Dk vov 4.3 4 pvp. Common Talents for Unholy Death Knights

If you want to blow up the enemy in the arena, flood the opponents AOE on the RPB like mobs and enjoy big numbers, and at the same time do not torment yourself with a bunch of macros - frost is your choice.


Frost is designed to quickly and painlessly (anesthesia is applied) kill, or at least slow down anything that moves. Ideal and irreplaceable for rating fields combat both as a gunner and a caste beater, and in terms of damage it occupies a leading position.

Pros of frost:

  • Control: Slow from defilement (if taken) that cannot be dispelled. Slowdown from Chill. Mass freezing. Routes (immobilization) from the shackles.
  • Fast Switches: Unlike Anholics, Frost doesn't need to do anything to switch from target to target. Chills are hung by the Howling Wind, and Blood Plague has practically no effect on its damage.
  • Very strong AOE: Howling wind can be used almost all the time (requires only one rune out of 4 possible), hangs Chill + Slow + Vulnerability to physical damage.
  • One of the best check knockers on the RPB. The Howling Wind can be used at long range and against multiple enemies at once.
  • Frenzied burst (20% to strength once per minute) allows you to pour into the target to the fullest.
  • Ease of control allows you to focus on WHAT to do, rather than HOW to do it.

Cons of frost:

  • Poor survival. There are no melee saves.
  • Poor mobility. Although even in root you can spam the Howling Wind 🙂


Perhaps the only "difficult" choice when playing as a frost in PVP is the choice of the type of weapon: two one-handed or one two-handed. The difference is not very significant, but still there. If you are too lazy to think and read: two-handed for the Arena, one-handed for the RPB. However, I will consider in more detail how they differ from each other:

Pros of two-handed:

  • Increased rune power generation. As a result, there are less downtime in dealing damage, as well as more opportunities to heal with Death Coils in rebirth.
  • GURTALAK! If you have it, it means that you need to bake in frost with a two-handed.

Pros of one-pens:

  • Less accuracy is required, so you can re-forge a little more into mastery (but still there is extra accuracy on PVP gear = slightly fewer auto-attack misses).
  • Higher Basic Attack Damage, Death Strike, Ice Strike, Plague Strike, Obliterate, Runic Strike
  • The killing machine will pierce more often
  • You can hang an additional rune (usually hang the Rune cutting ice= + 2% weapon damage and + 10% frost damage)

What is NOT the difference between the specs (I wrote it because I met this nonsense in many guides):

  • With a two-handed, the best necrotizers are - the argument is exaggerated. Only the direct damage of Necrotik is scaled from weapon damage and very weakly (100%). Absorbed healing only depends on attack power (with a two-hander, it really is a little more attack power, but not so much).
  • Two-handed saves 3 talents. Another nonsense. The fact is that these three talents still have to be invested somewhere in the frost branch in order to advance into other branches, so there is no difference. It's just that in a two-handed build, a talent is taken to increase the RP cap to 130, and with one-handed this talent is useless.

If at the beginning of the season there were some questions about the choice of certain talents, now everything has been calculated for a long time and the only question is which branch to go to after 31 talent.

PVE abuse

In the realities of patch 4.3.4, where there are a lot of horns with legendaries, it will not work too much. However, there are decent options.

How to pin something?

Howling wind

The guide is in the process of writing, I ask you not to throw poop ...

Posted in

We present to your attention the PvE guide to unholy DC for patch 4.3.4. This guide covers all the main aspects of playing Death Knight Unholy in Cataclysm 4.3: talents, builds, equipment selection, rotation and much more.

A more recent version of the guide is available:

Changes in 4.3 / 4.3.4

In patch 4.3 unholy dk the following changes were made:

  1. (4.3) Now the summoned gargoyle will always use ranged attacks regardless of the distance to the target.
  2. (4.3) Passive Unholy Might now increases Strength by 25% instead of 20%.

In none of the subsequent patches 4.3.2, 4.3.3, and 4.3.4, the Unholy Death Knight received significant changes.

PvE addons

Raid addons:

Other useful addons:

  • / / - tracking buffs and debuffs.

You can find more useful modifications on the page ““.

Talents / build

The standard and most common talent set for a pwe unholy DC is build 5/1/35. In this set, the 3/3 talent was taken from the Suppress Magic talent to unlock the antimagic Zone useful for the raid.

Optional talents

Death Knight Unholy has no large selection optional talents in PvE, moreover, none of them provide a significant increase in dps. You can choose from the following talents:

  • 1/2 Unholy order. Reduces the cooldown of Death Grip by 5 seconds.
  • 2/2 Desecration. Allows you to slow down targets, a very situational talent.
  • 2/3 or 3/3 Magic suppression. 1 point in this talent is required. The rest can be invested to increase the amount of rune power generated from absorbing damage and to increase the amount of absorbed damage.
  • 1/1 Zone of anti-magic. A very useful talent, often used in PvE battles. Highly recommended.
  • 2/2 Improved blood drainage. Reduces the CD of the Blood Siphon ability by 30 seconds, which, if used correctly, leads to a slight increase in DPS.

Build variations:
- 5/1/35: build with the Desecrate talent to slow down opponents.
- 7/1/33: build with the Improved Blood Drainage talent.


Basic symbols:

For one purpose:

  • Glyph of Raising the Dead
  • Glyph of the face of death
  • Glyph of Scourge Strike

For AoE battles, replace the last two symbols A symbol of death and decay and Glyph of the icy touch.

Large characters:

Do not give a significant increase in DPS. In pwe unholy DK the following large characters are commonly used:

  • Glyph of Boiling Blood
  • Glyph of Antimagic Carapace
  • Pestilence Symbol

Small characters:

  • Blood diversion symbol
  • Glyph of Death's Embrace
  • Winter Horn Symbol

Priority of main characteristics

PvE unholy dk in Cataclysm 4.3.4 should adhere to the following priority of characteristics:

Strength> Accuracy (up to cap)> Haste> Critical Strike> Mastery> Mastery

It's worth noting that if your Death Knight wields the sword Gurtalak, Voice of the Depths, Mastery is slightly prioritized over Critical Strike.

Force . The main characteristic of the unholy dk, increases the attack power. You should aim to gain as much Strength as possible on all items of equipment (including gems and enchanting).

Accuracy. The next best PvE stat up to the cap set. Ensures that all your attacks reach their target and resources are not wasted. The hit cap for the first Death Knight in Cataclysm is 4.3 - 8% (961 hit rating, 841 for the draenei).

Speed ​​. Best secondary stat after hitting cap. Increases Attack Speed ​​and Rune Power Regeneration, and increases Ghoul and Gargoyle Attack Speed.

Critical hit... Increases the critical strike chance of all attacks and abilities.

Mastery. Increases damage dealt from magic of darkness. This is approximately 40% of the total damage of the unholy dk.

Craftsmanship. Reduces the chance that the enemy will dodge your attacks. For an unholy, this is the least valuable stat and, as a rule, you should avoid recruiting it on equipment or reforging it into other characteristics.


Reforging of pve anholi dk in 4.3.4 is carried out in accordance with the above priority of characteristics:

  1. First of all, gain hit cap (8%), reforging the worst stats into Accuracy: Mastery> Mastery> Critical Strike> Haste(as a last resort).
  2. Next, reforge the worst characteristics, including excess accuracy, into Speed> Critical Hit.


Please note that if the bonus for matching color is less than +20 strength or +30 of another characteristic, it is better to ignore it and insert a red stone for strength into this socket.


Head Arcanum of the Wildhammer
Arcanum of the Dragonmaw
Shoulders Greater Inscription of Jagged Stone
Back +65 critical strike
Breast +20 to all stats
Wrists +50 strength
Hand +50 strength
Belt Ebony steel belt buckle
Legs Dragonscale Legplates
Feet +50 speed
Weapon Rune of the Fallen Knight


The rotation of PvE Unholy DK is based on the priority lists below:

One goal

You should always be under the dominion of wickedness.

  1. Maintain Disease (Chill and Blood Plague) on targets at all times (hang them with Disease Outbreak and renew with Decay Strike).
  2. Use Dark Transformation whenever possible.
  3. Use Death and Decay / Scourge Strike if both Unholy / Death Runes are active.
  4. Hit with Decay if both Blood and Ice Runes are active.
  5. Use Death Coil under Relentless Doom or to drain excess rune power.
  6. Use Death and Decay / Scourge Strike.
  7. Hit with Decay Punch.
  8. Use the Winter Horn.

Multiple targets

In short AoE battles, you should use the Power of Unholy, and in long battles, you should use the Power of Ice.

  1. Hang and support diseases, spread them to all targets with Mohr's help.
  2. Use Dark Transformation.
  3. Use. Increases attack speed by 20% for 30 seconds, but takes 20% of your health over its duration. Consider the following when using DC Unholy Frenzy:
    • The effect of this ability does not stack with similar effects from Bloodlust / Heroism / Time Warp. Thus, you need to be sure that the use of these abilities does not overlap.
    • As a rule, Unholy Frenzy should be used per CD. In some cases, you can postpone the use of the ability, if in certain points of the battle, the boss takes increased damage or a burst is required.
    • The ability should be used simultaneously with the call of the gargoyle (before the call), since the characteristics of the gargoyle depend, among other things, on the attack speed of the death knight.

    In principle, Unholy Frenzy can be used on allies, but it is better to use it on yourself.

    Summon a Gargoyle. Combines well with Unholy Frenzy. Keep in mind that the characteristics of the gargoyle are scaled from the characteristics of the DC, so it is best to summon it under the proc of accessories, potions, and so on.

    Strengthening rune weapons. Finishes the cooldown of all runes instantly and grants 25 rune power. The ability has a CD of 5 minutes and can usually only be used twice during a fight. The ability should be used when all of your runes are used up or you have low rune power.

    The army of the dead. Summons ghouls who fight on the side of the unholy DK for a short period of time. The ability has a CD of 10 minutes and therefore can only be used once per battle. It is better to summon ghouls shortly before the start of the fight or during phases when you cannot attack the boss, since during the summon the death knight cannot perform other actions.

    Blood drainage. Instantly activates 1 Rune of Blood and turns it into a Rune of Death. The ability should be used per CD, but only if one or both of the blood runes are unavailable.

    Raid Set Bonuses

    T12 (4.2):

    • 2 items: Winter Forge, when used, additionally restores 3 units of Runic Power every 5 seconds for 2 minutes.
    • 4 items: Scourge Strike deals an additional 6% damage as Fire damage.

    T13 (4.3 / 4.3.4):

    • 2 items: the talent Relentless Doom, when triggered, has a 30% chance to grant 2 charges instead of one.
    • 4 items: Runic Corruption with a 40% chance and Empower Rune Weapon with a 25% chance when triggered will increase your Mastery rating by 710 for 12 seconds.

    We hope this guide to unholy dk 4.3 will help you understand the main aspects of playing the Unholy Death Knight in Cataclysm 4.3.4 and will allow you to increase the damage done in PvE raids.

On the way to the 4.3.4 patch, dc received both favorable changes and some nerfs.

Positive changes:

  • 4.1.0. - these are two permanent "runes of death" instead of "runes of blood" + quite good up-damage compared to 4.0.6, and 1H has become more relevant in the arena than 2H (nerf - 30%).
  • 4.2.0 - 4.2.2 - another up-damage, return of 30% of lost damage from 2H + a good buff heal in the "Rebirth" + "Death Coil" plan.
  • 4.3.0 - 4.3.2 - 4.3.4. - another buff of damage, due to which the demand for frosts (mostly in pve) has increased.
  • Nerf:
  • 4.2.0-4.3.4. - this is a caste time of "insatiable cold", ie tombs.

Also, the survival rate of frosts compared to 4.0.6 fell several points down (on a 5/10 scale).


Among the characteristics, almost nothing has changed.

Res—> Strength—> Accuracy—> Mastery—> Mastery—> Speed—> Crit.

  • Res - i.e. stability, the main stat for pvp, as it reduces the damage we receive from players and their minions.
  • Strength is the main stat for DC, since our damage depends on the strength indicator.
  • Accuracy - i.e. hit, one of the most important characteristics, as it is responsible for the probability of a miss on the enemy. Her cap is 5% for pvp.
  • Mastery - i.e. master, increases damage from frost magic by 2% for each point of mastery. It is the priority secondary stat for the fdc, as well as the only secondary stat.
  • Mastery - i.e. Expertise, quite an important stat for us, since the cap of this stat is 14-20, is responsible for the probability of parrying or evading the enemy from our attacks.
  • Speed ​​- i.e. hast, useless for us stat, since we have a passive - "Ice Claws".
  • Crete is a completely useless stat for DCs, because we have a passive that allows you to deal double critical damage, as well as a "Killing Machine"

Possible build variations

1st - build, standard build for 2H:

2nd - build, standard build for 1H:

3rd - build, silence build for 2H:



  • Symbol of destruction - increases damage from destruction (pretty good in duels against mages / locks / priests);
  • Glyph of Ice Strike - reduces the cost of rune power when using an ice strike; a very important symbol since ice strike is our main ability.
  • Glyph of the Howling Wind is also a very useful glyph, as when using the wind, it infuses the target with chills.


  • Symbol of antimagic carapace - prolongs the duration of AMC - antimagic carapace.
  • The suffocation symbol - alas, does not work. If I worked, I would give the longest bacon in the game - 7 seconds ..
  • The insatiable chill symbol is a very good symbol for playing with heal, as it allows you to give a tomba without the cost of runes (with patch 4.2.0. It ceased to be a must have glyph, since the tomba now has a cast time).
  • Glyph of Dark Ward - Gives an effect similar to Varovsky's rage after killing the target. Increases the heal from the blow of death. A very useful glyph when playing two dd if your mate doesn't have a healing support.


  • Glyph of Ice Forge - Extends the duration of the winter forge to 3 minutes.

The rest of the characters are optional.

Sockets and charms

Let's start with sockets.

Red sockets:

A sculpted infernal ruby ​​that grants +40 Strength.

P. S. If you are a jeweler, then Chimera's Bold Eye, gives +67 to strength. Also, if you have a sufficient amount of AP, you can replace gems with +40 to strength by +50 to strength.

Blue sockets:

All 3 blue sockets are hammered into the penetration with Thunderous Sea Sapphires - +50 to the penetration ability of spells.

Yellow sockets:

Here we have a choice of two socket options.

If you are playing in the arena in 2dd and it seems to you that you do not have enough res, put a stone at +40 to res (Mystical amber gem) or Master fading topaz (+20 to strength and +20 to mastery rating).

Special socket:

No options - Thundering Shadowspirit Diamond - 54 Strength and 3% Critical Damage.


  • Head - pvp chant for 60 strength and 30 res;
  • Shoulders - pvp chant for 50 strength and 25 res;
  • Cloak - 70 to the penetrating ability of spells;
  • Chest - 40 to resu or 20 to all characteristics;
  • Wrists - 50 Strength or 50 Mastery
  • Gloves - 50 Strength;
  • Belt - buckle with an additional socket;
  • Legs - pad for 195 to strength and 90 to crit;
  • Feet - 50 Mastery or 50 Accuracy
  • Rings - if you are an enchanter, then 40 to strength for each ring.

PVP 1 × 1

  1. AMS (AMS - Anti-Magic Shell) - should be given under the burst of opponents with a large number of magical attacks. You can also give, using the lechborn, so as not to gain control, and so that you do not get knocked down by the heal.
  2. Fortitude (Ice stability) - most often given to the stun, but if you are given a stun of more than 60% XP, it is better to hold it for a save at low hp.
  3. Lichborne (Rebirth) - most often used for healing, but in some situations it is more important to give the Lichborn to protect against the Fira.
  4. ERV (Enhanced Runic Weapon) - it is best to give it under the burst, but there are situations when it should be given for healing, i.e. to sink all the runes on the DS (Death Strike), accumulating RP, start healing with the Lichborn, when the RP ends, we give the ERV, give two more DSs and we have time for two more coils (Death Coil).
  5. Blood tap (Blood tap) - we give it before strangulate (Strangulation), if we urgently need to give fat, but there are no runes, or after giving off the strangulate so as not to lose the rune.
  6. Tomba (Insatiable Chill) - if you really need to give it away, then fake it 1-2 times, and then cast it completely so as not to waste your GCD in vain and not get an interrupt.
  7. Des grip (Death Grip) - given most often after a mage's blink, to a paladin's / shaman's / druid's / priest's hilki caste, after teleportation of a lock, a shaman's sanderstorm or a linden war.
  8. Des pact (Deadly Alliance) - it is best to eat a vurd for at least 40% hp, since you may not have time to eat it.
  9. Shackles - are given, as a rule, according to the DRU of the immobilize effect. You can give the var before the charge at the beginning of the duel, since under immobilization the var will not be able to make the charge.
  10. Trinket / Human racial - never give it to controls that were given you 50% + XP, and also don't give it to lard blanket if it was not given to the lechborn, don't trinket disarm if it was not given to you in burst or if your target has more than 50% XP.
  11. Mind Freeze (Mind Freeze) - against classes that have a castable healing spell, we knock down ONLY the healing caste. Against shp, you can knock down the first castes, and then it is better to save the MF for a healka, unless, of course, you are not very much squandered. Against mages / locks, push it into caste frost bolts, insiniret, fire frost bolt, bolt chaos. In general, in the caste of the main school of magic of your opponent.
  12. Opener ferala / rogi, charge vara - try to catch in blood presense, and when the dangerous moment after the opener passes, feel free to get up back under the unholy presense.

Arena and setups


rpal + fdk - a setup with very strong control and demag, as a rule, in this setup they play dd and switch to heal, but there are exceptions, such as hpal + dd or rshaman + dd.

Against xpal + dd, the game is set by baboons, tactics of the game against xpal + dd:

  1. Under a full burst, but without silence and tomba, entry into the hollow;
  2. Before the bubble or before releasing the pet and the main CD for 50% XP, the paladin must give a stun;
  3. After the holik gives the bubble, the switch sharply to dd, if dd does not fall immediately, then upon exiting the bubble, the paladin must give the holik retentation, after the end of the turnip, you give fat, during this time dd drops 100%.

Also, if possible, knock the castes into focus, if the HP is far away, then squeeze the grip into the cast.

Everything is much easier against the rsham:

  • The beginning of the battle is the same;
  • Kill soul link totem in time;
  • If you did not manage to kill the totem in time, then the paladin gives a camp to the shaman and you make a sharp switch in dd;
  • After being stunned, the paladin grants repensation;
  • Next, you give fat, at the end of the fat, if the dd is still alive, give shackles to the shaman and castanite tomba.

Interrapt and Dec Grip are given in the same way as against Hpal.

Against double dd - burst in the more dangerous and control of the less dangerous.

Against sets with dts / holy priest or rdruid - standard entry to dd and control of the heal, after the druid's tree or priest's teeth, you can make a free switch to the heal under the camp.

Chain control in the setup:

  • Against hpal - stun by 50% XP. Repensation (Repentance) - after the bubble. Strangulate (Strangulation) - after reentry.
  • Against rshama - camp after soul link (shaman's totem). Repensation - after the camp. Strangulate - after reentry. Further, the shackles on the shaman and the tomba caste.
  • Against rdru or dts - 70% rependency XP dd. Next reentance -> stan -> fat -> tomba
  • Baboon - fdk + hpal - the game proceeds according to the same scheme as with the retrick, but here, instead of the retrick's reentry, you will have to cast the tomba and more often interrupt (knock down the cast) in focus, try to keep the opponent's heal within the reach of the MF (Mind Freeze) , as well as will often have to grip ten (Death Grip).
  • TSG - avar + fdk - the game is banal in one target, the main thing is not to be mistaken in its choice. Most often they are healed, but in the setups var + heal or dc + heal the game is on in dd.

DK + Heal setups:

Fdk + dts - the scheme is the same as when playing with holipal, only here we have a fir for 7 seconds, MK (mind control), mana burn (mana burn). The priest's job is to keep you at least 80% XP all the time.

  1. Give a firm target in your focus 70% of its XP;
  2. At the end of the fire, give lard;
  3. Next - dec grip to cast by focus or interrupt by focus, while your priest is casting MK.

It is also desirable for the priest to disperse everything that he sees from opponents.

Control in the setup: fir 70% XP target -> fat -> MK or grip / interrapt in caste.

Fdk + rshaman - the game is identical to the game with holipal, only here we have a range interrupt (knocking down the cast at a distance) of a shaman, a totem of the shackles of the earth and a hex (transformation into a frog) for 7 seconds.

In a game against setups with a paladin, the rshaman's task is to purge (remove buffs) BoP / Sakra / Fird (Hand of Protection / Hand of Sacrifice / Hand of Freedom), preferably also wings.

Control in setup: earth shackles totem target in focus behind a post or boxes -> hex at 60-70% XP of main target -> lard -> grip / interrupt in focus -> tomba.

Fdk + MMhunt - the setup is very strong due to strong openburst damage and a huge amount of control.

The game in the setup usually goes through dd. Against setups with a paladin, the task of the hunt is to notice the BOP / Sacra / Freedom in time and remove them with a tranquility shot (pacifying shot), as well as remove the wings from the paladin.

Control in the setup: Scatter (Disorient Shot) on the focus right away -> Trap -> Silence Shot (Silence Shot) -> Stun from a macaque -> Strangulate (Strangulation). In the main target (if the manuser) MM must silence a shot with blanket for 30-40% XP.

Hello to all readers and friends of the blog. A week has passed since the installation of the new patch 4.3. All raiders rushed to explore new dungeons and a new one. So I decided to write an updated Frost DC guide in patch 4.3. Although patch 4.3 did not make any special changes to the DK frost. Well, okay All the same, a new guide is better than the old one 🙂

Well friends let's start ours Frost DK guide patch 4.3 🙂

First, probably 🙂 you need to write about the changes DC in patch 4.3

Death Knight changes in patch 4.3

Well, let's start with the most basic one with our cooldowns. Frost DC has three main cooldowns that significantly increase our DPS.

If you learn how to use them correctly, our frost DC can really surprise our opponents on the account. By the way, you can also pogamat if you are tired of managing your dk.

Army of the Dead Frost DK

As in blood or frost, ghouls, gargoyles and the army of the dead will record your attack power, speed and accuracy at the time of their call. Changes to these stats after casting the spell will not affect your pets.

Unfortunately, the stats of frost dk do not affect the army of the dead (crit, artistry, etc.)

The most optimal time to use a troop of the dead will vary from boss to boss, but this is usually just before the pool. If used in the middle of combat, DPS time is more likely to be lost. However, if you cannot cast it before the pool, then it still makes sense to use this ability, ideally during a phase transition or a similar period of downtime.

Raising the Dead

When using "Raise the Dead", as in the army of the dead, your ghoul fixes your attack power, speed and accuracy at the time of its call and keeps these stats for the entire duration of its stay. Wait until all your trinkets and abilities are projected, and then call the ghoul.

Indestructible armor

20% strength for 20 seconds. Oh, how I love this ability. Awesome Burst DPS takeoff. Cast it every time it procs or after use. Also, try to match Bloodlast / Heroism and use it before the Resurrection of the Dead.

Couple go to the most important part of our Death Knight guide in patch 4.3. to the talents of DK.

Talents / builds frost DC

I advise you to read my research in which I identified the most popular builds of the top Death Knights

Basic build for frost DK duals (one-handed DW)

Most standard one-handed talent set. There are 3 free talent points left in this frost dk build. Put them wherever you want. The main damage in this build will come from Destruction and Ice Strike, plus your auto attacks. I also want to warn you, just do not invest the remaining talents in the Power of the Frozen Wastes, this talent will be useless in this build, because this build is for one-handed. And I almost forgot to damage during

Basic build for Death Knight 2H (two-handed)

This is the standard build for Death Knight 2H. In this layout of talents, there are 3 free talent points that you can invest at your discretion. It all depends on your predispositions and specific encounters. The build itself is very similar to the dual build. In this build frost dk, the main damage is done with an Icy blow, Destruction and auto-attack.

The remaining talent points are frost DK.

I would like to say a few words about the remaining three talent points in our frost dc builds.

Improved Blood Drainage + 2 points in the Butcher talent

This build will increase the generation of rune power and slightly reduce the GDK, thanks to two talent points in the Butcher + an additional rune from Improved Blood Drainage. But unfortunately the diseases will not stay on the target for long. To sustain them, use Disease Outbreak / Plague Strike once per minute to support Blood Plague and Disease Outbreak, Rime and Howling Wind procs to support Chill. In this build, the diseases are much more severe and can easily subside, especially if on multiple targets. Keeping Blood Tap on CD is very important for the correct use of this build, but it might not be that easy due to the consumption of the Death Rune.


In this build, the duration of the frost dk diseases has been increased. To prolong the disease, / is enough for you. Due to the increased time of illness, we have a little mobility when switching targets. In general, this build is more reliable at maintaining diseases, but has more free GCDs. As a result, it is more forgiving of bugs with the Improved Blood Drainage build, and will be more effective in fights with changing targets.

  • Power over the power of the runes - Since haste is now the best secondary stat for duals (one-handed build), this talent is practically necessary to prevent your rune power from permanently capturing. Whether it is worth investing an extra point in Great Ice Power and bringing it up to 3/3 depends on your preference.
  • Ice Frontier - The increased radius is useful when kiting mobs, in other cases it is not a very necessary talent.
  • — Minimal PVE utility: it allows you to heal on your own, but you lose a tremendous amount of DPS. Better replace Obliterate with Death Strike if you want to heal. On those rare occasions when the mechanics of a fight with a boss require an almost obligatory immune to submission, sleep or intimidation, this talent will be useful.
  • On a pale horse - A nice feature of this talent is the increased speed on horseback. Almost useless for a raid. So whether to take it or not is entirely up to your preference. The worst PVE talent to be honest
  • Endless winter- Previously, it gave a bonus to strength 🙂 Situational talent, but you still have to knock down castes quite often.

Characters / glyphs for frost DC

AOE rotation (for multiple purposes)

This is where many disagreements arise, many neglect the infection of the pack with diseases. I believe that if you first infect the entire pack with diseases, our DPS takes off.

During the AOE rotation, I advise you to switch to.

Stones / sockets for frost DK

Colour DW 2H
      Special / Methosocket:

Frost DC Enchanting / Enchants

Death knight engraving ice

Food / chemistry for frost DK

  • Infusion -
  • Potion -
  • Food - | |

Death Knight gear / equipment Ice

Well, on the undergrowth for completeness of the Frost DK guide, I took it for the courage to collect the best pre-hardmoded gear

Equipment for dual spec

Equipment for dual spec

Slot Shmot Sockets stones Reforging Blackenings
Head 1x, 1x —
Neck — Crete, at Speed —
Shoulders 2 x Crete, at Speed
Cloak — Crete, at Speed +65 Crete
Breast 2 x, 1 x Hit for Mastery +20 All Statistics
Wrists 2 x Crete, on Mastery +50 Strength
Brush 1x Crete, at Speed +50 Strength
Belt 2x Mastery for Mastery —

Definitely, our build will be dual, if you still want 2P Frost - the choice of talents described below is also suitable for him, but it is better to take the unholy spec after 4.2. Here we have 2 optional talents pumped into, keep or change - it's up to you, frost DK rarely knocks down castes. The last thing to do is decide what to choose from two varieties:

Frost DC stats in Cataclysm

Frost DC stats for a two-handed build:
Strength> Accuracy up to 8%> Mastery up to 26> Mastery> Haste> Crit

Frost DK stats for a dual build:
Strength> Accuracy up to 8%> Mastery up to 26> Haste> Mastery> Crit

Rotation Frost DK

The rotation of DC Frost Cataclysm for a single target is to use the primary skills, the priority of which changes according to the available runes:

* top damaging abilities 2P: ->.

Disease renewal comes first. There should be no problems with Chill, but for the upgrade of Blood Plague - and if on cd. - Plague Strike.

In static battles and not on trash, taking into account that you will not be forced to switch to adds, you can use a macro that takes into account the duration of the bloody plague (for 21 seconds):

The next thing you need to strive for is maintaining the runes on CD. This means using them when ready, before the next set of runes is available, it should be understood that each pair of runes has its own CD. (small cooldown after use) this time should be used for procs or Ice Strike if you are nearing maximum rune power). Make sure you have at least one pair of runes per CD. before using Ice Strike, it is needed for.

Take advantage of any downtime for procs with help if possible. If this helps, wait 1-2 seconds before the runes are restored, otherwise use the proc on.

DPS Frost DK on a single target occurs under.

Cycle Frost DK 4.3-4.0 for packs

Like everything else, the loop in our frost DC guide will do. for any version of the cataclysm 4) ...

Everything is similar to the Frost DK cycle for one target, except that you want to spread the bloody plague on as many targets as possible, and instead of Destruction, as you already understood, we use and, or. a good talent for both one target and packs, however, it should be understood that first we need to use our Frost and Unholy runes for their further procs. Death and Decay and Plague Strike will help you maintain your Unholy Runes on CD, and do not forget to change the target while hanging the Blood Plague on as many targets as possible. And we use Ice Strike when you do not have available runes, for their regeneration, or Death Coil (for long distances), to reduce the occupied buttons, you can make a macro:

Using on bosses with long AoE fights will increase the damage you deal.

Frost DC Symbols (Cataclysm)

The main Symbols of Frost DK among which there is not much to choose from in the cataclysm. The only thing: the glyph of Icy Touch needs to be set for AoE instead of Destroy:

Frost DK's large glyphs in cataclysm won't do much to increase dps, but they can help in survival:

Small ones, the choice of which is at your discretion, only the Blood Tap glyph can be attributed to raids (using it on Chimeron can kill you):

Macros Frost DK 4.3-4.0

Few macro can be attributed specifically to Frost DK, except for one. Since Frost DK should never use without, as the ghoul will gain bonus strength:
/ use # (replace ‘#’ with anything that increases your power when used, if available)
/ cast Pillar of Ice
/ cast Raise Dead

That's all, and if you have any other interesting information on Frost DC, write in the comments below. And finally - do not forget to periodically add a twist to gaming everyday life, for example, live your life for the main character in the acclaimed Fable 3.
