Exam 12 version in Russian language

Option 12. Assignments for the Unified State Exam 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options

Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 3

(1) Analyzing the laws of development of the landowner economy, based on serf labor, A. N. Radishchev established the non-economic violent nature of the connection between landowner and peasant farms, revealed the antagonism between them, exposed the class essence of the absolutist state, which resolutely stood for the protection of the economic and political interests of the nobility . (2) From this it followed that a radical change in feudal production relations cannot be achieved through gradual reforms: decisive measures are necessary. (3) in all his works - journalistic, philosophical, economic-geographical and state-legal - the radical idea of ​​​​the need to destroy the feudal system in Russia through a peasant revolution was reflected in one way or another.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) A. N. Radishchev, having discovered the antagonistic nature of the connection between landowners and peasant farms, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to destroy the feudal system in Russia through a peasant revolution.

2) A. N. Radishchev considered two possible ways to destroy the feudal system in Russia: with the help of gradual reforms and with the help of decisive, radical measures - the peasant revolution.

3) In all his works - journalistic, philosophical, economic-geographical and state-legal - A. N. Radishchev exposed the class essence of the absolutist state.

4) A. N. Radishchev believed that the Russian absolutist state resolutely defended the economic and political interests of the exclusively noble class.

5) Having revealed the antagonistic nature of the connection between landowners and peasant farms, A. N. Radishchev proposed the only way out of feudal production relations - a peasant revolution.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Contrary to this



The fact is that

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word WORK. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

WORK, -s, w.

1) The process of converting one type of energy into another (special); generally being in action. Unit of work (joule). Uninterrupted river cars. R. heart. R. thoughts.

2) Occupation, work, activity. Physical, mental r. Responsible R. Do a lot of work.

3) Service, occupation as a source of income. Permanent, temporary r. To go to work. Remove from work. To get a job.

4) Production activities for creating, processing something. Agricultural work. Repair work.

5) Product of labor, finished product. Printed works. Exhibition of the artist's works.

6) Material to be processed, in the process of manufacturing. Homeworkers take work home.

7) Quality, method of execution. Topornaya r. Excellent work item.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

burst in

(unfortunate) orphans



5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

At first, he was very afraid to WEAR glasses in front of the guys, because he only expected ridicule from them.

Russian classical literature is a RECOGNIZED heritage of world culture.

Everyone considered him a LUCKY athlete who managed to win in the most difficult competitions.

The child turned out to be too TRUSTING in relationships with peers.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the Faculty of Economics.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.




they are driven by vanity

BOTH spouses

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase


1) One of the church fathers, Tertullian, who considered faith and reason incompatible, said that “I believe because it is incomprehensible.”

2) Creating a website seems difficult to many.

3) As one of the captains of the 18th century noted in his ship’s log, “the ship was attacked by sea gluttons (that is, sharks), from which they barely escaped, defending themselves with all their weapons.”

4) The Egyptian Bridge in St. Petersburg is famous not only for the sphinxes installed on it, but also mystical history which occurred in 1905.

5) By giving orders to foreign aircraft manufacturing companies, industry leaders cause serious damage to the economy of their country.

6) The school administration, primarily the director and head teacher, paid special attention to improving the professional skills of teachers.

7) Mozart, who worked in various fields of music, paid special attention to opera.

8) And now meteorologists rely on some folk signs that give a fairly accurate forecast.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

open (potatoes)


get closer



9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write down these words by inserting the missing letter.

Bend and...take

hugs, adjutant

pr..turn, pr..sing

from..tear, r..cut

p..edit, d..abandon

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.






11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.


view..my (from afar)

(volcano) dormant..t


drilled (clock)

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Still (NOT)BLOOMING rose flowers attracted the attention of visitors to the botanical garden.

There was (NOT)(TO) WHOM to turn to for help.

A government that (NOT) HATES the people is doomed to destruction.

Completely alone, he stood for a minute, (not) daring to move on.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

You can build houses (EVERYWHERE), but (ON) condition that the safety of people will be ensured.

The teacher (DURING) the argument was silent and only said something once (IN) VOICE.

(C) AT THE BEGINNING it may seem that (B) AS A CONSEQUENCE of the enemy’s temporary defeat, victory is already close.

The power of man is still SO great, SO we definitely need to think about the future.

(BY) HOW MUCH library science is established in the country, one can judge the level of general culture.

14. Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) one letter N is written.

The stars were scattered (1) out of sight (2) in the beautiful sky, like precious (3) stones from a silver (4) casket.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In the distance a small village of six or seven courtyards was visible.

2) In the morning, the sun was shining brightly outside the window and the birds were chirping.

3) On the way to the camp site, we saw the tracks of a hare and they led to arable land.

4) Fragrant lilacs and wild cherries bloom near the house and cover our windows from direct sunlight.

5) The wind either died down or began to rage with new strength.

16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s).

Dark blue mountain peaks (1) riddled with wrinkles (2) and (3) covered with layers of snow (4) were drawn against the pale sky.

17. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

“Light (1) my (2) mirror! Tell

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”

And the mirror answered her:

“You (3) of course (4) no doubt;

You (5) queen (6) are the cutest of all,

All blush and whiter.”

(A.S. Pushkin)

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s).

The empty house (1) on all objects (2) of which (3) lay the imprint of the spirit and character of the owner (4) awakened special feelings in Tatyana.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas.

Pushkin's Onegin is in the novel a man (1) who was killed by his upbringing and social life (2) who took a closer look at everything, got bored with everything, fell in love with everything (3) and (4) whose whole life consisted of (5) “that he yawned among the fashionable and the ancient hall."

20. Edit the sentence: correct a lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

After a two-month visit to the Turkins’ house and reverent courtship of Katenka, Startsev gave her his hand and heart.

Read the text and complete tasks 2 1 – 26

(1) We were given a class essay on the topic “The happiest day of my life.”

(2) I opened the notebook and began to think: what was the happiest day of my life? (3) I chose Sunday four months ago, when my dad and I went to the cinema in the morning, and immediately after that we went to my grandmother. (4) It turned out to be double entertainment. (5) But our teacher says that a person is truly happy only when he brings benefit to people. (6) What was the benefit to people from the fact that I was at the cinema and then went to my grandmother?

(7) I looked into the notebook of my neighbor Lenka Konovalova. (8) Lenka scribbled with incredible speed and passion. (9) Her happiest day was the one when she was accepted into the pioneers.

(10) I began to remember how we were accepted into pioneers at the Border Troops Museum and I missed the pioneer badge. (11) The bosses and counselors ran around, but they never found the badge. (12) I said: “Okay, nothing...” (13) However, the mood soured.

(14) I continued to think. (15) Once my mother and I took the old man home. (16) He lost his shoe and was sitting in one sock. (17) Mom said: you can’t leave him on the street, maybe he’s in trouble. (18) We asked where he lived and took him to the address. (19) This act was probably of great benefit, because the person at home and the family were not worried. (20) But you couldn’t call it the happiest day: well, they took me away and took me away...

(21) I leaned to the right and looked into Mashka Gvozdeva’s notebook. (22) I couldn’t make out anything there, but Mashka probably writes that the happiest day was the one when their damaged synchrophasotron exploded and they were given a new one. (23) This Masha is simply obsessed with diagrams and formulas.

(24) Lenka Konovalova turned the page - she had already written half of the notebook. (25) And I still sit and rummage through my memory of my happiest day.

(26) In general, to be honest, my happiest days are when I return from school and no one is home. (27) Then I rejoice at the opportunity to live as I want: I don’t heat anything, I eat straight from the frying pan, then I turn on the player at full volume, call Lenka Konovalova, and we start trying on my mother’s dresses and dancing. (28) Then Lenka leaves, and I sit down in a chair, wrap myself in a blanket and read. (29) Now I’m reading Cortazar’s stories. (30) In his story “The End of the Game” there are the words “inexpressibly beautiful.” (31) They have such an effect on me that I look up and think: sometimes it seems to me that life is inexpressibly beautiful, and sometimes everything becomes disgusting.

(32) I looked at my watch. (33) Sixteen minutes left. (34) I decided to write about how we planted trees around the school. (35) I read somewhere: every person in his life must plant a tree, give birth to a child and write a book about the time in which he lived. (36) I remembered how that day I was carrying a bucket of black soil, I had a fight with Zhenya, but, be that as it may, the tree took root and will remain for future generations. (37) So, the teacher will like the content and give me an A.

(38) I looked at my watch again. (39) Eleven minutes left. (40) I took a pen and began to write about how my dad and I went to the cinema in the morning, and then went to see my grandmother. (41) And let the teacher give me whatever she wants.

(42) I wrote that the comedy film was terribly funny and we laughed so much that people even turned to look at us. (43) And with my grandmother it was the same as always. (44) We sat in the kitchen and ate very tasty fish. (45) But it’s not about the food, it’s about the atmosphere. (46) Everyone loved me and openly admired me. (47) And I also loved everyone one hundred percent and thereby brought great benefit. (48) I have my father’s eyes, my father has my grandmother’s: brown, with arched eyebrows. (49) We looked at each other with the same eyes and felt the same thing. (50) And they were like a tree: grandmother - the roots, dad - the trunk, and I - the branches that stretch to the sun.

(51) And it was inexpressibly beautiful.

(52) Of course, it was not the happiest day of my life. (53) But just happy. (54) I haven’t had my happiest day yet. (55) He is in front of me.

(According to V.S. Tokareva)

21. Which statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) According to the heroine’s teacher, what makes a person happy is the knowledge that he is benefiting others.

2) When the heroine was accepted into the pioneers, she did not have a pioneer tie.

3) The heroine of the story wrote an essay about that happy day that she wanted to write about from the very beginning: about how she was with her dad at the cinema, and then they went to her grandmother.

4) In the process of reflection, the heroine came to the conclusion that her happiest day was the one when one day, coming from school, she realized that there was no one at home.

5) The teacher gave the heroine an A for an essay that talked about how the narrator planted a tree.

22. Which of the following statements are incorrect? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 15-18 present the narrative.

2) Sentences 19, 20 present reasoning.

3) Proposition 25 explains the content of sentence 24.

4) Propositions 42-50 reveal the content of proposal 40.

5) Sentences 52-55 contain a description.

23. From sentences 7-9, write down a spoken word.

24. Among sentences 2-9, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using possessive and personal pronouns. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

25. “The difficulty of making a decision for the heroine of the text by V. S. Tokareva is emphasized by the lexical device - (A)___ (for example, “I’m rummaging” in sentence 25). Creating the girl’s character, lively, spontaneous,” the author uses another lexical device - (B)___ (in sentence 31). And the technique - (B)___ (sentences 52-53), as well as the trope - (D)___ (sentence 50) helps the author to emphasize the philosophical nature of the given topic of the essay.”

List of terms:

1) anaphora

2) exclamatory sentences

3) epithets

4) comparison

5) synonyms

6) parcellation

7) question-and-answer form of presentation

8) antonyms

9) colloquial vocabulary


The problem of defining the concept of happiness in adolescence. (Under what circumstances do teenagers feel happy?)

A teenager can classify different days of his life as happy, but a child is truly happy when he is with his family, everyone loves him and he loves everyone.

Option 12

Job number


Job number


first due to



three hundred



hugs adjutant

be perplexed

scribbled or scribbled


Job source: Solution 3536. Unified State Exam 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

(1) Analyzing the laws of development of the landowner economy, based on serf labor, A. N. Radishchev established the non-economic violent nature of the connection between landowner and peasant farms, revealed the antagonism between them, exposed the class essence of the absolutist state, resolutely standing on the protection of the economic and political interests of the nobility . (2) From this it followed that a radical change in feudal production relations cannot be achieved through gradual reforms: decisive measures are necessary. (3)<...>in all his works - journalistic, philosophical, economic-geographical and state-legal - the radical idea of ​​​​the need to destroy the feudal system in Russia through a peasant revolution was reflected in one way or another.

Exercise 1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) A. N. Radishchev, analyzing the laws of development of the landowner economy based on serf labor, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to destroy the feudal system in Russia through a peasant revolution.

2) A. N. Radishchev considered two possible ways to destroy the feudal system in Russia: with the help of gradual reforms and with the help of decisive, radical measures - the peasant revolution.

3) In all his works - journalistic, philosophical, economic-geographical and state-legal - A. N. Radishchev exposed the class essence of the absolutist state.

4) A. N. Radishchev believed that the Russian absolutist state resolutely defended the economic and political interests of the exclusively noble class.

5) As a result of studying the antagonistic nature of the connection between landowners and peasant farms, A. N. Radishchev proposed the only way out of feudal production relations - a peasant revolution.


In this task, we select TWO sentences that correctly convey the most important content of the text. Most likely, these sentences will contain the same information.

1. Highlight the main information of the text.

(1) Radishchev studied the laws of development of the landowner economy. (3) He came to the conclusion that the feudal system in Russia can only be destroyed through a peasant revolution.

2. We find sentences in which this information is conveyed without

distortions and errors.

1) Suitable.

2) Distortion of information (“Radishchev considered two possible ways to destroy the feudal system in Russia”).

3) Distortion of information (“In all works - journalistic, philosophical”).

4) Distortion of information.

5) Suitable.

Examination. The selected options must contain the same information.

1) A. N. Radishchev, analyzing the laws of development of the landowner economy based on serf labor, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to destroy the feudal system in Russia through a peasant revolution. (Radishchev analyzed the laws of development of the landowner economy and came to the conclusion that the feudal system in Russia can only be destroyed through a peasant revolution)

Task number 12 tests graduates’ ability to correctly use the particles “not” and “neither”. Students are asked to write down a word that satisfies a certain condition: for example, one with which “not” is spelled together. This task, for which you can get one primary point, causes difficulties for many, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with the theory below.

Theory for task No. 12 of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Continuous writingWith all the words that are not used without "not"Hate, it’s impossible, really, adversity, ignorant, unkind, stormy, indignation
With words for which you can find a synonym without “not”Untruth (=lie), enemy (=enemy), not difficult (=easy),
With opposition expressed by the conjunction “but”The city is small but beautiful.
With adverbs of measure and degree: absolutely, more than, very, extremely, extremely, so much, very, completely, almost, too, completely, extremelyQuite a difficult task, completely unsuited, too unsure of himself
With short adjectives, if full ones are also written together with “not”Low (not tall)
With verbal adjectives with suffixes “eat/im”Tireless, inexhaustible, unfading, indestructible
With indefinite and negative pronouns without prepositionsNothing, no one, something
With verbs with the prefix “nedo” and gerunds formed from themLack of sleep, unfinished work; unslept, unfinished
With full participles without dependent wordsUnbloomed, unmelted
With adverbs ending in “o/e”, for which you can find a synonym without “not”, and negative adverbsStupid (=stupid), ugly (=scary); no time, nowhere
In the conjunction “despite the fact that”
In the particle “really”
In prepositions “despite/despite”
Separate writingWith opposition expressed by the conjunction “a”Not long, but short; not smart, but stupid
With relative and possessive adjectivesThe chain is not gold, the coat is not my mother's
With short adjectives, if full ones are also written separately with “not”The book is not interesting, the road is not long
In the presence of words that strengthen negation - with negative adverbs and pronounsNot known to anyone, not loved by anyone, not at all beautiful
If there are explanatory words: far, not at all, not at allNot expensive at all, not interesting at all
With adjectives denoting taste and color, as well as with adjectives in the comparative degreeNot red, not sweet; not tastier, not hotter
In questions with logical underlining of negationIsn't this my book? Isn't this a new house?
With short adjectives that do not have a full formShould not, is not obliged, does not intend, is not right, is not visible, is not ready, does not agree, is not inclined
With numeralsNot two, not eighteen
With indefinite and negative pronouns, when “not” is separated from the next word by a prepositionNo one, no need, nothing to talk about
With verbs with the prefix “to” and a negation in front of it, denoting an action that was not completed, and with all other verbsDon't finish listening to the opera, don't finish reading the book; did not run, did not participate
With participles that can be used without “not”Without thinking, without reading
With full participles in the presence of dependent wordsNot delivered on time, did not show up for the meeting
With short participlesThe letter was not written, the parcel was not sent
With adverbs ending in “o/e”, with the contrastive conjunction “a”Not fun, but sad; not smart, but stupid
In the presence of explanatory words: far from, not at all, not at all, not at allNot at all beautiful, not at all interesting, far from funny
With adverbs that do not end in “o/e”; with adverbs written with a hyphenNot always; not our way, not our comradely way
With coordinating conjunctionsNot that, not that
With particles other than “really”Not only
With non-derivative prepositionsNot from, not under

It is written seamlessly in phrases such as: no one else, nothing else

No one else could do it; nothing else was important to me.

It is written apart when used for:

  • strengthening negation in sentences without a subject

There wasn't a soul around.

  • strengthening the affirmative meaning after the words who, what, how, where

Wherever I go, I meet people I know.

  • strengthening of negation expressed “not/no”

The sky is clear.

  • stable expressions: neither alive nor dead, neither more nor less, neither more nor less, neither hearing nor spirit, neither here nor there, neither one nor the other, neither light nor dawn, etc.

Algorithm for completing the task

  1. We carefully read the task.
  2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling norms of the Russian language.
  3. Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 12 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language

Twelfth task of the demo version 2018

  1. The son’s (IN)AUDIBLE answer aroused suspicion, and the father was forced to ask a few more questions.
  2. Vasilisa returned home, (NOT) HAVING done the most important thing: she did not learn anything about Andrei’s fate.
  3. Former students, in shabby overcoats, with still (NOT) HEALED wounds, returned to their families.
  4. In the story by I.S. Turgenev's "Unhappy" hero speaks about the impression that a sonata made on him, which he had (NOT) HEARD before.
  5. (NOT) RECOGNIZING their purpose, the heroes of A.P.’s plays. Chekhov often live their lives meaninglessly.

Algorithm for completing the task

  1. We carefully read the task.
    • The son's indistinct answer aroused suspicion, and the father was forced to ask a few more questions. – NOT is written together, since the word can be replaced with a synonym without NOT – vague answer.
    • Vasilisa returned home without having time to do the most important thing: she did not learn anything about Andrei’s fate. – We do NOT write separately, since NOT with gerunds is written separately.
    • Former students, in shabby overcoats, with wounds that had NOT yet HEALED, returned to their families. - We do NOT write separately, since it refers to the participle with the dependent word YET.
    • In the story by I.S. Turgenev's "Unhappy" hero speaks about the impression that a sonata made on him, which he had NOT HEARD before. –
    • NOT RECOGNIZING their purpose, the heroes of A.P.’s plays. Chekhov often live their lives meaninglessly. – NOT with gerunds is written separately.
  2. Write down the correct answer: slurred.

First version of the task

Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We carefully read the task.
  2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling norms of the Russian language:
    • He is younger, but you can’t tell: he is no longer lower than his older brother.- In the first case, NOT with a verb is written separately, in the second, NOT with a comparative degree of an adjective is written separately.
    • This is by no means a fictional story. – NOT written separately when there is an explanatory word not at all.
    • It was difficult to get the cat out of the tree: it didn’t react to “kitty-kitty.” NOT with verbs is written separately.
    • Your participation in the Olympiad is not necessary, although I would advise you to try your hand.- NOT with adverbs ending in O/E is written together if it is possible to find a synonym for them without NOT: voluntarily.
    • Europe emerged from the First World War crippled not only physically, but also morally.- NOT written separately, since it is part of the union NOT ONLY, BUT ALSO.
  3. Write down the correct answer: not necessary.

Second version of the task

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

  1. We (had) no one to turn to for help.
  2. It was (not) more than a joke.
  3. Rudolf Diesel's dream was (not) ice, which the company was producing, and flame - he dreamed of improving the internal combustion engine designed by August Otto.
  4. I love young potatoes: they (don’t) need to be peeled.
  5. In this theory, (immature) minds found everything they wanted: a lot of criticism of the foundations, which seemed convincing to them.
Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We carefully read the task.
  2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling norms of the Russian language:
    • We had no one to turn to for help.- NOT with indefinite and negative pronouns is written separately if there is a preposition between them.
    • It was nothing more than a joke.- NOT is written separately in the expression NO MORE THAN.
    • Rudolf Diesel's dream was not ice, which the company was producing, but flame - he dreamed of improving the internal combustion engine designed by August Otto.- NOT written separately, since the sentence contains a contrast with the conjunction A.
    • I love young potatoes: they don’t need to be peeled.- NOT written separately with adverbs on O/E.
    • In this theory, fragile minds found everything they wanted: a lot of criticism of the foundations, which seemed convincing to them. NOT written together with participles without dependent words.
  3. Write down the correct answer: fragile.

Third version of the task

Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We carefully read the task.
  2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling norms of the Russian language:
    • The restoration of the Arkhangelskoye estate has been going on for more than twenty years: a generation of people has grown up to whom this name means nothing. – NOT with verbs is written separately.
    • The house-museum is lucky: it is alive, scientific work is being carried out here, and several hundred people visit it every day. – NOT with indefinite pronouns without prepositions is written together.
    • I still don’t understand how this could happen to me.- NOT with verbs is written separately.
    • They are neither richer nor poorer than their neighbors.- NOT with comparative adjectives is written separately.
    • We, slowly and talking, walked along a narrow path. NOT with gerunds is written separately if the word is used without NOT.
  3. Write down the correct answer: some.
