Dungeon Siege III - game review. Dungeon Siege III - review of the game With Crooked Good Hands

There are instances in video games where you can fall asleep while playing. A 24-hour marathon or prison torture comes to mind. By the way, one thing that these two things have in common is that the player has a much greater goal in mind (getting to the finish line and not fainting, respectively). Now imagine you're playing a fairly mediocre game like Dungeon Siege 3, and your "greater goal" is simple enjoyment. Well, seven hours will be enough for you, no more. But there is no need to be a hero; if you need to rest, lie down. Dungeon Siege 3, a game with a dangerously small number of dungeons, can serve as a great sleep aid.

To be honest, there's a lot to take away from this "sorta-RPG" game, but that's only if you like games with similar climaxes. The game is based on a Diablo clone with a loot collection system and a “sticky” character build. Dungeon Siege 3 was apparently designed for console players. There's nothing wrong with this if done right, but certain design decisions make the game feel undercooked and tasteless. So, the core of the game is Diablo, but for the knowledgeable audience it is rather Diablo combined with Fable and a “pinch” Mass Effect, and from all three games not the most are represented here best elements. Dungeon Siege 3 is an overly linear RPG, marred by odd omissions of standard aspects and boring, repetitive combat. Oh yes, there is also an online cooperation mode, but more on that later.

Like previous games, Dungeon Siege 3 takes place in the fantasy world of Ehb, where your hero - a member of one of four classes - is a descendant of the 10th Legion, which is practically the equivalent of the Jedi. As it turns out, more than 30 years before the game takes place, the Legion was crushed by military commander Jane Cassynder and was considered extinct. As a descendant of the Legion's old guard, it's your job to rebuild the ranks by paying back Cassynder and his minions. Over the course of the game, which is the most straightforward game yet, you meet and recruit three more non-selectable characters to join your team, take on major quests to improve your abilities, and interact with various non-player characters through a series of BioWare-style dialogue trees.

All of the above turned out to be the best aspects of the game, albeit a little underdeveloped. If the characters themselves are typical, then the game at least provides two options for combat for each character: the first is against a crowd, the second is one-on-one. Anjali, for example, uses her spear for wide swings that catch enemies at a fairly decent distance, but when she is alone with the boss, one button press turns her into an elemental creature that shoots fireballs. Most of the fun comes from properly timing and changing fighting styles to deal maximum damage. Each position can unlock three abilities at a time, as well as three defensive abilities for healing or attack/defense. Points can be spent on upgrades, as well as strengthening passive abilities such as maximum attack or fast healing.

The problem here is that there are only 9 abilities in the game, which is just terribly few. By the time they all become available towards the end of the game, the experimental stage is over and you already know what works and what doesn't. More abilities doled out at intervals would have made this better, and even though you can spend points on building up abilities in different ways, they're still the same special moves that have been stuck with you since the beginning of the game. This makes the battle boring. And it's at this point that a PC game with a console aspect comes to mind. On console, your normal attacks are controlled by the A or X buttons, and the remaining three buttons are responsible for your abilities. Typically in games like Torchlight, which was more successful on console, you're given more special attack options and can choose which buttons to map to which actions. But Dungeon Siege 3 only has nine abilities, and you only have to fill them with a few buttons.

The game is also stiflingly linear, with the mini-map showing narrow passages leading to most objectives with only a few changes, and pressing the d-pad will reveal a golden path to follow so you won't have to do any exploration. Much of the game takes place in settings such as forests and mountain roads that are eye-catching. And the very dungeons in the game (which it is actually named after), again there are very few of them, are just some of the areas where the game really shines. While they're not original or even challenging, places like the haunted house and abandoned factories are a nice change of pace between fighting groups of enemies on your way to a particular town.

Cities and other locations can greatly slow down the game. NPCs begin dialogue the same way as in Dragon Age and Mass Effect: After explaining what's what, expansion opportunities present themselves that can increase the influence on your "artificial" companions, as well as help make decisions in this world. It's funny at first. But by the end of the game, you'll likely find yourself skipping dialogue because the choices you make don't have much impact on the world around you. The power gained over your companions is never fully explained, leading to the impression that the focus here is on achievements/trophies, with decisions made throughout the story only subtly altering the game's story ending.

Co-op mode is a similar mixture of half-baked plans. Up to four players can enter a player's campaign (two offline and up to four online) to fight enemies together. Four people on screen can create real chaos. When everything is in one place, the game can become quite easy. But in most cases, the more players, the more chaotic the game. The camera follows the main player. Others will have to stick close and are not allowed to leave the player's camera range. This makes sense in off-game situations, since two players share the same screen. But in an online game, it’s strange why everyone can’t have their own screen. Instead, the whole action begins to slow down, everyone fights for their place on the screen, and this causes the camera to become confused and the players to lose their temper. What's even weirder is that players can't bring their own created character into multiplayer, and have to rely only on how the main player made his allies, which they couldn't control during the main campaign.

Party politics also plays an important role. Everyone shares the main player's money, but everyone can go on a shopping spree whenever they want. Each player can go to the store and buy whatever they want, which means that if you don't communicate, one player can make your team bankrupt in a matter of seconds. Dialogue trees with non-player characters are also at the mercy of the main character, who makes all the decisions. Other players can vote to turn the conversation around, but that's it.

The upside is that finding and accepting games is very easy. You can set up your campaign so that players can freely join and leave the game, and entering the game from the main screen is as easy as choosing from lists. One very nice aspect of the multiplayer is the "break" option in the main menu. Since the team cannot move on until everyone joins, you can put artificial intelligence in your place if you suddenly need to go to the toilet or get a drink. Of course, you shouldn't trust him to fight a boss, but it's a nice addition to online games.

As a developer, Obsidian is quite patchy in terms of how their games perform on a technical level. While Dungeon Siege 3 isn't as messy as their recent titles, it does have some minor issues. For example, the brightness and textures on the PS3 version look dirtier than on the 360. Although many will not even notice, the 360 ​​version also has its own flaws and shortcomings. On PS3, entire walls can disappear in dungeons. However, on Xbox the camera rotates more sluggishly than on PlayStation. There was also a case when the camera in multiplayer followed a character whose player left and left artificial intelligence in his place. Of course, it's strange, especially considering that you may not even meet this character for half the game.

Overall, the game itself seems to be unable to catch up with itself. You will automatically advance to the talent tree after leveling up, but you will need to complete the battle first. Sometimes this happens right away, and sometimes it happens that the battle is over and you're still staring at a blank screen for about 30 seconds. Saving the game is just as weird - you can't save it until the battle is over, but sometimes there's nothing left after it. even enemy corpses. These are also several omissions of aspects traditional for this genre - the absence of a map in the game other than a mini-map, the inability to determine the behavior of the enemy artificial intelligence and the lack of a team of more than two adequate people, as in previous Dungeon Siege games, all suggest that the DS 3 was pulled out of the oven too early.


Dungeon Siege 3 isn't a game to hate, but there aren't enough aspects to make it worth loving. By the end of the campaign, you'll likely be satisfied with a more-or-less average story, but the threadbare combat and chaotic multiplayer that should have sold this game aren't exactly well thought out. There have been worse games, but there have also been much better ones.

You'll like it:
✓ different fighting styles
✓ many dialogue options
✓ Boss fights are great for strengthening

You won't like:
✓ limited number of abilities can make the battle boring
✓ it’s unclear whether these are dungeons or an exploratory RPG
✓ multiplayer mode for four people can be a real thorn in…

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The Dungeon Siege series of games can hardly be called ideal, largely due to the same type of very long labyrinths and repetitive tasks introduced by the creators from Gas Powered Games. Perhaps for the sake of a fresh look, Dungeon Siege III was handed over to Obsidian, which not only preserved the atmosphere of the original, but also added some much-needed depth to it, cutting 50 hours of monotonous dungeon-sweeping down to 10 hours of fast-paced gameplay.

The story of Dungeon Siege 3 begins 150 years after the events of its predecessor, focusing a complex narrative around the remnants of a secret order of peace and justice called the 10th Legion, to which the four main characters have direct ties. It is they who can tip the scales of fate in the right direction, saving the order, themselves and the world around them.

Each of the four heroes presented in the game corresponds to gaming style and customer expectations. If you like hand-to-hand combat and close combat, then Lucas and his sword are at your service. Fans of elemental magic and powerful spells can choose Reinhart, who is also quite good in close combat. Katerina is suitable for amateurs ranged, flashing a shotgun and two powerful pistols. And finally, Arachon Anjali is not averse to using fire magic and a staff from both long and short distances. Unfortunately, the developers deprived us of visual customization (not all magic lovers like to play as a sad grandfather) and the ability to rename the selected character.

In addition to basic skills, each hero can develop six attack powers - three for each combat form. Each combat form differs in the type of weapons used or the proportions of defense and offense. Special attacks are assigned to the main buttons and can be activated during battle as they cool down. For example, Anjali can quickly restore health, create a wall of fire and summon a fire jackal to help in battles with bosses. Her fighting forms are fire, where she spits fireballs, and human, in which she engages in close combat with a sharp staff. For Katerina, the forms are represented by a gun and twin pistols. As they gain experience and new levels, players can upgrade their forces (5 levels), increasing their offensive or defensive elements, as well as investing experience points in special abilities that increase or decrease damage on the battlefield. Naturally, every choice leads to sacrifices and you will have to decide to increase your damage from magic or enhance its restorative properties.

The most important element gameplay is the collection of loot, which is found in chests, destructible objects such as barrels and tables, and also falls out of defeated opponents. There is a lot of loot in Dungeon Siege III and its type is precisely adjusted to the selected character. And it is in its quantity that one of the main problems of the game lies - if in the first hours you can carefully check the items of clothing and magic you are trying on, then by the middle you simply don’t want to dig through dozens of items, which are also ranked by price, but cannot be sorted by special attributes, such as elemental bonuses. Therefore, in my case, the loot was collected over several missions to be selected and used solely based on its price on the free market. By the way, buying items in shops, as well as selling them, is an absolutely useless exercise, since around the next corner a heap of junk awaits you, which is many times better than a unique item from a merchant, with a total value of a fortune.

The plot of Dungeon Siege III revolves around the campaign of the protagonist and his partners against the evil Jane Cassynder, a hereditary arachon (messenger of the gods), who destroyed most of the 10th Legion. Where Gas Powered Games had three lines, Obsidian has kilometers of text hidden in dialogue and numerous tablets and tomes. At the same time, the creators avoid direct conflict with the main villain, weaving a network of political intrigues and complex conspiracies, where you have to make promises and make responsible decisions about the fate of the world and its inhabitants. And also find as many allies as possible. At the same time, the dialogue wheel often suggests complex solutions that lead to acute conflicts or unfulfilled promises in the future. In addition, the player is burdened with secondary tasks, where searching for missing peasants in a spider's lair and catching miracle fish is the most common thing. Thanks to a convenient quest tracking system, in Dungeon Siege III you can always set priority tasks and, with the press of one button, get a visual route hint with the shortest road to your destination.

Dungeon Siege 3, among other things, came out on consoles, and that's probably great. For console users, of course. I happened to get acquainted with the PC version of the game, and after the stress I experienced, I don’t want to talk about anything other than the poor, inconvenient controls and interface. Why happy users of a computer mouse in a “traditional PC-style RPG” were seated behind gamepad controls is impossible to understand. For the first hour of the game, you want to cry tears of blood, swear, and destroy some of the nearest household utensils. I waited and waited for Dungeon Siege 3, I wanted to comfortably call all the local monsters to death, while at the same time figuring out which labyrinth to go into next and impressively clear territory after territory. Why do I need your console rolls, why this infuriating aiming of the blow?

OK then.

With a stick in our teeth, we launch DS3 for the second time. It’s not just that the money was given to the developers.

DS3 can easily be called a "corridor RPG". Throughout the game, legionnaires (local forces of good, on whose side we actually stand) walk along the pipe. The funny thing is, now we are talking not only about dungeons and forest paths, but also about almost everything else - swamps, cities (!), villages, other worlds - all corridors with rare growths of castles and other city halls.

The plot, for its part, is also not particularly twisted and in this regard pleasantly correlates with the pipe of locations. The enemies once again burned down the native corridor, the native hut of the already distressed better times Legion named after goodness, justice and centralized power. By luck, not included in the general distribution main character(options are possible here) must go on a campaign against the forces of Evil, split and revolution, because you can’t just take it and leave it as it is. Something like this.

Perhaps local intrigues and showdowns will be interesting to fans of the previous parts, but the story of DS3 itself cannot boast of either exciting action or colorful characters (talking busts, if anything, are available, you don’t have to worry about that), and therefore is capable to captivate only the player who is initially inclined to take in the next fantasy.

It cannot be said unequivocally that turning locations into one long pipeline is a pronounced flaw, because various figures NPCs, monsters, shops, chests and other little things are still skillfully placed by the developers along the walls of the tunnel, and running back and forth can be fun, don’t look at the fact that you can’t take a step left or right. In general, many RPGs are essentially the same pipes leading from point A to point B, only in disguise. Another thing is that such an extreme simplification of locations and the game path as a whole, a seemingly technical aspect, reduces many important aspects for role-playing games, such as the notorious immersion in the atmosphere, after which you can easily swallow a passing story, not choke and even be satisfied, to no. It’s impossible to take all these errands seriously.

The game's role-playing system is traditionally sluggish for recent projects. As in , in DS3 you can either be a completely paladin of goodness, justice and light, or still a little bit of a bastard and not help everyone in need and use salty phrases in dialogues. In general, this is where the room for maneuver ends. It is not clear what the differences are between the various lines in the dialogues. There is no need at all to listen and read the explanations of those you meet, what exactly they want from you. What monster is hiding where, who it eats and how it attacks, who offended the next victim and who needs to be punished - it doesn’t matter, the outcome is the same, goodies for the quest and ends in the water. The little stories of the quest givers are not interesting enough to be valuable in themselves, alas.

Pumping - yes, pumping is cute. All sorts of perks, talents, statistics and percentages of critical hits - everything is in place, it’s interesting to play. True, the names of some parameters-attributes do not mean what they mean: for example, I had to give up weapons and armor that increase “rock”. That is, rock to everyone, guys, of course, but... what is this attribute about? It is not entirely clear who exactly should be blamed for such confusion, whether the developers were too clever or the talented translators.

Another cruel joke of the “team RPG” Dungeon Siege 3 is this very team component. On the one hand, we were not deceived; from time to time during the adventure we meet characters who were rejected by the player when choosing the main character/heroine, and join the campaign in supporting roles. Even that same system of influence (see BioWare) with allies’ approval and disapproval of your actions and ways of doing things on the spot, but: only the main character and one of his comrades can enter the battlefield at the same time. At this time, according to the rules of the game, the rest must hide somewhere in a backpack among the equipment.

Maybe I’m already completely finished with my Starcraft 2, but after the first message “the limit of allies on the battlefield has been exceeded, let the rest hide in the house” I didn’t even try to find out whether this limit would increase over time or level, but simply sold all the accumulated I scrubbed and forgot about all the allies, except for the first archon I met.

However, without succeeding in almost anything that concerns the concept of “deep RPG”, DS3 remains a more or less interesting slasher. Having cried all your bloody tears over the dead “computer” controls, in the end you begin to put up with console controls (you can plug a gamepad into the computer’s USB port somewhere, it certainly won’t get any worse) and you begin to truly enjoy the game. You can safely ignore the dialogues, don’t bother with a fine selection of complementary skills of your partners, don’t bother with battle tactics - we just run from one end of the pipe to the other and fervently bend everyone over until we get bored.

Some general thoughts

Games Dungeon series Siege has never been anything new in gaming industry. You ran around, like in a thousand other games, killed monsters, learned spells, dressed your team... Everything was slightly changed, there was an attempt to give individuality and find your own feature in the RPG world. But the attempt remained an attempt, and we saw just a new clone of the good old Diablo, with new graphics, new voice acting... In general, in a new wrapper. Both the first and second parts of the game differed essentially only in that same wrapper. Yes, fans will name a bunch of differences, but the most important thing - the essence of the game - nothing has changed. Although, if you look at it from the other side, the Dungeon Siege series is not the worst RPG that has seen the light of day. Therefore, this series could well take a place among the confident middle of the leaderboard. However, that’s what happened. An established audience of fans, a couple of critics, many indifferent... It was and would have remained so, if not for one small miracle.

Development Dungeon games Siege 3 was assigned to Obsidian. And with that, all gamers held their breath. Fans are in anticipation, critics are waiting for new ground for negativity. The indifferent ones decided to take a look and finally decide on their side. Maybe it's time to move into one of the two categories? However, it was not so and fundamentally. The main thing is that Obsidian itself took on the game. Considering a number of recent successful projects from this company, one could hope for a successful revival of the series. And what happened turned out to be very interesting, but this is no longer Dungeon Siege. This is something new, just by misunderstanding it bears such a name. There is almost nothing in common between the first two and third parts. Besides the plot. But what else could you expect from Obsidian?

Some data from the history of the world

If you are a fan of the Dungeon Siege series, you should remember how much we have added to the plots of the previous two parts. True, now we have to play, albeit in the same world, but in a slightly different demographic environment. The country in which the adventures of Dungeon Siege 3 will take place is mired in civil war. From and to. Queen Roslyn is at war with an interesting lady, Cassynder, who also wants to become queen. This is a kind of Joan of Arc, whom the allies also reverence as a saint. True, we have to prove the opposite. Why fight for this side? The answer, like the motivation, is very simple. Your father served in the 10th Legion, and Jane Cassinder decided to completely exterminate this army. That’s why murderers regularly visit you too.

Of course, assassins should be avenged, but another motivation for this is that mercenaries touch civilians. A very, very dubious motivation, to be honest. But we have no other options, so we will have to move along this path. However, in Dungeon Siege 3 the path itself is important, not the final goal. Unfortunately, the developers did not provide for the option of defeating cancer, so the entire Cassynder army has no chance of winning in advance. This was to be expected. But I would also like different ways to reach the goal. And I would like more than one goal. Well, nothing can be fixed. We'll have to enjoy what we have in Dungeon Siege 3.

True, you can play not only as an ordinary grunt, who breaks through the enemy’s formation with his wide, metal-clad chest, but also as a magician, and a shooter, and someone similar to a priest. Although if you have a couple of friends, then you can not make such a choice, but go through the game with four players. But, which is logical, opponents will also be strengthened. Although who was scared and when? But if you're playing through the game yourself, don't despair. Each class will be able to play. It is enough to go through a certain section of the territory and you will not only find yourself not alone, but also receive remarkable firepower. In this case, all four will receive experience for completing tasks. Although you can only take one as your assistant. But nothing, the only annoying thing is that during the battle you will not be able to change your ally. Well, okay, forgive Dungeon Siege 3 and that...

Interesting features - Obsidian's hobby

Considering that all the features that the founder introduced into this genre have not changed to this day, we can safely say that Dungeon Siege 3 not only complied with all the postulates, but also added a couple of new ones, which all followers will have to emulate. However, do not forget that for Obsidian this is in the order of things. Even their bricks have complex characters. What can we say about the heroes? And so it happened. But the features of Dungeon Siege 3 don't end there.

Perhaps someone will disagree with me, but the developers of Dungeon Siege 3 are professionals in their genre. And then they built a world that was completely interconnected with the first two parts. The game has a plot. No not like this. Plot with a capital P. There is no other way to describe it. And all the ups and downs not only force us to live in the current moment and plan future achievements, but take us on a journey from our world. And okay, there's nothing to do here. True, for many the plot may seem too complicated. But true connoisseurs of the genre will be happy to delve into the upcoming interesting things, mastering any little things. It is in the little things, in such a huge elaboration of the plot, that the developers’ trick lies. True, sometimes little attention is paid to other aspects of the game...

An annoying little thing, or terrible controls of Dungeon Siege 3

Considering that Dungeon Siege 3 was being developed for multiple platforms, it was clear that the controls would not work on top level. But what happened makes any casual gamer horrified. And experienced players immediately grasp how to use the game they like with convenience. Therefore, while the game resists newcomers, the old guys are already defending the honor of their father with all their might in Dungeon Siege 3. In order to rotate the camera, you either need to do it using the keyboard or hold down right button, or combine a click of the wheel and a step in the desired direction. Very similar to the cameras in some online games. But in standard computer games Everyone is already used to turning with the mouse. Although this statement is controversial, given the widest range of users.

Although, given the need for clicking to kill an enemy, it is not very convenient to survey the entire battlefield at once. In general, it is strange that the developers did not follow the beaten path, in which it is enough to click once on the enemy and our character will bludgeon him to death. It's interesting on consoles. Using the keyboard is somewhat inconvenient. But, again, not like that a big problem this is management.

Another interesting point is that before the release of the latest patch, the developers of Dungeon Siege 3 did not include in the game the ability to reassign keys to your own taste. It would not have been bad for us, but the very fact of such a limitation of will was very annoying. It's good that everything has changed.

Play after everything?

Control has a negative impact on the entire gameplay. The plot is positive. What will prevail for you? Dont clear. In any case, Dungeon Siege 3 has gained more fans. By the way, there are also ill-wishers. It should also be noted that even though Dungeon Siege 3 is called role-playing game, but all the features of the game are missing. You dress only as necessary. Otherwise, you won't be able to do the things that interest you. This suggests that class is governed solely by equipment. Not a cake, however. True, if you also want to get benefits from your equipment, you will have to invest in one thing.

Equipment, as before, is obtained in chests, and Dungeon Siege 3 armor will have to be sold in tons. Well, strong opponents will also give you part of their treasures. However, do not forget about the quality of the equipment - four colors perfectly show what and how is happening with us now. If you haven’t figured out the color indication of the quality of objects, just take a closer look at the characteristics. Everything will become clear immediately. Plus there are also visual effects from weapon poisoning, fire or ice charges. Everything is wonderfully displayed and visible even on the character.

For killing enemies and completing quests, you gain Dungeon Siege 3 experience, which can be spent on talents, skills and professions. While this sounds nice, you actually have access to nine new attacks, a couple of upgrades from professions, and passive bonuses that don't provide any constructive benefit. However, whether this is true or not is up to you to decide. After all, you personally will play, no matter what Dungeon reviews Siege 3. Try to find something of your own in the game. Something very, very new and interesting. Something that can't be found in other games. Give it a try and you won't be able to put it down until you've completed all of Dungeon Siege 3.

High-quality hack and slash is now a rarity, and therefore until the release DS 3 it seemed that this game was worth waiting for with special interest. Especially when you consider that Diablo 3 still unlikely to appear this year, but expected by many Dragon Age 2, which turned from an RPG into that same “hack-and-slash” action game, turned out to be an extremely monotonous and flat game, despite Bioware’s reputation. However, now that the world has seen the second "The Witcher", things have changed a little. The Poles are ahead of the studio Obsidian literally for a couple of weeks, but this is quite enough to Dungeon Siege 3 lost the attention of most of the gaming audience. In addition, there are other nuances, but first things first:

Genre: Hack and slash RPG

Developer: Obsidian Entertainment

Publisher: Square Enix

Platform: PC, PS3, Xbox 360

So, studio Obsidian under the supervision of the game's lead designer Chris Taylor, continued the story begun in previous games D.S., already six years after the release of the sequel. Authors of successful Fallout: New Vegas and unsuccessful Alpha Protocol We worked hard on the engine for the third part and the dialogue system with the “wheel” familiar to us from Mass Effect. But otherwise they just made an ordinary fairy tale about the struggle between Good and Evil.

The events of the game take place 150 years after the finale of the second part, the player will again have to clear the Kingdom of Eb from all kinds of creatures and restore the Legion, which was “scattered” throughout this fantasy world. It plays out very simply: we find one surviving Legionnaire, who gives the task to find three more heroes. The search consists of running from one point to another, clearing the area of ​​“bad guys”, and meeting with the key character. If we talk about the plot, then in this case you can’t call it bad.

After all, any game RPG genre one way or another tied around the confrontation between good heroes and the Forces of Evil. Much more important is how developers use this foundation for the benefit of the gameplay. And with this Dungeon Siege 3 Problems. The game turned out to be so linear and primitive that it’s simply scary to recommend it to hard-core fans of RPGs and Huck and Slash. It all starts with budget hand-drawn cutscenes and an episode in which the main character simply finds himself on a narrow path in the forest, two steps away from a ruined estate. The journey is accompanied by good special effects when something burns or explodes, as well as constant hints, which demonstrate an inconvenient interface. It is not clear who needed to draw windows with equipment, tasks and skills in full screen sizes. Not only is it very unusual after more advanced colleagues in the shop, but it also doesn’t make much sense.

For example, the abilities of any of the four hero classes are exactly the same. Adjusted for the fact that one has main long-range attacks, and the other has melee attacks. By the way, due to the fact that the character is treated by collecting “energy” from the bodies defeated enemies, choosing the latter is not recommended. Because they kill pretty quickly, despite the childish dynamics of the game and a maximum of five opponents in the frame. It is possible to create a squad from various characters, but this is of little use.

It’s still impossible to command individual units, and the AI, which the authors promised to endow with special intelligence, in fact, only gets in the way. The battles take place in the same vein. For example, if you select the warrior Pulcheria (funny name) with " powerful guns", the gameplay becomes somewhat simpler than if we took the classic war with swords and shields. But this doesn’t make it any more interesting, the tactics throughout the game are the same: we hit weak enemies from a distance with a rifle shot, stronger ones require dodging blows, rolling and several hits.

Replenishing armor and weapons is also very primitive. The further we go, the better the samples and the more powerful the monsters. Therefore, there is simply no need to think about changing equipment. I picked up a new one, immediately put it on and that’s it, ready to meet new creatures. If you want to spend the gold you collect, you can buy something from merchants, fortunately they have a rich assortment and there will always be some thing more powerful than what the hero has in his inventory. But in general, all this does not matter in this case. Dungeon Siege 3 deprived of that desire to pass level after level, which arose when playing the first part, and which practically did not work in the second.

And all because the developers decided to focus their efforts not on the variety of gameplay, writing interesting lines of dialogue and interesting, interconnected tasks. All efforts were apparently spent on polishing game engine and painting scenery. The game is in perfect order with this. IN technologically she, of course, is inferior to the last top representatives of the genre. But the picture looks nice and optimized, and the locations delight the eye with rich colors and a partially destructible environment. The latter should not be taken too seriously, because it concerns exclusively scripted scenes and the ability to break small obstacles along the way.

Also pleasing is the absence of constant downloads and a virtually seamless world. True, the levels are so reminiscent of a narrow path with decorations along the edges that there is nothing surprising about it. Therefore, if you thought that Dragon Age 2 became the most linear “slasher” of 2011, with stupid quests and identical locations, DS 3 can shake this point of view. But enough about the cons. The game, if you don’t find fault after recent impressions of The Witcher 2, there is still a chance to find players. Simply destined creation Obsidian for those who have not played the most powerful RPG of the latter decades.

Or it will appeal to those who have already studied the entire genre inside and out, and now just want to spend time on a beautiful and uncomplicated hack and slash with a decent number of game hours. This was clear from the very first trailers and screenshots, which mainly showed beautiful special effects and the most interesting camera angles, which, by the way, also sometimes causes sheer inconvenience. But D.S. 3 boasts good optimization, and you can play without brakes on configurations from two to four years ago. release date Dungeon Siege 3– June 17, 2011.
