Didactic game artistic and aesthetic development senior group. Didactic games aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of children of senior preschool age. Text HTML version of the publication

Didactic games

on artistic and aesthetic development of children

Didactic game"Name it correctly"

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk arts and crafts and their characteristics. The ability to find the desired craft among others, justify your choice, and write a descriptive story.

Board game"Domino"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about arts and crafts - toys; the ability to find the right toy and justify your choice. To consolidate knowledge about the manufacture of folk toys and the features of each. Cultivate a love of beauty.

Didactic game"Guess and Tell"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk toys as one of the forms of folk arts and crafts; recognize a toy by its image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of painting, its color and the composition of the pattern on the product. Develop aesthetic taste.

Didactic game"Gorodets patterns"

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to compose Gorodets patterns, recognize the elements of painting, remember the order of the pattern, choose their own color and shade for it, develop imagination, and the ability to use the acquired knowledge to compose a composition.

Didactic game“Guess what painting?”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to recognize and name this or that painting; be able to justify your choice, name the elements of paintings, and solve riddles. To instill in children a sense of pride in their native land - the land of craftsmen and craftsmen.

Didactic game“Make a Khokhloma pattern”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to compose Khokhloma patterns using appliqué. Fix the name of the elements of the painting (“sedges”, “blades of grass”, “trefoils”, “droplets”, “kriul”). Maintain interest in Khokhloma fishery.

Didactic game“Paint a scarf for mom”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the art of the Russian shawl. To develop children's aesthetic taste, to teach them how to make simple patterns from various decorative elements (flowers, leaves, buds, twigs, etc.), and the ability to select the color scheme of a pattern.

Didactic game"Art Crafts"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

Didactic game"Collect a Gzhel rose"

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to compose a Gzhel rose using appliqué based on Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in Gzhel craft.

Didactic game"Collect a matryoshka doll"

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the folk toy - matryoshka; the ability to assemble a nesting doll from parts using the mosaic method. Highlight decoration elements. To cultivate respect and love for folk art.

Didactic game“Choose the color and shade”

Target: Strengthen the idea of ​​the colors and shades of familiar vegetables and fruits. Practice the ability to use the names of color shades in speech: dark red, light green, etc.

Didactic game“Complete the pattern”


Didactic game"Find friends among the colors"


Didactic game“Make a still life”


Didactic game« Finish the picture"

Target: discover the level of formation of perception and definition of an object behind its parts, be able to complete it; develop fantasy and imagination.

Didactic game“Let’s prepare the table for the holiday”

Target: develop the ability to select shades of primary colors and create a beautiful color scheme.

Didactic game“Complete the pattern”

Target: The game is aimed at developing children's attention and memory, developing a sense of symmetry followed by coloring.

Didactic game“Find friends among the colors”

Target: discover the level of children’s knowledge in choosing paint that matches the color of the object; draw in color

Didactic game“Make a still life”

Target: improve compositional skills, the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (still life), highlight the main thing, establish a connection by arranging the image in space.

Didactic game "Seasons"

Goals: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, about the color scheme inherent in a particular time of year. To consolidate knowledge about the classification of colors: warm and cold, light and heavy.

Materials: pictures corresponding to the seasons; color palette cards corresponding to these paintings.

Exercise: choose colored cards that are typical for summer, autumn, winter, spring. You can use poetic material:

Four artists, the same number of paintings.

I painted everything with white paint.

The forest and field are white, white meadows.

Snow-covered aspens have branches like horns...

The second has blue skies and streams.

A flock of sparrows splash in blue puddles.

There are transparent pieces of ice on the snow - lace.

The first thawed patches, the first grass.

There are countless colors in the painting:

There is yellow, green, blue...

Green forest and field, blue river,

White, fluffy clouds in the sky.

And the fourth painted the gardens with gold,

Fruitful fields, ripe fruits...

There are beads everywhere - berries are ripening in the forests.

Who are those artists, guess for yourself!

Goals: To develop in children artistic perception, the ability to see and analyze the color scheme of a painting, to correlate it with the color palette (cold, warm, contrasting) and with their own feelings, to find a picture in which the mood corresponding to the picture sounds.

Materials: the goal of the first task is three paintings, made in warm, cold and contrasting colors, respectively, three palettes. For the second task - one picture is made in a bright, saturated range of colors, the second - in pastel.

1st task.

The teacher alternately shows the children palettes with cold, warm and contrasting colors and asks them to find paintings painted with these color combinations. Children explain their choice. They look at the colors of the palette and show them in the painting, telling what mood the painting evoked in them and why. Correlate the color sound of the work with their own mood.

2nd task.

Children must first find a painting that matches a bright, saturated color palette, and then a soft, quiet pastel one.

Tatyana Mikhailovna Klyukova
Didactic games for artistic and aesthetic development through arts and crafts

Problem development Children's creativity is currently one of the most relevant in both theoretical and practical terms, because we are talking about the most important condition for the formation of the individual identity of a person already in the first stages of its formation. On the role and significance of folk decorative arts Many scientists wrote about raising children (A.V. Bagushinskaya, P.P. Blonsky, T.S. Shatsky, N.P. Sakulina and others). They noted that art encourages the first bright, imaginative ideas about the Motherland, its culture, contributes to the cultivation of a sense of beauty, develops creative abilities of children.

Our time is difficult - a time of social change, political storms and upheavals. Folk games, fun and toys are replaced by commercialized spectacles, television screens are flooded with cruelty. In essence, this is alien to the nature of children, the nature of a growing person. Raising a citizen and patriot who knows and loves his homeland is a task that is especially relevant today, and it cannot be successfully solved without a deep knowledge of the spiritual wealth of one’s people and the development of folk culture.

For artistic and aesthetic development in preschool educational institutions various types are used educational activities children: artistically - productive, musical, theatrical. The work is carried out in the form of special educational activities, the organization of joint activities and individual activities of teachers with children.

Organizing developing activities with preschoolers, teachers direct their efforts to improve the health of children, cultivate healthy image life. It is no coincidence that these are the priority tasks in the program for the modernization of Russian education

Introducing children to various types of folk decorative and applied arts in decorative classes drawing will help teach them to perceive the beautiful and the good, introduce them to folk traditions, and lay the foundations of aesthetic education.

Dymkovo clay toys attract children's attention with their brightness and originality. These products are pleasing to the eye, lift your spirits, and reveal the world of a joyful holiday. Dymkovo toys are simple, but unique. They are naive but expressive. Organizing games allows children to feel in a role decorative artist, reflect in the game the aesthetic vision and feeling of the surrounding world. Didactic games are aimed at developing and strengthening drawing skills decorative elements. Ira consolidates knowledge about the making of folk toys and its features, and fosters a love of beauty. In the game, the child recognizes and names the elements of the painting, independently selects the color and shade for it. Remembers the order of the pattern. In the game, children develop the ability to recognize and name Dymkovo painting, they can name the elements of the painting, and solve riddles. Children develop a sense of pride in their family edge-edge craftsmen and craftsmen.

Didactic games for artistic and aesthetic development through arts and crafts.

"Cut pictures"

Didactic task. To consolidate knowledge about the means of expression used in Dymkovo painting, to practice composing a whole picture, develop attention, concentration, desire to achieve results, observation, creativity, arouse interest in subjects decorative arts.

Material. Two identical planar images of various objects, one of which is cut into pieces (you can prepare versions of cut products by dividing them into four to eight parts of different geometric shapes).

Game rules. Quickly assemble a product from individual parts in accordance with the sample.

Move games. One child or a group can take part in the game. The teacher shows samples and gives the opportunity to look at them carefully. At a signal from an adult, the players assemble an image of a product from parts. The one wins who will complete the task first.

"Colored Droplets"

Target: teach children to identify and name the colors included in the color scheme of folk painting. Material: Khokhloma dishes, Gzhel dishes, Dymkovo toys, Gorodets boards.

Move games: Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma products are displayed in front of the children, then the teacher names the crafts and asks the children to carefully examine the products. The teacher names different colors one by one. Children must determine which colors are included in Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma painting. The one who gets the most chips wins (a chip is given for the correct answer).

"Third wheel"

Target: teach children to identify from three toys one extra one, belonging to another craft.

Move games: children are offered several combination options in turn toys: two Dymkovo toys and one Khokhloma spoon; two Gorodets boards and one Dymkovo toy; two Dymkovo toys and one Gzhel plate. The child must say which two objects belong to the same craft, and which object is superfluous. Ask your child to comment on his answer. Ask what these toys are called. In case of difficulty, the teacher calls folk toys - Dymkovo. Gzhelskaya and Gorodets.

« Art salon»

Didactic task. Learn to verbally describe a selected item, develop concentration, speech-description.

Material. Various items folk crafts or their images, photographs.

Game rules. Precisely describe the item the player wants "buy".

Move games. Items « Art salon» displayed on shelves. Selected "salesman". The rest of the players - "buyers". They select the item to purchase and describe it accurately "to the seller". "Salesman" can ask questions For example: “How is the edge of the product decorated? What flower is drawn?. When "salesman" determines what kind of item it is, he sells it. .Game continues. "Salesman" And "buyer" change roles.

"Continue the pattern"

Didactic task. Strengthen children's ability to draw a Dymkovo pattern based on Dymkovo painting. .

Material. Elements of Dymkovo paper painting.

Game rules. Players choose cards with a picture. Continue drawing, using the started painting elements, selecting the color scheme and the given element.

"Decorate the apron"

Didactic task. Learn to compose decorative compositions - arrange elements, selecting them by color, on the silhouettes of an apron in the style of the Dymkovo craft, develop a sense of symmetry, rhythm, observation, creativity.

Material. Planar images of aprons; elements of painting, cut along the contour; samples of patterned silhouettes. Game rules. Make a pattern on the selected silhouette from individual elements in accordance with the rules and traditions of this painting (principle of mobile application).

Move games. One child or a group can take part in the game. The players choose the silhouettes of objects to decorate at will. Having selected the required number of elements, a pattern is made. The player can perform the work by copying the pattern of samples or inventing his own composition.

"Dymkovo mosaic"

Didactic task: To clarify and consolidate the idea of ​​the elements of Dymkovo painting, develop memory, compositional skills. Foster a desire to create original Dymkovo toys.

Material: planar images of various Dymkovo toys, a set of small planar elements of Dymkovo patterns.

Move games: Invite children to create their own Dymkovo toy.


Target: consolidation of knowledge of the elements of Dymkovo painting.

Move games: the teacher invites the children to restore "crashed" toy The task of each restorer is to determine which fragment of the painting is lost and draw it.

"Guess what"

Target: to consolidate ideas about the features of folk crafts.

Move games: the teacher offers to play "Guess - ku". Children must choose from the proposed items, including many items from various crafts or modern dishes, works of Gzhel masters (or Khokhloma...). And they will answer why they chose this product.

"Guess and Tell"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk toys, as one of the forms of folk arts and crafts; recognize a toy by its image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of painting, its color and the composition of the pattern on the product. Develop aesthetic taste.

Move games: The presenter shows the silhouette of a folk art product, and the child selects the item and explains why he chose it.

A.V.Borgul Games 02 Sep 2016

Play is the child's work, and toys are his tools. Children need play no less than food and your love. In play, a child explores the world, so it is necessary to create a learning environment for him, with different toys and activities. It is also important that the child has his own space where he can play independently, fold a pyramid, lay

"Guess and Tell"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk toys as one of the forms of folk arts and crafts; recognize a toy by its image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of painting, its color and the composition of the pattern on the product. Develop aesthetic taste.

"Gorodets patterns"

Target: To consolidate children’s ability to compose Gorodets patterns, recognize the elements of painting, remember the order of the pattern, choose their own color and shade for it, develop imagination, and the ability to use the acquired knowledge to compose a composition.

“Paint a scarf for mom”


"Art Crafts"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

"Collect a Gzhel rose"

Target: To consolidate children’s ability to compose a Gzhel rose using appliqué based on Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in Gzhel craft.

"Collect a matryoshka doll"


“Complete the pattern”


Progress of the game:

"Find friends among the colors"


Progress of the game: Silhouettes of objects are drawn on sheets of paper. The teacher gives the task to find “friends” of yellow, green, blue, and red colors among the objects. Children find objects that match a certain color and color them.

“Make a still life”


Progress of the game:

"Finish the picture"

Target: discover the level of formation of perception and definition of an object behind its parts, be able to complete it; develop fantasy and imagination.

Progress of the game: Objects are partially drawn in the pictures (bunny, Christmas tree.). You need to recognize the subject, fill in the parts that are missing, and color it.

“Let’s prepare the table for the holiday”

Target: develop the ability to select shades of primary colors and create a beautiful color scheme.

Progress of the game: In front of the children are cut out paper tablecloths of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green) and 4 to 5 shades of paper tableware of each color. The task is to match the main color to its shades. Select tableware so that the color matches the tablecloth.

Board game "Domino"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about arts and crafts - toys; the ability to find the right toy and justify your choice. To consolidate knowledge about the manufacture of folk toys and the features of each. Cultivate a love of beauty.

“Paint a scarf for mom”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the art of the Russian shawl. To develop children's aesthetic taste, to teach them how to make simple patterns from various decorative elements (flowers, leaves, buds, twigs, etc.), and the ability to select the color scheme of a pattern.

"Art Crafts"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

"Collect a Gzhel rose"

Target: To consolidate children’s ability to compose a Gzhel rose using appliqué based on Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in Gzhel craft.

"Collect a matryoshka doll"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the folk toy - matryoshka; the ability to assemble a nesting doll from parts using the mosaic method. Highlight decoration elements. To cultivate respect and love for folk art.

“Complete the pattern”

Target: The game is aimed at developing children's attention and memory, developing a sense of symmetry followed by coloring.

Progress of the game: The beginning of the pattern is drawn on a piece of paper. Children need to extend the pattern further and color it.

“Find friends among the colors”

Target: discover the level of children’s knowledge in choosing paint that matches the color of the object; draw in color

Progress of the game: Silhouettes of objects are drawn on sheets of paper. The teacher gives the task to find “friends” of yellow, green, blue, and red colors among the objects. Children find objects that match a certain color and color them.

“Make a still life”

Target: improve compositional skills, the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (still life), highlight the main thing, establish a connection by arranging the image in space.

Progress of the game: The envelope contains images of various vegetables, fruits, as well as various vases, plates, dishes, and baskets. Children need to choose objects and create their own still life.
