Dota 2 which hero is better. Top best Dota heroes. The strongest support

General information

Noticed on ratings 1000 - 3000: teammates ask the mid player to gank their line almost from the first minutes. Ignore such statements. You have a task - to farm basic essential artifacts. You can gank with a good rune or the appearance of an ult/required artifact.

Try to convince the supports on your team to pull 2 ​​tangos for you if you go mid. As a rule, 4 tangos are not so necessary, and you will save money. Also ask the team to press the rune in the first minute. An early bottle will allow you to quickly start dominating the lane.

If you play as a carry, then you don’t need to do what most teammates do - standing in one place waiting for a fight. At this time, you can farm the lane/jung or split push, and fly into the team fight itself through TP.

Relevant for Russian pubs - do not start an argument with anyone. Send to mute and concentrate on the game.

Excellent harassment of the enemy thanks to its passive
High mobility with ultimate
High split-push potential
Very strong in 1v1 fights early and late game
Great initiation

High dependence on mana
Not mobile until the ultimate appears

Strong at all stages of the game
Good split-push potential
Very easy to learn
Can go both mid and top/bot
Ideal for boosting solo MMR

Skill and item builds depend on the situation

One of the strongest carry heroes in the modern meta is perfect for raising MMR.

Strong in the initial stages in conjunction with support, very strong in the mid and late game
Built-in invulnerability to most spells (Blade Fury)
Has excellent AoE healing
Easy to learn
Ultimate breaks invulnerability to magic (can be countered by Astral, Ghost Scepter, Eul, etc.)
High attack speed

Small mana reserve
Small increase in strength - HP

Instead of Healing Salve at the very beginning, you can just take Tango and Wraith Band. If you find it difficult to stay in the lane, wait until Morbid Mask and go to the forest. Juggernaut will farm his main artifacts in any case, especially at a low MMR. And always carry a teleportation scroll with you. You can use it during Blade Fury, which will allow you to get away from the battle almost guaranteed.

5.Troll Warlord

Unreal strong hero who enjoy playing. Be prepared to hear the phrases “The troll is impatient and doesn’t fight!” But put these thoughts aside and you will be glad to once again see +25 points at the end of the match.

Very high attack speed
Well worth both mid and safe lane
Good attack animation in both milli and range mode.
Good ganking potential thanks to the 5.25 second slow at level 4 Whirling Axes.
With the purchase of Morbid Mask you can solo kill Roshan through Battle Trance
The ultimate also helps the team well in fighting or pushing
Has low mana cost and CD for spells
Whirling Axes in milli mode deals good damage around itself and makes enemies miss for 7(!) seconds

Vulnerable to control before BKB appears
Beginners will need a little experience with this hero in order to skillfully switch between modes and not get confused

Quite dubious shortcomings, but it’s not for nothing that Troll is one of the strongest heroes in the current meta.

Tired of playing as dodgers? You can safely take the red beast and charge Laguna Blade in the face. A strong hero at all stages, and closer to the late game he can produce good damage from his hand.

Very strong procast
AoE stun and attack spell
Good gank potential
With the presence of a dagger, he has good split-push potential, and thanks to his AoE abilities he can push well
Ultimate with Aghanim Scepter has pure damage
In the late game it has good speed attacks, thereby becoming a "half-carry"
Good attack range

Not the easiest hero to master (you'll have to practice with stun timing and Eul Scepter)
Very costly mana spells
Vulnerable to ganks as it has no escapes
Attack animation leaves much to be desired

As you can understand, the best role for Lina (if you are going to raise solo MMR is mid), so buying Bottle is a must first. If you are experiencing difficulties with the timing of the stun through Eul, then you can neglect it, but we do not recommend doing this - a huge potential is lost.

The “Situational” tab contains items for both casting and hand damage. You shouldn’t interfere too much, for example, collecting crits and mom immediately after Eul, you simply won’t have enough MP and will have low regen. Wait until the 4th level of the passive and then you can collect artefacts for damage.

An uncomplicated hero who can dominate from the very beginning of the game. One successful tie between two can turn the game around. Deals incredible damage. Perhaps the best hero for quickly raising your rating.

A universal hero - he can play mid and hard.
There is an escape.
Great attack animation.
Good push potential.
With the advent of Blink Dagger can be a great initiate.
In the late game, 1v1 kills the enemy core hero with ease.

Low HP at the start of the game.
Low agility gain. Low protection rate.

Some players will probably want to argue what Maelstorm is for, since it is rarely collected in professional games. It's simple - we're playing in a pub, there's no point in counting on the team. And lightning will give additional damage, a little attack speed and will allow you to quickly deal with packs of creeps. The efficiency when pushing and killing in solo increases significantly.

Also pay attention to Blink Dagger. It is vital for initiation, but sometimes it is better to take Force Staff instead. In particular, in the game against Riki, who falls into low MMR quite often. Unpleasant characters can be any heroes who can knock down the dagger before the fight starts.

18-02-2017, 14:54

Today's article Dota 2 for beginners heroes is intended only for beginner players.
We warn you in advance that there is a lot of material on this topic. But we tried to reveal all the nuances of mastering and controlling each hero.
And it’s up to you personally to decide whether they can be suitable for the role of the first hero to master. Having already met everyone, you will be able to understand who you can take to start the game and who you can’t.

Alchemist is a hero endowed with superpowers in the game. Only he owns a giant ataxid and huge farming potential. The character is not for the lazy, but rather for nerds, so a beginner who wants to develop an attachment to farming can safely begin to master the hero.

Beastmaster has versatility in the game, good abilities, excellent damage. It is demanding of itself in terms of control, but overall it is perfect for a beginner player.

Brewmaster is extremely rare in the Dota 2 game, as it is difficult to control. In terms of characteristics, this is a strong character, with decent running and attack speed, and a powerful ult. A beginner can try to start playing for of this hero, but there are much easier characters in dota 2.

Kristleback is simply an excellent and magnificent tank in the game. Not only can he withstand high-damage attacks, but he can also gank opponents at the same time. Definitely not suitable for a beginner.

The centaur in the game has a good increase in strength, agility for each lvl and a small mannocast of skills. This allows him to be a fairly sought-after hero among the team. The Centaur is also valued by allies for its mass stun ability. The only drawback of the stun skill is its small radius of influence. An excellent option for a beginner.

Clockwerk is a wonderful hero with powerful armor and excellent potential in the game to gank the enemy. It is popular and relevant throughout all stages of the game. In demand not only in the mid, but also in the lane. Due to the lack of dependence on purchasing expensive artifacts in the game, Clockwerk is a nice character, but not for a beginner.

Earthshakery is a good choice for a beginner. He is absolutely no good as a single player, but in a team he exceeds all expectations and is a lifesaver with the correct combat technique. You must be well oriented on the battlefield and know weak spots their opponents, at what moment it is necessary to use this or that skill. Especially in serious showdowns, where Shaker will be required to ult and his allies to finish off the enemy.

Elder Titan is considered one of the controversial characters. At first glance, it may seem that he is a versatile fighter due to the fact that he can stand in lanes equally. But at the same time, it is not easy to master.

Huskar is a very popular character among beginners. Bends everyone and everything due to the presence of a passive. 100% choice for a beginner Dota 2 player.

Bloodseeker is an absolutely uncomplicated character, easy to learn and fight. The main thing is to react in time to this or that situation in battle, then everything will work out for you!

Kunkka is a very versatile hero, so he will be a challenge for novice players. This is an amazing hero who does not lose his relevance and relevance throughout the game. An ideal player in mass battles, as he has a good ultimate.

Omniknight is a healer who can protect all teammates from harm and avoid the death. The most basic thing you need to know about Omnic is that he should stand on the line, and not get into mass mixes and gank opponents. Throughout the game, he is a priest who heals and protects against magical influences. A beginner will need to concentrate on everything that is happening, which is quite difficult.

The best Dota 2 heroes for beginners include Sven. One of the characters who can single-handedly kill all opponents and proudly leave the battlefield is Sven in dota 2. But for such achievements in the game, he needs to select certain artifacts that reveal the depth and scope of the ganger’s skills.

One of the unusual characters in the game is considered to be a hero named Timbersaw. Timber is a very durable, hard to kill and mobile hero. He has accelerated health regeneration and increased armor (albeit small). It takes little time to recharge skills, especially since almost all skills can be AoE-based. Magician and physical defenses do not work against this character; he simply ignores them. An excellent ganger for the jungle. Absolutely too much for a beginner.

Sniper is such a simple and very easy to learn character in the Dota 2 game. If you have direct hands and an inexhaustible interest in this hero, then you will definitely achieve stunning game results and success. By mastering Sniper, you master light dota 2 characters.

In number best characters Dota 2 for beginners includes Tiny - the most suitable option for beginner players. Ease of learning and management is its main strong point. Tiny is relevant and in demand at any stage of the game. His first and second abilities are cast almost continuously, making him a popular character and a desirable team member. And this combination of skills causes serious damage to the enemy, even death.

Treant Protector is the worst choice for a beginner. Skills are weak, control is high. It is absolutely not recommended for a beginner to take on this hero.

Many dota 2 characters are good for beginners, but Tuskar is the best among them. He is endowed with excellent and relevant abilities that are in demand throughout all stages of the game. Not every player can boast of a massive slowdown of opponents, a magnificent increase in agility for each lvl, as well as the ability to deliver all members of an allied group into the middle of a mess.

Wisp is not an easy hero in Dota 2 for beginners. The most complex hero. Popular in competitions among experienced players. It is 100% contraindicated for beginners.

Ax is a tank. Moreover, it is the most impenetrable, especially at the initial stage of the game. There's no point in fighting him hand-to-hand. The main thing is to learn how to control this tank. The difficulty in managing will be in concentrating, so you need experience (which a beginner does not have).

In dota 2, characters for beginners are not entirely numerous and diverse, but Chaos knight is one of them. Essentially, he is a melee carry. The most important advantages of this hero are long-term stun, strength, rapid speed of movement around the location, high critical damage and the ability to use the cloning skill.

Doom Bringer is not only a good solo player, but also a team player. Neem is fairly easy to farm. It has an excellent increase in strength for each lvl, as well as a powerful ultimate that completely blocks opponents and causes colossal damage. Mastering Doom is difficult, but possible.

Lifestealer is a disgusting and repulsive-looking character, but very easy to master. He is a great option for a beginner player. In mass battles, his main task is to tear apart the thickest enemy, but if that doesn’t work, then don’t forget that you can always sneak away unnoticed by possessing a creep.

lycanthrope is a good carry hero. This character is trained in the forest, since he will be absolutely ineffective on the line. Already after learning the ultimate ability at the sixth level, lycanthrope turns into the most dangerous ganger with wolf assistants. Dota 2 heroes for beginners do not include Lycanthrope in any way.

Dazzle is a priest who can send curses to enemies and heal his allies. He is considered one of the most needed supports in the gaming world. Having unique abilities in the game, Dazzle directly influences the outcome of the battle, so it is not suitable for beginners.

Magnus is a great option for a beginner. He is a good character with high HP. He can be classified as the best Dota 2 hero for beginners.

Balanar is pretty powerful hero, with enormous speed of movement. Has the ability to slow down the enemy and deal great damage. The list of heroes in Dota 2 for beginners can be proud of the presence of Balanar.
Pudge in Dota 2 is a character who is often picked in public games. However, not many people know how to play it well, and in some cases there is no question of correct battle tactics. A difficult character for a novice player.

Wraith King has a single active skill, but due to its activation it can influence the outcome of the battle in his favor. Reincarnation, constant crits, vampirisms, stuns. And this is not the entire list of advantages of dota 2 write king. It will be very difficult to master.

legion commander will be very interesting for players who want to play the role of a carry tank. Previously, he was accepted into the team as the main carry. Then they abandoned this practice, as from a different perspective the character revealed himself in the role of a supporting team player for another carry in a much more interesting way. Average level character.

Sand King is equipped with the most terrible ultimate ability. He is an inherently cool nuker, which is great for a beginner.

Slardar is not as easy to operate as it might seem at first glance. It is not recommended for a beginner to take it, as he will need maximum control in operation.

Dota 2 heroes for beginners include Tidehunter. He can act not only as a tank, but he can also cope well with the role of support. It is he who can initiate mass mixing and be in demand at all stages of the game. Tidehunte's strength increases quite well for each lvl, but there is a problem with the increase in intelligence and agility. The hero at the start of the game suffers from a lack of magical energy, but later in the game this can be corrected.

Undying is a tanking hero with the ability to quickly push the lane. In the game dota 2 for beginners, there are easier heroes than Undying.

Anti-Mage has unique mobility, fast farming abilities and instant attack speed. The character's disadvantages include a low increase in strength for each level, a low HP indicator and dependence on artifacts. But this is not critical for everyone and can be fixed. The desire to play, the right purchase and combat tactics will make Anti-Mage a predator and an excellent killer of magicians. Difficult to learn.
We continue introducing Dota 2 characters for beginners. You will not see any propaganda in the article, since all the heroes are good. It’s just that some are more complex, and some are easier to manage. And even beginner players have a level of preparation: some are not familiar with online games and someone has experience outside game world Dota 2.

Nature’s Prophet is indirectly included in the list of the easiest characters in dota 2, since he is an intelligent ranged hero who farms non-stop. All fans of crazy farming will love Furion. The character is endowed with crazy mobility and interesting abilities. Although you can try to master it.

Ogre magi provides support and tank in one person (although he still has two faces). He is such an easy-to-learn hero that he will suit even the most novice player and is rightfully awarded the title of hero in Dota 2 for beginners.

Easy characters for dota 2 beginners do not include Puck the magic dragon in their list. He is a good skipper and mid player. In demand in the late game. It has extraordinary mobility, but requires the direct hands of the owner.

Rubick is a well-rounded hero. For Dota 2 heroes for beginners, the list has not been replenished by Rubik. You need to know all the nuances of the game inside and out before you take it on.

Shadow Shaman is considered one of the best supports and pushers rolled into one. After all, only the shadow shaman is endowed with two disables and a push skill, which destroys towers in no time. Also positive is the fact that Rasta does not directly depend on artifacts, which makes him an attractive character for beginning players.

The most dangerous and versatile hero in Dota 2 is Silencer. To be precise, the correct name for the ego of the terrifying creature is Silencer. It is so harassing that it squeezes out all the juice and drives even seasoned and thick-skinned players to a nervous breakdown. His ability to steal intelligence for every kill boosts him to limitless insanity, which does not make him an easy dota 2 character.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of Dota 2 for beginners who to play, then we answer with confidence - Skywrath Mage is not for beginners. It requires experience and straightforwardness.

For most true connoisseurs of the game Dota 2, Storm Spirit is the best and favorite Mexican hero. It is very important for novice players to understand that Storm Spirit is one of the most difficult heroes in the game to master and control. You should absolutely not start getting acquainted with Dota 2 with this hero. You can discourage the whole hunt, because even experienced folders cannot always cope with it.

Tinker is an original and extraordinary character in the game. He is the only hero who is super stable on solomid. Can easily farm due to excellent hand damage. At the start of the game, Tinker has a low mana cast of abilities, but as the game progresses, manna dependence will appear. His relevance throughout the game is striking. Requires good control from a beginner.

Windrunner is a good nuker, which in experienced hands turns into a carry hero. It will be difficult to control it for a novice player. The best characters in dota 2 for beginners cannot boast of this hero in their composition.

As in the mythology of Zeus, so in Dota 2 he acts as the god of thunder and lightning. The legend about Zeus said that he could hit any target anywhere on earth with his scepter. So the game Zeus was endowed with this unique ability - an ult that kills the enemy regardless of location on the map. A beginner can safely master the hero.

The apparatus is a very difficult character. They are played by experienced benders. Many Dota 2 character guides for beginners agree that beginners cannot handle the Device.

The list of Dota 2 characters for beginners includes the hero Bane as one of the most powerful one-on-one opponents. A good choice for a beginner.

Batrider cannot boast of being a light hero in Dota. Don't bother mastering it.

Dark Seer is a good bender, very difficult to perform. Popular in tournaments, but not among the best Dota 2 characters for beginners.

Death Prophet is a popular Dota 2 character for beginners. She has good hand damage.

Enigma is a hero who can easily and successfully farm in the forest, has good pushing potential and powerful disable. Without the unity of the gaming team and a thorough knowledge of Enigma’s abilities, you won’t be able to play well, and therefore this hero is not for beginners.

Invoker has absolutely nothing to do with Dota 2 characters for beginners. This is an intelligent ranged hero. It is absolutely not suitable for all those who like to get into the very center of batches. Nor is it suitable for a novice player due to its numerous abilities.

It is rare to see a hero named Leshrac, as he is quite difficult to control. Even experienced players do not always decide to play it. Definitely not a suitable option for a beginner.

The lich is able to increase the armor of team members and give additional slowdown to melee units. The hero has no problems with mana. He can be the envy of any intelligence expert, not only because of his MP, but also the range of his magical attacks. A good choice in the list of the best heroes in Dota 2 for beginners.

Lion at his core is pure intelligence and the strongest support in the game. The course of events at all stages of the game depends on it. The character is of average complexity, and it’s up to you to decide whether to choose Lyon as one of the characters for Dota 2 beginners or not.

necrophos is endowed with interesting abilities that a beginner cannot control. Moreover, this hero can be made into a support or carry. The decision rests only with the owner. Support – lends a helping hand, and nuker/carry – brings death.

Outworld Destroyer is a dota 2 hero for a beginner. It's not complicated. It is important to use the astral plane correctly, and the rest will follow.

There are different light characters in dota 2 and one of them is Warlock. The main thing is to throw the golem correctly, and the rest is easy and simple.

Pugna Oblivion is a cool character for experienced players. Interesting abilities, a powerful ult, just a half-puncher hero. Therefore, it is not suitable for a beginner.

Queen of Pain. The ultrasonic beauty is so versatile that it can act as a pusher and hero killer. Beginning players should study the Dota 2 guide in detail to understand all the specifics of the game, the pros and cons of mastering it. Such an ambitious heroine requires straight hands. If you're a stubborn beginner, you can conquer the Queen of Pain.

There are different characters in Dota 2 for beginners, but Visage is not one of them due to the high requirements for hero control.

The statement simple heroes of Dota 2 is not about him. Witch Doctor is a good healer, support, but has very little life.
Techies is an inherently fun and interesting character in the game. However, not everyone can manage it competently. Not everyone has the ingenuity and cunning to master Techies. Therefore, Miner is not the most suitable hero for dota 2 beginners.

Phoenix is ​​considered a relevant and sought-after hero at all stages of the game. He not only crushes with magic at the start, but throughout the entire course of the battle he casts a slowdown on the enemy, destroys a lot of HP and even heals his allies. It's impossible to catch up with Phoenix. He flies away from the gank at great distances. If Phoenix has little HP left, he can always activate his ultimate and regenerate his lives and magic indicator. Difficult to understand for beginning players.

Earth spirit - the hero has serious strength and can single-handedly destroy a bunch of opponents. There are many opinions about who an ert spirit can play in Dota 2: a tank, a carry or a support. All options are good, so the hero is not suitable for a beginner. It will be difficult to master. The lightest characters in Dota 2 Earth spirit does not occupy a place in the ranking.

The best support in the game is considered to be a character named Oracle. Just such a character, capable of protecting his team members from death. The most basic and important task of the Oracle is to monitor events not only in his team, but also in the opposing team, and not let allied heroes die. The whole team is looking at you and hoping for you! Do not let the enemy face you, otherwise you risk being not only immobilized, but also killed. And this is fraught with negative consequences. Not suitable as the first hero in learning to play Dota 2.

Lone Druid represents one of the most powerful carry heroes. However, this requires long and tedious farming in the forest. The good thing is that farming with it is absolutely easy. His bear is used as a courier. The hero is endowed with a good increase in agility for each lvl and a base speed of movement around the map. For a beginning player, Lone Druid is absolutely not suitable as the first hero to master.

Bounty Hunter is a bit of a weak hero. Not that it's weak in terms of damage. Its weakness lies in its low HP indicator, which is why it is constantly drained at the start. But he runs incredibly fast thanks to his agility. Another positive thing is that the hero increases his gold earnings for every enemy kill. Another argument in addition to the advantages of the Bounty Hunter character: he is a creature - a silent killer who suddenly jumps out of invisibility. Suitable even for a beginner.

Drow Ranger, Thraxes is a versatile fighter with enormous potential and enormous capabilities in the game. The existing list of Dota 2 heroes for beginners safely includes Traxa.

Gyrocopter is a great option as a hero for a beginner. Easy to manage.
We continue to cover the topic of dota 2 characters for beginners. After all, it is useful for every newcomer to know what the heroes are. Of course, no one forces you to gaming experience in Dota 2, choose a hero who is difficult to play without practice. Equipment is acquired with experience. We tried to characterize each Dota 2 hero so that you have a choice of whom to start conquering and then bend over.

Templar Assassin is one of the light heroes in Dota, which, like a true beauty, brings headaches to virtual life. It is designed to gank opponents. If you are results-oriented and willing to take on an ambitious task, then take on character development.

Troll warlord is not popular, although he can be classified as a Dota 2 hero for beginners. It is easy to learn and control, but is not endowed with great damage.

A hero named Ursa is suitable for a beginner - he is not only the strongest DPS player in Dota 2, but also unique. Only a few can fight him and win. And this is at the initial stage of the game. Although without good team game and game artifacts, Ursa is almost completely zero. He is considered a great pub character. Playing with them is carefree, fun and relaxed. Especially when people are running away from you, which can not only increase self-esteem, but also establish yourself in the Dota 2 gaming space.

Spirit breaker is a very easy character to control, but crooked noobs still manage to ruin the game with this hero to such an extent that he has become not the most long-awaited and popular member of the team.

Light characters in Dota 2, such as Clinkz, are the strongest heroes, capable of killing with one hit after the first learning of the ultimate ability. Moreover, there is practically no difficulty in mastering it.

Void is considered one of the strongest heroes in the game. He is capable of killing anyone if he has the necessary artifacts and the owner’s straightforwardness. In Dota 2, Void, who is practically unkillable in the late game, owns a dome in which only Void himself can perform any game manipulations. If you farmed poorly at the initial stage of the game and did not purchase decent items, then you will not be able to play as Void, and therefore get ready to constantly lose money. A difficult choice for a beginner.

Medusa is one of those heroines who can easily kill several opponents at the same time, but to do this she needs to be properly dressed and pumped up. Definitely not suitable for a beginner player.

Meepo is not a Dota 2 hero for beginners. It is difficult to manage due to cloning and map review.

Viper is a Dota 2 hero for beginners. Strength, power, passives - all these are the characteristic advantages of the hero.

Phantom Assassin is a super carry character with a great chance of delivering critical hits that tear the enemy into small pieces. It will be easy for a beginner to master the phantom.

Razor is a light Dota 2 hero. Endowed with excellent farming abilities, he can finish off enemies, has a good ult, and drains damage. Although it has little HP, it is an ideal option for a beginner.

shadow fiend is a powerful hero. If you master it, you will become a lucky person who will definitely be an honorable and respected member of the team in the game. He farms well and is popular at all stages of the gaming process. Has the strongest AoE skill. The bad thing is that he is difficult to control and depends on his allies in the game. In addition, at the start, shadow fiend has very little damage and can easily be drained by stronger heroes. Not suitable for a beginner.

What are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners? Choosing the right one or the right combination of them for your team can often be the difference between winning and losing.

Want to start with the absolute basics? Here's how to play Dota 2.

All heroes can play a very specific role, and some of them can be played in multiple roles, sometimes in the same game, and it is important to understand what these roles are and how they interact with each other. But it's also important to understand that the hero's role should inform how your game and the items you purchase.

Dota 2 roles


The core of the team, causing damage, is often the most important and generally difficult role to play.


The role of the support is to help and protect the late game in the early game, and ensure that the team has enough map vision to move around safely without fear of taking damage.


A hero who accumulates gold in the forest on neutral crepes and comes out dressed, or when the situation requires it.


Each team must have at least one lane that is occupied by one hero. If a team has a jungler, then they will most likely have two heroes who will be soloing. This makes it difficult to talk about it as a single role, so it was divided into two subgroups.

Solo Mid hero takes the center lane. Since the space between opposing mid-towers is quite short, these heroes don't have to worry too much about avoiding any ganks and often focus on farming and finishing off both their own and the enemy's crops.

Solo Hard characters tend to be the most difficult and frustrating heroes to play. Heroes in this lane usually have a lot of speed, and their early game abilities tend to be escape mechanisms such as fast sprints, invulnerability, or the ability to teleport short distances.

All Dota 2 heroes

Each time your hero gains a level, you will be allowed to choose an ability or "hero talent" to level up. Knowing what these abilities do and which ones are most useful can be the key to a good early game. There are three attributes in Dota 2: strength, agility and intelligence. Each of them controls certain aspects of your hero, such as HP (strength), mana (intelligence) and attack speed (agility). However, a hero's damage output is determined by their "primary attribute", which differs between heroes. If given a choice, this is the attribute you should focus on improving. This is usually accomplished by purchasing items, but what items should you buy? Which abilities should you choose?

It's often easy to start by choosing a support hero, and indeed, if this is your first game, we heartily recommend that you try support first. The reason for this is that gold can be difficult to acquire in Dota 2, and supports don't rely on a lot of gold to be useful. You can also get a feel for the game by helping other, perhaps more experienced players. It is impossible to try farming the jungle until you are more experienced in the game. Jungler can be very challenging as there are no friendly creeps or towers to protect you and you often find yourself being chased and killed by hidden enemy heroes.

Dota 2 Solo / Carry heroes


Sniper balance changes

Role: Solo/Carry (Ranged)
Primary Attribute: Dexterity

Sniper shrapnel

Launches a ball of fragments that robs the target area of ​​pellets. Enemy enemies take damage and are slowed.

Use shrapnel to farm or to discourage enemies from entering the area. This ability is often taken first, as it is useful when you can't get close to your main attack.


HeadshotSniper increases his accuracy, giving him a fighting chance
additional damage and briefly stop the movements of your enemies.

This is a passive ability that gives you a 40% chance to instantly stun an enemy. Obviously, the faster you attack,
the more useful this ability becomes.

Sniper target

Increases the attack range of a sniper rifle.

How more levels The longer you use this passive ability, the longer it will become the sniper's main attack. At level 2, this will allow you to move beyond enemy towers.


The sniper takes aim at an enemy unit and fires a devastating shot after 2 seconds.

This ability has a low cooldown and a huge range. Use it to take out fleeing enemies or assist in battle when you're too far away with your main attack.

Suggested Items:

Power Threads

Switch your crutch to green to increase your speed and agility.

Shadow Blade

Allows you to become invisible. This is great for avoiding battle or sneaking up on an enemy. It also increases your attack damage and attack speed.

Dragon Lance

Will increase your attack distance, allowing you to stand far away from any danger while destroying your enemies' health.


This item is great for laning as it gives your attacks a chance to create a chain of lightning that bounces off other nearby enemies. It also increases attack level and attack speed.


Role: Kerry (melee)
Primary Attribute: Strength

Storm Hammer

Throws a magical hammer that deals damage and stuns enemy units.

Use this ability to start the fight by stunning your most dangerous enemy. It can also be used to help you escape if you start to lose a battle.

Great Cleave

Reduce shock from great strength, splitting all nearby enemy units with his attack.

Cleave causes your attacks to affect other enemies. This is great for pushing lanes or farming in the jungle, as well as damaging the entire team during large fights.


Sven's Warcry charms his allies in battle, increasing movement speed and armor.

By activating this before each fight, you ensure that both you and your team have a huge defensive advantage for the first eight seconds.

God's Strength

Sven channels his rogue power, receiving bonus damage for 25 seconds.

When fully leveled, this ability adds temporary 200% damage. This means that you can easily kill an enemy in two or three hits.

Focus on leveling up your Storm Hammer and Warcry during the early game so you can easily fight off players who try to disrupt your farming. Once you have a few items, it's time to start bullying the weaker enemy heroes. Throw your Storm Hammer at them, then activate God's Strength to rip them to shreds.

Suggested Items:

Power Threads

Switch to red to increase strength.

Black King Bar

BKB increases your strength and damage, but activating it will make you invulnerable to many magical attacks and disable them. This item is usually purchased first.

Mask of Madness

This item gives you 15% lifesteal, allowing you to regenerate health when hit. It can also be activated to increase attack speed.

Blink Dagger

When activated, Blink Dagger allows you to teleport a short distance. This allows you to surprise enemies by following him with your storm hammer.

Heart of Tarrasque

Tarasque is a massive health boost, massive damage boost.

Dota 2 Support Heroes

Ogre Magi

Role: support (melee)
Primary Attribute: Intelligence


Fire damage and the stun from Fireblast are a great way to start a fight or stop a threat in its tracks. Use it to help you win fights.

This really slows down the enemy. Use it to stop them from escaping or to chase them down during the early game.


If you have enough mana, you should do this whenever possible. The attack and movement speed boost it gives will make your teammates hit much faster, as well as run.


Fully leveled up, gives you a chance to use each of your abilities four times. This means that if you are lucky, you can kill an enemy with one Fireblast.

Unrefined Fireblast

This can only be obtained by purchasing the Scepter of Aghanim. It works like a standard Fireblast, but costs 60% of your remaining mana, so use it last.

Suggested Items:

Arcane Boots

Dota 2 Arcane BootsActivate Arcane Boots to increase mana for your allies and yourself. You'll need them because your spells cost a lot of mana.

This will increase the HP of all allies within range when activated.

Aghanim's Scepter

A huge attribute boost, this item will give you completely new abilities in the form of Unrefined Fireblast. This artifact is considered a key point in Ogre Magi because you now have two stuns that deal massive damage.

Force Staff

Force Staff increases your intelligence and health recovery. But when you use it, you can push an ally, an enemy, or yourself in the direction they are currently in. Use it to help catch a fleeing enemy or assist a fleeing ally.

Scythe of Vyse

This item can be cast on an enemy to transform them into a harmless sheep or pig within 3.5 seconds. It also grants greater attributes and increased mana regeneration.

Crystal Maiden

Role: support (range)
Primary Attribute: Intelligence

Crystal Nova

While it is quite weak, it can be useful for eliminating enemies or slowing them down. Try to hit as many of them as possible to make the most of it.


Comparatively, it deals more damage than Crystal Nova and keeps the enemy in place. It can also be used for farming in the forest.

Arcane Aura

This is so useful, especially in the early game when most heroes are fighting for mana. This also means your team won't have to purchase mana regen items.

Freezing Field

The sheer range and length of this ability can be enough to kill an entire enemy team. Moving or anything at all while casting cancels it, so position yourself where the enemy can't stun you.

Suggested Items:

Tranquil Boots

We have mana regen covered by your Arcane Aura, and purchasing Tranquil Boots will take care of the health.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity

The Intelligence boost from Eul's will increase your mana pool and a bit of extra movement speed.

Glimmer Cape

Dota 2 Glimmer CapeThis item turns you invisible and can be used while you are frozen. If you keep getting kills while casting Freezing Field, this could be a cheap solution.

Black King Bar

Likewise, BKB will stop enemies from being able to stun you while casting your ult.

Your beginner's choice

This is your fate. If you're really new, your best bet is probably to figure out which hero you want to try and then play a few against the bots. When you finally decide to play with other people, remember that your choices should interact with your team. For example, if the team already has four carry heroes, choose support. Likewise, don't fill your team with weak supports and get recognition from each team battle. But most importantly, remember to have fun, be friendly and cooperate with your teammates. Focus on expanding your hero repertoire and you'll find that Dota 2 becomes incredibly compelling when you can competently play over a hundred different heroes. You will be ready. Good luck!

In a game as heavily dependent on teamwork as Dota 2, it would seem pointless to talk about the strongest hero, because you won’t be able to win alone, no matter how professional player you were not and no matter how strong the hero you came across. However, there are several characters that if you let them level up, you run the risk of not leaving the base at the end of the game if they were enemies. It is these heroes that we will talk about.

It is worth understanding that each hero has a narrow profile for playing the game, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to single out the best of the best, and therefore one hero will be selected in each category.

The strongest carry

When talking about carries in Dota 2, several characters immediately come to mind whose damage is the strongest: Mortred (Phantom Assassin), Void (Faceless Void), Lancer (Phantom Lancer) and Leoric ( Wrath King). What is good about each hero?

Mortred has in her arsenal the strongest critical damage thanks to her ult, as well as the ability to dodge other people’s attacks, so without the ICD she cannot be defeated only by incinerating her skills, but almost nothing can stop Mortred, who has the Black King Bard.

Void similarly, with a ghostly killer, he can avoid other people’s damage, not only from auto attacks, but also from skills. The built-in bash also helps to quickly deal with opponents. His ult Chronosphere is the only skill in Dota 2 that allows you to literally stop time for a few seconds, during which no one in the sphere can do anything. Even immunity to magic will not save you here.

Lancer Thanks to his army of copies and the Diffusial Blade operating on each of them, he is capable of creating numerous problems. This hero is a very strong opponent for any keriya, and magicians have nothing to do against him at all.

Leoric, aka the King of the Fallen, has in his arsenal everything to become the most powerful carry in Dota 2: built-in crits, aura of lifesteal and stun. Farming with it is a pleasure - huge damage mixed with HP recovery will never allow you to die absurdly. His final ability, Reincarnation, allows him to immediately return to battle and take revenge on the killer.

Mortred can be countered by MKB, Lancer can be killed with massive attacks, because without copies he is useless, but Void and Leoric are almost equal to each other. However, in a real fight, if both sides have ultimates, the outcome will be decided by the god of randomness of Dota 2: Leoric can either crit every second hit or run into Void blocking damage, who in turn may also not receive even one activation of passive abilities.

Taking into account the average game, you can count on the following: during the Chronosphere, Void will kill the Wrath King, but he will rise up and cut the creature of the Abyss into small pieces. So, the strongest carry is Leoric.

The most powerful magician

When choosing between masters of magical energy capable of inflicting instant strong damage, one cannot help but mention Lina, Lion, Invoker and Tinker. Each of them is capable of destroying so much health that only those with BKB will remain standing (and even then not always).

Lina has a good stun, and her fire bird and lightning, which with aganim penetrates even immunity to magical effects, is capable of taking the lives of more than half of the Dota 2 heroes in one cast. Lina's main weakness is the lack of mana, but this can be easily corrected with items that provide her reserves and regen.

Tinker This is the most controversial hero, because with his ult he resets the cooldown of all other skills and items. With Boots of Travel, he becomes so mobile that stopping his farming becomes impossible. Having dagon, dager and enternal, Tinker is able to take down an unwary enemy with lightning speed and instantly evaporate.

Players on Invoker They are jokingly called pianists, because he has the largest number of skills in the entire game. By using them wisely in team fights, you can kill all living things that were not your ally. The main disadvantage of Invoker is that you need to be able to play with it, because without skills there can be no question of using skills correctly.

Lyon has only 1 damaging skill in addition to the ult, but its potential is very great: a long-term evil eye will help avoid attacks from enemy assassins, and draining mana will make other magicians useless. In addition, his strong ult with the acquisition of Aghanim becomes truly terrifying: damage is caused to everyone who gets into a large area, and in team fights it is very easy to gather everyone within reach. Yes, it does not break through immunity to magic, but it does damage to everyone at once, and its 20-second cooldown even allows you to farm creeps with your ult.

If the enemy team has only one hero who poses a serious danger, it is preferable to choose Lina, and if you need to hit many heroes at once, Lyon. In most games, the BKB is often on cooldown, and therefore Lyonbest magician in Dota 2.

The strongest support

When discussing which hero is the strongest, we should not forget about support. A lot depends on the actions that supports perform and which the rest of the team rarely notices. However, if we ignore such aspects as warding and buying a courier, then Omniknight and Necrofos break out into the top in terms of usefulness.

Omnic is able to restore health, give immunity to magic and make allies invulnerable to physical attacks, and with aganim this effect even affects creeps.

Necrophos its very presence causes periodic damage to the opponent's heroes, his ability to restore vitality and dealing damage at the same time forces enemies to stay away, and an ult that simply kills at half life cannot be ignored. In addition, if Nekr has an aganim, then the killed hero cannot be redeemed, which can be a decisive factor in important games.

Remember: strong heroes in a team are not always the key to victory, because the most important thing is the ability to manage them.

90% of Dota 2 players are somewhat dependent on their MMR. Every game we are ready to sweat, tear our shirts and run for clean towels in order to end up seeing +25 at the end of the game. And since the winnings depend on the pick by 30-50%, choosing the best hero to increase MMR always remains relevant. Therefore, we want to give you some tips on how to play better and who to pick in order to win more often, faster and more confidently.


If you want to raise solo MMR, you may find the following tips useful:

  • Don't rely too much on the team. Don't be deliberately negative about her, but don't expect anything supernatural from them. If they play well, great; if they play poorly, it’s okay, because we didn’t expect anything.
  • Take heroes who are weakly dependent on the team, can kill and win solo.
  • From the previous paragraph it follows that the best role to increase MMR would be mid or hard carry. This is confirmed by the high rating of Miracle and w33, which ABOUT Most of the games were played on the center lane and its corresponding heroes.
  • Don't ruin your team's game. If you are determined to go mid, try to communicate this to your teammates in a friendly manner before you start looking for a game. If someone has already picked a hero to mid and doesn’t want to give him up to you, don’t ruin it and adjust to the pick. This way you will have a much better chance of winning.
  • Don't flame and be tolerant. If someone made a mistake, died at the most inopportune moment, took a rune from under your nose, etc. this is not always a sign of a bad skill. Perhaps the player simply did not notice you, and decided to take the rune before the enemy hero took it; and he could have died because he got distracted or played too much.
  • If your team is feeding and everything is going wrong, continue to stick to your line. Don’t give up ahead of time, because there are often cases when a team could make a comeback from what seemed like a surely lost game. Play until the end to win.
  • Competently assess the situation on the map. Don't fall under other people's influence and don't run to gank from mid when, in your opinion, it's not worth doing. The same applies to participation in any fight. Play the way you think is right, but don’t forget to tell your team not to get involved in a fight, to move under the tower or to the base while you attract enemies with a competent split-push, instead of an obviously unsuccessful team fight.

We hope these tips help you. Now let's move directly to the heroes.


To increase MMR, meta heroes who can snowball, have some kind of game plan and the ability to be independent from their team are best suited. In patch 6.85, the following heroes can be distinguished:


Slark has always been a great hero for solo play, he could find a place in almost every patch, and often pops up in professional picks here and there.


  • Useful at all stages of the game. Already from the first levels with one support he can kill the enemy midlaner or hardliner.
  • Good cast and high damage from hand.
  • Mobile. Due to the passive from the ultimate, he can move around the map very quickly.
  • “Shines” the enemy team’s wards or identifies nearby intruders due to the same passive.
  • “Cheating” ultimate, can kill the enemy under the towers and get away with it.
  • Can go to mid or safe lane.
  • Small cooldowns on spells other than ultimate.


  • Depends on mana.
  • Pounce can be blocked by the hero, preventing Slark from escaping.
  • Flimsy without ultimate and HP artifacts.
  • Countered by silence.
  • Up to lvl 6 may have problems with harassment in the lane.
  • A policeman, therefore he may not feel very comfortable in the mid against a number of heroes.



  • Mobile.
  • High damage nuke (Powershot and 360 damage at lvl 4).
  • Long stun (3.75 seconds at lvl 4).
  • Escape and complete invulnerability to physical attacks for 3-6 seconds. Helps you get under towers or escape from ganks.
  • High DPS with Aghanim+Maelstrom or Aghanim+Crits.


  • Contains silence, MKB.
  • Mana dependent.
  • The combination is situational, and in a team fight it may be of little use if there are no trees nearby and the enemy heroes are not exposed.


Spectra is poorly suited for the role of a mid player, so this option is more suitable for fans of hard carry. After patch 6.85, her third spell was corrected, which now correctly dissipates incoming damage.


  • Very, very strong in the late game. It's hard to kill without getting hit in the face by the whole team.
  • Mobile. He can farm one lane and fly into a team fight on another through his ultimate.
  • High damage to one target, the second skill requires the purchase of Manta Style, since illusions cause over 9000 damage.
  • There is an escape.


  • Depends on the farm. You need at least 3-4 slots.
  • Very weak at the beginning. There is practically nothing he can do to counter the enemy hardliner in his lane.


Zombies are very strong in patch 6.85. If you were unable to go to the easy or central lane, you can pick zombies and run to hard lane solo or paired with another hero focused on early aggression.


  • Very, very useful in the early stages and mid-game. Provides victory in almost all early fights and pushes.
  • High kill potential in the lane.
  • Prevents the enemy carry from farming.


  • Depends on mana.
  • The potential fades as late-game approaches.
  • To kill you need a partner.


The most demanding hero for microcontrol. A favorite of Knowtail and w33. It can do a lot, but it also requires a lot.


  • Strong procast and at the same time high damage from the hand closer to the middle-end of the game - read as “kills heroes, breaks towers, barracks, throne.”
  • Very mobile. With a couple of mipars and travels he can farm the entire map.
  • Can go mid and easy.
  • With the right skill, he can do crazy things.


  • VERY needed high level microcontrol. “Casuals are passing!”
  • Cannot avoid procasting the enemy team by purchasing a BKB - does not activate on clones.
  • Demanding on leveling at an early stage, so he must stand solo or with very rarely coming supports.

Templar Assassin


  • A very strong hero both at the laning stage and throughout the game.
  • The main thing: terrible demage
  • A varied, interesting and captivating hero.


In fact, there are more obvious advantages than disadvantages. But still:

  • Requires practice
  • The lack of farm is becoming very big problem, if the line is lost
  • Has several direct counter picks
  • Although it is not so difficult to play, players who are well versed in their role are able to reveal the full or close to it potential of the hero

Leave comments and suggest your heroes. Thank you for your attention
