Addition to "Skyrim" Hearthfire: walkthrough, secrets, tips. Fix houses DLC HearthFire v3.5 - TES V: Skyrim - Gameplay Description of the add-on from the developers

If you are tired of wandering around the cold expanses of the game, want a calm, peaceful life and are interested in how to build a house in Skyrim, then this article is just for you. The second official addition from the developers, called Hearthfire, will help you find your own cozy home. This DLC allows players to build themselves either a one-room cottage or a huge estate with a variety of outbuildings: stables, armory, garden, alchemical laboratories and other useful structures.

The add-on will add new construction tools to the game: drafting tables and carpentry workbenches, with which you can make not only buildings, but also interior items. Hearthfire will also introduce new activities such as baking, beekeeping, farming and fishing.

Construction stages

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to build a house in Skyrim.

1. Purchase and install the Hearthfire DLC. You can buy it directly from The Elder Scrolls official website if you own the PC version, or on Xbox Live and Playstation Store if you play on a console.

2. When you arrive in any major city, a courier will find you and give you a note from the jarl, after reading which the quest will begin. After completing the task, find the managers of Morthal, Falkirt, Dawnstar and acquire lands from them. To purchase a plot, you need to have at least 5 thousand gold with you.

If you still haven’t decided where exactly you need to build a house, don’t forget that you can buy plots in several cities at once, and only then choose where exactly it’s best to start construction.

3. You then need to head in the direction the quest marker points until you reach your destination. Soon you will arrive at a site where you can build a house in Skyrim. There you can find everything you need for construction: a carpentry workbench, a chest with construction tools, a drafting table, etc.

4. Read the book Instructions for Beginners in Home Construction, which is located on the carpentry workbench. In it you will become familiar with the main aspects of construction.

5. Now go to the drafting table, activate it and select Small House. After choosing a layout, you can make the details of your future home on a carpentry workbench. While working with a workbench, you simply choose what kind of house you want to build, so you don’t have to worry about stocks of wood, iron and other materials - no resources are consumed at this stage.

6. Fabricate the components of your future home, after which you can decorate the interior of the house using a carpentry workbench located in the house itself.

7. Having learned how to build a house in Skyrim Hearthfire, it's time to start improving it. You can add extensions to your house by selecting Main Hall on the drawing table. Thanks to it, you will increase the area of ​​your home and turn a once small house into a hallway.

Since the main hall is a huge structure, you will have to additionally obtain more building materials.

8. Start searching for the necessary resources to continue construction. Clay is located near your home: look for red-brown spots on the ground. It is mined in the same way as other minerals - using a regular pickaxe.

Stones can also be found near estates: to do this, look for gray places near stones and mountains.

Lumber can be found at many sawmills in Skyrim (boards can be purchased from their owners or cut yourself by going to the pile of wood directly at the sawmill itself). Nails, locks and other iron components must be forged from iron by blacksmiths. Other items can be purchased from merchants in the Miscellaneous category.

9. Having collected the necessary materials, complete the construction of the Skyrim house and select the next wing to add to the main part of the house. Building additional rooms will help you make your home more spacious and different from all other homes.

In the eastern wing of the house you can add a library, a kitchen, or a room for storing an arsenal. In the western wing there is a greenhouse, a sorcerer's tower or a regular additional room.

In the southern wing there is an alchemical laboratory, a trophy room or storage.

10. Having completed adding extensions, start decorating the rooms using a carpentry workbench (everything is done in the same way as with a small house). Having decided what exactly you want to build, remember the list of resources needed for this. There are many unusual things for home decoration, such as hanging animal heads or metal candlesticks.

Among the decorations there are also useful things, such as alchemy and enchantment tables.

To build a house in Skyrim
and its decoration, you will need a lot of iron (about three hundred units), so we advise you to stock up on it in advance so as not to interrupt construction too often.

After completion of construction and renovation, you will be able to have pets, hire a servant, invite a spouse into the house, and also adopt up to two children with whom you can play, talk and give gifts. You will have to protect and protect the built estate in every possible way from attacks by robbers, giants and other pests.

When building a house, be guided not only by its beauty but also by its usefulness. For example, for a warrior, an arsenal (for storing weapons) will be more necessary, for a thief - a garden (for making poisons).

Don’t forget that once you’ve built a wing, you won’t be able to cancel your choice, so think carefully about every decision you make.

Our article has come to an end, in which we described in detail how to build a house in Skyrim Hearthfire.


After building a house in the HearthFire DLC, I encountered a number of problems and decided to fix them without waiting for manna from heaven.

  • As it turned out, for some reason the developers did not install showcase activators. It is clear that they will not work as expected. Added activators to all showcases in three houses: “Helyarchen Hall” (in the file sh_HF_Pale_fix.esp), "House by the Lake" (in file sh_HF_Falkr_fix.esp), "Windstad" (in file sh_HF_Hjaal_fix.esp). I had to make a new trigger model for a large straight display case (file WRDisplayCase02.nif in folder meshes in the archive).
  • Another “sore” of the DLC is the wandering and falling dummies and duplication of their inventory. Restored all cross-references from/to X-markers on all mannequins. The fermentation stopped, as did the duplication of items.
  • In the partition near the stairs in the basements, if the character is a vampire, you can place a coffin (a bed for a vampire). If the character is not a vampire, nothing can be built there. The developers took care of the vampire character, but forgot about the rest (the wall is empty). I put three weapon racks there (optional files with similar names sh_HF_<название провинции>noVampire&fix.esp in a subfolder noVampire archive).
  • Staves can now be placed normally on all large display cases. The developers specified a non-existent trigger node in the script, and for this reason the staff seemed to be placed on the display case, but only hung in the air due to the absence of a node in the model. I solved the problem by adding the missing node for the staff. Staves can now be placed in any large display cases throughout all houses in Skyrim.
  • One of the dagger display cases on the second floor of the main building is slightly larger than the others (~40%), I decided to allow a mace to be placed in it (in all three houses).
  • In the basement of the “House by the Lake” I added a lost lamp on the door frame and an additional light source (appears when installing a display case).
  • The developers did not assign a keyword to the “Goat Horns” object and they appeared for sale at merchants once, only after the start of the mod. Having bought all the horns that were available, I was able to provide lighting to one and a half houses with outbuildings. Added a keyword to the “Goat Horns” object and added them to the leveled lists for traders (file sh_HF_goat_fix.esp in folder GoatHorns). They appear in random quantities (maximum - up to 20 pieces, more often 1-3, probability of appearing on sale - 75%) from main traders, Khajiit caravan drivers and traders in markets who sell animal parts.

In the latest version:

Refinement of showcases - the missing node has been added to the showcase model, now the staff is placed where the authors intended.
Now the staff can also be hung normally on a wall stand for a shield and two weapons.
Removed the excessive brightness of the light source in the basement of the “Lake House” near the display case for daggers.


Normal: unpack the archive into the game folder, observing the folder structure, mark it in the launcher.esp. Optional .esp files - place in the date folder and activate. Do not install the fix from the main folder at the same time Data and from the folder noVampire, they differ only in weapon racks!


Normal: in the launcher, disable .esp from the mod.
Possible problems after the shutdown: it will not be possible to put weapons in display cases (what has already been placed will lie there if you don’t get it), nothing else critical. With horns - no problems at all.
In case the display cases are ever fixed (independently) in UHP, the mod must be disabled before installing it (after taking the weapon from the display cases). In the comments I described possible nuances.


If you have already built display cases, you may have to perform some operation with them in order enable added activators.
I write “possibly” because, in fact, activators can appear on their own. I can’t explain the reason, but it’s a fact. (Sometimes they "reveal" if you cross them with a character's body.)
The mod is compatible with the “Couple of Little Things” edits, which contain the same edits regarding display cases as in this mod.

How to forcefully enable activators on already built storefronts:

  • We approach the desired object - a display case (make a save file just in case).
  • Open the console "~"
  • Select the desired object with the mouse
  • We are recruiting disable then enable. After this, the showcase activator will appear.

Sometimes, if a showcase is built on a table/wardrobe, it is this that needs to be highlighted, and not the display object itself.
Keep in mind that if after disable your showcase has not disappeared, you have highlighted something wrong - load your save or type enable, before selecting something else, otherwise you will no longer see the disabled object in your game.

A similar situation occurs occasionally, but it can happen with mannequins (the fix did not work). Check how they will “behave” after the fix. They must stand rooted to the spot, without moving a millimeter. Check by pre-equipping the mannequin and exiting/entering the location. We carry out the same operation with those who are especially restless ( enable/disable), as with shop windows, Be sure to pre-select all inventory. I only had one of these for all three houses. True, in “Windstad” I installed the dummies only after the fix (and it was the one that had the most errors, as the autopsy showed).

You may ask why different.esp. For a house, fixing is always needed, but for antlers - only for the duration of construction. Just disable the mod sh_HF_goat_fix.esp, when the construction of the house is completed and you no longer need goat horns. For now, edits for different houses are in different files “Helyarchen Hall” in sh_HF_Pale_fix.esp,"House by the Lake" in sh_HF_Falkr_fix.esp,"Windstad" in sh_HF_Hjaal_fix.esp. The unification of all three houses has been postponed for now due to technical problems and lack of time to overcome them.

I hope this material will be useful to someone. Good luck!


Hearthfire add-on information:
The official addition to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, called Hearthfire, was released on PC on October 4, 2012, that is, a month after its release on Xbox360. In this guide, I will only look at obtaining Steam achievements added by the expansion, and those who are interested in other details about Hearthfire can find comprehensive information on the links below:

  • Landowner Purchase a plot of land,
  • Architect Build a house with 3 extensions,
  • Land Baron Purchase three plots of land,
  • Master Architect Completely build three houses,
  • Proud Parent Adopt a child.
When obtaining achievements for purchasing land plots, large sums of money are required (5,000 gold for each plot, 15,000 gold in total), which is somewhat difficult to earn at the beginning of the game. Also, some sums of money will be required to purchase the necessary consumables for the construction of houses itself (for sawn logs, 1000 per house, 3000 gold in total). Therefore, at the beginning of the guide, I will tell you about several ways to earn in-game money to start the game, when our character does not yet have any developed skills.

The most profitable honest way to make money in Skyrim is commercial Alchemy. We go to any alchemist's store, buy the necessary ingredients and sell the resulting potions in the same store. Read below to find out which ingredients are best to use:

If, for some reason, you do not want to earn money in an honest way, then there is a console command that adds any amount of money to your character. Just remember that using console commands kills interest in the game!
player.additem 0000000F 18000, where 18000 is the required amount of money.


Purchase of land for Lakeview Manor
As soon as we leave the cave of the initial mandatory quest about the dragon’s attack on the Helgen fortress, we put a marker on the city of Falkreath and go there. Along the way, you can rob several bandit camps near the main road and clear the Pine Outpost dungeon, but I don’t advise you to go into the Shadow Tower, where the spriggan lives, at the initial level. In Falkreath, we go to the Jarl's Long House and receive the task from the jarl to bring him a bottle of Blackheart mead. If it is not in your inverter, then either go to the tavern and buy it, or go to the Hall of the Dead (behind the tavern) and steal the bottle from the table. Then we give the honey to the jarl and receive the task of killing the bandit leader. This quest is randomly generated, so the bandits may be in a random location from these four:

  • Cracked Tusk Fortress
  • Knife Edge Ridge
  • Bile Mine
  • Flare shaft
Following the quest marker, we kill the bandit leader and return to the jarl for the reward. After receiving permission from him to buy real estate, we go to the manager Nenya and buy land for the construction of an estate for 5,000 gold.
Achievement Landowner received.


We are building Lakeview Manor
After we bought land for construction from manager Nenya, following the marker, we find our plot of land, on which a drafting table, a carpenter's workbench, an anvil and a chest with the initial amount of building materials (30 clay, 6 iron ingots, 30 quarry) will be waiting for us stone and corundum ingot). In addition, 20 sawn logs will be harvested on the site. There are more than enough starting materials to build Small House:

  • Foundation - 1 sawn log, 10 quarry stones,
  • Wall beams - 6 sawn logs, 10 nails,
  • Walls - 2 sawn logs, 8 nails, 4 clay,
  • Floor - 4 quarry stones,
  • Rafters - 6 sawn logs,
  • Roof - 10 nails, 1 sawn log,
  • Door - 1 iron fittings, 1 sawn log, 1 lock, 2 hinges, 2 nails.
Total materials:
  • 17 sawn logs,
  • 14 quarry stones,
  • 4 clays,
  • 30 nails (3 iron ingots),
  • 2 loops (1 iron ingot).
We won’t be able to build anything else for now due to the lack of necessary building materials. And if quarry stone and clay can be obtained right next to the house, then sawn logs must be bought at sawmills, the nearest of which will be shown to us immediately after the construction of the Small House by a quest marker. The cost of sawn logs will be 200 gold for 20 pieces.
Main hall:
  • Door - 1 iron fittings, 1 sawn log, 1 lock, 2 hinges, 2 nails,
  • Foundation - 4 sawn logs, 30 quarry stones,
  • Floor - 6 quarry stones,
  • Wall beams - 16 sawn logs, 20 nails,
  • Walls of the first level - 4 sawn logs, 16 nails, 8 clay,
  • Second floor frame - 6 sawn logs, 10 nails,
  • Rafters - 10 sawn logs,
  • Walls of the second level - 4 sawn logs, 12 nails, 8 clay,
  • Roof - 25 nails, 2 sawn logs.
Total materials:
  • 47 sawn logs (600 gold),
  • 36 quarry stones,
  • 16 clay,
  • 85 nails (8.5 iron ingots),
  • 1 iron fittings (1 iron ingot),
  • 1 lock (1 iron ingot, 1 corundum ingot),
  • 2 loops (1 iron ingot).
East wing (using the example of the Armory):
  • Floor - 4 quarry stones,
Total materials:
  • 18 quarry stones,
  • 3 clays,
  • 6 loops (3 iron ingots).
Northern wing (using the example of an alchemical laboratory):
  • Doors - 3 iron fittings, 3 sawn logs, 3 locks, 6 hinges, 6 nails,
  • Foundation - 2 sawn logs, 8 quarry stones,
  • Roof - 4 quarry stones,
  • First floor wall beams - 10 sawn logs, 10 nails,
  • Walls of the first floor - 1 sawn log, 3 clay,
  • Second floor wall beams - 4 sawn logs, 12 nails,
  • Walls of the second floor - 2 sawn logs, 6 clay,
  • Roof - 4 quarry stones, 1 sawn log,
  • Walls - 1 sawn log, 3 clay,
  • Canopy - 1 sawn log, 6 nails.
Total materials:
  • 24 sawn logs (600 gold),
  • 16 quarry stones,
  • 9 clay,
  • 34 nails (4 iron ingots),
  • 3 iron fittings (3 iron ingots),
  • 3 locks (3 iron ingots, 3 corundum ingots),
  • 6 loops (3 iron ingots).
West Wing (using the Bedrooms as an example):
  • Doors - 3 iron fittings, 3 sawn logs, 3 locks, 6 hinges, 6 nails,
  • Foundation - 2 sawn logs, 10 quarry stones,
  • Floor - 4 quarry stones,
  • Wall beams - 7 sawn logs, 8 nails,
  • Roof - 4 quarry stones, 1 sawn log,
  • Walls - 1 sawn log, 3 clay.
Total materials:
  • 14 sawn logs (400 gold),
  • 18 quarry stones,
  • 3 clays,
  • 14 nails (2 iron ingots),
  • 3 iron fittings (3 iron ingots),
  • 3 locks (3 iron ingots, 3 corundum ingots),
  • 6 loops (3 iron ingots).
In total, for a house with three extensions (not counting interior and exterior decoration, furniture, etc.), minus what is already in the chest when buying land, we need the following materials:
  • 96 sawn logs (1000 gold),
  • 72 quarry stones,
  • 5 clay,
  • 56 iron ingots,
  • 10 corundum ingots.
When all three extensions are built, The Architect achievement will be obtained.

Land Baron

After the Lake Estate in Falkreath has been built, we go to Morthal and receive from the manager Alsfur a randomly generated quest to kill the leader of the robbers. Following the marker and the prompts in the diary, we complete it and return to Alsfur. Then we ask Jarl Idgrod the Black about the burnt house and receive the quest Eternal Peace. Following the marker and the prompts in the diary, we complete it and return to the Jarl of Morthal. He will tell us that the city’s problems are not over and it is still necessary to kill the leader of the vampires in a cave nearby. We go to the cave, kill the vampire and return back to the jarl to receive the reward. After the jarl allows you to buy property in the Hjalmark domain, go to the manager Alsfur and buy land from him for 5,000 gold to build a house.

Attention! To continue, your character must reach level 18.
Next, we go to Dawnstar and receive a quest in the Wind Peak tavern near Erandur to free the people of Dawnstar from nightmares (quest Walking Nightmare). Following the quest marker and the prompts in the diary, we complete the quest.

Attention! To continue, your character must reach level 22.
After completing the Walking Nightmare quest, we go to the Jarl of Dawnstar and receive the task from him to Kill the Giant. Following the marker and the prompts in the diary, we complete it and return to the Jarl of Dawnstar. After the jarl allows you to buy property in the White Beach domain, we buy land from him for 5,000 gold to build a house.
When all three plots of land have been acquired, The achievement Land Baron will be obtained.

Master Architect

If you complete the achievements in the order they are listed in this guide, then by now you should have Lakeview Manor fully built and plots purchased for the construction of Windstad Manor and Heljarchen Hall. To obtain the achievement, all that remains is to completely build the two remaining houses on the purchased plots. In order not to run around once again for the missing log or iron ingot, I recommend purchasing everything you need from sawmills and blacksmiths before starting construction.

To complete the construction of two houses we will need:

  • 200-240 sawn logs (approximately 2500 gold),
  • 150-170 quarry stones (7 minutes at the quarry),
  • 10-20 clay (1 minute at the clay quarry:-),
  • 120-150 iron ingots (approximately 1500 gold),
  • 20-25 corundum bars (approximately 1500 gold).
The amount of material needed varies slightly depending on what kind of extensions to the house you will make. In addition, buy 2 straw and 4 strips of leather from the merchants to make beds for your unborn child.

An example of building a house with all extensions is described above, in the Architect chapter of this manual. Just repeat this algorithm with the remaining two houses.
Sometimes during the construction process an unpleasant bug occurs when materials are wasted, but the house does not appear. This happens due to a conflict between Hearthfire add-on resources and custom mods. To solve the bug, you need to disable the mods and build a house without them, then you can turn the mods back on.
Upon completion of construction you Receive the Master Architect achievement.

Proud Parent

If you followed this guide and built the western wing of the Bedrooms in the Ozernoe Estate, then go there and make two children's beds and two children's chests on the workbench (I tried to make less, but then the character in the adoption dialogue says that he has little space at home).

For this we need:

  • 4 sawn logs,
  • 4 nails,
  • 4 strips of leather,
  • 2 straws,
  • 2 iron fittings,
  • 4 loops,
  • 2 locks.
After arranging the children's furniture in the bedroom, we look for any homeless child in Skyrim and adopt him. I recommend adopting Lucia from Whiterun, who usually sleeps right on the street behind the Prancing Mare tavern. During the day, she can be found near the tree of the Kynareth Temple, begging for alms.
Once the adoption dialogue is completed, you are TiM_Twiser. I will be glad to receive feedback, comments, complaints and threats regarding this manual.
