Ecological educational games and competitions. Educational ecological game. "Guess what's in your hand"

Olga Bondareva

Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the forest as a community of plants and animals living in the same territory; about the peculiarities of life of forest inhabitants in winter conditions.

Activate vocabulary on the topic "Wild animals» , their homes.

To practice the ability to distinguish the trees of our region by branches, bark, fruits, to recognize animals according to them appearance (image)

Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables and form possessive adjectives.

Develop memory, reaction speed, intelligence, logical thinking.

Develop speech-auditory attention, manual and general motor skills, coordination of movements, imitation, continue to learn how to perform actions according to verbal instructions;

Develop the emotional sphere of children, empathy, facial expressiveness

Bring up cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game.

Cultivate love for native nature.

Material and equipment:

A set of branches and pieces of tree bark; spruce, pine, cedar cones; syllabic houses, pictures with images animals for syllabic analysis; cards-schemes "Food Chains", pictures for drawing up power circuits; pictures of forest inhabitants for making sentences on the topic "Who needs trees in the forest"; hats animals for outdoor play, easels, chips.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “How wild animals winter”; reading by G. Sladkov "December's Trial", "Resort "Icicle" and etc. ; Di "Wonderful houses"; node "Whatever you like".

1) Presenter: Children, you love play? Then I offer you a game - a competition - this is KVN. What is this a game? Of course, KVN is a competition between teams where the smartest, bravest and most resourceful win. Today we will find out how well you know the nature of your native land and its inhabitants, because you are true friends of nature. But to find out the winners, we need someone to judge us. I thought about it and decided to let Dr. Aibolit judge us. Do you know why? (Answers) Of course, he is kind, knows a lot of birds and animals, he treats them, and therefore he will not simply award points to anyone. Let's call him. What number should I dial? The presenter calls and plays.

Doctor: Hello children, what happened? I will be happy to participate in your wonderful competition and hope that you guys will show excellent knowledge and win.

Children: We are funny guys

And we don't like to be bored

With pleasure today

We'll be in KVN play.

Presenter: So here we go. Our teams are already ready. Please take your seats. What are the names of your teams? Introduce yourself. Greet each other.

a) introduction - greeting: HARNIES

b) introduction - greeting: Squirrel

2) Presenter: Now we know that the teams are called Rabbits and Squirrels! In order for the members of both teams to show their knowledge and skills adequately, they need to warm up.

Game of Suggestions

3) Presenter: I see that the teams have warmed up, everyone is in a wonderful mood, and I think that now we can begin to complete the first task, which called: "Make a riddle - tell me the answer".

1st competition: Riddles (teams tell each other riddles, having previously established the order using lots).

The jury's word: I really liked both teams and that’s why both Rabbits and Squirrels receive their first award (1 mushroom and 1 cone each)

4) Presenter: Before moving on to the next task, I ask all the guys to answer question: Without what is there no forest? (no trees).Do we know how to recognize trees in a winter forest?

Each team will now receive a black box, inside of which there is a piece of bark of some tree; they need to find out what kind of tree it is and tell about it.

2nd competition: "Recognize a tree by its bark". Children name the tree and take turns saying the attribute words.

5) Presenter: Now let’s look at this clearing, trees have grown on it. Did you recognize them? (cedar, pine, spruce, larch). How are they similar? But they also have differences, for example, seeds - cones, they are all different. Question teams: What branch did these kids grow up on? You must give each tree its own cone.

3rd competition: “Whose children?”- children, 2 participants per team, at a signal, take a pine cone and place it near their tree.

6) Presenter: While the jury is summing up the results of the last 2 competitions, we are with you let's play(and the audience too) and find out how well you know the trees growing in our region.

A game"Stomp - clap". The presenter names different trees, the children clap if the tree grows in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and stomp if it doesn’t.

The jury sums up the results for the 2nd and 3rd competitions.

7) Presenter: Children, you and I named many trees that grow in our forest. These are its main inhabitants. If there were no trees, there would be no forest. Does anyone else live in the forest? Of course, the forest is a home for animals. Now we will find out why these people settled in the forest. animals(points to easels).

Our next competition is called: “Who needs trees in the forest?”

4th competition: "Who needs trees in the forest" (For what animals need trees in the forest). Children take turns approaching the easels, take pictures, and name animals and make proposals.

A squirrel builds a nest in a hollow tree.

A woodpecker gets insects from under the bark.

Birds build nests in trees and find food.

The wild boar eats acorns from the oak tree and makes a house under the tree.

The bear eats fruits and berries and makes a den under a tree.

The hare eats tree bark in winter.

Moose eat leaves and scratch their antlers.

Insects eat leaves and wood.

Ants build anthills.

8) Presenter: Well done! A lot of the animals were named, can you show me?

Physical education minute: Children imitate movements animals.

The animals took a walk and returned to their house, and the houses were not ordinary, but syllabic. 5th contest: "Settled down animals» .

So listen to the task: Need to settle animal in the house, corresponding to the number of syllables in the name. We will need 3 participants from each team. Be careful in this clearing (table, hoop) many different animals. We will populate the house from top to bottom (explain the rules).

Children perform tasks like a relay race.

After completing the task, we check that it was completed correctly.

Presenter: Let the jury count the points for the last 2 competitions, and we will let's play, and at the same time we will repeat the names of different animals.

Finger a game: "Whose house?"

The jury's word

9) Presenter: Rested animals in their houses and went to get food. Do you know who eats what? Now let's check it. I have these signs that look like chains. You need to put a picture of food in the ring or animal like that to form a food chain. (Alone animals They eat plant foods - herbivores, others - get their food by hunting - predators).

I invite 2 participants from each group.

6th competition "Food Chains" (after completing the task, children comment on the result).

We learned that animals eat different foods.

Presenter: Guys, there is animals Those who eat their plants are called herbivores. And there are those who hunt other animals - these are predators.

While the jury is counting the points, we let's play a game"Predators and Herbivores".

Movable a game: Children wear different hats animals(wolf, hare, fox, squirrel, tiger, moose, marten, hedgehog). By signal from the leader "herbivores" children wearing hats of the same group come out animals and move freely around the hall. By signal from the leader "Predators" children of the second group come out animals(hunt, children of the first group crouch (hiding). Presenter: Guys, do you think there are predators needed in the forest? After all, they offend small animals. Of course, everyone is needed in the forest.

The jury's word.

10) Presenter: We have already seen how the teams worked, and now it’s time for the captains’ competition.

7th competition "Captains Competition"

Task one: "Answer the question"

a) Why can’t the hare walk?

b) Why is the hare called oblique?

c) Where did the name bear come from?

d) How does a fox hunt for mice?

Task two: "Name the Cubs"

Task three: The captains did an excellent job with their task, but their trials did not end there. After all, you know that a lot depends on the captain, especially if he and his crew go into the forest. First of all, the captain must know the rules of conduct in the forest. Let them name them. And the teams will help them.

11) Presenter: While the jury is counting the number of points for the captains’ competition, and the total points for the competition, we are with you let's play.

"Whose team knows more tongue twisters"

12) Word of the jury: Guys, you are smart and clever today, you know so much about nature and animals of our region, you know how to speak beautifully, make sentences, but let's see who won our game. You need to count the number of points and name the winner.

We present diplomas.

Doctor: But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that you are very kind, love nature, take care of it and never harm it, do not offend animals or even small insects. Raise your children big and kind, love and take care of nature, the Earth on which we live, and it will return you to taking care of yourself with good health, a generous harvest, cheerful birdsong, and the beauty of the kingdom of nature.

KVN is over, goodbye,

I want to say goodbye to everyone

There are so many of us living on Earth

And we can take care of nature alone!

Goodbye old forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

We walked along the path

AND met animals

We made friends with them

Cognitive environmental game"Nature Experts"

(preparatory group).

Types of children's activities: communication, cognitive - research, gaming, musical - artistic.

Integration of educational areas: « Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Music", "Physical Education".

Goals of the teacher's activities : Clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the adaptability of plants and animals to their environment;

Teach children to work in a team, develop interest in each other, goodwill;

Foster interest and respect for nature.

Planned results of development of integrative qualities : the child shows interest and curiosity in cognitive tasks, knows how to work in a team, treats nature more carefully, and the child develops teamwork skills.

Materials and equipment :

Envelopes with tasks, top;

Illustrations with different types of trees with leaves and fruits;

Painting “Spring”, model of a meadow;

Schemes: “Stages of insect development”, “Food chains”.

Progress of the lesson : Children are divided into teams, sitting on chairs facing each other.

Educator: Guys, all year we have been diligently learning to recognize and love nature. And I must say that by the end of the year we became real experts on nature. Today we will play the game “Nature Experts”. We have 2 teams " Young naturalists" And " Young ecologists" In front of you are envelopes containing interesting questions. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. Whose team collects the most tokens will receive the “Young Nature Expert” medal.

Envelope No. 1. Living and inanimate nature.

Assignment for the “Young Naturalist” team(From the first envelope).

1. The ox roared over a hundred mountains,

For a thousand cities (thunder)

2. In winter he lay on the ground.

Did you run into the river in the summer? (snow)

3. I look like a pea,

Where I go - commotion (hail)

What kind of nature is it: living or nonliving? Name the inanimate objects in the picture.

Assignment for the “Young Ecologists” team.

1. When does this happen? Birds fly to warmer climes?

2. Do the trees dress up in yellow and shed their leaves?

3. Movement of sap in birch and maple?

Cooling after a thaw leads to the freezing of wet snow. It gets very slippery.

Name all the living things in the picture.

Envelope No. 2: Didactic game

"Animals of meadows, forests, swamps" 1st team

"Plants of meadows, forests, swamps" 2 - aya team.

The teacher hands out cards with images of animals (plants), children determine where the animals live, find their home (illustrations depicting meadows, forests and swamps). Another team determines where the plants grow (in a meadow, forest, swamp, etc.).

Envelope No. 3. Animals, birds, insects.

Exercise: Call it in one word.

Tasks for team number 1.

Fox, wolf, lynx, bear.

Squirrel, hare, chipmunk, hamster.

Deer, elk, goat.

Bullfinch, tit, sparrow and crow.

Continue the series of words: oriole, cuckoo...; mosquito, fly….; cow, horse….; parrot, hamster... .

What insects are born in water? (dragonfly)

Tasks for team No. 2

Which word does not fit into the general row?

Mosquito, wasp, fly, wolf, butterfly

Crossbill, woodpecker, owl, swan.

Rooster, turkey, crow, duck, goose.

Stork, heron, crane, chicken.

Giraffe, zebra, camel, elephant, polar bear.

Why do they say that plants and animals are related to each other? Make food chains.

How are insects born?

Envelope No. 4. World of plants.

1. Where do these plants grow? (meadow layout). Show them.

2. What is the difference between a Christmas tree and a pine tree? How do trees and shrubs differ?

3. D\game “Whose branch is this?”

Envelope No. 5. Relay race “Collect a flower”.

Goal: To remember and apply knowledge about the structure of plants in the game.

Children collect a flower in separate parts (root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit)

Envelope No. 6. Rules of behavior in the forest.

1. Why they say: Forest is wealth and beauty - take care of your forests.

The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest.

2. Name the plants of the Red Book.

Name the animals of the Red Book.

3. Task: Choose rules of politeness. (2 – 3 rules for each team).

Summarizing: So, guys, we found out that you already know a lot about plants and animals. Why should we protect nature? (children's answers). If we protect nature, people will get sick less, and the world around us will be cleaner.

The idea.“Chamomile” is a form of organizing a game on an environmental theme

Each petal of the “daisy” contains a variety of tasks, such as logic problems, riddles, cryptograms, games to develop imagination, auction, humorous tasks, etc.

The game helps improve general level ecological culture of children, development of creative and communication abilities. Designed for children in grades 2 - 4.

Leading. The earth, the globe is our common big house, in which there is enough space for everyone: people, animals, plants... Above us is one common blue roof - the sky. We have one common floor under our feet - earth's surface. We all have one wonderful source of light and heat - the sun. We have common sources of moisture: rivers, lakes, seas, oceans... We all need to breathe, eat, drink, and raise children.

Over many thousands and even millions of years, all species of animals and plants have adapted to each other and to the nature around them. And balance was established. It is known that there should always be more plants than animals that feed on them. And there should be more herbivorous animals than predators. Then there will be enough food for everyone, and all types of plants and animals will be preserved on Earth. If at least some link in this chain is destroyed, for example, by destroying plants, the balance will be disrupted and the entire chain will fall apart. And even a natural disaster may occur. People did not always take into account all the links in the chain: they cut down forests, drained swamps, plowed up steppes. They grossly violated the laws of nature. And in order to preserve it, and at the same time to survive ourselves, we must study and observe the laws of living nature. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is made up of two Greek words: “oikos” - “house” and “logos” - “science”. This means that we can say that ecology is the science of our common home and the laws by which we must live in it.

I hope that the game “ECOLOGICAL CHAMOMILE” will help you and I think once again about our common home and that this home must be loved and protected.

Conditions of the game. A model of a chamomile is made (yellow circle-core and any number of white petals). On back side petals are marked with their numbers. All the details of the “daisy” are attached to a magnetic board.

Children are divided into groups (optional). Each group chooses a commander and comes up with a name. Then the group commanders approach the “daisy”, “pluck” a petal, receive cards with tasks under the corresponding numbers from the leader, and the teams begin preparing the task. After the allotted time has passed, teams take turns presenting their completed work.

Cards - tasks

1. Distribute the words in two columns according to the principle of “living - inanimate nature”: sun, boy, berry, sky, water, stones, mushroom, fish, hare, rain, soil, tree.

boy sun

berry sky

mushroom water

fish stones

hare shower

tree soil

2. Depict animals using gestures and facial expressions: bear, hare, camel, rooster, woodpecker, monkey.

3. Solve riddles

Black-winged, red-breasted

And in winter it will find shelter.

He is not afraid of colds:

With the first snow it's right here. (Bullfinch)

Grayish in color,

The gait is baggy,

Thieving in habit,

The screamer is hoarse. (Crow)

Long-tailed, white-sided,

And her name is... (magpie).

Lives in an empty hollow,

The oak chisels like a chisel. (Woodpecker)

Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yard

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow)

Who is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this? (Nightingale)

All the migratory birds are worse,

Enemy of larvae, friend of fields,

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

And the bird's name is... (rook).

Even though I'm a small bird,

Friends, I have a habit

When the cold starts,

Straight from the north here. (Titmouse)

4. Decipher the cryptogram:

12, 3, 2, 3, 11, 15

9, 3, 1 — 10, 5, 6, 3

12, 8, 11, 5, 13, 1, 14, 8.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - the third day of the week. (Wednesday)

6, 7, 8, 9, 5 - an institution where students receive knowledge. (School)

10, 8, 11, 15 - lower limbs of a person. (Legs)

12, 8, 13, 14, 5 - the upper leafy part of potatoes, carrots, beets. (Botva)

Answer. Take care of the forest - our wealth.

5. Eliminate the extra word from these types of transport and explain your choice: car, ship, bicycle, motorcycle, bus, plane.

Answer. Bicycle, because It is an environmentally friendly form of transport because it does not run on fuel.

Leading. What other environmentally friendly modes of transport do you know? (Electric locomotive, tram, trolleybus, metro.)

6. Dream up: what would happen if...

What if all the flowers suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth?

What if there was no water?

What if birds disappeared?

7. Hold an auction of medicinal plants with classmates.

Your task: expressively read poems about medicinal plants. The task of the classmates is to “collect” as many medicinal plants as possible, i.e. At the end of reading the poems, those who wish should take turns to name as many plants as possible that were discussed in the poems. The one whose list is longer wins.

➢ I am ginseng - a wonderful root.

If someone is very sick,

Find my root

And anyone will get better.

Ginseng tincture for you

The appetite will return and the laughter will return,

After all, ginseng means

Miracle "root-man".

➢ On the path, on the path -

There is boil grass everywhere,

Or just plantain, -

Familiar to everyone, not new!

I tied a leaf to an abscess,

A day or two will pass - and a miracle!

You are healthy without doctors.

Here's a simple piece of paper!

➢ Linden - a remedy for colds,

Everyone knows about it everywhere.

Although the linden color is inconspicuous,

But there is no healthier tea.

For sore throats and colds

They drink healing linden tea.

They say when they are sick:

“Come on, linden, help me out!”

➢ There are geranium, cloves, porridge -

There is pharmaceutical chamomile.

What you need to know about chamomile:

White tiny flower -

For poultices, for lotions.

If inflammation

Decoction - calming.

➢ My seeds are healing -

For gastritis, drink the infusion.

Roots - kill poisons

And relieve pain in the kidneys.

I have one problem:

When I bloom

That's the beauty of my flowers

It catches everyone's eye.

And they tear me into bouquets,

I fear them like fire!

I beg you to have mercy

And don’t pick peonies in vain!

➢ We not only have phytoncides,

Why are germs so scary?

We contain vitamins,

What, undoubtedly, everyone needs

And therefore, less often

You had to get sick

Every home has onions and garlic

Must have all year round.

The one who is close friends with us,

Never gets sick.

➢ There is a lot of aroma in the house,

If mint is drying in the house.

mint cake,

Spoonful of mint infusion -

No more nausea

There is no hoarseness in the throat.

Validol, toothpaste -

Mint, mint, mint everywhere!

We collect not in vain

This grass, guys!

8. On the left are the seasons, on the right is what happens in nature, in people’s lives at different times of the year. Task: connect the left column with the right column with arrows.

WINTER The buds are swelling.

Leaf fall.

The rooks are arriving.

Indian summer.

SPRING Mushroom time.

Picking cranberries.

Grain harvesting.

SUMMER Birds build nests.


AUTUMN Ice drift

9. Solve riddles.

If you meet me on the road,

Your feet will get stuck.

And to make a bowl or vase -

You'll need it right away. (Clay)

In mom's kitchen

Excellent assistant

He is a blue flower

Blooms from a match. (Natural gas)

The kids really need him,

He's on the paths in the yard,

He's at a construction site and on the beach,

And it’s even melted in the glass. (Sand)

It's black and shiny

Our friend is real.

It brings warmth to homes,

It makes the houses light.

Helps melt steel

Making paints and enamels. (Coal)

Even without it the car

It won't take a kilometer

Airplanes, helicopters

They won't take flight

The rocket won't rise.

Guess what it is? (Oil)

Plants grew in the swamp...

And now it's fuel and fertilizers. (Peat)

It was cooked for a long time in a blast furnace,

So that later they could make us scissors and keys. (Iron ore)

10. What animal does the tail belong to?

— She swims with the help of her tail. (Fish.)

- With the help of its tail, it crawls along the bottom of the river. (Cancer.)

- She has a tail instead of a rudder. (Bird.)

—- Thanks to his tail, he pushes off the ground and jumps the farthest, and also sits, leaning on his tail. (Kangaroo.)

“She has a tail—an extra arm.” (Monkey.)

— She steers with her tail, jumping from branch to branch. (Squirrel.)

- Her tail is a fly swatter. (Cow, horse.)

— She has a rattle on her tail, with which she scares her enemies. (Rattlesnake.)

- In case of danger of being caught by the tail, he throws it away. (Lizard.)

11. Decipher the phrase:


Answer. Red Book.

12. Solve problems from G. Oster’s problem book.

➢ Pupils of one school make sure that water does not flow from the taps in vain. Therefore, half of the students at this school come to class with unwashed hands. The other half comes not only with unwashed hands, but also with unwashed faces. How many students are there in this school if every day 290 boys and 46 girls come to class with unwashed faces? (672.)

➢ Last year Ninochka met a boy, and he gave her a kitten. This year Ninochka met 12 boys, and each gave her 2 kittens. Now Ninochka wants to meet another boy and is going to give him all her kittens. How many kittens does this boy, unknown to Ninochka yet, have a chance to acquire? (25.)

13. Snow is one of the signs of the Russian winter. It is called by different names. Fill in the missing words in the sentences. They should be written separately below.

➢ Fresh, clean snow that has just powdered the ground is called... (powder).

➢ If snowflakes stick together on the fly, we talk about them... (flakes).

➢ If hard white balls painfully cut your cheeks and forehead, then they are called... (grits).

➢ The wind drives the snow, and it rushes along the ground like a snake. This is... (snow drift).

➢ The wind is spinning, snow is blowing in the air. This is... (blizzard).

➢ On the plain or in the steppe, where the wind cannot be controlled, a real snow storm can break out - ... (buran).

➢ For old, stale, callous snow there is a crunchy word in Russian - ... (nast).

Game classes on ecology, the content of which are competition games

Games-competitions, games-competitions are based on a clearly manifested feature of the primary school child - the desire to constantly compare oneself with others, to compete, which is inherent in children's nature.

Competition games, as the name suggests, are built on competition, competition in the field of knowledge of nature and natural phenomena. They require children to demonstrate ingenuity and comprehensive knowledge in the field of nature. By their nature, these are intellectual competitions in various areas in the field of environmental education and upbringing: knowledge about nature, methods of activity in nature, culture of behavior in nature, nature conservation. There are always winners and losers. But winning or losing stimulates the child’s cognitive activity, the desire to read and learn new things, and expand his reading circle.

The success of gaming activities containing competitive games depends on:

Interesting and entertaining questions;

A clear, simple, visual rating system and their recording;

Teams of equal strength;

Broad-minded presenter;

Winner award systems.

Don't forget that play activity on ecology, the content of which is games-competitions or games-competitions - this is not a lesson, and therefore, during their implementation, noise, laughter, and active movement of children are possible. It should be taken into account that younger schoolchildren, as a rule, do not know how to work in groups. They must be taught to work together mentally; If this is not done, then only erudite children will participate in educational competitions, while others will become uninterested, the game will not give an educational result. The winners of the game can also be awarded with prizes: books, toys, games, etc. Homemade medals are also quite suitable.

Game-competition “Nature and us”

Objectives: expanding the child’s knowledge about nature and natural phenomena; developing teamwork skills.

I round (Qualifying)

Conducted for the whole class. The first person to answer the teacher's questions correctly receives a token. Three players become participants in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th rounds. The questions for participants are the same. Whoever gave the answer more accurately and correctly becomes the winner.

1. Whose words are these: “Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking to it”? (A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, L. N. Tolstoy.)

2. Which of these types of rain does not happen? (Mushroom, blind, fast.)

3. Which of these animals does not live in the taiga? (Wolf, giraffe, fox.)

4. Which of these birds are listed in the Red Book? (Mandarin duck, falcon, sparrow.)

II Round

1. Which of these mushrooms is poisonous? (Porcini mushroom, pear-shaped puffball, white dung beetle.)

2. Which of these plants is medicinal? (Nettle, bluebell, blue cornflower.)

3. Who is called the king of rodents? (Gopher, beaver, hamster.)

4. Are all the named trees deciduous? (Pine, maple, birch).

III Round

1. Who is called the big-eyed hunter? (Lizard, dragonfly, frog.)

2. Who is the most in the world? (Insects, plants, animals.)

3. Which beetle is called a dangerous criminal? (Chafer beetle, Colorado potato beetle, stag beetle.)

4. Which butterfly appears first in early spring? (Hives, iridescence, admiral.)

IV Round

1. Which of these insects are useful? (Ladybug, bee, weevil.)

2. Which of these animals became extinct? (Moa bird, droit bird, zebra, quagcha.)

3. Which animal lives in the desert? (Camel, tiger, wolf.)

4. Name the migratory birds. (Cuckoo, swallow, swift.)

Questions for viewers

Are whales and dolphins fish? (Mammals)

What fish is named after a person? (Carp)

The final

Make up as many words as possible from the word “Natural history” in one minute.


Competition "The most, the most, the most..."

In this competition you need to answer questions and ask questions of other teams.

1. The world's largest animal. (Blue whale. Weight up to 150 tons.)

2. The largest land animal. (Elephant)

4. The largest bird in the world. (Ostrich. Height up to 2.7 m. An ostrich egg is equal to eight chicken eggs.)

6. Which of the birds living in our forests is the best poison dart frog? (Nuthatch)

8. The fastest animal. (Cheetah)

9. The most vociferous. of all animals. (Crocodile)

10. Who can go without food for the longest time in a state of hibernation? (Hedgehog - up to 236 days.)

11. Who has the longest life expectancy in the animal kingdom? (Elephant turtle. She lives 175 years.)

12. The tallest animal. (Giraffe. It can reach up to 5.8 m.)

13. Who has the longest tongue? (In the anteater, up to 60 cm.)

The winners of the competition are awarded “Best Nature Experts” medals.

Ecological game “World of Animals and Plants”

Methodological development Chesnokova Irina Sergeevna,

teachers primary classes branch of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 8 of Petrovsk, Saratov Region” in the village of Abodim

Petrovsky district, Saratov region

Goals: Expand children’s interest in the animal and plant world using entertaining tasks, intensify children’s cognitive activity through group work, and use elements of competition; cultivate love and respect for animals and plants.

Progress of the game

Teacher: Good afternoon dear friends! I welcome everyone who has gathered to participate in the game “The World of Animals and Plants.” Today you will not only show off your knowledge, but also learn a lot of interesting things. We have three teams playing. Let's welcome them! Jury presentation. For each correct answer, teams will receive 1 point; an incomplete answer will receive 0.5 points. But before you start, listen to our wishes.

Who will win, who will lose -

This mystery is bothering us.

But we wish everyone success,

Happiness, joy and laughter.

And let the fight boil faster,

Stronger competition.

Success is not decided by fate,

But only your knowledge.

From the fans from everyone

This is a wish:

Victory will come through work,

Through work and knowledge.

Round 1 “WARM-UP” 1 team
    Herb for 99 diseases (St. John's wort) Which predatory animals have no claws on their tracks (cats, lynxes) Hares are born blind or sighted (sighted) Who can drink with his foot (frog) Who picks apples with his back (hedgehog) What birds hatch chicks three times during the summer (sparrows, buntings) Penguin - bird or not (bird) The sweetest tree in our forests (linden) Multi-colored mushrooms (russula) Whose teeth grow every day (a beaver, a hare)
2nd team 1. Which berries are black, red, white (currant)2. Which bird flies the highest (eagle)3. Which bird is the smallest in our country (wren)4. Who sleeps upside down (bat)5. What does a grasshopper chirp with (foot on the wing)6. What happens to the bee after it stings (dies)7. Tallest grass (bamboo)8. The name of which plant tells where it lives (plantain)9. Who runs with his hind legs forward (hare)10. Whose leaves fall green in autumn (alder)
Team 3 1. Which bird throws eggs into other people’s nests (cuckoo)2. Which flower starts summer (bell)3. Before what weather do birds stop singing (before rain)4. What is the largest bird in the world (ostrich)5. When the hedgehog doesn’t prick (when he was just born)6. Which bird gets its food under the ice (dipper)7. Where is the grasshopper’s ear (on the leg)8. What does a moose lose every winter (antlers)9. Which bird can fly tail first (hummingbird)10. How many legs does a spider have (8)

Let's play now:

Subtract a letter from a word.

Remove the letter correctly

Write down the animal name.

1 team SHATT - (predator) HEAT - (parrot) MARK - (freshwater animal) TICK - (fish) SPIT - (insect) BO TO A - (snake) AGAIN - (bird) GILLS - (amphibians)

2nd team
SLOPE - (ungulate animal) JOKE - (bird) SHIN - (ungulate animal)JA R KO - (parrot) GNUS - (antelope) HAND - (deer) SKIT - (sea animal)WINDOWS - (pets)
Team 3 MOSQUITO - (sea animal) PISTON - (snake) P LANKA - (female deer) HOLSTER - (snake) NAR Y- (camel)MPA Z YANKA - (duck)MO L NIYA - (bird)SWAMP TO- (antelope)
TOUR 3 “ZOOLOGY” The players, after consulting, raise a card with an answer option.

The tricky task is:

A question and three answers are given.

Think about it - don't rush,

Find the right answer!

    Why does a woodpecker “drum” in the spring?
A) cleans the beak B) tells someone something B) is interested in music
With the beating of drums, the woodpecker informs its rivals that this is his territory, and with the same sounds he invites the female to come to him.
    Why does an elephant drool?
A) spit like a camel B) to protect against flies B) to cool the body
2c-elephant saliva not only moistens food, but also cools the body in the heat, because he has no sweat glands.
    Why does an ostrich hide its head in the sand?
A) out of fear B) freed from insects C) looking for food
3b-lowering his head in hot sand, the ostrich waits for the insects to die or run away from its head.
    How many feathers do birds have?
A) more than a thousand B) less than a thousand C) do not count
4a - a pigeon has 2600 feathers, a mallard duck has 12 thousand, a swan has 25 thousand, with a fifth of them located on the head and neck.
    What kind of fish plays basketball?
A) there is no such thing B) aquarium fish B) fairy fish
5b-aquarium fish “Gnatonemus beaked whale”, if you throw a dry pea or a foam ball into the aquarium, plays with it, pushes the ball with its beak, and throws it up.
    Why do dolphins cry?
A) to protect the eyes B) to arouse pity B) for nervous release
6a-dolphin tears resemble the white of a chicken egg (just as thick and transparent), so they protect its eyes well from mechanical and chemical damage.
    What does a hamadryas yawn mean?
A) desire to sleep B) desire to eat B) desire to fight
7c - the dog-like hamadryas monkey, when he wants to fight or scare his opponent, begins to yawn, exposing all his teeth, gums, throat and tongue. Whoever gets tired of yawning faster loses.
Round 4 “WHO IS FASTER?” This competition is for the youngest participants in the game. Each participant receives identical pictures of animals and their ears. You need to connect the animal and its ear with lines as quickly as possible.
The teams are presented with pictures depicting animals and plants. The players' task is to name the animal/plant and tell about it. (in the pictures: ginseng, monkfish, chameleon)
Ginseng- the most valuable medicinal plant. Its name translated from Chinese means “root man.” Indeed, ginseng root is shaped like a human figure.
Angler is a huge fish, its body length reaches 2 m. A distinctive feature of the monkfish is its huge gaping mouth. Monkfish do not swim in search of food. He has several whisker-like appendages sticking out on his back. At the end of the front “whisker” there is a shiny skin brush. The monkfish smoothly moves this brush back and forth, thereby luring the unsuspecting fish directly into its huge mouth.
Chameleons. These amazing creatures are able to change the color of their body, taking on various shades of green, red, yellow and black. An angry chameleon turns white. A chameleon's eyes can move independently of each other. The length of a chameleon's tongue is greater than the combined length of its head and body. The body length of the Mediterranean chameleon is about 30 cm, the giant Madagascar chameleon reaches a meter in length, and the dwarf chameleon reaches 11 cm.
Each team receives a letter of complaint and names the author of the letter.

1) I myself know that I am not a beauty. If I showed up, many would shy away, or even throw a stone or kick me. For what?

They came up with the idea that I caused warts on my hands. This is some kind of nonsense. Not everyone can be beautiful! And people benefit greatly from me. (TOAD)
    Every spring people come to the forest and cut my bark with a sharp knife. I'm trembling with pain. My juices flow out of their wounds. I'm getting weaker, I can hardly stand in the wind. And bacteria from various tree diseases tend to get into the wounds. (BIRCH) There is, perhaps, no such creature on the globe about which so many legends and fables are told as about us. I don’t like that we love the dark, that we don’t look like ordinary birds and animals. But we are man’s friends, not enemies. What do we do? After all, we were born this way. We like to hang upside down. And they offend us undeservedly. (BAT)
    I am a beautiful flower and very fragrant. This is the reason for all my misfortunes. There are countless people tearing us apart. They sell bouquets and place them at home. How long will our beauty and smell last if we stand in musty water without our foundation, without rhizomes, without nutrition? I try very hard to hide from people in thickets of bushes, damp, dark places. But I'm afraid that they will find it there too. But how much benefit we have as medicinal plants! (LILY OF THE VALLEY)
    It’s fun for me to flutter along the edge of the forest, collecting sweet nectar from flowers, helping to pollinate them for procreation. But I flutter with anxiety with my sisters if children appear at the edge of the forest. They are trying to catch us. What do they need us for? With their hard fingers the children crush our tender wings, shed bright scales from them, and grab us by the legs and antennae. Then some are released. But they die with dented wings and can no longer fly. And others are taken home and made into a collection... (BUTTERFLY)
    I am the most unfortunate tree in the forest! People love my shaggy fragrant branches and try to break them off. And my branches are flexible and don’t break right away. But no! Still, people try to twist them, tear them off with the bark, and break off several at once. If only they knew how painful it is!
But it’s even worse for me in winter, on the eve New Year's holiday. Every year I expect my death from a sharp saw or ax. (EL)
- What measures can we take to avoid receiving such letters?
Round 7 “BIG WOUNDS”
Participants in the game are presented with pictures depicting disappeared animals (passenger pigeons, dodo, sea ​​cows) -Have you ever seen or heard anything about these animals? Why do you think they ended up on the Big Wounds Tour? - Right. These animals disappeared from the face of the earth. How did this happen? Students talk about these animals. Extraordinary pigeons lived in North America. They flew in huge flocks from one place to another. That's why they were called passenger pigeons. For the sake of tasty meat, people killed them countless times. Every year the flocks of pigeons thinned out. But people did not stop hunting until there was not a single such bird left on Earth.
About 250 years ago, a traveler discovered huge, sluggish animals in the sea, off the eastern coast of Russia, peacefully chewing underwater plants. These animals were called sea cows. They began to be hunted. Trusting animals were not afraid of people and swam close to their boats. 27 years passed, and the sea cows disappeared forever.
The dodo was a large flightless bird. These birds lived on a small island near Africa. When people settled there, they destroyed all the dodos.
- What is being done all over the world to save animals and plants?
Round 8 “Animal Markers”
We must take care of our little brothers. We are a lot like them. Very often in Russian, in order to express a positive or negative characteristic of a person or object, the names of animals are used for comparison. Which ones? Find out and write it down.
1 team Fuss, fuss - Spin like ____________ in a wheel.Shallow, shallow - Knee-deep __________________ .Teach a lesson, threaten - Show where ___________________ spend the winter.Trying to do several different things at once – Chasing two ___________.To share the profit in advance in a business that has not yet been carried out - To divide the skin of the unkilled _________________________.

2nd team Lightly, quickly satisfy hunger - Starve _______________________.Unfriendly, in constant quarrel - Live like ___________ with ___________.He doesn’t use anything himself and won’t give it to others - Like ___________ in the manger.Exaggerate something – Make it out of _________________________.What happened, how to explain? - Which ______________ bit.

Team 3 You won’t find fault with anything - ______________________ won’t hurt your nose.Anxious, restless - The soul is scratching ______________________.Insincere regret - Shedding __________________________ tears.Buy something unknown – Buy __________________ in a bag.No hearing for music - _______________ stepped on the ear.
Summing up the game The jury sums up the results of the game and awards the winners with certificates.

And now the hour of farewell has come,

The game is over for us.

We all hope that with her

You have become a little smarter.


    Pleshakov A. A. Green Pages: a book for primary school students. M.: Education, 1994. Yu. K. Shkolnik. Animals. Complete encyclopedia. – M.: EKSMO, 2010. Yu. K. Shkolnik. Undersea world. Complete encyclopedia. – M.: EKSMO, 2010. Primary School No. 41, 1999 Supplement to the newspaper “First of September” Primary school No. 21, 2003. Supplement to the newspaper “First of September”
