Dragon knight absolute guard where to get. Walkthrough of Dragon Knight - knowledge base, secrets, guides. What to prepare for

This is the first time we've talked about MMORPGs - the genre is very popular and rapidly developing. Today on the agenda is a representative of this genre - the game dragon knight. To start playing it completely free, follow the link at the very end of the article. In the review we will focus on guides - recommendations for passing difficult game moments

Dragon knight review - another Korean boom?

Browser games and MMORPGs from Korean developers have long been known to all fans of these genres. Unfortunately, many of them are very similar, and truly good projects few. Fortunately, dragon knight is one of good MMORPG, which you want to download and play. We'll talk about all the features and delights of this game in dragon review knight.

Let's start with classes. There are only two of them in the game - a warrior and a magician. If we talk about characters, then the player can choose a man or a girl. There are no significant differences between them, only appearance. According to the plot, the hero must rescue the princess from the clutches of the dragon (straight classic). As you progress, the entire story of the character is revealed.

As in typical games, we have to upgrade our character’s skills by fighting monsters, bosses and completing tasks. To help the hero there are various creatures that can be hired for Magic Souls received in the Hall of Heroes. To quickly navigate gaming world Local horses - mounts - are available.

The game has many secrets and tricks, which is probably why many players resort to hacking dragon knight, but not everyone succeeds. And all because the developers monitor their product, periodically releasing gift codes or collaborating with VKontakte, making it possible to purchase various cool products for votes.things. Recently, by the way, readers discussed the toy and came to the consensus that it would be nice to get such additional features there too. But, alas.

WITH technical side the game looks modern (even more chic than those previously described) - the graphics are pleasing to the eye: the picture is bright and colorful, the characters are drawn in detail, individual locations, such as the kingdom of the undead, the forest of elves, the temple of dragons, look simply amazing; The soundtrack is also up to par.

Dragon knight guides on the most difficult aspects of the game

To help you start playing better, we have prepared for you some dragon knight guides that will help you become much stronger and more experienced.

Guide No. 1. Recruits

For successful battles and leveling up your rank, you need to choose the right recruits. But here the question arises: “Who exactly should I pump?” There are three recruits available from the start of the game, and you'll upgrade or replace each of them as you progress. The best choice would be:

  1. 1 star. Guardian ( typical tank with health replenishment), archer (deals damage to three targets), beauty queen (increases group damage).
  2. 2 stars. Knight (tank with blocking attacks), priestess (restores the health of one character with less HP), reaper (attacks 3 targets with a decrease in their defense)
  3. 3 stars. Sorceress (gives the group invulnerability), fencer (hero who deals damage to everyone), Thor (tank who reduces enemy attacks)
  4. 4 stars. Lord (tank that restores health), archmage (deals damage to two targets), banshee (heals all allies), sword soul warrior (attacks all enemies), king of the gods (also deals damage to everyone)

Recruit "Apollo" (3 stars) can either be purchased or won in the event. He is also an attacking character. Upgrading it will take quite a lot of time and money: to make it red, you need to purchase Apollo souls, which can be obtained in events for balens.

Video guide on recruits:

Recruits can be repainted in different colors for minerals (this is also called recruit hardening). The higher the recruit level, the more it will cost. Tempering will allow the recruit to become stronger, just like using a magic circle.

Guide No. 2. Talents

How to improve your hero in dragon knight? You can say that you need to upgrade runes, wings, armor. This is true, but first of all you need to use talent cards. Talent cards become available at level 80. They can be exchanged for 100 neophytes (for the orange card) or for 100 shards (for the purple card). Neophytes and shards can be obtained in certain events. Cards can be equipped both for yourself and for recruits. Initially, one slot out of three is allocated for cards. The remaining two can be opened with keys purchased in the store.

Sets of three cards are called sets. The set gives a unique ability made up of skills on three cards. Each card has a skill written on it, as well as which cards it needs to be combined with. The graphics, by the way, are somewhat similar to, although the essence, of course, is different. Card levels can be increased to increase their characteristics. The level of a card increases using astrals obtained when another card is destroyed (an interesting system, isn’t it). In addition, astrals can be obtained in events.

Guide No. 3. Goddess

The Goddess is another one of the recruits who will always help the hero (even in single missions). First you need to summon the Goddess by fulfilling all her conditions. The hero must reach level 60. To summon some you need to use a key purchased in the store. You also need Star Points, which are obtained by practicing Astrology. In one day you can practice Astrology 10 times or purchase Advanced Astrology for balens. When you have finally received the coveted Star Points, you can unlock the Goddess.

You can increase its level 10 times a day using feathers, which you can buy in the store or win at events. For balens you can also get crystals of the Goddess, which will increase her stardom (sounds strange, doesn’t it). In general, your Goddess will be 2- or 3-star, which will give her a big increase in characteristics.

To improve the character's skills, you can pray to the Goddess up to 3 times a day, receiving Love, which can be exchanged for bonuses. But a truly excellent addition to a hero’s combat rating will be the use of sacred seals. To obtain them you need to increase the number of Goddess stars.

Guide No. 4. Knight

One of the recruits in dragon knight is the Knight. Let's find out more about him. Knight is a recruit available from level 40 (2 stars). He is most often used as a tank, due to his large amount of health and good defense. Among the equipment, one can note the Sacred Shield, which the character uses only on himself when defending. His Magic Block does the same. The recruit's signature ability is Conservation of Strength: when the hero's HP is below 30%, he will take 60% less damage.

Guide No. 5. Guild

In addition to getting married and giving flowers to a partner or ending a marriage in the city of Glory, the player can interact with other people using the Guild (this is something like a squad in). Guilds belong to two factions - Horde and Alliance. Which one to join is up to you.

You can create your own Guild for 10 balens or join an existing one. It is best to choose large communities (you will definitely have fun there!). The Guild will allow you to fight the Devil - a boss, defeating whom you will receive valuable rewards and experience. The further you advance in the battle with the Devil, the more experience you will receive.

Guide No. 6. Dragons

At level 45 you can build your own dragon, reminiscent of knight saga. You will learn how to get a dragon and collect dragon parts right now.

Dragon parts are unlocked in the Squad Tower. Parts of the Green Dragon in the Sacred Tower, the Ancient White Dragon in the Heavenly Tower, and the Red Dragon in the Lost Tower. You can purchase parts of the Black Dragon in the Guild store. At the event you can get pieces of the Golden Dragon, and in the Mystic Store there are components of the Ancient Platinum Dragon.

To awaken the dragon, you will need, in addition to parts, the Spirit of the Dragon, obtained in the Squad Tower. The dragon can be upgraded by spending Dragon Spirit. You can separately improve your lives, attack, physical and magical defense, block, etc. From level 90 you can improve your dragon through Dragon Blood. One core consists of eight elements. To upgrade the first one you need the Dragon Spirit, but the rest can be bought in the store or exchanged from a merchant for badges received in the “Wild Plunder” event.

In addition to this, there is Dragon Ball. A mini-game like ZUMA, where you have to shoot balls at others and collect balls of the same color in a chain. You can try to play this mini-game 2 times a day or purchase attempts for balens in order to develop better.

Guide No. 7. Pets and pet leveling

You can upgrade your characteristics not only with the help of fashion and building, but also with the help of pets, available from level 70. You can buy them in the store for balens. The pet can be tied to a character or recruits. For the most productive battle, you can choose the following tactics: the main character gets a pet that improves his attack; tanku - increases HP; magician - improving magical attack.

Pets can be trained using a whistle or for balens. Training improves their performance. The number of workouts depends on your level:

Number of workouts

No limits

Skill Souls obtained in the event can be used to improve Pets, and with the help of Pet Essence you can strengthen the Skill Souls themselves. Gradually the pet grows and moves to the next level. You can speed up this process for balens.

Guide No. 8. Dungeon - dark but exciting

The Guild Dungeon is a great way to test the strength of yourself and your teammates. You can go to the Dungeon 3 times per day or buy additional attempts for balens and sapphires. You can go to the Dungeon either alone or with two or three allies from the Guild.

Dungeons in dragon knight are different from caves in. Here you will find 6 levels, each of which has a boss. If you complete all 6 levels, you will be able to explore the new Dungeon. In addition, you can try to kill the “elite” boss once for special rewards. After completing the Dungeon, you receive weapons or scrolls to improve weapons. It is best to go into Dungeons with a pumped-up rage (energy bar).

Guide No. 9. Mounts and their summoning

Mounts are not only a means of transportation, but also a very useful pet. They add characteristics to the hero and recruits in battle. They can be trained using Whips, as well as for gold. You can upgrade mounts using crystals. Many people ask the question: “how to summon another mount if there is already one?” It's very simple. You need to release the active one, but it will not disappear, and you can use it later.

Guide No. 10. Goblins with a robbery

The Goblin Robbery is a large-scale event that takes place every day at 14:00 and 19:00 Moscow time. By participating in this event, you can get very good rewards. One of them is given when defeating a boss for the amount of damage you deal. You also receive chests that may contain gems. Many people don’t know how to arrange gems, but in fact it’s very simple:

  • the tank gets physical attack, magician and physical defense, HP, crit and block;
  • on the main character - physical attack and defense, anti-block, crit;
  • attacker - the same as the main character, only instead of a physical attack there is a magical attack;
  • healer or buffer - magic attack, physical and magic defense, crit, anti-block.

So, we have reviewed the main guides of the Dragon Knight game, we hope they will help you achieve high results in gameplay. Below is a link, by clicking on which you can immediately start playing Dragon Knight over the network.

Dear readers, if you have questions about the game or our material seems insufficiently informative, please notify us via a comment. We will write a new material where we will answer any of your questions. Thank you!

Events and functionality level 160+.

Awakening of the hero and recruits.

The functionality becomes available when your main character reaches level 160.

Note: On this moment not fully translated, so the article is for informational purposes only, screenshots may contain text in the form of hieroglyphs, some aspects of awakening may change.

Recruit Temple.

Attention: the transition to the Recruit Temple, where you can get resources for awakening, is available via the link under the required resource.

The interface of this functionality looks like this:

Allows you to increase the maximum recruit level to 190, the number of his stars to 8 and give him an additional skill.

The lower the initial number of stars and recruit level, the more stages will be required to awaken (for example, awakening a fiery goddess will require more time and resources than an angel).

As the recruit's level and number of stars increases, its basic characteristics also increase.

Conditions for awakening:

Recruits with an initial number of stars equal to 5 who have reached the red form (spirit).

Currently these conditions include: Flame Goddess; Ice Witch; Hunter; Swordsman; Angel; Princess; Lich; Shaman; Warrior Panda; Death Knight; Fallen Angel and Ultimate Guardian.

The functionality is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Increasing the maximum level and number of stars for a recruit.
  2. New skill: - a recruit with 5 initial stars will acquire an additional active skill.
- for a recruit with 6 initial stars, change the standard active skill / acquire an additional active skill.

For a recruit with 7 initial stars, change the standard active skill / acquire an additional active skill.

A recruit with 8 initial stars can change the standard active skill / acquire an additional passive skill.

The left guard in the temple of recruits provides resources for increasing recruit stars (from 1 to 5 units per attempt), the right one provides resources for awakening (1 unit per attempt).

So, let's go into battle.

You can purchase up to 50 attempts (depending on your VIP level) for real and prize balens.

Currently, attempts purchased with balens do not expire at 00:00 (as in many other functionalities), but remain with you until you spend them.

Cost of additional purchase attempts:

0-10 for 20 balens
11-20 for 50 balens
21-30 for 100 balens
31-40 for 150 balens
41-50 for 200 balens

General cost diagram for full awakening:

Recruit with an initial number of stars equal to 5: 200 units resource for increasing stars + 100 units. resource for awakening.
Recruit with an initial number of stars equal to 6: 150 units resource for increasing stars + 100 units. resource for awakening.
Recruit with an initial number of stars equal to 7: 100 units resource for increasing stars + 100 units. resource for awakening.
Recruit with an initial number of stars equal to 8: 100 units resource for awakening.

To avoid confusion, below are examples of each recruit's awakening.

Attention! Additional skill/ changing an already existing active skill of a recruit occurs only on last stage awakening.

Let's look at each recruit individually.

Monkey King.

We increase stars and level.
Stage 1(Requirements: 100 units of the “essence of the monkey king” resource)

Result: 150 lvl / 6 stars.

Stage 2(Requirements: 100 units of the “essence of the monkey king” resource)

Result: lvl 170 / 7 stars

Stage 3(Requirements: 100 units of the resource "the basis of the monkey king")

Result: lvl 190 / 8 stars

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Golden Club"

Additional skill from awakening: “Hair of Salvation.” When receiving fatal damage, the recruit will fully restore his health. Can only work 1 time in battle.

Ice witch.

We increase stars and level.
Stage 1

Result: 150 lvl / 6 stars

Stage 2(Requirements: 50 units of the “icy heart” resource)

Result: lvl 170 / 7 stars

Stage 3(Requirements: 100 units of the “icy heart” resource)

Result: lvl 190 / 8 stars

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Tian Shan Snow Lotus"

Additional skill from awakening: “Touching the Snow Lotus”.

One-time healing of a single allied target, bonus healing of 3500 HP. Used when necessary, after use the skill is recharged within 3 turns.


Flame goddess.

We increase stars and level.
Stage 1(Requirements: 50 units of the “fiery heart” resource)

Result: 150 lvl / 6 stars

Stage 2 ( Requirements: 50 units. resource "fiery heart")

Result: lvl 170 / 7 stars

Stage 3(Requirements: 100 units of the “fiery heart” resource)

Result: lvl 190 / 8 stars

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Fiery Nirvana"

Additional skill from awakening: "Flame of War".

Used on the second turn (first of all, the goddess uses the mass destruction skill “blade of destruction”). Deals additional damage in the amount of 3500 units to a random single target (if there are several of them at the time the ability is used). + guaranteed blindness for 2 turns (stun for 2 turns). After use, the skill recharges for 3 turns.

Note: Between stages it is necessary to “pump up” the recruit with gold and experience items.


We increase stars and level.
Stage 1(Requirements: 50 units of the “hunter’s hammer” resource)

Result: lvl 170 / 7 stars

Stage 2(Requirements: 100 units of the “hunter’s hammer” resource)

Result: lvl 190 / 8 stars

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource " Magic potion rage"

Change of skill from awakening: "Earthquake".

Replaces the "Tornado of Death" skill. Attacks a single enemy target, causing additional damage of 3500 units. and restores his health. After use, the skill recharges for 2 turns; available for reuse on the third turn (from the moment of first use).

Note: Between stages it is necessary to “pump up” the recruit with gold and experience items.


We increase stars and level.
Stage 1(Requirements: 50 units of resource “Magic sword with a sharp blade”)

Result: lvl 170 / 7 stars

Stage 2(Requirements: 100 units of resource “Magic sword with a sharp blade”)

Result: lvl 190 / 8 stars

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Dragon Slayer Medal"

Awakening skill change: Punishing Strike.

Replaces the "Murder" skill. Attacks all enemy targets, causing additional damage of 3500 units. and reduces the defense of attacked targets. After use, the skill recharges for 3 turns; available for reuse on the fifth turn (from the moment of first use).

Note: Between stages it is necessary to “pump up” the recruit with gold and experience items.


We increase stars and level.
Stage 1(Requirements: 50 units of the “Angel Symbol” resource)

Result: lvl 170 / 7 stars

Stage 2(Requirements: 100 units of the “Angel Symbol” resource)

Result: lvl 190 / 8 stars

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Heavenly Substance"

Additional skill from awakening: "Expansion of a strengthened element."

One attack on one enemy target in the back row causes additional damage of 3000 units, with a chance of causing double damage. Used on the second turn (on the first turn the angel uses his standard “destruction of a reinforced element” skill).

Note: Between stages it is necessary to “pump up” the recruit with gold and experience items.


We increase stars and level.
Stage 1(Requirements: 50 units of the Queen's Symbol resource)

Result: lvl 170 / 7 stars

Stage 2(Requirements: 100 units of the Queen's Symbol resource)

Result: lvl 190 / 8 stars

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource “Victory Royal Crown”

Change of skill from awakening: "Caring treatment of the queen."
Replaces the "Queen's Blessing" skill.
Heals 2 targets with the lowest health, bonus healing 3000 units. HP, applies a healing buff to the same targets (re-healing a smaller amount of HP at the end of the turn on which the buff was applied and at the end of the next turn).

Note: Between stages it is necessary to “pump up” the recruit with gold and experience items.


We increase stars and level.
Stage 1(Requirements: 100 units of the Death Lich resource)

Result: lvl 190 / 8 stars

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Hell's Secret Medicine"

Change of skill from awakening: "Elder of Chaos".
Replaces the "Critical Strike" skill.
Performs four attacks on random single enemy targets (the same target can be attacked several times), causing additional damage of 3500 units, has a chance to blind (stun) each attacked target for 2 turns.
Cooldown 3 turns, available for reuse on turn 4.

ATTENTION! The recruit does not use this active skill against one enemy (for example, in the “Invaders” event, “Space and Time - Invasion” dark forces", in other situations when the skill is recharged, but your opponent has one recruit left in the battle).

Note: Between stages it is necessary to “pump up” the recruit with gold and experience items.


We increase stars and level.
Stage 1(Requirements: 100 units of the resource “Essence of the Moon God”)

Result: lvl 190 / 8 stars

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Code of the Priest"

Additional skill from awakening: “Protect the elder stars.”

Places a shield on all allied targets, additional shield capacity of 3500 units. Used on the first turn. Shield duration is 3 rounds.
Cooldown 3 turns, available for reuse on turn 4.

ATTENTION! The standard shaman skill “Advanced Guardian of Elune” (combined buff: healing + increased damage) after awakening is used strictly on the second turn.

Note: Between stages it is necessary to “pump up” the recruit with gold and experience items.

Warrior panda.

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Helmet and armor of the commander"

Additional skill from awakening: "Element of Strength".
Passive skill. Increases own damage by 3% for each hit. The damage increase cannot exceed 15%.

Death Knight.

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Helmet of Death"

Additional skill from awakening: "Deadly Blow".

Passive skill. Increases the death knight's damage by 50% if the target's HP falls below 30%.
IMPORTANT: The skill increases damage when attacking a target with a low HP level; if the knight attacks another target whose HP value is above the 30% threshold, there will be no increase in damage.

Fallen Angel.

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Feather of Divine Light"

Change of skill from awakening: "Wishes of Divine Light."
Replaces the skill "Restore Divine Light".
Heals your entire squad, bonus healing is 3500 units. HP, applies a healing buff (re-healing a smaller amount of HP at the end of the turn on which the buff was applied and at the end of the next turn).
Cooldown 3 turns, available for reuse on turn 4.

The absolute guard.

Awakening. Requirements: 100 units. resource "Shield of Strength"

Change of skill from awakening: "Absolute Guardian". Replaces the "High Level Guard" skill.

For 2 turns, applies a buff to your squad, during which the absolute guard absorbs 50% of the damage dealt to any of your other recruits. (Recruits under the buff only receive half the damage, the other half is taken by the guard).

Cooldown 3 turns, available for reuse on turn 4.

ATTENTION! The damage absorbed cannot exceed the absolute guard's own health. Under the influence of the buff, the absolute guard can take fatal damage to himself.

Good luck, brave warriors!

Dragon Knight is an online browser game in the MMORPG genre in which players will have to raise and raise their own dragon. You will also have to face many terrible monsters and monsters, as well as explore the world of wonderful creatures - dragons.

IN Dragon game Knight players will fight both on the ground and in the air. Seven different dynasties, an interesting path of development, as well as a dragon assistant, will create an indescribable impression of the game and a lot of positive emotions.

In the database knowledge Dragon Knight contains valuable information that will help players in their passage.


Things in the game are bought only once, and then constantly improved by crafting. Recipes for it are found in dungeons, as are items to improve a character and minerals. Things to improve a recruit are obtained in the Crypt and in the Kingdom of Constellations, which is similar to a star path woven from many cities. Each of these cities has its own bosses, and after going to the end, the player receives a Spiritual Weapon. It is the most desirable, as it gives serious increases in characteristics.

Upgrading the hero and recruits

Getting into dangerous world Dragon Knight, any player begins his journey in splendid isolation. By fighting and completing tasks, he increases his level. Over time, new opportunities open up: hiring recruits and creating a formation. The dangers on your team’s path will become more serious with every step, so you need to develop your recruits together with the main characters. This is what this guide is dedicated to.

So on Level 15 The “Hero” function becomes available.

In the “Increase Level” tab, you can make your recruit stronger by increasing his level with the help of fruits of different grades. The higher the grade of the fruit, the more experience the recruit will receive from it. In addition to fruits, there are many items in the game that give experience: cards, wine and the like that the player can receive for quests, from gift sets, participating in events and so on.

In order to increase the recruit's level, not only items that provide experience are required, but also gold. The more experience required to level up, the more gold will be spent. The main character cannot be leveled up this way. He gains experience by going through Kripa, completing quests, participating in events, or from working as prisoners.

At level 26, the “Upgrade” function opens.

When a recruit or main character reaches the maximum level of the current grade, it can be improved to the next one, while raising its BR. As you improve your recruit, a new skill will be unlocked with each grade, which will increase your chances of winning.

In order to improve a recruit or the main character, improvement items are required, obtained in Dungeons, which open at level 28, as well as in the Hall of Heroes from level 80.

They can also be purchased at the exchanger for minerals that fall in the Dungeon.

There are a total of 5 levels of Recruit improvement if it is initially white:


Requirements for upgrading to Green:
Maximum level white grade.
– 1 improvement item.


Requirements for upgrading to Blue:
– Maximum level of green grade.
– 5 upgrade items.


Requirements for upgrading to Purple:
– Maximum blue grade level.
– 25 upgrade items.

Orange (gold)

Requirements for upgrading to Orange (Gold):
– Maximum level of the purple grade.
– 50 upgrade items.


Requirements for upgrading to Red (available for upgrading recruits above 3 stars):
– Maximum level of orange (gold) grade.
– 100 upgrade items.
– The same purple grade recruit of the maximum level.

Astral system

The Astral system will allow you to significantly strengthen each hero in your formation with the help of special items - Astrals, which you can gain access to after reaching level 50. On the bottom panel you will see the “Astro” icon, through which you will be taken to the Astra functionality menu. You can also use the “hotkey” for this - the “J” button.

There are 9 types of Astrals in total:
HP - increases maximum amount health.
Phys. A. - increases physical attack.
Phys. Z. - increases physical protection.
Mag. A. - increases magic attack.
Mag. Z. - increases magical protection.
Crit - increases the chance of a critical hit.
A. Crit - reduces the chance of receiving a critical hit.
Block - increases the chance to block an enemy attack and reduce incoming damage.
Breakthrough - increases the chance of bypassing the enemy’s “Block”.

A character can have a maximum of 8 Astrals! Choose Astrals wisely. For example, you shouldn’t give magicians Astrals with a physical attack, as they don’t work.

The search for Astrals is carried out for “gold”. To get the Astral you need to approach a certain NPC (quest character) and talk to him. For a certain amount of gold, he will give you a chance to get the Astral. The type of Astral depends only on your luck, and the quality (color) of the Astral depends on which NPC you pay.

Based on color (quality), Astrals are divided into 5 types:

White: Failure. Failed to get Astral. Such an Astral can only be sold.
Green: The initial quality of the Astral. The simplest and cheapest. Can be obtained from any NPC.
Blue: Astral is of average quality. With a very low chance it can drop starting from the second NPC.
Violet: High quality astral. Rarely appears. It can be obtained from the fourth and fifth NPCs or from a special exchanger.
Gold: Astral of the highest quality. The rarest and most powerful Astral. Can only be obtained from the fifth NPC or from a special exchanger.

In the “Exchanger”, you can directly exchange special “Astral Points” for any Astral that interests you. To get to the Exchanger, click on the “Exchange” button in the “Astro” menu.

You can get points by breaking unnecessary Violet and Golden Astrals.

By breaking 1 Violet Astral, you will receive 10 points; breaking 1 Golden Astral - 100 points.

The cost of 1 Purple Astral in the Exchanger is 50 points, the cost of 1 Golden Astral is 400 points.

World Dragon Knight is able to amaze anyone with an abundance of various missions, many monsters and monsters. But the most important place in it is occupied by dragons.

Our knowledge base will introduce you to many game nuances, using which you will be able to easily overcome the difficulties and obstacles that will come your way.

What awaits you in Dragon Knight

All game events take place in the vastness of three regions: hostile, neutral and peaceful.

Hostile– a short distance on the map, where danger awaits at every turn in the form of various monsters.

Peaceful– you are completely safe on its territory.

Neutral– the territories of these lands are not subject to either party.

During the passage gameplay you have to: collect equipment, mine wood, gems and ore, as well as engage in magical production and processing of precious metals.

You have to prove your superiority over your opponents in the arena.

Where to begin

First you need to choose the race on whose side you want to fight. This game project features four: people, orcs, elves and night elves. Then, during the passage, you choose a profession and class for him.

The developers have provided a nice feature - you can independently change the appearance of your hero by choosing a hairstyle or changing the shape of the head and much more.

It is also worth paying attention to the choice of alliance, which determines how your business will develop. story line. There are two of them: the Free Federation (protecting enslaved countries) and the Guardian Alliance (fighting unrest).

Your game path begins on the territory of the New Rebus, where you will complete your first quest. But as soon as you leave the walls of your fortress, you can become the prey of evil mobs at any time, because danger lurks everywhere in this world. Of course, there are also peaceful mobs here, so you should be extremely careful and attentive in order to be able to recognize the enemy.

Features of the passage

As you progress through the gameplay, you are rewarded with active skills, with which you again defeat your enemies. Gradually you expand and improve your skills.

With the help of wings, astrals, pets, a combination of talent cards and goddesses, it becomes possible to create your own unique playstyle, which will allow you to achieve superiority over your opponent.

The opportunity to become the owner of a petrified dragon. You have a personal pet at your disposal - a fire-breathing dragon that carries out all your orders.

To increase the number of points in your game account without any special expenses, visit the “Wheel of Fortune”. Here you have every chance to hit the jackpot and win a ton of balens.

You can test your luck every day, but the number of free attempts is limited. Their number may increase depending on your VIP level.

Instead of collecting a new set of equipment for levels 20, 40, 60, 80, 120 and 140, you can upgrade your equipment to gold. To do this, you need to obtain “dragon blood”, “ancient shards” and crystalloids with a level corresponding to yours. But you will significantly save other resources. Moreover, this improvement adds an additional gem slot.

But if your goal is to top the ratings, as well as take over this world, then you simply need the “orange set”. Forget about morality, catch goblins to take away their most valuable soul fragments. Take part in events to get artifacts that are unavailable to most players.

The Crypt (Crypt) is one of the most important game locations. This is where precious experience is gained for the main character. Come here every day until you have enough stamina.

After completing every 20 levels, new floors of the Crypt are opened, of different types of difficulty. To unlock them, you must fulfill certain conditions, such as improving your characters or recruits.

If you clear a floor earlier, you will have access to passing this floor in blitz mode, which is very convenient if you are short on time.

Dragons in the game, what choice to make

During the gameplay, you will meet several types of dragons on your way:

Black- bearer of darkness. His main weapon is black magic, but is distinguished by his weakness in the face of holiness. Can cope with the shadow without any problems.

Red- representative of the fire element. In battle he is good at both melee and ranged combat. Uses fire magic. Its Achilles heel is ice.

Blue- representative of the elements of nature. In confrontation he uses the elements of nature, he is masterful in ranged combat, but with the help of the power of darkness it is quite easy to defeat him.

Gold- bearer of the shrine. During the battle he uses light magic, but is very weak to dark magic.

White Dragon- possessor of the element of ice. His main weapons are ranged combat and ice magic. Vulnerable to the element of fire.

Bronze– representative of the element of darkness. In battle he uses dark magic and is a melee fighter. The main side used in the attack is dark magic, very weak to the power of ice.

Knowing the secrets and nuances of the game is success in passing Dragon Knight. In our knowledge base you will find a lot of useful things for yourself. The game project filled various missions, monsters and monstrosities galore. But the key place among them is, of course, occupied by dragons.

What to prepare for

All events in the game take place in the territories of three districts.
  • Peaceful. Peace and security reign everywhere here.
  • Neutral. The local lands are not subject to any of the warring parties.
  • Hostile. Small areas, but danger from various monsters lurks everywhere here.

As you pass level after level, you will have to engage not only in battles, but also in the extraction of wood, gems and ore. Don't forget to collect equipment and process precious metals. To prove your superiority over your opponents, go to the arena.

The beginning of time

To start your walkthrough Dragon world Knight, you need to join one of the opposing races: elves, night elves, orcs or humans. Already in the process of passing, your hero will receive his own profession and class.

The game has a nice feature - the appearance of your character is entirely up to you. You can choose his hairstyles, change the shape of his head and much more.

It is also worth paying your utmost attention to the choice of alliance, because the development of the storyline depends on this choice.

  • Free Federation– protects enslaved countries.
  • Guardian Alliance- fights riots.

Your journey begins on the territory of the “New Rebus”, where you immediately receive your first task. At the same time, remember, if you just leave the walls of your fortress, you risk becoming the prey of malicious mobs at any moment. There are also peaceful mobs in this world, but be extremely careful and attentive to be able to recognize the enemy.

About some features

By completing tasks behind the building and actively fighting with opponents, you gain active skills, the use of which will help you defeat new opponents. You can gradually expand and improve your skills and abilities.

Wings, astrals, pets, goddesses, card combinations - the ability to create your own unique style of play, thanks to which you can gain superiority over your opponent. You can become the owner of a petrified dragon. Also under your leadership is your own pet - a fire-breathing dragon, which obediently carries out all your orders.

To increase the number of points in your account without spending too much, visit the “wheel of fortune”. The chances of hitting the jackpot in balens are high. You can test your luck every day, but the number of free attempts is limited.


You will not go through the entire gameplay alone. Recruited mercenaries and your own pets will become your indispensable assistants. Only you should approach their choice extremely carefully.

To improve your recruits you will need fruits, experience cards and wine. To get them, go to the dungeons or passages of the Krypt. Improving the hero is only possible with the help of experience, which can also be earned in the Krypt (level 26 required).

If you have an unnecessary recruit, you can always fire him using the dismissal panel. If the recruit's color is not purple (which means it is not fully pumped), then dismissing him will bring you a small reward in the form of experience fruits. The purple recruit brings a soul, which is used the next time you hire the required mercenary.

There is no need to rush into dismissing recruits, because they are capable of improving each other’s skills.

Improving your character's skills to get a recruit pumped to the maximum is possible in the "sacred altar of the hero." You can get there for 2000 balens or 10 summon signs.

Regarding dragons

As you progress through the gameplay, you will meet dragons, which are represented in the game by several types.
  • Black. Bearer of the element of darkness. Black magic is his main weapon, but they are very weak in front of holiness. It copes with the shadow quite easily.
  • Red. Bearer of the element of fire. In battle, he is good at both long and close range. Uses fire magic. Weak to ice.
  • Blue. Bearer of the elements of nature. Virtuoso ranged, in which he uses the element of nature, but is very weak to darkness.
  • Gold. Bearer of the shrine. In battle he uses light magic, but is weak to dark magic.
  • White. Bearer of the elements of ice. Virtuoso of ranged combat and ice magic. Weak before fire.
  • Bronze. Bearer of the element of darkness. His strong point in battle is dark magic. Melee virtuoso. Differs in weakness to the power of ice.
  • Don't try to collect gear sets at levels 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, and 140, but instead upgrade your gear to gold level. To do this, you will need “dragon blood” with “ancient shards”, as well as crystalloids of the level that corresponds to the character’s level. This way you can significantly save other resources. Plus, such an improvement will provide an additional slot for the gem.
  • If you have set a goal for yourself - to top the ratings and take over this world, then you cannot do without the “orange set”.
  • You should completely forget about morality and catch goblins, robbing them of the most valuable fragments of their souls.
  • To obtain artifacts, take part in events that most players do not have access to. The crypt or crypt is a location that is one of the most key game locations. It is in this location that you can gain precious experience for your main character. It's worth coming here every day as long as you have the stamina for it.
  • After every 20 levels completed, access to new floors of the “crypt” opens, with varying difficulty levels. But before you unlock them, you will need to meet certain conditions. If you managed to completely clear a certain floor, then you can go through it again, but in the “blitz” mode, which is very convenient when you don’t have enough time.
