"Playing with words"
  • develop speech;
  • enrich vocabulary;
  • develop a sense of language.
Pictures (optional)The teacher suggests a topic, the children name the words associated with it. Given the age, the part of speech is not important. Winter: hat, fur coat, felt boots, skis, etc.
“Echo” (the game “Hearing” is played according to the same principle)Practice sound pronunciation skills. The teacher loudly pronounces the vowel sound (a-a-a), the children repeat.
"Magic bag"Learn to identify objects based on a set of memorable features.Pictures, toys, bag.The teacher places all the objects on the table, the children remember what is there. Then they turn away, the teacher hides one object in the bag. Children guess what is missing.

Time plan

The duration of the game in the second younger group is 10 minutes. During this time, the teacher and children work through four stages.

  1. Introductory part - up to 2 minutes. The teacher motivates the children to be active in games.
  2. Familiarization with game conditions - up to a minute. The teacher explains the task and demonstrates the order of execution.
  3. Play activities for children - up to 5 minutes. This stage also includes increasing the complexity of the task, as an option for individualizing the game.
  4. The final stage - up to 2 minutes. The teacher evaluates the results and praises the kids for their work, attentiveness and accuracy.

This is interesting. The timing of a didactic game is very approximate, since the time to complete a game task depends on the content of the game, as well as on the number of game actions that children need to complete.

If there was physical education and choreography before the game, then the fun time should be reduced by two or three minutes

How to evaluate the result of the game

The result of the game means an assessment of the solution to the problem and the implementation of the rules. This analysis is carried out from two sides: the pupils and the teacher. From the point of view of the first, it is taken into account:

  • the degree of moral satisfaction with the game process and one’s participation;
  • level of demonstrated intelligence, attention, memory;
  • emotional mood.

The teacher evaluates educational gaming activities from the position of:

  • accuracy of fulfillment of tasks assigned by didactic fun;
  • implementation of prescribed game actions;
  • organizing a game situation.

Table: example of a summary of the didactic game “Fix the Car” for the second junior group

The game Fix the Car, among other things, also forms the idea of ​​a harmonious combination of colors

Video: didactic game with toys in the second junior group “Who Lives in the Forest”

Video: board-printed didactic game in the second junior group “Collect a flower”

Successful implementation of program goals and objectives in kindergarten lies in finding a productive form for children to master the content of academic disciplines. And such a framework for learning is a didactic game, with the help of which children gain knowledge, experience of socialization and communication. That is why it is very important that the teacher carefully thinks through and plans all the stages of organizing educational fun, as well as methodologically competently structured its implementation.

IntroductoryThe teacher calls the children and shows the traffic light toy:
- Guys, the Traffic Light came to visit us. He says that the wheels of the cars fell off and rolled into different sides. The traffic light boy collected them and brought them to the kindergarten. He asks to fix the cars so that there is no accident on the road.
Read the terms and conditions- Let's help the traffic light and pick up wheels for the cars. The wheels must match the color and size of the car.
Play activityChildren choose their own sets of cars and circles. The teacher asks to name the color and size of the selected cars. It asks you to think about what size and color wheels you need for a large (small) car. Specifies whether the car will drive fast or slow on the selected wheels.
Final stageWhen all the wheels have been selected, the teacher, on behalf of the Traffic Light, thanks the children and offers to swap cars to continue the game.

Natalia Lyashenko
Didactic game on cognitive development of children in the younger group “Magic Rings”

Target: consolidate ideas about the four primary colors, promote memory development, thinking, logic and fine motor skills.

Didactic the material can be very different. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can make it yourself or together with your child. To complete this task, colored cardboard is best suited, from which various shapes will be cut. Final result limited only by your imagination.

You can make familiar items from cardboard for a child with a missing piece - mittens, large and small rings of different colors, houses, etc.. Then invite the child to find these fragments and restore the figurine by selecting the shape and color.

As skills development, you can complicate the task. And teach your child to select objects not only by color, but also by their size. To do this, cut out geometric shapes (rings) different colors and sizes. Glue one half of the figures onto sheets of white paper. Use the rest as handouts. The child’s task is to choose the right pictures by color and shape and place them on top of the pasted figures.

A game"Choose by color" will help you learn to navigate the main features of surrounding objects and will reveal your child’s color sense.

Publications on the topic:

The provided game develops fine motor skills, which is useful for children before school age in progress finger games. It also develops.

Our group held a competition for a did-it-yourself didactic game. So many variety of games can be found on social networks.

Didactic game on cognitive development for children of senior preschool age “Masha and Katya’s Journey on Maps” Didactic game on cognitive development for children from 5 years old “MASHA AND KATY’S JOURNEY BY MAP” Purpose of developing the manual: Formation.

Purpose of the game: to promote the formation of the basics of computer science in children. Objectives: teach children to decipher words where letters are encoded by symbols.

A child with intellectual disability is not included in the development of the layer of social and cultural achievements of universal human development. By.

Explanatory note. A kind, reasonable attitude towards the world around us, towards people, towards the way they work, does not appear on its own - it is his.

Target. Reinforce the concept of vegetables. Tasks. Educational: increase the level of cognitive activity and intelligence of the child, interest.

Card index

didactic games on the cognitive development of children in the 2nd junior group.

“Without play there is no, and there cannot be, a full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a vital stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is a spark that ignites inquisitiveness and inquisitiveness.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Games for cognitive development of children second junior group

The purpose of games aimed at the cognitive development of a child is :

    development of interests, cognitive activity and motivation, curiosity;

    formation of cognitive skills;

    the formation of the child’s ideas about himself and other people, about the objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships between them;

    familiarization with the concepts of “Fatherland”, “homeland”, the basic socio-cultural values ​​and traditions of one’s people.

Game "Find a Pair"

Target. Teach children to select objects of different proportions according to a pattern, consolidate knowledge of primary colors, develop memory and attention.

Equipment. Images of mittens and scarves in blue, green, red and yellow.

Progress of the game.

The teacher shows dolls in hats (blue, green, red and yellow) and asks the children to choose mittens and scarves of the same color. Images of scarves and mittens are laid out scattered on the table. The dolls are seated on chairs around the table. The teacher shows the children how to select warm clothes for the dolls. Then he asks you to complete the task of dressing your doll yourself. Several people can take part in the game. Then the task is completed to see who will be the first to assemble a kit for their doll.

Game "Cut pictures"

Target. To form in children ideas about the holistic image of an object, to teach them to correlate the image of the idea with the holistic image of a real object, to fold a picture cut into 4 parts.

Equipment. Cut pictures from 4 parts. Items and toys that match those in the pictures.

Progress of the game.

In front of the children are cut-out pictures depicting a familiar object (apple, car, tumbler, doll, ball, etc.). The teacher asks the children to put together a picture from parts so that they get a whole object. At the end of the task, children are offered two objects to select and correlate (for example: a car and a tumbler, which they compare with the image.

The child who first collects the cut picture wins.

Game "Collect beads"

Target. To develop coordination of the actions of both hands of the child, an emotional attitude towards the result of their activities. Encourage children to group objects based on color.

Equipment. Colored ropes and rings in blue, red, yellow and green.

Progress of the game.

The teacher shows the dolls to the children and says that they are going to a holiday, but the dolls do not have beautiful beads, and they really want to be beautiful. The teacher puts beads on the dolls, but there aren’t enough of them for everyone. What to do? The dolls are very upset. Then the teacher shows a box with rings and strings, and offers to help the dolls and make beads for them. The teacher explains that you need to put rings on the rope of the same color as the rope itself, for example, on a red rope - red rings, on a blue rope - blue rings, etc.). The ends of the ropes are connected by the teacher. Multi-colored beads are put on dolls. The dolls are happy and say thank you to the guys.

Game "Guess what to do"

Target. Teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of the tambourine. To develop in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

Equipment. There are 2 flags for each player.

Progress: Children sit in a semicircle. Each person has 2 flags in their hands. The teacher begins to ring the tambourine. If the tambourine rings loudly, the children raise the flags up and wave them; if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees.

Game "Sun or Rain?"

Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine. To develop in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

Progress: The teacher says to the children: “Now you and I will go for a walk. Want to? Then, let's go for a walk. Look, it’s not raining, the weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring the tambourine, so that it will be more fun for you to walk to its sounds. And when it starts to rain, I will start knocking on the tambourine, and when you hear the knock, you should run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings and when I knock on it.”

Game "Extra item".

Target: teach children to identify extra item by color; develop visual memory and thinking.

Equipment: red triangles and squares of different sizes; blue circles of different sizes.

Progress of the game

The teacher places geometric shapes on a typesetting canvas, and the children name them. Then the teacher asks the children to name the extra object and explain why it is extra.

Game “Into the forest to pick mushrooms”

Target: formation of ideas about quantitative relationships between objects “one - many”.

To play the game, you need to prepare an image of a large clearing on which several mushroom figures are located. Children need to be given baskets.

Children, we came to the forest to a mushroom clearing. Look how many mushrooms there are here? (A lot of).

And now each of you will pick one mushroom. Tell me one by one how many mushrooms are in your basket. How much do you have, Vitya? (I have one mushroom).

The teacher should ask each child.

Let's put all the mushrooms in my basket. How many mushrooms did I get? (A lot of). And you? (No one).

Game "Wrap a Gift"

Target: form the concept of “big”, “small”, “thick”, “thin”; learn to correlate objects by size.

The presenter invites the children to go to Mashenka’s birthday party. To do this, they need to buy a gift. Everyone chooses a doll (the pictures show dolls of different sizes and thicknesses).

Now you need to pack the gift, and for this the children need to “buy” a package that will correspond to the size of the doll. At the same time, each child must explain his choice of packaging: “I bought this package because my doll...”.

After this game, you can discuss how to properly give and receive gifts.

Game "What grows where"

Target: learn to group objects into vegetables and fruits; develop speed of reaction, discipline, endurance.

For the game, you need to prepare pictures depicting a vegetable garden and object pictures (or dummies) of vegetables and fruits.

Children are divided into two teams: gardeners and vegetable growers. At the signal, each team must collect their items. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Games for social and communicative development

Games aimed at the social and communicative development of a child have the following goals:

    perception of norms of social behavior;

    development of communication skills, cooperation skills with other children and adults;

    development of empathy;

    developing a sense of respect and belonging to one’s family and peer group;

    formation of a positive attitude towards work and creative activity;

    developing safe behavior skills.

Game "Let's get to know each other!"

Target: strengthen children’s ability to make acquaintances, say their name, and use polite words in their speech.

Equipment: doll.

Progress of the game“I came to visit the children” new doll. She wants to meet.

Educator: “Guys, a doll came to visit us. Let's get acquainted, my name is Lyudmila Gennadievna, and yours? Very nice!". Children one by one approach the doll and say their name. Anyone who gets to know the doll can get to know the children of the group.

Game "Evaluate the action."

Target: develop children's ideas about good and bad deeds based on plot pictures; characterize and evaluate actions; cultivate kindness and sensitivity in children.

Equipment: story pictures.

Progress of the game

Children play in pairs. The teacher offers each pair a story picture. Children look at the picture, describe what they see and evaluate the action. For example: two children take turns saying: “The boy took the doll from the girl, the girl is crying. The boy did something bad, you can’t do that.”

Game "What are the names of family members."

Target: strengthen children’s ability to clearly name all members of their family; develop memory, coherent speech; cultivate love for your family.

Progress of the game

Children stand in a circle and take turns naming their family members. For example: “I live with my mother Marina, father Dima, brother Zhenya. I have grandmother Lyuda, grandmother Lena, grandfather Misha and grandfather Gena.”

Game "Yes or no".

Target: to form in children a desire to protect their health and the health of other children; teach to understand: what can be done and what cannot be done.

Progress of the game

Educator: “Guys, I will name situations for you, and if you can do so, you will clap your hands, if you cannot, you will stomp your feet. For example: you can play with a ball on the road; you can sit upright at the table; You can talk while eating; do not wash your face in the morning; you cannot handle sharp objects; you cannot play with matches; you need to wash your hands after returning from a walk, etc.

Game "Compliments".

Target: teach children to compliment each other; develop speech and thinking; cultivate friendliness.

Progress of the game

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The teacher turns to the child standing to her right: “Sasha, you are so polite today!” Next, Sasha turns to the child, whom he holds by the hand on the right. If a child finds it difficult to give a compliment, then other children help him.

Game “All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about professions; bring to the understanding that all professions are necessary and important; develop memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: pictures with professions of adults.

Progress of the game The teacher shows pictures of adults’ professions and invites them to look at them, name the profession and talk about its importance and usefulness. At the end of the game, the teacher, summing up, says that all professions are necessary and important.

Game "Who needs what for work."

Target: consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about adult professions; find items needed for a specific profession; develop memory, intelligence, thinking.

Equipment: large pictures with the professions of adults (cook, doctor, driver) and small cards with the items needed for these professions.

Progress of the game There are large pictures of adults' professions on the chairs, and cards with the items needed for these professions are scattered on the rug. The teacher invites the children to take one card on the floor and go to the picture with the profession for which this thing is needed. Children explain why they approached this or that picture with a profession.

Game "Who needs what"

Target: introduce the main characteristics of such professions as doctor, hairdresser, baker; develop a positive attitude towards work.

For the game you need to prepare items necessary to perform professional activities (syringe, scissors, comb, bowl, etc.), as well as details of the corresponding costumes. Children are assigned to roles.

First, you need to have a conversation with the children about the professions of a doctor, hairdresser, baker (you can choose others). It is necessary to find out what the kids know about their professional activities. You can ask which of the children have parents with such professions.

During the game, each child first receives costume parts. He must understand what profession he needs to represent. If children find it difficult to answer, the leader helps them.

Next, a game is played with objects that are stacked on the table. Children need to choose a subject that is necessary for their professional activities. After this, you can invite them to show how this item should be used.

Game "Yes or no"

Target: cultivate a careful attitude towards health; learn to manage your behavior, understand what actions are correct.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher should name various situations, and the kids should, if the correct behavior is announced, clap their hands, if incorrect, stomp their feet.

Game "Who to be friends with"

Target: teach children to understand people's facial expressions; develop empathy, cultivate friendliness.

Place pictures of children with different facial expressions on the board. The children are invited to look at the pictures and choose a friend. The facilitator should ask them to explain their choice.

Games for speech development children 3-4 years old

Games for speech development are aimed at achieving the following goals:

    teach the child to use speech as a means of communication;

    increasing vocabulary;

    development of phonemic hearing;

    familiarization with the basics of sound and intonation culture of speech;

    development of speech creativity;

    familiarization with samples of children's literature.

Game "Butterfly, fly!"

Target. Achieve long, continuous oral exhalation.

Equipment. 5 bright paper butterflies. Tie a thread 50 cm long to each and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. The cord must be pulled between two posts so that the butterflies hang at the level of the face of a standing child.

Progress: Children sit on chairs. The teacher says: “Children, look how beautiful the butterflies are: blue, yellow, red! There are so many of them! They look like they're alive! They can fly. (Blows on them.) Look, they flew. Now try blowing on them yourself. Who will fly further? The adult invites the children to stand one by one next to each butterfly. Children blow on butterflies. The game is repeated several times until all the children blow on the butterflies. It is necessary to ensure that children stand straight and do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You need to blow only on one exhalation, without taking in air, while the child’s cheeks should not puff out, and the lips should be slightly pushed forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may become dizzy.

Game "Loud - Quiet"

Target: develop intonation culture of speech, teach how to change the strength of your voice.

To play the game, you need to prepare paired objects of different sizes (large and small pipes, ducks, cars).

Before the game starts, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children.

Look, I have a big mother duck in my hands. She calls her children and loudly shouts “Quack-quack!” Repeat how the mother duck screams.

Children loudly repeat “Quack-quack!”

And now I'm holding a duckling. He is still very small and can only quietly say “Quack-quack!” Repeat how he does it.

Children quietly repeat “Quack-quack!” The teacher must ensure that children do not whisper.

After the introductory conversation, you can move on to the game itself. The teacher takes turns showing either a large or a small duck, and the children must independently pronounce how it quacks.

Similarly, you can play with any other pair of objects.

Game "Launching Boats"

Target: development of the articulatory apparatus, formation of the skill of prolonged pronunciation of the sound [f] on one exhalation and repeated pronunciation of the sound [p] on one exhalation; develop the ability to combine the utterance of a sound with the beginning of a sigh.

To play, you need to prepare a large bowl of water, signal flags and several paper boats. The bowl should be placed on a small table, and the children should be seated on chairs in a semicircle around the table.

Today I invite you to travel on boats. You and I live in... Let's check our location. (The presenter places a flag on one side of the bowl and places one boat next to it).

Where would you like to go? (Children name any cities or countries, and the teacher sets another flag with opposite side bowls).

We have a fair wind. He is calm but strong. Let's try to imitate it. You need to purse your lips into a tube and, without puffing out your cheeks, pronounce the sound [f] on one exhalation.

And now there was a gusty, sharp wind. To show it, you need to intermittently pronounce the sounds [p-p-p] several times on one exhalation.

Children must take turns going to the bowl, name where they want to go and help the boat get to its destination.

Game "Traffic Light"

Target: learn to perceive words by ear, find speech errors; pronounce words correctly.

Children receive two circles that represent traffic lights. A green circle should be shown if you hear the correct pronunciation of a word, red circles if you hear an incorrect one.

Before playing such a game, it is advisable to conduct research in the group and determine which words children pronounce incorrectly. Then include these words in the game.

Card index of games for artistic and aesthetic development

Games for artistic and aesthetic development are held for:

    laying the preconditions for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art;

    formation of an aesthetic attitude towards nature and the surrounding world;

    implementation of independent creative activity.

Game “Collect drops in a glass”

Target: teach to understand colors and their shades; learn to match objects by color.

To play the game you need to prepare cups and pictures of multi-colored drops.

The teacher addresses the children:

I will put a drop of blue in this glass. Let's fill the glass. Add your own droplets of the same color.

Each child should have a set of drops of all the necessary colors.

Educational area "Cognitive development"

Didactic games and exercises for children 2-3 years old


Target. Continue to teach children to imitate the actions of an adult with objects, paying attention to their properties.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows simple movements in front of the mirror, drawing the children's attention to how the mirror accurately reproduces these movements. Then he puts the children in a circle and says: “Do as I do.” Shows simple movements slowly (claps his hands in front of him, above his head, puts his hands on his belt and squats, etc.). Children repeat. The teacher invites those who find it difficult to perform the movements into a circle and helps them. When the movements are repeated successfully, the teacher praises the children: “Well done, you are my mirror.”


Progress: The teacher invites the child to put the toys away. He says: “What is this? (car). Where should the car be parked? (on the shelf). Put the car on the shelf." Or: “What is this? (doll). Where should the doll sit? (on the bed). Place the doll on the bed,” etc. After this, the teacher emphasizes that there is order in the group, all the toys are in their places.


Target: Introduce children to items of clothing and their details.

Equipment: Doll with a set of clothes, doll bed.

Progress: The teacher offers the child to put the doll to sleep. The child undresses the doll, the teacher comments on his actions: “First you need to take off your dress and hang it on the back of the chair. To take off the dress, you need to unbutton the buttons,” etc. As the game progresses, the teacher should activate the child’s speech by asking leading questions: “What needs to be unbuttoned on the dress?” If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher answers himself.


Target: Activate the dictionary on the topic.

Equipment: Cardboard doll, set of paper clothes.

Progress: The teacher invites the child to dress the doll for different situations (for a walk, on a holiday, to kindergarten, etc.). A child puts on a doll, for example, for a walk. The teacher describes the doll’s clothes: “We’ll put a blue coat on the doll. The coat has a collar, sleeves, and pockets. It fastens with buttons.” Activating the child’s speech, the teacher asks: “Where are the sleeves of the coat? Show me. What did you show? and so on.

Let's wash the dishes

Target: Expand your vocabulary on the topic, activate your vocabulary.

Equipment: A bowl of water or a toy sink, doll dishes.

Progress: The teacher explains to the child that after breakfast he needs to wash the dishes. He begins to wash the dishes, saying that the dishes were dirty, but now they are clean. Then invites the child to join the game.Important encourage the baby to name dishes, actions (wash, dry).

Is it in the garden, in the vegetable garden?


Equipment: Flannelograph or magnetic board with images of a tree and a bed, flat figures of an apple, orange, pear, potato, cabbage, onion or others.

Progress: The teacher explains that apples, pears and oranges are tasty and sweet. This is fruit. Fruits grow on a tree. Potatoes, cabbage, and onions are not sweet, but very healthy. These are vegetables. Vegetables grow in the garden. Then he invites the child to place the fruits on the tree and the vegetables in the garden. The child completes the task, and the teacher activates his speech with the help of questions: “What is this? (apple). An apple is a fruit. Repeat. Where do fruits grow? (on a tree)”, etc.


Target: Learn to group vegetables and fruits, consolidate their names.

Equipment: The same as in the previous game, only on the flannelgraph there is an image of a compote jar and a saucepan.

Progress: The teacher shows the children vegetables and fruits. They look at them together and remember the qualities of vegetables and fruits. Then the teacher tells the children that delicious jam or compote can be made from fruits, and a delicious soup can be made from vegetables and offers to prepare these dishes. To do this, place the fruits in a jar and the vegetables in a pan. The child completes the task, and the teacher activates his speech with the help of questions: “What is this? (apple). An apple is a fruit. Repeat. Compote and jam are prepared from fruits. Where will you put the fruit? (in a jar)”, etc.

Find the same leaf

Introduce your child to the concept of “leaf fall.”

Collect fallen leaves. Together with your baby, inhale this unique smell of autumn foliage, hold the leaves up to the light, and admire their color and vein pattern.
Place birch and maple leaves in front of your baby and draw his attention to their differences in color, size and shape. Then, show your child, for example, a maple leaf and ask him to find the same one. Then try to find the tree from which that leaf fell.

What's in the box?

The box contains various items(button, comb, felt-tip pen, book, etc.). The child takes them out in turn, names them and says why they are needed.


Take one car out of the box at a time: car, truck, bus. Examine and note the material from which each machine is made, its color, purpose, etc. Highlight their common features (all cars have wheels, a steering wheel, a cabin) and their differences.


Draw a cabinet with shelves on a piece of paper with a pencil. Say that now you need to fill the cupboard with dishes. Let the child tell you what to draw, and you will “arrange”: a cup, a pan, a teapot, etc.

Select items

Various items are laid out on the table. Invite your child to choose only those items that will help him wash himself in the morning (soap, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste) or items that are necessary for food (plate, spoon, fork).

Clothes and shoes

Select subject pictures with images of clothing, or you can use illustrations from books. Based on the pictures, discuss with your child what clothes and shoes should be worn when it is cold or, conversely, hot outside.

Dressing up the doll

Take the doll. Invite your child to go for a walk with her, but first he will have to choose clothes for her according to the weather (if it’s winter now, then you need to dress her in a warm fur coat, hat, boots).

Introduction to work


Pour water into a basin for your child, fill it with foam and offer to wash handkerchiefs or doll clothes. And then rinse the laundry in a bowl of clean water. And of course, it’s a special pleasure for a child to hang it all up to dry on a line, securing it with clothespins.

Washing dishes

Sometimes doll dishes also need to be washed. Prepare two basins: one with soapy water, the second with clean water. Show your child how to first wash dishes in the first basin with a sponge, and then rinse them in the second and dry them with a towel.

Conversations based on pictures

Look at story pictures with your child, where

the work of people is depicted: “A bus driver carries children”, “A doctor treats a boy”, “A gardener plants trees”, etc. Discuss what is drawn: who is shown in the picture, what each of them is doing, what would happen if there were no doctors, teachers, educators, etc.

Preschool children need not to be taught, but to be developed. Development is at the forefront. They need to develop through activities accessible to their age - games. One of the important tasks of modern preschool education– creating conditions that would contribute to the development of the child and the disclosure of his creative potential. Cognitive processes are integral part any human activity that provides one or another of its information. The leading activity of a preschooler is play, so it is easier to develop cognitive processes through play. When playing, children concentrate and remember better than when given direct instructions from an adult.

In the work of preschool institutions great place are occupied by didactic games. They are used both in joint and independent activities of preschoolers. Didactic games serve as educational tools - children master the characteristics of objects, learn to classify, generalize, and compare.

I have been working for two years on the topic: “Cognitive development of a preschooler through didactic games,” the purpose of which was to form a system of elementary knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, as the basis for nurturing the correct attitude towards it through didactic games, which involves solving the following tasks:

1. Activate cognitive processes through the selective focus of the child’s personality on objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality;

2. Systematically strengthen and develop cognitive interest, which becomes the basis for a positive attitude towards intellectual activity;

3. To create the need to strive for knowledge of new, more complete and profound knowledge that is exploratory in nature;

4. To cultivate the strong-willed qualities of the child’s personality: determination, perseverance, desire to complete activities;

5. Form coherent speech (enrichment and activation of the lexical side of speech - the dictionary);

6. Enrich the child’s moral and aesthetic feelings;

The result obtained: in the process of didactic games, children develop attention, memory, speech, thinking, and intellectual development.

I have been working on this topic for three years. She began her work with the development of a subject-development environment in the group, which allows creating the necessary conditions for stimulating the cognitive activity of children - an inexhaustible source for observations and conversations with the child throughout the school year. The group has created a corner “Visiting the Igrovitch”, where various didactic games, original games, multifunctional aids are collected, such as: “Miracle Tree”, “Magic Basket”, “Vase”, “Multi-Colored Chest”, “Wise Snake” , “Air Cloud”, “Seven-flowered Flower”, “Burenka” “Umbrella”, “Clock”, “Africa”. These manuals were widely used for educational games such as:

- “Endless classification”;

- “Find by description”;

- “Find the extra object”;

- “Recognize a tree by its shadow”;

- “Let's reap the harvest”;

- “Gardener and Flowers”;

- “Searching for commonalities”;

- “Search for analogues”;

- “What goes with what? ";

- “What grows in the garden? ";

- “Search for opposite objects”;

- “Animals of Africa”;

Work on cognitive development through didactic games is carried out in three directions:

Work with children;

Working with teachers;

Working with parents.

Work with children:

Children's education is based on the Rainbow program. The main form of cognitive development is gaming motivation.

Work with children is structured in the following areas:

1. Intellectual development;

2. Development of attention;

3. Development of perception and memory;

4. Speech development.

IN intellectual development I use the following games: “Guess the figure”, “Build a snowman”, “Transformations”, “Wonderful forest”, “Odd Four”, “Confusion? "

In the development of attention: “Reflection”, “Lay out the circles”, “Pantomime”, “Portrait”.

In the development of perception and memory: “Find the differences”, “Fold the picture”, “Guess the object”, “What time of year? ", "Who's out of place? ", "Look carefully", "Find the object."

According to the development of speech: “Tops and roots”, “Delicious juice”, “Guess what I ate”, “What kind of object? ", "Multi-colored chest."

I build my activities step by step, taking into account the age of the children. When selecting games, I take into account the characteristics of children’s mental development, as well as their interest in various games. When organizing games with verbal content, I use surprise moments: through the hero who needs to be helped, various attributes. I include didactic games in educational activities, joint activities, and individual work. I select games for educational activities taking into account the educational material that the children have studied. In mathematics, I select games with mathematical content that require mental effort:

Puzzle games;

Games jokes;

Games with entertaining questions: “Why doesn’t the oval roll? ”, “Who can find it faster”, “Unfinished pictures”, “Fixing a blanket”, “Living numbers”, “New Year trees”.

For speech development, I include didactic games to develop the ability to peer into an object, phenomenon, the ability to make conclusions and assumptions: “Name as many objects as possible,” “Who will see and name the most.”

When getting to know the environment, I play games to consolidate knowledge about seasonal phenomena, flora and fauna, which contribute to the development of curiosity and observation: “ Magic cube", "Gardener and flowers", "Who flies? ", "Guess it"

During the games themselves, depending on the age of the children, I ask questions, give a sample of actions, a sample of a statement, remind them of the rules, appeal to the children’s experience, take on the role of a leader or observe the progress of the game. In the process of playing with children, I try to arouse their interest in games, create in them a state of enthusiasm and mental tension, and use entertaining problem situations that require resolution. To organize joint and independent activities of children, I create a subject-development environment in the group - a special didactic area with a large selection of educational games, taking into account safety, aesthetics, visibility, accessibility.

I use various didactic games when working with children, including electronic games. I noticed that the presentation of information on a computer screen or monitor game form arouses great interest among children. It is very convenient to use these electronic aids when organizing educational activities or individually, since a wide variety of tasks contributes to the development of cognitive interests. The didactic game helps to do educational material exciting, create a joyful working mood. A child, captivated by the game, does not notice that he is learning, although every now and then he is faced with tasks that require mental activity from him.

I use it widely: games - travel, presentations, interactive games. All this broadens the horizons of children, develops their cognitive activity: first, the process of accumulating knowledge occurs, then the information received is systematized and a readiness to understand the world around them is formed.

The events using multimedia technologies were very interesting:

“Journey to the Kingdom of MATHEMATICS” - integrated lesson (cognition - FEMP + physical education-lesson physical culture, used the games: “Name the days of the week”, “Count the balls”, “Find the mistakes”, “Riddles-tasks”, “Find the extra object”.

"Journey to Zvukograd." I used the following games: “Toy Store”, “Name the Words”, “Scatter the Sounds in the Houses”, “Guess by the Description”.

Implementation of the project: “Sea inhabitants”, which took 1st place on the basis of our preschool educational institution. I used the following games: “Guess by the silhouette”, “Populate the aquarium with sea inhabitants”, “Collect the whole picture”.

Working with teachers:

When interacting with teachers, I try to use a variety of forms. Conducted a consultation for preschool teachers on the topic: “Cognitive development of children through didactic games.” Where she offered teachers her original multifunctional manuals and didactic games. Conducted a seminar-workshop on the use of original didactic games in working with children. Invited teachers to watch open events, directly educational activities, where she used didactic games. Together with the children, she developed the project “Sea Inhabitants” and “Journey to Africa”, which were presented at the project competition kindergarten. The project “Sea Inhabitants” took 1st place.

Working with parents:

She actively involved her parents in her work. Conducted a meeting “What do our children play with? ”, at which a master class “Learning by playing” was held. An exhibition of didactic games and author's multifunctional manuals was presented here, during which parents got acquainted with new games, and also played them together with their children and discussed the games that had already been played. She conducted a survey of parents, which showed that the children’s vocabulary increased, their horizons broadened, their level of knowledge increased, they became more independent, active, became more interested in educational literature, asked questions, thought creatively, and their thinking ability became more active. I include didactic games in my work with parents in the form of “take-home games.”

This systematic work has yielded positive results.

In the future I plan:

1. making new didactic games;

2. creating a card index of didactic games for parents;

3. creation of a video library bank (with the involvement of parents);

“Development of cognitive activity of preschool children in experimental activities”

“Be able to open one thing to the child in the world around him, but open it in such a way that a piece of life sparkles in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always leave something unsaid so that the child will want to return again and again to what he has learned.”

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky.) Only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts can we solve our main task - raising an environmentally literate person, a person with a capital “P”.

Each of those who brought and are causing harm to nature was once a child. Preschool institutions play a large role in raising an environmentally literate child, starting from an early age.

The main goal of teachers is to show parents the need to instill in children an environmental culture (knowledge, practical skills, aesthetic experiences, emotional attitudes and practical actions in the behavior of children (empathy, sympathy, interest and desire to help nature, the ability to admire its beauty, etc.). ), help create a more favorable environment for children in the family, and form a positive attitude towards nature.

The following tasks follow from this goal:

  • - increasing the level of moral and environmental competence of parents;
  • - involving parents in joint environmentally oriented activities with preschool educational institutions;
  • - creation in the preschool educational institution of an atmosphere of community of interests in environmental education preschoolers.

Children's experimentation is one of the methods of teaching and developing the natural science concepts of preschoolers. In the course of experimental activities, the preschooler learns to observe, think, compare, answer questions, draw conclusions, establish a cause-and-effect relationship, and follow safety rules.

Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself.

Children's experimentation contributes to the development of children's cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

One of the areas of children's experimental activities that is actively used in preschool educational organizations is experiments. They are carried out jointly with the teacher and in free independent activity.

Experimental activities have the following directions: inanimate nature, living nature, acquaintance with the man-made world.

Inanimate nature: air, soil, water, magnets, sound, light.

Observations of inanimate objects allow children to become familiar with the properties of air, the role of wind in nature and human life, and understand the danger of polluted air to the health of all living things.

Wildlife: characteristic features of the seasons of different natural and climatic zones, the diversity of living organisms and their adaptability to the environment.

In order to identify the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education of children, conversations and questionnaires are conducted with parents. The results of the survey are announced at parent meetings in order to set new goals in further work with parents.

Tips for good parents on developing children's search and research activity

What do we have to do

to maintain children's interest in cognitive experimentation

You should not brush aside your child’s wishes, even if they seem impulsive to you. Indeed, these desires may be based on such an important quality as curiosity.

Encourage curiosity, which generates the need for new experiences, curiosity: it generates the need for exploration.

Avoid joint activities with the child, games, etc. – a child cannot develop in an environment where adults are indifferent to him.

Provide the child with the opportunity to act with different objects and materials, encourage experimentation with them, forming in children a motive associated with the internal desires to learn new things, because it is interesting and pleasant, and help him in this with his participation.

Momentary prohibitions without explanation hinder the child’s activity and independence.

If you need to prohibit something, be sure to explain why you are prohibiting it and help determine what is possible or how it is possible.

You should not endlessly point out the mistakes and shortcomings of the child’s activities. Awareness of one's failure leads to the loss of all interest in this type of activity.

From early childhood, encourage your child to complete the work he has started, emotionally evaluate his volitional efforts and activity. Your positive assessment is most important to him.

On this topic:

Source nsportal.ru

Development of cognitive activity of preschool children through didactic games

Thu, 12/19/2013

"Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

With. Aromashevo

The development of older preschoolers is carried out in the process of various activities of children with adults and in a group of peers. A special role is given to didactic games.

Personal development in older preschool age is characterized by the acquisition of new knowledge, the emergence of new qualities and needs. At this age, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed: intellectual, moral, emotional and volitional.

The development of older preschoolers is carried out in the process of various activities of the child with adults and in a group of peers. In this regard, a special role is given to gaming activities, in particular didactic games.

According to a number of authors, the main feature of didactic games is determined by their name: these are educational games. They contribute to the development of cognitive activity, intellectual operations, which are the basis of learning.

But what attracts a child to a game is not the educational task inherent in it, but the opportunity to be active, perform a game action, achieve a result, and win. However, if a participant in the game does not master the knowledge and mental operations that are determined by the learning task, he will not be able to successfully perform game actions. Opportunity to teach young children through active activities that are interesting to them - distinctive feature didactic games.

The tradition of widespread use of didactic games for the purpose of raising and teaching children, which developed in preschool pedagogy, was developed in the works of scientists and many teachers.

The author of one of the first pedagogical systems of preschool education, F. Froebel, was convinced that the task of primary education was not learning in the ordinary sense of the word, but organizing play. The system of didactic games developed by F. Frebel included games with different toys and materials (balls, cubes, balls, cylinders, etc.). Poems, songs, and rhymed fairy tales were an obligatory element of most didactic games.

E. I. Tikheyeva, the author of one of the first domestic pedagogical systems of preschool education, announced a new approach to didactic games. According to Tikheyeva, they (didactic games) are only one of the components of educational work with children, along with reading, conversation, drawing, singing, gymnastics, and labor.

In older preschool age, intellectual interests are created on the basis of play interests; children develop the ability to think independently, use acquired knowledge in mental operations: find characteristic features, compare, group, classify objects, and draw correct conclusions.

The problem of activating the cognitive activity of preschool children at all stages of educational development is one of relevant, because activity is a necessary condition for the mental development of the individual.

A didactic game helps to demonstrate cognitive activity in independent activities, expand one’s own cognitive interests and needs, teaches different methods of safe behavior in the modern information environment, develops the child’s integrative qualities, educates, socializes, entertains, and gives rest.

The didactic game promotes better understanding essence of the issue, clarification and formation of knowledge. Games can be used at different stages of knowledge acquisition: at the stages of explaining new material, consolidating it, repeating it, and controlling it.

The game allows you to include a larger number of children in active cognitive activity. It should fully solve both the educational tasks of educational activities and the tasks of enhancing cognitive activity, and be the main step in the development of the cognitive interests of preschool children. The game helps the teacher convey difficult material in an accessible form.

Having studied and analyzed the literature, I determined the goal and objectives

Target: to check the effectiveness of a didactic game for the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers.

Hypothesis: the development of cognitive activity will be most effective if you use didactic games.

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, the following tasks were identified:

1. Create a subject-development environment in the group for the development of cognitive activity.

2. Create a card index of didactic games.

3. Organize work with parents on the issue of raising an active and successful child.

To solve the problems and test the hypothesis, the following were used: working methods: study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and educational literature on the topic; pedagogical observations, conversations.

The child’s cognitive interest is reflected in his games, drawings, stories, and various types of creative activities. Adults must provide conditions for the development of such activities.

Scientists-teachers have identified pedagogical conditions, which provide fairly stable cognitive interests of preschoolers:

Creating an enriched subject-development environment to begin developing interest;

Inclusion of entertainment into the content of GCD;

Integration of diverse activities;

Stimulating the manifestation of a child’s positive emotional attitude towards phenomena, objects and activities.

Work on this topic began with the organization of a subject-development environment. By subject-development environment I mean a natural, comfortable environment, rationally organized, rich in a variety of objects and play materials.

In such an environment, it is possible for all children in the group to be involved in various activities at the same time. The developmental environment promotes self-confidence, gives the preschooler the opportunity to test and use his abilities, stimulates the manifestation of independence, initiative, creativity, and cognitive activity.

When planning activities, I use a plan for organizing joint and independent play activities (it can be adjusted throughout the academic year).

During planning, I consider the following points:

The transition of one type of activity (game) from joint to independent;

Weekly introduction of new developmental material into gaming activities;

Consideration of time frames.

Thus, the knowledge acquired by the child in classes is consolidated in joint activities, after which it passes into independent and, after that, into everyday activities.

When organizing work to develop cognitive activity, I use not only specially made games, but also ordinary objects so that the child sees that real world do not exist on their own.

To work with children to identify the properties and relationships of objects, I use not only classes, but also walks and productive joint activities; For individual work- routine moments (situations of dressing and undressing, hygiene procedures, preparation for dinner, for bed).

Verbal games help develop children's speech: by replenishing and activating the vocabulary, forming correct sound pronunciation, developing coherent speech, the ability to correctly express their thoughts, compose independent stories about objects, phenomena in nature and social life, developing retelling skills. Games such as “Name in one word”, “Name three objects” require children to actively use generic and specific concepts.

Finding antonyms, synonyms, words that sound similar is the main task word games. If a child gets the role of a guide in the “Travel” games, then he, willingly telling and explaining, develops monologue speech.

Many didactic games develop children's respect for working people. For example, in the game “Who built this house?” children learn that before building a house, architects-designers work on a drawing, then builders get to work: masons, plasterers, plumbers, painters and other workers.

Children learn about what machines help people build houses. This is how children awaken their cognitive interest in people of these professions, and develop a desire to play in building houses, railway and other objects.

Task options:

Dressing (undressing) for a walk.

Invite children to compare children's shoes and divide them into large and small, placing the soles next to each other

Determine how many guys came in jackets, coats, etc. (classification);

II. After sleep:

When making the bed, determine what geometric shape the bedspread or pillow resembles;

When combing the girls, ask who has long hair, who has short hair (who has the longest);

III. Meal:

Ask the children to arrange the spoons; before doing this, they must determine the number of children sitting at the table;


When collecting autumn leaves, choose red, yellow, green, brown; put them into scarves for autumn (long and short);

In wet sand, carefully make an imprint of the sole of the child’s and the teacher’s shoes, compare them in shape and size;

“Find what I’ll show you” - look for leaves, pebbles, cones, Easter cakes of the same shape;

“Find what I’ll name” - search for objects by description;

While observing transport, discuss the geometric shape, color, direction and speed of movement;

While watching the sky, discuss the shape of the sun and clouds; color and direction of movement;

Play outdoor games with mathematical content, actively use finger exercises.

The pedagogical process is unthinkable without the joint activities of children, educators and parents. Therefore, I think it is important to educate parents in matters of upbringing and education. The problem of the formation and development of cognitive interests of preschoolers was no exception.

I think that the main effort of both teachers and parents should be aimed at instilling in preschoolers the need to be interested in the process of learning itself, in overcoming the difficulties that stand on this path, in independently searching for solutions and achieving the set goal.

In this regard, I carry out various types of work with parents, and also speak at parent-teacher meetings.

Topics of parent meetings:

2. “Didactic games for preschool children”

3. “Homework for parents”

In the process of work, children developed a desire for independence and participation in cognitive activities; manifestation of cognitive interest in the process of communication with adults and peers; ask exploratory questions; control of one’s own activities and the actions of a partner; the use of planning elements in cognitive activity; the ability to build a business dialogue when jointly carrying out an assignment, in cases of conflicts; independence in applying acquired knowledge to solve new problems; experience pleasure from the results of independent cognitive activity; control negative manifestations of emotions, enjoy the success of peers, etc.

Using various didactic games in working with children, I was convinced that they give a great charge positive emotions. We must ensure that the joy from playing activities gradually turns into the joy of learning. Learning should be joyful!


1. Bokshits E. A. Peculiarities of decision skills logic problems in children of senior preschool age // Formation of systemic knowledge and skills in preschool children. - L, 1987.

2. Large explanatory psychological dictionary. Volume 1-2/Arthur Weber. - M., 2001.

3. Developmental and educational psychology. Tutorial for pedagogical students Institutes. Ed. prof. A. V. Petrovsky. - M., Education, 1973, p. 86

4. Games “Fun in Pictures”: sets of educational didactic material for preschool children. – Kirov, 2006.

5. Study of the development of cognitive activity / Pol.ed. J. Bruneva, R. Olver, P. Greenfield. - M.: 1981

6. Kazansky O. A. Games in ourselves - M.: 1995

7. Lozovaya V.I. Holistic approach to the formation of cognitive activity of preschoolers. Author's abstract. diss. Ph.D. ped. Sci. - Tbilisi, 1990

9. Mikhailenko N. Ya., Korotkova N. A. How to play with a child - M: 1990.

10. Rogov E.I. Handbook for a practical psychologist: Textbook, manual: In 2 books. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Vlados, 1999 - Book. 1: System of work of a psychologist with children of different ages, With. 94

11. Telnova Zh. N. Development of cognitive activity of children of senior preschool and primary school age in different forms and methods of teaching. Diss. Ph.D. ped. Sci. - Omsk, 1997

“Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0002277,

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  1. Development of elementary mathematical concepts.

To solve these problems, I organize appropriate didactic games:

For intellectual development I use the following games: “Odd Four”, “Guess It”, “Find the differences in the picture”, “Find the figure”, “Find the same figure”, “What did the artist mix up”, “Help the bunny get home”

These games systematize knowledge, develop thought processes, intelligence, ability to navigate in space, perseverance and patience.

I use games to develop attention: “Who mixed up what”, “And I”, “It doesn’t fly”, “There’s something wrong here”, “Repeat after me”. They develop perseverance and concentrate attention.

Games “Complete the drawing”, “Guess”, “Find out the object”, “Invent it yourself”, “Remember”, “What was in the picture”, “Basket”, “Describe from memory” these games contribute to the development of memory, perception, logical thinking and concentration .

For speech development: “Speech path”, “By analogy”, “Rhymes are not rhymes”, “Complete the sentence”, “Come up with a fable”. In these games, children independently solve various mental problems: describe an object, guess from a description, and come up with stories themselves including fables.

In mathematics, I select games that require mental effort:

  • Puzzle games;
  • Games jokes;

These games develop attention, figurative and semantic memory, mathematical abilities, fine motor skills, and lay the foundations of logical thinking.

When organizing games, I use a variety of means to influence preschoolers. For example, I act as a direct participant in the game and, unbeknownst to the children, direct the game, support their initiative, or do not join the game, but from the outside I monitor the development of game actions and the implementation of the rules.

To create the appropriate gaming mood, I talk about an event, use various surprise moments, elements of competition, riddles, a journey into a fairy tale, and much more. I play games in group room, in the hall, on the site, etc. This ensures wider motor activity for children and a variety of impressions.

I use various didactic games when working with children: travel games, presentations, electronic ones. Presenting information on a computer screen or monitor in a playful way arouses great interest in children.

  • Working with parents:

Work on the development of children's cognitive abilities includes the activities of all participants pedagogical process: teacher, children, parents. Taking this into account, I set myself the following tasks:

  • Increasing the level of parents' pedagogical knowledge about the didactic game.
  • Establishing trust and partnership with parents.
  • Involving families in a single educational space.

Before organizing work with parents, I conducted a survey, which showed that 41% of parents do not often play with their children, despite the fact that children love to play with adults. Parents and children play mainly on the computer, and after the game they do not sort out the mistakes their children have made. Therefore, I concluded that parents need to:

  • Introduce the importance of didactic games in a child’s life.
  • Teach parents how to select games based on the age of their children.
  • Recommend how to play a didactic game with children.

Prepared and conducted consultations:

  1. Didactic game in the life of a child.
  2. Let's talk about computer games.

The form of work through parent corners is traditional. In order for it to be effective, it helped us activate parents using:

moving folders:

  1. Parents about children's games and toys.
  2. Home game library: “games for children and their parents.”
  3. Home game library: “Games in the kitchen.”

Memos for parents:

  1. By playing we can teach children;
  2. What toys do children need?
  3. Types of toys;

In which I include practical material that makes it possible to understand what a child does in kindergarten, specific games that you can play, tips, and assignments.

On parent meeting spent together with children, she introduced parents to new educational games and aids. At the meeting, parents played with their children and then discussed the games they had played.

As a result of the work done, parents began to show sincere interest in the life of the group.

  • Working with society.

The goal of my work in this direction is to use the opportunities of interaction with society to develop the cognitive activity of children.

I set myself the following tasks:

  • Acquaintance with basic historical information and modern life of the city, with its attractions.
  • Fostering respect for natural, historical and cultural monuments.
  • To form in children rules of behavior, the ability to behave in in public places, communicate with adults and peers.

To create a child’s holistic understanding of the world around him, develop cognitive motivation, master universal human values, and form the basis of personal culture, close ties have been established with the regional art museum, where specialists have organized complex classes with elements of costume performances: “The Muzeevich Museum welcomes guests,” “Clay fairy tale", "Earth Day", "Living Rainbow".

In 2013-2014, the kindergarten concluded an agreement on the joint work of the kindergarten with the Decembrist House Museum, and a joint work plan was drawn up, where topics for the cognitive development of children are outlined by month. For example: “Professions of the 19th century.”

Children were introduced to forgotten professions, their social significance, why they are not in demand in modern world. At this meeting, didactic games were held with preschoolers aimed at consolidating knowledge about the work of adults: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did,” “Who needs what.”

The tasks of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers are successfully solved in the process of introducing children to theatrical and musical culture. Puppet show and a music school introduce children to great art. Students from art school No. 3 held a concert for our little spectators, talked about folk instruments and showed how to play them.

The children of our group constantly participate in festivals " Delphic Games", participate in the reading competition on the basis of the Cultural Center and D "Sputnik".

  • Relationship with teachers.

When working together with other teachers, I solve the following problems:

  • Improving the quality of educational work.
  • Increasing the level of self-education of yourself and teachers.
  • Diversify forms of work.

When interacting with teachers, I try to use a variety of forms. Shared my work experience
