Armor of Romulus walkthrough. Assassin's creed: brotherhood: having fun in the city of wolves - game tactics and tips from the experts. All roads lead...

With the plot of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood We've already gotten acquainted, now let's move on to side missions, of which there are also plenty here.

Followers of Romulus

Starting from the second part, not a single Assassin's Creed can do without searching for a cool costume or weapon. In "Brotherhood" we are introduced to the pagan sect of fans of Romulus, who are hiding in medieval "abandonments", catacombs and sewers. To pick up armor and Brutus' dagger, you need to complete six tasks (along with the plot one), mainly on attentiveness and jumping on the crossbars (sometimes running after the next "flea-bearing" sectarian along a certain route).

Leonardo's cars

Four more tests for which Ezio receives an upgrade - a parachute. To begin with, Leonardo finds us, gives us a couple of “new things” that we lost in Rome, and then tells us about the machines that Cesare Borgia forced him to design. The machine gun has to be destroyed during the story campaign, and the remaining three units can be dealt with in your free time.

Templar Vaults

Two additional tasks, similar to the "Followers of Romulus", only instead of the keys to the treasury, Ezio finds a large chest with a Templar cross instead of a lock.


Three missions that take Ezio back almost thirty years. They briefly tell how he met his beloved Christina and what happened to them during the action of Assassin's Creed II.


Several missions in which Ezio helps the fugitive Templar scientist Nicolaus Copernicus avoid death for his scientific views and theories.


Leonardo da Vinci shares his research into the teachings of Pythagoras with Ezio, and then disappears. As it turns out, he is kidnapped by yet another sectarian, this time the Hermeticists, who dream of finding an ancient temple with great knowledge hidden somewhere in Rome (yes, another temple of the Forerunners). So Ezio will not only have to face unfriendly guys in red robes, but also risk his neck pretty much to solve Leonardo’s riddles and find this ancient “Pythagorean” temple. In fact, here we get a direct reference to the future Assassin's Creed III.

We watch a video that tells the plot of the previous parts. We play for the same Ezio Auditore. The game continues exactly where the second part ended.

Mass exodus.

We follow Uncle Mario, getting used to the controls and a slightly improved combat system. We turn on our eagle vision and climb up the illuminated path. Guards are killed quite easily, but sometimes they are killed in numbers. We get to the tower and jump off it.


Let's ride a horse after my uncle. You need to get to the villa in Monteriggioni.
There are several tasks to choose from. We take the one that is closest to us.

Recreation and entertainment.

We help the girl carry a box of flowers. We press the appropriate button and, while communicating, follow her.

Jumps and obstacles.

The groom missed Mario's favorite horse. We quickly catch up with her and, having saddled her, return her to the stable.


We climb the tower and communicate with the mercenaries. It is necessary to find the one who prepared the tools, but did not finish his work. After some persuasion, the engineer agrees to complete his work. And we, in turn, can test the guns. Taking aim, we destroy five dummies.


We go to the villa, where we think over a further plan of action. We go up to the second floor to rest.


In the morning, Borgia and his men attack the city. We must get to the guns and hold off the enemy forces until the townspeople take refuge in a safe place. We try to cover several enemy guns at once in order to destroy as many as possible in a limited time. Then we select a sword and go to the aid of the guards. We mainly use a defensive stance, delivering counterattacks. Since we don’t have armor, we actively use a healing potion. You should avoid attacks from especially protected enemies. We kick and finish.

Emergency exit.

After Mario was killed and we were wounded, we break through to the villa together with our assistants. Claudia is in danger, let's help her. We go into the house, killing the enemies we meet. To fire a pistol, you need to hold down the corresponding button and hold the blow. The farther you hold the strike button, the more accurate the shot will be. We leave the city through the tunnels.

We move to the present and watch a video in which the team and I, hiding from Abstergo Industries, reach a villa in Italy. Playing as Desmond, we follow the ghost of the assassin. Jumping down, we find a cave. Having walked a little forward, we use the lever so that Lucy can crawl through the grate. And we climb the wall and move along the workaround. Having crossed paths again, we move forward together. We stand on the platform and use it to get up. We go through simple tests until we reach the next lever. Lucy uses the switch and now we can climb up the wall and get to the other side. Holding the button, we wait for Lucy to jump over the platform. We dive into the water and go to it. We climb up the wooden structure and get to the other side. We hold the button until Lucy runs across. Together we stand on the platform. We approach the edge and press the button. Then everything follows the same pattern, we help her, then she helps us. Having reached the sanctuary, we look around and, turning on eagle vision, open the door. This place will become our new refuge. We go outside and activate the first router. There are three more left to find. When the eagle's vision is turned on, firstly, the shields will glow with a bright light, and secondly, they can be found along power lines, which are also distinguished by the corresponding color. You need to search not only on the territory of the villa, but throughout the town. We return to the shelter and lie down in the Animus. We pass a small test from Rebecca, making the longest chain of murders possible.

Sequence 2.
There are tigers here.

We wake up in a house where a certain woman is caring for us. We get dressed and go to the doctor, since our health is pretty bad. We get to the bell tower and climb up it so that the guards do not notice. We synchronize the area and jump down. Having overheard the conversation of the guards, we follow them. You can use crowds or benches to stay out of their sight. Already in the square we kill every single one, then we talk with the man.

Master of shoulder work.

The executioner watches from the hill, who promised to kill him if he takes the hanged body of his beloved. We climb the hill, where we see a small building. From the roof you can strike in flight with a hidden blade. All that remains is to escape from the crime scene.


Machiavelli did not expect to see us, however, it is necessary to accompany him. We get some money along the way. In the blacksmith's shop we buy Roman shoulder pads and a short weapon "Stiletto". The Borgia is in a forbidden area. You can directly break through to him and kill all the guards. And to deal with him, we alternate kicks and sword attacks. All that remains is to capture the stables. To do this, we climb the marked tower and set it on fire. We approach the sign to improve the stables.

Easy Money.

We get on the horse and follow Machiavelli to the Capitoline Bridge. On the road we become the victim of a thief, but very quickly we catch up with him and take everything that is owed to us.

Who is the letter to?

Our task is to meet with the agent and pick up the letter. We follow Machiavelli to the Colosseum. Having reached there, we fight off the guards. Then we catch up with the courier who took the letter.

Crepi il Lupo.

We take the letter to Machiavelli, which we took from the courier. We are immediately attacked by the followers of Romulus. There are many of them, so we keep a defensive position using counterattacks.

Halls of Nero.

Having discovered the shelter of the followers of Romulus, we penetrate it and go in search of the sanctuary. The first test is to activate four mechanisms. This is quite easy to do. The starting point for all the mechanisms is a small stone near the column. When everything is working at full capacity, the fountain will fall down. We jump into the water. We get out of the water and go into the passage with the broken gate. We turn right, going a little further to the right. We climb onto the structure and jump onto the wall, grabbing the ledges. Thus, we cross the closed gate. In front of us is an area covered in fire. We immediately turn right and climb up the ledges. We also pass through an area covered in water. Next to the fire we climb the wall. Having reached the balcony, we take the treasures from the chests and the Scroll of Romulus. We get out through the opened hatch. We communicate with Machiavelli and follow him. Thanks to the tunnels, we can quickly move around the city. We go to the shelter on Tiberin.

Sequence 3.
Warrior, lover and thief.

We climb to the viewpoint to synchronize the territory. You can buy goods from a blacksmith or a doctor. There are three tasks to choose from, which can be completed in any order.

Between a rock and a hard place.

Having learned about the situation, we go out into the street and, without being distracted by the soldiers, we run after Captain Borgia. We catch up and kill him, preferably with a hidden blade. We get to the tower that the captain was so eager to reach, climb it and set it on fire. It is advisable to deal with the guards standing nearby so that they do not distract you while climbing. You can climb the tower along ledges that are not very conveniently located. If there are no ledges on one side, you need to look for them on the other. We return to Bartolomeo. Then we talk to the architect to update the mercenary barracks.

Important negotiations.

Solari, the owner of the Blooming Rose establishment, was captured by slave traders. To redeem, you need to collect 2500 florians. We approach passers-by and brazenly rob them by pressing the appropriate button. If we do this in front of the guards, they will immediately consider us a thief and attack. However, by killing and searching them, we will receive not only money, but also various useful items. Like throwing knives, first aid kits, etc. The Borgia captains especially have a lot of money. However, they hide very quickly, but if you manage to kill them, the reward will be appropriate. Having collected the required amount, we go to the slave traders. We give the money, but they still kill the girl. We quickly deal with them and return to the “Blooming Rose”. We meet my mother and sister. Claudia decides to help by replacing the deceased owner. We talk to the architect to improve the “Blooming Rose” with the same 2500 florians that we collected.

Double agent.

La Volpe considers Machiavelli a traitor, but Ezio, in turn, denies this. La Volpe offers to eavesdrop on Machiavelli's conversation. We agree in order to dot the i’s and convince him to join the Brotherhood. We get to the market to meet with La Volpe. After observing what is happening, we protect the thief, destroying six archers until they killed him. We go together with the thief to a safe zone so that the guards do not notice. It is known that you can reduce the level in different ways. For example, tearing down posters, persuading heralds, or killing officials. Having become incognito, we return to La Volpe. We speak with the architect to update the thieves guild building.

Data collection.

Having discussed the plan of action with like-minded people, we set off on reconnaissance. It is necessary to establish the whereabouts of the Apple of Eden, Caterina Sforza, Cesare and Rodrigo Borgia. We speak with the agent.

Sequence 4.
Den of thieves.

Katerina was captured and is about to be tortured.

Stranger in the castle.

Before we save her, we must infiltrate the castle and kill Cesaro and Rodrigo. We dive into the water on the left side of the bridge. We climb the wall without being noticed. We jump into the haystack and wait until the guard approaches us in order to silently eliminate him. In principle, it is difficult to remain constantly unnoticed, but if complete synchronization is important to you, then you can try to follow the routes of the guards and try to sneak past them. If this is not so important, then you can make small mistakes, but, again, without attracting too much attention, otherwise the passage of the mission will turn out to be too drawn out. Checkpoints are clearly marked. We move along them, watching the events taking place in the castle. You can save Katerina from captivity by climbing onto the roof, and from the courtyard you can get inside the castle. We deal with a couple of guards.

Femme fatale.

The only key to the cell is in the possession of Lucrezia Borgia. We return to the courtyard, from there we rise to the highest point. Having found it, we carefully go down. We deal with several guards and take Lucretia hostage. We drag her to Katerina’s cell, dealing with the guards along the way.

The burden that we carry.

Having freed Katerina, we take her in our arms and get out of the castle, destroying the guards we meet. White holograms indicate the correct path. We throw her down onto a haystack and jump after her, but we are in no hurry to get out. We wait for the guard to pass so we can make a fatal grab. We continue walking. When we come across a closed gate, on the right we see a mechanism that opens it. Then we go up the first staircase we come across, where there will be another mechanism.

Defender of Forlì.

Having placed Katerina on the horse, we gallop forward without reacting to the guards. Having rushed across the bridge, our paths diverge, but we, in turn, fight with enemies until the timer runs out. During this time, Katerina will have time to escape. There is no point in continuing the fight, so we run away. Having hidden, we reduce our fame and set off for the next task.

A man of the people.

To strengthen our strength, we need more like-minded people. The mini map shows places where guards attack civilians. We protect the Romans, then convince them to join the Assassins Guild. First, you can strike from a distance using throwing knives or a crossbow and then finish off with a sword. Now we can call assassin assistants at any time by pressing the appropriate button.


The crying girl reports that Malfatto is killing innocent young ladies. We need to find and kill him. We quickly follow the courtesans, who are marked on the mini-map with a blue target. Having discovered Malfatto, we run after him. You can order your apprentice assassins to kill him by getting close enough to the target until it lights up. The more often we call them, the more experience they gain.

The cargo is people.

We talk to the boy and find out that Silvestro Sabatini kidnapped people and disappeared. We get to the green zone on the mini map, turn on “Eagle Vision” and, having found Silvestro, follow him. You must not catch his eye to avoid desynchronization. He will lead us to slaves. Having arrived at the place, it is best to call assistants, this will make it easier to deal with the targets. Having dealt with them, we go to the dovecote. Here we can improve the equipment of the apprentice assassins.

An unexpected guest.

We hear a voice and try to figure out where it is coming from. To do this, go down the stairs and immediately at the turn interact with the illuminated box. Ours turns out to be unknown old friend Leonardo. He hands us a map on which the locations of combat vehicles are marked. We will be engaged in their destruction. We sit on a bench and buy the latest inventions from Leonardo.

Campaign plan.

To get a map with the location of combat vehicles, you need to kill the Templar - the overseer, who can be detected with Eagle Vision. Along the way, you can hire mercenaries to help you. We head to the gate.


So, our goal is the drawings of a combat vehicle that must be destroyed at any cost. We cannot be discovered, this will lead to desynchronization. We move exclusively on roofs and hills. Having destroyed them, we climb up and jump off from the other side. Having crept up, we set fire to the barrels and quickly run back to a safe distance. We set off after the cart with a machine gun. Having caught up with her and taken control, we try to escape by ramming our opponents on horseback. We also monitor our health and receive treatment on time. Further more. We settle down behind the machine gun and begin to shoot the approaching enemies. Due to the low aiming requirements, enemies are destroyed very easily. At the end, we jump off the cart and smash it to pieces.


We get to the shelter. We communicate with Machiavelli, Claudia, La Volpe and Katerina. Then we look at the card lying on the table. We leave the shelter.

Hello! My name is Frostyle and today I will tell you how to get to some treasures, how to find them or how to complete anything in AC Brotherhood.

Incomprehensible tasks

So, let's begin. Probably some people, and maybe everyone, have a question about how to get through the penultimate sequence (Borgia). For example, a mission where you need to get to the apple before Cesare, but not kill anyone, and when you climb up the beams there is a guard there and doesn’t leave. We do this: We climb into the impudent one) and throw a smoke bomb, then we run up and immediately take a leap of faith. Then we just gallop around the city on our horse and gallop to that place, we try to gallop without flying, because you need to be incognito. Next after this mission, the task Apple of Eden. There you need to not take damage, it’s actually easy, but at the beginning there are too many soldiers. When the mission starts, we immediately run to the exit, running around the opponents, and then we try to run on the right side (there are few guards on the roofs, we jump into the water and swim out of the action zone, that’s it, the mission is completed.

Lair of Romulus

You also have a lot of questions about how to get into Romulus’s lair, which is under the French camp, where there are beams and water below. You need to go to the left side (preferably to it) and grab onto it, hang, let go of it and then hold down the engagement button again. So you will grab the ledge and be able to climb up to the lair. There is a treasure that contains rose petals (PIPER NIGRUM), this can be sold because... it won't be of any use to you.

You can do without unnecessary acrobatics; for this you just need to repair all 8 aqueducts, due to which the failure will be flooded and the water level will rise to the desired arch leading to this lair of Romulus.

Trader Quests

There are tasks from merchants, to complete them, collect the necessary things and receive an item in return. The items are all very useful and do not be lazy to collect them. Players have many questions about finding dried heads and aconite. Aconite can be found from Borgia couriers (people with a white checkmark and a red hat and a cloak), they can also find many other goods. Look for dried heads only in the lairs of Romulus! They are 1 out of 100% found in treasures. Only there you will find everything you need for quests.


All of you, of course, want to open costumes for Ezio, to dress him up and look cooler or just to run around. So, to open Raiden’s costume you need to go through all the training, maybe even for bronze, but the main thing is that each one is completed. Then you will open the costume from the game Metal Gear Rising. Desmond's costume will be more difficult to open. To do this, you need to completely complete sequence 8, which I described above, 100%. If you complete it, then you will have his costume, but it does not have any special functions. Altair's costume will open if you have saving past versions of games.


There are several cloaks in the game that need to be unlocked. These are such as Borgia, Auditore, Venetian and Medici. Information on opening them. The Borgia Cloak is unlocked when you collect 101 Borgia flags in Rome. The Auditore Cloak is unlocked when Rome is completely restored. Medici Cloaks and Venetian are unlocked using the game Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy.

Of all the armor available to Ezio in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, the one that stands out is the armor set called the Armor of Romulus. They came to replace. In fact, the armor has nothing to do with the founder of Rome; it belonged to Marcus Junius Brutus, one of the leaders of Conspiracy 44, who dealt Caesar the first of twenty-three fatal blows with a dagger at a meeting of the Senate. The plan worked, the dictator was killed. The legendary family armor did not serve its owner faithfully for long; two years later, in the fight against the second triumvirate, Brutus was defeated and committed suicide. The armor somehow miraculously fell into the hands of the pagans, the Followers of Romulus, who were able to find it, name it in honor of their patron and make it an object of worship. According to the scrolls of Romulus, the armor is kept behind iron door, locked with six keys, in an underground treasury in the Antico area (yellow diamond with a wolf's head), west of the Colosseum. The keys are held by six followers of Romulus in different parts of Rome. Markers indicating the location of the scrolls will appear one after another as you progress through the main plot of the game.

Location of the Romulus Key Scrolls in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood:

  1. Halls of Nero(Trajan's Baths, sequence 2, memory 7) - find the sanctuary of Romulus.
  2. Thrown to the wolves(Colosseum) - find the Temple of the Followers of Romulus.
  3. Wolves among the dead(Pyramid of Cestius) - find the lair of the Followers of Romulus.
  4. Leader of the pack(Thermal Baths of Diocletian, sequence 7) - find the sanctuary of Romulus. To get inside, you need to restore several aqueducts, south of the Baths of Diocletian, with the help of architects to supply water.
  5. Sixth day(Lateran Palace, sequence 6) - plunder the old residence of the Pope in search of the sanctuary of Romulus.
  6. Wolf in sheep's clothing(St. Peter's Basilica, sequence 8) - find the sanctuary of Romulus.

Characteristics of Brutus' armor in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood:

  • Brutus' Shoulders: health - 4, armor - 7.
  • Brutus' Breastplate: health - 6, armor - 7.
  • Bracers of Brutus: health - 2, armor - 7.
  • Brutus' Greaves: health - 3, armor - 7.
  • Brutus' Dagger: damage - 5, speed - 5, reflection - 5.
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We watch a video that tells the plot of the previous parts. We play for the same Ezio Auditore. The game continues exactly where the second part ended.

Mass exodus.

We follow Uncle Mario, getting used to the controls and a slightly improved combat system. We turn on our eagle vision and climb up the illuminated path. Guards are killed quite easily, but sometimes they are killed in numbers. We get to the tower and jump off it.


Let's ride a horse after my uncle. You need to get to the villa in Monteriggioni.
There are several tasks to choose from. We take the one that is closest to us.

Recreation and entertainment.

We help the girl carry a box of flowers. We press the appropriate button and, while communicating, follow her.

Jumps and obstacles.

The groom missed Mario's favorite horse. We quickly catch up with her and, having saddled her, return her to the stable.


We climb the tower and communicate with the mercenaries. It is necessary to find the one who prepared the tools, but did not finish his work. After some persuasion, the engineer agrees to complete his work. And we, in turn, can test the guns. Taking aim, we destroy five dummies.


We go to the villa, where we think over a further plan of action. We go up to the second floor to rest.


In the morning, Borgia and his men attack the city. We must get to the guns and hold off the enemy forces until the townspeople take refuge in a safe place. We try to cover several enemy guns at once in order to destroy as many as possible in a limited time. Then we select a sword and go to the aid of the guards. We mainly use a defensive stance, delivering counterattacks. Since we don’t have armor, we actively use a healing potion. You should avoid attacks from especially protected enemies. We kick and finish.

Emergency exit.

After Mario was killed and we were wounded, we break through to the villa together with our assistants. Claudia is in danger, let's help her. We go into the house, killing the enemies we meet. To fire a pistol, you need to hold down the corresponding button and hold the blow. The farther you hold the strike button, the more accurate the shot will be. We leave the city through the tunnels.

We move to the present and watch a video in which the team and I, hiding from Abstergo Industries, reach a villa in Italy. Playing as Desmond, we follow the ghost of the assassin. Jumping down, we find a cave. Having walked a little forward, we use the lever so that Lucy can crawl through the grate. And we climb the wall and move along the workaround. Having crossed paths again, we move forward together. We stand on the platform and use it to get up. We go through simple tests until we reach the next lever. Lucy uses the switch and now we can climb up the wall and get to the other side. Holding the button, we wait for Lucy to jump over the platform. We dive into the water and go to it. We climb up the wooden structure and get to the other side. We hold the button until Lucy runs across. Together we stand on the platform. We approach the edge and press the button. Then everything follows the same pattern, we help her, then she helps us. Having reached the sanctuary, we look around and, turning on eagle vision, open the door. This place will become our new refuge. We go outside and activate the first router. There are three more left to find. When the eagle's vision is turned on, firstly, the shields will glow with a bright light, and secondly, they can be found along power lines, which are also distinguished by the corresponding color. You need to search not only on the territory of the villa, but throughout the town. We return to the shelter and lie down in the Animus. We pass a small test from Rebecca, making the longest chain of murders possible.

Sequence 2.
There are tigers here.

We wake up in a house where a certain woman is caring for us. We get dressed and go to the doctor, since our health is pretty bad. We get to the bell tower and climb up it so that the guards do not notice. We synchronize the area and jump down. Having overheard the conversation of the guards, we follow them. You can use crowds or benches to stay out of their sight. Already in the square we kill every single one, then we talk with the man.

Master of shoulder work.

The executioner watches from the hill, who promised to kill him if he takes the hanged body of his beloved. We climb the hill, where we see a small building. From the roof you can strike in flight with a hidden blade. All that remains is to escape from the crime scene.


Machiavelli did not expect to see us, however, it is necessary to accompany him. We get some money along the way. In the blacksmith's shop we buy Roman shoulder pads and a short weapon "Stiletto". The Borgia is in a forbidden area. You can directly break through to him and kill all the guards. And to deal with him, we alternate kicks and sword attacks. All that remains is to capture the stables. To do this, we climb the marked tower and set it on fire. We approach the sign to improve the stables.

Easy Money.

We get on the horse and follow Machiavelli to the Capitoline Bridge. On the road we become the victim of a thief, but very quickly we catch up with him and take everything that is owed to us.

Who is the letter to?

Our task is to meet with the agent and pick up the letter. We follow Machiavelli to the Colosseum. Having reached there, we fight off the guards. Then we catch up with the courier who took the letter.

Crepi il Lupo.

We take the letter to Machiavelli, which we took from the courier. We are immediately attacked by the followers of Romulus. There are many of them, so we keep a defensive position using counterattacks.

Halls of Nero.

Having discovered the shelter of the followers of Romulus, we penetrate it and go in search of the sanctuary. The first test is to activate four mechanisms. This is quite easy to do. The starting point for all the mechanisms is a small stone near the column. When everything is working at full capacity, the fountain will fall down. We jump into the water. We get out of the water and go into the passage with the broken gate. We turn right, going a little further to the right. We climb onto the structure and jump onto the wall, grabbing the ledges. Thus, we cross the closed gate. In front of us is an area covered in fire. We immediately turn right and climb up the ledges. We also pass through an area covered in water. Next to the fire we climb the wall. Having reached the balcony, we take the treasures from the chests and the Scroll of Romulus. We get out through the opened hatch. We communicate with Machiavelli and follow him. Thanks to the tunnels, we can quickly move around the city. We go to the shelter on Tiberin.

Sequence 3.
Warrior, lover and thief.

We climb to the viewpoint to synchronize the territory. You can buy goods from a blacksmith or a doctor. There are three tasks to choose from, which can be completed in any order.

Between a rock and a hard place.

Having learned about the situation, we go out into the street and, without being distracted by the soldiers, we run after Captain Borgia. We catch up and kill him, preferably with a hidden blade. We get to the tower that the captain was so eager to reach, climb it and set it on fire. It is advisable to deal with the guards standing nearby so that they do not distract you while climbing. You can climb the tower along ledges that are not very conveniently located. If there are no ledges on one side, you need to look for them on the other. We return to Bartolomeo. Then we talk to the architect to update the mercenary barracks.

Important negotiations.

Solari, the owner of the Blooming Rose establishment, was captured by slave traders. To redeem, you need to collect 2500 florians. We approach passers-by and brazenly rob them by pressing the appropriate button. If we do this in front of the guards, they will immediately consider us a thief and attack. However, by killing and searching them, we will receive not only money, but also various useful items. Like throwing knives, first aid kits, etc. The Borgia captains especially have a lot of money. However, they hide very quickly, but if you manage to kill them, the reward will be appropriate. Having collected the required amount, we go to the slave traders. We give the money, but they still kill the girl. We quickly deal with them and return to the “Blooming Rose”. We meet my mother and sister. Claudia decides to help by replacing the deceased owner. We talk to the architect to improve the “Blooming Rose” with the same 2500 florians that we collected.

Double agent.

La Volpe considers Machiavelli a traitor, but Ezio, in turn, denies this. La Volpe offers to eavesdrop on Machiavelli's conversation. We agree in order to dot the i’s and convince him to join the Brotherhood. We get to the market to meet with La Volpe. After observing what is happening, we protect the thief, destroying six archers until they killed him. We go together with the thief to a safe zone so that the guards do not notice. It is known that you can reduce the level in different ways. For example, tearing down posters, persuading heralds, or killing officials. Having become incognito, we return to La Volpe. We speak with the architect to update the thieves guild building.

Data collection.

Having discussed the plan of action with like-minded people, we set off on reconnaissance. It is necessary to establish the whereabouts of the Apple of Eden, Caterina Sforza, Cesare and Rodrigo Borgia. We speak with the agent.

Sequence 4.
Den of thieves.

Katerina was captured and is about to be tortured.

Stranger in the castle.

Before we save her, we must infiltrate the castle and kill Cesaro and Rodrigo. We dive into the water on the left side of the bridge. We climb the wall without being noticed. We jump into the haystack and wait until the guard approaches us in order to silently eliminate him. In principle, it is difficult to remain constantly unnoticed, but if complete synchronization is important to you, then you can try to follow the routes of the guards and try to sneak past them. If this is not so important, then you can make small mistakes, but, again, without attracting too much attention, otherwise the passage of the mission will turn out to be too drawn out. Checkpoints are clearly marked. We move along them, watching the events taking place in the castle. You can save Katerina from captivity by climbing onto the roof, and from the courtyard you can get inside the castle. We deal with a couple of guards.

Femme fatale.

The only key to the cell is in the possession of Lucrezia Borgia. We return to the courtyard, from there we rise to the highest point. Having found it, we carefully go down. We deal with several guards and take Lucretia hostage. We drag her to Katerina’s cell, dealing with the guards along the way.

The burden that we carry.

Having freed Katerina, we take her in our arms and get out of the castle, destroying the guards we meet. White holograms indicate the correct path. We throw her down onto a haystack and jump after her, but we are in no hurry to get out. We wait for the guard to pass so we can make a fatal grab. We continue walking. When we come across a closed gate, on the right we see a mechanism that opens it. Then we go up the first staircase we come across, where there will be another mechanism.

Defender of Forlì.

Having placed Katerina on the horse, we gallop forward without reacting to the guards. Having rushed across the bridge, our paths diverge, but we, in turn, fight with enemies until the timer runs out. During this time, Katerina will have time to escape. There is no point in continuing the fight, so we run away. Having hidden, we reduce our fame and set off for the next task.

A man of the people.

To strengthen our strength, we need more like-minded people. The mini map shows places where guards attack civilians. We protect the Romans, then convince them to join the Assassins Guild. First, you can strike from a distance using throwing knives or a crossbow and then finish off with a sword. Now we can call assassin assistants at any time by pressing the appropriate button.


The crying girl reports that Malfatto is killing innocent young ladies. We need to find and kill him. We quickly follow the courtesans, who are marked on the mini-map with a blue target. Having discovered Malfatto, we run after him. You can order your apprentice assassins to kill him by getting close enough to the target until it lights up. The more often we call them, the more experience they gain.

The cargo is people.

We talk to the boy and find out that Silvestro Sabatini kidnapped people and disappeared. We get to the green zone on the mini map, turn on “Eagle Vision” and, having found Silvestro, follow him. You must not catch his eye to avoid desynchronization. He will lead us to slaves. Having arrived at the place, it is best to call assistants, this will make it easier to deal with the targets. Having dealt with them, we go to the dovecote. Here we can improve the equipment of the apprentice assassins.

An unexpected guest.

We hear a voice and try to figure out where it is coming from. To do this, go down the stairs and immediately at the turn interact with the illuminated box. Our old friend Leonardo turns out to be unknown. He hands us a map on which the locations of combat vehicles are marked. We will be engaged in their destruction. We sit on a bench and buy the latest inventions from Leonardo.

Campaign plan.

To get a map with the location of combat vehicles, you need to kill the Templar - the overseer, who can be detected with Eagle Vision. Along the way, you can hire mercenaries to help you. We head to the gate.


So, our goal is the drawings of a combat vehicle that must be destroyed at any cost. We cannot be discovered, this will lead to desynchronization. We move exclusively on roofs and hills. Having destroyed them, we climb up and jump off from the other side. Having crept up, we set fire to the barrels and quickly run back to a safe distance. We set off after the cart with a machine gun. Having caught up with her and taken control, we try to escape by ramming our opponents on horseback. We also monitor our health and receive treatment on time. Further more. We settle down behind the machine gun and begin to shoot the approaching enemies. Due to the low aiming requirements, enemies are destroyed very easily. At the end, we jump off the cart and smash it to pieces.


We get to the shelter. We communicate with Machiavelli, Claudia, La Volpe and Katerina. Then we look at the card lying on the table. We leave the shelter.

Sequence 5.

We go to the brothel to talk with Claudia.

Debt recovery.

Senator Egidio will help us find out the whereabouts of the Banker. We get to Capitol Hill. We turn on “Eagle Vision” and, having discovered the senator, we protect him from the guards. Next, we accompany you to a safe place, preferably bypassing the guards. To pay the senator's debt to the Banker, it is necessary to collect 3,000 florins. This can be done in various ways. For example, steal from passers-by (the easiest option), or complete quests, etc.

On the trail of money.

We follow Egidio to the Banker. Having overheard the conversation between the senator and the guards, we go downstairs and continue surveillance. You can enter the Pantheon through the roof, and to get onto the roof you need to go to the back of the building. We begin to climb up the destroyed column. Having reached the very top, we look down and watch Captain Borgia, who is counting the money. We carefully go down so that he does not notice, and in a jump we kill him with a hidden blade.

To a foreign monastery...

Having changed into the captain's uniform, we grab the chest and lead the guards to the Banker. By their reaction you can know the right path.

One leg here...

The guards discovered the captain's body, so we follow the guards who are carrying money to the Banker without catching their eye. It is advisable to hire courtesans to make it easier to pass through the restricted area. We also sometimes use hay to destroy individual opponents. We continue to spy on the Banker, using the crowd and courtesans as cover. Arriving at the party, the first thing we do is dive into the hay and destroy the guard. We turn left and mix with the crowd. When the Banker passes, we call the assassins - assistants who will complete our work. Or you can first get rid of the guards following him and get close, using the courtesans, and kill him. Or even use cunning techniques, for example, sending guards with a poisonous blade and, in the confusion, quietly kill the Banker. We hide without being distracted by the guards, because there are too many of them.

Compromising evidence.

The guards attacked the Blooming Rose after they learned that the girls had stolen money. Let's watch the video.

Sequence 6.
Baron De Valois.

We call the horse and go to the aid of Bartolomeo.


Our task is to close three gates so that the French cannot capture the barracks. This is not so easy to do when we are constantly under attack. Therefore, it is advisable not to be distracted by battles with opponents, but to concentrate on closing the gate. Avoid clusters of enemies, do not provoke them, and use them if necessary smoke bombs, because time is limited. By blocking all the paths, you can calmly deal with the French. Next, we get on the horse and ride after Bartolomeo to the Valois camp. We don’t have enough strength to break through there, so we retreat for a while.

French Kiss.

After discussing the plan with Bartolomeo, we set off to kill the French. We need their armor, but it must not be stained with blood. We use the blade to kill. Don't confuse the French with the Borgia guards. The French have blue uniforms, the Borgia guards have red. The territories where the French live are marked on the mini map.

Trojan horse.

Having “captured” Bartolomeo, we follow him and his mercenaries. Along the way, we quietly destroy the French at the outposts. They must be exterminated one by one, in a short time, until they understand who is really standing in front of them. You can also stay ahead of the mercenaries by arriving at outposts before them. In this case, we will have much more time for proper planning. At the same time, you cannot move far from the team, this threatens desynchronization. After some negotiations, we enter the fortress and go to meet de Valois. He refuses to let Bartolomeo's wife go, after which we launch an attack. We kill three targets.


De Valois escaped. We reach the other end of the fortress along the roofs and go down to the gate. We deal with the four guards and open the gate. We cannot be allowed to be discovered by the French, so we go along the left side. Here we will meet only two guards, and in the courtyard de Valois himself, whom it is advisable to kill with a weapon ranged(pistol, crossbow).

Sequence 7.
Key to the lock.

We reduce popularity if it is increased and go to the tavern, towards La Volpe.

Plugging the leak.

Someone is clearly reporting our plans to the enemies. All suspicions are on Machiavelli. The Thieves Guild is about to be discovered. We go out into the street and repel enemy attacks. Then we get on the horse and follow La Volpe to save other thieves. While protecting them, we learn the latest news.

To access the next mission, four assassin recruits are needed. We free the Romans from the clutches of the guards.

Everyone to the rescue!

We get to the eastern gate, from where we begin surveillance of Micheletto. When he hands over the costume for the performance to the guards, we instruct the assassins to destroy the targets, while we ourselves continue to spy on Micheletto. And finally, having followed him to the end, we find out where the performance is taking place.

Entering the stage.

We penetrate into the Colosseum, following the marked tracks. We climb to the very top. The camera kindly points out the best path to take. We destroy four shooters, preferably from a distance. We go backstage, to the disguised assassins. We also change clothes and go out onto the stage through one single passage marked on the mini map. We quickly turn on eagle vision and stand on the highlighted area. We move in a circle until we are closest to the stage. We turn on eagle vision again and attack Micheletto, but do not kill him.


We free Pietro, take him in our arms and get to the nearest doctor. There may be guards meeting you right next to the shop; you can wait until they pass or call the assassins for help. We receive the key from Pietro and see the traitor thief who allegedly helped us during the attack on the villa. We rush after him. Having caught up, we receive a letter as proof that Machiavelli was not involved in the betrayal. In a limited time we get to La Volpe, who is going to kill Machiavelli in a minute, and stop him.

Sequence 8.

We get to Castle Sant'Angelo, having previously prepared.


The Pope is nearby, our task is to find him. We climb up, guided by the marks. Cesare returns to the castle. He is in a bad mood and wants to see the Pope. We go to the secret door and use the key received from Pietro. This is where the little tests begin. We climb up, starting from the boxes on the left side. And so on until the end of the memory.

An apple a day...

Let's watch the video. Cesare is angry with the Pope and demands the Apple of Eden from him. The Pope does not agree, after which Cesare attacks Lucrezia in order to find out about the whereabouts of the Apple. We get to them, but it's too late. We learn that Cesare ran away with the Apple. We leave the castle through the main gate. At the exit we intersect with Cesare. He's blocking our path. The camera shows the way up. To do this, let's move back a little. We push off from the wall and move along the horizontal bars, then climb up. We jump from the tower straight onto the hay. After running a little more, we jump into the water. Now, in a limited time, we must get to St. Peter's Basilica. The guards will pursue us, however, we must arrive at the basilica without a “tail”. We turn on “Eagle Vision” to discover the golden dome.

Apple of Eden.

We interact with the dome and take the Apple of Eden. Cesare wants to take the Apple and sets the guards on us. Ezio uses the crushing power of Eden. After which they kill themselves. But more than a dozen enemies are arriving, so we just run as fast as we can until we leave the territory of the Vatican and become incognito. If you wish, you can indulge yourself in a new “toy”. The apple can automatically restore health, but when used, the health level drops noticeably.


We reach a concentration of enemy forces. The only weapon we have in our hands is the Apple of Eden. So, the longer we hold the corresponding button, the greater the radius of damage. The radius can be seen by the increasing yellow circle on the ground. And the white circle means the instant death of everyone who falls into it. Attack power directly depends on health. There is no need to bring Ezio to complete exhaustion. Thus, we destroy five targets.


We go to a secret meeting between Cesare and the cardinals in order to disrupt it. On the green area, on the mini map, we look for the cardinal and begin tracking him. The guards encountered along the way can be destroyed with the help of an apple until the cardinal sees, or by calling assassins. We disrupt the meeting and, as usual, deal with the Borgia soldiers.

All roads lead...

Cesare gathered all his soldiers near the main gates of Rome. We move towards them and begin the battle, using all our forces, including assassins. After destroying everyone, watch the video. Cesare is arrested on charges of treason and murder.

Sequence 9.
A fall.

Cesare's last words before his arrest seemed very suspicious. We use the Apple to find out the truth. Let's go after him. Quickly click on the appropriate button. We failed to kill him, we continue to fight with our opponents.

Roman world.

We use the horse to get to the olive grove. We jump over the destroyed bridge and move through the olive grove on our own two feet, destroying dozens of Borgia guards. We get to the siege tower and climb up it. Let's jump down. We get to the castle gates and climb another tower. Finally we catch up with Cesari and begin to fight him. He has strong defense, so the battle will be in three stages. Best Tactics kick + series of attacks. Guards will appear periodically, it is advisable to kill them first, and only then continue the battle with Cesare. During short quick time events, we quickly press the corresponding button and break off part of the armor from his body. Let's watch the final video.

Let's return to the present. Now we know where the Apple of Eden is, but the password to open the room with the Apple's location is not. We play as Desmond. We try to get to the surface, turn on “Eagle Vision” and see some numbers on the wall. Sean helps decipher the numbers, and they actually turn out to be the password. We go to the Colosseum. We pass the simplest tests. We jump down and turn left, then left again. We climb up along the generator. And then everything is simple: the camera kindly points the right path. Generators are like pointers along the way. Therefore, if we are confused, we look for them. Having made the “Leap of Faith”, we activate “Eagle Vision”. We see red icons on the walls, with yellow roundels. We interact with them in this order. We go forward through the secret door. We follow the hologram, passing simple tests. We turn on Eagle Vision again and open another secret door. We climb up and find ourselves in the church. Let's watch the video. We pass forward and follow the shadow of the assassin. We activate the mechanism. We turn left and go through the easy tests again. We get to the next lever. Let's go down. In the hall with the location of the Apple of Eden, you must activate all the horizontal bars. Upon activation of each horizontal bar, it will open new way, otherwise disappear (if you choose the wrong one of the two). Let's watch the final video.
