Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests. March of the Dead "Pendants of the Eastern Imperial Company"

Raven Rock.

"March of the Dead"

It is, in fact, the very first side quest that can be obtained on this island. We leave Voronya Mountain and go straight along the path. There you will see a fight between the brave Dunmer and the ashen spawn - one of the new enemies in the add-on. We scatter them, accept thanks from Velet and a request for help. Velet complains that he does not have enough warriors and has no one to send to investigate this matter. We volunteer to help. We search the former enemies and find a letter, read it, after which we go to “Fort Frost Moth” to kill General Folkes Kariya. Hello Bloodmoon, we missed you. Upon arrival at the fort, we will hear the general's notification that the enemy has invaded the territory and must be killed. We uncover our weapons and fight our way to the general. After this we kill the general. Don't forget to search his body: he has an excellent enchanted hammer and a letter to the capital of the Empire. After this, we return to Velet - we receive thanks and a bunch of gold, which depends on the level of your ward.

"The Decisive Descent"

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

To receive this task, go to the Crow Mine and listen to the conversation between the two. After this, go to the old man, Cretius Cerellius, and receive the task. He will ask you to find the remains of his great-grandfather and for this he will give you a letter and a key to a mysterious door.

We go down into the mine, deal with spiders and rats, then knock down the wooden beams and open the iron door with the key received from Cretius. We move on, avoiding traps and dead ends. After this we find ourselves in an area where there is a waterfall. We jump down and see the remains of our great-grandfather Cretius. We search them and get a diary that we need to read. After reading, take the Bloodskal blade, which will help solve the puzzle. To solve the puzzle you need to do the following:

Perform a side power attack, two power attacks in place, another side power attack. After this, the stripes will disperse and the door will open.

We go further and meet the dragon priest Zakrisos, kill him and take off his mask. Don't forget to go to the word wall and learn a new word. There will also be a “black book”, which was written about in another guide. After this, we go up and find ourselves in the “Bloodskal Mound”. We pull the chain, kill the robbers, leave the mound and return to Cretius for the reward.

After this task, the mine will receive a “second wind” and start working at full capacity. As a reward for this, we will be allowed to mine ebonite.

"Revenge does not tolerate fuss."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

To receive this task you need to complete the following tasks: “March of the Dead” and “Decisive Descent”. After this, return to Raven Rock and wait for Captain Veleth to approach you. He will ask you to approach Adril Arano. He, in turn, will share his suspicions about the impending assassination attempt on Councilor Morvain and ask us for help. We agree.

We go to the Vomiting Netch tavern and talk to Galdis Sadri there. He will tell you that someone makes offerings at midnight in the Ulen ancestral tomb. Just what you need. We go into the Ulen tomb and wait until midnight. A woman comes and says that she is making simple offerings to honor her ancestors. But we won’t fall for it and will talk to Arano. He, in turn, will give the key to the Severin estate for a search. We arrive at the estate and kill the attackers. We search the safe and find evidence - we take it to Arano. Arano will send us to the Ash Fortress to kill assassins from Morag Tong. We arrive there and clear the fortress. After that we return for the reward.

"New Debt"

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

After you find a new manager for Neloth, problems will begin. At the market, the orc Mogrul will approach you and say that Drovas Relvi, Neloth’s new manager, owed him money in the amount of 1000 septims. Now this debt falls on us. Think for yourself, decide for yourself. You can, of course, intimidate the orc, but nothing will work and he will send thugs to extract the debt from you. You can go to Drovas Relvi and he will give you 250 septims. You can use eloquence to knock down the amount by 500 septims and pay.

"Spread Sadri's sujama."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Go to the Nauseating Netch tavern and talk to the innkeeper about sujama, during the conversation he will ask you to give out 10 sujamas to anyone who wants to try it. We agree, after that we pester the characters and distribute sujama. We complete it and return to Sadri for the reward.

"Pendants of the Eastern Imperial Company."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

At the market, approach Fetis Alor and talk about the pendants of the eastern imperial company. He will say that he collects them and is ready to pay generously for each pendant he brings.

“Cleanse the temple of ashen spawn.”

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

We go into the temple and talk to Elder Othrelot. He will ask you to clear the temple basement of the ashen spawn. We agree, take the key to the basement, go in there and start killing everyone. After this, we return to the elder for a reward.

"Ancient Nordic pickaxe."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Glover Mallory - the blacksmith will ask us to pick up an ancient Nord pickaxe from Cretius Cerellius. We come to the old man in the mine or his house, depending on whether you completed the quest to restore the mine or not - and demand that you give him the pickaxe. After that, we go to the blacksmith and receive the same pickaxe as a reward for completing the task.

"Bone Armor Formula"

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

This quest can be obtained if you are a member of the Thieves Guild. We go to Glover Mallory and receive a task to return the formula. We go to the caves of Karstag Castle, find Thane’s body and take the formula. We return to the blacksmith for a reward.

"Letter to Sapphire."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Given after completing the quest “Formula of Bone Armor”. We will receive a key from the blacksmith, and he will allow us to take everything that is behind the door, which can be opened with the key. We arrive, take the letter, sail to Skyrim to a thief named Sapphire and give the letter. In return we get a large diamond worth 5,000 septims.

"A cache of seasoned wine."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

After completing the quest "March of the Dead", approach the captain of the guard and he will ask you to find a cache of tempered wine. We accept the task. We run to two abandoned houses. There is a barrel between them, we climb into it and take away the wine. We take it to the captain and receive a reward.

Tel Mithryn.

"From the ash".

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

When you first visit Tel Mithryn, talk to Neloth's disciple, Talvas. He will be in the courtyard trying to learn the spell to summon the ash guard. After the conversation, go up to Neloth and immediately leave. At the exit, Talvas will meet you and ask for help. He was able to summon the ash guard, but was unable to control it and now it is raging. We kill him and decide who to tell - Talvas or Neloth? I advise you to tell Talvas, as he can become your companion.

"Manager under duress."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

We come to Tel Mithryn and talk with Neloth, during the conversation he will ask if we have seen his manager - Verona? We answer that we haven’t seen it and go in search of her. We go north and find her body next to the Sun Stone - we inform Neloth. He asks to find a new manager. We go to Raven Rock, or rather to the Vomiting Netch, and talk to Drovas Relvi. He will accept the job of manager. We return to Neloth and receive money and the key to the staff enchanter's room. There is one of the “black books” in the room.

"Old Friends"

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will complain about constant attacks from the ashen spawn, and share his theory that most likely someone is controlling them. He will give you a ring that will help you find the source of the attacks. We put it on and go to the northern cemetery, open the grave and return to Neloth. He will send us to the Summit Tower to kill his ex-girlfriend from Telvanni. We kill her and return to Neloth for a reward.

"Healing at home."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

We go to the Tel Mithryn pharmacy and talk to Elenia Matryon and volunteer to help fix the house in the shape of a mushroom. To repair, you need 3 taproots, and they also need to be moistened near the “Sources of the Harstrad River”. Taproots are removed from the dead bodies of sprigans or bought from alchemists, one way or another, after receiving them we go to the source and moisten the roots. After that, we return to Elenya and give the roots. She will give us one root and ask us to plant it in Neloth’s house. We go into the house and plant the root, after which we return to Elenya for a reward.

"Lost Knowledge"

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

The quest is given after completing the main Dragonbron story. We go to Neloth and he will tell you where the “black book” is. "White Ridge Mound" is our goal. We get there and kill everyone. We meet the dragon priest Dukan - we kill him, take off his mask, learn the new word “Cyclone” and select the “black book”. After this, we return to Neloth for the reward.

"Azra's Staff."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask us to get one of Azra’s many staves, and he will also give us a tip. He will send us to Skyrim. Most likely the location of the staff is random. I had this: “The pool of maara’s eyes.” We go there, clear the cave and take the staff. We give it to Neloth and receive a reward.

"Wind and Sand"

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask you to get the ancient Redguard book “Wind and Sand”. He will send us to Skyrim. Most likely the location of the staff is random. I had this: “Inconspicuous shelter.” We come there, clear it, take it and give it to Neloth for a reward.

"Core stones."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask us to get stones - cores that are mined from ore veins. We find the veins, dig them up and take the hearts - the cores - to Neloth for a reward.

"Dissection of the Heather Heart."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask us to get a heather heart. To do this you will have to sail back to Skyrim. We sail to Skyrim, find an outcast - a heather heart, kill him, take the heart and bring it to Neloth for a reward.

"Telvanni Research"

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask you to get ash from the ash spawn. For this he will give you a special tool. We find the spawn, kill it, take a measurement and return to Neloth.

Bjolda's Haven / Thirsk Mead Hall.

The tasks here are divided into two camps. We can side with the Rieklings or side with the Nords. You decide. And I will describe the tasks for both. Go!

"Hall Chieftain Thirsk."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

On the approaches to the mead hall of Thirsk, a Riekling will meet us and lead us inside. We go inside and talk to the leader of the Rieklings, he will ask you to find their boar - Bilgelmak. This boar loves meat. We leave the hall and move towards the river. We give the boar meat, and he follows us. We put him in the stall and go for the next task.

Now we need to collect a dozen pests. We collect and go to the leader. After this, he will ask you to kill 7 Nords in Bjolda's Refuge. We kill and return to him. He is afraid that you will be able to take away his title and attacks you. Kill him and you will become the leader of the Mead Hall. It's an honor, right? Also, you can summon Rieklings to help you.

"Recapture of Thirsk".

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

We go to Bjolda's Refuge and talk to Bjolda the Fearless about the recapture of Thirsk. She agrees with you and asks for help. We need to kill 19 Rieklings. We kill them and talk to Bjolda. She will ask you to go with her to Hrothmund's mound to receive a blessing to rule Tire. We go with her and listen to the conversation during which the spirit refuses to bless her. Bjolda will ask us to keep the secret and tell everyone that the spirit has given its blessing. If you refuse, she will attack you, and then you will be expelled from Thirsk. If you agree, then everything will be fine. But then it will be possible to publicly say that nothing like that happened and that she is a liar. Then they will expel her, but they will still treat you coolly.

Highlunda will ask you to bring 50 Riekling copies. Spears are obtained from Rieklings. One Riekling can have from 5 to 20 copies. We collect the spears, take them to Hailunda and receive a reward.

"Stalhrim and Ebonite."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Blacksmith Halborn will ask you to bring 10 pieces of Stalhrim Ore and 15 pieces of Ebony Ore. There is Stalhrim ore in the source, which you will find in the quest “A New Source of Stalhrim”, and there is a lot of ebony in the crow mine after the quest “Decisive Descent”. Collect ore, bring it to the blacksmith and receive a reward.

Skaal village.

"A new source of Stalhrim."

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

A few days after completing the story quest "The Fate of the Skaal", return to the village. After this, approach Deor and find out about the missing blacksmith. It turns out that he was taken by the Thalmor to an “abandoned hut.” Go there, kill the Thalmor squad next to the hut, and remove the key from the leader. Enter the hut and go down to the basement. We speak with the blacksmith and learn that the Thalmor are looking for a larger deposit of Stalhrim and they need to be stopped. Go to the North Pier and talk to the elves. You have a choice: pay them to leave; threaten with death; kill. One way or another, you will receive a card. Visit the deposit, knock out all the stalhrim from there and return to the blacksmith for your reward.

"Family bonds".

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Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

We arrive at the Skaal village and speak with the main hunter. He will say that his brother disappeared and began hanging around with werewolf bears. We need to find Torkild, but finding him is difficult. He always comes across in different places. Just explore the island and it will come to you. Torkild will talk some nonsense and if you approach him, he will attack you, so kill him anyway. Return to the bounty hunter. He will teach you how to shoot, block, wield one-handed weapons and wear heavy armor. Each skill will increase by one point.

Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Talk to Morwen in the Skaal village and she will ask you to take her mother's necklace to Falkreath. We take the necklace, take the necklace to Runil in Falkreath, and return back for the reward.

Tiv Nimble. And so I walk along the road, singing cheerful Redoran marches to make my steps easier. The sun is shining, the birds are singing - beauty!.. Freedom! I wish I could go down to the water, drink some cool water, and lie on the grass. Well, in half an hour we can stop, yes. In the meantime, I adjusted the straps on my shoulders - from a worn-out place to a fresher one - and then top, top: Resdainia, forward! Resdainia, go! Our great people will endure all obstacles! In vain do all the invaders think of bending us - We will pave the way for new graves for the enemies. We are worthy descendants of our fathers, We will give an end to our enemies, and food and shelter to our friends! Resdainia, go! Resdainia, go! Our great people are shining with new glory... A rustling and crackling sound was heard over my shoulder. I turned around... A hajit in an old, dirty and tattered chain mail ran out of the bushes. Holding the steel shield in front of him and swinging his mace, he shouted, “Dengi come on!” - and rushed at me. I was afraid that I might die right here... I cast sparks on him and ran away - the mace whistled past my nose. I cast a spell and run away, cast a spell and run away... Khazhit keeps waving his mace... Got it! My shoulder is burning like fire, but this is not the time to become limp - I’m going as hard as I can to the rock that sticks out nearby: it will be easier to defend on it. I climbed onto the rock, barely having time to pull my leg back: the blow carves out stone crumbs... I dodge, trying to maintain an advantage over the robber. Sparks at him: Shush! Shush! And the mana has run out, I am empty. I grab my sword - the bandit has already hit me hard, he sways and growls, but continues to hit me... and hits me on the thigh. Your chest gets cold: you can’t jump anymore; It clicks in my head - crystal sobriety and detachment spills around. The pattern of nearby impacts is clear. He rebounds on his good leg and immediately jumps forward, jabbing his sword over his shield: “Nna!” and with cutting movements on the wrist with a mace: “On! On!..” I hobble back, almost falling, jumping from the cliff. He is behind me - while he is at the top, I manage to slash him across the knee. And I'm leaving. Khazhit grins, growls, rattles his mace on the shield - nonsense, you’re almost baked, and I’ve recovered a little mana: enough for one small healing... In general, I killed him. Then he lay there in a sheet. Breathed. Dusty grass pressed into the muzzle. Fine!.. Matyushina Antonina ...I noticed the ruins of the old fort from afar, stopping to rest after a steep, winding climb. And as I came closer, I saw that the road passed through the fortress itself, apparently emerging from the opposite side. Probably, sometime in the immeasurable past, this was some kind of border outpost... if there ever was a border here. But whatever the reasons why it was built here, these are things of the past. And right now I need to decide how to safely bypass it and whether it’s worth doing it at all. As luck would have it, with the method of movement I chose - a hundred steps running, a hundred steps - I would have to walk through the ruins. However, in any case I will have to walk there. Because this fortress is an ideal place for a robber ambush. Well, I don’t believe that such a place wasn’t chosen by some thug with a heavy piece of iron as an “indisputable argument” in a money dispute with an unlucky traveler. And even more than one. For me, the almost complete lack of gold is more than compensated by the presence of the Amulet of Kings. It’s unlikely that robbers will be interested in some of the, uh, subtleties associated with this thing... They’ll take it away without scratching it. After checking with the brand new, freshly purchased map of the province, I disappointedly hid it back in my shoulder bag - on this piece of paper, which, by the way, cost me two full gold drakes, nothing was indicated except the capitals of the Cyrodiil counties and the main roads connecting them with the Imperial City . True, there was another mark on it, kindly placed at my request by the Redguard seller at the place where Vaynon Priory was supposed to be located, but in this situation it could not help me in any way. The only thing is that Baurus, when explaining the way to the priory to me, mentioned some Ash Fortress as one of the landmarks. I must think that this is it, because the previous one I saw was quite far from the road. Well, I should be glad that at least I didn’t get lost. And no one... Now, even though I seem to be on the run, I would be happy even with an imperial patrol from those that patrolled the roads closer to the capital, but... alas. And we can’t wait any longer - the sooner I give the Amulet of Kings to a man named Joffrey, the better it will be. For me. Because if any detachment of legionnaires tried to stop me, it would be impossible to prove that Uriel himself gave me this trinket. In the absence of witnesses, Baurus believed my story, but he was there at the moment of transfer of the relic. .. somewhat busy. And the charge of stealing imperial regalia is punishable on a par with treason - the death penalty. Especially if you add a prison escape to it. Mentally asking my ancestors for protection, in the hope that they would not turn away from the request of an exile on a foreign side, I moved forward. Step by step. I still have time to rush forward with all my might. At least that's what I hoped. Oh, if only I had a horse... It didn’t work out. As soon as I passed the second arch of the dilapidated tower, I exhaled with relief - I was lucky - when a hoarse voice barked from behind: - Stop! Turning sharply towards the voice, I immediately caught my heel on a protruding stone or root and, predictably, immediately found myself sitting on the worn-out paving stones. My tailbone, bruised by an unsuccessful landing, exploded with pain, causing me to howl, using an unkind word to say someone’s mother, and I closed my eyes, holding back the tears that came out. That very rare case when the well-groomed road you find yourself on does not bring joy. The robber, as I blinked, I discovered, there was only one - a tall, almost Nord-like, skinny Khajiit in shabby fur armor. However, his own skin was, as it were, no more shabby. Deidrov's cat settled down not near the fortress itself, where travelers unwittingly await an attack, but a little further away. Just where the traveler will finally relax a little. Like me. And, apparently, he successfully used this trick more than once. Here they are, the fruits of the imperial lisp with the beast people... - Stop crying, big-eared one, - the cat grinned mockingly, slowly walking towards me, - I haven’t done anything to you yet. Although... maybe I'll do it again. If you don't be an obedient boy. I remained silent, assessing my chances. There is only one robber. This gives me hope. If I had a dagger on my belt instead of the sword taken from the body of Captain Reno, the Khajiit would not even have time to reach the two-handed axe, the handle of which sticks out above his shoulder. But - alas, almost everything that I got hold of in the dungeons under the city ended up with Jensin. Including a pair of iron daggers, rusted almost through - despite my preferences in choosing weapons, I did not dare to trust my life to such a frankly unreliable weapon. The trouble is that I also didn’t feel too confident with the imperial straight sword. However, this is not a reason to give up in advance. “So, so, big-eared,” the Khajiit stopped a few steps from me. - Drive a hundred gold pieces and you can get lost as long as I’m good. If I were still standing, I would definitely sit down. - Aren’t you going wild, kitty? - The cat’s appetites outraged me so much that for a moment I even forgot that I was actually being robbed. - Where can I get you so much gold? Thanks to the sale of the goblin staff, I had money. In the morning. Because I immediately spent most of it in Jensin’s store, buying a new bow and equipment to replace the squalor in which I got out of the sewer. Another map... and food for the road. In general, at the moment there was, one might say, no money in my wallet. So I didn't even lie. But even if I had them, would I give a bald cat a hundred gold pieces for a healthy living? Never! Besides, where is the guarantee that he would really limit himself to a hundred coins and not want to rake in the rest? grin. - Well, okay... - I don’t have money! - I screamed. - You see - no! Although the Daedra cat, it seems, still won’t let go... “That means I’ll have to kill you for free,” the robber roared, confirming my last thought, jumping forward and raising his ax to strike. But I wasn’t going to meekly wait until I was hacked to death. Rolling to the left, I jumped to my feet and drew my sword. Am I really unable to cope with some robber? Letting out a furious grunt as the ax clanged and struck sparks from the paving stones, the Khajiit turned to face me. - Scary, baby? - he bared his teeth. - Well, run, complain to mommy! I remained silent so as not to lose my breath, slowly moving to the left, so that the rays of Magnus, hovering at the zenith, hit the enemy’s eyes. I was in no hurry to attack yet - the greater weight than the dagger and the unusual balance of the imperial sword forced me to be much more cautious than usual. ZANNG! A huge ax cut through the air with a roar and clanged on the stones right where my left leg had just been. The Khajiit figured out my simple plan and was not slow in using his hunch. Damn it! I was not taught to fight openly, trained in technique - I sneaked up and hit... True, as my journey through the imperial dungeon populated by goblins showed, after a year of prosperous life in Balmora, some difficulties arose with the “creeped up”... but this can be completely corrected . But to do this, you need to get rid of the Daedra Khajiit, and I, Dremora kiss me, have absolutely no idea how to do this! But even so, I was far superior to the enemy in speed, and during the swing I managed to move in the direction opposite to the direction in which I had been moving all this time, to a sufficient distance. Fear doesn't count. In addition, the ax is by no means a weapon that can be swung for any long time. This means that the Khajiit will quickly run out of steam. The main thing is that he doesn’t have time to get me before this moment. - What's happened? - the cat inquired in a mocking and sympathetic tone. - Do you want to cry? He was still breathing easily and evenly. As if he had not just swung a heavy ax. Badly. I may not wait until he gets tired. Besides, the Khajiit is not a fool either. Moreover, unlike me, he probably knows when and how often imperial patrols pass. And stomping around in the middle of the road for a long time is not in his interests. “You think too long,” I remembered the words of my mentor, spoken by him when he considered that he could teach me nothing more. “You are used to delivering one precise blow from the shadows and you are good at it. But in life you have not There will always be an opportunity to act this way. One day you will have to enter into an open battle, and if you are not ready to act quickly, you will lose." Then I happily ignored his words. Moreover, later, in Balmora, his lessons were useful to me only once - when, at the threshold of the Eight Plates, where I happened to stay late that evening, I was attacked to pieces by a drunken Kammon man, and the Hlaalu guards, as is usually the case with them , patrolled neighborhoods on the other side of the Odai River. That time, in my favorite manner, I hid in the shadows, and when the attacker, having lost sight of me, became confused, struck from the darkness... But now I need to act quickly. Even worse, learn to act quickly. Jump... the Khajiit was confused for a fraction of a moment, but still managed to place a handle encased in steel rings in the path of the blade flying into his face. I immediately jumped back, simultaneously slashing the cat in the leg with my sword. The worn fur of the leggings was stained with blood. - Ha! - the cat commented on the wound received. - Scratch! I said nothing again, crouching down to let the ax blade whiz overhead, and hit the Khajiit on the shin, hoping to sever the tendons. It didn’t work out - the cat wasn’t dozing either, at the moment of the impact it jumped high into the air and tried to kick me in the face. Drawn by the force of his own swing, he landed rather awkwardly, but this did not give me the desired advantage - fleeing from his kick, I rolled too far to successfully attack. -You fight like a girl! - the robber roared, receiving a third cut. - Stand still and accept death like a man! Well, I’m already standing and humbly waiting. Keep your pocket wider, kitty! I snorted contemptuously in response, simultaneously blowing away the hair that had come out from under the lace during my jumping and rolling on the paving stones, so as not to interfere with my vision. And there was something to see - my opponent was noticeably tired, the shabby fur of his armor - and not only his - was stained with blood in several places. However, I think I myself looked a little better from the outside. And where, Dremora love them, do these Daedric legionnaires hang around when they are needed? A short squeal was suddenly heard from the direction of the fortress, followed by a sound like a slap. I involuntarily glanced in that direction, distracted literally for a moment... and it almost cost me my life. The seemingly exhausted Khajiit roared so loudly that my ears were blocked and instantly attacked. Out of surprise, I yelled back and blindly, not seeing anything except the ax rapidly falling on me, I slashed with my sword in front of me... and hit... somewhere. The heavy handle of the ax hit me on the shoulder, almost breaking my bones and forcing me to release the sword stuck in the robber’s body. And after it, its owner fell in, knocking me off my feet and almost slamming me into the cobblestones of the road. In any case, he knocked the wind out of me very efficiently. For the next few minutes, I floundered fiercely under the dead man, trying to climb out - the cat, which had crushed me with its entire considerable body, turned out to be very... unclean. And besides, I finally shit myself. It’s not that the latter came as a surprise to me - it happens - but I didn’t see any reason for joy. You'd think I wasn't dirty enough without this... So when I finally got out, the nearby stream came in very handy. As for the trophies, disgust turned out to be stronger than greed - of all that the Khajiit had with him, I only took gold. Having thought it over, he decided not to take the ax - it weighs a lot, but he won’t be able to get a lot of money for it. Even before the fight, the armor wasn’t worth a good word, but now... But the robber probably had some kind of cache... it couldn’t help but be, the cat had settled down too comfortably here. Worth looking. A warped, cracked door hanging on one rusty hinge attracted my attention immediately, but as I came closer, I noticed on both sides of it several skulls impaled on sticks stuck into the cracks between the stones. I've seen this recently. And the skulls themselves - small, similar to children's, but of some irregular shape and with powerful jaws that were huge for their size, from which serious fangs protruded - clearly indicated who their owners were during life. The ruins of the fort were chosen by goblins, therefore, going into the dungeons of the fort would be... unwise. And to no avail - everything of any value was probably stolen long before the greenskins appeared. Besides, a Khajiit would hardly hide underground. It’s much more likely on the upper floors... However, I didn’t find a robber’s lair there. But I found two goblins. The broken body of one of them hung on the remains of a pylon that had once supported the platform of the upper floor. Most likely, it was his screech that almost caused my untimely death. I found the second one upstairs - he was sitting against the wall in a pool of blood, holding with both paws his drooping belly, in which there was a huge cut, and muttering some inarticulate complaints. I immediately found the reason for the fight between the greenskins - the goblin was devouring with his eyes a bunch of gems laid out on the stone so that they reflected Magnus’s rays. Beautiful... Having finished off the green one - he was so bad and was so carried away by the contemplation of the pebbles that he never realized my presence - I collected the gems and poured them into the pouch. Not a robber's stash, but not bad either. The stones were small and again were not of the best quality, but that didn’t bother me much. The Imperial Catacombs taught me to be practical. But I still found the Khajiit cache...

To begin the March of the Dead quest you will need to find a small abandoned farm south of Raven Rock. Attiyah Farm is easy to find if you move from the southern gate of the colony, down the road.

Soon you will witness a battle between a Dunmer from House Redoran and a pair of Ashen Spawns. Captain Modin Velet will fiercely resist, but the forces are clearly not equal, so he will have to help. Kill all the enemies, and then search the ashes left from them, you should find a note from a certain Falch Carius, the contents of which boil down to a declaration of war on the Dunmer settlement.

Falch Carius is the captain of Fort Frostmoth and one of the current characters in Bloodmoon. After 200 years, he somehow made himself known again. Captain Modin Veleth will ask you to look into the increasing attacks on the settlement. If it is confirmed that Karius has become an undead, Velet will ask to kill him.

We go to Fort Frost Butterfly; just like in Bloodmoon, it is located in the southeastern part of the island. At the ruins of the imperial fortress, several ashen spawn will be waiting for you. Fortunately, there are no long corridors inside and very soon you will reach the room with the coffins. Here you can find the diary of the necromancer Ildari, who, as the records say, awakened Captain Carius to life with the help of a core stone. This room also contains a duffel bag and a fort key.

The key opens the last door behind which the most difficult enemy awaits - Falch Carius. Additional trouble is created by his few assistants - the ashen offspring.

When Karius is dealt with, you will be able to pick up a unique artifact from among his belongings - the “Hero’s Club”.


Return to Raven Rock and report to Modin Veleth about your completed assignment. Depending on your level you will receive a certain amount of money.
1-29 1500
30-39 2500
40-49 5000
50-59 7500
60+ 10000
