Dragon age inquisition how to choose the right character. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a cross-generational RPG. Review. Try to develop your characters so that their abilities complement those of their allies

The editors of Gmbox have prepared a collection of basic tips for the game. Although BioWare quite clearly reveals the main subtleties of the gameplay of its new project, sometimes the developers do it at the wrong time. We decided in advance to arm you yourself important information so that there are no problems with conquering Dragon Age: Inquisition.

First visit Dragon Age Keep

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from previous games in the series to Inquisition. However, this does not mean that all merits have sunk into oblivion - no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. The results of decisions made in and can be restored using the Dragon Age Keep service. Whether the Gray Guardian from the original DA survived, how the conflict between elves and werewolves was resolved, which side Hawk took in DA2 and much more - all these parameters can be recreated in Dragon Age Keep. All important decisions will affect the game world in Dragon Age: Inquisition in one way or another. In addition, you have an excellent opportunity to refresh your memory of the main events of the previous parts.

Choose your batch composition carefully

The personnel issue is of great importance in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Most of the time you will travel around the game world in the company of three companions. It is important to ensure that the batch is balanced. There must be a warrior with a shield - he must divert the attention of enemies to himself. It is highly desirable to have at least one mage and a robber: the first can support allies or temporarily disable enemies, and the second deals a lot of damage. The last place can be given to the one you like best. At the very beginning of Inquisition, you will be given a balanced squad: it will include the tank warrior Cassandra, the mage Solas and the robber Varric. Later the composition of the party can be changed.

Try to develop your characters so that their abilities complement those of their allies

In the game, you can accept up to three mage allies into the Inquisition: Solas, Vivien and Dorian. You shouldn’t develop them according to the same template - say, invest all your skill points in pyromancy. Let every wizard be a master of his own school - spirit, lightning, cold, and so on. The same is true for warriors and robbers. Choose your party members and their abilities so as not to repeat yourself. There is strength in variability.

Keep three different staves for magicians

While exploring the world of Inquisition, you will encounter magical barriers - they usually block the path to something interesting. To destroy them, the wizard must attack the barriers using staff shots. The difficulty is that there are three types of magical barriers: fire (red), ice (blue) and spiritual (purple). They only take damage from attacks of the opposite element: fire deactivates ice and vice versa, and electric attacks will help against the spirit barrier. If you don't want to miss anything, then keep three staves with different elements in your inventory.

Level up the “Skilled Hands” perk as soon as possible

In Inquisition you develop not only characters, but also an entire organization - the Inquisition. By completing quests, you increase its level and gain access to special perks. We strongly recommend that you be among the first to level up “Deft Hands” (Deft Hands, Fine Tools) in the “Secrets” category. This ability allows all robbers to pick difficult locks, behind which valuable loot is usually hidden.

Take advantage of tactical pauses in difficult battles

With the right party and the appropriate level, most battles in Dragon Age: Inquisition can be completed without using a tactical pause. But sometimes there are battles in which one second can change the course of the entire battle. In them, the pause mode is critical. When things get tough, switch to tactical view, think, plan, give instructions to subordinates - and so on until the bitter end. It will take longer, but the chances of success are much higher.

Camp while traveling

We recommend starting your research new location with one important thing - visit places where you can set up camp. You won't regret your time. Firstly, you can quickly move between them - this will be useful when completing side quests. Secondly, in the camps you can rest and replenish your supply of health potions. You will remember this when, in the midst of your travels, you suddenly find yourself in a difficult battle and without healing vials.

Talk to everything that can talk

Veterans of BioWare games already know this, but everyone else should take this rule into account too. Inquisition has a huge variety of creatures that can carry on a conversation. Talking to them will help you understand better Dragon world Age, learn about the relationships between the characters, and also receive many quests. This is especially true for your allies - they can tell you a lot of interesting things. We recommend that after each big mission you communicate with all your party members: this way you won’t miss the chance to increase (or decrease) your ally’s reputation, receive a task from him or see interesting situations - for example, how Cassandra beats Varrick in a rage.

Collect useful resources

You will constantly come across mines with valuable metals and all kinds of plants. Don’t be lazy to spend time collecting them: in Inquisition this happens quite quickly, and the benefits are enormous. Firstly, with their help you can create new or improve existing equipment. Secondly, sets of resources are needed to level up the Inquisition. Thirdly, with their help you can complete some tasks. Fourth... it's just addictive.

While you're slaying dragons and saving the world by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are chilling in the fortress. To get the most out of your time in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you need to keep them busy regularly. Return to base often and give instructions in the meeting room. Your agents can raise money to support the Inquisition, settle political differences, make useful contacts, obtain equipment for the party, and much more. It takes each advisor certain time- from a couple of minutes to several hours. The counter runs in real time, so we recommend doing the most difficult and lengthy tasks before leaving Inquisition. When you return, the advisor will be ready to report.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released on November 18 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. In the Gmbox review the game received a .

All characteristics of a character are reflected in attributes. Their values ​​determine the character's strength. Attributes interact with each other according to certain formulas; we have also collected known ones on this page.

To view your attributes, click P


Basic, fundamental parameters of the characters. Attributes from other groups largely depend on the main ones.


  • Warriors gain 0.5 strength
  • 1 strength point = +1% attack (only for warriors)
  • 1 point of strength = +1% bonus to damage against defense


  • For every new level Rogue class characters gain 0.5 agility
  • 1 agility point = +1% attack (rogues only)
  • 1 agility point = +1% bonus to critical damage


  • For each new level, characters of the Mage class receive 0.5 magic
  • 1 magic point = +1% attack (only for magicians)
  • 1 magic point = +1% bonus damage against barrier


  • 1 point of cunning = +0.5% critical strike chance
  • 1 point of cunning = +0.5% defense against ranged attacks

Strength of will

  • 1 point of willpower = +0.5% attack
  • 1 point of willpower = +0.5% magic defense

Body type

  • 1 constitution point = +5 maximum health
  • 1 Constitution point = +0.5% melee defense


Your character's attack stats are listed here.


The "attack" stat increases all damage dealt by the character.

  • 1% attack = +1% to base damage of all types
  • The damage bonus is applied before the target's armor is deducted.
  • Weapon * (1 + Attack%) - Armor, NOT (Weapon - Armor) * (1 + Attack%)

Note: The damage of different abilities is calculated differently.

Bonus to damage against defense

Increases damage against enemies with the "Defense" effect.

  • 1% bonus damage against defense = +1% to all types of damage against the target's defense
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses

Armor Penetration

Armor Penetration Points allow you to ignore the corresponding amount of armor points on the target when dealing damage.

  • 1% armor penetration ignores 1% of the target's armor (counts against physical damage)
  • Cannot be combined with other bonuses, i.e. the bonus will be the same for critical and non-critical hits
  • The effectiveness of this parameter is slightly inferior to Attack: 1% attack > 2% armor penetration

Bonus to damage against barrier

Increases damage against enemies with the barrier effect.

  • 1% bonus to damage against barrier = +1% to all types of damage against the target's barrier

Critical Damage Bonus

Increases the additional damage dealt on a critical hit.

  • 1% bonus to critical damage = +1% damage on a critical hit (example: 100 damage and 50% bonus to critical damage will give 150 damage on a crit)
  • Applies before armor damage reduction
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses.

Critical Chance

Chance to score a critical hit when attacking.

  • The value of this parameter indicates the percent chance of landing a critical hit (example: at 10% chance of a critical hit, 1 out of 10 of your hits (on average) will be a critical hit)
  • When attacking several targets at once, the chance of a critical hit is calculated for each hit separately
  • There is no internal delay for repeat critical hits

Primary Weapon Damage

Damage dealt by the weapon in your main hand on each hit.

  • Basic hit per normal attack
  • All other damage modifiers apply to Weapon Damage as the main base stat.
  • A more useful indicator is a specific hit, rather than DPS (average damage per second), because When calculating the damage of abilities, the magnitude of the hit is used, not DPS.
  • Sub-weapon damage has a similar mechanic.

Sub Weapon Damage

Damage dealt by sub-weapons.

  • Cm. damage with main weapon

Bleeding on contact

Chance to cause bleeding on target. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • IN this moment this option does not work, we are waiting for it to be fixed

Stagger on hit

Chance to stun the target on hit. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • Indicates the percentage chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds on impact.
  • The status is not displayed in the interface (like damage numbers flying out), unlike ability stuns

Heal on Kill

Damage healed with each finishing blow.

  • Indicates the % of your maximum health that will be restored after killing
  • For this effect to work, you must personally finish off the target with an attack or ability.
  • There is no internal delay for the treatment to be triggered again

Bonus damage when attacking from the flank

Percentage bonus to damage when hitting a target from the side or behind.

  • 1% bonus to damage when attacking from a flank = +1% to all types of damage when attacking from a flank (at a base of 25% damage to an enemy from a flank will be multiplied by 1.25)
  • Applies before armor damage reduction
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses.


Your character's defensive stats are listed here.

Protection from magic

Percentage resistance to damage from magical and elemental attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in final damage
  • Example: 30% magic defense will reduce all magic damage taken by 30%

Melee defense

The percentage of resistance to damage from all physical melee attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in final melee damage

Defense against ranged attacks

The percentage of resistance to damage from all physical attacks at a distance.

  • Percentage reduction in final damage from ranged attacks
  • Applies after armor damage reduction

Cold resistance

Percentage resistance to damage from cold attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total cold damage
  • Example: 30% Cold Defense will reduce Cold damage taken by 30%

Resistance to electricity

Percentage resistance to damage from electrical attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in final damage from electricity magic
  • Example: 30% Electrical Defense will reduce damage taken from Electrical magic by 30%

Fire resistance

Percentage resistance to damage from fire attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total fire damage
  • Example: 30% Fire Defense will reduce fire damage taken by 30%

Resistance to spirit magic

The percentage of resistance to damage from attacks by spirit magic.

  • Percentage reduction in final Spirit damage
  • Example: 30% Spirit Defense will reduce Spirit damage taken by 30%


Before damaging the character's health, the enemy must damage the defense, if any.

  • Defense is like extra health that can be gained through certain abilities
  • Max Defense = 25% of your Max Health
  • Some abilities increase maximum amount defense
  • Bug: Ability Unwavering Defense does not increase maximum defense

Armor level

The character's armor level reduces physical damage taken.

  • Reduces physical damage taken at melee and ranged combat for the armor value * coefficient depending on the difficulty (varies within 1-2, there is no exact information yet)
  • Applies before armor reduction from melee/ranged defenses
  • Some enemies have their own armor characteristics

Armor Level: Front

Physical damage dealt to the character from the front is reduced by the level of armor.

  • Functions like a normal armor level, but is only used when taking damage from the front
  • This parameter increases when wearing a shield; for all others, the value of Armor Level and Armor Level: before will be the same


A character whose health is reduced to zero falls unconscious and loses the ability to fight.

  • Current health

Maximum Health

The maximum amount of health a character has.

  • The amount of maximum health determines the character's survivability: the more it is, the more damage you can take and stay on your feet

Cause bleeding when hit

Chance that an enemy attack against a character causes the enemy to bleed. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • Currently, this option does not work

Get stunned by getting hit

The likelihood that when an enemy attacks you, he will be stunned. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • Indicates the percentage chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds when hit
  • Can work on ranged attacks if the enemy is standing close
  • Stun allows you to use combos (trigger abilities)
  • There is no internal re-stun delay



A resource acquired when damage is dealt. Each squad member has their own Focus bar, but whoever deals damage receives Focus for the entire squad.

  • Focus is required to use focus abilities, see specializations for details.

Maximum concentration

The maximum focus this character can accumulate.

  • Base value: 100, allows you to use level 1 focus abilities
  • At the first improvement it becomes equal to 200, allows you to use level 2 focus abilities
  • With the second improvement it becomes equal to 300, allows you to use level 3 focus abilities

Focus Gain Bonus

The specified % bonus is added to the focus received (regardless of what it was received for).

  • A value that increases the concentration received by n-amount %


The amount of current mana/stamina a character has. Mana and stamina are needed to use abilities (for warriors and robbers it’s stamina, for magicians it’s mana).

Max Mana/Stamina

The maximum possible mana/stamina reserve for a character. Menu and stamina are needed to use abilities.

  • Maximum mana/stamina = 100 and does not increase with level

Combat experience points

The character's current experience points.

  • Experience can be gained by killing enemies, completing quests, and many other actions.
  • By gaining experience, the character's level increases


The character's current combat level. Read more about levels on a separate page.

Ability Recovery Modifier

Reduces the cooldown time of all character abilities.

  • A value that reduces the recovery rate of abilities by n-amount of %
Minimum Requirements Processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q6400 2.13 GHz/AMD Athlon II X4 6400e 2.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, video card with DirectX 10 support and 1 GB memory, for example NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT/ATI Radeon HD 4870, 26 GB hard drive disk, internet connection and Account on Origin Recommended Requirements Processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 3.00 GHz/AMD Phenom II X6 1605T 3.0 GHz, 8 GB RAM, video card with 2 GB memory, for example NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660/AMD Radeon HD 7870 release date November 21, 2014 Age limit from 18 years old Platforms PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One Official site

Game tested on PC

Dragon Age: Origins turned out to be the last of its kind, big-budget, old-school RPG. One of those that is commonly called cRPG. Now this is the lot of more modest studios that raise money for projects using Kickstarter. And BioWare, once the leader of the genre, is looking for new ways in an attempt to please the widest possible range of players. Some may not like this approach, but it certainly forces developers to experiment. However, Inquisition became for BioWare not only an attempt to find something new in the genre, but also the largest brainchild in the entire history of the company. It's a pity that in some places the quality doesn't keep up with the quantity.

⇡ Another hero who didn’t ask for this

For newcomers to the series and those who have forgotten past issues, let us remind you that the events take place in the fictional fantasy world of Thedas. Life there is far from easy: elves are bullied and humiliated, gnomes are pompous conservatives and recluses, and people are arrogant and selfish. The eternal problem with magicians aggravates the picture: wizards are so powerful that ordinary people are terribly afraid of them. In some countries, sorcerers came to power, while in others Circles were created, where all those gifted with power are obliged to work under the strict supervision of the Templars. These factions, of course, constantly fight among themselves, provoke each other and create an endless stream of problems. One of these skirmishes spilled over into a global conflict, which was described in detail in Dragon Age 2.

If you see something, it usually means you can get there

The events of "Inquisition" begin several months after the ending of the sequel. Another influential party in the world of Thedas, the Church, tried to calm down the outbreak of war between the magicians and their eternal overseers. Unfortunately, the last chance for an uneasy peace is shattered with a terrible explosion in the negotiations. The only one who survived was ours main character. Who exactly he will be is up to the player to decide: the developers have returned the ability to customize alter egos. And they even offered to try on the skin of the Qunari - a warlike race of horned big men. The choice will not affect the introduction in any way, but the attitude of some characters towards you will depend not least on your race, which is justified by the plot: the survivor is called the Herald of Andraste - a divine lady from the religion of people. It's awkward when a goddess marks a member of another species with her mark. However, we will have to save Thedas anyway, because only the protagonist can close the Gaps caused by the explosion. They are portals to the Shadow - a world inhabited by all sorts of ghosts and demons who strive to get into physical reality by inhabiting the bodies of wizards.

At first, the writers try to maintain the intrigue and hide the dark personality, who is another threat to the world, but they quickly give up and lay all their cards on the table. Behind the disaster is one of the old enemies, who has returned to take revenge and gain world domination. The story of Inqusition is an adventure in the spirit of Origins, with pathos turned up to the level of The Lord of the Rings. The motives and goals of our character are given secondary importance here. BioWare has succeeded in conveying the feeling that we are involved in a truly important conflict where the fate of all things is at stake. Some scenes give you goosebumps with their scope, and the majestic music makes you want to jump out of your chair and go to feats of arms. However, the next moment you are surprised to find that you are going, at the request of a poor merchant, to deal with a pathetic thief.

Dragons in Inquisition are even more dangerous than before

⇡ Pieces of the world at your feet

With all the powerful factions split and weakened, the world needs new power, which the revived Inquisition becomes. WITH real prototype it has nothing to do with anything, it doesn’t burn witches (only very bad ones), and in general it brings goodness and order into the world in every possible way under your strict guidance. You and your team of loyal companions, in general, take on the entire brunt of field work, of which there really is a lot in Inquisition. The developers let us go open world, without becoming trivial with its scale. From the Inquisition fortress - your main base - you can get to any accessible point in the kingdom. A fortress is not some kind of rest stop or spaceship, but a real huge castle in which you can spend many hours arranging it, communicating with party comrades and completing small tasks. There you choose which lands to explore next. You will spend a very, very long time on this...

In order not to be unfounded, we note that a complete study of only one starting location it will take at least ten hours, and some tasks will have to be “finished off” for more high level. The accessible territory is truly huge and far from a labyrinth: there are vast fields, dense forests, and spacious plains. And you literally can’t take a single step on them without stumbling upon the next task: either you’ll find a note on a corpse, or you’ll see an ancient mysterious artifact, or you’ll run into a lair of bandits. And there are an incredible number of missions to collect collectibles. Unfortunately, the vast majority of third-party quests are formulaic and described by the old and evil “go/kill/fetch” scheme. But it’s difficult not to do them: firstly, this is a precious experience, and secondly, the designers have arranged them in such a way that, while you cross out one item from the magazine, three new ones have time to appear in it. It’s good that almost all tasks are marked on the map, so it’s quite difficult to get lost.

BioWare has a strange love for close-ups

After twenty hours of play, you can be horrified to discover that all this time you have been doing nonsense and have completed only the prologue, and the main events of Inquisition are only beginning now. Not everyone will like the obsessive routine work, but if you get into the process, it will be almost impossible to tear yourself away. There are dozens of locations—some more, others less, but two statements are true for all of them: they are filled to the brim with errands and are damn beautiful. Each location is unique and worked out to the smallest detail. I want to walk slowly and admire the streams, snow-covered hills and the raging sea beating against the rocks. But the constant attacks of monsters, robbers and demons, which, in addition, in the most brazen manner are reborn right behind your back, prevent you from wandering peacefully.

The combat system allows you to deal with them in different ways. BioWare tried to sit on two chairs and shifted the focus to action, but at the same time left the tactical pause mode. The battles look very spectacular, and at a high level of difficulty with damage to friendly targets enabled, they require tactics and a thoughtful approach. On the other hand, managing all this farce is sometimes incredibly difficult. When changing the character under control, the camera is centered on him and loses its target; when directly controlling the hero, there is no elementary automatic attack, and chains of instructions cannot be given. The latter is especially critical, since each of the four wards has to be given one order at a time, which is why strategic planning sometimes turns into a tedious routine. So that on high difficulty you don’t feel like a whipping boy when passing through story missions, you have to actively swing in nature, as if in some jRPG. The hero development system is simple, but sometimes it makes you think long and hard. Character development is a thing of the past - now you only have control over the choice of your next skill. Their number doesn’t dazzle your eyes, but not a single one is useless. There are even fewer skill points, so you have to choose what to sacrifice.

No, the Archdemon is not the main villain this time

⇡ Captain of the Inquisition

When solving small problems, it is easy to forget about running the Inquisition and the fact that you are leading people who need to be supported. It never hurts to talk about life with friends, especially since your comrades-in-arms turned out to be interesting personalities with a capital L. You can talk with each of them for a long time: ask about their history, people, culture, problems, and so on. Of course, each one is associated with a personal quest and the opportunity... for closer communication. Don’t worry, no one is forcing same-sex relationships—if you don’t mention it first, no one will even think about hinting at your sexuality.

The organization itself will not move without you either. The castle must be equipped, making sure that the inhabitants are happy with everything. One fortress of a large faction is not enough - you need to conquer forts in the regions into which difficult times will take you. These are strong points where you can always rest, replenish your supply of potions, change your team composition and improve your weapons. The crafting system is simple but well thought out, and it’s really convenient and useful to use. It is impossible to live without crime in controlled properties, so sometimes criminals will be brought to your trial. The verdict comes quickly, but some of the scenes are funny. Military meetings will become a frequent occurrence. With its help you discover new story missions and territories for travel, and also send your advisers to complete missions. The system is reminiscent of managing assassins in later editions of Assassin’s Creed: you select a point on the map, click “send an agent,” and after a while he returns with a report and some reward.

A squad of archers has occupied the heights: no one will even come close to you

Inquisition also provides multiplayer, which is a cooperative mode. Reminiscent of a small four-person raid from an MMO: a group of warriors makes their way through narrow dungeons and ruins, fights off waves of enemies and fights the boss at the end of this path. Between sessions, you can improve the skills of your online character, buy him a new uniform, weapon, or choose new class. Overall, the multiplayer mode may well keep you playing for a few extra evenings.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is full of different possibilities and gameplay layers. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the most voluminous and ambitious project that BioWare has ever produced—its scale is astounding. But with one element that is very important to win the heart of a fan role playing games, it still didn’t work out. There are very few cause-and-effect relationships - only a few decisions significantly change the development of the plot. For the most part, our choice can affect something only in the theoretical fourth part. However, this does not make an excellent adventure about saving the world any worse. Inquisition is not perfect, but it can draw you into its vastness for a good hundred hours, and even after all this time, Thedas will be able to throw in some new story.


  • a huge world that acquired depth and detail for the threequel;
  • stunning visuals;
  • the combat system is spectacular and not without a tactical element;
  • organic interaction of gameplay elements and mechanics;
  • elaborate companions and romantic lines.


  • ill-conceived tactical pause mode;
  • clunky keyboard controls;
  • The scale of the game promises nightmares for every fan of 100% completions.
Graphic arts

Frostbite latest version allowed developers to realize spacious and detailed locations, complemented by beautiful visual effects. Compared to them, the characters' faces and animation do not leave such a pleasant impression.


BioWare has never had any problems with music: here you have soothing melodies, pathetic battle motifs, and goosebump-inducing choral singing.

Single player game

A role-playing game of large caliber: huge scope, dozens of mechanics layered on top of each other, most of which work perfectly. The problem is that sometimes Inquisition becomes overly... intrusive.

Group game

Dragon Age: Inquisition


Although BioWare is still looking for an opportunity, there are various tweaks for games on it, and Dragon Age: Inquisition is proof of this. Most mods for it are characters and saves created by others, but among them there are also truly worthy crafts that simplify the gameplay and make it more varied. Our today's top is dedicated to such fashions.

It is, of course, worth giving BioWare its due - in the time since its release, the studio has added a lot of features to the game, including free mouse viewing, walking, hotkeys, and in May it is going to please honest people with a Black Shop a la Dragon Age 2, where players will be able to change the appearance of their heroes and do much more (we rely on the imagination of the developers).

How to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 6

There are several programs for modifying the game, the most popular of which is. Alas, the latest patch released by BioWare (the official sixth one) introduced some confusion into the operation of the program, as a result of which it became impossible to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition. Patch 6, however, can be tricked - the error lies in incorrectly reading information from the Patch.daimod file.

To help the program and install the mod on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 6, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. Download and place it in any folder. Next, download the mods you are interested in and place the files with the .daimod extension in any other folder. (Important! The path to both folders should not contain Cyrillic, i.e. Russian characters.)
  2. Go to the directory with installed game, then go to Update and make a copy of the Patch folder (rename the copy somehow).
  3. Launch DAI ModManager, specifying the path to the game's .exe file and the path to the folder where you put the mod files. (If DAI ModManager stops working, the paths can be pre-specified in the daimodmanager.ini file that comes with the program.)
  4. Select any mod you are interested in (the patch will be selected by default) and make sure that the “Force Rescan of Patch” option is not selected! Click Merge and specify the path to any empty folder where the modified files created by the program will be placed. In the future, they can be safely removed.
  5. After completing all operations, close the program, go to the folder with DAIModManager and replace the Patch.daimod file that appears there with ().
  6. Launch DAIModManager again, select all the mods you need (the patch will be selected by default) and click Merge.
  7. Copy the subsequently created modified files (package.mft and Data) to the Patch folder, a copy of which we made, completely replacing the existing ones.
  8. Launch the game and enjoy!

How to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 7

7. Infinite Uses Respec Amulet

Everything flows, everything changes, and the world Inquisition is proof of this. Often skill points thoughtlessly spent at the beginning turn out to be needed for later stages of the game, and constantly buying a Tactical Upgrade for 345 coins turns out to be expensive. The Infinite Uses Respec Amulet mod is designed to eliminate this difficulty.

It makes it possible to use a Tactical Update purchased once an unlimited number of times. After each use, the amulet should be put into inventory - otherwise, when you exit the customization menu, it may disappear, and the character’s skills will be reset constantly.

8. Accelerated acquisition of levels and perks of the Inquisition / NewExperienceTable + NewInfluenceTable

Like More Inquisition Levels, these two mods change the experience table the player receives, allowing you to speed up your progress (for those who want to eradicate its MMO component from the game) or slow it down (for those who want to take longer and harder). It is advisable to install mods as early as possible, preferably before level seven. Also, mods do not affect skill points, so if after installing a new table your character upgrades several levels higher, he will not be given points for these levels. As a bonus, NewExperienceTable significantly increases the chance of hearing companions talking to each other.

Available in three variations.

/ Answer to the game: / What is the best class in Dragon Age Inquisition?

What is the best class in Dragon Age Inquisition?


It is impossible to answer definitively the question of which class is the best in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Each of them has its own advantages and features. Who to play is a matter of taste. When creating a character, you can choose one of three classes. This is a warrior, mage or robber. Having reached a certain level of skill, the character is given the opportunity to choose a specialization that will expand the range of the Inquisitor's abilities. For example, a warrior - a melee specialist, clad in heavy armor and wielding powerful weapons, is one of the main members of a squad who can destroy enemies around him in a matter of minutes (of course, with proper leveling). The magician is also an important component. He can both attack and help party members by applying resistance to elements, poisons, or restoring health. But you should always take into account the supply of mana. The rogue can be skilled in melee and ranged combat, using daggers or a bow. He also has the ability to pick locks and make traps. Taking into account the advantages of each class, the player will choose who he is most comfortable playing with, because the development of the plot depends on this. In addition, you need to take into account that the character on the battlefield is usually part of a squad that needs to be combined in such a way as to get the maximum in the game.
