Didactic games with Legos for the middle group. Card index of educational games using LEGO constructors. card index on design, manual labor on the topic. Games that develop shape perception

"Mirror". Goal: development of attention, ability to navigate in space. CARD INDEX Games using the Lego constructor. Game motivation. The queen from the fairy tale about the seven heroes accidentally broke a magic mirror in which one could see everything that was happening in the world. He turned to the Magic Workshop for help, but the master said. That the mirror will work again only if you lay out exactly the same image from colored fragments (Lego parts). (Work based on the sample, appendix No. 2) “Logical chain” Purpose: formation of the concept “attribute of an object”; development of logical thinking; teach to transform an object according to some criterion. Game motivation. 1. Smeshariki decided to decorate their town with a beautiful garland, in which each subsequent lantern would differ from the previous one only in color (shape, size, color and size, etc.) 2. Smeshariki decided to build several different ones Game motivation. The nesting dolls went behind the houses in their clearing. According to the architect's idea, everyone makes purchases. Let's help them find the store, everything that the next stage of the house should differ from the previous one is indicated in the list. Each child receives a card, based only on color (shape, size, color and size, etc.) which schematically depicts any details of the “Cinderella” Lego constructor (this is a “shopping list”). Necessary as Goal: formation of the concept of “object attribute”: you can quickly collect exactly those “purchases” into the basket, develop the ability to classify objects according to various characteristics; formation of a sense of time. Game motivation. 1. Cinderella needs help. which are indicated in the “list”. “Baby Elephant” Goal: to develop children’s ability to create and compare. The evil stepmother forced her to sort all the details of objects by length, to indicate in words the result of comparing her daughters’ construction kit according to certain characteristics (color, (longer - shorter, equal in length); focus on shape, size ). This must be done in a certain space, to develop imagination. time. Game motivation A new animal has appeared in the Lego Zoo. The Lego people really liked it. It is played as an outdoor game. Various Lego pieces that the zoo staff decided to give to visitors lie on the floor. toys of this animal. Dunno was also given one. Children must pick only “ripe berries,” i.e. red details, etc. a toy, and he accidentally broke it. In front of the children are the details from which this toy was made. Attached is a “Quick Buyer” instruction in the form of schematic drawings. Goal: to develop the ability to read a diagram; development of "Road in the Flower City" attention; ability to act according to instructions Goal: develop the ability to compare parts by length. Game motivation: little guys Vintik and Shpuntik built a car, but in the Flower City there is no road on which this car could drive. They chose yellow bricks to build the road to the store, and red bricks to build the road to the library. But they don’t know how to build roads. Children help shorties. lower, wider - narrower, more - less); counting, distinguishing ordinal and answering questions correctly: skills to form the concepts of “shape” and “size”, “length”, “color”. Game motivation. Smeshariki gather in (based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “The Fly - Tsokotukha”) Purpose: to teach how to design according to a model; develop how much, which number; develop continue “Samovar” denote in words the result of comparison (above – a quantitative rectangle, as many things as possible. Goal: learn to compare objects by height; skill Goal: learn to highlight the differences between a square and a journey. They need to help put “Papa Carlo’s Workshop” in a suitcase strengthen “Suitcase” attention; develop skills of collective activity, teach comparison. Play motivation. Mukha - Tsokotukha invited the guests to learn how to navigate in space for tea, but the teacher does not have a samovar. tea party at Mukha's place - Playful motivation. The teacher shows the children a figurine of “Papa Carlo” and tells that Papa Carlo Tsokotukha, based on the drawing of the samovar, “A new dress for Mukha - Tsokotukha,” received a very urgent order. Game motivation. And therefore he is looking for help. The teacher asks Mukha - Tsokotukha is the birthday girl today, so do the guys agree to help the old carpenter. Game exercises designing according to a model with a designer to prepare for the arrival of guests, she needs a new dress. Lego - The teacher suggests sewing a new dress from Lego parts according to a “pattern”, i.e. drawing. “Treasure” Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the concepts of “digit” and “number”; practice counting to 10; learn to compare by height. 2.How many blue cubes must be added to make the blue and red tracks the same? 3. How many fewer details are there in the blue carpet than in the red one? Game motivation. Children are asked to find “More or less?” "treasure", i.e. get various details from the “box of sensations” Purpose: to train children in comparing Lego objects with images of numbers. Next, children build lengths; form the concepts of “more”, “less”, “so many towers of cubes with numbers in ascending order”; learn to add and subtract. (descending), determine the height of the tower. Once upon a time there were colorful cubes. They lived together “The Path for Little Red Riding Hood” and loved to build interesting things. One day they Goal: development of skills to compare and transform watched a film about Egypt and ancient pyramids and objects along the length; teach to add and subtract Game motivation. Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf are hurrying through the forest to their grandmother, along the green and red paths. decided to form a pyramid. Having discussed the future construction, the cubes agreed that each row of the pyramid would consist of cubes of the same color. But how to determine “Long - short” cubes, what color will lie at the base of the pyramid, and Game motivation. The teacher uses the method “which ones will be at the very top?” Children offer their comparisons by length”: lay out paths from Lego cubes. Children must determine which path is the longest, count the parts it consists of, and answer the questions: 1.Which path is longer, blue or red? solution options.

Using the LEGO constructor

in working with preschoolers and

first class (extracurricular activities)

Prepared by:

Teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 37

Lyashenko I.S.

Belgorod -2015

    LEGO technology in the teaching and educational process of a preschool institution………………………………………………………3

    Project “Lego Country”……………………………………………………5

    Lesson notes on Lego construction…………...17

    Game exercises and didactic games using Lego constructors…………………………21

    Construction schemes…………………………………………………….25

LEGO is one of the most famous and widespread pedagogical systems, widely using three-dimensional models of the real world and a subject-game environment for the learning and development of a child. LEGO allows children to learn through play and learn through play.

Play is the most important companion of childhood; in the process, children begin to imitate adults, try their hand, fantasize, and experiment. Play provides children with enormous opportunities for physical, aesthetic and social development.

Construction is the most important type of productive activity for a preschooler to model both real-life objects and objects invented by the children themselves.

The activity plan I developed on the topic “LEGO construction” is aimed at developing cognitive activity and constructive play skills in preschoolers.

LEGO construction work takes place in the form of joint activities and leisure, and allows you to solve the following tasks:

    Develop imagination, speech, fine motor skills, analysis and synthesis functions;

    develop skills in planning the process of creating your own models and joint projects;

    to develop children's interest in director's play by playing with constructive buildings and images;

    form sensory representations;

    develop skills to work in a team.

The planning of joint activities is based on methodological manuals: L.G. Komarova “Building from LEGO” - M.: “LINK-PRESS”, 2001; E. V. Feshin “LEGO construction in kindergarten” - M.: SFERA shopping center, 2012.

As a constructive play environment I use construction sets: LEGO DUPLO , LEGO DACTA, LEGO themed sets.

In the process of working with Lego constructors, they use a variety of assignment forms:

With younger children

    Design according to sample

    Convert a sample by condition

    Design by Design

With middle school children

    Design by condition

    Design by Design

With children of senior preschool age group

    Design by pattern and transformation of pattern by condition

    Design by condition

    Design by Design

    Independent design according to drawing

According to the method in the younger group, the role of the leader is always taken by an adult, since children cannot yet distribute their roles in the game, I choose the simplest games. Children get acquainted with the main parts of the LEGO DUPLO constructor, methods of fastening bricks, and children develop the ability to correlate the results of their own actions in constructing an object with a model.

In the middle group, the games will become a little more complicated. Children will learn to work using cards where the image is in color; construct according to plan, experiment freely with building materials, and get acquainted with the small LEGO DASTA construction set for the first time. In the older group, children are more independent in games. They will take on the role of leader and collaborate with each other.

The world that a Lego constructor opens up for a child is so fascinating and exciting that when playing with it, the child, among other things, will also receive a lot of pleasure and positive emotions. Subsequently, perhaps, this will turn into a constant desire to learn and perceive everything new in life with childish enthusiasm.

name of the project

Lego Country

project objectives

Target : , , intellectual V .


1. analyze functioning of the future design, install her , contribute original designs on the same : finish building, blocks of different configurations, build in additional .

2. Conduct on their own , model diagram.

3. Use the created structures in -layouts, - role-playing games.

Stages of work

I. - (2013-2014 academic year)

1. -oriented analysis.

    Comprehensive Study - And -methodological literature.

    needs And existing problem.

    specific goals, , solving the problem.

II. (2013-2014 academic year)

1. For .

2. Production specific By .

3. project implementation:

    Selection .

    monitoring project implementation.

    - plan with kids.

    testing .

4. within the framework of the project

    Establishment for the implementation of the project.

    Informing results.

    implementation of the project.

. - generalizing (2014-2015 academic year)

1. Making tactical and strategic decisions , determination of prospects for further development.

Expected Result

I. with kids:

    creates designs from different types according to your own design.

    Applies means to achieve results (diagrams, models, drawings, samples)

    Independently organizes the subject-game environment, reflecting and refracting the surrounding reality, books.

    Strive to become a participant in a collective role-playing game using crafts from various types of construction sets.

    In a director's game, he takes on the role of organizer and performer of all the characters in the game, creating and playing complete plots based on the created games - layouts.

II. Information and educational product

2. Analytical report on the results of the project “Formation of cognitive and research activity of children during the implementation of the “Lego Country” project.

3. Master class “Development of a child’s creative potential in games with Lego constructors.”

Project implementation timeframe

2 years

Project participants

Preschool children, teachers, parents.

Explanatory note

Toys and games are one of the most powerful educational tools in the hands of society. Play is usually called the main activity of a child. It is in the game that different aspects of his personality are revealed and developed, many intellectual and emotional needs are satisfied, character is formed, which has a positive effect on the social health of a preschooler.

But at the same time, you can often see the picture: the baby has a lot of toys, but he does not play with them. There is, of course, more than one reason for this, but most often the main reason is that the toys have already “exhausted themselves”, the element of novelty has disappeared. And this is what attracts the child in the first place. The finished toy is not capable of giving him a mental challenge or a long-term intellectual challenge. In this regard, building materials, mosaics, etc. are much better. These games have great variability and a variety of combinations. But their developmental capabilities are also limited: they do not encourage children to intensify mental activity, do not require significant stress from them, do not advance the child’s development, and at best satisfy only his immediate needs. And this is very little for the development of creative abilities. If we also take into account that not every family has all the necessary conditions for the development of children’s creative activity, then it becomes obvious:we need new types of games , games that simulate the creative process itself and create their own microclimate, where opportunities arise for the development of the creative side of the intellect, promoting the formation of children's communication skills and the establishment of positive interpersonal relationships.

These new types of games aregames with constructors likeLego , which, with all their diversity, proceed from a common idea andhave characteristic features :

1 . Each construction game isset of problems , which the child solves using parts from the construction set.

2. Tasks are given to the child in various forms: in the form of a model, drawing, photograph, drawing, oral instructions, etc., and thus introduce him todifferent ways of transmitting information .

3. The tasks are arranged approximately in order of increasing difficulty, i.e. they use the principle of folk games:from simple to complex .

4. A gradual increase in the difficulty of design tasks allows the child to move forward and improve.on one's own , i.e. develop your creative abilities , in contrast to education, where everything is explained and where only performing traits are formed in the child.

5. The solution of the problem appears before the child not in the abstract form of the answer to a mathematical problem, but in the form of a structure made from construction kit parts, i.e. in the form of visible and tangible things. This allows you to visually compare the “task” with the “solution” and check the accuracy of the task yourself.

6. Most games with a constructor are not limited to the proposed tasks, but allow children to create new versions of tasks and come up with new games with a constructor, i.e.engage in creative activities.

Thus, modeling using construction sets such as “Lego” allows you to solve several problems at once related to the development of creative abilities, imagination, and intellectual activity; the formation, based on the creation of common structures, of communication skills: the ability to express one’s suggestions, advice, requests in joint activities, and answer questions in a polite manner; kindly offer help; unite in the game in pairs, micro-groups.

Faced with the problem of teaching children how to model using Lego-type constructors, it became necessary to develop a project using Lego-type constructors.

Stages of work on the creation of the project are the following: organizational-preparatory, technological and reflective-generalizing.

On organizational and preparatory stage a problem-oriented analysis was compiled, psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature was comprehensively studied, specific goals and ways to solve the problem were determined.

On technological stage a bank of methodological recommendations and manuals was created for constructive activities using Lego constructors; diagnostic methods were selected. A calendar-long-term plan for the implementation of the project with children was developed, constituting the implementation of game mini-projects: “Our group”, “Building a city”, “Forests-miracles”, “Space”. Lesson notes were developed and tested. Cooperation was established with parents for the successful implementation of the project.

On reflective-generalizing stage decisions were made based on the results of monitoring, prospects for further development were determined.

Distinctive peculiarity and novelty work is expressed in the implementation of tasks for the development of creativity and constructive skills through such forms of work as gaming mini-projects using constructors such as “Lego”.

In the course of teaching work, the following are used:principles :

    from simple to complex ;

    taking into account individual capabilities children in mastering communication and constructive skills;

    activity and creativity - the use of effective methods and targeted activities aimed at developing children’s creative abilities;

    complexity of problem solving - solving constructive problems in different types of activities: gaming, cognitive, speech;

    effectiveness and assurance - implementation of the child’s rights to receive help and support, guarantees of a positive result, regardless of the age and level of development of children.

When developing the “Lego Country” project, the following goals were set:goals :

develop creative imagination, intellectual activity in constructive and playful activities;

develop social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships in children in playful and constructive activities.

The implementation of the Lego Country project makes it possible to implement the followingtasks :

1. To promote the emergence of friendly, partnership relationships and gaming associations of interests in games; independently negotiate with each other, distribute roles fairly, resolve conflicts in an ethically acceptable manner

2. To develop in children the ability to analyze the operating conditions of a future structure, establish the sequence of its implementation, facilitate the creation of different original structures on the same basis: complete the construction using blocks of different configurations, build in various elements.

3. Learn to use the created structures in mock-up games, role-playing games, and director’s games.

The objectives of the project are implemented according to the followingdirections :

1. Teaching children throughtask games, exercise games, didactic games , which develop various intellectual qualities: attention, memory, the ability to find dependencies and patterns; classify and systematize material; ability to combine; the ability to make correct conclusions based on the analysis.

2. Implementation implementation of mini-projects : “Our group”, “Wonderful forests”, “Building a city”, “Space”. They allow you to develop the ability to plan the process of creating your own model and a joint project; constructive imagination when creating a building according to your own design; the ability to foresee the results of one’s actions; find a partner to implement your own plan, be able to establish friendly relationships with a peer, create and play with a thematic layout.

3. Carrying out diagnostics level of development of constructive skills in children.

"OUR GROUP" (Our class)


Forms of work










To instill in children an interest in the purposeful beauty of the objective world, to introduce them to the aesthetics of everyday life and the improvement of premises.

Develop the ability to analyze a model and correlate your actions with it: select the necessary details, reproduce buildings according to a model or diagram.

Learn to create on the basis of independent experimentation with the details of the design of a structure according to your own design.

Teach constructive techniques for constructing a model of the human figure.

To develop children's cooperation skills in joint activities.

Cognitive motivation “How to make a group beautiful and cozy.”

Looking at photographs of kindergarten groups.

Tour of the kindergarten.

Drawing up a diagram of the arrangement of furniture in a group.

Design "Furniture"

Exhibition "Furniture"

Discussion of design and purpose, arrangement of furniture in the room layout.

Designing “Girl”, “Boy” according to the diagram.

Modeling human figures: “Me and my friend” based on drawings.

Design and execution of the “Our group” layout


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block


Implementation plan for a gaming mini-project



Forms of work

Designer view


Create conditions for emotionally rich communication between an adult and a child in play.

To consolidate the principles of constructing architectural buildings, methods of fastening parts as shown;

Develop constructive imagination during construction

buildings according to drawing

Learn to use moving and rotating parts;

Develop the constructive imagination necessary to realize your own ideas.

Conversation “What kind of city do we want to build?”

Analysis based on illustrations, photographs of modeling objects;

Modeling of gates, arches, towers, cathedrals;

Construction of a model of a mansion according to the sample;

Construction of Russian churches based on drawings (photos);

Construction of a model of a Russian tower based on illustrations to fairy tales;

Construction of cathedrals, Russian Kremlin according to the scheme;

Construction of models of modern ground transport (bus, taxi, truck);

Construction of working machines (tractor, excavator, bulldozer, combine harvester);

Construction of the tower according to plan;

Creation of models of city houses (one-, two-, multi-story);

Creating a model of the car of the future.


Mega block

Mega block

Mega block

Mega block


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block



Implementation plan for a gaming mini-project



Forms of work










Teach planning work using a story about the planned subject; teach to see the design features of models.

Strengthen the skills of modeling the human figure.

Strengthen the ability to convey the characteristic features of animals using construction kits.

Develop imagination and constructive imagination; develop constructive skills to convey the design of the building.

Learn to create a plot for a joint game, using and combining acquired knowledge,

act out game dialogues, adhere to the general plan.

Game "Guess my model";

Modeling of human figures: “Me and my friend” based on drawings;

Modeling the figure of a giant according to the model and design.

Creating models of dogs and cats based on the sample.

Designing birds according to pattern and design.

Modeling animal figures based on drawings.

Modeling a fantasy animal according to design.

Simulation of a fantastic animal.

Construction of a monster model according to your own design.

Creating a fabulous vehicle.

Story-based role-playing game

"Forests are miracles"


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block


Mega block



Implementation plan for the gaming mini-project "COSMOS"


Forms of work




Develop skills in analyzing an object and conveying its form using a constructor.

Strengthen the skills of transferring shapes using rotating and moving parts.

Develop the ability to follow the teacher’s oral instructions.

Development of fantasy and constructive imagination.

Develop children's communication skills through play.

Encourage sustainable associations of children in play.

Modeling an aircraft based on a model;

Creating an airplane model from a picture.

Construction of military vehicles according to the model and based on drawings;

Creation of robot models based on the sample;

Construction of helicopters according to the scheme.

Construction of aircraft, rockets;

Simulation of warships.

Design of spaceships;

Simulation of attractions according to design;

Creating models of robots and aliens according to your own ideas.

Creating and playing out “Space” layouts



Mega block



All types of constructors



Lesson summary "We will go with you to the forests-miracles."

Fantastic animal simulation,

playing out a game situation.


1.Create a gaming situation that promotes the emergence of creative associations of children based on interests and desires.

2. Teach how to formalize your idea through a preliminary story.

3.Develop the ability to select designer parts that best convey the characteristic features of the intended animal.

4. Develop social emotions and motives that promote interpersonal relationships


Lego constructors, themed;

Fairytale forest, figurines of hares, a house and a bench, assembled from construction kit parts; illustrations from fairy tales.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher creates a game situation: displays toy Christmas trees, various other trees, a hut assembled from construction kit parts, and bunny figures. Then he tells the following story: “Once upon a time, on the edge of the forest, mother Hare and her son, Fluffy Bunny. One day, mother comes home from a neighboring garden with cabbage and sees that her little son is sitting on a bench in front of the house, very sad. She asks him: “What’s the matter, dear, why are you sad?” And the bunny answers her: “Mommy, I suddenly became so bored that I don’t even want to play anything.” “Don’t be sad, honey,” says the Hare, “let’s go on a trip with you!”

The teacher reads an excerpt from the poem “Wonderful Forests”:

We will go with you to the wonderful forests.

There is a blue elk wandering around the lake.

There a fox sweeps the thicket with his tail,

So that the forests-miracles are clean.

We will go to the wonderful forests.

There we will meet a smart bear,

Let's look into the owl's hollow.

The owl's hollow is warm and light...

And then I’ll invite Owl,

And we will all go to visit the lion.

He lives under a hill in a cave,

"Good Lion" - sign on the door.

And the good lion will give you his paw

And he purrs: “Hello!”

Do you want to play tag with the Deer -

This is such an amazing region!

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they have already found themselves in this forest and met an extraordinary animal there. asks about what this animal looks like, what size it is, how long its neck and tail are, how many heads, paws, and eyes it has. Offers to unite in pairs or groups if desired, come up with a game plan, and distribute roles.

The guys create a model of the animal, build its home, and construct part of the forest. They give the forest dweller a nickname, talk about what he can do, where he lives and what he eats, and play out the game situation.

Discussion: “How did the game turn out? Who performed what roles?”

Making plans for the future, how we will play tomorrow.

Lesson summary: “ Construction of working machines."


1. Strengthen the skills of analyzing an object from an illustration, highlighting its main parts.

2.Teach the use of moving and rotating parts.

3.Teach children how to model a bucket.


Handout - the minimum set of necessary Lego parts for each child;

Demonstration - large pictures of cars, samples of models assembled from Lego parts, and toy cars.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks the children riddles to get the children excited about the topic of the lesson, shows pictures, and talks about the purpose of each machine.

They don't feed oats,

They don't drive with a whip,

And how it plows,

Dragging seven plows.


Giant ship

It doesn't sail on the sea,

Giant ship

It walks along the ground.

The field will pass

The harvest will be collected.


I'll turn my long neck,

I'll carry a heavy load.

Where they order, I will put it -

I serve man.


Where a new house is being built,

A warrior walks with a shield,

Where it goes it will be smooth,

There will be a flat area.


A mole got into our yard,

Digging the ground at the gate,

If the mole opens his mouth.

A ton of earth will enter the mouth,


The children, together with the teacher, remember what working machines they know and for what purposes each of them is used. First, the ground for the field is prepared, that is, if there are stumps, they must be uprooted - this is done by a bulldozer. The field is then plowed with a plow. To plow a large field, several plows are attached to a frame, and a tractor drags it across the field. Plowshares cut the ground. Then a harrow is attached to the tractor, and it loosens the ground so that the grain that falls into it can germinate.

A special machine - a seeder - makes furrows with a sharp steel tip, sprinkles seeds into them in a stream and immediately covers them with earth. A tractor pulls several seeders at once. Here, in order not to get stuck in the ground, a caterpillar tractor is needed.

If you need to dig a ditch, an excavator will help in this matter. At the end of summer, combines go out into the fields to harvest the crops. In order to prepare grass for animals, wheeled tractors with mower trailers are used.

The teacher, together with the children, analyzes the shape of various machines, identifies their main parts and shows what parts and techniques can be used to build a model of a particular machine. Draws the attention of children that the construction of any machine must begin with a set of plates for the platform, firmly fastening them with bricks. To do this, it is better to take longer bricks. In an excavator, the cabin must rotate along with the bucket, so a square part with a rotating circle must be secured to the platform. The arrow can be made from moving parts.

Having received different pictures of cars, the guys begin modeling. They assemble the excavator bucket following the teacher’s verbal instructions - they install beaks on a square plate, vice versa, and fasten them along the edge with narrow plates. Also, under the guidance of a teacher, they assemble two grips for a bulldozer.

Game exercises and didactic

games to develop logical thinking

using Lego constructor.


- "Wonderful bag." The bag contains several Lego pieces. a) The teacher shows the part that needs to be found. b) The teacher only names the required detail. c) The child needs to determine by touch what parts the model is made of.

- "Assemble the model." Children assemble a model under the dictation of the teacher. When determining the relative position of parts, the adverbs “top”, “in the middle”, “left”, “right”, “across” are used.

2.Attention and memory.

- "Assemble the model from memory." The teacher shows the children a model of 3-4 parts for a few seconds, and then removes it. Children assemble the model from memory and compare it with the sample.

- “Remember and lay out the row.” A number of details are displayed in compliance with some pattern. The teacher emphasizes that for better memorization, you need to understand the pattern with which the details are placed in the sample. Children look at the sample for a few seconds and then perform the same from memory.

3.Spatial orientation.

- "Assemble the model using landmarks." The teacher dictates to the children where to place a part of a certain shape and color. The following position references are used: "top left corner", "bottom left corner", "top right corner", "bottom right corner", "middle of the left side", "middle of the right side", "above", "under", " to the left of", "to the right of".

- “Make a layout of the study, group and reception rooms.” For the relative position of objects in the room, a reference point is used that does not coincide with the child’s position.


- “Lay out the second half of the pattern.” The teacher lays out the first half of the pattern, and the children must, while maintaining symmetry, lay out the second half of the pattern.

- “Make a pattern.” Children create symmetrical patterns on their own - you can depict butterflies, flowers, etc.

5.Logical patterns.

-Exercises to continue the series . The teacher shows a sequence of elements consisting of construction parts, and the child must continue it.

First stage - each element of the series consists of one design part; two features are used to create patterns.

Second phase - each element of the series consists of two parts of the designer; one feature is used to create patterns.

Third stage - each element of the series consists of two parts of the designer, and two features are used to form patterns.

- "Search for the missing figure." The teacher presents a problem consisting of three horizontal and three vertical rows of figures from construction set parts. The child is given a task with one missing piece, which must be picked up. The cycle of exercises begins with the simplest tasks, when the figures consist of one part and differ in one way. Then the tasks gradually become more difficult.


-"Traffic light". The teacher gives the children bricks of three colors and invites them to compete - who can make the most different traffic lights, that is, it is required that the yellow, red and green bricks be in a different order. After identifying the winner, the teacher demonstrates six combinations of traffic lights and explains the system by which they had to be compiled so as not to miss a single option.

- "Make flags." The teacher gives the children bricks of two colors and asks them to make all possible flags from one red brick and two blue, from one red and three blue, or from two red and two blue.


liberating games

Game "Part and Whole".

Children's age is 4-5 years. The game is played individually in a group room (specialist’s office).The teacher shows the child the details of a large Lego constructor,shows connection methods.

One piece, two pieces

It's brother and sister!

One detail! Two details!

You are a designer assembler!

Can you guess what's in the bag?

You get a prize right away!

You get a magic bag. The child is invited to touch the Lego piece that lies in the bag (without looking into it, by touch) - to say whether it is one or several pieces connected together. For each correct answer, the child receives a prize (there are different prizes for girls and boys, for example, a cardboard flower for a girl, a boat for a boy). The parts in the bag are deliberately arranged so that it is obvious where there is one part and where there are many (this is done in order to instill success in the child at the initial stage of the game). The teacher praises the child for correctly identifying all the parts. From the Lego parts collected from the bag, the child is invited to assemble some kind of toy (taking into account the age of the children and their psychophysical characteristics). The prizes are not chosen randomly; they inspire the child’s idea of ​​further play.

Game "Gateway to a Fairy Tale".

Children's age is 4-5 years. The game is played in a group room with a subgroup of children. The teacher says that today in the group all the Lego pieces were lost and we need to try to collect them:

There is a designer in our group

Lego, Lego – beauty!

We'll show you how to build

Even a Flower, even a cat!

One two three four five!

We begin to search.

Looking for small details

We are looking for large parts

Let's collect a “fairy tale”!

Children collect construction pieces and bring them to the carpet in the center of the group room. The teacher notes that these are only small particles, but they can probably be used to make interesting toys. He asks what can come out of the constructor. The teacher brings in colorfully decorated gates, but warns the children that they are very unstable, and he (the teacher) does not know what to do. Children offer their options, and the teacher agrees with them and suggests starting to build supports from Lego. When the gate is secured, the teacher admires the beauty of the fairy-tale gate, says that he could not have guessed to secure the gate so successfully (even if not everything worked out as it should, at the first stage of such games the most important thing is to give the children the opportunity to believe in themselves ). Children are invited to come up with what fairy-tale characters would like and be able to walk under these gates. At the request of the children, independent play continues.

Game "Interesting Find".

Children's age is 5-6 years. The game can be played both in a group room and in a kindergarten area. The game is played with a subgroup of children. The teacher hides crafts made from Lego in advance (crafts of an unusual shape, unlike objects and toys familiar to children) in different places in the group room (the walking area of ​​the kindergarten). Children are invited to find a hidden craft and come up with a name and purpose for it. The teacher does not say what exactly is hidden, but says that these are some new objects (the crafts should really be made from a type of Lego that has not previously been included in the group). Children find crafts and independently come up with the name and purpose of the toys. Children are invited to play with the found crafts (playing is not discussed, it is given for independent activity, if children want, they can play in subgroups, pairs, individually, they can disassemble an existing toy and model a new one)



The use of LEGO promotes :

1) development of sensory concepts in children, /since parts of different shapes are used, painted in primary colors/;

2) development and improvement of higher mental functions / memory, attention, thinking, emphasis is placed on the development of such mental processes as analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization /

3) training the fingers of the hands, which is very important for the development of fine motor skills of the hand and will further help prepare the child’s hand for writing;

4) uniting the children's team, developing a feeling of sympathy for each other, because children learn to solve problems together, distribute roles, and explain to each other the importance of this constructive solution.

METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TEACHERS ON ORGANIZING WORK WITH CHILDREN IN LEGO CONSTRUCTION 1. Coordinate the topics of LEGO construction lessons with the topics of the work plan for kindergarten and school;
2. Organize classes on LEGO construction in junior and middle groups: following an example, using cards with models, at your own request, working with large-sized construction sets.
3. Organize classes with LEGO constructors in the senior group, preparatory and first grade: according to the instructions, modeling project materials using drawings or illustrations, work with a small constructor begins;
4.Use LEGO construction sets with children who find it difficult to find friends to play with, who are active and shy;
5. Use LEGO construction sets for independent games, in order to independently invent and act out various events;
6. Organize constructive activities in subgroups (no more than 6 people);
7.Take into account the individual characteristics of children;
8.Prepare notes and a selection of teaching materials for each lesson;
9.Do not give children all the parts of the set, as children can spend a lot of time looking for small parts;
10.Use surprise moments and bright visuals at the beginning of the lesson to increase activity;
11. Use LEGO models built during the lesson in didactic, active and role-playing games and encourage children to do this;
12. Organize exhibitions of children's works.

Light construction in kindergarten

In the older group, children take on the role of leader. Games develop collectivism, memory, and thinking. Children learn to study using cards.

“Whose team will build the fastest?”


  • learn to build in a team, help each other;
  • develop interest, attention, speed, fine motor skills;

"Hollow" , sample.

Progress: children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a sample building, for example, a house, a car with the same number of parts. The child can attach one piece at a time. Children take turns running up to the table, selecting the desired part and attaching it to the building. The team that builds the structure the fastest wins.

"Mystery bag"

Goal: to teach to guess the details of the designer by touch.

Equipment: sets of designer parts, bag.

Progress: the teacher holds a bag with Lego construction parts. Children take turns taking one detail from it, guessing it and showing it to everyone.

"Put the parts in their place"

Purpose: to consolidate the names of Lego construction parts.

Equipment: boxes, Lego parts (beak, paw, oval, semicircle).

Procedure: children are given boxes and a construction set. Two parts are distributed for each child. Children must assemble the entire construction set in a short time. Whoever collects without errors wins.

"Traffic light"


  • fix the meanings of traffic lights;
  • develop attention and memory;

Equipment: Lego bricks red, green, yellow.

1st option:

Teacher- "traffic light" , the rest of the children are "cars" . The teacher shows a red light "cars" stop, yellow - get ready, green - go.

2nd option:

Traffic light and pedestrians cross the road when the light is green.

3rd option:

At a red light, children crouch, at a yellow light, they raise their hands up, at a green light, they jump in place.

“Find the same detail as on the card”

Purpose: to consolidate the names of Lego construction parts "Hollow" .

Equipment: cards, Lego parts "Hollow" , fee.

Progress: children take turns taking a card with a drawing of a Lego construction part "Hollow" , find the same one and attach it to the board. At the end of the game, the children come up with a name for the building.

In the school preparatory group, children are already studying using cards and building more complex structures. The purpose of the games is to develop speech, be able to work in a team, help a friend, develop thinking and memory.

"Name and Build"


  • fix the names of Lego construction parts "Dakta" ;
  • learn to work in a team;

Equipment: Lego set "Dakta" .

Progress: the teacher gives each child in turn a construction piece. The child names her and keeps her. When each child collects two parts, the teacher gives the task to build one building from all the parts, come up with a name for it and tell about it.

"Lego gifts"

Goal: to develop interest in the game and attention.

Equipment: playing field, men according to the number of players, dice (one side with the number 1, the second with the number 2, the third with the number 3, the fourth with a cross (we skip the move)), Lego gifts.

Progress: children distribute the little men among themselves. They place them on the playing field, throw the dice one by one and move the men clockwise. The first person to complete the entire circle wins, and the child chooses a gift for himself. The game continues until all the gifts are taken away.

"Don't take the last die"

Goal: to develop attention and thinking.

Equipment: board with tower.

Progress: two children play, taking turns removing one or two bricks from the tower. Whoever takes off the last one loses.

"Remember the location"

Goal: to develop attention and memory.

Equipment: Lego set "Dakta" , fees for all players.

Progress: the teacher builds some structure of eight (no more) details. For a short time, the children memorize the design, then the teacher removes it, and the children try to build the same one from memory. Whoever does it correctly wins and becomes the leader.

“Build without opening your eyes”


  • learn to build with your eyes closed;
  • develop fine motor skills and endurance;

Equipment: board, designer kits.

Progress: the children have a board and a construction set in front of them. Children close their eyes and try to build something. Whoever comes up with the most interesting construction is encouraged.

"Fish, Beast, Bird"

Goal: to develop memory and attention.

Equipment: Lego brick.

Progress: the teacher holds a Lego brick in his hands. Children stand in a circle. The teacher walks in a circle, gives each child a brick in turn and says: "fish" . The child must say the name of any fish, then give it to another and say: "bird" or "beast" . Whoever makes a mistake or repeats it is eliminated from the game.

It would seem, why talk about games with Lego? Take the cubes and start building whatever comes into your head.

Useful, who cares, but not at all for creative thinking.

TRIZ games with Lego

In my experience, the simplest games of this type are already good after 3.5 years. Their main goal is interest and show that you can come up with buildings from cubes yourself (believe me, there are children who do not understand how to play with a construction set).

You can select several types of games aimed at awakening one or another facet of creative thinking ()

Games for developing imaginative thinking

Option 1

The first player constructs some abstract figure and passes it to the second player. He completes the figure into a recognizable image of an object.

For example, a similar “slide” of cubes can be turned into a Christmas tree, a dog or a person.

Option 2

You will need many cubes of the same size and shape.

Take 1 cube. What might it look like? We offer options: on a box, on a button, on a stool, etc. Take 2 cubes connect the way we want. What does it look like now? Next we take 3, 4, 5... cubes, we connect arbitrarily and fantasize, complement the images!

Games for the development of functional and resource thinking

There are two questions to ask here:

  • What could Lego be combined with to create new buildings, new gaming capabilities?

Connecting Lego and paper(if you pierce it with a hole punch, the holes will be ideal for joining with cubes) - we get figures that are difficult to build only from cubes.

You can organize theatrical performances!

Let's combine classes designing and photographing– it turns out Lego cartoons and Lego comics.

  • How else can you use the constructor besides games?

What properties do Lego buildings have? How can these properties be used for useful purposes?

For example, we can say that the parts of the construction set are firmly attached to each other; they can also hold other objects. If a lot of parts have accumulated, then, using the Robinson Crusoe method, you can make useful functional objects.

Here's what Stas says about the advantages of Lego chess:

“Lego chess is very convenient for traveling: firstly, they are small, secondly, the fastening of the figures to the board is both light and stable, which allows them to be used in shaking conditions, thirdly, they can always be disassembled and something can be created from the parts. something new."

Games for developing dialectical thinking

  • Yes-no game with Lego ().

One player needs to build something unusual (which cannot be immediately guessed), and then, using the game’s questions, the other players guess what kind of object was built.

Game exercises and didactic games

using the LEGO constructor in individual correctional work with autistic children

Prepared by a speech pathologist teacher

Games that develop thinking.


- "Wonderful bag." The bag contains several Lego pieces. a) The teacher shows the part that needs to be found. b) The teacher only names the required detail. c) The child needs to determine by touch what parts the model is made of.

- "Assemble the model." Children assemble a model under the dictation of the teacher. When determining the relative position of parts, the adverbs “top”, “in the middle”, “left”, “right”, “across” are used.

2.Attention and memory.

-"What changed?". The teacher shows the children a model of 5-7 parts for some time. Then he closes the model and changes the position of 1-2 parts in it or replaces 1-2 parts with others. After which he shows the model again and asks to tell what has changed.

- "Assemble the model from memory." The teacher shows the children a model of 3-4 parts for a few seconds, and then removes it. Children assemble the model from memory and compare it with the sample.

- “Remember and lay out the row.” A number of details are displayed in compliance with some pattern. The teacher emphasizes that for better memorization, you need to understand the pattern with which the details are placed in the sample. Children look at the sample for a few seconds and then perform the same from memory.

3.Spatial orientation.

- "Assemble the model using landmarks." The teacher dictates to the children where to place a part of a certain shape and color. The following position references are used: "top left corner", "bottom left corner", "top right corner", "bottom right corner", "middle of the left side", "middle of the right side", "above", "under", " to the left of", "to the right of".

- “Make a layout of the study, group and reception rooms.” For the relative position of objects in the room, a reference point is used that does not coincide with the child’s position.


- “Lay out the second half of the pattern.” The teacher lays out the first half of the pattern, and the children must, while maintaining symmetry, lay out the second half of the pattern.

- “Make a pattern.” Children create symmetrical patterns on their own - you can depict butterflies, flowers, etc.

5.Logical patterns.

- "What's extra?" The teacher shows the children a number of parts and asks them to identify the extra element (each element consists of two parts of the construction set).

-Exercises to continue the series. The teacher shows a sequence of elements consisting of construction parts, and the child must continue it.

First stage- each element of the series consists of one design part; two features are used to create patterns.

Second phase- each element of the series consists of two parts of the designer; one feature is used to create patterns.

Third stage- each element of the series consists of two parts of the designer, and two features are used to form patterns.

- "Search for the missing figure." The teacher presents a problem consisting of three horizontal and three vertical rows of figures from construction set parts. The child is given a task with one missing piece, which must be picked up. The cycle of exercises begins with the simplest tasks, when the figures consist of one part and differ in one way. Then the tasks gradually become more difficult.


-"Traffic light". The teacher gives the children bricks of three colors and invites them to compete - who can make the most different traffic lights, that is, it is required that the yellow, red and green bricks be in a different order. After identifying the winner, the teacher demonstrates six combinations of traffic lights and explains the system by which they had to be compiled so as not to miss a single option.

- "Make flags." The teacher gives the children bricks of two colors and asks them to make all possible flags from one red brick and two blue, from one red and three blue, or from two red and two blue.

7. Sets.

-"Select similar ones"- classification according to one property. The teacher shows the children a set of parts and uses a thread to mark a closed area. Then he sets a rule according to which the parts should be placed: for example, so that only red parts or only bricks are inside the selected area.

Games that develop the perception of shape.

“Guess it.”

Target: teach children to recognize familiar construction set parts (cube, folder, triangle, cylinder, arch, tablet, beam) by touch.

Game description: One of the children is blindfolded and asked to guess the shape of the module by touch.

Rules of the game:

1. Do not give hints or give away a shared secret.

2. Do not interfere with the guesser; independently solve the shapes of the parts.

3. The guesser must conscientiously close his eyes and not remove the blindfolds until he names the detail.

4. Everyone wait patiently for their turn. Only someone who does not disturb the order and does not interfere with the children playing together is chosen to guess the shape of the parts.

“Make no mistake Parsley!”


Game description: As soon as Petrushka puts on her cap, you need to go up to the modules, select any of them, raise it higher and ask: “Parsley, Petrushka, what’s in my hands?” If Petrushka says that he doesn’t see, go up to him and put the part directly in his hands, and say along with everyone: “Parsley, touch what you have in your hands and guess what module we gave you. Make no mistake, Petrushka!”

Rules of the game:

1. Maintain complete silence so that Parsley does not make a mistake and can guess what is in his hands.

2. You cannot name the module and prompt Petrushka.

3. Closely monitor Parsley's actions. Those who are distracted and break the rules are not chosen by Parsley.

“Do you have it or not?”

Target: Teach children to recognize familiar construction parts by touch.

Game description: The first child is blindfolded and asked to determine the shape of the part by touch. The second child will have to find exactly the same part in shape.

Rules of the game:

1. Examine the part by touch, with both hands, turning from all sides.

2. You can untie your eyes only after you have named the part.

3. Select a part and ask if your partner has it, one by one, which is established using a counting rhyme:

“Bring it and show it”

Target: Teach children to use techniques for visual inspection of shapes.

Game description: The teacher shows a sample of the part and hides it, and the children must find the same one on their own.

Rules of the game:

1. Only those children called by the teacher carry out the assignment.

2. Before looking for a part, you need to take a good look at the sample and mentally imagine what you need to find.

Before showing the children the selected part, you need to check yourself.


1. Dybina, change, transform / . – M.: Creative Center “Sfera”, 2002.

2. Komarova, from Lego / . – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006. – 120 p.

3. Kutsakova, and artistic work in kindergarten / . – M.: Creative Center “Sfera”, 2005.

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