Dragon scales in Skyrim. Dragon scales skyrim id Dragon bone and scales id

Like all other items in game The Elder Scrolls V has its own unique identification code: dragon scales skyrim id: 0003ADA3. Mainly used for blacksmithing - improving or creating items such as armor, shield, helmet, gloves or boots. In order to improve or create an item, you will need 2-3, and in some cases 4 dragon scales.

Also used in a single case by Esbern to complete the quest “Study of Dragons” and create a special dragon slayer potion.

Of course, from the name of the item, it is clear that in order to get this item, you will need to find and kill a dragon. These intelligent lizards who live in Nirn are the children of Akatosh and may have been the very first intelligent creatures in all of Tamriel. Once upon a time, dragons ruled over mortals and, with the help of dragon priests, supported the Cult of the Dragon.

It was a cruel and ruthless reign. However, after a confrontation called the "War of the Dragons", the mortals practically exterminated and drove out the dragons. The victory was made possible thanks to the help of the defector dragon Paarthurnax and the goddess Kin. This dragon still lives at the very top of the Throat of the World mountain and teaches mortals who come to him.

Dragon scales should not be confused with dragon heart scales; they are almost identical and visually indistinguishable, as they have the same weight and appearance; you can get them if you have Cavosein's Fang.

Therefore, you should know that skyrim dragon scales id: 0003ADA3, and dragon heart scales have id 000D0756 and are not used in blacksmithing. If you hold the fang in your right hand while examining a defeated dragon, you can find this item. Can be used as extra income if sold or just as a trophy. Also used to complete the quest “Ritual Spell of Change.”

The only place where you can find dragon scales without killing the dragon itself is the Shrine of Akatosh, it is located near Lund's hut.

With the maximum level of blacksmithing skill, you can create Dragon armor, this is dragon scale armor (includes a helmet, shield, boots, breastplates and gloves) - light armor, as well as dragon shell armor (a similar set as light armor) - heavy armor. To create this armor you will need skyrim dragon scales id: 0003ADA3, dragon bone, strips of leather and the leather itself, as well as iron ingots.

Dragon armor is one of the best armor in Skyrim, in its protective parameters it is second only to the unique Daedric armor - the most powerful armor of heavy armor, but much easier to manufacture.

If you have leveled up your heavy armor skill and are wearing this armor, it will cause envy even among the city guards

So, you are a blacksmith and your skill level is up to 100? Then we take our supplies of dragon scales and take all our goods to the forge. Not forgetting the rest of the ingredients you will need to make the armor. If you need a set of light armor, then practically nothing except the scales themselves will be needed for production; in such armor it is easy to walk and sneak up unnoticed. And to make a heavy set of armor you will need not only scales, but also a similar number of dragon bones.

What is noteworthy is that only dragon armor is present in the game, without any dragon weapons. Therefore, if you want to have the most good weapon, in addition to armor, you will definitely need to develop the heavy armor branch in blacksmithing in order to forge Daedric weapons (and maybe Daedric armor along with them) and become an almost invincible warrior in the world of Skyrim.

The most difficult thing in blacksmithing is to find the dragon itself, fight it and win. It is very, very difficult to specifically find these intelligent lizards, because meeting a dragon is an accident. They can be found almost anywhere, both on the top of a mountain and on the plain, or when approaching a settlement, catch a dragon in battle with a security detachment. You can also simply buy (or sell, if you want to make extra money) dragon scales on the market, bargaining for a decent price - if, of course, you find someone willing to sell it.

He who seeks will always find, and the most persistent will succeed.

Dragon scales is a rare and quite valuable resource in many gaming projects, including the popular masterpiece “Skyrim”. This item can only be obtained in one way and is widely used in blacksmithing. Fans should know how to get it and all the facts about the item.

The first and easiest way

To get the desired amount of a resource, the player just needs to know the ID of the dragon scales and a special command to receive the item. Unique material number 0003ADA3. The cheat works through the console, which is opened with the tilde key. You must enter player.additem in the line and write the above code in brackets. After it, use the “_” sign and enter the desired quantity without a space.

Using this command, the user can immediately obtain as many units of dragon scales as required for the entire armor. It should be remembered that when using cheats, entertainment becomes too simple and not so interesting. It is much better to do the search manually, and then you will be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the game completely, which is what you need to do in the RPG genre.

Searches in the game

Dragon scales are obtained in Skyrim only by killing dragons. The resource should not be confused with the material of the same name, which is extracted from the hearts of ancient lizards. They look the same, but the second variety is not used in blacksmithing and is only used to complete the Ritual Spell of Change mission. Slaying a dragon is not an easy task, especially on high level complexity, but that's only half the battle.

First you need to find given enemy to fight him. Melee fighters will find it especially inconvenient to fight, because the lizard always flies into the air and lands only at certain points. The easiest way to kill a dragon will be for magicians and archers. Ancient lizards often appear randomly and can even attack big cities like Whiterun or Riften. When looking for resources, you shouldn’t count on such luck, and it’s best to do this in the Dragon’s Lairs. They live on high mountains, where it is often difficult to find a way. At the top, a huge enemy will definitely be waiting for the hero, who must be killed. Here you can often find dragon screams and valuable items.

Resource application

In the game Skyrim, dragon scales fall from one Dragon in the amount of one, rarely two pieces. It is used to create armor of the same name, which falls into the category of heavy armor. To forge, you must have advanced blacksmithing skills. To create a full dragon outfit, you need to have 23 units of material and another four for the shield if you use it. To improve armor, you also need to have material.

Since this equipment is considered one of the best in Skyrim, resource extraction becomes a priority task for every user. One sample of dragon scales will have to be given to Esbern during the “Study of Dragons” quest. From it he will create a dragon slayer potion, which he must drink main character. The best thing for any player would be to open the entire map, level up blacksmithing, and then run to each Dragon's Lair. If this is not enough, then go through other missions, and along the way lizards will appear. Kill enemies and save scales for armor.

Good weapons and armor in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have always been valued above all else, because they can protect the hero and increase his susceptibility to enemy attacks. Dragon equipment is the strongest in the game, as well as the rarest in terms of spawn rates. Finding such weapons without the Dawnguard add-on is almost impossible, but light and heavy dragon bone armor appears in Skyrim already at level forty. True, they may not get in the way of the character, because... are extremely rare.

Finding such equipment is a huge success for any player. Of course, starting from level thirty, it is possible to come across dragon gloves or boots, but they are not considered particularly valuable. Due to the fact that it is not possible to buy dragon scales and bones anywhere in the game, users, having collected more necessary resources, can make it themselves.

Many users prefer Daedric weapons over dragon ones. Frankly, there aren't too many differences between these two weapons. Or rather, there are practically none. The damage is almost identical, and in terms of weight they are also not too different from each other. The only thing that can be noted is that dragon equipment is much easier to craft.

Therefore, it depends on the player’s preferences, as well as on whether he wants to spend his time obtaining resources for dragon weapons, if he can produce the same Daedric weapons much faster. Although, perhaps users like to feel like the proud owners of rare equipment.

Naturally, you can get dragon bones and scales by destroying dragons. On the bodies of dead dragons there are from one to three bones, the number of which falls out randomly. In the game you can find a bone dragon, which must have five bones.

Two more bones can be easily found on the table in Valerika’s laboratory. It would be faster to simply enter the id of the dragon bone in Skyrim into the console, without bothering with finding the necessary resources. This will be discussed later in the article.

Scales are obtained from killed dragons, taking them from lifeless bodies. However, it can also be obtained from the heart of a dragon if Cavosein's Fang is available. But nothing can be forged from such scales, because... it exists only for the quest with the ritual. Additionally, there is another one if you thoroughly explore the area near the Akatosh sanctuary.

If difficulties arise in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, gamers are given the opportunity to use cheat codes that will greatly simplify game process. Of course, it is wrong to constantly introduce cheats, because all the interest in the game will instantly disappear due to lack of tension. But since they still exist, then why not use them at least a couple of times. To enter them, the developers made a special console. It can be turned on by pressing the “tilde” (or e) key. If the console is not displayed on the screen, you need to close the game and run it as an administrator.

To get resources for dragon weapons using the console, you need the id of a dragon bone in skyrim: 0003ADA4 and a dragon scale - 0003ADA3. You can also simply enter the code of your favorite weapon, then you won’t have to craft anything.

All this is done with the command player.additem###1, in which ### is the item code.

Codes for all possible resources and types of weapons can be found on our website. Happy gaming everyone!
