Dragon s dogma walkthrough of main quests. Walkthrough of the game Dragon's Dogma. Attack on the fortress

First of all, familiarize yourself with the controls. The W, S, A, D keys are used for movement. Left mouse button – light attack, right button mouse – heavy attack. The Esc key opens the pause menu. Press the I key to open your inventory.

Follow forward until you see a huge Dragon. Fight several goblins, follow the companion and jump down by pressing the Space button. Get closer to the large stone with the design and press the E key. Two more characters will appear who will help you on your journey.

Move on. Use the F1, F2, F3 keys to give commands to your teammates. Kill a few more goblins. To run, use the SHIFT key. Next you will see a flying creature. Attack him with standard attacks. Or hold down the left CTRL and, without releasing it, click on the left mouse button. Your hero will swing his sword, covering himself with a shield.

Fight with Chimera (first boss)

The fight is pretty simple. You must constantly be on the move and attack the Chimera either from below or from above. Approach the enemy from the side and press the F key to grab onto his hair. Now use the keys that are responsible for the movement of the character to climb onto the back of the Chimera. After that, attack.

Please note that at the top of the screen there is an enemy health bar. In addition to the purple line, there are two purple dots. This is the number of lives. When you empty the entire scale, one of the purple dots will go out. The scale will fill up again and you will have to empty it again. Then, when both dots go out, you will need to empty the purple gauge of the Chimera's health one last time. After this, the first mission will be completed.

Harbinger of Destruction

Just attack the Dragon until it throws the main character aside. Watch the cutscene.


After the cutscene, go to the table near the wall near where the weapon lies. Select your character's hero class. After this, leave the room through the passage nearby. Watch the cutscene and leave the house.

Walk along the street in the direction of the marker, which is depicted as an orange circle. When you find yourself in place, near the gate to the city, an elderly man will speak to you. A new quest will begin.


Approach the gate and press the E key to leave the city. You need to get to the camp to which the path leads. You are now on the right path. Just run along the path until you see three goblins attacking a civilian. Deal with the ghouls and continue along the path. At the gate to the camp, press the E key.

Newborn challenge

Move forward behind Ruk, go to the indicated tent and activate ancient stone. After talking with him, you will have to inspect the location.

Move in the opposite direction, to the gate through which you came. In the cut-scene you will be shown a small squad of soldiers running. Follow Rook and leave the camp through the gate where he will stop.


Floral Delivery (Benita, destroyed house opposite the back door of the hotel)
You need to collect 5 Sunbright and 1 Moonglow flowers. The first can be found during the day at the roots of large trees near the village, the second is in the village itself at night on the Starfall Bay beach.

Grim Tidings (Elvar, usually wanders the streets or sits in one of the houses on the way to the chapel, can also be in the chapel itself)
We just run along quest markers and chat with NPCs.

Lost Faith (Clemente, chapel)
The book is on the roof, follow the marker and you can easily find it.

World Map

Of Merchants & Monsters (Alon, Ancient Quarry, entrance closest to Gran Soren)
We go in, open all the doors in the quarry and kill three ogres.

Search Party (Raynard, a merchant whom we rescue from goblins on the way from Cassardis to Encampment. During the game, encountered in Cassardis, Encampment, Gran Soren and Greatwall Encampment)
To start the quest, you need to make 10 purchases from Raynard. We buy something, close the trade and dialogue screen, activate it and buy it again, and so on until the quest icon appears above his head. First of all, he will ask you to bring Scrap Iron (drops from skeletons). Then we make 5 more purchases. The quest will update, and this time you need to bring Miasmite (drops from phantoms, Miasmite Shard does not count. You can also get it by combining Miasmite Shard and Firefly Stone). We make 10 more purchases, and the merchant finally asks to find 6 parts of the diary:
1. Encampment, chest on the left side of the camp.
2. Catacombs, chest in the room with phantoms.
3. Gran Soren, a chest on the roof in the Venery area, near the Black Cat store.
4. Miasmic Hunt, chest in the camp at the farthest poisonous swamp (inhabited by saurians, in the center is an island with a cage) south of Greatwall Encampment.
5. Soulflayer Canyon, closest entrance to Greatwall Encampment. At the first fork we take the right, the chest is on the ruins of the bridge.
6. Ancient Quarry, one of the chests in the central area where the first ogre settled.

Quests available after completing the story quest "A Rude Awakening" (battle with the hydra)


An Uninvited Guest (Pablos, hotel)
We talk to the marked sellers, report to the quest giver, and then simply catch the thief. You can slow him down by hitting him, or wait at the gate, where he will come running one way or another.

Deep Trouble (Poll, at the well next to the gate)
We go down and kill all the Saurians.

Guard Duty (Madeleine, hotel)
We accompany Madeleine to Encampment, after which we satisfy the girl’s request and give 1000G for needs.

Lost & Found (Ghief Adaro, at the well or at home)
We go to Witchwood, where we find the girl, after which we accompany her to the witch’s house. The fog in the forest can be dispelled by destroying the talismans.
The quest must be completed before completing the Lure of the Abyss story quest.

Quests available after completing the story quest "A Matter of Myrmidons" (visiting the pawn guild)


Dying of Curiosity (Merin, on the beach on the left, near the boats)
Stock up on 6 Greenwarish herbs. The character at the gate will tell you that he saw Valmiro on the coast. We leave the village, turn right, onto the beach, where we find the unlucky traveler. We give the medicinal herb and go to Encampment. Valmiro will be to the left of the gate. We feed 2 more herbs and head to Witchwood, where we find the poor guy again and give him 3 herbs, after which we return to Merin and turn in the quest.

Gran Soren

A Troublesome Tome (Steffan, in the alley behind the hotel)
We talk with the saleswoman from Camellia's Apothecary, after which we go to the Ruins of Aernst Castle, which is west of Witchwood. The chest with the desired book is at the very top of the dilapidated tower. Under no circumstances attack the robbers in the castle, so as not to miss their quest .

Chasing Shadows (Mason, in the market near the hotel)
We wait until nightfall and go to the palace gates. After the cutscene, we follow the knight, keeping our distance, to Madeleine's new store. We watch another cutscene and turn in the quest to the innkeeper.

Land of Opportuniry (Fournival, at home opposite the gate to the palace. Sometimes you can find it at the Black Cat store)
You need to persuade three people to leave the living space:
1. Pip, a boy at Furnival's house. After the conversation he runs away, follow the marker and find him on the roof of the barn. He runs away again and hides under a bridge in the Venery area. We find it, but the guy can’t sit still again. This time he needs to be caught, like the thief in the quest An Uninvited Guest, after which he will finally give up and agree to move.
2. Sara, girl in the tavern (Alehouse). We talk to her, wait a day and get her consent.
3. Jasper, in the alley behind the hotel. He needs Sarah and Pip's consent, after which he will ask for 30,000G for the move.
We return to Furnival and receive the reward.

Escort Duty (Fournival, Land of Opportunity quest must be completed)
We accompany Furnival's daughter around the city. We slowly follow her until the girl offers to play hide and seek. We find her in a nook behind the inn, in the inn or in the pawn guild and accompany her further. When she gets tired and asks for water, we bring her the Flask of Water, after which we race to the gate and complete the quest. If we quickly find her while playing hide and seek, don’t linger with the water and allow ourselves to be overtaken, we receive a Gold Idol as a gift from the girl.

Reaper's Scorn (Austine, forge opposite the pawn guild)
You need to use Wakestone to resurrect the blacksmith's son. To collect Wakestone, you need 3 Wakestone Shard. One is immediately given out by Austin, two more can be purchased from Furnival and Black Cat.

A Fortress Beseiged (Ser Maximilian, at the gate to the palace)
We go to Shadow Fort and talk to the captain. Further along the tunnel we make our way behind the walls, clear the courtyard from goblins and cyclops, find the lever, open the gate and let the soldiers in. We destroy the next wave of goblins and watch the cutscene. We go into the fort through the broken door and again chop down the unfortunate goblins and one cyclops, making our way to their leader. We defeat him, watch the cutscenes, talk to the captain and return to the capital to turn in the quest.

The Cypher (Ser Maximilian)
We talk to the plowman in the field, then to the seller in Black Cat and finally to the courier named Maurin (marked with a marker, but you may need to wait for him to appear in the city). Next we go to Hillfigure Knoll, talk to Dragonforged and return to the capital.

The Watergod's Altar (Ser Maximilian)
We speak with Father Geffrey in the church and go to the cave of the same name with the quest. At the entrance we meet a monk, after talking with him we go into the cave. The first step is to lower the bridge (the lever in the passage to the left of the bridge). Next, we find the remains of another monk in the spacious hall with the Cyclops and examine them, at the same time we deal with the monster and get the key to the door not far from the bridge. Behind it we find a mechanism that lowers the water level in the ruins and thus opens access to the lower level. Then you can either immediately look for 5 stone tablets yourself in the chests scattered throughout the ruins, or return to the monk at the entrance and receive the corresponding task along with markers pointing to the necessary chests. One way or another, we collect them, take them and return to the capital.

Seeking Salvation (Ser Maximilian)
We learn from one of the marked people that Mason (who previously gave us the Chasing Shadows quest) had already asked them about the cult. We look for him at the fountain or aqueduct and get Salvation's Badge. We ask people again and find out that the cultists are gathering in Catacombs. Next, using the marker, we find the catacombs and clear them, after which we return to the capital and turn in the quest.

Justice Done (Mason, in the catacombs)
Received automatically during the Seeking Salvation quest. We are simply deciding the fate of the cultist captured by Mason. As such, the choice does not affect anything, however, if you decide to spare the person, Mason will disappear from the game.

World Map

No Honor Amont Thieves (Maul, Ruins of Aernst Castle, An Uninvited Guest quest must be completed)
The leader of the robbers will ask you to either kill 10 representatives of the rival gang, or deal with the traitor. Choose peaceful solution problems and go to Cassardis, where the traitor settled. When talking with him, choose the first option (surrender to the mercy of the robbers). As soon as he leaves the gate, the quest will be updated and you can return for your reward.

Thick as Thieves (Ophis, Ruins of Heavenspeak Fort)
The leader of the robbers speaks only to women and becomes hostile at the sight of men, so either get rid of the stronger sex (you can simply throw the pawns off a cliff), or dress them up in women's dresses.
If manipulating the pawns and their equipment does not help, grab Ophis and drag him away from the castle. We let go and, as soon as she puts away the weapon and heads back to her lair, we take/hand over the quest.
As for the quest itself, it also has 2 solutions - combat and peaceful. We choose peaceful and look for the character Betiah at the gate, who will ask you to feed Cyclops, Ophis’s pet. We go to the paddock marked on the map. On the way we meet a crowd of goblins, kill one, grab his corpse and take it to the Cyclops. We lay it at his feet, watch the monster eat dinner, and return to Bethia, and then to Ophis.

Quests available after completing the "Come to Court" story quest (audience with the Duke)


Deeper Trouble (Rorric, well, Deep Trouble quest must be completed)
Upon returning to the village, we will hear a voice from the well. We go down, talk to the character, and then destroy the saurians and the clutch of eggs.
There is a possibility that the quest will appear before the audience with the Duke, since it is activated 7 in-game days after completing the Deep Trouble task.

An Innocent Man (Tomlin, elder's house or beach)
The boy's father is kept in custody in a dungeon in Gran Soren, as one of the guards at the gate to the palace will tell you about. We stock up on two Skeleton Keys (sold in Black Cat, you can also make it yourself by combining Hunk of Ore and Shackles) and go to free the prisoner. Using the keys, we open his cell and the neighboring one, in the wall of which you can find a gap through which we escape. At the exit we will be met by Tomlin, who, together with his father, will leave the city through the aqueduct. Once this happens, the quest will end.

Farewell, Valmiro (Valmiro, on the porch of the house to the left of the ruins where you took the quest Floral Delivery. The quest A Dying of Curiocity must be completed)
Valmiro needs 4 items: Potent Greenwarish, Lantern, Sour Ambrosial Meat and Pilgrim's Charm. There should be no problems with grass and a lantern, meat can be found in one of the boxes in Ancient Quarry, where they fought the first ogre, and the talisman is on sale from Furnival and Madeleine. Having received all the items, Valmiro will ask you to take the boxes to your boat and after fulfilling his request, the quest will end.

Gran Soren

Arousing Suspition (Mirabelle, palace lobby)
In fact, the quest begins earlier, immediately after the audience with the Duke. As you exit the palace through the front door, the camera will focus on the Duchess tending the garden. We approach her and talk until we give her the jester's cap. If you skip this sequence, this quest, and along with it another - Duchess in Distress, will be unavailable.
Now to the task itself. Mirabelle will ask to meet under cover of darkness in the Duchess's garden. We wait until nightfall, arrive and find out that the duchess wants a secret audience in her chambers. Let's not keep the girl waiting. Having arrived at the place without catching the eye of the guards, we watch a series of cutscenes, after which we find ourselves in a dungeon. We bribe the jailer (5000G) and complete the quest.
By the way, on the plot and freedom of movement around the palace events of this assignment will not affect at all.

Witch Hunt (three at the fountain in front of the hotel, Lost & Found quest must be completed)
Three NPCs will talk about a witch living in Witchwood. There is no need to activate the dialogue, just eavesdrop on them and the quest will begin automatically. Time is limited, so without wasting a minute, we go to the aforementioned forest. At the witch's house we will see a crowd that will be dispersed by the golem. We kill him and go to a previously inaccessible part of the forest where, following the path, we find Selena.

Idol Worship (Caxton, Caxton's Armory store)
You need to bring the merchant one of three idols: Bronze (Witchwood, in the witch's house or in Hillfigure Knoll, to the left of Dragonforged), Silver (reward for the Put quest the Eye Out from the board in the pawn guild), Gold (reward for successfully completing the Escort Duty quest). Subsequently, the merchant’s assortment will be expanded depending on the quality of the idol.

Supplier's Demand (Madeleine, Madeleine's Shop. Guard Duty quest must be completed)
The quest is completely similar to Idol Worship.

Rise of the Fallen (Ser Maximilian)
We wait until night and follow the marker. After the splash screen you will have a choice whether to buy the key for 10000G or take it by force. We choose what we like best and head to Catacombs. We look for a locked door, unlock it, and with fire and sword we pass through the undead inhabiting the catacombs, simultaneously looking into each coffin in order to collect 5 keys that open the way to the boss, after defeating whom we return to the capital and close the quest.

The Conspirators (Fedel, usually wanders around the second floor of the palace or is “on duty” at the Duke’s throne
The quest giver will ask to meet after sunset, when he will explain the purpose of the task. The Lost Letter is located in Soulflayer Canyon. As soon as we are there, the camera will helpfully show the place where the letter is lying. We find, select, return to the capital. We will meet a guard at the palace who will ask you to give the letter to him. You can agree, return it to Fedela, or make a copy of the letter to Black Cat and sell it to both of them. The choice is yours.

World Map

Nameless Terror (Ser Rickart, gate guard in Gran Soren)
Attacks are carried out only at night and in strict sequence:
1. At the Ancient Quarry entrance closest to Gran Soren.
2. On the bridge on the road from Gran Soren to Windbluff Tower.
3. On the road from Gran Soren to Mountain Waycastle.
4. On the road from Mountain Waycastle to Encampment.
5. At the gate to Cassardis.

Supply & Demands (Ser Daerio, Windbluff Tower)
We run to the capital, look for the character Ser Julien (we followed him in the Chasing Shadows quest) and report to him about the supply problem. In the dialogue, select the first option (a week's supply) and return to the quest giver.

Talent In Bloom (Quinna, The Abbey. If the girl does not have a quest icon above her head, talk to her once, the quest should become active. The Lost and Found quest must be completed)
You can give a flower to anyone, but I advise quest characters to take it to the capital’s church. Decide for yourself, just keep in mind that the quest is limited in time.

A Parting Gift (Clarus, The Abbey, Talent in Bloom quest must be completed)
The abbess asks us to bring Pilgrim's Charm, which we have already met in the Farewell quest, Valmiro.


The Dragon's Tongue (a sign on a grave in the forest where the Witch Hunt quest was completed, without which this quest won't appear at all)
We take the sign in Hillfigure Knoll to Dragonforged and get a ring that you can give to someone.

Mettle Against Metal (metal golem on the island in the same part of the forest as the grave, Witch Hunt quest must be completed)
The quest will begin as soon as you approach the golem. Before taking on it, change your profession to Strider, Ranger or Assassin, because it will require a long-range attack with physical damage. The fact is that, unlike ordinary golems, talismans - weak points of metal golems are scattered throughout the location, they are not affected by magical attacks (accordingly, Magick Archer is also useless), and one of the talismans is suspended high on a tree. You can, of course, try to catch the moment, climb onto the golem and jump from it in the hope of catching the talisman with a melee weapon, but this is masochism. It is also useless to rely on pawns; most of the time they will die in attempts to at least scratch the golem.

Quests available after completing the story quest "Reward and Responsibility" (reward from the Duke)

Gran Soren

Bad Business (Madeleine's shop, Guard Duty and Chasing Shadows quests must be completed)
In the store, instead of Madeleine, we find an unfamiliar girl who tells us that the merchant has problems with the law and that’s why she ran away. After listening to her, we grab Madeleine’s daggers from the counter and head to the tavern, where we ask people about the girl’s whereabouts. We go to the aqueduct, watch Madeleine run from the capital and follow her. We find her outside the city walls and give her the daggers. The guards come running. To the question, have you seen the merchant, we answer in the negative. After the guards disappear, Madeleine will ask you for 50000G, which ends the quest.
The quest can be taken a little earlier, during the Honor and Treachery story quest, which precedes Reward and Responsibility.

Duchess in Distress (Mirabelle, in the Duchess's garden near the palace. The Arousing Suspition quest must be completed)
Mirabelle reports that the Duchess has been placed in custody in the Blighted Manse and gives her a set of guard armor. We put on a disguise and enter the estate (at the same time we get the Into the Manse trophy). Until we find the duchess, the guards will be peaceful, but when the girl is under our care, everything will change and we will have to fight our way to the exit, even without the support of pawns for most of the way. In essence, this is just another escort mission, except that sometimes you have to pick up a girl and jump with her on the catwalk. The quest will end as soon as we leave the dungeon with the duchess.

“To kill the Dragon, the last embodiment of evil, a large army of soldiers was formed. But they failed to resist the terrible force, and they were defeated.

People can only hope for the chosen one and for those who followed this brave soul.”

"The End is in the Beginning" / "The End at the Beginning" is a prologue to the main story of the game.
This is the very first chapter in the game and is a kind of training level where the player gets acquainted with the delights of local control and the combat system
Walking: W – forward

S – back

A – left

D – right

SHIFT - sprint

Combat: LMB – strike

RMB - strong blow

LCTRL and LALT - special. attacks

Task: The chosen one is destined to challenge the dragon, which is destroying the land and keeping the inhabitants in fear. With the help of his trusty pawn, Shroud must fight his way through the Beast's lair before he encounters the terrifying creature.

- Chase the Dragon

- Confront the Dragon


The player controls Shroud, the Chosen One from the past, who travels to the Dragon's lair along with his main pawn, Salde. First, the player needs to get a lantern from the inventory; to view the inventory, press the I key on the keyboard, select the lantern in the items section and you can continue the journey

The prologue in the game is linear and it is almost impossible to get lost. After walking a little, you will see the Dragon; you don’t need to fight it yet, so let’s move on.

Along the way, we will have a fight with several goblins, they can be easily defeated with ordinary blows, and our partner Salde can also grab them and this will give us a chance to finish off.
We go further through the dungeons; on the way we will meet another group of goblins. We go further and after the cut-scene, in the next room the Chosen One is attacked by a group of harpies, you can’t kill them with regular blows, we use special attacks on them. After this battle, Shroud will meet with Sir Palotti, who came to the aid of the heroes along with other knights. We go further and meet the boss of the prologue - the Chimera.

The battle with her, regardless of whether you win the fight or lose, completes the prologue. The easy way to defeat it - climb on it and attack first the snake, then the goat and finally the lion.

Harbinger of Destruction

"Today, as always, the waves gently washed the shore near the small village
The twins' blessings of warm sun and generous waves provided a simple but pleasant life. After all the work is done, friends and families gather around the fire to talk and laugh.

Are you sure it will always be like this?..."

First we need to go through the character creation process:

Additionally: hairstyle, body type, eye color, hair color, scar location, etc.

Now you can start completing the quest

Description: "Without any warning, the Dragon attacks the peaceful fishing village of Kassardis. Someone must fight back."

Task: fight the Dragon

We watch a short cut-scene and now our hero has to fight the Dragon

This mini-quest is essentially a link between two story cutscenes. We deal regular blows to the Dragon and do not forget to dodge in time, after the battle we watch the story cut-scene. The task is completed. As in The End at the Begging Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the task will be considered completed.

Newly Arisen

Having recovered from the fight with the dragon, the hero is asked to choose one of three factions


- Take a weapon

- Escape from

The task is very simple. First, take the weapon from the table to begin choosing your vocation

There are only three of them:

- Warrior, whose weapons are swords and shields

- Wanderer, whose weapons are bow and daggers

- Magician, whose the weapon is a magic staff

Having chosen, we hurry to the door to complete the task. The fishing village of Kassardis becomes free for exploration.

If you try to leave the room without choosing a faction three times, the game automatically selects a vocation for the player "Warrior"

Upon a Pawn


"You have met a pawn, a magician from an unknown realm. Take the mysterious immortal to the camp."


- Lead the pawn to the camp, west of the village

- Protect the merchant from goblins (optional)


In this quest, the Chosen One must travel from Kassardis to the camp. Along the way, you can optionally save the merchant from the goblins who attacked him

First, go to the Kassardis gate, a pawn will appear there and meet the player. Your pawn is Rook from the mage faction. He will accompany you on your journey through Kassardis and neighboring villages.

Once you are ready to leave Kassardis, approach the gate. After you leave Kassardis you begin the next part of the quest. The player can safely explore the world around him, but the story requires him to go through the Sea Breeze trail to the camp.

On the way to the camp, you can see a merchant named Reynard being attacked by goblins. You have a choice: save him or ignore him, it is recommended, of course, to save him, since goblins are not the most powerful enemies.

Once you rescue Reynard, head to the camp to complete the quest.

Call of the Arisen


"Upon arrival at the camp, a mysterious voice was heard. Maybe the call of fate?..."


  • Listen to the voice- follow the beckoning voice from the center of the camp
  • Explore the area- explore the area around the camp until the enemy is found
  • Eliminate the danger
  • Tell the stone


The quest begins after you arrive at the camp. First you need to go to the stone in the center of the camp. Its location will be indicated on the map, so finding it will not be the slightest difficulty! The stone is located in a large tent covered with an awning.

Go there and you will have a dialogue with a magical talking stone.

After the conversation, our task is to inspect the area. A cutscene starts where the soldiers are running towards the north gate, follow them and exit the camp through this north gate, get ready for battle...

The size of the Cyclops is compensated by its clumsiness, which you can take advantage of, climb on its back and attack, because it won’t reach you. Well, if you are an archer or a magician, then you can attack him from afar; it is recommended to shoot him in the eye.

After winning, return to the stone and tell it about your victory. The quest is completed.

After the cutscene, we begin to create our main pawn, his customization is the same as that of the main character, plus you need to answer 4 questions and select a faction.

If you wish, after creating a pawn, you can go to Sir Bern and undergo training consisting of three tests:

1) start by moving the boxes

2) hit several targets on the training ground

3) defeat the targets for a while

A Rude Awakening


“The night in the camp was calm, unlike the next morning, when a mysterious guest visited the camp.”


  • Fight Hydra


To start the quest you need to go to Mercedes and accept the offer of a vacation. Afterwards, a cut-scene will begin where the awakened Chosen One sees the camp being attacked by a giant Hydra. After watching this cutscene, our task is to defeat her.

There are many ways to defeat a monster. The main goal is to simply deal enough damage to Hydra to complete the task. To defeat the Hydra, it is enough to cut off one of its heads.

1) You can attack the Hydra in various places, but weak points are her heads. If you succeed, you can climb on one of its heads and attack.

2) Archery and magic spells are effective.

3) If the battle drags on, a cut-scene will begin where Mercedes throws a barrel with an explosive substance to the player, so that he, in turn, throws this barrel into Hydra’s mouth. Attack the head that swallowed the barrel. The barrel will explode, thereby decapitating Hydra.

The task is completed.
After the victory, Mercedes will invite you to go with her to Gran Soren to take the head of the Hydra to the Duke. The next quest begins - Off With Its Head.

Off With It's Head


"Under the command of Mercedes, you must travel through the mountains to the capital of Gran Soren to present the head of the hydra to the duke."


The quest is quite simple.

First you need to meet with Mercedes. Its location will be indicated on the map.

The head of the hydra is in a cart that will be carried by a bull. It moves very slowly, and our main task is to protect the cargo from various enemies encountered along the way: goblins, harpies and wolves.

Of course, the bull cannot be killed, but if its life bar drops to zero, it will be unable to move, collapsing to the ground, which will slow down its travel, but the bull will recover.

You can also speed up the bull with a kick, which will cause a little damage and, in addition, it can crush the soldiers in front. If you fall behind, everyone will stop and wait for you.

The right decision in this quest will be if you go ahead of the others and clear their path, stop the boulders that the enemies will drop.

When you reach the given location, the quest will be considered completed.

A Matter of Myrmidons

"Upon arriving at Gran Soren, while waiting for Mercedes, you decided to find out more about the pawns."


  • learn more about pawns


The quest starts automatically after talking with Mason. Our task is to talk to the locals and find out more about the pawns.

First you need to talk to Sarah, who can be found near the fountains or in the Armsmith beer garden. She will direct the Chosen One to Asalam, the innkeeper, who recommends visiting the Pawn Guild.

You can also choose clothes from him, learn new skills, etc.

Getting to the Guild is not that difficult, follow the icon on the map. Once you reach Barnaby, the keeper of the Pawn Guild, talk to him to begin the next task.

Lure of the Abyss


"Barnaby asks the Chosen One to explore the dungeon"


  • explore the dungeon
  • return to Barnaby and tell him what happened


The quest is very linear and there should not be any special difficulties during the passage. First, we go down into the dungeon, our task is to go down. Where possible, go down the stairs; if the passage is closed, there is a secret entrance and levers nearby. Along the way we will meet various evil spirits, be it huge bats, spiders and the dead.

Dealing with bats and spiders will not be difficult, but I recommend throwing the dead off the cliff (to do this, press the key on the keyboard F). Towards the end of the path there will be a fight with an ogre, climb on his back and attack, but be careful, he can fall on his back and crush you. Having reached the very bottom, we watch the cutscene.

After it, tentacles begin to appear from the ground. It is useless to fight with them and there is only one thing left - RUN!

Run upstairs, and you don’t have to worry about your partners; if they fall behind, then after completing the task they will be right there.

Tell Barnaby about what happened and the task will be considered completed.

Afterwards, Sir Duncan will appear to you, who will give the Chosen One a dragon hunter’s license.

The Cypher


"Explore the code of a forgotten manuscript"


  • talk to people about this code


Having received a task from Sir Maximilian, go to the field and talk to Josias is a farmer in the artisan district. Unfortunately, he won't be able to help you, so go to Mountebank. You can find it in the Black Cat store. But he doesn’t know anything about this either, you just have to go to Maurin. Finding him is quite problematic due to the fact that he travels between cities. But he is marked on the map and can stop at the fortress for a short time. Maurin will point you to Hillfigure Knoll, which is located north of the city.

Along the way you may come across a harpy and large wolves, be careful. Once you arrive at Right place a video will begin where you will be shown a drawing of paths in the form of a person trampled on Hillfigure Knoll. After finishing the conversation, do not rush to leave the cave, here you can find a Bronze Idol and a stone fragment WakeStone. After exploring the cave, return back to Gran Sor en and talk to Ser Maximilian to complete the quest.

A Fortress Besieged


" Goblins have captured the Stone in the southwest. Reclaim this vital bastion against dragons."


  • go to Shadow Fort and clear it of goblins


You will receive this quest from Sir Maximilian, but before you begin the task, be sure to stock up on useful items. The closest way to Shadow Fort lies through Ancient Quarry, which is located to the west of Gran Soren. To get through Ancient Quarry you need to complete an additional task. At the northern entrance, talk to Alon. He will instruct you to clear the quarry from ogres and open the gate. At the beginning you will have to defeat giant rats. Once you enter the shaft, continue down the shaft in a southeast direction until you reach a large pressure plate on the floor. Activate it, the gate will open and you can move on. Take the key in the room, then return to the main corridor and go north. After defeating the bandits, turn into the southern corridor, the first ogre will be waiting for you there. In battle with him, be extremely careful, he has sweeping and strong attacks, but is quite slow. After defeating him, go to the gate and stand on the pressure plate to open it, several goblins are waiting for you right behind it. Having dealt with them, go along the southern corridor. Here you will come across spiders near a stone wall. Kill the spiders and climb the wall, there will be another ogre at the top (no different from the previous one). Having dealt with him, go to the next room, to the third ogre. After defeating all the ogres, return to Alon.

You can now go through the mine to reach the Shadow Fort. Go to Ancient Quarry South Enterance, exiting through it, you will find yourself in Devilfire Grove. Not far from here there is a Rest Camp, here you can rest, buy supplies, and use rift stone. The entrance to Shadow Fort is located northwest of the lake. On this path you will meet lizards and a dangerous dragon. Drake. It is best to avoid a battle with him, just run to the entrance to the for. Here you need to talk to Sir Robert, after that go down into the hole in the ground and go to the room. Kill the goblins and go up the stairs to the roof, kill all the goblins here. There is a switch on the roof, but there is no lever. It is located in the opposite building. First, kill the goblins on the roof using the ballista, then jump to the other roof over the broken bridge. Here you will be fired upon by goblins, use the ballista on the roof to deal with them. After that, go down the stairs. The lever you need is in the prison cell. Go to a small building with a door that is locked from the inside with a bolt. There is a ladder on the side of the walls, you can use it to climb onto the wall. This will take you to prison cells. Deal with the goblins and take them from the chest lever arm. Now you need to go back to the roof and insert the lever into the switch.

Open the gate using the lever and go through it. Clear the yard of goblins. Once you kill the required number of goblins, the gates of the fortress will open, go through them to the very top. At the top you will need to fight an armored cyclops along with ballistas and goblins. Having dealt with them, go further into the fort and fight the boss. He is very weak, especially when compared to the Cyclops, but he can run away from you (by killing him you will gain additional experience).

After finishing the battle, return to Gran Soren and report to Sir Maximilian.

Seeking Salvation


" Find out about Salvation cult who worship Dragons and wreak havoc"


  • talk to the people marked on the map
  • go to a cult meeting


Your task is to find out where the cult members gather. To do this, simply talk to the people who are marked on your map. The first clue will be Mason, he is hiding in the slums near the waterworks. By going to him you will receive Salvation Badge, then talk to people about the cult again.

Eventually you will find out that the cult members are gathering in the catacombs. Go north from the city to the bridge, then turn onto the road leading west. Get ready, the catacombs are very dark (have a flashlight ready) and there are many enemies. Go through the catacombs, coming across the first gate, you need to go around it. To do this, you will have to circle the corridors, killing the undead along the way, until you reach a large room. In it you will find many sarcophagi and lever arm. Activate it and go through the opened stone door. Walk forward until you reach closed door, next to it, lower the lever to activate the lift, and go down to the lower floor. Here you will again encounter a locked gate; to get around it, go through the large room. Having dealt with the undead and ghosts (use enchantment to cause damage), activate the lever and go to the next room, in which there will be skeleton magicians. Go further, ignore the fork, both roads will lead you to the same place where skeleton knights are waiting for you. Having defeated them, go down the stairs and fight your way through the undead along the narrow passage. An org will block your way, you can just run past, or try to kill him. Run to the western part of the map, this is where the meeting of cult members takes place. Interrupt the meeting by jumping towards them. Take out all the enemies, then run to the next room. Here you need to talk to and decide the fate of one of the cult members.

  • Killing a cult member will improve your relationship with Mason, and subsequently you will meet him in some quests.
  • If you spare the cultist, Mason will no longer appear in the game.

The Watergod's Altar


" Explore ancient ruins"


  • clear the ruins


Talk Geffrey, he is in the church in Gran Soren. From him you will learn about a certain expedition that was sent to Watergod's Altar. This place is located west of Mountain Waycastle. When you reach the gorge with a river flowing at the bottom, you will need to jump over to the right side and go further to the waterfall. Here talk to Haslett, he will point you to the door behind the waterfall. Walk forward until you reach a switch, but there is no lever on it, you need to find it. Go down the stairs that are to the right of this switch. Deal with the lizards and go to the room from which they appeared. There you will find the necessary lever part. Go back to the switch, insert the missing lever and lower the bridge. Move on, killing lizards and skeletons along the way. Having reached the body, examine it, after which you will have to report what happened Haslett.

He will ask you to continue exploring the ruins and task you with finding five altar slates. Return to the place where you lowered the bridge and open the door on the right side, but you will need a key (you can take it from the Cyclops, who is located behind the body). Go down, deal with the enemies and press the button that will lower the water level throughout the entire location. After this you can go down to the lower floors. Altar slates marked on your map. Once you have collected everything altar slates, return to Haslett. And then report to Sir Maximilian.

Come to Court


" Your exploits have been heard in high circles, it's time to show yourself to the Duke."


  • talk to Duke


After completing two or more quests given to you Sir Maximilian. In the dialogue with him, select “ audience with the Duke».
Attention: if you agree to go to an appointment with the Duke, everything will be cancelled. unfinished quests(except Dark Arisen). Therefore, before starting this quest, finish all your business. The nobleman's estate is rich in useful items, inspect the area. After wandering around the Duke's house, go to his reception (follow the marker). As soon as you enter the castle, a video clip will begin.

Talk with Duke and leave the castle. When you leave the castle, talk Aelinore, you can find her in the garden, near the castle. This is the Duke's wife, you can get new ones from her additional quests, if you don't talk you will lose them. After this, go to the exit from the estate, you will be detained by your new quest giver - the Duke's advisor. After talking with him, you can leave or take the main tasks from him.

Griffin's Bane


" The griffin attacks the caravans. Join the hunters as they plan to defeat the beast."


  • Talk to Volunteers
  • Defeat the Griffin


Find volunteers outside the south gate and talk to Sir George. After this, follow the group, along the way you will have to deal with goblins. The hunters will lead you to the place where they have prepared an ambush for the griffin. You need to catch the goblin and throw it to the indicated place, then hide in the bushes. Over time Griffin come down to earth, this is the right time to attack. When fighting him, try to stay away or dodge his attacks, when he has half his health left he will fly away. Now your task is to finish off the Griffin, he flew away to the tower Blue Moon. Prepare for a long journey, go northeast until you reach the valley Windworn. Here you need to resist the wind, just hide from it behind the rocks, go further to the canyon. It is swarming with bandits, it is better not to fight in the open, lure them out one by one. After defeating them, go through the canyon, right behind it a golem is waiting for you. You can just walk by or try to kill him (he's not a very difficult opponent). After passing the golem, go to the top of the ruins and open the metal door.

Keep going forward until you notice Griffin. Join the other knights as they break down the first gate. When you hit the second one, climb to the top, destroy the obstacle to your right and pull the lever. Pursue Griffin, the main battle awaits you at the very top of the tower. Defeat the Griffin, inspect this location, and then return and report to the advisor in Gran Soren.

Trial and Tribulations


"Merchant Fournival accused of a crime. Prove his guilt or his non-involvement."


  • Collect evidence
  • Give a verdict


Collect all necessary evidence and talk to witnesses about Fournival. Then tell me your verdict. You can collect several documents that will prove the guilt or innocence of the merchant.
Attention: Don't collect incriminating evidence if you decide to rescue the merchant.

You need to talk to the people who are marked on the map:

  1. People making excuses Fournival:
    • Fedel- be inside the castle
    • Daughter and priest in the cathedral
    • Daerio- located in the tower. He will ask you to escort a witness.
  2. People blaming Fournival:
    • Family Jasper
    • Ansell- be in He can be brought as a witness who will accuse the merchant.

You can also help the court case with money, to do this, contact Reynard. The verdict depends on the evidence you collect and the witnesses you bring. Report Aldous to complete the quest.

If the fault Fournival will be proven:

  • He'll go to jail and you'll lose access to his store.
  • His daughter will move to the slums

If Fournival acquit:

  • You will receive quest support
  • You will receive a discount on products

The Wyrmking's Ring


"A powerful ring has been stolen - return it!"


  • Hunt down the thief


Having accepted the task, go to the map, using it as your guide, you need to talk to any of the marked people. After this, return to Aldous and share information with him. Alleged criminal - Salomet where he is is not known. Aldous will send you outside the castle Gran Soren, find here Mellard. You can usually find it Noble Quarter. From his words you will learn that the criminal is hiding in Ancient Quarry. Once there, go deep into the location and win Salomet. He doesn't pose much of a threat, just beware of his minions. Unfortunately, the thief managed to escape and now your task is to find him again. First, tell us everything Aldous in the castle, then go to Brice- it is located close to Fountain Square. From him you will learn that Salomet hiding in Bluemoon Tower- go there. Make your way to the top of the tower while defeating the bandits.

The final battle awaits you here, this time Salomet will be a more dangerous opponent. He will often summon skeletons and use teleportation, but he is still vulnerable to ranged attacks. After winning, pick up the ring from the edge of the cliff and give it to Aldous.

Pride Before a Fall


" Mercedes carries the will of the royal Order and she needs your help."


  • Help Mercedes


Take the task from Aldous, then go to Mercedes you will find it just outside the castle gates. Talk to her and then go to Windbluff Tower. Having arrived at the tower, go to the marked place (look at the map), on the way you may encounter a golem - this is a rather dangerous enemy in the vicinity, avoid his sweeping attacks. Almost at the very top you will find Mercedes, follow her. Accompany her to the duel, on the spot you can intervene or just watch the fight.

  1. Victory Julien - just watch the fight and do nothing. Mercedes will lose the fight, after which he will give you - Silver Rapier
  2. Victory for Mercedes – during the fight, go behind your back Julien and attack him. You will receive from the girl as a reward Cutlass

You can revive Julien by using wakestone, after which he can be found in prison. After talking with him you will receive Wizard's Vizard. After the duel is over, talk to the winner, and then report everything Aldous, to complete the task.

Honor and Treachery


"Honor and Treachery starts immediately after completion - The Wyrmking's Ring And Pride Before a Fall."


  • Go to waycastle


In this quest you will be tasked with going to waycastle, it's not too far from Gran Soren. But on the spot you will be informed that the city is under attack - Cockatrice and you need to return urgently. Go to the north gate and talk to Sir Laurent, then go to battle with the monster.

When fighting a boss, you must be extremely careful. Cockatrice can paralyze you with its poison, so avoid her ranged attacks. The beast will periodically take off and attack from the air; during this time, do not stand still and wait for the right moment to attack. The boss is usually predictable in his attacks, so defeating him will not be difficult. After you have defeated a monster, report it Aldous. After this, talk to the marked knight. After the cutscene the quest will be completed.

Reward and Responsibility


"By the will of the Duke, great treasures will be granted to you."


  • Accept gifts from the Duke


At the Duke's Edmun there is one more task for you. Meet him in the castle, go to the second floor of the west wing. After talking with the Duke, follow him to the treasury.

There, collect your well-deserved reward:

  • 20,000 experience points, 35 Rift Crystals and 53,500 gold
  • Paladin's Mantle, but if you have completely completed the quest -
  • Badge of Honor and Golden Bastard(sword) in the chest.

Deny Salvation


"Conquer The Greatwall and defeat the cultists"


  • Take part in the battle of The Greatwall


After talking with the Duke, you will be informed that The Greatwall attacked and people need your help. Before starting the task, be sure to prepare for a protracted and difficult battle.
Please note: After completing this quest, you will not be able to return to this location and therefore may lose unique items.
As you approach the castle, find your allies and together fight through the armored Cyclops into the courtyard. These are quite strong enemies alone, but this time there are two of them, attack them after you have dealt with the small enemies. After defeating the enemies, you need to go up to the second floor. Several stairs lead to the second floor. Having climbed the first one, enemies are waiting for you, and the second one is a chimera. But you can find a lot on each useful items and chests, don’t miss the chance to profit. After clearing the second floor, go up to the third. Here you will find a battle with a skeleton knight, and immediately after him with Whites. The latter have high area damage, the difficulty lies in the fact that it will be difficult to reach them with attacks, and they rarely come down. In the battle with these magicians, try to avoid magical damage, but at the same time kill all the minions that will interfere with you. Wait for the right moment and attack them, this is the only way you can deal with them.

After your victory, all you have to do is watch the cutscene.

The Final Battle


"A battle with the greatest dragon awaits you"


  • Defeat the dragon


After the cutscene ends, talk to Dragonforged, then go Tainted Temple Mountain. Climb to the top of the mountain, the path will not be too difficult, but you will still have to fight. On the way you will need to kill: Geo Saurian, Succubus. Continue making your way upstairs until you find yourself in a large room with Gorechimera. This time he is more dangerous than at the beginning of the game. It deals more damage and has more lives, but the same tactics will still be effective here. After defeating the beast, activate all marked switches. Go through the opened gate, here you will have to make a decision: stay and fight or sacrifice your loved one. If you decide to defeat the dragon, approach the monster and confirm your choice. Having done this, quickly turn around and run along the corridor avoiding the dragon's attacks. Keep running until Grigori will not get stuck in the passage, at this moment turn around and attack the dragon. The target of your blows will be the heart, it is in this area that you strike.

Once you hit the heart, you must chase the fleeing dragon. Run after him, across the destroyed bridge and towers (there are chests here that you can open). Here, use the ballista and shoot the dragon with it. A cutscene will start in which you will need to press the buttons in time to finish off Grigori. After your victory, the final video and credits will follow.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen- game of RPG genre V open world with slasher elements Devil May Cry And Dark Souls created by Capcom developers. The game was released on May 22, 2012 on Xbox 360 and PS3. On PC, Dragon’s Dogma with exclusive additions was released on January 15, 2016.

Game development

The game was developed jointly by Capcom employees who had a hand in the games in the series Resident Evil , DMC And Breath of Fire. According to some rumors, Capcom plans to develop a continuation of the successful RPG project immediately after the release of the PC game, but a port to the new generation consoles XONE and PS4 is not excluded.

Game Features

In the game Dragon's Dogma, the player is given a choice between character classes, such as Fighter, Warrior, Paladin, Assassins and others, we will try to discuss each of them, if possible, in our guide. Game process Each of the classes is radically different from each other. One of the features of the game is the distribution of roles and the issuance of commands at any time in the game. Yes, you will be able to give orders to one of your squad members - NPCs controlled by AI, we could see a similar system in Dragon Age.

The game also has a capture function, which is widely presented to us in the game Shadow of Colossus and in the not yet released Last Guardian. It features an advanced battle with massive bosses, in which you will have to climb onto a huge body to find a pressure point on it. Once you make a few hits, you will have to find a few more points on other parts of the boss's body.

Dragon's Dogma boasts a breadth of open world that is in no way inferior to such mastodons as TES: Skyrim And Fallout. In addition to this, the cities and paths along which you have to go are not empty; there are about 300 NPCs in the game with their own dialogues and a bunch of different functions. The player can learn useful information from NPCs, sell and buy equipment, receive rewards, and complete quests. The game has a permanent world system in which you will have to fight off monsters at night.

The game is made in such a way that an ordinary player with not very strong knowledge of the RPG genre can understand it. It is for such players that there is an opportunity to hire strong NPCs to allow them to fight in their place, and the players will only have to monitor the conduct of the battle by giving orders left and right. To complete the entire game you will need about 120 hours; this includes a story campaign for 40-50 hours, as well as more than 80 hours for completing side quests.

Our guides

In this guide you will find:

  1. Walkthroughs of the main storyline with step-by-step explanations.
  2. Tactics and boss battles.
  3. Character classes
  4. NPC location with side quests and passing them.
  5. A detailed Bestiary that will help you in the fight against certain monsters.
  6. The location of Armor and Weapons in Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, as well as the discovery of exclusive content intended for the PC version of the game.
  7. Tips for beginners, in which everyone can share their experience of completing Dragon’s Dogma.

If you are having problems with the game Dragons Dogma, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We detail the steps you need to take to fully Dogma.

After making your choice, break the boxes inside the room to collect things. After you do this, leave the room to trigger a cutscene.

Follow to the center of this town and examine the stone. Then go to the gate to trigger a cutscene. Follow the mark and exit here to find the monster.

Hour of Power - Dragon's Dogma Walkthrough / Gameplay Part 1 - Awkward Looking

Therefore, give it due attention when you customize it, so you will create someone who will protect you.

After creating a worthy partner, you will be asked several questions to determine the qualities of your partner. Answer them.

Strength in Numbers

After completing the previous task, go out, Sir Bern will want to talk to you. task, the main task of carrying supplies will be performed by your partner, but you need to find the box that will not be taken, take it and carry it to the marked place.

Next you will need to destroy several scarecrows. Destroy them all within the allotted time. For the next task, you will need to destroy as many scarecrows as possible, but this time some will be vulnerable to physical attacks, while others will be vulnerable to magic.

Simply destroy all targets within the allotted time to complete the task and complete the mission.

A Rude Awakening

Look for an NPC named Mercedes in the defense town, and agree to spend the night here. Then you will wake up the next morning, in which the town will be destroyed.

Start attacking her heads as she advances. If you are a fighter, then get on top of her head, where you can deal more damage.

If you are a shooter, then it is better, on the contrary, to keep your distance so that you can aim at her head. You won't need to deal damage to one head to defeat her, you will know if you were able to defeat her after she can't raise her heads.

If your battle drags on, then help will come Mercedes, having given you a special bottle, throw it at the hydra's head.

To pass it, you will just need to walk to the capital.

Visit the church during the day to meet Father Geoffrey there. Talk, then leave the city through the southern gate.

You also need to start another one here by talking to one of the guards.

Follow Waycastle and go down the slope to the west to reach the river. Follow it until you get to a place where you can cross to the other side.

First floor: you will find some gold ones in the marked room. Then proceed to the basements using the stairs in the center on the left side.

Explore the ruins, and then tell Brother Haslett everything. Return to the ruins again to find five ancient ingots.

In the end, report everything to Sir Maximilian to successfully complete the task.

Second act

After completing all available tasks, use the Wyrm Hunt license, but remember that only for the main ones, that is Additional tasks not included here.

Follow Duke's castle and meet him. After the cutscene, you will need to talk to Duke's representative to learn about the rules that should be followed here.

Exit the castle, as you exit you should notice a courtyard, you can go there to trigger a cutscene. Exit through the gate to complete the walkthrough.

Reward and Responsibility

Follow to Duke's treasury. Come inside and be amazed at how much goodness there is inside.
